Curses Ch. 04

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Big Bad & Little Red - Some Fairy Tale Action.
2.7k words

Part 4 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/26/2020
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Chapter 4 - Big Bad & Little Red

I slipped into the alley beyond the back hedge, and quickly discovered that it isn't easy to cut a low profile wearing a wrinkly oversized coat, rolled up trousers and a scarf up above your nose - at least not on a warm late-spring day. Not to mention the red high-heeled shoes. I leaned out into the alley and plotted a route from tool shed to garbage can to recycle bin.

Continuous re-plotting took me a fair ways before I managed to literally run into an old man, who gave me a suspicious squint. Unable to mutter apologies, I gave him a wide-eyed nod from behind my scarf, and added a small curtsy. This baffled him enough to let me hustle around the next corner ... and straight into some tall and thorny bushes. Luckily, I was also unable to curse, and managed to push myself out of sight.

I was still considering what to do next when the now familiar crawly sensation returned. I could feel my mouth reorganizing itself, and my throat reopening; my teeth were now growing and my tits shrinking.

I was becoming a man again, a slightly bigger one than the original.

It was a good thing I'd shed the little red dress - as it was, I barely had time to kick off the shoes. I expanded into the thorns until my clothes were tight on me. Importantly, my mouth ran side to side again - I checked with my restored tongue. My face was different enough for me to notice: a heavier jaw, a straighter nose, and wider-set eyes than Mark One Dave. Also, my cock now hung well down my right trouser leg. From the inside, I chose to think that I now resembled James Bond.

The old man seemed to think so - he must have cogitated a bit before electing to follow, and then stepped around the corner just after I'd fought myself free of the vicious shrubberies. He bumped into a sizable (and slightly scratched) man that had replaced whoever it was who'd just cross-checked him ... wearing the same clothes. No further deep thinking was applied. He performed the same wide-eyed curtsy I'd delivered (and added a grunt), then wheeled about back around the corner.

I promptly forgot about him. My summons was coming from beyond the wicked hedge ... specifically, from the basement of a house even older than the one I'd been holed out in, albeit in far better condition. I ducked into the yard, in bare feet, and then put my downmarket black oxfords back on before rescuing the red heels from within the bushes: again, it seemed unnecessary to leave a trail of small mysteries.

This, I thought, shouldn't be too bad. I would perform some minor afternoon kink with a horny housewife ('I'd be delighted to oblige, Miss Moneypenny ...') and then get over to that car rental shop before closing time. I could be tooling home in the closest thing they had to an Aston Martin, right through the night, secure in the knowledge that I wouldn't risk another call to sex until dawn - as per Curse Rules.

Having slipped through a side gate, I was surprised to find an in-ground pool. I stashed my excess winter wear behind some deck chairs, straightened my jacket and unrolled my trouser legs. I also put on my slightly cum-stained tie - which was, I felt, what Bond would wear (although probably not including the splotches).

When I reported to the basement door, it opened to reveal a beautiful teenage girl. She exhibited thick wavy red hair and a pleasing sprinkling of freckles on her face, shoulders, arms ... as well as on her proud chest, round belly and firm thighs. She also sported a faint puff of downy red fuzz between her thighs. I had definitely not expected a naked nymph to step out into the sunshine.

Still, this did not look to be an arduous gig. In fact it occurred to me that in the future I could maybe just hang around colleges each morning to lock-in relatively vanilla fantasies. It's funny how your memory can play tricks on you like that.

"Hiya Daddy, come on in!" Okay ... Unless I'd misheard 'daddy-o' (and probably even then), this had become somewhat perverse; but manageable.

She took my little carry-on (gods know why I'd felt the need to carry something), dropped it by the door and swept her arm to display her home. We were in a beautiful bed sitting room, furnished with antiques which were not of a set, but instead chosen to complement each other. The walls were covered with pictures - not posters, mind you, but etchings and painting, the theme of which could be summed up as Early Naughty. Thick brocade covered the windows, and the coziness of the room was augmented by a completely unnecessary warm fire, in which a crackling log was restrained by the crossed phalluses of a pair of iron lions. Several large mirrors helped out by reflecting the cheerful light around the room.

I stood gaping, and she mimed for me to be quiet by setting a finger in front of her plump lips, then mine. Then she continued her silent instructions by pointing up, arching her back, bobbling her pert little tits with both hands, and finally goose-stepping around the low-ceiling room.

It was entertaining, but I was perfectly baffled, and must have looked it, because she leaned in close and whispered, "Mom's home, silly!"

With that, she knelt in front of me and pulled open my fly. My oversized cock sprang free of its confinement and stood tall for her. I stared at it, surprised by the familiar gold ring penetrating my glans. She just giggled and said, Cool - they match."

I finally clued in - I still wore the golden ring piercings I'd acquired yesterday - it was just that this one had, until this morning, transfixed my clitoris. Probably, I felt, they deflated my Bond persona. But, even as I reached up to the one I knew I'd find suspended from my nose, this girl took a deep breath and engulfed my tool to the hilt in one go. I was impressed, and wondered if I would have been bold enough to swallow a prick with such a big ornament.

Notice that, even having been restored to manhood, I had already taken cock-sucking for granted - it was now just the sizable ring that gave me pause. And if it had been a command performance to 'fulfill' a fantasy, I wouldn't have hesitated. This is all hindsight, of course. In the heat of the few moments before she started in on it in earnest - bobbing, sucking, and licking in turns - I simply wondered how she'd got the practice.

In spite of her earlier admonition, she wasn't very quiet about it, either. Her slurping, and moaning - and, very occasionally, gagging - were supplemented by a few involuntary gasps of my own. Even the squishy liquid sounds whenever she pumped a hand on my saliva-coated member seemed to echo about the place.

I'd begun to doubt that anyone was actually upstairs when there came a stomp on the floor above, and a female voice delivering the traditional line, "Keep it down, Olivia, will you!"

With difficulty Olivia horked my stiff cock out of her throat, and called, "Sorry, Ma! I was just caught up in some natural history stuff!" She grinned at me and whispered, "Time for some serious fucking now!" whereupon she skittered over onto the big bed and knelt on all fours, her lean bum high and inviting. Then she looked over her shoulder at me expectantly.

I was all for that, but the tingling of transformation had started again. I could tell only that it was going to be a big one. Bits of me seemed to be crawling around, and I just had time to kick off my shoes (again) before the seams began ripping on my shirt and pants, although as I doubled over l couldn't swear it wasn't some of my own seams as well. As my face pushed forward and my hands and feet began to flourish claws, I began to suspect my next form.

Within minutes I dropped onto all four feet, shook loose the last shreds of clothing and howled.

"Sorry, sorry, Mom! The volume came up again!"

She grinned again - she'd been watching the whole transformation - and then she waggled her bottom.

My wolf-cock was already unsheathed beneath me: a glistening red, fat (and gold decorated) lance ... which was probably much longer than that owned by most wolves. Ears forward and tail high, I paced across the room.

She gasped when I leaped up and mounted her. She was tight but unbelievably wet, and the entirety of my formidable tool slid inside her in one drive. It seemed as though the tip of it must be in her throat. Which was impossible, of course ... but, sure enough, when I glanced to the mirror by the bed, I could see there was a bulge at the base of her neck. And, of course, there was the reflection of a huge wolf on her back - even the golden nose ring didn't detract from my fierce appearance.

I still hadn't quite grasped the current limits of possibility.

None of this was news to Olivia. She simply humped her butt around enough to remind me of my duties. I began to plow her, with no more finesse than one might expect of a wolf. And because this was part of her fantasy, neither of us tired, and I pounded on ... and on.

I huffed and puffed, of course, and so did she as we rocked back and forth. The rhythmic duet of, "Ehh - oooh - ehh - oooh" very slowly grew in volume until eventually the stomping resumed from above.

Olivia was a game little vixen. "Sorry ... Mom ... volume ... on the ... fritz ... almost ... there ... AAAAGH!"

When she came, her entire body clamped down on my cock. It choked the howl out of me, and gave her time to call up a hoarse, "Sorry," before the pressure of my wolfish spunk had overcome (as it were) her inner grip and surged deep inside her. She managed to add, "I'm good - I'm Oh God cuuuminggglll ...", and then my cum surged out of her mouth, splashing onto her plush quilt and pillows in great sticky gouts.

From above: "What was that?"

We'd stopped our violent humping, but since I was currently of the Canus persuasion, the knot of my cock was most firmly lodged inside Olivia. And, regardless, her cunt gripped me so tightly above the thing that my hard-on couldn't subside. Not that either of us minded.

"I'm okay - I just got poked by somthin'!"

"Well, be careful - no need to rush."

"Thanks, Ma. I'm on it." To me, in a stage whisper, she added, "Or vice versa."

Although locked together, we could gently work our bodies about ... enough to sustain a pleasant afterglow. Once in a while I'd use my broad lupine tongue to lick an ear or her cheek and, giggling quietly, she'd lean into it and turn her head enough to tongue-wrestle with me.

This continued for what seemed a long time; and then she simply lowered her head onto the bed and murmured, "Thank you, Daddy."

We stayed that way for the rest of the night. I stood guard both over and within her, my stiff wolfish wang holding her bum up. Her soft regular breathing convinced me that she was asleep, although her insides continued to gently massage my deeply lodged member. I didn't rest my weight on her, but my belly fur on her back provided her with a rough blanket.

As morning approached, I began to worry. After my previous encounters, I'd been not only dismissed but forgotten. My best option was to escape now, but I was still hard and we were still knotted. Willing my cock to wilt was not working and, even if I succeeded, I would assuredly wake her on the dismount.

Soon Olivia would rouse to discover a canid cock in her cunt. And if she'd forgotten everything that went before (or, reasonably enough, supposed that she had dreamed it all) ... let's just say I couldn't see it going at well when she found the wang of a big bad wolf solidly stuck inside her.

When she finally started to stir, I could feel her body stiffen as she registered both my furry presence above and my long, hot and hard one within. I was close to panic, but she simply murmured sleepily - and I began to change. I could tell that I was settling back into my Daddy-Bond persona because, although human, I still had a good deal more inserted in her than the base-model Dave could have managed. Once my transmogrification had stopped, she sighed and settled over onto her side; her vaginal muscles were still gripping my cock tightly enough to carry me along, until I found myself spooned behind her with one arm across her side.

Her repositioning had brought the girl close enough to the surface to be aroused by my tackle. Although it wasn't quite what she'd been impaled on for most of the night, she began to grind her hips against me and moan.

God help me, I began to gently thrust back, thinking anything else would most certainly wake her completely. However, her reaction was to pull my free hand against a sleep-sweaty tit, and drive her hips back to take more of my eager cock. I felt her nipple harden in my palm, and began to squeeze it rhythmically to match the thrusting I had begun.

The upshot was that we both soon had amazing - and noisy - orgasms. After, I nuzzled the inside of the girl's neck, delivering little bites and kisses from behind, and wondering how my curse was going to play out in prison.

But then Olivia roused herself and, still gripping my cock with her muscular pussy, she twisted her head and shoulders around enough to kiss me on my Daddy-Bond cheek. "If Momma didn't sleep through that, I'll just tell her I was watching porn ... again. But you'd probably better go."

The dawn light was more than enough for us to see one another's faces; and in spite of her warning me to leave, this gorgeous creature resumed kissing me, and kneading my tool with her cunny, until my rebellious instrument had been fully revived.

"This time I want to be on top!" She had me roll onto my back, and followed along, still without pulling free. She rode me for a bit, and then performed an impressive pivot on my pecker so that we could see each other properly. Her cheeks and upper chest were flushed a deep red - as they had been the night before - and so were the plump pussy lips that held me tight. Grinning, she resumed her bouncing until the predictable outcome.

Pulling free at last, a flood of excess cum drained out of her onto my groin, both wolf jiz and my own, not they were distinguishable. We'd been no quieter about it than before, and the stomping resumed. "Turn the fool TV off and come up for breakfast." Momma's voice was more resigned than angry, and I couldn't help but feel sympathy for her.

"Looks like we both gotta go," said my new friend. "Thanks for the morning wake-up call!"

I couldn't help but grin myself. "And thank you!"

Up until that moment, I had been totally focused on this creature's beauty, her desires, and her lust for giving as well as receiving pleasure. Now I took in my surroundings. We were in a curtain-free basement that was furnished with beanbag chairs, block-and-board shelving, and a naked, unlit light bulb overhead. The bed under us consisted of a mattress on the floor - covered by a cum-sodden old Red-Riding-Hood themed quilt, and an assortment of even older teddy bears.

"See ya next time!"

I felt like I might as well carry business cards: Fantasies While You Wait.

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