Cutty Ch. 29


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The tongue finally, and ever gently licked its way up to her clit. Gently the tongue withdrew, and as a cool breeze brushed over her opened vagina, its tip touched her clit softly. It tipped it a few times, making her shiver of joy every time. How wonderful!

Donna loved the feeling of the cool breeze and the gentle tip of the warm tongue. She hungered for release. Donna wanted to keep this good feeling; she wanted, needed the impending orgasm.

Totally distracted from her pain, away from the cruel world that trapped her.

"... Yes, Yes, Yes!!," Donna screamed in her mind.

New images of her husband taking her brutally, hovering above her, his eyes full of lust for her. She loved him so much. She could see his hard cock ramming into her pussy, both of them crazed with lust as they used to be in the beginning. How good this felt, how hot she was.

But then the tongue stopped.

Donna waited a few moments, expecting the tongue to reappear, but it soon dawned on her it was over.

"Noooo ...!"

She bucked a few times, arched her hips forward, searching for the tongue, but she found nothing. She was left hanging in her highly aroused state, juices leaking, almost spurting from her vagina.

The now cold breeze flowed across her wet lips, her opened vagina, making it all the more clear how badly she needed release.

"No!!" Donna screamed into her gag and bucked in her bondage, "No, no, no!!!"

But the tongue still didn't return and she was left hanging with the sounds of her own fucking ringing in her ears.

Breathing heavily, she started frantically to imagine more explicit sex scenes: Robert fucking her, fucking her from behind, straddling him, sucking him off, him licking her pussy.

She dredged up memories of their weekend fuck matches, imagined his long hard dick, licking it, putting it in her cunt, fucking it. All to just get off, to avoid the pain she felt coming up.

And when that failed, she imagined faceless, muscular men, white men, black men, groups of men taking her. She thought of the porn pictures, the nastiest of the movies she had seen over the past months, desperate to find anything that would get her off, but it was to no avail.

She felt her arousal stall and begin to fade, then rapidly subside as the pain took over again until finally, broken, she hung her head in defeat.

Her heart pounded wildly, she was covered in sweat, and tortured by the knowledge that her audience had seen her in her most intimate state.

And with the pain's return, so did her shame. And with the shame, her anger at herself blossomed. She had allowed herself to be played once again. She just knew they were laughing at her; self-satisfied and arrogant, enjoying her terrible predicament.

"Damn you all!" She cursed them silently, tears of frustration welling up in her eyes. "Damn you all!!"

The pain was back with more force than ever before. Her sexual arousal and then her anger had washed away the last remnants of the drugs in her system, and now she felt her body beginning to tremble with growing agony.

Her skin burned everywhere, save for the small spaces where none of the paint touched her body. At that same time, she was exhausted from her endless day of abuse, made worse by having hung on display for such a long time.

For what seemed an eternity, Donna dangled there, in pain, surrounded by the sounds of her endless fucking.

Almost without realizing, Donna drowsed off into something like sleep.

Without warning Donna's head was lifted roughly and her blindfold was removed. Donna blinked in the sudden light coming in her eyes and groaned in surprise. She desperately hoped that whoever it was would now untie her, or at least her arms.

When she could see clearly, Donna saw Ms. Brendan in front of her, joined by another woman. They were discussing Donna, inspecting her. Donna made eye contact with Ms. Brendan, who smiled back as she and the other woman chatted on about her.

Donna knew that something was coming, that she was not about to be untied just yet.

Ms. Brendan was dressed in a black evening dress with shawl, black medium heeled shoes, her hair loose, freshly cut. Her face was made up with red lipstick as its only accent. She wore bits of jewelry that showed off her wealth.

But even how simply cut her designer clothing was, her harsh character, her dominance, showed through.

The woman with Ms. Brendan had a different presence. A black and white evening dress, dark blond hair, face neatly made up, beautiful shoes. She had a friendly smile and eyes, as she observed Donna.

Both of them were of a similar age, Donna guessed. She had expected to see her torturers in extravagant fetish clothing, all whips and leather. Yet the two women standing in front of her looked as if they were attending one more perfectly lovely and entirely ordinary tea party, just as how everything had looked from the outside when Donna first drove by the house.

Only when she looked passed them it became clear there was quite a different party going on.

Donna saw she was standing on a landing, half way up the wide stairs that leaded to the living room that she knew so well. The furniture had been moved, and the whole living room was now filled with large red comfortable sofas, pillowed chairs, all in the form more or less of female lips. Between those 'lips' small white podia where everywhere.

Everywhere you looked big lipstick, brushes, statues where decorating the room. All red of course. Some models very large, some small. The decorator had really gone overboard, they were everywhere you looked. The white painted walls were decorated stylish with pictures and paintings with the same theme; full red lips.

Either just the face of a woman with big red lips, or just red lips alone.

Also, several very large statues of lip sticks were against the walls.

The room was brightly lit, making it easy for everyone to see everything that was going on. Not the obscure dark dungeon she had expected.

All around people were sitting, standing, mingling just like in a normal cocktail party. Only now various women, girls, walked through them who were naked, or partly naked. And if dressed, it was obscene.

Donna's eyes locked on a woman, naked on a small stage below to her right, who was fucking herself with a long, red, slickly-wet dildo. She was on her back, with her hips and ass high in the air, legs splayed, her high heels firmly planted on the floor, showing exactly what she was doing to a group of women sitting together below.

The woman was really putting on a show, moving wildly, shaking her head in ecstasy. She was thrusting her hips wildly on the dildo as she pumped the dildo roughly into her cunt. All the while smiling, and at times even conversing with her audience.

The women looked like an aged pornstar. Her skin was tanned just like Donna, but she had also various tattoos on her body: one on her right calf, on her upper arm a band, and one on her clearly fake left breast.

Donna couldn't see clearly, but something was also glittering at her nipples and belly button. The woman's fake platinum blond hair was tied straight backwards into a ponytail.

Her face was made up with red rouge, or she was just flushing from her actions. Donna couldn't tell. Even though her face was made up heavily, Donna could see that the woman was older than she was, probably in her late forties, early fifties.

Her body was shining in the spotlight, probably oiled, but it maybe also sweaty. The woman had been going at it for quite a while, Donna guessed.

What made it all the more obscene, was the fact that the onlookers for whom she was performing paid her little, if any, attention. They were busy talking among themselves, glancing from time to time at the women giving her best, sometimes even commenting her on her performance.

Donna had no doubt that many of their remarks were cruel, given their arrogant laughter, yet the woman kept her smile and did her best to give a good show.

On the side of the room, where the glass doors led to the garden terrace, was a bar. In it, two women were attending to the needs of the women lounging by the bar. As they were close by, Donna could see their attire very well.

The two were dressed in stereotypical erotic black and white waitress dresses, with black stockings, the white apron, the white vest, their breasts pushed up in a corset, their fake platinum blond hair up, and their faces made up with long fake eye lashes. The outlines heavily painted with black, and dark red lipstick abundantly applied to their lips.

They were all smiles as they served drinks, and occasionally allowed the guests to touch them, usually bending over so they could pinch their tight trapped breast, or paint on them with the lipsticks in various red colors laying on the bar.

As Donna moved her eyes to yet another corner, she saw a larger stage opposite of her on the other side of the room where two women were pole dancing. The stage was also decorated with big fake lipstick tubes, even the poles were thin golden tubes, as were the spotlights.

She recognized Rebecca, or should she say, 'Red Pussycat'. It made sense she was here as one of the performers.

"She has experienced what I'm experiencing now," Donna thought. "She, her family, have been taken over by Ms. Brendan, or one of her friends."

At that thought, she looked more closely at the crowed, trying to make sense of the different roles the guest played.

Ms.Bredan's guests were all dressed as if attending a cocktail party, while the unfortunate women who were there as sexual subjects were acting out roles that ranged from the tawdry to the pornographic. It reminded Donna of the new rules of the strict regime that she now lived under.

Next to the dancing stage, two women were busy fucking each other, with dildos and even a whip handle, all red. An enthusiastic audience watched and applauded the two women of whom one was much older than the other.

They were dressed in bright red fishnet stockings, garter belts, and push up bra's that left their large breasts exposed. One of the women wore fishnet gloves that covered her arms to the shoulder. Each had tied her hair up in a ponytail, just as so many others had, and had applied heavy, sluttish make up to their faces.

Apart from licking each other, they penetrated each other with several of the many dildos lying about. The audience participated by fondling the women, or, more often than not, roughly feeling up their private parts.

In the brief time that Donna watched the show, she saw a woman pulling on of the labia of the older woman, stretching her tender flesh painfully, even though the woman herself didn't even blink, too busy with the dildo up her ass and the dildo she was jerking into the younger woman's vagina.

A sharp pain in her nipple brought her back to attention. Ms. Brendan's companion had pinched her nipple. She hadn't really pinched that hard but in Donna's worked-up state, it was enough to make her moan and bring more tears to her already reddened eyes.

The woman looked Donna in the eye and turned to make a comment to Ms. Brendan as she positioned herself in front of Donna to inspect her more thoroughly.

Her hands molded Donna's breasts, lifting her nipples painfully for a close-up. Next, she roughly checked Donna's mouth, inspecting her teeth wrapped around the gag, feeling Donna's ass at the same time. At the end, she slid two fingers inside Donna's wet pussy.

Then, she stepped back and held up the wet fingers as she looked at the miserable Donna hanging in front of her. With a friendly smile she complimented Donna, while she continued her chat with Ms. Brendan. She then looked around for something and called a young woman over.

The girl who was called over was young, in her twenties, and beautiful. She reminded Donna of Lisa, if a bit older, and of darker complexion. She looked very much like a Latin girl.

The girl had long black straight hair, which hung halfway down her back. She was completely naked apart from black stockings and the ever present high heels. Bright red.

She walked confident of her beauty, swaying her hips and arms to flaunt her perfect figure. Her skin was toned nicely, a slightly darker shade than Donna's. Probably due to the natural darker skin the girl had.

Her small breasts jiggled naughtily as she walked quickly up the stairs. Donna just knew the girl did this on purpose. When she arrived, Donna could see just how gorgeous this girl actually was. Her face was sharp in a way that suggested she might even be Indian.

It was only slightly made up; black eyeliner, black mascara on her lashes, some rouge, and dark red lipstick. Her face needed nothing more to be perfect.

To complete her face, she wore two pair of earrings, one consisting of several long hoops, the other a gold chain with red stones. It made her look sophisticated, intelligent, were it not that she was stark naked.

Her body was perfect, a firm, round and petite ass, no belly, her hair above her pussy nicely trimmed, shaved into a small triangle.

The stockings showed how perfectly shaped her long legs were. She might as well have done without the stockings as they were long and feminine.

As she stood there, she stood with pride; she showed no shame for her nakedness. No, on the contrary, she smiled wickedly at the women who had called her over, knowing that she looked gorgeous and was turning them on.

Donna noticed she even stood in one of the poses that Ninon taught Donna, only the girl did it so naturally.

Donna felt admiration for the girl. She was in control, she was proud of her body, and she knew how to show it. She had no shame in showing herself naked. How different she was!

Donna felt ashamed as she hung in her chains, in agony, vulgar, her private parts bluntly on display to all, most of whom, it seemed, didn't care enough to bother to look at her. Donna was just one more of the many 'attractions' of the party, and obviously not the most interesting.

At that moment, Ms. Brendan's companion held out her wet fingers to the girl, who with a smile bent forward and licked Donna's juices cleanly from them. She even sucked the fingers into her mouth.

Donna was appalled at how the girl behaved. She looked like someone who had everything going for her, yet here she was behaving like a little slut. It was disgusting and demeaning.

The girl even looked at Donna with a smile, looking straight into her eyes, showing no remorse at all. It completely ruined the perfect mental picture Donna had of this girl. She obviously was a slut at heart, a despicable person who probably played the whore without regret, at this party and maybe in real life too.

Ms. Brendan's companion spoke to the girl after she finished sucking the woman's fingers clean. Donna saw Ms. Brendan stop them. Ms. Brendan walked over to Donna and switched something on the back of her head attached to her mask.

"...Now she can hear us too. I think that is good for her." Donna heard Ms. Brendan say as she stepped back.

The earphones were on now and Donna could hear the music and the murmur of the party. The music was a rather loud beat, obviously meant for the dancers. In the background, she still could hear the sound of her own fucking coming from the mics.

With all of that going on in her earbuds, she had to concentrate hard to have any chance to understand what was being said by the small group in front of her.

"So, as I asked, how long have you been a party girl?" Ms. Brendan's companion asked the slender girl.

"Well, this is actually my first real party. I've only been in this scene for two months now," the girl said with a smile. "And of that, the first month was more training than anything else."

"You don't say?" Ms. Brendan said in fake surprise.

"I met Ms. Hodgings two months ago when she kind of abducted me from a student party. She put me through a rough first month after which I was convinced this was what I wanted to do."

"She abducted you?" Ms. Brendan asked.

"Yeah, more or less." The girl said.

The other woman was fondling her breasts and her hand slid down to the girl's nether regions at which the girl spread her legs a bit for easy access, giving the woman an approving smile.

"I was at this frat party and when I left, she took me into her car, or her chauffeur did. I was afraid at first, you know, with all the weird things happening lately but it all worked out fine."

"So you study?" Ms. Brendan asked.

"Used to." The girl nodded, "Now I'm a fulltime party girl. I just took a sabbatical from my studies.

"Even gave up my room and all. I told my parents I needed some time to find myself and now here I am. I don't know if I will ever continue my studies, this new life is so... amazing."

"And that you decided in just two months?"

"I'm a smart girl. I knew what my possibilities were, and I just figured it was best to embrace this new life. I mean..." the girl explained "...after a month's training I had done things sexually and was able to please people sexually in so many way... it seemed a waste to go back to the mundane life of a student."

"It sure would be." the other women said.

Ms. Brendan's companion was obviously in lust for this girl. She was constantly touching, plowing the girl's body, which in turn the girl allowed and even encouraged by giving her easy access to all her beauty.

"Yeah, so now I'm here, flown in all the way from the other coast to give you all the pleasure of my body."

"Rough ride?"

"I see you know Ms. Hodgings, Ma'am," the girl replied to Ms. Brendan with a knowing smile. "Yes, it was a bit rough. She stuffed me in a crate and had that big dildo pushed up my ass. I was in pain all the way."

She pointed to a large red dildo standing straight up on a white table below them.

"Luckily she allowed me to pull it out when we arrived here."

"You seem to take all this quite easy. Especially for someone who only endured these things for two months," Ms. Brendan observed.

Donna knew that Ms. Brendan wanted to make a point, to show Donna how things could be if she just surrendered.

"Indeed, Ma'am," the girl nodded, as she kissed the palm of the hand of the other women as it caressed her face, "but as I said, I'm smart.

"I know a good deal when I see one. I just weighed my options, and this is the best one. A pure 'win-win'. I get to have sex as much and as often as a girl my age could ever wish, and Ms. Hodgings, and you all, get to enjoy all the pleasures my body and mind can bring you."

Ms. Brendan looked Donna in the eye at that response and the amazed Donna understood the lesson that had just been taught. This beautiful girl has been abducted from a university and turned into a whore in just a mere two months.

How horrible could this Ms. Hodgings be? And, how can this girl take it so easily? She walks like she is the most experienced call-girl. She has no problem with people obscenely groping her body, and she tells her story so... so matter-of-factly, with no hint of shame, no remorse.

Donna wondered if the girl was really telling the truth? It couldn't be; it was impossible that a girl would give up everything just to become a mere slave, a whore.

But the example wasn't wasted on her. She knew Ms. Brendan wanted Donna to see that others had no problem submitting to this degraded lifestyle. And as she looked again about the party room, she saw all these whores happily doing their job, or so it seemed.

Everyone of them had submitted. They had given up any hope of resistance and had embraced their new life.

A third woman came into view, who joined Ms. Brendan and her friend. This newcomer was older and had her black hair cut short, grey streaks of hair clearly visible. She wore a stylish black suit, complete with jacket and long pants.