Cutty Ch. 29


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"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" she said as she checked out the Latin/Indian girl in front of her.

"A true beauty, isn't she?"

"Indeed she is, Carol, indeed she is." The other woman agreed.

"And this?" the older women, Carol, asked, nodding towards Donna.

"One of my latest girlfriends," Ms. Brendan explained.

"A naughty one, seeing you tied her up in a rather uncomfortable way."

"Oh, that's about half of it, " Ms. Brendan replied. "She has disappointed me on several occasions and refuses to accept her inner feelings. So now she is in therapy and has agreed to have her body upgraded to a woman's liking."

"She has difficulty getting out of the closet?" Carol walked over to Donna and looked her up and down, checking how she was chained.

"Sort of," Ms. Brendan agreed. "But she is a beauty isn't she?"

"She would make a good lesbian, for sure..." The woman said, still checking out Donna.

"Why is she so jumpy to every touch?" She asked as Donna squirmed as her hands molded her breasts, her waist.

She bent down out of Donna's view. "... And this is her family?"

Donna was surprised as Carol came up with a picture-frame in her hands. She recognized it as being the one on the side table in her living room. It was a family shot taken about 6 months ago.

"Yes, she is married and has two lovely daughters," Ms. Brendan acknowledged.

"I just knew there was more to it than just this old woman." Carol said with a smile as her fingers traced over the picture.

Donna squirmed at the remark. Was it true? Was Ms. Brendan only after her daughters? Donna knew it could well be true; she had seen all the younger whores in the room. But Ms. Brendan surely knew that Donna would do everything to keep her daughters out of it! Or what she would do if they hurt her daughters!

Donna wriggled in frustration as she thought of what might be coming. Either she had to fight Ms. Brendan, and maybe even this whole group to protect her girls, or she had to submit to Ms. Brendan exactly as she wanted and trade herself for the safety of her daughters.

Both options were bad. Worse, neither way had a guarantee of success.

"No...," she convinced herself. "Ms. Brendan likes me, she isn't into such young girls. The only one in her in-crowd close to my daughters' ages is her chauffeur, and even that girl is years older."

Donna looked into Ms. Brendan's eyes, hoping for pity. Surprisingly Ms. Brendan gave her a reassuring look. Donna returned it with a grateful one.

"Yes, she is after me. I am the one that she wants. If I just keep her satisfied, my daughters will be safe, and can live their own lives."

"Oh, she's all wound up right now." Carol taunted when she saw the chained Donna's frantic movements.

She looked Donna straight in the eye. "And tell me about her husband. Is he a wimp?"

"He works for me. I send him off to Asia for long periods of time so I can freely mold Cutty here," Ms. Brendan answered. "He's actually very good in his work. I pay her now to entertain him, as a sort of bonus for him."

"Oh, I see. And this is the contract, her first!" Carol had her contract to work as a whore in her hands, reading it curiously.

Donna began to understand that her private life was on display too, not just her naked body.

"How sweet..." The woman caressed Donna nipple with the tip of a corner of a page from her contract.

How could this get any worse? What else was on display?

"... and a diary!" Carol exclaimed in faux joy, answering Donna unspoken question.

She obviously was enjoying the discomfort that she was bringing Donna. Donna was now getting agitated, but there was nothing that she could do.

Donna saw the woman lift her diary and flip through the pages. Ms. Brendan's companion peeked over Carol's shoulder. They were reading Donna's own words, even if they were forced ones, telling about all of the disgusting things she had done, all the lies she had penned down.

"A complete slut, totally out of control. Poor husband, eh?" Carol concluded after reading a few short episodes.

"Well now, he benefited too, now didn't he?" The other woman noted as she gave a Donna a suggestive smile.

Donna felt all the more naked now these women knew all the worst secrets of her private life. Everything Ms. Brendan had done to her was exposed to these women. Actually, to everyone who would take his time to pick up the book.

Bridgette had looked at Donna's diary too, she recalled; and nothing good could come from that either. She blocked that thought out as quickly as possible. What a mess her life was turning into.

"And you have her on Lenny!" Carol continued, as she gave the diary to her mate, who browsed on and with much interest. "I thought that was over?"

"Well, yes, but she needed extra attention and so I brought him back," Ms. Brendan conceded. "It wasn't easy, but..."

The older woman looked in fake awe at the large black dildo.

"Well, once this fits, she can take anything. She will be so happy that you went through all this trouble to teach her."

"Well, up to now she hasn't really showed much true appreciation, but I expect she will soon."

"And why doesn't she have red lipstick?"

"She just went through laser surgery on her skin so it's unwise to put make up on, might ruin the skin."

"That explains why she's so jumpy. And this doesn't?" The older woman went with her hand over the material covering almost all of Donna's body.

"The latex can cause irritation for some people but also can act like a bandage while she heals. It's entirely breathable and washable. Trust me when I say that her latex covering will not put her training off a day."

"But it will be painful to remove," the woman observed.

"Certainly, you are right; indeed, it's even painful now as the material bound itself ever tighter to her sensitive skin while it dried," Ms. Brendan explained. "And as for taking it off... I doubt much will get off in the coming days. Not without much pain."

"An additional punishment." Carol nodded, "That also explains the awful green color."

Donna listened to the conversation and started to understand her own predicament. This latex stuff would be on her for some time. How could she show up at her grandmother's house dressed in this suite?

For the first time, she looked at her arm and down her body. The color was indeed awful, an ugly dark green. She would be the freak of the family. And with this color she was even the freak of the Red party too!

Ms. Brendan walked up to Donna and switch off her earphones, leaving Donna to listen to her own orgasmic screams together with Robert's grunting on what promised to be another endless loop.

Donna felt such shame as she thought of Robert and how Ms. Brendan manipulated him. How humiliated he would be if he found out! How angry if he knew how she betrayed him. How she had no backbone at all.

Carol apparently had lost interest in Donna and took the young party girl away by her arm. They walked upstairs and out of Donna's limited view. She could guess what they would soon be doing.

Another couple were going up the steps too, as a satisfied guest came down, stopping to chat briefly with one another on the steps.

Ms. Brendan replaced the blindfold and Donna was again in the dark but with so many more things to worry about. Her husband, her children, the upcoming weekend, and for now the excruciating pain.

She was left hanging for the longest time, only rarely touched, usually in a painful way, be it because of her own sensitivity but that didn't matter; it hurt!

She became extremely thirsty and she felt her juices run down her legs; the gag made her jaw ache. Her teeth hurt. And she knew she had been left in this state on purpose. It was to make her see that resistance was futile.

But her daughters, her family, she needed to protect them... And so her mind whirled, transiting from what looked to be a miserable future if she submitted, to the dangers for her family if she didn't, cycling back to the pain whose grip would not let her go.

The rest of the night, the long night, Donna was manhandled without warning. Sometimes with the blindfold off, most of the time on; leaving her wonder who was there, who was looking at her. Wonder about the details of her private life that were exposed behind her.

Sometimes, without the blindfold, she could see not only Ms. Brendan's evil guests but also that the party was getting kinkier as it time passed by.

Whips struck sensitive flesh. Girls in chains were being led around on all fours. There was an obscene show where a woman Donna's age had weights, heavy lipstick replicas, hung from her multiple piercings while the crowed taunted and cheered. Bets were placed.

The victim's 'owner', or something like that, was laughing with the crowed as she hung one weight after another, making the poor woman squirm, even as she tried to smile. Soon, she was crying out in pain. Her labia were stretched to the limit; the cylindrical weights dangling down past her knees.

In the end bets were being paid, with Donna left wondering what was bet on?

More and more couples were walking upstairs, and more and more party 'whores' came down looking exhausted, well used and often in pain.

The 'pornstar' lady that Donna had first seen came down with obvious whip marks all over her breasts, her back, her ass. Yet once down, she started a new dildo show on a different stage almost immediately.

On the stage in the back, a mixed group of younger and older women were fucking each in all sorts of ways to the rhythm of the music, whipping each other, putting clamps on each other's nipples. It was a real-life sex show which quickly was turning into a hardcore S&M show.

Donna saw that the women were truly in pain and after a brutal fuck with a studded dildo one of them even passed out for a while. The group pushed their unconscious party mate to the sided, leaving her to lie ass up as they just continued with each other, stepping on the poor abused woman, shoving her aside when she was in the way.

Donna saw the woman slowly revive and drag herself to her feet. With great effort and a lot of pain, she joined the show again and pulled her ass cheeks apart to invite yet another penetration.

Donna had not missed the fact that the poor sex subject had cried softly in utter misery for just the shortest of moments when she woke up and saw her own situation. Donna just knew the woman was in the same position as she was, hopelessly blackmailed, forced into this horrible way of life.

Donna felt pity for her but mostly felt fear for herself. What if it had been Donna up on that stage? She had to avoid that at all costs!

The waitresses had their costumes partly torn, exposing most of their upper body. Angry red bite marks on their exposed tits, and lipstick streaks, drawings, words covered their free skin.

Drunk women, who now seemed to be everywhere, where pulling them roughly when ordering drinks, forcing them into tongue kisses, laughing as they shrieked when their tongue was bitten. It seemed the drunkest women were the meanest, and those all gathered around the bar as it became later and later.

Still the women offered their breast with a smile. Or at least with a fake smile. It seemed it was a goal for every bitch walking around to make the performing, serving women, cry, fall out of their act. It was some really fucked up society.

Donna considered herself lucky. Yes, she was in an awful pain, but she didn't need to act as if she liked it. She could freely moan when someone unseen, or seen, pinched her or shoved a dildo into her cunt or raked her cunt with sharp nails.

Only one more time, a girl, a very young girl, had been ordered to come up to her and lick her. More accurately, the girl was instructed to lick Donna clean of the juices that had run down her legs. But the soft young tongue did feel good and she enjoyed the moment, no matter how repulsive it was.

The remarks of the women looking at the show, as they browsed through her diary, looked at her loving family, tore at her heart. But she was too far gone to fight any more.

The exhausting position that she was in, the fact that everything, everyone, around her was sexually abused, the constant shriek of her own orgasms, of Robert's orgasmic grunts, she surrendered to the tongue and just enjoyed it, ignoring the remarks as much as possible.

When the girl had neared her clit, Donna had forced herself down on the girl, regardless how much her shoulders and arms ached, forcing the young girl to lick her to an orgasm.

And she would have if it wasn't for the other woman yanking the girl away, and angrily pinching, twisting, Donna's nipple. The pain had been awful, but Donna had felt oddly satisfied by the fact that she had at least had a few moments of pleasure gotten out of it.

Donna finally was left alone and drifted into sleep. Tired, drained of energy by her constant torture and abuse, Donna hung in her chains as the party continued. At that time people started to leave, and it was obvious the party neared its end. The freak show was almost over...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Hope to find out what happened after the party

Well, I know the next chapter kind of lets Donna go through some very slight explanation of how she gets on a plane but there is no real good detail. She is left hanging as the party winds down but what really happens? When is she finally allowed to collapse? How does she feel? Does she get any food or water? We do not know what kind of food or water was given to help her disorientation. She is in a great deal of pain and is not supposed to be eating anything except soup. What happened when Ninon came to pick her up at the clinic? Was she given any of the medications that she needs for the pain in her mouth and body? I am sure the author could have come up with some details of Donna's interaction with the staff and Ninon getting out of the clinic and into the car. Seems that Ninon is a bit gentle with her but not having a details spoils the feelings of Donna. I am glad that there was some minor explantion from Ms. Brendan about the latex covering but really was there a need to leave it on with her going to her family? Oh I know Donna is in real trouble and this will only force her and Robert's family to reject her which pushes Donna further down the rabbit hole. I like the way that Ms. Brendan is pushing Donna however one hopes that Donna has some good times every now and then. On to the next chapter.

BriarredwolfBriarredwolfover 4 years ago
WAIT!! I need to know more!!

What happened? I mean there are hints but no real answers.....what did they really do to her teeth? what is the end result of all the skin treatments? what is Donna’s portrait on Brendan’s wall? what is Donna’s primary role next - pornstar?call girl?stripper? AreLisa and Trixy already involved? Is Lisa the young whore like the one at party? Is there a place for Trixy to become a young dominant? Has Robert been sleeping with whores in Asia that work for Brendan? Does he get a divorce?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Keep on

Who says stories need a happy ending to be good? Literature is full of stories with sad, brutal or shocking endings (or all together) and some of it is still considered as top literature.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
come on!!!!!

how much more will you torture this woman? yes, she is obviously a loser, but come on! this is a story, isn't it supposed to have a positive end where she triumphs over adversity? she needs to find a way to blow the whole party up in flames at this point, if she ends up succumbing, this will be an extreme letdown...

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