Cycling Can Be Fun


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"But, before we do that I would like for you to come over here and kiss on my tits again. You had me really turned on before doing that."

I not only kissed her tits but also dropped my mouth to her clit and entertained it for a while before she was pulling my face deep into her as her explosion occurred.

"Villy, I only had one other man other than my husband and I never knew that sex could be this wonderful. What do you do that they didn't?"

"Honey, I have no idea but I do know I love to please a woman and that might be the difference. I have heard that many men are only in it to please themselves and the woman be damned. That's not me. Besides, maybe it is my big cock that also helps."

She just laughed and leaned over to kiss me once again.

"Honey, I think we ought to think about showering. You will have to be leaving to pick up Connie fairly soon. Are you going to tell her you worked all day or are you going to tell her you spent the day at home?"

"I think I'll just say I worked until early afternoon and then went shopping and finally came home a half hour before leaving to pick her up."

"OK, let's hit the shower." I suggested.

Their shower isn't a separate stall but just the bathtub with a shower fixture coming out of the wall up high. We were in and I was with my back to the shower and leaned forward and gave her a big kiss while she was washing her chest. I told her to turn and I would do her back. I did and when she turned to rinse off she dropped to her knees and once again took my cock in her mouth. A few moves and she had me hard again. This woman loves sex almost as much as I do. I was holding onto the showerhead as she began her moves and was fearful of letting go in case I slipped and fell. She was going almost all the way off of my cock before driving back down deeply. This time I believe she got more of me in her mouth and throat than she did the first time and it wasn't long before I was once again filling her mouth with my hot milky come. She raised her eyes to look up at me at the same time my cock was filing her mouth and I swear she actually smiled around my cock. What a woman!

She stood and pressed her voluptuous breasts against my chest and told me to turn and she would scrub my back. She did and it wasn't long before we were out of the tub drying off and getting dressed. She was going to have to move her ass if she wasn't going to keep Connie waiting.

An hour later the two of them walked in all smiles. "What the hell are you two so happy about?"

They turned and looked at each other and broke into laughter. That kind of stuff drives me a little crazy. "Well, are you going to tell me or do I have to wring it out of one of you?"

"Mom was just talking about sex."

"Oh really, did you tell her that you fucked two guys in the hostel in Vienna besides me?"

That got her stuttering big time. "I didn't do any such thing."

"Oh, OK if you are going to keep it quiet I'll go along with you."

"VILLY, tell my mother what you just said wasn't true."

I was winking at Marie all during this time and it was all she could do to keep from laughing.

"OK, OK. I was just teasing Marie. She only fucked one other guy."

This had gone maybe a little too far and Connie was coming at me with anger in her eyes. "I'll tell you this, if you don't straighten up I'll never fuck you again."

"Oh, you want me to get straight and hard. Is that what you are saying?"

That had them both laughing and Connie came over and threw her arms around me and kissed me deeply. I looked over her shoulder while we were kissing to see Marie frowning a lot. She was unbelievably jealous. This was going to turn out to be a bigger problem than I thought.

I gave Connie a little smack on her butt as she turned away from me and we all laughed again.

"Hey guys, I need to have a serious conversation if you two are up to it. That is if you can stop talking about the two guys you had sex with in the hostel besides me."

Connie was getting quicker all the time and she responded, "Oh, you mean those two who really knew how to satisfy a girl. Villy, you ought to find them and see if they could teach you their secret. They were gooood."

"Ok, I'll look them up. The last time I saw them they were on their way to the clinic for AIDS patients. I hope they are OK."

Marie couldn't take any more and said, "Enough is enough guys. Your kidding is getting too mean."

Connie came over and gave me a little peck on the cheek and said, "OK what is that you want to talk about?"

"It's about us." I responded and that got her attention

"Connie, as you know I am scheduled to return to the States in another week or so. I have a job waiting for me and I know that I could extend my return by another couple of weeks if I needed to. I love being here with you guys but I don't want to just extend my stay without some kind of reason. Connie, you and I have become more than just close. I never thought it was possible but I have fallen for you in a big way and I think you have done the same for me." She was almost nodding her head off with that phrase. I continued with, "I know you are looking at your school schedule for your Masters degree and that will keep you busy for the two years after you start it. I also know that if I return to the states while you are here in school I will go crazy missing you. Soooo, I called the company who has the job waiting for me and asked them another question. They are an international company and I simply asked if they would happen to have any openings for a guy with my talents here in Germany."

"And what did they say?" Marie eagerly responded.

"Damn you Villy, you are keeping us in suspense." Shouted Connie.

"They said they did and have been looking for someone to fill the position for some time in the town of Erlangen, which they tell me is about two hours from here. I got to speak to the guy who would be my boss in the States and he was thrilled that it looked as if I would be able to fill the position they had been struggling with for a few months. He was sorry to lose me from his Stateside team but happy to fill the hole over here."

I thought Connie was going to launch herself into orbit. She flew across the room and jumped into my lap. "Now we can get married."

"That is the next thing we have to talk about. Connie, you and I have only known each other for just a little over two weeks and you are talking about marriage already. We really don't know enough about each other to get earnest about something as serious as marriage. I do think I am in love with you but as I said, we don't know enough about one another YET. Come to think of it I don't even know your birthday nor you mine. Here is what I propose:

I will get started on my new job over here. Once I start, I am committed for three years. The company is going to pay for my apartment and automobile so that will permit me to put some money away for our future together. Connie, you will be going to a two-year school here in Munich and we won't be very far from one another. Marie, you can drive over to Munich and help me get situated in my new place on some upcoming weekend that Connie is tied up getting squared away with her classes. If, after you graduate we can set the date if we still feel the same about each other. Until then, we can see each other as often as we are able. How does all of this sound?"

I don't think I have ever seen such a long face. "Connie, think about it before you go off the deep end. Neither of us want to go into a marriage that will fail simply because we didn't think enough about it beforehand."

"Villy, you're right. I was just counting on being with you all the time."

"Connie, let me share something else with you. Something neither of us knows. Neither of us knows the last name of the other! ... and we're thinking about getting married! Now isn't that kind of crazy?"

"Let's hit the sack and we can continue this conversation in the morning." She answered.

Connie and I were into bed for a good little while and she had taken my cock deep in her mouth when the door to the bedroom opened. Connie never heard it but I did and could see Marie standing there watching us. She was only wearing a very flimsy nightgown and I motioned for her to come over the side of the bed which she did and I then said, "Oh, hi Marie." With that Connie jumped up and was stammering a little.

Marie said, "Sorry for interrupting what looks like a lot of fun. If you guys had any manners you would invite me to join in." She said without a smile. "I came over to tell you we could all drive to Erlangen tomorrow to sort of get an idea of the town. What do you say."

Connie still had my cock in her hand and agreed with her mother, "Yes Mama that would be great."

"OK, it's settled we can leave here in the morning, drive over and have lunch there and then drive back for dinner. Now are you going to invite me to share in the fun you are having here?"

"What would you like to do Marie?" I asked.

"Well, it has been over four years since I have had any sex and I would love to have that thing of yours inside of me."

"I could handle that if Connie has no objections. What do you say Connie. Willing to share me with your Mom?"

"Mama, are you serious? I never heard of a girl having sex with her mother participating."

"Connie, of course I am serious." As she was saying this she reached across me and lightly stroked my balls. My cock had shrunk while we were doing all of this talking but her stroking of my balls had it back at attention right away. She let her hand rise up to the base of my cock and said, "Connie, if you want to take him in your mouth again I would love to stroke any part of it you can't get in your mouth."

Marie then put a hand on the back of Connie's head and urged her to resume sucking my cock. As Connie was doing that Marie had one hand stroking my shaft and the other playing with my balls. I reached around and had one of Marie's tits in one hand and one of Connie's in the other. This was going to be out of this world. It didn't take long of this before I was having a major orgasm. My come was soon filling Connie's mouth and throat with some coming out the side of her mouth and running down my shaft.

We all just lay on the bed with me in between the two women. When I would turn my head from side to side and see the lovely tits I was surrounded with I thought I had died and went to heaven. I rolled over so I was lying between the two of them so that I could easily turn from side to side and kiss the nipples on one of them and then move over to those on the other. Even though I had just shot a load I was getting harder by the minute just thinking of what I was doing.

Marie was the first to speak. "Villy, would you lay on your back and let Connie lower her pussy on your face and let me lower mine on your cock?"

I rose up on the bed with my hard on pointing out like a cue stick and said "Sure, let the games begin and then continued with "Connie, are you sure you are OK with your mother joining in with us?"

"I guess so but I still don't think it is normal." She answered.

"It is a little unusual but we all love each other don't we?" I responded.

"I am not sure about whether my mother is in love with you or just with your cock."

Marie spoke up after roaring with laughter. "Connie, let's you and I agree there isn't anyone we love more."

"Agreed, Mama, but remember he is my boyfriend and I am just letting him have sex with you."

By then I was flat on my back with my cock sticking straight in the air and Connie was the first to move on top of me. She knelt with a leg on each side of my face and I was staring up at the pussy with which I have fallen in love. She lowered it ever so slowly until my lips were parting hers. I had my hands up and holding her tits as she continued down. She soon had her clit pressing hard against my mouth to the point where I had to lift her just a little so I could get my tongue working the sheath to uncover the nub hiding below it.

While all of that was going on Marie was lowering herself on my waiting cock. She let the head of it part her pussy lips and then she just let herself fall so it was buried to the hilt. I couldn't see her face but I could sure hear her gasp. She was using her hands braced on my stomach to balance herself as she started her up and down motions. I could throw my hips up to meet her downward movements and that had her moaning a little I reached up while I was doing that to hold Connie's breasts. She was beginning her squeal and that told me she wasn't far from exploding. She was grinding her pussy on my mouth so hard I was getting a little fearful that if she didn't come soon I would be smothered to death by a hot wet pussy. What a way to go!

Marie was driving herself harder than she did when she and I made love the previous time and I was able to reach around Connie's hips and up so I could fondle Marie's breasts. Her nipples were harder than stone and she was now starting a little squeal. I threw my hips even harder into her while I was making my tongue work even faster on Connie. I wasn't sure but it sounded to me as if they each had their orgasm at the same time. Connie's juices were running all over my face and down my neck while I could feel the juices flowing out of Marie's pussy making my cock slide in and out of her more easily. This was sex at it's best.

I pushed both of them off of me and then turned Connie on her back and rolled on top of her to ram my cock deep inside of her. I then let my face fall on hers and kissed her deeply. I rose up and said, "You two had your orgasms but I haven't had mine."

As I was thrusting in and out of her tight little pussy I could feel my balls getting massaged. Marie was using her tender fingers to arouse me further to speed up my orgasm. It worked. It was only a few minutes of all of that when I reached down and grabbed Connie's hips and pulled her to me as I rammed myself deep within her and filled her pussy with my load.

We all just lay back somewhat exhausted.

"Are you girls all right?"

Connie just moaned, "Mmmmmm" and Marie said, " I have never felt better."

"OK, it's time for showers before we dress to go out to eat. Marie, remember that Connie and I promised to take you to dinner. Tonight's the night as a celebration of what just happened and our future together."

Dinner was magnificent. This time Connie chose the restaurant and made sure with the maitre de understood that her and I would be paying the bill, no one else. We perhaps had one or two too many so we decided to go for a walk after dessert to see if we could get some of it out of our system. Connie was hysterical. The alcohol loosened her up to the point she was singing as we walked. I gave her a big hug and she broke out with the Star Spangled Banner and urged me to sing along. How could I refuse her? My voice really isn't too bad but hers is a joy to hear. I sang the lead and she harmonized with me. Not too bad even if I do say so myself. We even got applause from a number of people passing by. We're ready for Broadway!

The minute we walked in the front door of the house Marie was dragging us into the bedroom.

"What do you have on your mind Mama?" I asked.

"The first thing I have is an order for you. Never call me Mama again."

"Ok, would you prefer Sis?"

"Connie, give this guy a good swift kick." She joked.

"Never, I wouldn't want to damage someone as precious as he is to me." She said as she intertwined her arm through mine.

Marie was stripped naked by the time we all got to the bedroom and was using the bed as a mini trampoline. "C'mon guys, get with it."

I had had enough to drink that I wasn't responding much to seeing her tits bounce in the air. Connie stripped quickly and was soon sitting on the side of the bed and listening to her mother saying, "Connie, get this stud of yours to move his ass."

"Mama, it isn't his ass you want to see move."

Connie lay back and her mother looked down at her and sat down beside her. The next thing I knew was she had her fingers exploring Connie's pussy and I almost flipped out I was so surprised. Connie had no idea that it wasn't my fingers in her pussy so she just lay there and moaned a little. I let it go on for a short time and then asked her from across the room, "Are you feeling good honey?"

She opened her eyes and jumped up to a sitting position. "Villy, wasn't that you playing with me just now?"

"No love, it was me." Answered Marie.

"Oh my God. Mama, it's one thing for both of us to be having sex with the same guy but for me to be having sex with my mother is just wrong."

"Oh Connie, quit being so prissy. I have washed your pussy a thousand times but you forget that."

I never thought that Marie would know the word 'prissy' nor would have expected Connie to understand it but they did.

Connie reached over to me and pulled me down on the bed alongside of her and Marie said, "Would anyone mind if I gave him a blowjob?"

"I know I damn sure wouldn't. What do you say Connie? Have your mother suck me off while I eat your pussy."

She responded. "Sounds good to me."

That was it. Marie was getting better at taking more of me in her mouth with each blowjob. She was now about half way down my shaft. Connie was moaning big time as I was working her nub fast and furious with the fingers of one hand buried in her pussy. The fingers of my other hand were giving Marie all she could handle. I was damn near fisting her and that gave me a great idea. It wasn't long before I was feeling that warm rush deep inside of me and within a minute was blasting a huge orgasm in Marie's mouth. As soon as I started to come I worked Connie's pussy even more feverishly and she too was up on cloud nine with a huge orgasm as well.

We all lay back and I said to Connie, "Please find the Vaseline."

"What for? You damn sure aren't going to fuck my ass tonight." She bemoaned.

"Connie, please do as I ask. I am not going to fuck anyone's ass tonight."

She came back with it in a few minutes and I told Marie to lie back. She was going to be in for a treat.

"Marie, this is something I saw on a video and the woman loved it. I think you will too."

"Connie, put the fingers on one hand tight together as if you are going to put them in your mothers pussy. Now let me lube them and the back of your hand up with Vaseline. Marie, I am going to lube up your pussy as far as I can reach inside of you. When I have done that Connie is going to put her fingers against your pussy lips and start to exert some pressure. The first part of her fingers will slide into you easily and then she is going to meet with some resistance. She will keep up the pressure and after a while your pussy will open up some more and her hand will slip inside of you. When she has it all the way in she will open her fingers a little and move them around. It will drive you up the wall. It will cause the biggest and hottest orgasm you ever had."

Connie just looked at me and I told her to start looking at her mothers' pussy.

She did and as I said her fingers slipped in her mother up to her top knuckles easily and then her mothers' pelvic bones stopped her. She said, "I can't go in any further."

"Just keep up the pressure honey. She will open up in a little while."

Sure enough after a few minutes her hand was almost in up to her wrist and Marie was almost screaming with pleasure.

"Connie, hope your fingers a little. Not wide just a little." I instructed.

She did and Marie was in seventh heaven. I told Connie,

"Honey, close your fingers very slowly and when they are back the way they way they were when you first inserted them, start pumping your hand ever so slowly as if your whole hand is fucking her pussy."