Daddy Didn't Pull Pt. 04


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Her mother snorted.

"None? I'll bet I know a thing or two..."

Steve cut her off.

"She said none, Brenda. I know all about her past, including what happened with her father."

That wiped the smirk right off Brenda's face.

"I've never forgiven you for sending Daddy away. You didn't even listen to me. I told you it was my doing; I told you I seduced him. You never even gave him a chance." Janet said coldly, struggling to remain calm.

"Well how do you think I felt about that? How would you like it if I fucked your husband?" Brenda snapped.

"Knock yourself out Mom. He's right there. He's got a bigger dick than dad too."

"Well maybe I will!" She said, slurring her speech only slightly.

"Be careful what you ask for Mom. He loves anal." Janet replied in a blasé tone.

Brenda's ass tingled.

Steve didn't actually care one way or the other for anal, but he got the message loud and clear.

"You're joking, right?"

Janet locked eyes with her mother. "No." she said flatly. Janet could see her mother's eyes glaze over.

"You would let me fuck your husband? Right here in your own house?"

"Right upstairs in my own bed, right now if you like." Janet rose from her chair and took Steve by the hand, leading him toward the stairs.

"Are you coming or not?" She said to her mother, glancing over her shoulder.

Brenda slowly rose to her feet.


Brenda squealed loudly when the thick circumcised glans of her son in law's penis, lubricated only by a handful of his spit, plowed through her anal sphincter and into her rectum.

He let her adjust for a few seconds before he began to piston his thick meaty rod in and out of her tight round butt, a little deeper and a little faster with each thrust.

In under a minute he was absolutely thrashing her asshole.

"How'ya likin' that dick up your ass Mom?" Janet cackled as her mother grimaced from the harsh butt fuck Steve was giving her.

"Uh...Fuck...It hurts!"

Steve began to push harder at the bottom of each thrust, trying to bury his full length in Brenda's tight ass.

"Ow! Not so hard!"

"Quit your bitchin' Mom. Dad told me you're a butt slut" Janet chuckled and went back to filing her nails.

"He's reaming my guts out!" She grumbled. Janet wasn't sure if that was a complaint or a compliment. She could see her mother was beginning to like it.

"I'd have thought you would have some lube in your purse" Janet said sarcastically.

"Is it all in yet?" Brenda groaned.

"Let me check. No." Janet deadpanned without even looking up from her nails.

A minute or two later, Steve's heavy balls finally compressed against the cheeks of Brenda's tight smooth ass.

While a lesser woman's anus might have torn under the brutal onslaught, Brenda was a true anal queen. She had dildos larger than Steve's penis, and although her favorite toy was quite a bit smaller, once in a while the big boys came out to play.

But she could not drive them into herself with all the strength of her son in law's muscular legs.

Brenda grunted at the bottom of each powerful stroke of Steve's massive cock into her gaping asshole.

He was slamming himself into her with all his strength now.

"God this has to be killing her!" he thought to himself.

But the glassy eyed look on Brenda's face was not the look of a woman in pain.

She began to thrust her ass back at him with each stroke, the loud slap from the force of the impact filling the room at an ever increasing pace.

"Uh...uh... Fuck my ass! Harder! Harder you bastard!" Brenda grunted, gyrating her hips wildly as she continued to throw her ass up to meet every brutal thrust of his monster cock.

Janet smiled to herself as she watched her husband savagely sodomize her mother from the big comfy chair at the foot of the bed. She could see the tight ring of Brenda's anus clinging to his thick meaty rod every time he pulled back to thrust into her again. Her plan was coming together nicely.

Steve had been pounding his cock into her for almost half an hour now, and Brenda's fingers were flying over her clit as he relentlessly hammered her anus.

Suddenly, Brenda's entire body began to spasm with her orgasm, an orgasm of such intensity it looked to Janet like her mother was having a seizure.

Steve was getting close himself and pounded his cock into her rectum hard and deep until he felt the tingling in his glans passing the point of no return.

Quickly, he pulled out and moved around to point the head of his dick at his mother in law's face.

The first hot thick rope of semen blasted from the slit in the tip and splattered on Brenda's forehead.

Brenda's breath was still coming in ragged gasps as her son in law continued to paint her face with his jizz.

"Now clean him up mom. You made one hell of a mess!" Janet said, in a friendlier tone of voice than her mother had heard from her in years.

Brenda obediently opened her mouth and pulled the head of his slowly softening prick in deep.


Her son in law had been erect again in a very few minutes, and had given her vagina a similar pounding.

By the time he was ready to blow his second load, Brenda didn't know if she could stand another orgasm.

She was somewhat relieved when he slammed his cock into her all the way to his balls and began to pump his hot thick semen deep inside her pussy instead of on her face. It wasn't the humiliation of having her face painted that bothered her, no; in fact she kind of liked that part. There was just so much of it; she couldn't manage to keep it from getting in both of her eyes.

The burning took quite a while to pass.

For his part, Steve was very surprised at how tight and slick Brenda's pussy was, and didn't fail to notice who Janet and Jenny had inherited their sparse tufts of pubic hair from.

And he was absolutely thrilled that Brenda's pussy could take his entire cock, even swollen to its maximum size as he jammed it in hard and blew his load in her. He thought to himself how much he would love to fuck his mother in law again someday, however unlikely that would seem to be.

Brenda was an excellent fuck, just like Janet and Jenny, but with the good deep pussy he craved so much.

It was late that afternoon before Brenda got herself cleaned up and ready to head home.

Janet passed the keys she had confiscated across the kitchen table to her mother and spoke in a cheerful yet businesslike tone.

"I'll make a deal with you Mom. Apologize to Dad for the crap you put him through all those years ago and get him to take you back, and I'll let Steve fuck you up the ass once or twice a month while dad fucks my brains out in the other room."

Their hazel eyes locked together.

"What makes you think he would take me back?"

"What I think doesn't matter. If you want that big cock up your ass again, you'll find a way to make it happen."

Her mother looked away. She honestly had not known before today that sex could be so good. She definitely wanted that big cock up her ass again.



A couple weeks later, Janet was smiling when Steve walked in to the kitchen for another cup of coffee.

"Guess what?" She said, holding up her phone to show him the text message that had just arrived. "My parents are coming to visit!"

"Both of them at the same time?" Steve replied, somewhat surprised.

"Yes! After all these years, they're getting back together!"

He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket as the text alert sounded. He pulled it out and checked it, then turned the screen toward Janet. Both of them burst out laughing.

It was from Brenda.


Janet was still laughing as she grabbed his phone and texted back; "YES MOMMY".

Steve smiled, knowing that it wouldn't be long till he was blowing his load deep in Brenda's pussy again.


"Jacob sweetie, I know you don't want to leave your friends at school, but there will be a new school that you'll like even better!" Judy said, knowing her son was not convinced.

Jake pouted a little, like a seven year old boy who isn't getting his way will tend to do.

"Let me tell you a little secret?" She whispered to him. Jake loved it when his mama told him secrets. He smiled a little and nodded his head.

"You have a sister up in Dallas. And we'll be living right next to her!"

Jake's eyes widened a bit, thoughts of a bratty little girl competing for his mother's attention fleeting through his little head.

"Will she go to the same school as me?" He said worriedly.

Judy laughed a little. "No baby, she's older than you. Besides, you already know her. You really liked her before!"

Jake wracked his seven year old brain for a minute, but wasn't coming up with anyone he knew who could be his sister.

"Who is she mama?" He asked, with a combination of fear and excitement in his voice.

"Remember your babysitter Jenny? She's your sister!"

Jenny! Jake's eyes widened. His favorite babysitter that he hadn't seen in three years was his big sister! He still didn't want to move to Dallas, but that definitely took some of the sting off of it.


"I hate parking in downtown Dallas." Judy thought to herself as she walked quickly up Lamar Street toward the parking garage.

She'd been in the new house for almost three weeks now, and was just about finished with the business of moving her life back to town.

She was somewhat lost in thought when a familiar yet unpleasant voice barked her name.

She looked up with a start. Standing just a few feet in front of her was her ex.

"Oh. Hi Brian" she said, doing her best to conceal her fear.

"Oh. Hi Brian" he said mockingly. "Is that all you have to say? I thought you had left town for good. What brings you back?" he sneered.

"I don't really think that's any of your business, Brian." She replied. Her fear was mounting. He had hit her twice when they were married, and she knew that the way she had vanished with no warning had pissed him off hard. She sensed his mounting rage.

His hand snapped out and grabbed her wrist.

"I'm making it my business." He growled.

Judy was now so paralyzed with fear that she didn't notice the two burly men in dark suits who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere on either side of her.

Brian quickly released his grip and took a couple steps back.

"Everything OK here, Ms. Sanchez?" said one of them in a gruff baritone voice, as a black SUV glided to a stop at the curb.

A door swung open and two more men in dark suits emerged, positioning themselves between Brian and Judy.

"Let us give you a ride home" the man continued without waiting for her answer, gently yet firmly pushing her into the back seat.

He quickly climbed in after her and slammed the heavy bulletproof door as the SUV sped away.

The largest of the remaining three men kept his gaze fixed on Brian while the other two scanned the area.

"We know all there is to know about you, Brian Paul Jensen." He said in a deep, menacing voice.

"If I were you, I'd be leaving Ms. Sanchez alone."


When they dropped Judy off at home, her Lexus was already parked in the driveway and Janet was standing outside the front door.

Moments later, Judy collapsed into a kitchen chair and sobbed as Janet wrapped an arm around her and held her close until she seemed to have calmed herself.

At last, Janet pulled up a chair and sat down.

"They stay out of the way as best they can." Janet said to Judy across the kitchen table of the cute little house next to the sprawling mansion in the woods. "And you may have noticed they didn't draw their weapons, although they are well armed. We'd greatly prefer to spend millions on security for the ones we love than to spend time attending a funeral. You needn't worry; they don't keep records of your movements or report to anyone. You actually have more privacy than the average American, not less."

Judy was somewhat comforted by Janet's words, yet the incident had unnerved her to the point where she nearly jumped out of her chair when the door from the kitchen to the back yard swung open suddenly.

"Oh, Judy, are you OK? I just heard." said Jenny.

"Yes, yes I'm fine." Judy smiled. Jenny had been so good to her since she got back. She wondered how she would have managed without her.

Jenny had been eager to welcome Judy to her new home, and made sure Judy knew that she was excited to have her little half-brother close by.

She gave Judy her word she was going to be the best sister to him that she could possibly be.

And Jenny didn't give her word lightly. She took Jake under her wing immediately, showing him around town, taking him shopping and to the movies, even driving him to and from the private Catholic school all the way over in Irving that Judy's parents had insisted on when Judy had things to do.

She immediately began overseeing his golf lessons at the country club, which had the added benefit of bringing her game up a level. Soon she hoped to be playing her mother scratch.

At five foot one, she'd never have her Aunt Emma's booming tee shot, but she could always putt well, and her tee to green game was improving daily.

By the time the family reunion rolled around this year, Jenny intended to qualify for the tournament.

"The next time you have to go downtown let me know and I'll go with you" Jenny said.

"I'm going to hang out at the pool for a couple of hours before I go get Jake" she continued, "Come on out later!"

And with that Jenny was gone, trotting down the stone path that ran from the gate in Judy's back yard around a tree lined bend to the pool and fitness area behind the sprawling new house.

Janet and Judy sat talking for a while before Janet had to get back home.

Alone now for the first time since the incident with Brian, Judy still struggled to calm her nerves.

She thought of Jenny's kind offer to go with her. Somehow she didn't think the presence of five foot one Jenny would have discouraged him. But still, it was sweet of her.

She needed to thank Jenny for all she had done. Sure, she said thank you whenever Jenny did something nice for her, but she needed to really let Jenny know just how much it all meant to her.

Judy walked to her bedroom and opened a dresser drawer, pulling out the shiny red bikini that Janet had assured her made her fine light brown skin look amazing.

It was probably about 25 yards from her back gate to the pool area, but the way the path turned around a grove of trees shielded her yard from the lights and noise beautifully.

And it also blocked her view of the pool until the very end of the trail, which she had just arrived at.

She was totally unprepared for the sight as she rounded the bend.

Judy couldn't believe her eyes. Jenny was lying sprawled on a poolside lounge chair topless; her bikini bottom pulled to the side, the long strawberry blonde hair of her cousin April shining in the sun from between Jenny's legs as she tenderly licked her pussy.

Jenny was the first to notice Judy frozen in her tracks, but she was enjoying herself too much to push April's head away. She met Judy's blank stare with a smile and waved.

"Hi Judy! Come on in!"

April lifted her head from Jenny's sodden crotch as Judy walked tentatively toward the two lovely girls.

"What are you two doing?" she said with the slight Spanish accent she tended to lapse into when something really surprised her.

"She's eating my pussy of course! Want her to do yours? Daddy told us how much you love having your pussy licked" Jenny said, still smiling broadly.

April and Jenny laughed at Judy's expression.

"Don't look so shocked, Daddy's fucking us too!" she giggled.

"He's my little girl's father!" April laughed. "And he got my mom and his other sister pregnant too!" she added with a smile.

Judy was shocked, but couldn't help joining in the girl's infectious laughter.

"He fucked my grandma too. Up the ass even!" Jenny said.

"Ewwww! That's gross!" April squealed.

"I'll bet that hurt like hell!" Judy laughed, getting with the spirit of things.

"Don't forget Sara and Gina!" Jenny piped in.

"Oh yeah, He's got a baby due any day now with one of our cousins, and two little girls with another one. Her tits are even bigger than yours!"

Now all three of them were laughing.

"Let us see your tits, Judy. Daddy says they're awesome!" Jenny said with a smile.

What the hell, Judy thought. They were both topless, and the pool behind the big luxurious house was in the middle of a densely wooded area, no one was going to call the cops or anything like that.

Judy pulled the string behind her back and let her bikini top fall to the deck, her magnificent round firm tits tumbling free.

Jenny and April's eyes widened.

"Ooooooo look at her nipples" Jenny gasped.

"Can I touch one?" April asked tentatively.

"Sure!" Judy smiled. She had never done anything like this with women before, but something about the innocent look of awe on April's face told her it would be OK.

April stroked the underside of Judy's firm left breast, and to Judy's surprise, pulled the rubbery nipple into her mouth.

The sensation was overpowering, and her nipple was instantly rock hard in the little blonde's mouth. Her hands rose unbidden to the back of April's head, pressing it gently into her breast as April's warm mouth suckled at her teat.

She realized her pussy was soaking wet.

Jenny had stepped over to her while her eyes were closed from the intense pleasure April was giving her and wrapped her thick soft lips around her other nipple.

Judy's knees began to buckle, and she sat down on one of the lounge chairs, April's mouth glued to her nipple the entire way.

Her legs fell open and she was barely aware of the shiny material of her bikini bottom being pulled aside until Jenny's thick soft lips sealed around her clit.

The orgasm was instantaneous.

From the second floor window, Steve and Janet watched in amazed silence.

Janet nudged Steve out of his trance.

"Judy's fertile this week. You'd better get down there before the girls wear her out!"


Jenny held the back of her father's head tightly, pressing his open mouth hard against her puffy nipple as he continued to plow his thick meat deep into Judy.

Suddenly Judy's velvety pussy began to spasm with yet another orgasm. Steve struggled to beat back the tingling in the head of his cock, but April had sensed his approaching orgasm and began to gently knead his heavy balls in her soft little hand.

And Steve just lost it. April giggled as she felt his scrotum draw up in her hand and lurch forward, propelling the first long rope of his sperm deep into Judy's fertile womb. She continued to knead his balls gently as the thick shaft bulged with every hot jet of semen blasting from the slit in his bulbous glans.

His prick hadn't softened at all when he rose up off of Judy and saw his sperm flowing freely from her rapidly closing vagina.

Jenny had lain back on a lounge chair and began to finger herself as April licked and sucked on her nipples. The sight was too erotic for words.

Steve was in a daze as he lined up his erect penis, still wet with juice from Judy's pussy, on his little girl's tiny bald slit and pushed.

If it were possible for him to cum again that fast, the sensation of his thick knob popping into Jenny would have done it. He sunk in deep and began to rock his hips from side to side.

He kissed her thick soft lips and began to plunge his meaty prick into his little girl with long smooth strokes, slowly at first, then faster and faster, pulling back and plunging in at a different angle every time, stretching her pussy as wide as he could.

It wasn't long before a powerful orgasm swept over Jenny.