Daddy's Cock Forever!


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"In any case, I have my first paramour who has been officially sanctioned by my wife, namely my daughter Amy, so it's time to approve her first paramour, too. That's you, if you're open to it. I can't think of anyone better for this, honestly. You've always looked out for Cassie, so why the fuck not? What do you say, Roger? This time, you would have my blessing for your affair with my wife!" I propositioned my wife's stepbrother at last.

Roger's jaw nearly hit the floor, especially when I let Cassie go for long enough to plant a lip lock on him and put her arms around his waist. Meanwhile, I very possessively reached into Amy's twat and began fingering her, much to her delight, in full view of her in-laws and husband. This left no remaining doubt that I was in earnest, and that my daughter was my lover. When she knelt and began to suck my dick, of course, it was even clearer than before.

"I...gah...okay, why not? I get to fuck Cassie again, and this time, with your okay? And this is a long-term deal?" Roger expressed his disbelief, but I nodded and Cassie fell to her knees to start removing his Batman trousers and take his cock into her mouth.

"You definitely made the right decision, stepbrother-in-law, trust me on that," I grinned at him, even as Samantha and Dieter looked on in utter surprise.

"So, does my son get a paramour, too?" Samantha finally asked aloud, while her husband remained speechless.

"Well, about that, his first choice for that was you, actually," I turned to Billy, who nodded with some embarrassment, only his dusky complexion keeping him from blushing a bit there, "that's part of why we called you down here, as we got the distinct impression that your marriage was something other than conventional."

"That's a considerable understatement. Dieter knows that I have lovers and he fully supports my sexual freedom in whatever way I wish to assert it. It's kind of mystical thing for him, in that he views me as a superior woman, basically a goddess, except within the limits of our Catholicism. Yes, I'm a Mar Thoma Christian, and he's at least avowedly a Roman Catholic like most Austrians, but it doesn't stop him from viewing me as an embodiment of the sacred feminine or something like that. It's flattering as hell, really. It's more in the same range as venerating saints, if not quite precisely the same thing.

"As for taking my own son to bed? Why not? To every son, under normal conditions at least, his mother's a goddess at first, the feminine representation of everything that a boy would consider truly divine, wouldn't you agree? She is his first source of nourishment, his first ideal of true femininity, his first caregiver. She has the magical ability to soothe and comfort him, to hold him close, to kiss away his pain, to heal his first injuries and his sicknesses, you get the idea. I would love to be his mistress, to take him to bed, to comfort him and soothe any wounds to his pride from wearing cuckold's horns or whatever, though he clearly doesn't mind sharing his wife with you.

"Yes, Dieter and I have a very unorthodox marriage, just as Cassie and you, Amy and Billy, do. We are all in the same boat there. I've had various lovers, while Dieter, well, it's better to show rather than tell, isn't it? It makes for a much better story, I hear, when you show instead of tell," Samantha yanked down her husband's trousers, lifted his very limp dick, and showed us that he had no testicles...he was neutered.

"He's...been gelded like a horse!" Roger exclaimed with surprise, while Cassie kept sucking him and Amy continued servicing me with her mouth.

"By my own choice, I assure you. See, while I'm a Roman Catholic, I also practice an eclectic form that borrows from other traditions, especially that of Magna Mater, or Kubaba Cybele, the Phrygian Goddess who inspired a lot of traditions surrounding the Blessed Virgin. In the cult of Cybele, her consort, Attis, was himself neutered so as to serve her selflessly. So, that is what I have done, of my own accord, with any prompting or urging from her. It was all my idea, I swear.

"This has multiple benefits, at least from my perspective. I still get to experience myself sexually, in an adventurous, unconventional way, by bending over for my wife's lovers and letting her peg me as well. She also...'queens' me, that is, using my face as her stool or chair. I still have testosterone supplements, but I let her control the supply, so as to keep my levels where she likes them, and I still get to fuck her three to seven days every month, but just during her period. During those times, I wear prosthetic balls, and I get a higher injection of testosterone to help me do the job.

"I'm sterile, of course, that's the principal consequence of this, but that's necessary, so as to limit my progeny to Billy and no one else. An inferior male, a eunuch like me, should be content with the role of consort to a superior woman, a goddess like Samantha, and with bending over for her paramours and sucking their dicks, as well as orally pleasuring her, and whatever other wonderful rewards she gives me, and yes, she rewards me well. I also like to role-play the Lord Varys bit at times, which gives me back a sense of being strong in my own eunuch way.

"Yes, Billy is mine. I wasn't castrated until after the fact, and yes, I still like and get to do other manly things, such as drink, gamble, and other things. I still like to hunt and fish, to play darts, to party, etc. An outsider might just think that I'm naturally hairless. I have to exercise a bit more and work harder to maintain muscle mass, due to the limited levels of testosterone in my body, but I do it because it's worthwhile to keep a masculine figure. I want to still look good on my wife's arm, after all.

"It's not that I don't enjoy sex. It's just that this is my token of submission to female authority, to respect for Samantha as matriarch in our wife-led marriage. She's a goddess to me, though not in strict theological terms, just in terms of our relationship and how I think of her, romantically and such. I have great respect and reverence for her, utter awe, and I'm more than willing to let her keep my balls pickled in a jar as a reminder of my subservient role in our marriage. I sacrificed my masculinity and my sexual power, my physical prowess, even my full spousal rights, on the altar of my goddess, Samantha, and I've never regretted it one day since. Our marriage has become so much better, because it's focused on making her happy. My own happiness comes from pleasing her and earning her favor and rewards from her.

"I'm not a cuckold or even, strictly speaking, a wittol. I'm a eunuch. My manhood is gone, so my masculinity is no longer at stake, because it's non-existent, technically at least. That liberates me from any expectations of masculine or virile behavior whatsoever. As a eunuch, I'm free from the horns and the shame of letting my wife, my goddess cavort with other men, as well as from any disgrace in doing unconventional things. I'm a slave to my goddess, but not to my former virility.

"I'm also free from the urge to masturbate, which frees up a lot of my energy and time for other things. I'm not as distracted and I seldom view porn, except with Samantha present. As a eunuch, I relish the role of protecting my wife from unwanted advances, even as I prepare and assist her in serving those men who are worthy, which are judged by her standards, though she does consult me. Her lovers are superior men, and they then become my lovers, too, and that is the final test of worthiness of her service to them. They have to be willing to sodomize me and fuck my face. Samantha can take it from here," Dieter realized how verbose he had waxed with a slight blush on his face.

"So, you function a lot like a harem eunuch, then? Guarding the woman and keeping her available to those men who are authorized to use her?" I commented for clarity.

"Precisely," Samantha answered for him, "That's exactly what he does. Anyway, that's the price of taking me to bed, of fucking me, making love to me. I will submit to any man I deem worthy of my favors, of course. My dominant side is reserved for submissive men and eunuchs like Dieter here, while my submissive side is for my studs. Just understand that, as we are one flesh, to be my lover is to be his, too. Yes, I am one flesh with a eunuch, but I actually like it that way. It took some adjustment, to be sure, and I still miss him inside me at times, but I've grown to enjoy having him under my thumb...and my heel. He has a foot fetish, too.

"So, how about it? Which of you men wishes to take me to bed, be my lover as well as his? He's very smooth and yet very fit, very much like a swimmer in his physique, and in fact, that's one of his favorite workouts. Ironic, in that he has no swimmers, but that's the weirdness of life. He thinks of himself as queer, not gay, nor even bisexual, as noted. Queer better represents his sexuality, if you really think of it, when you combine all of his kinks with his taste for cock and his worship of other men's balls while he has none of his own."

"I will...anything to be your lover, just as I will do anything to stay married to Amy. I adore her and I also adore you, Mom. Please...let have you both...and Cassie, if you're all okay with that. Yes, I know that means also sleeping with Dad, fucking his mouth and ass. If they're as smooth as they seem to be, no hair and such, nice and clean, why not? It's what Dad needs, so why deny him that? I didn't know that Dad had no balls, but it explains a few things about him. I'm not as dominant as Dan or Roger, but I can try to be more dominant than Dad, if you wish. Can I be the exception, though, and submit to you, Mom, Cassie, and Amy, even as I dominate Dad? Mother, may I?" Billy even smiled a bit as he added that last line.

"Yes, my dear son, you may. You'll still be a better, superior man compared to your father, by his own admission. Being my son makes you unique, a special case, one where I serve you, but you also obey me, right? We can and will be lovers, and perhaps you'd like a shot at siring a child on me, as might the other guys in question? I still need at least one, more masterful lover, as I dropped my previous paramours of late. Two more masterful lovers would be better, of course," Mrs. Guttmacher consented to incest with her own son.

"I'm game for that," I smiled at her, "And technically, this isn't adultery, as lack of cohabitation is grounds for annulment, I believe, so you aren't truly married, since he's a eunuch. You are, legally, and yes, you are one flesh in the sense that you were once his wife in the biblical sense, but you're not his wife in the most physical, literal sense these days. So this isn't adultery, is it, especially with his consent?"

"True, you have a valid point. And you, Roger? What do you think?" Samantha asked my wife's stepbrother.

"Count me in, too. Especially since I don't know how Amy feels about bedding her uncle," Roger looked at Amy, who looked to me.

"It's up to Daddy. I won't be displeased, whatever he chooses, trust me. I love my husband, but he's no longer in control of me. Daddy is. Daddy comes first. Daddy's cock is my favorite, followed by Billy's. I serve Daddy first, followed by Billy, so if you can take third place in my life, that's the spot left open to you. Sorry, but that's just how it has to be. I worship Daddy. I don't care how wrong that sounds. I worship Daddy's cock, too. Forever. I'm a slave to Daddy and his cock for life...forever. That's just how I feel. Sorry, Billy, but that's how it is. I love you, but I also love Daddy and I'm always going to be a Daddy's girl," Amy told him and me.

"That's okay, babe. I'm a Mama's boy first, so I know the feeling. I don't have to be first in your life, as long as I'm first in Mom's. Well, maybe tied with Dad for first in my case," Billy assured her, "as I said, it's only right to prefer your father even to your husband. That's as it should be."

"I agree. So, Amy, go ahead and bed your uncle, along with your husband and me. Just remember that this pussy, this mouth, and yes, this ass, are mine first. By your own stated intentions and declaration, I own you, don't I, baby girl?" I asserted my rights as Amy's lord and father, apparently regaining the "in hand" aspect of things...if this were a Roman marriage, it would be the "sine manu" kind, as in "without hand."

"Like Paula Abdul once said, I'm forever your girl, Daddy! You gave me away to my husband, but I am still yours at heart, first and foremost. All you gave Billy was the right to legally partner with me, to call me his wife. You didn't give up your spot in my heart to him. No offense, Billy, but it's quite clear that you already understand that the parent-child bond trumps even the marital one.

"Parenting precedes marriage and is a creation of nature, versus marriage, which was forged by law and society. Marriage has its place for sure, or else I wouldn't have wed you, Billy, but Daddy is first in my affections. Daddy's love and Daddy's cock forever! Daddy's slut princess forever!" Amy told him while sucking me some more.

"I can accept that order of things. As for being first in someone's life, well, I don't need that kind of pressure. I'm just a grown-up fuckboy, guys. That's cool with me. Way I see it, fuckboys get a bad rap. We're not all bad, not at all. There's a reason why my relationships never work out and I twice got left at the altar, I think. I dodged two bullets there, I think in hindsight. I'm not cut out for heavy relationships, just casual or semi-serious ones, and three girlfriends, basically, one of them my stepsister and one of them my niece, okay step-niece, what the hell, right?

"Not to mention getting to fuck a eunuch in the ass regularly, hey, why not? It's still sex and I don't have to worry about getting him pregnant. I wouldn't mind impregnating Samantha at some point, but I won't push my luck. Three women and a eunuch, what's not to like about that combo? Toss in adultery and incest, and hey, it's hot as can be! More sin for the win! So, honestly, though, you don't miss your balls at all, Dieter? And you actually only get laid during Samantha's period? Well, that's more than I thought that a eunuch could, so that's something, anyway," Roger reacted to all of this news.

"No, I don't miss them. Not really. I'm a better guy without them, though that's not true for you, for Billy, and certainly not for Dan. And trust me, bending over for you and for Dan, even for my own son, that will be pretty sweet for me. I live to serve my goddess. Whatever pleases her pleases me as well. Just like the Cappadocian Goddess, another version of Cybele, she is free to have any lovers she wishes, and I simply enable and protect and support her in this," Dieter confirmed his submissive wasn't my cup of tea, but the world needs all kinds, right?

"Just as I live to serve Daddy. Daddy and his big Daddy cock, forever, for life, for fucking eternity. I worship this big Daddy cock! I'm Daddy's fuckmeat!" Amy reaffirmed, bending over for me yet again.

I didn't hesitate to slide my cock back into my daughter's sweet snatch again, loving the touch of her fine bottom in my hands as I began fucking her for only the second time ever. I knew that this was just the second of many times, especially as Amy made it abundantly clear that she was mine to fuck as I pleased, that she was in my "hand," as it were, subject to my will. She called herself my fuckmeat, my "slut princess," no less. Evidently, Cassie's passion for me had come down to her in spades. Amy got it honestly, from her mother's own worship of me.

Speaking of Cassie, I turned to Roger and instructed him, "Go ahead and fuck my wife, Roger. You know that you want her, that you crave her sweet body. You want to 'roger' her badly, don't you? Do it! Commit adultery with my wife, this time with my complete backing and moral support. She's my wife first, don't forget that, but she's still your paramour."

"That I am, baby. I am your wife first, but I'm also Roger's lover and stepsister. Thank you for understanding that and for agreeing to this...marriage 2.0 deal. I swear to God and on the bones of the saints, if necessary, I will never hurt you or treat you unfairly again! Thank you, honey! I love you so fucking much, especially for this, but also just for being you! You're my...idol, my...Master!" Cassie blurted out her true feelings for me and I would have fucked her right then and there, but I was already busy fucking my daughter, my sweet Amy (short for Amerys, in case you missed that).

"Oh, fuck me,'re the best!" Amy began cussing as I drove deeper inside her lovely cunt, filling her nice and stuffed with my "big Daddy cock," as she liked to put it.

I pulled Amy's lovely golden curls, but not too hard, as I pounded her rougher and harder this time, slamming it into my sweet slut princess. I really reamed her good, fucking her within an inch of her life, or so it felt, though to be fair, she returned the favor, pushing back at me with maximum force on every stroke. I took my Amy good and hard from behind, hitting it from the back and groping her ass as I banged her. She screamed more than once and turned rather dark pink, even magenta, in color, as I screwed her with every part of me.

Meanwhile, Cassie was very happily engaged in her adulterous affair with her stepbrother, Roger, letting him use her to maximum effect. She didn't cringe, didn't flinch, didn't object at all, as she let him inside her again and again, matching him thrust for thrust, stroke for stroke. The more they fucked, the hotter it got, fucking my daughter so close to where my wife screwed her stepbrother. This naturally got Billy very hot and bothered, as it also did his mother. The next thing that we knew, he was behind his mother, she was bottomless, and he was balls deep in her cunt, becoming a true motherfucker at last.

"Oh, fuck, I'm not on the Pill since I dropped my last paramour...Billy, if you want to knock up your own mother, this is your chance! I'm fertile as Hell right now! Fuck me good, pound me hard, and cum as deep inside me as you wish! Just think, your brother will also be your son! Dieter, honey, don't just stand there, suck your son's balls and lick his ass!" Samantha urged her husband and son.

"Yes, dear. Do it, please, son! Knock up your Mommy! Put your seed inside her and carry on my genes through your love child!" Dieter egged his son on, wanting this to happen badly, for his son to impregnate his wife.

"He's right, son, but you, dear eunuch slave, less talking, more licking, subby slut!" Samantha shouted, as her son slipped in and out of her twat, fucking her ruthlessly right then in his buzzed state.

"Oh, honey, I will consummate my marriage with you, but for now, oh, God...oh, fuck! Daddy's cock is all I want or need! Daddy's cock now! Daddy's cock forever!" Amy kept shouting as I plundered her good and hard for what turned out to be close to an hour in the cellar.

I couldn't agree more...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


Rancher46Rancher46over 3 years ago

Wow, what a wicked web we weave. This story is the true epidemy of a fucked up family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Exactly what the other person said.

Long, boring & unrealistic dialogue. Each person gives a speach with their over reasonings

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
too long and boring

The premise of a father fucking his daughter, the mother fucking her son, the wife fucking her stepbrother, and another father licking his son's ass while the son is fucking his wife should make for a very hot story. But you take so long to get to the juicy parts that the story becomes boring. Cut out the philosophical discourses and make the story more direct.

prop69prop69over 6 years ago
I loved the story. One of the best.

At times a little difficult to follow, but made me hard and horny.

I disagree with others. Excellent story. Loved the group family sex.

Who started the infidelity, Mom or Dad?

Both loved each other, both just wanted an open marriage.

Bringing the stepbrother in was good.

The big surprise was the eunuch Father and pervert.

Glad to Daughter and Mom sharing Dad.

BobossweetnessfreakBobossweetnessfreakover 6 years ago
Not impressed

Well that literally turned into a cluster fuck!! I was liking the story up until the wine cell crap happened.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
I went away for a year

because I was reading the same stories over and over. I come back after a year and almost every story I read is a novelette. 3 to 6 pages in lenhgt, and so much non erotic detail. I admit I was tired of the old obligatory description of a 7" - 9" cock as big around as a beer can, but now these stories are more detailed then a sexy paperback book. some like this one is written well but damn, this belongs under novels, it was well into the 3rd page before any hint of sex happened. Where are the stories that introduce you to the characters and get on with business?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Since when are most Ubers Saturns and not Priuses (Prii?)?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Definitely not one of your best by a long chalk !!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Well written but a bit offensive

Especially to us Catholics

scipioparkinsscipioparkinsover 6 years ago
Amazing detail!

But that's the problem, you've obviously put a hell of a lot of effort into this, and it shows. But the detail, and the exposition overwhelms the action in the story. The actoon is well-written, but who the hell discusses obscure Christian sects as they're barrelling towards an inter-family incestuous fuck-fest?

Bizarrely the relationships and motivations were okay. I - as a reader - could accept them, but the way they unfolded was so slow. Perhaps less 'talking', and more succinct sentences. I will read more of this, if you write about them.

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