Dad's The Man Ch. 07


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"Harder! Oh, Daddy, fuck me harder! Ma- owww! Ohhhh, god!! Make me cuuummm!"

A minute later, he did. He had to cover my mouth with his hand because I was so loud the neighbours probably would have heard if he didn't, but in the middle of it, I heard his desperate, untimely warning, loud in my ear.

"F-fuck! Ohhh, fuck, I'm gonna cum, swee- Ohhh, ffuck! ... Ahhhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhhh, Ahhhhhh! Oh, shiiiitt! Oh, fuuuuuck!"

I actually felt each shot up inside and, along with my own orgasm, it completed the whole experience in yet another totally unexpected and immensely pleasurable way.

We lay there panting after our moans slowly died, me on top of him, feeling like every light in my head had blown while his arms held me protectively, his cock still inside me.

I suppose he was just taking it in, like I was, the fact that he'd just fucked his own daughter. I bet it was the best sex he ever had, too. Of course, there's no doubt that it was the best sex I ever had. I remember smiling then at how I always figured this act would be the peak, the best I could ever have because it would be my first time, not counting what's-his-face from the Library, but I knew then and there that this was only the beginning. Daddy is mine and I'm his, he'll please me in any way I want and me him.

And well pleased I am. If sucking his cock and having him cum in my face and mouth left me satisfied, what happened last night left me completely satiated in a way I don't think I can describe. Even poor, sore miffy is happy. Everything about me is very happy today.

After a bit, when we'd recovered our bodies, senses and nerve, he pulled me off of him, the feel of his softened member leaving me another unexpected pleasure. He got to his feet, picked me up and carried me to his room without looking at me while I looked up at him, my hands clasped behind his neck. Putting me in his bed, he removed my bikini bra the rest of the way and hopped in behind me, moving straight into my waiting arms and inviting smile.

We just lay there like that, talking, kissing and holding each other for the rest of the evening. You'd probably think I'd be on top of him all night, now that I had free reign, but it wasn't like that in my state of satisfaction. It was like making love without the sexual aspect and it very much contributed to the way I feel today. See, that's a real man.

I woke up on top of him as he lay on his back, both of us naked. This was one of the better little moments of my life, I can assure you. Automatically, as I think all Humans have evolved to do now, I looked at the clock radio.

"Shit! Daddy, wake up, we forgot to set the alarm!"


"You're going to be late for work, go get in the shower, I'm starting your breakfast now!"

I was wearing his T-shirt from the night before when he came out, the old garment not quite covering my southern regions, and I was glad I at least had a chance to do a topical cleanup with a hot facecloth while he was showering. I should always look my best for him, but the important thing was that his breakfast was ready when he came out.

"Okay, I got your lunch ready and I'm taking it out to the truck. I'll start it while I'm out there," I hurriedly said, grabbing his lunchbox and heading for the back door.

"Uhh, kitten?"

"Huh?" I asked, stopping up and looking at him impatiently.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked with a little smirk.

I shook my head slowly, wondering what that could be. His eyes slowly travelled down to my midsection and stopped, his little smirk turning to a smile.

"Oh, shhhhhhit!" I hissed, running for the living room to retrieve my shorts. I tried to put them on while I was running for the back door, tripping and calling out, "I'm okay!" just before I hit the carpet.

"Jeez, kat, slow down," he told me while I scampered past him for the door after ejecting myself from the floor and back to my feet. "It's not that big a deal."

"Being late stresses you," I countered on my way out the door.

Seeing him off a few minutes later, I hurriedly told him, "Have a great day at work, be careful and safe, and I'll suck your cock when you get home, okay Daddy?"

"Oh, my god, you're crazy," he said, shaking his head and smiling down at me. I love the hell outta you, though."

"I love you too. Now, get going, you'll probably still be on time if you luck out with some green lights."

"Alright, alright. Gimmie a kiss and I'm off."

How I love him.



Mar. 10/09

It turned out that Gina and I had a gig last night, so I couldn't make good on my promise of a blowjob for Daddy. Pretty inconvenient, considering how excited I was for him to get home to me, but work's work and that's life.

"You got very good at this very quickly," Gina commented in the elevator after the job was done and we were leaving.


" ... Slutty, I'm not sure we should work together anymore."

"What? Why?"

"Well,... because neither of us likes it. Can I be a little blunt here?" she asked with a careful tone and expression.

"I nodded in reply.

"Okay, well,... Like I said when we met, I like to keep work separate from personal and I'm having a hard time with seeing you dance. Especially knowing that I,... well, I feel responsible. I don't mean to depress you, but you know I never wanted this, no more than your father. Also, I don't like you seeing me dance for much the same reasons."

"I understand," I said, nodding again as the car came to a stop.

She looked relieved, a more confident smile showing before we exited the car and walked through the sparsely populated Hotel lobby with our 'fuck off to Toronto' bags, as Gina called them, full of our work clothes and things.

"Don't feel bad. I'm actually jealous when they look at you and not me." I admitted after we were a few steps out the door and headed for the Vette in the lot.

"Heh,... yeah, I know, it doesn't bother me. I'm not surprised, in fact. I also know that you're holding back in terms of how you'd dance with me around. I know you'd crank it up a notch or two, but you just don't want me there to see."

I only smiled and asked, "Am I that obvious, smutty?"

"Only to me. You know you don't need me anymore anyway, right?"

Horribly, the thought of my new relationship with Daddy overlaid her own meaning to her question. My face dropped to the cold, dark pavement, unable to hold an undisturbed expression, and I stopped a few steps later. Before she could see my face, I dropped my bag and threw my arms around her, right there in the parking lot.

"I don't completely like how things have turned out either, Gina."

She was surprised at this but, after a moment, she dropped her bag and put her arms around me, too, telling me, "Life is never perfect. There's always this one damned thing you'd change if you could. Mostly, you're lucky if it's just one thing."


"Let's go, Kat, it's cold and people are starting to look. They might start thinking we're lesbians, or something," she added with a reassuring humour that was all hers.

"Fuck 'em."

"Nicely put. God, you're so much like your father."

I separated and looked right into her face at this.

"Huh? You think so?"

"You kidding? Come on."

See, that surprised me. I've gotten so used to seeing myself as Sheila's ghost after experiencing everyone else's perspective that this was completely unexpected. Of course, Gina never met Sheila, only me and my Daddy, but it made me see that maybe some of the people I know who met Sheila really never met me. I even went out of my way to exploit my appearance to Daddy, turning his mind that way myself. These were the thoughts in my head as we drove in her car, headed for the house.

"You're depressed now," Gina noted, looking over at me while at a red light.

" ... Maybe just a bit melancholy. It's like the end of an era."

"No,... We haven't even been together that long, this is just a settling in thing."

I forced a smile and nodded, feeling like crap.

"You'll see. We'll do something special this weekend if neither of us works."


We resumed our way when the light turned green, Gina saying, "And I meant what I said earlier, you don't need me anymore. You're really good and Barry knows it because our security attendant doubles as his eyes and ears, you know. That's why you've been getting more work."

"I enjoy it."

"That's easy to see. Just don't get carried away, okay? Remember how we always did it, ask for Hugh, or Carson, or whoever's doing security before you walk in. If you-"

"I know, Gina, I'll be safe."

"And don't get caught up partying with the clients, or the other dancers. Don't get all wasted and out of control, doing things you'll regret. That's how it starts, you know, just the wrong partner, one vodka too many, maybe a joint and the next thing you know you're addicted to meth, or-"

"Gina, I know," I complained gently.

" ... Remember, I'm responsible to your father for you. And I love you."

"I know, I love you too."

After a lull in our conversation, I asked, "Gina,... I hate to bring this up, but it really bothers me."

"Then you should definitely bring it up."

"(sigh) Well, you know how I always said that I don't feel like a lesbian and that I want,... you know."


"Well,... What if I met some man? Mr. Fantasy, or close enough to him? What if I get swept off my feet by everything I ever wanted in a man? What if I end up falling in love with some Mr. Fantasy and hurt you?"

"This again?" she asked lightly, but with a hint of surprise in her tone at hearing it just then. "Like I said, I just don't see that happening and I think I know my lesbo girls at this point."

"Gina, I'm serious. This bothers me more than you know."

"Look, don't go borrowing trouble, okay? Just,... talk to me. You can always talk to me. As long as we're open and honest with each other,... Anyway, I really doubt that'll happen."

"(sigh) I know, you're so sure I'm a lesbian. Gina, you're not even a lesbian."

" ... Uh, excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Slutty,... I'm not saying this to hurt, or diminish you, but while I haven't dated a lot of other women, there have been some before you, a history that pretty much proves that I'm a lesbian."

"Aaron would disagree."

"I-! Oh, come on! I was naive, a full fledged member of the God Squad, what did I know about what I wanted?"

"Seemed pretty sure of yourself that day in the auditorium. Tell me, smutty,... did you wonder if you were turning him on? That need to know that a man is being entertained by-?"

"Oh, stop it," she laughed, brushing the whole thing off while she eyed a pickup truck up ahead that seemed pretty nervous about changing lanes. "People change, Kat. Lots of us carpet munchers never started out this way."

"I find that hard to believe, coming from a woman who has a collection of no less than seven different dildos."

" ... Oh, shit, that doesn't mean anything!" she laughed again. I'm telling you, women do just go lesbian."

"Yeah. Especially young women, girls who are unlucky enough to meet up with someone like Dotty when they're all alone and vulnerable."

There was a longish pause at those words and I wondered if I'd gone too far, but these were things I've always sort of thought about where she was concerned, ever since she told me about her past, and I suppose I was just in that mood.

"I made my own decisions and I stand behind them," she quietly ascertained, her smile gone now as she pressed her foot down, the fleet Vette finally able to dart by the indecisive truck after it found its desired spot in traffic.

"I'd probably have made the same one," I admitted. "I mean, after being so horribly betrayed by two men, one I adored and idealized, the other I loved and trusted implicitly. Then, along comes a savior who you had to depend on, or at least so she said, and reinforces that so she can take advantage for her own benefit."


"Did she put her arms around you and tell you that all men are pigs, that you could only trust a woman, only her at that? Did she tell you that everything depended on her, but that it would all be okay because she loved you, that you could trust her, that she'd take care of you?


"She probably believed it herself. A lesbian working at a woman's shelter? I can only imagine how her perspectives were warped. She probably wasn't a real lesbian either, probably molested the same way she molested you, making you see things her way so she could be validated in her own-"

"KAAAT!! Shut up, God damned you! I know all that!!"

Her sudden shriek almost put me through her roof. I'd definitely gone too far. Waaay too far. I was just getting my heart back down in my chest, suddenly mortified at my treatment of her and at an immediate loss for anything to do, or say when she suddenly pulled the car over to the side. In a pet shop's parking lot, she turned the ignition off and looked out her side window without saying anything.

"Gina,... Oh, please, I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did that. Oh, please,..."

I started to cry.

"Gina, p-please look at me?"

After a moment, she turned, looking at me angrily.

"S-so sorry. I only meant,... I'm so sorry. I swear to God, I'll n-never, ever do it again, please forgive me?" I begged, my tears running faster.

Her eyes looked down, lids blinking as her expression seemed to clear a little, but she still said nothing.

"I,... I had no business. I was ju-just in a stupid mood and what s-started out as concern,... Oh, Gina, p-please, I'm so sorryyy!" I begged, beginning to sob now.

She moved closer and put her arms around me, saying, "It's alright, babes, I accept your apology."

"B-but now you're sorry y-you told m-me about it," I blubbered, feeling like such a worthless little shit for doing that to my beloved Gina. What in hell was I thinking!?

"No, not at all. Come on, babes, it's alright. Look at me."

I somehow managed to do this, sniffling and meeting her eyes.

"It's alright. It,... it's just something that's old and done, is all. It doesn't help me to think about these things."

"No, we'll never talk about it again, I promise."

She seemed to lighten considerably at this, giving me a little smile, however sad before, "Um,... look, can we just drop it?"

I nodded.

"And as your fear of hurting me goes,... Don't let it bother you so much, worrying about what could happen, what hasn't even happened. It's useless. If it really bothers you, we'll talk another time, but not now, alright?"


"This weekend, work permitting."

"This weekend," I agreed, somehow managing a mostly sincere smile.

Daddy had fallen asleep on the couch, his feet up on the coffee table, head leaning to one side in what looked like an uncomfortable manner.

"Daddy,..." I called softly, touching his arm. "Daddy, wake up, you can't sleep here."

"Hmm? Uhh,... Hey, kitten. Ahhh, fuck," he complained, straightening his neck.

"Even worse, if I were a serial killer,... you'd be dead right now."

"Heh- ow."

I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off, standing after to turn out his end table lamp, casting the room in near darkness, save for what the bathroom light could do from down the hall.

"Carry me." He said, his smile in his tone.

"Oh, sure. I'm not in that good shape. Come on, I'm sleeping with you tonight."


"Yeah, but no funny stuff. It's late and I don't want you all tired and careless at work tomorrow."

"Nag, nag, nag."

There was no way I was sleeping alone last night, not feeling the way I felt. Sitting here, writing this in my room five hours later, I know that was a good idea.

Waking up with Daddy is such a nice thing, it feels so right that I can only feel right, despite my worries of last night. I'm about to get started on a shower, some breakfast for myself and a nice outfit to please Daddy with. Then, I'll get him off to work with a good breakfast in his belly and a wholesome lunch to eat at work, just like every good little wifey should do, and I so enjoy doing it, even more so now. I'm so happy that we have each other.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7a10 months ago

Kathleen, possibly by accident, has started to discover her other/ersonality/side. Iwill have to think about what brought on her mental shift( psychologically). I have deducted nothing between Gina and Kathleen activities, train of thought nor physical interaction as to why Kathleen used the proverbial hammer on Gine. 5 star series. PS: I like the way the father initiated sex with Kathleen.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Excellent chapter!

I, of course, liked that dad and daughter did the deed. Kind of surprised at dad's aggressiveness. But I also liked the confrontation between Gina and Kathleen. They are mutually helping each other to understand themselves better based on their respective histories. Just might lead to a reckoning, of sorts. This author is truly creative. 5* -d.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Yay! I can finally click on the damned stars again, lol! It was like the system was broken for a while.

Fuck I am loving this story and how well it flows,how smoothly it reads.

Wtf is slutty gonna do? I cant believe she hasnt told smutty wth she is doing with her dad! This shit is turning into a ticking bomb! Best thing she could do, besides, somehow, getting her dad to fuck her, would be to let her read her diary.

Still really hope we dont wind up with some subplot dealing with slutty and her job :/

pusylvr69pusylvr69over 12 years ago

This is what I became while reading this chapter. OMG, you did so well in turning it around and Dad becoming the one in control. How hot that was, so much that I think I will get my "daddy" to take control tonight!!! Good writing, on to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

this has made me so wet and horny. i masterbated while reading. thx! keep writing stories. u're really good!

elspethsheynaelspethsheynaabout 13 years ago
Excited for more!!

Can't wait for more. So far this is one of the best submissions to that i've ever read. Especially in this category. I love the relationships between john and kat as well as Gina and Kat. I'm waiting on the edge of my seat and super excited to see what happens next!!

ScandinavianScandinavianabout 13 years ago

Really like this series. You obviously have a gift of writing, hope to see more from you in the future ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Award merit

Your awesome story deserves an award, it is that good. Thanks Man, way to go!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Excellent story...please continue with this wonderful relationship between Daddy and Kitten. I love how you write about the sex they enjoy together.

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