Daily Life with Furry Girls Ch. 06


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Crissy fiddled with her skirt. 'It was very good.' she said and Medama agreed.

'Thanks!' Michelle said. 'Actually, we have to thank you for inspiration.'

Crissy raised her eyebrows. 'How so?'

'Because your presentation on media showed us that it helps to keep things interesting by keeping things lively.'

Medama's face turned a little red in shame. 'Thanks?' she said softly.

Crissy looked troubled for a moment. 'Actually, we-'

'They have to get going now.' Guy interrupted. 'I promised a friend to drop them off.'

'Okay. See you later then.' she said smiling and went off with Michelle in search of Cani and Ara.

Guy gave Crissy and Medama a wink. 'No need to tell anyone about a certain mistake, right?'

The girls nodded and smiled a little. 'Arigatou.'

'Let's get going. I have to be back to take them all home.' he said and walked with the girls to his minivan.

During the drive he saw Medama acting nervous. 'Worried where I might take you?' he asked.

'You're not going to drop us off at some weird place?' she asked.

He raised an eyebrow. 'Weird place?'

She fidgeted with her dress. 'Where we have to do dirty things, or dress up..'

He pondered for a moment. 'I guess there will be something dirty on occasion, and you definitely have to dress up.'

'What!?' Crissy said. 'We can't do that!'

'Why not? Plenty of girls your age do that.'

'But! We're not like that!'

He shrugged. 'You can learn.'

The girls looked at each other and expected the worst.

'Ah,' said Guy and parked the car. 'we're here.'

He got out and opened the side door. The girls didn't dare to look at first, then took a quick look. When they realised they were parked in front of the coffee shop they felt confused.

'Come.' Guy said with a tilt of his head and they followed him inside.

Mister Backster saw them coming and greeted them.

'So these are the girls you were talking about?' he asked Guy.

Guy nodded.

Mister Backster smiled at the girls. 'They're so cute indeed.' he said. 'Have you ever waited tables before?'

'Waited tables?' Crissy asked.

'Well, no worries. I'm sure you'll learn. And you'll look fabulous in uniform.'

'Uniform?' Medama asked.

Guy gestured at one of the waitresses. 'Mika and Esther will quit when college starts but it should be enough time to learn the ropes from them.'

Crissy looked baffled at Guy. 'You intended for us to become waitresses here.'

He looked at her raising an eyebrow. 'Did you have something else in mind?'

She felt embarrassed until mister Backster urged them to the back to try on the uniform.

Just before they went in the girls turned to look at Guy, thanked him silently, then stuck out their tongs.

He laughed and went back to school to pick up the girls.


Mami woke up but couldn't see a thing. She checked her face and removed Cani's arm from her eyes.

'Right.' she said to herself. 'I'm back.'

'Welcome home.' Guy whispered.

She looked up at Guy's face. 'Thanks.' she said and laid her head back on his shoulder. 'I guess it wasn't a dream that I got drafted in a certain pervert's harem.'

He caressed her head and ear. 'Life sentence.'

She stroked his chest. 'Bummer.'

'I'm glad you're back.'

'I bet you enjoy having a princess in your clutches.'

'What princess? All I see is a very cute and sweet girl.'

She sighed. 'You're incorrigible.' she said and pushed herself up to kiss him.

'Looks like someone's in denial.' Ara said after they finished their long kiss.

'I'm entitled to contradict myself. I'm royalty.' she said and stuck out her tongue a bit. 'Aren't you denying you're good looking?'

Ara fiddled with her fingers on Guy's chest. 'Not so much anymore.' she muttered.

'I try my best to show her how good she looks.' Guy said and kissed Ara's head.

'It's working.' she said with a little grin and kissed him.

'Hey!' said Cani. 'Us girls who have no self-esteem issues also want to be reminded.'

Guy laughed. 'I'll remind you as much as you want.' he said and kissed her.

After the other girls had woken up and had their morning kisses too they got ready for the day.

'I'm bringing Mami to her job this morning.' Guy said during breakfast. 'We still have to take care of train passes and the formalities there.'

Feli nodded. 'We have to get back to our reports and diaries anyway since we haven't had the time lately.'

Cani, Feli, Avia and Ara wished Mami good luck with her job when she left with Guy.

They walked over to the local train station where Guy helped Mami fill out the form for her train pass. While they waited for the train Guy saw her looking at him.

'Is it okay to hold your hand?' she asked.

He smiled and took hers. 'Why wouldn't it?'

'Because people might think it's strange. Either because they know who I am, or because I do look like a little girl to most.'

'Then they would only think that of me. And I don't care as long as you want to hold me so don't you dare to worry about that.'

She smiled and leaned against him.

At the amusement park they walked into the director's room who got up from his chair. 'Your highn-' he said but Mami pressed her finger against her mouth.

'I'm just Mami, a former thief who's on her way to better her life.'

He nodded and handed her her contract for part-time work which she signed. 'Either way, good luck on your first day here.' he said cheerfully.

'Thank you, director. I'll do my best.' she said with a quick bow.

Guy stayed while she got her uniform fitted and when she showed him he took a picture of her to show the others.

'Good luck today. We'll see you when you get back tonight.' Guy said.

'Thanks. See you tonight.' she said and pulled him down for a quick kiss.

'So, not only do you know how to steal a man's wallet, but also his heart.' a girl wearing the same guide uniform said after Guy had left the staff room.

Mami looked back embarrassed because she thought no-one had seen it. 'I..'

Another girl showed herself and leaned closer smiling. 'We have an after work drink in a few days with the staff, so you had better tell us all about it then. No girl here gets to hide their lover. Especially in this case of bad girl and good guy getting together.' she said and held out her hand. 'I'm Janine, this is Ju-Oh. Welcome to the club. Let's show you what we do.'

Mami nodded and shook their hands. 'I'm in your care.'


'So, would you mind?' Mami asked Guy when she came back home.

'Pick you up afterwards? Not at all.' he said. 'I don't like for you to have to wait at the station for the night train all alone.'

'Arigatou.' she said and hugged him.

He stroked her head. 'I know you're a tough cookie, but if I can save you some trouble I will.'

So it was that Guy drove the minivan late in the evening to the park a few days later. It rained lightly and the street was empty. He had turned on his collection of favourite music and sang softly along with it until he felt the car drifting to the side. He slowed down and noticed the reaction on the steering wheel.

'Shit.' he said and stopped.

A moment later he was looking at a flat tire.

'Great.' he said and took out his phone.

'So, was that him?' asked Janine after Mami hung up and came back to the table where the last of the staff was drinking.

Mami nodded. 'He told me he'd be later. Flat tire.'

'Let me guess, he wanted to make sure you didn't have to wait in the rain?'

'I don't want him to go to all that trouble for me though..'

Janine pondered for a moment, then called for Ju-oh.

Guy had just taken off the flat tire and wiped the rain from his brow. He looked up and down the street again but still nothing more than wet asphalt and the glowing lines embedded in it. For a moment he thought he saw a large shadow crossing the lines but figured it must have been because of the rain.

'No time for childish fears.' he told himself and continued with attaching the spare tire.

He had barely screwed on the nuts when he heard something breathing behind him. He quickly turned around to see what it was but saw nothing on the road. He did see something in the darkness beyond the glow of the road lines though. Something that made that breathing sound.

He kept looking at the different shade of black while picking up the spanner slowly.

'Staayy.' he whispered. 'Just stay there and be a good boy.' he said and tried to tighten the nuts behind his back.

The rain came down a little more. He couldn't tighten the nuts a lot but he figured it would have to hold long enough to get away.

The thing let out a short burst of air. He could see the raindrops getting blown away. He trembled as he carefully lowered the jack. He didn't dare to look away. If it tried to attack him he'd have to see it happening instantly.

Guy tensed as a black clawed paw moved across the outer line.

A burst of light stopped it and it pulled away immediately. Guy couldn't get a good look at it but heard it rush away through the bushes and he sat down on the road.

The headlights dimmed again when the car came closer and eventually stopped next to him.

'Honey?' said Mami as she stepped out and saw him leaning back against the car.

Guy explained what happened to Mami and the two girls who gave her a ride.

'What could it have been?' Ju-oh asked peering around into the darkness.

'Probably a dog gone wild or something.' Janine said as she handed Guy the bottle of water she kept in the car.

'Thanks.' he said and drank some to calm down.

Mami carefully moved to the spot where he'd seen it and sniffed the air.

'Can you smell anything?' he asked.

'I don't know. Something faintly familiar.' she said and backed away.

He wiped the rain from his face and his hair. 'Let's go back. I'll inform the authorities tomorrow there might be something wild going around.'

She nodded and he took a few deep breaths before standing up.

'Arigatou.' he said as he returned the bottle to Janine.

'No problem.' she said. 'We just didn't want to miss the opportunity to get a good look at the one who captured the heart of our bad little mouse.'

He blushed. 'I didn't really..'

'Guys!' Mami said and the girls sniggered.

Janine shook his hand. 'I'm Janine, this is Ju-oh.' she said and gestured at Ju-oh who nodded once. 'We've been pestering Mami about you two but she only revealed little.'

He smiled a little. 'I'm not going to say more than she's willing to tell herself.'

Ju-oh nudged Mami. 'So he's not only a gentleman, but now we know it's serious.' she said with a smirk.

'Guy!?' Mami said looking desperately at him.

He held up his hands. 'Gomen. I have no idea what to say.'

Janine took Guy by his arm. 'We approve. As long as you know how precious she is.'

He looked at Mami and smiled. 'I know she's precious.'

Mami pushed the sniggering girls into the car after they'd hugged Guy goodbye.

'Get home quickly.' Janine said after rolling down her window.

'You too.' Mami said. 'I'll see you at the next shift.'

They drove back and Mami got in the car. Guy joined her after finishing exchanging the tire and putting the tools away.

'It really scared you?' she asked as he turned the car and drove home.

'Shitless.' he grinned.

She laid her hand on his hand which rested on the gear shift.

'I was so glad you came.' he said.

'They didn't want to wait any longer to meet you.' she said smiling softly. 'So they proposed to meet you on the way.'

'They seem like good friends.'

She nodded. 'They just take me for who I am. Poke a little fun at me for having been a thief, but they support me.'

He turned his hand to take hers and smiled. 'I'm glad to hear things go well for you.'

At home he parked the car and asked Mami to take up the couple of shopping bags he got before picking her up while he put away the tools and flat tire. He had just finished and closed the back door of the car when he felt a shiver down his spine.

He turned around and looked at the dark alley behind the stairs. 'You again.' he said softly.

The breathing sound answered his suspicion.

'You're targeting me?' Guy asked while fear tried to get a hold of him.

A low grunt.

'Do you have something against me?'

Another grunt.

'Did I do something to you!?'

This time Guy only heard the breathing and thought he saw glistening eyes.

'Tell me! Either tell me or stop hiding and fight me!' Guy shouted.

The thing growled loud and jumped from the shadows at him, all claws and fangs.

Then it got hit on the head.

'Tobias! Behave!'

Guy looked at the blonde young woman holding a rolled up newspaper next to the pile of black fur on the ground. 'Gomen. He's a bit stubborn.' she said with an apologetic smile.

Guy watched Cani chew out her brother at the back of the living room.

'Gomen.' the young woman said. 'He wouldn't listen to reason and went off on his own. It seems he just can't accept his little sister living with a human man.'

'I think I can understand, miss?' Guy said.

'Natalie.' she said and extended her hand. 'I live with Cani's family as part of the human side of the exchange.'

'Guy.' he said and shook her hand.

'I figured he went after you after he disappeared from home so I came here to see Cani. We were just talking about it when she could sense his presence. The rest you know.'

He nodded. 'So he doesn't like humans.'

Tobias's ears pricked up and he glared at Guy. 'I just don't like you!' he growled.

Guy looked confused at him. 'Why me!?'

'Because!' he said and got hit in the head by Cani.

'He thinks human men are too weak for the women of his own species after he got word of your relationship with Cani.' Natalie said.

Guy sighed. 'All right.' he said and sat down on his haunches in front of Tobias. 'I understand. You're worried about your sister's happiness. If you really want to test me I will fight you if you think that proves it. I'm not strong, but I will do anything to prove I love her, or any one of them.'

Tobias glared at him. 'You'll give her up when you lose?'

Guy shook his head. 'Nope.'

Tobias looked dumbfounded at Guy. 'But you've lost!?'

Guy nodded. 'Still won't make me give up on that wonderful girl.'


'Strength has nothing to do with how much I love her.' he said as Cani wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

'He's the one and I don't care what anyone else thinks.' Cani said.

Natalie scratched under Tobias's jaw. 'See? It's not only about physical strength.'

Tobias growled and gave in. 'Fine. But if I hear anything about making her sad I will kill you.'

Guy extended his hand. 'If I do that I volunteer to be shredded to pieces by you.'

'Be good a boy now.' Natalie whispered in Tobias's ear.'

He relaxed a little and shook Guy's hand.

'If it's any consolation we'll beat Guy up first.' Feli said as she leaned against Guy.

'We're five against one, so he doesn't have any chance anyway.' Cani said grinning.

Tobias sighed. 'Okay then.'

'So, what's with you and Natalie?' Ara asked him.

'Oh, that's simple.' Natalie said and kissed Tobias passionately.

After she let go he just looked up dreamily and wagged his tail slowly.

'He was so stubborn when I had arrived.' Natalie said. 'Especially after hearing his sister ended up living with a human male. He kept going on about how mates had to be strong and not naked apes. I thought it was so cute and teased him with my naked body.'

'You did what!?' said Mami.

Natalie nodded. 'At first it was just meant as a joke, but then one day I wanted to tease him in the bath and got real close to him.' she said and blushed.

Cani looked at her brother.

'What!?' he said and looked away. 'It felt so good to be hugged by her..'

Guy sniggered. 'I guess you're in the same boat as me. Although it sounds you've gone farther over the edge than me.'

Tobias looked back in shock. 'You haven't!?'

He shook his head. 'There are many things to consider. Until that has been sorted out..'

Tobias quickly hugged him. 'You're a good human.'

The next day they all had breakfast together after Guy had invited Natalie and Tobias to spend the night.

'So, have you thought about marriage?' Avia asked Natalie.

Natalie nodded with a big smile and leaned against an embarrassed Tobias.

'It's just that it's going to be such a special moment in our history.' Tobias said.

'Nerves.' Natalie said squeezing Tobias's hand and grinned at him.

Cani hugged them both from behind. 'Only you matter.'

Mami nodded glancing at Guy. 'It's a personal choice, whatever anyone else may think or say.'

After breakfast they all went downstairs to see Natalie and Tobias off.

Guy shook Tobias's hand firmly. 'I guess us guys are in the same boat everywhere.' Tobias said.

'Yeah.' Guy said. 'Congratulations and good luck with Natalie.'

Cani hugged Natalie. 'Take care of my brother.'

Natalie blushed a little. 'I'm never going to let that big plush animal go.'

They all waved when the taxi drove off with Natalie and Tobias to the airport.

'I think they'll be happy together.' Feli said, smiling softly.

Cani nodded. 'He was always good to others, even if he pretends otherwise.'

Mami looked at Guy staring into the distance. 'You okay?'

He nodded. 'I guess we need to talk.'

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SciFurzSciFurzalmost 7 years agoAuthor
@ visionary anonymous

I hadn't planned on anything like that but now I might just have to let that happen, so be prepared to get the blame and get glared at by the girls. :-p

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

ok I can just see him hugging the porcupine from behind and having to ask the girls to get the quills out of him....

SciFurzSciFurzalmost 7 years agoAuthor
@ anonymous without a name

Honestly, I have no idea. :-p

I'll find out as soon as I start writing the chapters with a feline female and a porcupine male that I have planned.

I thought Tobias was a fitting name for him since it sounded doggy enough to me. ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

i wonder if the pattern of naming will continue as it has so far. or better yet how many more animal related words/names are there than be shortened lol. not being critical, but out of all the nonhuman characters only 1 has had an actual name and he can't call a human weak after he got the crap beaten out of him with a newspaper.

SciFurzSciFurzalmost 7 years agoAuthor
@ returning anonymous

I had that a few times too, all the more exciting to start reading a story again. :-)

The series is definitely continuing and currently at chapter 14 on Patreon, the first 10 chapters are published as the first volume to make it a bite sized 40000 words, and I published the last edited chapter 12 yesterday for those who like to support me and to read the latest as soon as they can. :-)

I'm not sure if there will be a single ebook with everything though since I have no end planned for the series. The best I could do is a special ebook download on Patreon.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Refound a keeper. Love this story😀

I read this when there were only two chapters, and really enjoyed them, but moved on and forgot about them. I just refound the story and read all six chapters today. I most sincerely hope this story will continue and eventually be bound together into a single ebook and self published so I can keep it and read it over and over.

SciFurzSciFurzalmost 7 years agoAuthor
@ UltimateHomeBody

It's something different all together. :-)

An upcoming chapter in volume 2 will explain how the species came into contact since I read about a recent scientific hypothesis which is perfect for this.

Most of the world is normal for the characters and that is how things are presented. The explanation of things different from the real world I plan to integrate into the chapters as casually as possible so it will not seem like it's new to the characters themselves (at most just showing the inner workings which they've not seen before).

SciFurzSciFurzalmost 7 years agoAuthor
@ Anonymous-E

Some species just can't get rid of their genetic behavior. :-p

Yeah, the marriage. That is going to become interesting indeed. *knowing smile*

I have no real measurements on the girls (yet), but Guy is average height, Feli and Ara as tall as him, Cani and Avia an inch or two shorter, and Mami goes up to his chin.

Ara when stretching her legs fully would be about one head taller, standing only on her last two pair of legs a lot more. :-)

SciFurzSciFurzalmost 7 years agoAuthor
@ tjb50cal

More chapters coming up, 11 is already published and I've got 12 and 13 on Patreon, hoping to add at least one more chapter a week until I have 10 to make up volume 2.

SciFurzSciFurzalmost 7 years agoAuthor
@ reviewing anonymous

Thanks. :-)

I didn't want to use this chapter for world building since that would have made it too big involving the different species. Focus here was on the events at the presentation.

Chapters are coming which will reveal more about the world bit by bit, the biggest one a historical one to explain how the species met, but I'll build up the world slowly by focussing on one aspect each time (most under the great excuse of teaching the girls about human culture and history).

Do you mean scenes within chapters or between chapters? The chapters are more set up as seperate episodes so there's often no real transistion there.

But there are indeed some elements which need more work, and I have done some more editing and bits or rewriting in the meantime and updated the published volume 1 with it. More will follow probably as things get influenced when more chapters are written.

And that's the good thing with ebooks, I can update them instantly. :-) And have done with several.

For now the main thing for me is building up readership because writing/drawing is my only source of income now. When it makes a steady paycheck I can take more time to revisit and rework what I've done so far and I already have things in mind for that.

And then I can also update the various chapters that I've posted online.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyalmost 7 years ago
Liking, but confused

I originally thought they were from other planets, but seems they all come from this fantasy version of earth? Just confused. At least the characters seem to know what to do, just have to ensure we get told.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
from Anonymous-E

Both cute and funny. As least Cani showed more canine style when it comes to snacks. But she has to wait for it. So cute and funny. And then her brother show up with a human girlfriend and they talk about marriage. That will be interesting on Guy's part.

One question: How tall are each girl (in feet)?

tjb50caltjb50calalmost 7 years ago

keep this story series going please, always looking forward to much more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

This is an amazing story and I just love it ( I had posted the comment on your first chapter about no introduction and guys name)

But now that you are in a few chapter I want to see this story improve like I feel that you do not write much about the behind the scenes sort of thing like world building like you could have used this chapter for the world building.

Also I feel the scenes change around a bit abruptly so if you could put in better transition I would work great

To me this series feels a bit unpolished and it is great as it is currently but I hope for some improvement

I understand you might be having time constraints and maybe also you want to put out more chapters quickly, but I just feel like this series can be so much better than it is.

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