Damned If You Do


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Heart on fire - my heart was on fire. Burning pain cutting through me as her tortured confession spilled out on my chest. I felt a surge of anger, unreasonable anger, splinter through my body as I tried my best to stay still. I almost succeeded.

Drew pulled away, fear in her eyes. She backed up three steps, hands out towards me as if to push me away, yet draw me near at the same time. Tortured fear in her eyes as her confession burned through my soul.

"Matt, I'm sorry. It's the truth though. I see it now, so clearly. I was so worked up and turned on I was allowing my self to get closer and closer to that edge. If you had been two hours later you'd have seen me, probably, more likely than not over there with them."

"Why? Drew, why tell me this? Do you want to divorce me? Do you want them that bad? I have to believe that you wouldn't have done that Drew. Please tell me that you really wouldn't have done that?"

"I... I can't Matthew. I don't know what would have happened, but I can't truthfully say I wouldn't have ended up over at Gloria's today..."

"Then - what are you saying Drew? Are we finished?"

"NO... I... I Love you Matthew, so much, yet I did what I did. I thought about what I was doing and about them. Then you found me like that. I don't understand it, but I was about to cheat on you and I have no good reason to do that. None at all."

"Drew we can work through this. We can go to counseling, anything. Please. I love you. You didn't cheat on me, on us. What you did do is bad, but not bad enough to cause me to walk away from you. I still love you Drew."

"How can you love me after seeing me like that? I allowed them to see me like that? How can you stand there and tell me you love me after all this?"

"How can I not?"


"Drew, I love you now, I loved you yesterday, I loved you a year ago, I've loved you ever since we first met. How can I not love you now?"

"After what you saw me doing, you can love me?"

"What you were doing wasn't the best thing a husband could see his wife do in front of other men, but it wasn't the worst thing either. I mean I didn't find you over there joining in with them."

"It was just a matter of time though Matt. I know that now."

"But you didn't. I think with some help, we can work through this. Of course, I can't see you and Gloria remaining friends after this. I'd not be comfortable with that at all, but even then, who your friends are is your business. As long as your friends don't put you into situations like Gloria has."

"How can you still love me Matt? I almost cheated on you. Matter of fact the only reason I probably didn't was due to your showing up like you did."

"My mind is too messed up right now to answer that Drew. Just answer me this, do you still love me? Am I still the number one man in your heart? In your head?"

"YES. You are the only man in my heart or my head. I know that for certain."

"Then we just need to work this all out. Maybe see a doctor or counselor for a while. We'll work through this together. You and me."

I felt I had to explain my thoughts to her now.

"Seeing them and their interacting with you like they were doing drew you into their little circle. It wasn't just you, anyone could have been drawn into it at that moment in time. Later, like you, they would have felt really bad, but in the lust of the moment..."

"I'm sorry Matt. I really am."

"Let it go Drew. We need to work through this, but that isn't going to happen tonight or this week for that matter. I love you, you love me. Let's just work on that for now... okay?"

Drew ran to my open arms and I hugged her close. While holding her I felt her shaking as she cried some more.

"What now honey?"

"I came so close Matt. I almost threw it all away for a few moments of gratification. That scares me so much it isn't funny."

"Well, just so you know that you aren't the only one with these feelings. That first time I saw them, Gloria, Hal and Pete, I was tempted for a bit. I had thought a bit one time or another about her that way. That's probably why I'm so upset. I saw in your eyes what I had felt that day and it scared me."

Drew pulled back and searched my eyes. I saw some anger or jealousy for a moment, then recognition of what I said about being scared too. As tears flowed from her eyes, she smiled and pressed her lips to mine.

"I'll only ever be yours Matt... I promise you that."

"I'll only be yours too Drew. Promise."

"I know."

Dragging my little secret out had been necessary. I knew that if Drew felt it had all been her alone, and that I'd been above it all, she'd feel guilty for a long time. She didn't deserve that. I had thought that day if only for a moment, what it'd be like to be in Gloria like those guys had been. I suppose it was a natural thought process in some ways but nonetheless, I had been tempted myself.

We slept that night spooned up to each other. Drew never let go of me the whole night. Always her hand was on my body some how, some way. We didn't have sex we just cuddled and held each other close. Our marriage had been shaken to its foundations, but we slept together and touched each other all night.

I know now that our touching like we were was our inner beings re-inventing our love for each other. We were reassuring each other that we still loved each other through our touch. Our touching also helped us to remember that we were there for each other, still.

The next morning I called into work and took the day off. While they weren't exactly happy about the sudden day off on my part, I was able to let my boss know without saying too much, that a lot depended on my having the time off.

I made breakfast for Drew and myself, and as I was finishing up the eggs, she showed up at the table.

"Morning cupcake."

"Morning. Are you still mad at me?"

"Drew, I thought we went over that last night, no I'm not mad at you. I was scared last night but now I'm just glad that you're here with me."

She ran to me putting her arms around my body tightly. Her head buried in my chest I felt hot wet tears soaking through my Tee shirt.

"Hey, what's this all about anyway?"

"I just love you so much Matt... and I almost lost you."

'You never almost lost me Drew. Upset me, yes, lost me no."

"I need to talk to someone about this. We need to talk to someone about this. This has been a biggie."

"Yeah. A real bit more of a biggie than usual, that's for sure. So, do you have any ideas on who to call?"

"We'll call someone that's for sure. Lets look someone up in the yellow pages after breakfast, okay?"

"Sounds like a plan honey. Lets eat."

This all happened a few years ago now. We've been up and down with it, but we're still together. In fact we're more careful to let each other know our thoughts now. We share pretty much everything with each other. That includes thoughts and fantasies.

Gloria? Jim finally came home one day and caught her. He kicked her out and almost killed the three men with her. The cops came and calmed things down though. Jim never knew that we had known about it. He moved away a little while after their divorce. Gloria found out about what she'd tossed away too. Too late though.

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StubbyoneStubbyoneabout 1 month ago

Wow. Incredibly long and drawn out. Every scene turned in to a novel. Drew’s disbelief of her husband when he related the 4-way next door was not believable. To think her husband would or could make up such a story was not realistic. Sorry, only a generous 3. No smiles.

Harvey8910Harvey89104 months ago

This was a great story. Close call for Matt and Drew. It was a good thing that Matt got home when he did. Drew would have been fucking those men if he had not. The end result of this was Drew learned some things about herself that she did not like and they went to counseling together to overcome those impediments to their marriage. They continue to work on their marriage every day. Gloria was caught cheating by Jim and he divorced her and he moved away to begin life anew. Gloria realized what she lost in Jim but it was too late by the time she realized it. Great story. 5 stars for sure.!!!! I thought about it and concluded that if my wife was cheating on me, I would want to be told about it. I do not believe that you are damned if you tell someone that their spouse is cheating and you are damned if you don’t tell them. I would have been happy to hear it and I would have taken corrective action from there. Very thought-provoking story.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The slippery slope is oh so slippery once you put a foot on it. He now knows that even his perfect wife is mortal and can be tempted.

Gloria would be an ever present danger. He could and should have anonymously tipped Jim off the next day as every day she remained next door there would be the possibility of her pulling Drew back into her game.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

He should have forced her to choose between her friend and her him.

Because if she doesn't choose right, she can't be trusted.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

"I'll only ever be yours Matt... I promise you that."

You promised him that when you got married. Did you forget that when you went over to Gloria's? She sure says that now because she got caught. Jim was too quick to forgive and to lenient with Drew and her bad decisions and bad behavior. She was an active participant just waiting to get double-teamed once they were with Gloria.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

He was right to forgive her. He was terribly wrong—and wimpy—to forgive her so easily.

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 2 years ago

"Look Matt, I won't do anything like those things Gloria has done, if that makes any difference to you. "Look Matt, I won't do anything like those things Gloria has done, if that makes any difference to you. I love you and I can only love you. I can only make love to the person I love and that's you totally. Please Matt, don't worry about this. I'm not sure how I'll handle it all, but you don't have to worry about me. Okay?". I can only make love to the person I love and that's you totally. Please Matt, don't worry about this. I'm not sure how I'll handle it all, but you don't have to worry about me. Okay?" BAMB CHEATERS CONFESSION

having sex with someone else isnt making love. she can only make love to him but who can she fuck. lol u hear a spouse say this start spying

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

interesting cheating concept. would have told Jim asap. Drew and Matt are so naive

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story,but you made Mathew an ass hole by him not telling Jim about his wife. In fact he would have saved the scenario that went down with his wifes' participation in it if he had gotten a hold of Jim right away.. NO excuse for him not informing not only Jim but the wives whom husbands where involved..To bad he came home a day early,by not informing Jim he deserved to come home to see Drew participating in the group sex.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Great story, but Gloria should have suffered much more for her actions. Drew was far from innocent and he was much too understanding with her.

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveabout 3 years ago

Lust is a powerful thing, and these days, I imagine that most marriages face temptation at one time or another. As for the seed being planted, it probably was, but today seeds get planted everywhere with the way society is today. Television, movies, porn, strip clubs, erotica, night clubs, drugs, and people who don't care if they ruin marriages and lives all bombard the marital bond between two human beings. Arousal happens, it is a function that is out of our control. The only way to escape is to turn and run but it will still be in your mind, and you can't erase the memory (yet). Drew didn't do the act only because fate stepped in. The intent was there but if you punish someone for what they think or desire, then there is not one person on this planet that is compatible. Matt should have told Jim, that is a no-brainer. And (take notice male readers) he also should have dragged Gloria out by her hair at the end while putting her life on notice should she come between their marriage. She is a cancer in this world. Drew's reaction towards her husband early on when Matt first discovered Gloria's gang-bang was bullshit. It kind of pissed me off but it was nothing compared to her dildo exhibition. She is lucky to still have Matt's love and she now knows it. They will be fine.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

good story. just a bit unbelievable, no man can be a wimp like Mathew, trying to make excuses to ease her guilt. He is also an asshole for not informing Jim of his wifes' activities. I Just bet Mathew would be happy if the shoe was on the other foot. In real life if Jim knew that Mathew knew what was going on and never informed him he would have considered Mathew just as guilty and maybe made him pay the price also. : to author, believability makes a story more enjoyable. I dare say no husband reading this story would have let what happened go that easily, especially after her admitting what he already knew would have happened had Mathew not showed up. also no man with integrity would not have a talk with Glorias' husband. but then I am not of this generation, but old school

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

"Morning cupcake."

"Morning. Are you still mad at me?"

"Drew, I thought we went over that last night, no I'm not mad at you."

( I mean what is left to say about your best friend doing gang bangs and cheating on her husband and the fact that you were masturbating in public and about to join them? Can't think of a thing worth mentioning, sugar pumpkin, honey snookums. Here try this cheese omelette with ranchero sauce. Its almost as delicious as you. What is interesting though is the sale their having at Costco right now)

She needs to move on to a true life partner that has the minimum fortitude needed to complete a meaningful conversation.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Dump her.

She's too flighty and has backbone of a wet noodle. 0

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Here cucky cucky

Here whimpy cucky.. I have your spine.. Would you like Me To Trower it and you to Fechner it to Your Wife? Here cucky cucky..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Once those seeds are planted

It's almost impossible to prevent them from taking root and growing. That curiosity will always be in the back of her mind,"What does it feel like". I don't think she will ever act on it, but that curiosity and longing will always be there, eating at her. She can't unsee what she saw, she can't unfeel what she felt, she cannot unwant what she wanted. Whether they like it or not, they are both now forever changed, and they can olny learn to deal with that.

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