Dark as Daylight Ch. 15


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"Good, because you have 5 more in the back, in different colors. Leave the blouse on, and try on the slacks."

The slacks were a little darker than the blouse, but you could tell they were a set. The zipper was on the side, and there were belt loops available.

"Your seamstresses are absolutely amazing. The slacks are perfect."

"Excellent, now here is what you are going to do. Except for your work clothes, you are going to give all the clothes you consider going out to dinner, or out with your boyfriend, to charity.

Clothes will be delivered to your apartment by a delivery service. They are licensed, bonded and insured. One of Williams people will be with them. You do not have to be home, because they will have a key to your apartment.

Everything from socks to hats, if you wear one, had better be gone within 2 weeks. If the service is directed to clean out your clothing, you won't recognize your armoire or closet when you get back to New York. Undergarments and everything else in your apartment will be new. There will be no arguing. I have my orders. They have their orders. And all orders come down from the top."

"Does egghead have his tuxedo yet?"

"I don't know what he's been doing. I've been here with you."

"Call him, and see what he's been doing beside playing with himself."

"I told him he wasn't allowed to do that today."

"Does he always listen to you?"

"He does, unless he wants the shit beaten out of him."

"From the tone of your voice, I can tell you mean what you say."

"A friend won almost $250,000 betting on me beating him up."

"Explosives do come in small packages. Call him."


"Hello Joe, it's me. I think we are finished here. What have you been doing all day?"

"I'm happy you called now baby. Ten minutes ago, one of the girls might have answered. I've been partying all morning and afternoon, practicing for you tonight."

"I'm very happy to hear you had fun today. When I get to the room, I'm going to plaster the walls with your blood. Did you make arrangements for your tuxedo?"

"If I'm going to be dead what do I need with the tuxedo?"

"I didn't say you were going to be dead, I said you were going to be bleeding, profusely."

She hung up on him, and waited.

Carolina asked, "Do you two do this all the time?"

"It's foreplay. My phone will ring in a moment."

30 seconds later it rang.

"Are you going to apologize or am I going to hang up again?"

"You are getting much too good at this game of ours."

"You promised not to have any other women in your life except me. Do you remember?"

"I was the one who said it to you. I said it to you, without you badgering me about it. I told you I only wanted you, but you keep throwing these roadblocks between us. Where is my ring? I got you your ring. What is my last name? You won't let me change your last name until you catch this bastard. I so want you, every bit of you. I can't wait to have you as my wife so we can stop arguing over the little things."

"Did you get your tuxedo?"

"I was going nutty staying in the room, so I asked the concierge where I could get a top-notch mohair tuxedo. He gave me 3 choices, and guaranteed me all 3 were the best in the area. I read all 3, and their reviews, and chose one. He called the store, set up an appointment for me, and had the hotel limousine take me there. My tuxedo will be ready by 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"You are such a good boy; I think I'll marry you twice."

"Wasn't that our original plan?"

"I think so."

"When are you going to get back here?"

"I should be back within the hour."

"If you are, we can fit 1 or 2 in."

"Turn down the bed, and heat up the hot tub, I'm thinking of you already."

"I've been thinking about you all day. Come home."


As they were packing up everything Laura cursed.

"That idiot of mine didn't tell me what room we're in."

"Did you ask him what room you are in?"

"What difference does that make? He told me to come home, but didn't tell me where home was."

"Maybe you should call him."

"You're a genius."


"I'm turning down the bed now Laura; what do you want?"

"I want to know what room that bed is in asshole."

"Do you remember the piece of paper I gave you with our complete itinerary on it? It had our flight numbers, hotel rooms, our return flight numbers, our hotel room when we returned, and everything else we needed to know. Where is that piece of paper Laura?"

"It's in my pocketbook."

"That's what I figured. We are in suite 2016. Do you think you can remember that?"

"Yes dear, I'm on my way. Don't be angry with me, I've had a long, tiring day."

"Just get home to me safely, okay?"



The chauffeur put everything on the cart at the hotel, and said something to the valet. They shook hands and Laura took the lead. When they reached the suite, she knocked on the door.

Joe opened the door, naked.

The valet said, "Very nice sir, but I'm working. Can I take a raincheck?"

"You will have to ask my wife about it. I'm not allowed to touch women, but she never said anything about men."

"Joseph get inside and put a robe on."

"I think that means no."

The valet refused a tip and left the room quickly.

"What the hell did you buy, the entire store?"

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Yes, it is 3:15 PM."

"At 4:15 PM, we have to stop playing, and start getting dressed to go to Zabo's home. That gives us one hour, and you better be damn good between now and then. I am absolutely fried.

Carolina is a wonderful woman, for a drill sergeant. She wants what she wants, and she wants it yesterday. You can't say no to her, just like you can't say no to William. She received her orders from him, and she follows them.

Bed now Joseph, I need help unwinding. "Oh, Don't you dare touch my hair!"

"Come to me darling, I'll lead you to greener pastures."

They should have left the wake up call.


"Dammit Joseph, it's 5:10 P.M. we will never get there on time."

"Yes we will. Do you want to take a shower or bath?"

"I'd better take a bath."

"You take your bath. By the time you get out of the bath, I will have taken a cold shower, so I don't steam up the bathroom, shaved and done all the stuff I need do. The bathroom will be yours, and you will have plenty of time. What are you wearing to Zabo's?"

"There is a new green outfit; slacks and a blouse. Carolina's staff made it for me."

"Okay, I will lay them out for you."


They were walking out the lobby at 5:35 PM, when the limousine pulled forward, and the chauffeur opened the door for them.

"Do you get any time off?"

"Yes I do. If you would get in please, we are running a few minutes late."

"I'm sorry, it was my fault. I forgot to leave a wake-up call."

"Shit happens."

They drove up Park Avenue to 82nd St. and turned left towards 5th Avenue. As they neared the end of the street, 3 men removed parking cones and directed the limousine into the space.

Laura said, "He even has his own parking police."

"Hello Miss Burkart, Mister Constantine, are either one of you carry a weapon?"

"George, you know damn well I am, and you know damn well you can't have it."

"Why do you always have to make my day harder than it is?"

"Oh, she does that to you too?"

"I swear Joseph, if you start in on me here, there will be blood all over the street."

"I was just commiserating with a kindred spirit."

"Continue going on that way, and you will be a spirit."

"Alfonse said it's okay for you to carry your weapon Miss Burkart."

"He knew he didn't have a choice. I either carry my weapon, or I go back to the hotel."

"Miss Burkart, I believe you are the only person I've ever met who would defy Mister Zabo."

"I'm not defying him. I just play on equal ground with him."

"Turn off the alarms, we don't want to wake up the neighborhood."

"How many alarms are there?"

"6; 3 metal, 2 chemical and 1 radiation."

"He has them all covered."

"If you can afford it, wouldn't you?"

"Alfonse wants you inside now, please."

The main door opened, and a man in a very sharp, expensive suit greeted them.

"Good evening Miss Burkart, Mister Constantine; Mister and Mrs. Zabo will be down in one moment. Would you please make yourself comfortable in the library? My name is Alfonse. I am head of security for Mister Zabo. If you need anything, please ask for me, and I will make sure you have it."

"Thank you Alfonse, I believe we met one time before."

"You have an excellent memory Miss Burkart. We met, very briefly, on your first visit here. This is the library, please make yourself comfortable."

"Not too shabby a place, is it Laura?"

"I've been here before Joe. I try not to be impressed, but it doesn't work. All these books are first editions, and the bastard has read each and every one of them."

"What's the sense of having a book if you are not going to read it, Laura?"

"You know I hate when you do that to me Mister Zabo."

"It always gives me a little lead on you at the start on our conversations. I'd like to introduce you to my wife, Jemma. She is the light of my life, and the mother of my children. I could not go on without her."

"The only reason that wrinkly old windbag says that about me, is because sleeping on his money is noisy and it wakes him up at night. Please call me Jemma."

"It's a great pleasure to meet you Jemma. I didn't know there was anyone in this world that could put him in his place."

"I don't put him in his place. I just beat the shit out of him, until he agrees with me."

"Do you see what I mean Joseph; I too have a kindred spirit."

"You already beat the crap out of me. You didn't need anyone's help to do it."

"Hello everyone, I'm sorry we are late."

"You're not late Patrick. You had a long walk from your home, through the backyard to here. It must have been exhausting. Laura, Joseph, this is my son Patrick, and his friend Audra."

"As long as you're still doing introductions dad, you have 2 more to do."

"Oh good the entire family is here. This is my son William Junior, and his wife Gwen. Gwen has just given birth to a beautiful baby girl."

"Congratulations Gwen, did you name her already?"

"Yes we did. I named her after the aunt who raised me. We named her 'Hannah."

"That's a wonderful name. It's a very strong name. People will be drawn to her all her life. You made an excellent choice. How did your husband make it through the delivery?"

"He didn't throw up. He was too busy laughing at his brother's jokes. I wanted to kill Patrick as I was pushing Hannah out of me. If he wasn't holding my hand I would've had it around his throat."

"You know that's not true, Gwenny. I was supposed to be looking at your vagina, watching Hannah squirt out. However, I was a good sixteen-year-old brother-in-law. I was kind, and nice enough not to look to see if you shaved or not.

I was dressed up in greens, and could have taken over for Doctor Stephanopoulos, as she popped out of you, painlessly, because I had you laughing so hard. I held your hand, and told you a jokes, about your husband. I was a really nice guy."

"If you weren't holding my hand, you would be in a coffin now."

"Do you see what I mean dad; no good deed goes unpunished."

"I will admit you livened up the birthing suite for many hours. The nurses thought you were on speed. I had to convince them that it was only you, and for you that was normal. They didn't believe me; they did believe your mother."

"Thanks mom, at least you believed in me."

"Did anyone hear me say that?"

"I can see this is going to be pick on Patrick night."

"No, there are other things to be taken care of this evening that takes precedence over picking on you, Patrick. I believe they will be more fun, and educational then picking on you."

"First, how did things go with Carolina's today, Laura?"

"The only word I can think of in terms of Carolina and her staff is 'Fabulous'. The work they did for me today was unbelievable. The dress I'm wearing tomorrow night belongs on someone who is royalty, or a superstar, not me. I am overwhelmed by it. Carolina yelled at me when I told her so.

Joe and I are going to have professional pictures taken of the 2 of us, in the lobby of the Mandarin Oriental, before we head off to the opera. We will send copies to his parents, and grandparents, and he will tell them we are getting married. We have not set the date yet, but it will be soon."

"You are going to give me a set of the photos, aren't you?"

"You are going to get the second set of photographs. Joseph and I are keeping the first."

"How did you and Joseph, first get together?"

"You or me, Joseph?"

"Me naturally; I'll tell the truth."

He grabbed her arms, before she could hit him.

"Down dear, it was only a joke. You can tell them if you want to."

"That is your one for the evening Joseph. If there is another one, you will be walking out on your knees."

"Doesn't this sound like an interesting evening? Why don't we go into the living room, and make ourselves comfortable? There will be many stories told before, during, and after dinner. I'm sure we will all have a wonderful time."

"Dad, she is so tiny, her head doesn't reach his elbow. She couldn't possibly hurt him."

Joe grabbed Laura as she lunged towards Patrick.

Alphonse grabbed Patrick and pulled him to the ground, just in case Laura got too close to him.

Patrick yelled, "What happened, what did I say that upset her?"

William Senior said, "Son, you just set off a time bomb that is set at zero. You will never refer to agent Burkart in any manner other than by her name, or her title. You will never refer to her in any other way, or she will take you apart to the bone.

She is the best agent the FBI has in it's ranks. No one in the Bureau, regardless of size, has beaten her in their gym. She has never failed to catch a perpetrator she was assigned to capture. Every explosive has a fuse, agent Burkart's has to do with her diminutive size.

If Joseph had not caught her, and Alphonse had not pulled you to the ground in time, Gwen would be working on you at this moment."

"Agent Burkart, Laura, I apologize. I didn't realize you were so sensitive about your stature. I will never do it again."

"Patrick, I always forgive a person the first time. I give them a warning about that problem. The second time I don't give them a choice. They either come with me to a gym and take me on one on one, or I beat the shit out of them on the spot. You have been warned, and I do not care whose son you are."

Joe asked, "Are you still in training Patrick?"

"No, I stopped a few months ago."

"If I were you, I would arrange a schedule with Alfonse, and get back into training immediately. It's not just for Laura's warning. It's for anyone who might attack you and your entourage with overwhelming numbers. Self defense is the best defense."

Alfonse laughed. "Joseph, we must have had the same instructor when we were younger. I don't know how many times I heard that saying every time I went to class."

"I'm not sure about you Alfonse, but I always heard it when I was flat on my back. My instructor had his knee on my throat, smiling down at me, and talking to the rest of the class."

"Mine had me in a chokehold, and was discussing my faults to the class."

"Patrick, I believe it's safe for you to get up now."

"Thanks dad."

Jemma said, "Gwen, you sit here, Laura you sit next to Gwen, and I will sit on your left. I hope the 2 of us can have a calming influence on you, while stories are told by the people with too much testosterone running through their veins."

"If I'm sitting with you two, I can't beat the shit out of Joseph when he tells lies about the two of us."

"That's my point dear. When you get back to your hotel this evening, you will have all that pent-up anger in you. Then you can either take him apart sexually, or violently."

"Is that how you and William have survived marriage for so long?"

"If you want William to remove his shirt, you will see the scars on his back from my nails. The love making ones are light. The fighting ones are a quarter of an inch deep. Gwen has had to take care of some of them."

"When I met my darling wife, she was a combat trained stewardess for United Airlines. She was and is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. If you look at her nails, you can see they are razor sharp."

"They are not William, but they can be for tonight."

"I stand corrected, dear."

"Do you see how well I have him trained?"

"I'm working on Joseph. I can tell this is going to take a long time."

"When we have more time, I'll tell you about the night William and I were married."

"All I will say about that night is 'she drove, talked two police officers out of speeding tickets, and parked on the sidewalk of the Department of Justice building. The rest she will have to tell you."

Junior said, "Dad that is totally unfair."

His mother said, "It's my story, not his. I'll decide when to tell it."

"Yes mother."

Laura gasped. "My goodness, you have all of them trained."

"This house is in my name. This house is run by my rules. Patrick lucked out, because his townhouse was just completed, and he moved out. However, when he steps into this house, he is still subject to my rules. Aren't you Patrick?"

"Absolutely mother."

"Laura, one-day Joseph will respond to you the same way."

"From your lips to God's ears."

"Time is on your side. It is not a man's world; women control the world. Men just don't realize it yet."

William Senior said, "I realized it the day after I married her, and I haven't regretted it one bit."

"You are such a liar."

"It sounded good didn't?"

"I'll speak to you in the bedroom later."

"We don't speak in the bedroom."

"My point exactly."


William said, "Joseph, please continue with your meeting of Laura."

"General Morris was in overall command of the defense of the complex. Unfortunately, he is an Air Force officer, and has no concept of ground-based defense. He has a captain that is a ground officer that keeps him in check, but he has to stay inside with him to do it. That leaves me and my friend Tom to take care of the outside defenses.

The Attorney General arrived with a 9 person FBI entourage protecting him. The lead agent was Laura. God is she beautiful, and I wanted to take her to bed instantly. So did 97 other heterosexual men. All eyes were on her, and suddenly she was standing at the entrance to the complex right beside Tom and me. That was when I realized she didn't understand the word, "NO."

A more obstinate woman you have never met. As soon as I started arguing with her, Tom kept pushing us closer together.

"You know you love her, ask her to marry you."

"I don't know how many times he said that over the course of a few hours, but something inside me clicked. I asked her to marry me, and I meant it. She brushed it off as a joke.

Tom kept at us, pushing us closer, until I had to get away from him. I told her I was going to check the perimeter and asked her if she wanted to come with me, knowing she was going to say no.

The one time I wanted her to say no, she said yes. I took her out and showed her the lakes, and the chokepoints we made in preparation for the invasion; the fields of fire for the 50 caliber machine guns, and the minefields. She was suitably impressed.

We continued walking the perimeter until I heard an inbound mortar. I yelled, 'Incoming' expecting her to hit the ground as I did.