Dark as Daylight Ch. 17


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"Don't you dare tell Jason that. He thinks I'm the best thing that ever happened to him."

"You are Doctor Hernandez, and he knows it. His life became better, because of your decision to marry him, instead of Charles, and the other men that were after you."

Bernice looked at Teddy incredulously. "What men were after me? I didn't see any; except Charlie every once and again."

Teddy replied, "You may not have noticed the looks and hopes of the single men watching your every step. Going to the Infirmary, when you were on duty, with ailments that required you to touch their bare skin.

Jason did, and he was very jealous of them!

He looked at all the available men on this expedition, and he knew he was not much better or worse than they were. If he didn't marry you, and doesn't keep you satisfied, there may be a good man you can go out exploring with.

Did you say Mr. Oberlin was unhappy lately Big Captain?"


"I was just asking!"

"Teddy tell your friend I'm going to give her an injection that's going to make her sleepy. She's going to be fine, just a little sleepy."

"I will Doctor Hernandez. Thank you very much for helping."

"You're welcome Teddy, and so is Daylight."

With a quick swipe of an alcohol swab, and the jab of a hypodermic needle, Doctor Bernice Hernandez injected 80 mg of Tocolyctica into Daylight's rump. It was enough, that in two minutes, Daylight's eyes started to close, and her breathing became steady.

Teddy felt Daylight's head fall heavy on her lap. She was soon asleep.

Bernice said, "Maybe I gave her a touch too much. She will be fine but I did not expect her to go to sleep so quickly."

Gordon received the greater benefit from it. The muscles of the horse's abdominals released their hold on the tiny horse at the entrance to the birth canal. When he realized what he did next, he wanted to kick himself. Instead of bringing the head towards him, he brought the ass end of the little creature towards the opening instead.

He screamed, "FUCK IT!"

Teddy yelled, "Uncle Gordon, what's wrong?"

"I made a mistake, Teddy. I must pull the little pony out backwards instead of the way I it was supposed to come out. I think it will be fine."

"You're getting like my mommy. You're forgetting your language."

"I promise, I will never get as bad as your mommy was, and I will try to get almost as good as you."


"That's what I said, and that's what I meant."

"God will be very happy with you."

"I want to make you happy. If I make God happy, that's a bonus."

"Here it comes. I have it firmly by the tail, and it's sliding out nice and easy. Here it comes, and look; we have another white baby girl. Do you want to check her over, Doc?"

"Monty, you better call the cafeteria, and have them make two ½ gallon bottles of whole milk for this young lady. She won't be able to nurse from her mother for thirty minutes, or maybe more. She's going to want to suckle, but she won't be able to, until her mom is standing on all four legs."

"Okay Gordon, I will place the order right away."

"You better make that four bottles of milk, Monty. There is someone else in here that wants to join the party."

Brightly, Teddy shouted, "Daylight is having Twins!" She smiled, clapped her hands, and rubbed her friends head lightly so she didn't wake her up.

"I think she knows, Teddy. After all, she is the mommy. All I have to do is pull the second one out. However, I'm going to this one the right way; head first."

Gordon's hand reached in, felt around for the foal's neck. He found the ponies nose. He lost contact for a moment, as the little horse moved. He accidentally slid his hand into the baby horse's mouth, and grabbed its tongue.

The little horse took objection to this, and bit down hard on his hand.

Gordon howled in pain, and tried to extricate it, but the little animal would not let him go. He had no choice. He was in too much pain to do nothing, and there was no way to convince the little horse to let him go. So, he kept pulling little animal down, and out of his mother.

Finally, when the head of the animal cleared the vaginal opening, he was able to use his left hand to pry the little pony's mouth open enough, so he could extract his right hand from its mouth.

When he was free, Gordon yelled at it. "Dammit Blackie, that hurt. Look what you did to my hand. I will never be able to play the violin again."

Teddy laughed. "You never played the violin, uncle Gordon. You just named your first pony. It was not a very original name, but it's a good name for a horse."

"Thanks for your left-handed compliment, cupcake."

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice, uncle Gordon."

Monty watched the entire incident as it unfolded. She was laughing as Gordon was tending to his damaged hand. With blood trickling down the back of it.

She said, "Bernice, your human patient is going to require a tetanus shot, for certain. However,is the gash on the back of his hand going to require the services of a 'Plastic Surgeon?"

Bernice ears perked up at the mention of those two hallowed words. Doctor Finch trained every new doctor in the art of 'Plastic Surgery', from the moment they picked up a scalpel. No scars could show on any member of the crew of the Good Luck 1. If you lanced a boil, and the area required a simple stitch, you used disappearing thread, and a reverse stitch that no one would ever see from the onset. Not even the knot was visible after the surgery. If you screwed up, you opened the wound, cleaned it thoroughly, and started the procedure over, until it was perfect.

She looked at Monty and smiled.

"Doctor Finch is going to be so excited. This is a case for major 'Plastic Surgery'. No Band-Aid can cover a wound of this size and shape properly. This will be Hannah's first real test as a Surgeon."

"You two should be very happy Teddy is here. Otherwise, I would have said something very nasty, but appropriate."

"You can't do that uncle Gordon. You said you are going to be as good as I am."

"I thought you said you weren't good all the time."

"I'm not, but I'm not that bad all the time either."

"You and I must discuss certain limits."

"Mommy and I are going to discuss growing up. I had my first period last month."

Monty looked shocked.

"Your mother survived your transition into womanhood?"

"Yes, and she is doing very well. She only had to spend two days with aunt Laura, and has had appointments every day since with Doctor Daniels. She doesn't have to take any medication during the day. She's not taking any sleeping medication, either. I think she'll make it, as long as Newton doesn't do anything Earth shattering, with Elizabeth, during the next year."

"Teddy please be careful when you explain to your mother how growing up is done. Please try to keep her calm."

"Uncle Gordon, I think this is one of those moments, where my mom would get angry with you."

"Teddy, if she didn't, I would be very angry with myself."

"Look everyone; our new little pony pulled himself the rest of the way out of his mother's womb, and he is standing. He's black from the tip of his nose, to the end of his tail. This little guy is strong. I will bet he is going to be the leader of this herd, when he grows up."

Apparently, Commander agreed with Gordons' assessment. Commander was now in his 18th year, and was somewhat passed his prime. He had defeated all the males who tested him, up to this point, and there were none in his herd for him to worry about now. Not until this new dark horse. It would be best to get rid of him, before he grew up and posed a danger to him. He observed the birth of his newest children, from a discrete distance, but when the black foal took to its spindly legs to join his sister, he moved closer, and took his measure. He didn't like him from the very start, not one little bit. He was different, and he did like different. He and his sister could cause him trouble, in the future. Daylight was entering her prime, and soon would become his lead mare. He wondered why she wasn't up tending to her new children, like all his other young mares did after they gave birth. Maybe she died. If she did, he wouldn't have to worry about these two little ones. They would die off quickly from neglect, if the humans didn't interfere. Regardless, she was still laying down, and unable to feed or protect her newborns. I'll get rid of the colt now, and save myself the trouble of doing it later."

Monty was attempting to get the female to suckle from the nipple attached to the bottle of milk with only limited, and messy success. Regardless, it still reminded her of her younger years on the family farm, when it was fun with the calves, and goats. She was laughing during this procedure.

'Blackie' was sniffing around the area. He was mainly working his way around the hind end of his sister, and occasionally trying to lick what was coming out of the bottle Monty was holding.

Teddy was holding the other bottle, and trying to get his attention, but he had a mind of his own.

Slowly, Commander moved closer to the group. Then, without provocation, he made a very aggressive move towards Blackie, hitting the little horse with his head, knocking him to the ground, close to Teddy, and Gordon.

Like a prizefighter moving in for the kill, he reared majestically into the air, on his hind legs, ready to step on, and kill his own son.

Frightened for 'Blackie's' life, Teddy yelled, "STOP," just in time.

Everything stopped, including 'Time'; well nearly anyway.

The milk dripping from the female foals' mouth stayed suspended in mid-air. Monty's hand was at an impossible angle, but she held the bottle high enough to get the milk out fast enough for the foal to drink.

Doctor Hernandez had her back to the scene checking Daylight's condition.

Seeing the stallion act so impetuously towards the male the first time, and seeing him start moving aggressively towards it again, Gordon threw his body up, towards the stallions' forelegs to prevent any further movement forward. They were both suspended in mid-air, a few feet in front of Blackie and Teddy, as she set about rearranging the scene.

If the stallion propelled his legs forward, before Gordon's got his body into the proper position, regardless of where those two forelegs hit, his bones would be crushed, and severe injuries would have occurred.

If the stallion hit the little pony with the same force, the little horse likely would have died on impact from those injuries.

Teddy had all the time in the world to put her plan in motion, but she wanted to make one that was quick, and safe. She decided to move her sitting position back two feet, which would be enough for her to move the little pony out of harm's way. She moved Gordon back the same distance to keep him safe, also.

She would give Commander a good talking to, as soon as she started time.

Before she started time, she wanted to see the look in the stallion's eyes to find out what was in his mind and heart. She saw two things: fear and hate.

She would remove those feelings from his head and heart, once and for all, after her preparations were completed, and she allowed time to move forward.


The drop of milk fell on Monty's pant leg, as the little girl danced around trying to figure out how to get more milk from that nipple.

When Gordon landed face first in the grass, well short of his targeted area, he shook his head. He looked around and saw his position had been changed, but more than that, Teddy, and the little horse were not where they were a second ago."

He smiled and shook his head. "You did it again cupcake, didn't you?"

"Later, uncle Gordon." She stood up and approached Commander, who started backing away from her.

She screamed at him. "Oh no you don't; you big bully. Come back here now."

The stallion approached her with his head bowed low. He knew something changed but he didn't defy her.

She took his head in her hands, and without a word being spoken, showed him what he did wrong, and what his future would be, if anything were to happened to the tiny colt and his sister.

Commander did not like the idea of being placed outside the protected zone as he grew older, and became slower. There had not been an incident inside the protected zone, since Newton deployed it. Having to be on the lookout for, and out run carnivores was something he'd rather not think about, and do as he grew older. Not having the herd around, for common protection, and females to pass on his genes, was another thing he didn't want to think about.

He nodded his head to Teddy and walked towards his two newest children.

Blackie was a little skittish, when the huge stallion approached him. When he began licking his flanks, and neck, Blackie relaxed, and return the affection. With his mother still lying down, he accompanied his father as he walked over to his sister.

Commander began licking her as he did his son. She finally gotten the hang of drinking from the bottle, and now this big oaf was bothering her. Like all females, she just ignored him, and went on drinking. She would wait until there was something she needed, and only a prime stallion could do it for her.

After he finished his time in the nursery with his children, he walked over to see what was going on with Daylight. He put his muzzle against hers and began licking and pushing against it. He stayed at it for a time, until finally she opened her eyes. She blinked, and saw who was trying to get her functioning again. It took a little more convincing, but she could lift her head and begin licking his muzzle in return. It was all very tender, and Gordon had to put his arms around Teddy, because she started to cry.

"You did good sweetheart. Why are you crying?"

"I want that to happen to me one day, but I don't think it ever will."

"Why would you say something like that to a man who would dig you a replica of the Grand Canyon if you asked him to?"

"Look at all the lives of the Holy People. Look at the lives they led down through history. Look at all the gifts God gave them, and look at the one thing she kept from them."

"This is going to take me a moment, I have to put my thinking cap on."

"Do you want to meet me back here tomorrow morning?"

"At this time tomorrow morning, I will be floating in space catching 'Dark Energy' for you."

"I was just checking your memory."

"I am just like your mother, only she's smarter than I am."

"How can that possibly be uncle Gordon?

"Are you asking me how one genius can be smarter than another genius?"

"Yes, I guess I am."

"May I ask you a question?"

"I'm in trouble."

"Yes, you are little one. When you told your mother and father that your mother was pregnant, you also told them that your new brother was going to be...'The smartest of you all!' Am I correct, or not?"

"You are correct, uncle Gordon. Your next statement is going to be: Newton is a genius engineer. I'm very smart in many areas. Then came Truman, and Tatum, who are the finest astrophysicists ever. All they did during the first seven years of their lives, is take 150 years of the most sacrosanct science, and blow it apart. They proved, using the best scientific measuring devices available, that the Hubble Constant (Ho) is wrong. When the scientists on Earth find out about it, there will be the weeping and gnashing of teeth unlike anything since the death of Jesus. Don't ask me uncle Gordon, because I will not tell you."

"Little girl, I love you, I love my wife, and I love my children. I also love my God. I have a relationship with her that is based on my relationship with my father as I grew up. He never forced me to pick a religion. He asked me to think about the universe and how it came to be. I never went to church on Sunday, but I did go to church with Zoey, when we were together. I was baptized as a Catholic, but I never received any other sacraments, until I married Zoey. If I wished, I could baptize Payne, and Dick myself, using a Catholic Bible as a reference. It won't mean anything to me or Zoey. It would just be a starting point for them as they begin their journey through life. All we want to do is lead good, productive, God loving lives. We want our children to grow and do the same. Zoey and I believe, wholeheartedly, if we do this, when we meet Her on judgment day, and She tells us what she has planned for us, it will in accordance to the merits of our lives. There is no death, Teddy, you know that. You talk to grandpa, and yet he lives in the computer all the time. You know he died. What we knew him to be is no longer with us. Our souls, our spirits continue, they live on forever. Our bodies are as old as the universe, because matter can neither be made nor destroyed. It is our consciousness that will be permanently changed. There will never be another Teddy Thyme, unless, of course, God, in her infinite wisdom, makes 10 million more of her to keep the rest of us in line."

Teddy hit him with a sharp left to his ribs.

He howled in surprise, and in pain.

"Uncle Gordon put your nose in the corner for one month, and pray hard I don't spank you. You were doing so well, until you got to that last line. Just picture yourself on judgment day with 10 million of me in-line, holding paddles, and waiting for you to pass by."

Monty, and Bernice were stunned into silence. Demure, sweet, unassuming Teddy Thyme had just cornered the king of the put-downs. There was no way Gordon could maneuver out of this trap, and gain the upper hand on her. This 13-year-old had done something no one on the spacecraft had managed to do, since the day it launched. She made Gordon Luck retreat."

Bernice Hernandez said, "Where is Doctor Even Luck when you needed him?"

Gordon looked at his niece, and fell to his knees in front of her. Raising both hands into the air, he proceeded to bend at his at his waist, and touch his fingertips, and head to the grass in supplication. He did this, 10 times.

Monty and Bernice head grins on their faces a mile wide as he did it.

As he stood up stood up he said to her, "You do realize I have to take care of you and your family for the rest of your lives now. Wherever you are, my family and I will be. If you want to go to Gliese 581C, I will pilot the ship and take you there. It is an M class planet, very much like this one is, but there is no landmass. It is a water world. On our way there, I will build you a sail boat, from the wood we will take with us. It will be a vessel with a rudder, a tall central mast, which we will install once the boat is on the ramp, and sail, so you may enjoy the water.

We don't know the temperature of the water is, but as we get closer to the star system, we will have a more accurate prediction. We don't know if the water has occupants, so we will take the Good Luck 1 diving to a depth of 60 meters below the surface and look around. If there is no great danger to those who wish to go sailing with you, we will lower the ramp, and launch the ship with all hands already on board. The ship will hover a few hundred feet above the surface of the water, while you and your crew sail around enjoying yourselves. When you need us, we will fly to your location, and bring you back on board. How does that sound, little Captain?"

"Gliese 581C is made up totally of water?"

"That's what Kepler tells us. It also tells us it's not just a few feet of water deep either, so don't fall overboard. It goes down to a depth of 87 miles in some places, but nothing has tested out at a depth of less then 54 miles. It rains there quite often too. It is close enough to its star for water to evaporate and rise into its atmosphere, which is 1.25 of earth, our bodies will feel a little heavier than normal. It clouds over, and rains until the atmosphere rings itself out. The planet has no moons that would cause a tidal reaction, and there is no landmass for it to be attracted to at any rate. It's only 10,000 ly away. When your mom finishes the new engine, we can take Good Luck 1 for a quick test flight, and check it out. If it is as good as you say it will be, it will only take us a few days to a week to get there. We will spend as much time as you wish there. What is a month or more with your favorite uncle, his family, and a few dozen of your best friends?"
