Dark Horse Ch. 03


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Velvet blinked. "Velvet doesn't... think you need to worry about that."

"You don't know Bobby," she moaned, shrinking back into the corner. "So what are you, like, her little minion?"

"Velvet is... Velvet?"

"Oh Mah Gawd, that wasn't..." The blonde kicked fruitlessly, her heels leaving tracks through the sawdust. Her terrified eyes locked on Velvet's flaccid length. "What are you!?"

Velvet frowned and stood up. "She's gonna go back to her stall now."

"Wait," the blonde cried as the mare reached the door. "Are you a prisoner here too?!"

"She's pretty happy right where she is."

"Are you insane?!"

Velvet furrowed her brow for a moment before shrugging. "Velvet spends most of her days talking to stuffed animals. So... maybe?" Velvet hit the light switch by the door and crawled into her stall.

"Bobby's gonna be so maaad," the blonde whispered fearfully.




"Velvet knows you're still awake. She can hear you crying."

"Yeah? What do you care!"

"Velvet can't sleep either."

"Good!" Chelsea shifted again, struggling and failing to find a comfortable position in the hay. She scratched the inside of her elbow and sobbed. Bobby's gotta know this wasn't my fault, she thought. Soon as he sees this freakshow, he'll take me back home. He was gonna score some tonight, so he'll help me out a little. He'll take care of me. Get me r-

She paused her inner monologue at a rustling sound, and strained to listen. Nothing... Suddenly, Velvet was behind her, settling down into the hay and spooning up against her. Chelsea's entire body tensed, and her lungs burned from hyperventilating. She squeaked as an arm wrapped around her, and her throat closed entirely when she felt Velvet's breath on her neck.

Eventually, the necessity of oxygen demanded she breath again. Velvet repositioned herself, curling in closer and whispering "shhhhhh." Chelsea's chest still wracked with post-hysterical hiccups but, eventually, she wore herself out.


Velvet panted, but it was an unconscious act. She had long since set her breathing to match the pace of her boots in the grass as she jogged. The sweat and grime felt right; it matched her mood. Around and around the giant field, she ran. When the direction was favorable, she watched Peep lying in the grass in the paddock. The new mare had moved to a sunbeam in the shade. Even on her back, her breasts were more impressive. Velvet shook her head and trudged on.

Ms. Winters was leaning against a post the next time around, smiling despite a lightly furrowed brow. Velvet slowed to a walk, and they proceeded to the gate together, albeit on opposite sides of the fence..

"You look down, Velvet."

"She feels bad."

"You looked like you were making great time out here."

"It's not that."

"Ok. Tell me what's wrong."

The stallion frowned and stood as the gate was opened for her. "Peep is... adapting... faster than Velvet did." She had a very difficult time raising her eyes up from the grass as they headed towards the table and blanket. The older woman's barking laughter made it worse. It echoed out across the field.

"Oh, I needed that," she sighed, hand held tight to her middle. "Velvet, I knew she was going to adapt quickly. That's why I picked her."

"Did you know that... that Velvet would..."

"Assault me that second weekend with her own poop?" The dark haired girl colored and looked away, but she only laughed more. "Not exactly, but I knew who you were. I knew you'd be a fighter. I wanted that. I... needed that. Just as much as you needed me." Velvet nodded, but her heart wasn't in it. "Just as much as she needs us."


"Us." She took Velvet by the shoulder. "I'm gonna let Paulo and Mutch go at the end of the week. That way you and Peep can get out a little more, but I'll need you to take over with the horses."

"Velvet knows horses," she said hopefully.

"I know you do. But they're not the only ones I want you to help with." Ms. Winters turned, and Velvet followed her gaze. The blonde had her arms folded behind her head. One leg was crossed over the other at the knee, and her foot worked a slow figure eight through the air. A butterfly flitted through the air above her, and the new mare cooed. "I'll also need you to stay on top of Peep. How many laps did she do this morning?"

"Um..." Velvet's mind turned. "Lap. Singular."

"And she's been in the paddock ever since?" Velvet nodded. "That's unacceptable. Why don't you go get her. It's lunch time."

Velvet took a few steps and cupped her hands around her mouth. "Peep! Get your fat ass over here!"

"I'm not fat," she yelled back, and then added "shit!" under her breath. "I mean Peep's not fat! I mean... Shit!"

Neither of them could stop themselves from laughing, but that didn't stop Peep from getting spanked.


"Ooo, her kitchin' is niiiiice!"

"Stop getting distracted," Velvet said over her shoulder.

"She wasn't... isn't... She's just never been up here before!"

"There's no food in it."

"Stop sayin' Peep is fat!" The mare ran her hands nervously over her hips as they walked down the hall. "She's just curvy... and Velvet's just jealous," she hissed.

Velvet smirked and stopped as she approached the door on her left. She took a moment to look Peep over from head to toe, eyes tightening as they passed over her chest. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Peep nodded.

Ms. Winters looked up from her laptop, somewhat surprised to be interrupted in her study. Even more so when both ponies stepped into her bedroom, nude but for their hooved thigh-high boots. She immediately looked at Velvet and raised her eyebrows.

"Peep has something she would like to say," she said, and stepped aside. The older woman leaned forward in her seat, fingers steepled before her, and she fixed the new mare with a direct stare. Peep immediately began to wither.

"She... ummm... She..."

Velvet stepped up beside her and placed a supportive hand on the small of her back. "Go ahead."

"She is th-thankful," she said shakily. "And and and not just for takin' her away from Bobby, but helpin' her get clean."

Velvet leaned forward a little, raising her eyebrows. "And?"

"A-a-and she wanted to... t-to show you."

Ms. Winters covered a brief smile at the adorable shade of red the blonde was turning. She covered the pause by slowly pushing her glasses farther up on her nose and rising to her feet. "I see," she said. "And just how did you plan on showing me?"

"She... Sh-sh-"

"She has a talented tongue," Velvet finished, her eyes flashing. Peep bit her lip and looked away. "Very talented."

"And you've been taking advantage of that, Velvet?" The stallion nodded with a smile, but cut both off when she saw the look the older woman was giving her. "We'll deal with that later." The graying woman walked around to the near side of her oak desk and leaned back against it, crossing her heeled feet at the ankles. "Well?"

Peep squeaked and jumped, and as she stepped into the study, Ms. Winters righted herself and planted her feet shoulder width apart. The mare knelt and slid her fingers up the older woman's thighs to raising her skirt. She unclipped stockings from the black garter above, and slowly dragged the matching panties down the older woman's legs.

Ms Winters held her skirt up and sat back, raising one leg and letting it dangle from the edge of the desk while the other remained straight. Peep closed her eyes and leaned in, sighing as her tongue ran gently along the edges of the outer lips. The older woman bit her lip and growled. Peep's tongue had a petite quality to it. For a moment, she regretted having used the name Velvet too soon, but that thought was fleeting. She gripped the edge of the desk, and slouched a little.

Peep whimpered softly as she explored, keeping her licks short; like a kitten, delicately lapping cream. Her fingers flexed wide, and immediately closed back into fists held to her knees. She slithered up one side, pausing to suckle a fold here and there. Down the other side, with as tender a nibble as she knew how to deliver.

Velvet, who had remained in the bedroom, crept up behind the mare one curious step at a time. Ms. Winters smiled lazily as the stallion peeked over Peep's shoulder, eyes full of wonder. "Open your eyes, Peep," she said. The mare stared back at her out of the corner of her eye with a startled gasp. "You should be looking up at her. How else will you know if you're doing it right?" The older woman moaned deeply. Her pump slipped from her heel and swung pendulously from up-curled toes.

Velvet grabbed Peep's right hand just as it began to slide up her thigh. "Is that where your fingers should be going?" She leaned in close, whispering to the blonde and guiding her hand. "Velvet thinks it should be... up... here..." The older woman's head rolled back as two fingers pushed into her to the hilt. "Yes, she did like that. Very good, Peep. When you're good to Miss Winters, you get rewards."

Velvet let go of the mare's wrist, and slid her hand down between the mare's thighs. Peep cooed as her clit bent under a gentle touch. The older woman moaned louder, her jaw hanging slack. Both ponies stared up at her hungrily. Peep sought out Ms. Winters bud and replicated with her tongue the rhythmic stimulation being applied to her own.

Velvet edged around, scooped up the mare's other wrist, and brought it up underneath Ms. Winters leg. "There, now you have leverage. Use it." she whispered. Peep pulled herself in tight, rocking her head up and down as her tongue plowed wet fields. Velvet wrapped her fingers tightly into the mare's left breast, fingers sinking deep into the fleshy orb. Peep moaned into her work. "Aww, do you like it when Velvet grabs your big fucking tits?" The mare mumbled affirmatively, and cried out a second later when Velvet slapped the underside of it. "Don't close your eyes, Peep. Look up. Look how good your doing."

Ms. Winters' face was screwed tightly, and she sucked quickened breaths through pursed lips. "You're doing so good. She's so proud of you."


Peep nuzzled against Velvet's cheek. The blonde was laying back against her while her clit and tit were played with. "Come on," she whined. "Peep really wants to!"

"Not yet," the stallion said. "She's not done playing with your funbags." Peep huffed, as she always did when she felt slighted. Admittedly, though, it was hard to complain. Velvet rolled the nipple back and forth and giggled at feeling it stretch in length and girth under her touch. She tossed her head and licked Peep's neck, running her tongue along the hairline and just behind the ear.

"Pleeeeeease," Peep begged.

Velvet grinned. "Alright." The mare bounced up and flipped over onto her stomach, grasping the stallion's cock tightly. Velvet slouched and bit her lip as her head was swallowed and caressed. She slipped a hand behind her own head, and wrapped the palm tightly against the back of her neck while her other hand played with her own nipple. She sighed as Peep bathed her pole in saliva.

Peep teased the tip, twisting her tongue sideways and wiggling it into the slit. She slipped a hand underneath the stallion's sack, stroking the very base of the cock with her fingertips and earning an encouraging coo. Her fingertips worked farther and farther down, and Velvet spread her legs slightly with a light giggle.

Both ponies spooked as the heavy wooden door crashed open. Peep immediately rolled over and scampered back into the corner. Velvet flowed smoothly onto her feet and stayed in a low crouch in front of the mare. Peep pressed up against the stallion, placing hands on her back, and peeking over her shoulder. The dark haired pony took a few steps toward the open stall door and peeked out.

Ms. Winters strode out of the third stall and back towards the doorway. She shot Velvet a devious smirk just as she passed out of sight. "Don't go out there," Peep said hoarsely, but Velvet was already moving along the stalls. She passed her own to stop and stare between the bars at a... She twisted her head this way and that, trying to get a better angle. A girl, asian and thin but with a boyishly short haircut, rolled onto her back. Her lean figure more closely matched Velvet's than Peep's, who joined the stallion in staring through the bars. "Awww, she's cute," Peep said. Both of them filtered into the stall as the girl blinked away in confusion.

Velvet frowned in thought, trying to find the right words. "This will seem hard at first, but it gets better."

"She's really cute," Peep said, as she ran a soothing hand through the girls short hair.

"Don't over..." Velvet turned to see Ms. Winters come in carrying another girl over her shoulder. She kicked the heavy wooden door closed behind her and made for the fourth stall. "...do it. Stay with her," she said.

"My ponies are... ah... curious," Ms. Winters exclaimed, as she set down the second girl. Peep made soothing sounds from the other side of the wall. They appeared to be identical twins, though this one seemed to have almost no breasts. The girl laid on her side, curled into a fetal ball, and Velvet knelt down behind her. She groggily turned her head up and stared at Velvet with crystal blue eyes.

"Hey there," Velvet said softly. She placed a hand on the front of the girls thigh, and the girl languidly rolled onto her back. Velvet jerked her hand back as if it had been burned when something smacked against it. She blinked, but it did not disappear. She ran her hands over the girls chest, squeezing and groping, and found only muscle. Ms. Winters leaned against the wall just outside the stall door with an unreadable expression. "Is this..."

"Oh hey! Another stallion," Peep said, as she poked her head around the wall. "He's pretty!"

"This is a boy," Velvet accused, and Ms. Winters gave only a smirk in reply. The boy's head lolled. He was far less lucid than his twin had been. Velvet stared him up and down in increasing horror. "No. No!" Her hands twitched in the air. "No!"

"No?" Peep started to come around into the stall.

"No!" After a deep breath, she added, in a shockingly casual tone, "He's just another mare." She grabbed the boy's bicep and thigh and flipped him onto his stomach unceremoniously. He grunted and cried as he landed, head twitching as he tried to find an angle where he wasn't face deep in sawdust. Velvet planted a hand down between his shoulderblades and straddled him. "Just another mare."

The boy shrieked as she held him down. She stroked herself, quickly ramping back up to a full hardon, and pushed it down between his ample cheeks. A small amount of Peep's lingering saliva helped, but Velvet had to put her weight into it to finally break through, the pair screaming cacophonously. Distantly, Velvet heard another cry, but the blinders were figuratively in place. She heaved and thrust in again, planting her other hand down on his head to keep him still.

"No no no!" She heard Peep scream from behind her. There was a heavy thump and a muffled cry from out in the stable area. "Don't go in there," Peep said, over and over. The twin girl roared in protest, but Velvet remained uninterrupted.

She winced as she pulled back, and a brief memory of the lingering pain after taking Peep that first time broke through the red haze. Velvet swirled her tongue, squeezing every extra bit of saliva she could summon from her gums. She pulled out entirely and spat the wad against the inside of the boys cheek. He fought harder to keep her out the second time, but the damage had been done. Velvet's nostrils flared as she took in deep breaths. He needs to learn his- no... SHE needs to learn her place. I'M the stallion. She did not realize she was repeating the last part out loud.

She saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Boots... Ms. Winters boots. Velvet did not look up, only glanced slightly to the side. The boots turned to her, flexing forward onto their toes as Ms. Winters dropped into a squat. Velvet could see the outline of her hand bulging through her pants as the older woman fingered herself. Velvet shuddered heavily under the tacit approval, orgasming on the spot and burying her seed deep inside him. Panting, she leaned forward and whispered into the boy's ear. "You belong here with us. In time, you'll see that too."

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GroverLangGroverLangalmost 4 years ago
A case for Alex Cross?

It’s certainly weird enough for Alex Cross. I must agree with others in that non-con is better than bdsm. Your reasoning for originally putting in bdsm is flawed. You might as well have put it in fetish.

As I say, it’s a weird one. Not my cup of tea at all but my reason for reading it was because I wanted to read an early story of yours. Lesbian definitely isn’t my thing so it was a choice between transgender and non-con and I chose non-con which, in hindsight, was the wrong choice in certain aspects. That’s not to say it isn’t a story appreciated by some readers and it’s obviously attracted as many, if not more, 5’s than 4’s although, as the story wasn’t for me, I won’t be voting. But after six years I don’t thinking my vote would matter anyway.

If I’d come across it when the story was new I doubt I would have got to the second chapter. I would consider writing a story about a psychopathic dominant myself because the idea does intrigue me but this angle is too creepy and degrading for me. I see there are further chapters but, as I’ve said, I just wanted to read an earlier work to compare with your latest one. I think this was unfortunately a wrong choice on my part and that’s not your fault. But there was much about the actual writing I liked.

You may have already discovered this in the last six years but it’s “sac” not “sack.” A mistake made by many writers, particularly Americans.

AwkwardMDAwkwardMDalmost 5 years agoAuthor
Oh By The Way

I have, over the years, collected a lot of art (for this story and others). Be sure to check http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=1496319 to see these characters and more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good story thanks for your effort

gave you a 5!!!

AwkwardMDAwkwardMDover 8 years agoAuthor

You're anonymous. Also, keep reading. The story doesn’t end here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Truely hated chapter 3

So Elizabeth's entire rational is that sure is getting "Velvet" away from a life she hates and wants to "protect" her but in the process of doing so she breaks her mind to the point that the person she wanted to protect is gone. So tell me what was the fucking point.

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