Dark Knight & The Lady


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Someone from the crowd attempted to grab the cloaked attacker, but it ran down the aisle, but tripped over the red plush carpet. A thud was heard as the attacker's head cracked on the stone pillar of a statue, killing him instantly. Though, as Devon's manservant removed the cloaked figure's hood, he gasped in horror as he viewed who the killer was.....

Meanwhile at the altar, Lord Devon crawled to his unconscious bride and laid his hand upon her wound, sending splinters of blue and white light throughout her body. As Devon watched Georgia's wound heal, and her eyes began to flutter open, he fell backwards onto the altar, unconscious himself.

Georgia came to suddenly, her eyes flying open, as she remembered being stabbed in the abdomen by a cloaked figure. She hadn’t had the time to move out of the way. Looking down at her abdomen, the blood remained stained on her wedding dress, but the wound was closed. She felt a tingling deep inside her as she realized what had happened...just as last time....Devon had healed her. Her fist came to her mouth in horror as she watched Devon's prone body, laying in a heap beside her, a wound on his upper chest.

"Devon, no!!" Georgia cried as she moved over his very still body. On instinct, she placed her hand upon his upper chest where the wound was. Suddenly bursts of red and blue light began to tingle from her fingertips, as it infused Devon's body with heat, healing his wounds slowly but effectively. A moment later, his eyes flew open in realization of what had just happened..

"Georgia..oh my God..h..how did you do that?" then he realized that, when he had healed her body, some of his powers must have snaked into her body, lacing her blood with his healing capabilities. Devon looked down at his crimson-soaked jacket, the blood remained, yet his wound was totally healed. How was he to answer for that...but it was answered for him by Elde.

As Lord Kent and Lady Sophia ran towards their daughter, Elde was already at the newly married couple's side, knowing what she had to do to safeguard the secret she knew was imperative to keep.

M'lord and M'lady Kent, the dagger missed them both mostly, merely catching the upper layer of skin, they will be fine. Thankfully, the attacker was a lousy shot. Though, as Georgia's parents viewed both Devon and their daughter's blood soaked clothing, Elde quickly continued "The cut was quickly absorbed into the cloth of their outfits, 'tis why is soaked up quickly" at those words, the parents sighed softly as they looked over their daughter and son in law's wounds to be sure.

"Speaking of the attacker, did someone catch them?" Lord Devon groaned as she stood up, lifting his wife up in to his arms and placing her on the front pew of the Abbey.

From the entrance of Westminister Abbey, a throat was cleared, and Lord Kent's eyes came to rest on the manservant's solemn face.

"Well did you?" Lord Kent brows became furrowed in agitation.

"M...m'lord...the attacker stumbled on the way down the aisle in the attempted escape." the nervous manservant babbled.

"Well good then, let's see who the bastard is" Lord Kent growled as he walked quickly down the aisle, but the manservant caught Lord Devon's eye and mumbled "L-A-D-Y L-A-–-A". He then backed away frightened of what was to come.

Devon eyes widened in horror of the name his manservant just mumbled..the identity of the attacker was...Lady Lana..Georgia's sister. Devon quickly went to Georgia and grabbed her shoulders with his hands and looked into her eyes. "Georgia..I am sorry but I need you to be strong for your mother and father right now. They found the identity of the person that tried to kill us...I am sorry love..but it was your sister Lana. Knowing her needed to keep her strong in order to help him with her parents he said "Georgia, please be strong and help me with your parents, Look down the aisle, your father and mother are about to find out their daughter tried to kill us." Was all he said before taking her hand and leading her down the aisle. Georgia's eyes welled with tears, but followed beside her new husband down to where her parents were about to find out whom the attacker was.

Before they could reach the end of the Abbey, Devon and Georgia heard a scream and a loud yell, as her parents were just shown the identity of the attacker. Lady Lana was dead, from a blow to the head.

As the crowd parted for the newlyweds, Georgia watched in horror as her mother lay in a heap near her sister's dead body. She had fainted from the shock, as her father stood stock still, eyes wide open in terrible shock as well.

* * *

Late August 1786,

Georgia lay in her four poster bed, sweat coating her brows, her knees raised and parted, as she pushed with all her might. Her mother at her side, wiping her brow with a cool cloth, as Elde sat between Georgia's wide spread legs. Georgia was in full labor, her belly so huge, she couldn’t hardly stand it. She cried out as the pain sliced down her back, causing her to scream.

An hour later, almost faint from the pains, Georgia pushed with all her might, as she felt the baby slip out of her overburdened body. Little did she know..she was far from done. Georgia screamed again as Elde ordered her to push again.

"Push, lass. You have another baby coming!!" Elde ordered out

"What??!!!" Oh Lord, Georgia thought, another baby. She was both happy and in pain all at once. But a moment later, another baby's cry rent the air. Elde cleaned the baby's nose and mouth of both babies.

" Georgia, you have two healthy boys!" Elde proclaimed happily, as she was about to clean Georgia up, the new mother doubled up in pain. Oh my...what can be wrong.

"Elde, I think there's another baby!" she managed to groan out before she doubled up with pain once more.

"Impossible, you have two boys already!" but as she placed her hand on Georgia's swollen abdomen, Elde confirmed what Georgia said. A flash of a smile came to her mind's eye..the eyes of a little girl....Georgia was giving birth to two boys and a girl.

"Ok push one more time Georgia and you are done!" Elde clapped with happiness at this momentous event. Meanwhile, Lady Sophia sat beside Georgia holding her hand, and looking at her daughter with new awareness.

"Georgia" her mother whispered to her" You can do this my daughter, I am so proud of you. I am so sorry I never told you this before, I hope one day I can make it up to you".

"Oh mother I love you too. You will indeed be able to make it up, and in a big way. Having triplets is going to require help, so consider yourself fully forgiven.....grand-mama" She smiled up at her mother.

Pulling herself together, Lady Sophia held her daughter tight, as the baby came out of Georgia quickly. With a tiny slap to the baby's behind and the cleansing of the mouth and nose, the baby girl screamed at the top of her lungs in fury; first raised and shaking as she cried.

"Oh my goodness, Georgia, you have a girl this time. She is the loudest of the three, and the most angered at being vacated from the womb" Elde chuckled softly, as she placed the baby in a blanket. All three children were placed beside their mother. All three women were in tears as the three babies lay cooing near their mother.

That is exactly how Lord Kent and The Duke of Withermoor found the ladies as they walked into the warm chamber. Walking side by side to the bed, the two men looked upon the women. As Elde and Lady Sophia parted to let the men see Georgia and the babies, Lord Kent and Devon's eyes grew wide as saucers as the spied not one baby, but three of them.

Suddenly, the sound of two bodies hitting the floor could be heard throughout the chambers, as the new father and grandfather both fainted in shock at seeing the triplets. The women burst out in laughter as they watched the big, strong men faint in shock.

* * *

A few hours later, the household were introduced to Graham , James and Kataaria. News of the arrival of triplets quickly spread throughout the land in hushed tones. Devon and Georgia sat on their king sized bed with all three babies, as the new family bonded and spent some quiet time together.

That evening, as they were changing the children, Georgia noticed that each child had a light blue lightening bolt birthmark on the backs of their thighs. Lord Devon knew he had to explain to his wife what had happened years ago, when he was struck by lightening and all that it entailed. Georgia was shocked at first, but it all made sense, with all the events leading up to this day, and the birthmark of their children.

"They will have our powers just as I gave it to you, you gave it to them, my love" Devon kissed Georgia softly, missing a moment in time, as all three newborns' hands somehow touched each other, causing the lightening bolt to glow blue for a moment. Years later, they were about to find out just how special these children of theirs were....

"I love you my Duchess"

"I love you my Dark Knight".

The End, (For Now)

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

i absolutely loved it! i wish it hadnt ended..i loved the time and effort put into it..cant wait for the next installment!

Jade1Tiger7Jade1Tiger7over 16 years ago
Agreeing with others

This is a very nice story and it will be fantastic once you get an editor and go over it with a fine-toothed comb and get out all the kinks.

For example, one of the problems I had was that Lady Georgia was supposed to represent innocence, wholesomeness and purity, but she doesn't show the proper amount of fear when she is confronted by the Dark Knight's ardore. And some of the language you used like the word "clit" shouldn't be used when describing a virgin's (from this time period) first encounter with sex...maybe if you were to lenghten the story then you could use this type of language to show how Georgia has grown sexually...

Also, nice touch with the magic. One doesn't usually encounter magic and fantasy in pieces framed in this particular time period.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

You have just made my day, that story was sooo...romantic..dramatic...and sweet. I love it . Those 6 months you spent on it was so worth the while. I enjoy your writing a lot and hope to see more progress and more stories like this. GOOD LUCK.

CelticAngel1605CelticAngel1605almost 18 years ago
Good plot... but

The story line was great! However you have some tense issues (ex: Seen instead of I saw, she walks instead of she walked). Parts of the story feel a little rushed as well. Such as the ending. Your ending was good, but it was a bit jumbled together and it felt like you were in a hurry to conclude the story. You also seem to me like you might be an Amanda Quick Fan.

aml370aml370almost 18 years ago
Dark Knight Forever!


Such a Wonderful story!

You sure made my 4th of July weekend mean so much more for me! I'm always a sap for HAPPY ENDINGS!


Thanks for having the Bad Guys lose in the end!

Will this also mean good news for my Chicago CUBBIES?

If not, there's always NEXT YEAR!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
new favorite

I enjoyed this story very much and have now saved it as my favorite.

OnMyOwnOnMyOwnabout 19 years ago

I really, REALLY enjoyed this read. I second previous notions; if you can land an editor to help you flesh out some of the details and fix up a few wee grammatical errors, you can have a full novel published. No joke. I really like the time period you used, and the characterizations. Muy bien! Also, I'd be ecstatic to see this storyline continue, maybe into the teenage years of the triplets--I'd especially love to see how the girl turns out!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
The best of all your story

I think this is the best story among the rest of yours. Lesser mistakes in grammars and spellings and freshly entertaining too

LazaroLazaroover 19 years ago

Finally a good Regency novel on Lit. I can’t tell you how thrilled I was finding your story and I absolutely loved the story. You should get published, you’re that good. And trust me I know, coz I love reading Regency novels and have read a lot of them. In fact, a lot of what I read is not a patch on yours!

Please do continue the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

What a wonderful well detailed story! It was a story i wish didn't end. You should truly think about writing historical romance novels. What a wonderful tallent you have. I hope to see more from you like this in the near future!

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