All Comments on 'Darla's Dilemma'

by soldierboy50401

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Sir your gift of writing is superb. I have and will continue look for and read any and all of your writings. Gave you a five if I could give more I would.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 9 years ago
Author has done so much better then this in past.

Darla was a dime a dozen. Decent looking women are at a premium in the sticks however. I could deal with a woman being conflicted if father of her kids tried to reunite family. The lies amd evading that Randy was making that play are a personal dealbreaker ....unless Darla bears uncanny resemblance to Sophia Vargara. Story was pedictable. Less plodding, more plotting please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Worst Effort

Loved your other stuff. This cuck story is way below those. One Star.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
One star

I liked your other stories, they were really great, but this one is a horrible, horrible angstfest. For one, he was not responsible for Randy beating the shit out of Darla. That's all on Randy. And second, Darla cheated on him. The moment she did that, it fucking ended. That you actually wrote him begging and pleading with her to stay there with him, it was cringeworthy, even just to read. Then there was the whole peer pressuring from people he worked with to get back in touch with Darla. You don't need friends like that and if they start giving you shit, you cut them off.

I've no idea why you wrote this story the way you did, but it's utterly horrible.

Never thought I'd be giving you a one star rating, but there it is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Forget the naysayers

Some people are going to be upset if they don't get their pound of flesh. Nothing wrong with forgiveness and reconciliation every now and then, although I appreciate a good BTB story, too. The overall writing was very good. Felt like I was right along for the ride in the helicopter. For some strange reason, I couldn't help but root for Darla and Dalton. The ending was a bit too Disney for me but, overall, a very well-written story! Might have gone over better in the romance section.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
The problem I see with this is

that the reader should have some knowledge of the other stories and actually care what happens to these people. Not many readers do.

Jack99Jack99about 9 years ago
Always love a happy ending

Rated this a five, because I like a happy ending, and I like the promise of a good future, and I like being entertained when I read. I rated this a 5 out 5.

However, we all know in real life that you can't marry a "rescue". Three years down the line, she's cheating with someone that makes her feel "more loved", and the cycle repeats.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Good series

I like these series of stories set in the Red River Falls universe. This one is well written and has the happy ending - it's a rescue story. Decent character development and the writer does not rush the story. You really don't know if they will get back together until then end...although a few hints.

In real life, usually these women go on making bad choices, also can't be optimistic that Randy won't continue to bedevil them when he gets out.

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

guilty but with many explanations. TK U MLJ LV NV

mcbsmcbsabout 9 years ago
So Many Things Wrong With This Story

The first thing wrong is the author violated one of the cardinal rules of writing: never write anything the reader will skip over. I found myself skipping over about half of this story. For one thing the tedious word for word conversations. Are the readers reallly that interested in a detailed explanation of the menu when they went out to eat?

This story is in the wrong category. At best it should have been included in either Romance or Non Erotic.

On a positive note, the detailed information on the duties of the air evacuation Para Medics was interesting. The reference to the Fire Fighters union in a couple of instances was a positive aspect of the story. I usually enjoy this author's work. With this story, this was not the case.

foolscapfoolscapabout 9 years ago
Pure Psychobabble ....

So it turns out that not only did Daulton force Randy to drink and beat Darla before he and she met, Daulton also made her formative years hell because she developed at an early age and was beautiful.

It is so obvious that Daulton owes her reparations and his own sense of identity (which really is no problem because he needed to have his head adjusted so he could see just how evil he had been) and he owes her the freedom to shit on him over and over and over again. - Yeah I know that she claims that it won't happen again but I don't buy it. Too many crocodile tears from her and phony rationalizations.

Nice to see that Daulton was willing to sacrifice self so that Darla can be healed and he has been persuaded by others that what he wants isn't important and that he is too stupid to know what he wants anyway.

I started skimming at page 8, gave up at page 9, and read the last couple of paragraphs so I could vote low and leave this missive.

All of the above addresses the characters. The writing is very good though could have stood more aggressive editing of the minutiae . I really liked the technical and operational descriptions at the beginning and didn't enjoy the hair shirt and crap at the end.

If this is the way it will be in the future I'm kinda hoping the Red River runs dry for awhile.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago
Only 3 Stars

I'm sorry, I like happy endings as much as the next guy, but hers (despite the beating) came too easy.

Minor point, but why in the Hell did he let Randy bring the video games out? Daulton should have brought them out and given them to the kids himself!

I would tell her we are BOTH going to date OTHER people for a full year. After a year if I’M still interested I will ask you out. If YOU’RE still interested you will say yes.

Then go through a normal progression of being exclusive, etc.

I call BULLSHIT on him blaming himself because of the altercation with Randy. Randy had been abusing Darla LONG before he ever came on the scene.

The blame is on Randy and Darla – Randy because he is the vile asshole that he is, Darla because she CHEATED on the man who rescued her and her CHILDREN, then turned her back on him to go back to the abuser. I know he won’t, but he should stick to his guns – he won’t be Plan B or a back-up plan.

I can’t believe all the CRAP everyone is giving him! He comes in like a white knight on his charger and rescues Darla and her kids from a desperate situation, treats them like family, and at the FIRST opportunity Darla turns her back on him and runs back to the shithead, yet DAULTON’s the bad guy!

Okay, Randy came along and said and did all the right things, and you saw how THAT turned out. Then, when you’re in a good place he comes back, and AGAIN says and does the right things, and it NEVER occurs to you that he might just be following the same script? In ANY case, you OWED it to Daulton to tell him that Randy was back and that you wanted to give him another chance, BEFORE fucking Randy behind his back and deciding to leave with no debate!

I can understand her not being strong enough to leave when that was all she knew (although she should have known better from her parents’ example!), but now she DID know better from the way Daulton treated her and the kids, and she STILL made the wrong choice!

WyldcardWyldcardabout 9 years ago

I'll focus on one element. Blaming Daulton for Randy beating Darla.

First the Sheriff prefaces it, "Someday Randy will beat her, and it will be your fault."

Then when weeks later (not days), he beats her, the presumption by everyone is that yes, this is Daulton's fault. His colleagues state it's his fault, her parents blame Randy too, but indicate he participated, he himself takes on the burden of it.

It is very forced and unnatural in the story. We never even had a single indication from Darla that Randy had responded in anger to having been made a lesser man. In fact, what we learn is that he was upset about losing his job due to being on bail. This wasn't due to Daulton beating him, it was due to his drunken assault. It is perhaps a minor difference in his mind, but does absolve Daulton. If he'd beaten Daulton up instead, or on some other day just gotten a DUI, it would all be the same. He wasn't emasulated or whatever odd theory you were putting on Daulton. He was just abusive and a drunk.

But also, who would associate a random beating as being tied to a fight with someone else weeks prior. Especially when the attacker has a long history of abuse?

I'm fine with reconciling. People err, an alas people do get stuck in abusive cycles and make poor choices. I just found it a very strange soapbox, having every character attribute any blame to Daulton in the situation.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 9 years ago
AUTHOR can I have the 20 minutes of my life back that I wasted reading this shit?

what makes this story sooooooo fucking awful is not that the Darla a professional cunt. Lots of women atre.

THIS is what killed the story. ON page 8 when they stars talking . Fter all she has done to him she says this

"And I wanted you to stay the night before and talk to me but, instead, you ran off and spent the night getting drunk over at Danny's house!"

um the reason Daulton did that was because you were fucking randy a man who beat you all the time in his house.

what a cunt.

and whats worse is that Daulton says nothing about that

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

What a weak man to take a woman and her children in his home when she is not officially divorced yet. When she goes back to her husband, he cries like a baby. Actually, he was cheating with a married woman. I'm sure a hen-pecked sucker like him will be cucked in the future. Don't quit your day job.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 9 years ago
Not as strong as this author's other stories

Writing: good. Charaxter development: ok. Plot: too predictable. I dont think the reconciliation is credible, but it isn't as bad as a few comments would indicate.

bruce22bruce22about 9 years ago
I believe that gatorhermit has it right.

It started very well and interesting but I really do not see how she did anything other than dangle herself in front of him to prove to him that she is trustworthy. Oh well he will always have the kids!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Surprisingly weak effort soldierboy50401.

Did not develope Daultin nor Darla enough for the reader to care.I kept waiting for him to meet another woman. What was their emotional connection when they met and moved in together ? How do you expect the reader to care about these characters. We don't know intimately.

The story explored the Bell helicopter in more detail than D and D's relationship. What kept them together and happy ? We don't know you just tell us that everything is fine until Randy arrived.

The rest of it seems like alot of cut and paste scenes from your other stories.

What about Randy ? He did well for months and then suddenly he and his friends are drinking. That was a fail on your part . Why was he making Darla happy. Why did he fall off the sobriety bandwagon. Big opportunity fail soldier. Contrasting Randy and Daultin in greater detail would have made a better story. Instead Randy is trailer park trash and D is a wonderful man, almost perfect. At least that's how you described him after leaving the shelter.

Looks like you might be getting into a rut . This felt rushed for the last 3 or 4 pages.

Maybe a completely different story would help . Leave Minnesota for abit of time.

Always enjoy your writing, thanks and good luck on the next post.


impo_61impo_61about 9 years ago
2* once compared with Pat Quinn stories...

2* once compared with Pat Quinn stories...This relationship couldn't ever result...Ass soon as she left to return to her abusive husband, she deserved everything that could happen to her...Even her children prefered their abusive father to him...He should have go on with his life, finding a woman that deserved him...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great story

Ok folks, really? I've read the comments. I think they are a little unfair. Let's pretend this is a standalone work from a writer of unknown origin. Would you have anything to compare? No. Take it at face value. The point of the story IMHO is redemption and the ability for us humans to do the human thing while reaching out to something larger than we are to forgive. It might just be about Daulton's strength of character as a man to move up Maslov's hierarchy towards self-actualization. Feel free to send your flames towards the commenter. If won't bother me. Still think it's a damn fine story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Loved your other stuff, this was terrible

She was an adult. She made a stupid choice twice. As her "boyfriend" Daulton had plenty of reason to "rescue" her the first time. But TWICE ? And a PARAMEDIC getting involved with a person who put up with (or returned to) an alcoholic abuser ? I was a paramdic. I saw plenty of stupid people accept abuse. I did not think this was a credible plot unless you posit a remarkably stupid paramedic.

Oh, and the other paramedics scolding him ? They would never have told him to spend more time with her after she went back to Randy. Unless every one of them was also hopelessly stupid. Might as well have them tell him "It's fine to date a drug addict, really. She'll change, you'll see."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Are you a pod people?

What did you do with Soldierboy?

1 star is the minimum

Pappy7Pappy7about 9 years ago
Daulton was such a weak character

who had no depth to him. He would not have been able to pass paramedic school with that shallow a personality let alone work as a flight medic. If all he could do is blame himself anytime something went wrong he would have burned out within 6 months of reaching the station. Actually he probably wouldn't have made a month on the box. You have to have confidence and depth to make it in the field, too much shit at too rapid a pace. I am not saying that he can't be caring and sensitive to his patients, but mousy they ain't.

As for the asshat who asked to be flamed because he thought Daulton was strong enough to cry, well sister, you don't know jack. We all know that Evan can cry, but he wasn't a paramedic let alone a fireman.

patilliepatillieabout 9 years ago
Glad I read tyhe comments before trying to slog thru this muck

Loved the Pat Quinn series, but this proved a bridge too far for many readers, and I wont take the time to read it after reading comments from several prominent commenters on here.

foolscapfoolscapabout 9 years ago
Finally, just what was Darla's Dilemma?

She had no dilemma... she made her choice and she made it easily. I guess her dilemma was to figure out how to cover her ass for her decision making and to make it look like she was the victim and not the perpetrator.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I gave it a five but found fault in the reconciliation.

A feel good story, a happy ending, and a few doubts about Darla.i can see an abused women here, but living with a good guy why would you go back to her abusive husband. These women seem to self destruct.

retmstrretmstrabout 9 years ago

Story was just okay. Writing was fine. You've done better, soldierboy. Paid twenty five cents for my first driver's license in Kalispell, MT in 1945. Cheers!

jasonnhjasonnhalmost 9 years ago
Good but annoying

First, overall I liked the story. Yes, there is a LOT of detail in the writing. I guess you either like that kind of thing or you don't. It was done pretty well so I liked it.

I am OK with the reconciliation. Forgiveness should not just happen; it needs to be earned. Further, reconciliation requires major changes to happen after such a betrayal. I can accept that Darla had very low self esteem and lived her life as a manipulated and abused spouse with Randy and that precipitated her behavior. I can accept that in a stressful situation she chose to go back to what she knew. Randy had manipulated her in the past and did so again. He WAS the kids father and there is a strong urge to support that connect. Many abused women stay in their abuse situation for the same reasons. Their thinking is always beyond my understanding but it happens all the time. It is real so I can accept that as a foundation for what happened.

I found the attitude toward Daulton by others and especially himself, really annoying. The story actually condemns itself. What is the consensus view of Randy? A leopard doesn't change it's spots and in his case it was absolutely true. Well, doesn't that apply to Darla as well. Cheaters never change, right? Darla even admits her fatal flaw is that she always makes bad decisions.

So WHY is Daulton an ASSHOLE? That theme continues throughout the story right through to his apology to Diana. Darla made another terrible choice. Just going back to Randy would have been bad but she also betrayed Daulton. She was SURE that Randy had changed. Stupid but OK. Darla is also stubborn in some things as was pointed out. She WAS going back to Randy.

When people who are self abusers like this, or addicts of one type or another, want to do stupid things, they do, and all you get if you stand in their way is RUN OVER. Daulton KNEW that and he was absolutely correct. Just because Randy reverted to type didn't make Daulton wrong. It was NOT his fault that Darla made a bad decision nor were the consequences of that decision Daulton's fault.

As to Darla getting beaten "because" Daulton DEFENDED himself when attacked, I call bullshit. Darla got beaten because that is what Randy does, abuse her. Darla made the decision to be back with a known abuser and cheater.

Again, the final outcome doesn't matter. Daulton took reasonable actions in letting Darla go. Further, there was no way in hell he should have automatically accepted Darla back after she was beaten. Being beaten didn't mean that Darla had learned anything. It didn't mean she had changed. The cause of the situation was Darla's bad decisions and it was entirely on DARLA to wake up and fix things. The fact that she finally did doesn't mean that Daulton was being unreasonable in his actions. If a long term alcoholic ends up in the hospital due to his drinking, do you figure he will now change his ways, even if he says he is sorry he is drinking? Not if you have any brains! AND you are not a bad person for doubting their recovery and keeping your distance until PROOF of recovery is well shown.

Flagellating Daulton throughout the story was disgusting. He did nothing wrong and in fact was almost a model of self restraint and forgiveness - WHEN IT WAS EARNED!.

BriteaseBriteasealmost 9 years ago

Should maybe have been in Romance, but then I may not have read it. Couldn't put it down.

DFWBeastDFWBeastalmost 9 years ago
Hard Read

Well written, lots of setting detail. However didn't care for the story. Good example of why being the first serious relationship for someone coming off a bad marriage is tp be avoided. People need time to heal after a divorce/separation.

The only person looking out for Ryan seemed to be Danny but he was completely left out when Darla came back on the scene. The four 'friends' he worked with? Nope. Every comment they made was about what Darla needed, never what Ryan needed. Even if they were trying 'tuff love' the focus was always Darla's needs and Ryan's shame.

Darla's parents? Nope. Understandably.

Darla? Nope. Focused on her wants and what she deserved not what was best for Ryan. Typical victim mentality.

Ryan? Nope, he's in full 'martyr syndrome' . Everything is my fault. I must suffer so others can thrive. Not uncommon among rescue workers but there are typically those around these types of people who try to protect them, even from themselves. Not in this case.

Finally just a thought.

You realize the vast majority of abusive individuals were at one time abused themselves? Wondering how long before Darla starts abusing Ryan (he'll obviously take it willingly and no one will try to stop it.) Doubt it? Central to the mindset of most abusers is that they deserve to be happy or successful or whatever, then when they're not it's someone else's fault. Selfishness incarnate. Look at Darla's actions.

Just a thought.

DFWBeastDFWBeastalmost 9 years ago

Sorry Daulton not Ryan.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Two things...

Where does it say that "Man up" means doing whatever a disrespectful, lying, cheating cunt wants?

Second, didn't he say he'd never be plan "B"?

P.S. Also, if I kick someones ass defending myself, does that make me responsible for everything the loser does later? Where's the fucking logic in that?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Damn good writing

Looking forward to seeing your next one. Thanks! - claud137

javmor79javmor79almost 9 years ago
I love the realism of your stories

I am not the biggest fan of some of the characters, but that is because you present them as human, not infallible gods. Sheriff Quin is the prime example of a good guy who has countless flaws. He is a respectable leader and he tries to do what is best for his town; however, he can be a pompous asshole who thinks his shit doesn't stink. That is a human being! He is about as real as it comes. As is everyone else in this Red River series.

I like that you addressed some of the Literotica Myths that so many of the readers of this site believe to be true. There are serial cheaters, but the majority of people who cheat do so because of a unique set circumstances that catches them when they are weak. These people usually learn from the pain that was inflicted from their indiscretion and they vehemently avoid being caught off guard again.

Great story. I love the reconciliation. I also like that fact that you didn't turn her into some sniveling shell of a woman whose sole purpose was to boost his frail ego when she was trying to win him back. You kept her character consistent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
What r u thinking?

This is not a college class is writing novels. It's s web site for (short) SEX stories.

If you want to be the next Hemingway, find a site that wants your kind of stories.

PS. you have WAY too much time on your hands.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
A Taurus snubbie?

What an asshole! If her father really loved her he would have given her a Ruger SP101.

Very sad story. It depresses me when the "good" guy loses at the end, getting used by everyone to make their lives better. He couldn't even listen to his own advice - leopards don't change their spots. She'll use him up and take off when it's most convenient for her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
matt moreau

it is you that is using another name to get your sicko stories in print.

koosewatcherkoosewatcheralmost 9 years ago
Cuckold tale

Cuck category!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

What he (javmor79) said!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Rebound effect

I agree there is a category who cheat once and no more in their life or they become faithful in their second marriage. However the reconciliation has a rebound effect after the cheating. The innocent spouse lost his/her psychic limit against a fling/affair........................However the authors wrote this (after 1-5-10-15 years) rebound effect the fewest stories at all in the cheating spouse genre!

Unfortunatally the majority of cheaters also lost the psychic limit, because the cheating adventure has such effect as the drugs, alcohol, gambling, adrenalin etc in the brain!


rcrmonte3rcrmonte3almost 9 years ago
Good Story

No matter what Harry says. I had a suspicion you had a lot of experience in police/fire/rescue work. Either that or you did a helluva lot of research. Thanks for clarifying your experience. I loved the way the story went from OK to bad to worse back to good (better than OK). \You got 5* and 2 favorites from me. Keep writing. Yours are among the first I read when I see them.

Just wondering--where is the fictional Mason county that it's west of I-94? ND, SD, MN, IA? If in IA, I-35N would be the way to get to the Twin Cities.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 9 years ago
Enjoyed it

five stars for a quality piece. The beginning was long and not very engaging. Without the context of this guy's particular life, it was a bit tedious. I almost gave up and walked away from the story. Glad I didn't. Once it got going it was riveting.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 9 years ago
One more thought...

I assume the dilemma she faced was weather to stay with her boyfriend, or go back with hubby. Yet, that seemed to be not much of a dilemma as she very quickly made her choice. It was so brief, I kept thinking that there was a future dilemma coming later in the story. Did I miss something?

sdc97230sdc97230almost 9 years ago
Low self esteem

Darla didn't really believe that she deserved a guy as good as Daulton, and that sooner or later he would realize that she wasn't good enough for him and would leave her. So when Randy showed up and appeared to have reformed himself to be better than he had been - but still not as good as Daulton - her gut told her that Randy would be so grateful to be taken back that he wouldn't leave her. It's screwed-up logic, but that's how people with low self esteem often think.

Can see Daulton taking her back, but he'd be wise to insist that she keep on with whatever counseling she must have gotten at the shelter that finally enabled her to recognize her own issues. People don't just wake up one morning suddenly freed of a lifetime of emotional baggage.

ohyessssssohyessssssalmost 9 years ago

I am almost always a burn the bitch kind of guy. I'm glad these two got back together. Seriously, I don't think anyone on literotica tells a better story than you do. Thank you.

jiminabjiminabalmost 9 years ago
Loved it

Sorry not talking

about your story although I did, but your opening comment. " Go be a jerk on someone else's time. " Made me laugh.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago


KClookingKClookingalmost 9 years ago
Good story

Honestly, I didn't want them back together. I thought she should have "laid in her bed". But, love conquers. Great story

kjohns2001kjohns2001almost 9 years ago
Good well written story

A good well written story. Like other commentators I am ambivalent about them getting together. I know it's just a reflection of real life but how he was blamed for what happened and pushed into getting back with her just gripes me. Why does the guy always have to be at fault and wrong? And everyone seemed to be so concerned about her while few if any gave much of a shit over how he felt or what was best for him.

That said it was still a good story and deserved the five stars I gave it. I'm just sad that it reflects a reality that always puts men in at best second place to whatever women want, need or feel they deserve no matter how it hurts or shortchanges the men in their lives.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Their shoes

When I read stories like this...I try to put myself in the main character's shoes and see if I would act the same as they would...and I could honestly say, that given the circumstances, I would most likely react the same as Daulton...

oldwayneoldwayneover 8 years ago
No wimps in this story, you anonymous fool!

This was just an excellent tale, SB. I thoroughly enjoyed it...FIVE STARS!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Not impressed

M not impressed at all...the whore got what she wanted...

And the good guy suffers...or bring pussy whipped until Randy come out of jail or she meet another Asshole...thats what she abusing as hole...

She cheated n cuckolded Coulton n walk out on him...n u fucking let him take that BITCH back..

Coulton deserves better...some one who would love n cherish him..n not a white with tonnes of baggage in addition to the Bastatfs kids. Ugh..I feel like vomiting.

A leopard can't change its that bitch won't change or won't b able to help herself when Randy come put of jail or her running into another ashole..

If I were Coulton I would have told her yo wait for Randy....may b a year after Rsndy is out...if she don't get back to with him when he is out or date or fuck some one else that time while she waited...

Then may...b n in the mean time let Coulton...heal himself from guilt which is not suppose to b feeling in the first place..n let him meet a good woman ...n not a damaged good...and a cheating SLUT to add .UGHHH

javmor79javmor79over 8 years ago
What's not to like about this story?

Excellent tale. Absolutely excellent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Pretty stupid..

I cant imagine any person who would ever take her back.

And she already has 2 brats from her ex. This story is so stupid, that I would not have been surprised if he accepted her back even after finding out she was pregnant with another of Randy's kids..

People can change. But it is rarely for the better.

The guy was a chump and he will remain so his entire life.

He'll be betrayed again in the not too distant future. And Im sure being the spineless wimp he is, he will accept all future discretions.

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
somewhat depressing

and the main characters were difficult to like. The personalities did not make sense and were not consistent. Darla had such low self esteem she did not know who she was or what she liked, yet she is the one who tells Daulton to get it together and be strong because she deserves him??? Daulton is just as conflicted, one time in complete command, the next moment wimpy.

We learned she does not like Chinese food and his spaghetti, other than onion rings has she found anything she does like?

EddboyEddboyabout 8 years ago
cant see reconciliation

bc i dont understand how someone could settle for someones leftovers. She came back once Randy put her in the hospital if he didnt then she would probably still be with him. On top of that i only heard one apology the rest of the time she made up a story about how hard her life was and how she deserved better. The fact that the main character didnt gag when Darla mentions she wanted to kill herself bc of all the attention she was getting was wondrous. lol im sorry i just could not stand the female lead in this one, i guess my pride would have needed more begging and remorse to consider taking her back lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
one of your best

I liked it.

Freddog6601Freddog6601almost 8 years ago
It's ok but not close to your best

I had a problem with the characters. Daulton was a weak character. The start of the story was deceptive as his character had his shit together and was deceive and deliberate in his actions as a helo EMT. The switch from that character to an indecisive wuss happened pretty fast. Pretty much throughout the story Darla was an unlikeable character. It wasn't until close to the end of the story that the character of Darla is explained. For me it was too little too late. It was like trying to unring the bell.

Cute, predictable story line that was a quick read. It's not a story I'll read a second time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

2 pages of technical jargon about helicopters and medical equipment that most people don't understand, and even fewer care about. And two lead characters that are as likable as a toothache. Just not the kind of thing I care to read.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 7 years ago
Hey Rightbank

She also likes steak

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A good story about how the good guys settle for sloppy seconds and settle for being the backup choice as long as they stick around

At least Quin kept his easily snippable balls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Good writer, but the way it played out it just didn't seem believable to me. I really don't see a man taking her back after he rescues her from that kind of situation and she willingly leaves him. I don't see a man blaming himself for another man's actions either, especially when he had a history of abuse. Maybe a friendship at most, but most any man with any semblance of intelligence knows that a woman will keep repeating her past behavior. The author expects us to believe that Randy can't change, but somehow Darla can? Nope, for some women they just can't be "happy" unless they are in a toxic relationship. Very very few ever change, and it takes a long time

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Sloppy Seconds.

What hapends. when Randy comes calling with his concealed weapon. Will she go on the run again?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Ignore the naysayers.

Its a good story, screw whatever complaints!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Snipping balls

I'm surprised you didn't let the story about the husband who going to get castrated happen, cause this guy was thoroughly denutted. All things equal , equal meaning Randy doesn't beat her to badly she chooses Randy. After Randy beats her off she decided oh he is ok after all.

That is crappy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
VERY dissapointing

lack of backbone, nobody deserves this amount of disrespect

LalawmanLalawmanalmost 7 years ago
Good Story!

Your depiction of abused women and good men that get involved with them is spot on. Obviously Darla got much needed counseling during her stay in the halfway house and her final beating got her to the point of wanting to change her life - a necessary point to accept change. I really don't understand if all of the Anon posters don't understand how pernicious abuse (alcohol, spousal, etc.) is and how difficult it is to recover from it. AND I hope they never have to experience abuse in their or a loved one's life.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 7 years ago
Very good

You addressed a couple of very important and unpleasant issues: domestic abuse, and alcoholism, based on a plausible scenario, using realistic events and outcomes. IMO you dealt with it appropriately, credibly, and didn't shy away or gloss over the physical or emotional injuries to Darla, or the impact to Daulton. BRAVO!!

My only suggestion is that you could have spent some time on whatever Darla did to reach her conclusions about life-direction. Darla didn't just have an epiphany, the damage was quite deep. Her recovery to the point of approaching Daulton was fairly quick. Did she and her kids get counseling while living in the shelter? Did it continue after leaving the shelter?

Red River / Mason County is quite the vibrant little universe. Creating the universe and staying consistent within it is another good job. Please keep going with more stories in that setting.

silentsoundsilentsoundalmost 7 years ago
Not for me

Stupid cheating bitch fucked him over and cheated on him with a fucking loser.

Good writing as usual but stupid cunts don't get better that quickly.

Daulton was her backup plan B.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

You made me cry.

Many people dont understand the psychological effects abuse cause. Why girls stay or even go back to the abuser.

How they can actually feel they deserve it and dont deserve a good guy.

Add in the desire to keep a family together and the feelings of failure, plus the belief you are the cause of it all.

Your story was just grand.

Thanks for sharing it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

KClooking states Darla should have lain in her bed.

My interpretation of that statement is he/she thought Darla deserved to live her life in a violently abusive relationship.

Sad that anyone would wish such torture on another. I have known females who by 15 have DDcup breasts. Everything Darla described is true...though males did lust after them the most hurtful comments came from jealous females. Ostracized by other girls and constantly groped by male dates would damage anyone's self image.

I have also witness three extremely beautiful young women with perfect bodies from upper middle class families who ended up with manipulative boyfriends convincing them they were ugly-ordering them around-pubicly berating them. Easiest prey are the shy younger sister types.

One woman who was funny and outgoing started showing up every few months with broken arm from snowtubing accident, black eyes...she parroted her husband's accident stories

I coached women's softball team and this shy gorgeous girl with fantastic body had little ugly worm of boyfriend who convinced her she was ugly and nobody but he wanted her. Her brothers, sister, and parents begged her to not believe him. I ran him off from a game when he started using abusive language. Her family asked me to intervene as she would often talk about how nice I was to her. If I was not married I would have stolen her from him after egging him into getting his ass kicked. I talked with her before and after each practice and game after banning her boyfriend. I even went so far to bring a 12 inch diameter mirror and made her look at herself telling her how beautiful she was. I knew she had crush on me, her sister tried to break up my marriage so she could be with me. Last time I saw her she asked me if she was so beautiful how come I never came on to her. She knew I was happily married and I told her that was reason.

Another young girl was so rebuked by boyfriend who told her she was ugly. Boyfriend was cousin of friend of my wife and her brother.

We were all at same table I became angry. Told her to dump the little worm. Told boyfrien to his face how ugly and repulsive he was and nobody spoke to female like that in my presence if he did it again I would kick his ass right there. He left in huff but male cousin got in my face about ta5lking to his cousin like that-made comments about how slut deserved it...we ended up out in the standing he face first in asphalt. Years later the guy I fought was sent to prison after putting wife in intensive care. He was from upper class family

tangledweedtangledweedover 6 years ago
Interesting little universe

While the happy ending for the abused woman and her family gives the reader some warm fuzzies, it draws a figurative line in dividing cheating and lying is permissible in this county.

In this story, Darla cheats on her boyfriend with her soon to be ex-husband. Regardless of the semantics of the boyfriend/husband relationship, she was effectively cheating on her boyfriend since she was living with him while divorcing her husband. She lied about her husband being in her boyfriend's home. Darla took less than a day to pack and move out on her boyfriend once he knew of her deception. This betrayal was not considered significant enough to stop a reconciliation.

In the Sheriff Quinn stories, the cheating wife not only had multiple affairs for years while trying to manipulate her husband's life, she actually conspired to have him put in jail. Apparently, multiple infidelities, manipulation and jail time is what it takes to cross the line to a point where you can't recover.

It is a decent story, but I just didn't see any kind of foundation for accepting why this relationship would recover. It took her almost being beat to death for Darla to want back into our fireman's life. There was no background suggesting she would have tried to come back to him if her husband hadn't gone completely nuts and if he had just remained borderline abusive there is no doubt she would have remained with him.

A lot was made about Darla's abuse and her finally being free to make choices towards the end of the story, but she didn't make a choice between her boyfriend and husband, it was made for her and she just threw herself at the one left standing. If she was really making choices for herself, she wouldn't have jumped right back into a dependent relationship. She would have stood on her own two feet first and figured out what she really was all about.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Had to give this 2*

1* for the storyline but gained 1* for the writing. As others have said; she lied to him about the asshole being there, she fucked the asshole in their bed, the kids knew about it but she had to tell them not to mention anything, and she left knowing that it was a one-way door. No handle on the other side to return. She goes anyway. She even has him begging her not to leave. So what happens; everything goes tits-up and now everyone has him convinced that he is either responsible for her situation or that he's a fool for not taking her back. We'll guess what? He has absolutely NO responsibility for the decisions made by the ex-girlfriend or the asshole. They are both grownups and they make their own decisions.

With stories like this I like to switch roles and make it the guy going back to a drunk/cheating wife and leaving the live-in girlfriend behind. He finds the ex-wife is still a drunk and isn't going to change. The readers would be all 'Boo-Hoo for the poor girl being left and would be encouraged not to take him back'. The end just seemed to be him being influenced by everyone to take her back and her pushing him to make up. Reminds me of the other story where Mercedes wanted his balls relieved from his sack. This story might as well have been a prequel to that story.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Good one

I consider this the worst of soldierboy's works.. That said, it is still head and shoulders above what anyone else is posting on LW. Please come back.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
You Write Some Good Stories

I enjoy the characters...both good and your stories. I enjoy reading about The End Zone and The Half Pint. They remind me of The Goldmine, The Hideaway, Two-Mile Inn, and The Office Lounge. Since I live on the Red River, I substitute the Texas Rangers, Houston Astros, the New Orleans Saints (never could be a Dallas Cowboys fan), OU Sooners and OSU Cowboys.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
she lied and cheated

She made him beg, and the people took her side, wtf, how do women like this not deserve what they get--- god it must feel great to beat a woman like her

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

You left out the part when he rings the doorbells of his colleagues at around six, sits down at their dinner table, and proceeds to give advice to their families on how to live their lives. Their children are failures for getting less than A's, and their wives and husbands are drunks for having beer in the fridge.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

too much teckie stuff. got through one page. slap hapy papy #9

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Daulton is a dummy in 3 years She will be cheating on Him .. Because she knows He will take her back no matter what . Yes I am divorced and Happy with a nice lady friend .. She will never get married to Me ..

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This has to be the worst story that you have written, because you elected to make your main character a stupid person. Anyone in the emergency response business will tell you that in an abusive relationship the female goes back to her abuser repeatedly until he either kills her or some other event forcefully separates them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Overall well written

The basic plot idea was different and creative. Four of the things that marred the story were: 1. The MC's guilt over the beating Darla received was absurd. The husband was an adult and entirely responsible for his choices. It would have been ridiculous if the MC and his friend had submitted to a beating because they thought the husband might become angry and take it out on Darla. In fact, if anyone other than the husband bears some measure of responsibility for Darla's beating, it's Darla herself for going back to him. 2. The "gatekeeper" at the shelter...just awful. It's as if someone is writing an LW story and a minstrel show breaks out. That was just embarrassing. 3. Darla's cheating and lying were never appropriately addressed. The MC allowed himself to be "Plan B" despite his initial resolve not to be. Worse, not only are those issues not dealt with seriously, Darla gets away with claiming that there is some sort of moral equivalence between them because neither of them "talked" things out when the MC forced her to admit her lying, cheating, and thoughts about leaving. Anyone rational would have kicked her to the curb, and it would be 100 percent justified. She was the bad actor, not the MC. 4. What is it with authors here and gratuitous vulgarity? Do they really live in a world in which one would say to a woman "I love the shit out of you", just to pick one example? The only time I encounter the level of vulgar language so often found in these stories is when I'm around guys whose tats run all the way up their necks who make about $10/hr on a loading dock and have IQs of about 80. The grammar is also often inappropriate for characters who have at least high school diplomas.

lee5456lee5456almost 4 years ago
You ain't a fucking man!

If you even lay one finger on a woman then you are not a fucking man. You are a fucking asshole and deserve to have your ass beat and buried under the jail.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Why would you waste your time writing a story about such a pussy whipped idiot? Women who repeatedly go back to their abusers have mental problems that NEVER go away. Anyone who gets dragged into their sordid little worlds is lucky if they live to regret it. Fairy tales like you wrote encourage this kind of disaster!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Author hasn't published anything for years which is a shame. This is a really good well crafted story and a good read.

It touches on domestic violence which seems to have increased during this current pandemic. As far as I'm concerned any man the hits a women is nothing more than scum. No matter what the provocation no man has the right to strike a women.

mac1729mac1729about 3 years ago

Too bad you don't write anymore because I really liked this story. The anonymous comments of NOPE, STUPID, and AIn't a fucking man are ridiculous. Relationships with domestic abuse victims are complicated to say the least the fact the MC comes around to give her another chance when he said he wouldn't be plan "B" is not wimpy it is in fact growth and understanding. I have been there and done that as the saying goes 30 plus years as a firefighter and have even testified in cases on domestic abuse that I was witness too. 5 stars

LkochhhLkochhhalmost 3 years ago

Darla needs professional help to overcome her self-destructive tendency to let herself be abused. The medical staff around her and the staff at the shelter would have noticed that. After therapy, she would have understood that she does not need a partner with serious helper syndrome. The marriage is doomed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Why would you write a story about such a pussy?

SignedBTWSignedBTWalmost 3 years ago

Re: Anon/Overall Well Written

I agree with almost everything you wrote. I absolutely hated the part when she was leaving with Randy the way Daulton started begging her to stay. Fuck that, don't let the door hit you in the ass. Then there was the parts where he kept feeling 'shame'. For what, not talking to her? Who was the one who lied, cheated, did everything she could to cover it up and not want to talk about it? Then people kept accusing him of being a coward and running away, who did run away? No matter what seems to be a continual theme in these stories is the cliche "of closure". Batshit on that. They lie, cheat, they leave or you throw their asses out. Ya got fucking closure!

OK, enough being a hard ass. I have been involved with two women who were abused as children. The first was by her father and some of his friends who swapped their daughters around. The second by a family member. The first was the most damaged and much of that story is largely spelled out in comments scattered out after other stories. Funny thing, the second one is the one who hurt me the most and I wasn't even married to her. So bottom line is after her baring her soul to Daulton I was in a forgiving, understanding mode. I still believe he was correct in his feelings and actions at the time as he understood things to be with the exceptions noted.

One thing I do want to make clear, although I didn't always succeed at being a nice guy, I Always made it a point to do my best to finish last. I can't figure out why they never seem to grasp the implications of that in these stories. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

zerozerozero... I quit reading this pissdrivelshit on page 7. That is all I could stomach. These two losers both got what they deserve.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Planb guys do get the girl and another mans kids to raise once the other man is done with them.

Ocker53Ocker53over 2 years ago

Very disappointing, I lost interest about 2/3 thru reading, once I heard Dalton friend say, you need to man up, I lost all interest. And honestly who uses the word cockold? In my entire life I have never heard that word used in a conversation. The only place is on literotica and every author on here, throws it in there stories at least a dozen times. Come on your a better author than this garbage, ⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

While I don't necessarily appreciate the ending, I think the story as a whole was good.

A lot of people are toxic, the ex was toxic, she was toxic, hell even the main character and his co-workers were. The only people who come off as decent are people only mentioned sparingly.

But that's life, some coworkers are assholes, people go back to their abusers, and people let someone who treated them poorly back into their life. That's just reality and i think this story captured that well.

It felt realistic that all the "wrong" things happened, because that's life, people are dumb.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The kind of story that brings forth all of the emotions involving love-hate relationships. Anyone who has experienced being on the losing end of a cheating relationship can definitely appreciate the unwillingness to give it another try. For those who have made the fatal mistake, there is deep-rooted self-pity along with having to reset one's own moral compass in order to resurface for another try. This story has it all. Great job, Author!

ManoBlueManoBluealmost 2 years ago

Everybody was unlikable

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Women who allow men to abuse them over and over are addicted to disrespect and abuse... when he ex gets out of prison and comes looking for her, and says he's reformed and wants her back, she will leave and go back with him... unless she receives some long-term counseling to unravel her self-hatred... Daulton might as well prepare himself for more gut-wrenching pain for his future... he is still the whimp and fool at the end as he was at the beginning of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I love your writing but Daulton, as you charachterized him is an weak man, with a very poor self concept who wallows in self pitty, asks for more then, like any good victims, Weines about it.

He has ZERO self respect.

Truly, this is a MC I had lost all respect for.

As my Jewish friends would say he's a putz!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I couldn’t get into this story. I have read a lot of RAAC’s, and BTB’s. The raac can make sense, with the right circumstances. Here are the issues, I have with this story-

#1. Allowing a woman to move in with you, when one of you are still married. That is beyond stupid.

#2. Taking her back, after she dumped you to get back together, with her abusive, ex. It is obvious in this circumstance, she was “ in love” with the security new BF could provide, but not him. Sooner if later, she would be back out there, looking for a man that “excites” her.

The story seems to go with the spin, that she has now learned her lesson. Here is a thing, about abusers, drunks and addicts. They seek partners, who live the same lifestyle. You can remove them from the situation, and they will turn around, and find another situation just like it. That’s it. No hope for these two. I gave it 2 stars.

woodrangewoodrangeover 1 year ago

Definitely like the way you stories give reality to the situations the characters meet in their work and home lives.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

My word, you do a good job of writing stupid characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Top story by top writer who understands real life.

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