Date Night


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I giggled to myself when Amy ordered another round. She gives me such a bad time whenever we are out and I order a tequila from the top shelf, saying we have plenty of good tequila at home, can't I wait until then.

Joan laughed while smiling and making eye contact with me. Joan said, "Don't hurt him, ladies."

We downed the second round of shots and then Joan poured the ladies another round of champagne as she said, "This bottle was already open, it will just go bad if you don't drink it."

We all laughed and raised our glasses in salute to her.

I looked at Misha and her face was visibly flushed from the tequila.

Amy stood up and said, "Watch my seat, I need to use the lady's room."

Misha said, "Alena, watch Roxy's bar stool, I am going to watch Roxy's hot ass as she walks to the bathroom."

Amy leaned into Misha and kissed her on the mouth, then loud enough for me to hear, "You are just sweet enough to eat."

Once Amy was out of earshot, I asked Misha and Alena, "So how long have you two known Roxane? The three of you seem close. Do you work together?"

Misha giggled at my questions before she said, "To be honest we just met her tonight. But we hit it off with her right away. Seems her husband is out of town and she was bored. So, she is out on the town tonight. She is gorgeous, isn't she? Can you keep a little secret?"

"Yes, she is very attractive. Sure, I can keep a secret. So, you two are best friends? You have east European accents?" I asked trying to sound worldly.

Misha stuttered a bit as she said, "Roxy is hoping to get lucky tonight. She said her hubby isn't taking care of things at home."

I had to try not to laugh at that, Amy was really playing this out.

Misha was starting to slur her words slightly. She couldn't weigh more than one hundred and ten pounds so I am sure the shots mixed with the champagne was going straight to her head.

Alena picking up on Misha's situation said, "Baby, you need to slow down and drink some water. The night is still young Moja laska."

"Moja Laska?" I asked in a sloppy attempt to repeat what Alena said.

Both girls giggled and repeated it, drawing out the words.

Alena said in a very heavy accent, it is Czech for "My Love". We are both Czech, me more than Misha here. Misha's family moved here when she was a baby and I moved here when I was seventeen. We met in college."

Misha was smiling and looking up at Alena who was now standing next to her. Amy and the girls were seated in the far left-hand corner of the bar. They had the last three bar stools in the corner with Alena sitting with her back to the wall.

Alena leaned down and gave Misha a long passionate kiss.

Amy walked up just as the two broke off the kiss and said, "Hey, what did I miss? Can I get in on that?"

Misha reached out and pulled Amy into her and said, "Roxy you sexy thing, give me a kiss."

Alena laughed and said, "Me first, you got a kiss from Roxy when she went to the bathroom earlier."

The sexual tension had escalated.

Amy kissed Alena long and hard, running her hands all over Alena's tall lean body. I was more than taken aback to see Amy being so aggressive with these two young girls in public. I know she can be very aggressive sexually at home or in private but we were in a very crowded restaurant. I watched as one of Amy's hands went down between Alena's legs and Amy's body jerked a bit as she broke off the kiss and smiled. Then she kissed Alena again with an open mouth and obvious tongue action.

Amy pausing in the middle of the kiss was odd I thought.

Amy broke off the kiss and I watched as she gave Alena a wink.

Then she kissed Misha again, full-on lip lock.

I was so wrapped up in the three women making out that I didn't notice the music had changed and a live band was starting up.

Amy turned to me and said, "Casey, you going to just stand there, or ask one of these young ladies to dance?"

I laughed and said, "Oh, I doubt they have any interest in dancing with me, they should be dancing with one of the young bucks here."

Misha said in her heavily accented voice, "Casey, I would love to dance with you. That bartender isn't the only one that would enjoy getting off with you tonight."

I was stunned, did she just say what I think she said or did she make a translation mistake in her English?

Alena said something to Misha in Czech and Misha responded in Czech. Amy and I had no idea what they were saying.

Alena said, "Please excuse us for talking in Czech, I asked Misha if it was ok if I danced with Roxane since she was going to dance with Casey."

Amy said, "I hope she said it was ok. I would love to dance with you, Alena. You are a tall sexy drink of water. How could I say no?"

Amy grabbed Alena's hand and the two of them headed to the dance floor.

Misha stood up and was a bit wobbly as she reached out and took my hand.

"Let's go handsome. I don't know this song but I like the rhythm," Misha said.

I was now able to see Misha's figure for the first time. Up until now, she had been sitting the entire time. Besides her large breasts that I had noticed first off, I was now able to see she had a tiny waist that accentuated her hips. She had a perfect hourglass figure.

I said, "Misha if we leave, someone will take our seats."

Amy and Alena were long gone, they were in the middle of a mass of people on the dance floor.

Misha was now holding onto my arm to steady herself.

"Oh, my, I think I better sit down. That last shot of tequila was one more than I needed," Misha said as she leaned into me and wrapped her arms around my waist. Her accent was even thicker now.

"Come on young lady, let's sit down for a bit until the girls get back," I said. I got Joan's attention and got Misha some more water.

Amy and Alena walked up and said, "Hey what happened to you two? Misha, did Casey refuse an offer to dance with you?"

"Oh no, my legs and feet decided sitting was best for me right now, but Casey, you do owe me a dance before the night is over," Misha said in between gulps of water.

"Ladies please call me Case," I said.

"Misha, do you feel well enough to come to the bathroom with me?" Amy/Roxane said catching me off guard.

What's that's all about I wondered.

Amy helped Misha to her feet and the two of them headed to the bathroom, not before telling me to order another round of drinks.

I looked at Alena and she shrugged her shoulders and said in her heavy Czech accent, "I am good for another drink but not Misha. I think she is done for the night."

I frowned a bit and Alena must have picked up on what my horny mind was thinking. The way things were going I was hoping Amy was going to invite them back to the house.

Alena smiled and said, "She is done for the night as far as drinking is a concern, I am sure she will be up for whatever the rest of the night may bring our way."

Alena continued and suddenly her English was much better or I was getting used to her accent.

"Roxane, invited us back to her place while we were dancing. Seems her husband isn't going to be back for three more days and she would enjoy the company of us girls," Alena said.

"Really, well lucky you two. Roxane is very attractive. She has a gorgeous body and that smile," I said, gushing a bit too much over my sexy wife.

Alena said, "Yes she is very pretty and open to trying new things. She mentioned her openness on the dance floor. How about you? You open to trying new things Case?"

I was just about to respond when I noticed Amy and Misha out of the corner of my eye returning from the bathroom.

The band was getting louder now and making it hard to talk, even though the dance floor was clear on the other side of the restaurant.

Amy and Misha were arm in arm and they were both giggling as they walked up to us.

"Case, Misha has something for you," Amy said giggling.

I looked at Misha and then at Amy and it didn't take an eagle eye to see that Misha had taken her bra off in the bathroom. Amy had unbuttoned her blouse one more button than was perhaps appropriate for a public place, her luscious breasts were barely being contained inside her blouse. The under bra she had on was doing its job of keeping her nipples at attention.

My eyes shifted to Misha; her blouse now unbuttoned just as far as Amy's. I could see inside her blouse and the sides of her large round breast. I think my cock noticed before I did as I felt my cock begin to stiffen in my shorts. I was thankful I decided to wear my baggy slacks and underwear tonight, at the pace things were going I would be leaking precum sooner rather than later.

Misha was smiling at me as she reached out with one hand to grab my left hand. When she had my hand in hers, she reached up with her other hand and put something in my hand.

Misha had a nervous giggle as she said, "Roxane said since she wasn't wearing any, I shouldn't either."

I opened my hand to see a tiny pair of purple panties. They were soaking wet. My first thought was, Oh My God these are tiny, but then my cock realized what I was holding and it sprang to attention. Even with my baggy slacks on, it wasn't going to hide my erection.

I was speechless, but I should have known my sexy wife wasn't about to let these two young girls get away.

Alena laughed when she saw me holding her Moja Laska panties.

Alena looked at Amy and said, "Good job Roxy, I am surprised it took you this long to get them off of her. I am pretty sure she soaked through them before we had the shots, they must be drenched by now."

Misha gave Alena a stern look and said, "Moja Laska, don't give away all my secrets."

Amy smiled and said, "Well I was right, Misha tastes as good as she looks."

I knew Amy didn't mean the taste of her kisses either.

Amy said, "Girls you ready to get out of here and head back to my place? The music is getting too loud and the free drinks are over, let's go back to my place and hang out. My place is only a short fifteen-minute drive from here."

When Amy said "hang out" she looked directly at Alena.

The three women gathered up their coats and purses and started to leave.

I watched Misha whisper something to Amy.

"Really? Ok, you ask him. From the bulge in his pants, I think it will be fun. My hubby doesn't have a bulge like that, and lord knows I need some," Amy said.

Misha looked at Alena and said something to her in Czech while smiling at me.

"Case, we are going back to Roxane's house, would like to join me, I mean us?" Misha said.

I looked at Alena and before I could ask if she was ok with it, she gave me a wink and said, "you still owe her a dance remember?"

"That sounds like fun, of course, I would love to join you, three ladies," I said smiling while looking at Amy.

Then I thought, when is she going to tell them that we are married? And how is she going to hide all the photos of us in the house?

"Casey, are you able to drive? We all took Uber's here," Amy said.

"So did I, did you already order a car? I can order one big enough to take us all if you want?" I asked.

Joan the bartender was standing at the end of the bar looking at us.

Amy turned to Joan and said, "Joan, can I borrow a pen and piece of paper please?"

Joan, smiling said, "Sure, but you weren't going to skip out on me, were you? You haven't paid yet."

In my excitement of holding Misha's wet panties, I had completely forgotten to pay the bar tab. I made a mental note to remind Amy that it was her idea to order the Don Julio 1942 when the credit card bill came and she pitched a fit.

I turned to Joan and said, "Oh my, I am so sorry. Here's my card."

Joan smiled and winked as she said in a voice loud enough for Amy to hear, "I was hoping to get stiffed tonight, but not like that."

Joan handed Amy a pen and then turned to get my tab. I watched as Amy wrote down our address on a piece of paper. Then she took another piece of paper and pretended to write down our address. She stuffed the pretend address into my pocket and then handed the piece with our real address on it to Joan when she returned.

Misha and Alena were standing off to the side waiting on us unaware of what Amy had just done.

Amy leaned into me and said, "I can't wait to see you eat Misha's sweet young cunt and plow your fat cock into Joan's hot cunt."

I thought it was odd she didn't mention anything about fucking Alena but did include Joan the bartender.

Then Amy turned to the bar and said, "Joan thank you so much for taking care of us girls tonight. I hope to return the favor when I see again."

"Come on girls, let's go wait for Case outside while he pays the bill," Amy said as she took Misha's and Alena's hands and walked to the front door.

Amy said the magic word, "cunt", she was well on her way to slutville. I took a deep breath as I tried to focus on signing the credit card receipt. My cock was on full alert now.

Joan stood and watched me sign the bill and then leaned into me and said, "John, you and Amy are a lot of fun. I wish my shift ended now so I could go with you. I am going to be going crazy until my shift ends. Save some for me, I hope I can keep up with you four. Oh, and don't worry, Amy told me everything about your fun date night, I won't spill the beans to the youngsters."

I felt like I was watching my life at this point. This little role play of Amy's had taken several turns I wasn't expecting, but I was glad they had. Amy had picked up two attractive twenty-somethings as well as invited Joan the bartender to come to join us.

Joan blew me a kiss and went back to making drinks for the crowd of people still lined up at the bar.

The Uber arrived and Amy said, "Misha you should sit next to Casey if that's ok with Alena."

Misha said, "I was planning on it."

We crowded into the Van and Amy and Alena got in the far back bench seat while Misha and I sat in the middle seat. Misha immediately cuddled up to me and took my hand and put it on her bare thigh.

My cock flexed in my pants and I was hoping I wasn't about to leave a precum wet spot on my crotch.

I could hear Amy and Alena kissing in the backseat. Amy was making the soft moaning purr sounds I have heard her make dozens of times when making out with a sexy lady.

Misha looked at me and said very softly, "Case, you can kiss me, I would like that very much."

I leaned in and kissed Misha. Her lips electrified me as they parted and our tongues mingled together. Not sure why I had any doubt that she would be anything but an amazing kisser. Two seconds after our lips touched any doubts this gorgeous young lady knew how to kiss was wiped clean from my thoughts.

As we kissed, I moved my hand up her thigh further meeting no resistance from her. She parted her legs slightly and I could feel the heat between her soft young thighs.

Just as I was about to get my fingers to her hot young pussy the car stopped and Amy said from the back seat, "Here we are, home at last. Let's get inside."

I was just about to slide a finger inside, I half snorted to myself but loud enough that Misha heard me and she matched my emotion with a huff of frustration.

As we got out of the car, Amy said, "You three wait here, I am going to go through the garage and open the front door for you. Silly vanity here, but I don't want you walking through our messy garage."

"Messy garage?" I thought. Our garage isn't messy, I keep it very neat and tidy.

It took Amy way longer than it should have to go through the garage and around to the front door. When she finally opened the front door and greeted us, two steps inside I knew why it had taken so long. She had removed the three family portraits we have hanging in the entrance hall. She was going to carry this out to the very end.

It was close to ten-thirty by the time we got home.

I needed to pee and started to the bathroom when Amy said, "Ah excuse me? Where are you going, mister?"

"Oh, sorry. I seriously need to use the bathroom and figured there was one down here somewhere," I responded, trying to cover up the fact I knew where I was going.

Misha said, "I need to use the bathroom too."

Amy said, "Come with me Misha you doll, you can use the bathroom upstairs. It has a bidet so you can get that pretty little cunt of yours extra sweet to eat."

Alena and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows when Amy said that.

Misha and Amy headed upstairs after Amy pointed out the downstairs bathroom to me.

Hearing Amy refer to Misha's vagina as a cunt, out loud I knew Amy had left the building and Roxane had stepped off the bus in slutville.

"Alena, do you need to use the bathroom? Ladies first," I said.

"I am ok for now but good to know where it is," Alena said somewhat shyly. She had been on the quiet side most of the night, but now she seemed to be uneasy with us all being here. She was fidgeting with her top as I turned and went to the bathroom.

While inside the bathroom, I heard Amy say to Alena, "Did Casey leave you all alone you sweet thing? Come on, let me show you around."

Their voices trailed off as they ventured further into the house.

I came out of the bathroom and was alone. I heard footsteps upstairs and was about to head up there when Amy and Alena came in from the backyard.

"Case, how about making us some drinks? My husband has a well-stocked bar over there off the kitchen," Amy said.

"Case, aren't you hot with all those clothes on? I know I am, how about you Alena?" Amy said as she very casually unbuttoned her skirt and let it fall to the floor, giving Alena and me a clear view of the garter belt and nylons she was wearing, the blouse hanging down just far enough to cover her panty free hairless pussy.

Alena mumbled something in Czech and without knowing the language it wasn't hard to know she liked what she saw. Alena smiled and she casually unbuttoned her top a few buttons just enough to confirm that she wasn't wearing a bra, but still buttoned enough to cover her small firm breast. Her nipples were at full attention now and attempting to poke two holes in her top.

Smiling at the ladies I unbuttoned my shirt but left it on as I chuckled to myself.

I went to the bar and acted surprised at what I found in an attempt to stay in character.

I said with my attempt at acting surprised, "Damn, right it is well stocked."

"Wow Amy, I knew your husband had good taste, seeing as he married you, but he has good taste in booze as well," I said. I figured, hell, Amy is playing it up, I might as well too.

Amy said she didn't need a drink and Alena asked for a shot of Vodka, which she proceeded to shoot and then ask for another. She was clearly nervous which was odd as she didn't show any signs of being nervous at the bar or on the drive home.

The three of us were standing in the dining room when Misha walked into the room.

My eyes bugged out of my head; she was stark naked. There was only one word to descript her figure, "perfection."

Her large round breasts with dark brown nipples jiggled with every step. She had a washboard stomach and a belly button piercing. My eyes were drawn to her pussy. She had a patch of jet black pubic hair neatly trimmed in a small triangle. It only accentuated her cockstiffing thigh gap.

Alena said, "That's my girl, can't keep clothes on her to save my life."

Amy said, "Why would you want to? Misha, you are gorgeous. Turn around, let's see that hot little ass of yours."

My cock was at full mast and trying to get out of my pants as I stared at Misha, unable to speak. I figured we would all end up naked at some point but Misha obviously had decided that point was now.

Misha did a little pirouette in response to Amy asking to see Misha's firm young ass.

When she was done, she locked eyes with me and walked across the room towards me.

"Case, you haven't said anything. Do I not make you happy?" Misha asked, now standing right in front of me.