Dating a Porn Actress Ch. 01


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Jerry showed me to a bedroom and said that I could take a shower, and put on a robe afterwards. While I was in the shower, he told me that he was going to take my clothes and put them in the washing machine.

It's funny, but I never felt nervous around Jerry at all. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. I finished my shower, put on the robe with nothing underneath, and went out to the kitchen. Jerry was there, and I could hear the washing machine in the laundry room. He asked me if I would like a drink, and after saying yes, he handed me a margarita. In three hours my world had totally changed thanks to Jerry. We talked. He put my clothes in the dryer, and after taking some more, I finally got dressed in clean, warm clothes. It was absolutely wonderful."

Now I'm thinking to myself while Christy is speaking that this Jerry guy is going to turn out to be a dirtbag, or his wife is going to come home pissed off and kick Christy out of the house. Christy continued on with her story.

So Jerry had kept his word. He took me to a department store, and for two hours I picked out clothes, shoes, undergarments, makeup, you name it. Jerry didn't say no to anything. I bet I left with four sacks full of clothes. I couldn't wait to get back to his house and look at all the clothes again. On the way home, he stopped for some takeout. Once we got back, we ate, and while we were eating, Jerry said that I could spend the night if I wanted to. I didn't really have a choice.

I had nowhere else to go at that time, plus I had all these awesome clothes. After our late dinner, Jerry said if I wanted to go to sleep, that it'd be ok. He never did anything that made me nervous. A total gentleman. I fell asleep and wound up staying at Jerry's for the next month."

By now, I am totally consumed by Christy's tale. She was smiling while telling me about Jerry and the clothes. I'm now thinking this is going to have a happy ending. I did ask her if there was a Mrs. Jerry, and Christy said no and even looked a bit puzzled that I even asked the question.

Christy started again and said "This might have been the best time of my life at this point. This house had everything, and Jerry was great. A grandpa type. He treated me as if I was almost like a granddaughter, even though his son and I were probably the same age. I spent the next few days lounging around the house, eating, and watching a lot of television with Jerry.

Jerry apparently had made a lot of money in the entertainment business, yet I wasn't sure exactly what he did in the entertainment industry. At this point, I just thought he might be retired, even though he was only fifty years old. I will say he did look older than fifty. Bald, not real tall, and even had a beer gut.

It was early in my stay when it got real hot and Jerry asked if I wanted to use the pool. I did want to use the pool, but I didn't have a suit, and of course Jerry would be seeing a lot more of me, literally. Jerry said no problem and showed me a closet with a bunch of drawers that were filled with swim suits. He said there would for sure be a couple that would fit me. So he left the closet, and I went through the whole pile until I found a few that looked like they would fit.

I tried them all on, and they all fitted just fine. The problem was that they were all bikinis, and I had never worn a bikini before. I put on what I thought was the best looking one, and while barefoot, I walked through the living room, right pass Jerry, and headed to the pool I was embarrassed to be seen almost naked, but Jerry never came across as some type of sex freak.

The water was wonderful. Jerry came out after a while just to hang out on a lounge chair, and was no doubt enjoying the view. In time, it just didn't bother me being dressed in a bikini, swimming, or walking around the house with Jerry looking on. I felt safe and secure with Jerry."

Again she kept on talking. "Jerry had a lot of pictures on the walls of photos that he had taken through the years. Because I had full access to the house, I noticed Jerry had a studio set up in a large bedroom upstairs. It wasn't until about a week after I arrived that we started talking about photography. He showed me a lot of photos, the studio, and the cameras. I was really intrigued.

He point-blank asked me if one day I would like to pose for him. I never thought of myself as the model type, but because it was getting kind of boring around the house, and as a favor to Jerry, I said yes. He told me to go put on my favorite outfit that he bought me, and afterwards come back upstairs to the studio and we'll start shooting."

In my mind I knew where this was going. But Christy looked as if she was enjoying telling me about Jerry. I'm thinking the guy is the dirty old man type, but I don't think at this point Christy saw him that way at all. She said "modeling was a blast. I really enjoyed it. He would have me pose in different ways, take maybe about twenty shots, then have me change into my next outfit. Up and down the stairs I would go. He kept saying that I was a natural at modeling, and that the camera loved me.

I'm sure Jerry was liking me too!" She giggled. "Jerry kind of shocked me when he asked if I would like to pose in a bikini. At first I thought no way, but since he had seen me a bunch of times before in bikinis, I said why not.

Again I went down stairs, quickly put on a suit, and literally ran upstairs. By this time, I was excited. Jerry, acting very professional, had me pose in a multitude of ways. I followed each of his directions. Soon, I was headed back downstairs to try on another suit, then back up again. Yet this time, not only would Jerry shoot the camera, he would come over near me, and while using his hands, actually direct me in certain poses.

It was so much fun. He kept telling me how beautiful I was and that I had a real natural talent. Soon enough, the session was over. He told me it was going to take a while to develop the film. He must have worked all night, but by the next day, I think he had about a hundred photos for me to look at. I was impressed. The photographs were great, and I thought I looked great myself. Jerry made me feel so confident and beautiful. I was so happy."

"After taking a long nap, Jerry woke up and asked if I would like to pose again. I said sure, but I said we went through just about all of my clothes and bikinis yesterday. He said let's go shopping then. Now I'm excited. We're finally leaving the house.

We drove not very far away to a building that didn't even have a sign that I could see. Jerry pulled into a parking spot on the side of the building, and asked if I knew where I was. I said no. Jerry smiled and said that it's a lingerie store. He then asked if I wanted to go in to see if there was anything inside that I would be willing to model. I can't believe to this day that I said yes.

We entered the store, and I have to imagine the girl behind the counter thought some grandpa just brought his granddaughter. Let's just say there was more than just lingerie inside. It was more of a sex shop that happened to have some lingerie. I had never seen most of the items that were inside that store.

My head was spinning. Sure enough, Jerry led me to the lingerie area where I went through just about every item. I could tell just about everything they sold was going to be revealing. If Jerry is going to photograph me wearing these garments, he is going to see a lot of me, if not all of me.

Slowly I picked out two items. Jerry said I could buy whatever I wanted. The first two were sexy, but not too revealing. I kept looking. After seeing myself in the photos wearing the bikinis earlier, I knew I would look great in everything that was here. Soon, I kind of forgot about Jerry or what he might see, and just started picking out anything that I thought was cute.

Like the department store, I soon had two bags worth of stuff. It was probably the best day the store had for who knows how long. They did have a dressing room, but once I found my size, I kept picking out items without even trying them on. Jerry didn't say much the entire time.

I couldn't help but to look around. Even though I had never seen most of the items that were in the store, I could quickly tell what just about every item was for. It wasn't very hard to figure out. Jerry did suggest I buy a couple of pairs of high heels. It was the first time I had ever owned heels."

"Once we got back home, I kind of figured that Jerry would want to start shooting, and to tell the truth, so was I. These outfits were so cool, and I wanted to see myself wearing them. We ate a bit of food, and then the next thing I know, we're headed upstairs to the studio.

Jerry rearranged some of the chairs, and moved a couch over in front of the camera. I wasn't sure exactly what he had in mind, but I would soon find out. I went back downstairs to shower and apply some makeup. Instead of changing clothes in my room and running up and down the stairs, I thought this time I would just change clothes in the bathroom next to the studio. At the top of the stairs, Jerry looked me over, examining my makeup and hair, and he said that I looked great.

With both bags, I went into the bathroom to pick out my first outfit. I grabbed the first item that I picked out in the store. I walked out of the bathroom wearing the outfit and high heels. Jerry smiled, and again said that I looked beautiful. He had me walk over to the front of the camera. The outfit was actually less revealing than the bikinis. Again I moved, smiled, and tried to look sexy, that kind of thing. He clicked away.

For the next two hours, I modeled away while Jerry clicked away. It was fun, and I was really enjoying myself. It wasn't long into the shoot that the outfits were so sheer that they were showing all of me. He asked me to remove the top of a bra and panty set, and I complied. It didn't bother me at all being nearly naked in front of Jerry or the camera.

Soon I was just changing outfits right by where the photos were being taken. Jerry had seen every part of me by this time anyways. He never made any weird comments. He just acted like a professional. I felt so comfortable around him.

We finally finished up. I put on my robe, cleaned up all the clothes, told Jerry goodnight and headed to bed. I knew he would work in the dark room all night to get the pictures developed, and sure enough he did."

"The next day I woke up and spent the day in the pool. I didn't have any problem posing nearly nude. It was fun, and I felt good about myself. Later in the day, Jerry woke up and said he wanted to show me the photos from last night. He had them displayed in the studio.

There were so many of them. I was looking closely at the pictures, examining them, while commenting to Jerry. He was doing the same thing. I loved them, and so did he. It was great to see him so happy. I asked him what he planned to do with the pictures. He said it was up to me, but said that he'd like to send several to his friend Bob in L.A. if it would be ok with me.

Jerry said that he and Bob had worked together in Florida, and that Bob had started a very successful production and modeling studio in L.A., doing all kinds of work for the entertainment industry. Jerry said he thought that I had the right look, and especially the right attitude to do modeling in L.A. I said yes because it sounded so exciting."

"Jerry put a package together. He had me sign several release forms, and dropped the package off in the mail. Two nights later, Jerry gets a call from Bob saying that he loves the photos and thought I would be a perfect model for some projects that he's working on. Bob said that he was going to send me a plane ticket and fly me out to L.A. in a couple of weeks. Until then, I was supposed to stay at Jerrys, work on my tan, and just relax until it was time to leave.

I was so excited. The next few weeks flew by. I hung out at the pool and just had a relaxing time."

"A few days before I was supposed to fly to L.A., Jerry began to tell me what to expect when I got to L.A. He said L.A. is crazy and can be very dangerous. Yet as long as I do whatever Bob asks me to do, I wouldn't have anything to worry about.

He said Bob is a great guy and lived in a spectacular house, and that I'd be staying at the house along with some other models that Bob was currently working with. The best part though is that I was going to get paid for my work. He was going to take care of me just like Jerry took care of me as long as I was pleasant and agreeable."

"A few days later I was on my way, by myself, to L.A. I was a bit nervous, but not scared at all. I'd been on my own for awhile. I never told my parents that I was going to L.A., or about the month I spent with Jerry. I knew my parents loved me and were still suffering from Ricks death and Tammy's tailspin. I talked to them a couple of times while I was at Jerrys, but I never told them my location or what I was up to, just saying I had met a great guy and that I was having fun.

Boy, was I ever. Before I left the airport in Florida, Jerry gave me a big hug, and quite a bit of spending cash for my trip. Except for helping me pose for pictures, that was the only time he ever touched me. He said if I wanted to come back to Florida, just to give him a call. He'd have my room waiting for me. I loved Jerry. Like you would a grandpa. He was so kind. But I never did go back except to visit."

Christy asked me if I was getting bored with her story yet. "Heck no" I replied. She asked if I kind of knew what all this was leading up to. She was smiling the whole time. I didn't want to say what I was really thinking, which was she's going to L.A. to shoot a porn movie or something. I said "I'm thinking you are going to L.A. to be in Playboy or maybe a music video?" She laughed at my answer and said "well, you're kind of close."

Immediately her demeanor changed from happy to being serious. She said "Brian, I didn't know it at the time, but Jerry and Bob had me go to L.A. to start shooting for men's magazines and adult movies. I was so naïve and young at the time. They never told me the whole story. I'm not mad at them at all. They were just trying to find young, pretty, and willing talent. The reason why that guy came up to me last night at the bar asking for a selfie was because he recognized me from a movie. Are you mad?"

Christy was waiting for an answer from me. I told her I wasn't mad, not at all. But I'm sure she could see the shocked expression on my face. Even with her story, and with all the other things I had noticed over the last week, I was suddenly dumbfounded when she said the guy at the bar recognized her from a movie.

I'm sure it was the same deal with the guy from the restaurant also, though I wasn't sure if she saw him or not. I knew she probably had a lot more to tell me, but she was waiting for some kind of reply from me. And I had a lot of questions.

I told her I wasn't exactly sure what I was thinking right now. I also told her from what I had heard and seen over the last week, and especially everything she had been telling me today, I said I think you are a beautiful person, and I'm glad you are being honest with me and telling me about your life. I don't want to judge you, or the decisions you made as a young girl. I'm still amazed you even agreed to go out with me in the first place.

Right then Christy walked over and gave me a tight hug, and this time she looked up and we kissed. I wanted her to know that I was here for her, and that I wasn't going to leave and abandon her. After a bit we sat back in our seats and just smiled at each other. She is just so gorgeous. I could totally see why Jerry and Bob would be interested in her, and every guy for that matter.

Christy broke the silence by asking me if I wanted to see some pictures. I started to laugh, thinking, oh my god, is she going to be naked. I think she knew what I was thinking, and said "Don't worry, it's not those pictures!" She grabbed her phone and started scrolling through her album. Finally, she found the one she was looking for.

It was her when she was a lot younger in a bikini. Wow! It was a great photo. She was so young. She hadn't changed much between then and now. God had been very kind to her in the looks department. Now I noticed that her boobs were a lot smaller in the photograph. There wasn't a whole lot there. Seems I had my answer on whether or not they were real. I'm pretty sure they're fake, but of course I didn't say or ask anything.

I asked her if this was one of the pictures Jerry had taken in Florida, and Christy smiled and nodded her head yes. She grabbed her phone back, scrolled, then handed it back to me. It was a picture of an older guy, and I could tell that the picture itself was old. It was a picture of Jerry.

Again, she took her phone, swiped, then handed it back to me. This time it was a picture of her and Bob. It was kind of funny, but he looked kind of like Jerry. They both looked old for their age and overweight.

Also, I noticed Christy again was wearing a small bikini smiling, with her arm around Bob's back, and with his arm around her neck. She looked happy. It too was an old photo. The picture looked as if it was taken inside of a house, and I could tell it looked to be a really nice place.

I asked Christy if the picture was taken inside of Bob's house, and she smiled and said yes. She said the house was spectacular, just like Jerry had said it was. She showed me a couple of other pictures. There was one with a lady named Jill and one of her best friend Lisa. She took her phone, but this time set it down beside her.

She looked up at me from across the picnic table, and said that there was more that she wanted to tell me. I suddenly realized I forgot about the cooler I had brought, and I asked her if she was hungry or wanted a drink.

Judging by her expression, I think she was impressed that I thought about bringing a cooler. I retrieved the cooler from my car, and headed back to the table. Weather wise it was a wonderful early fall day. At this point, it was still pretty warm, but I knew it'd be cooling off drastically when the sun went down. We both opened a beer, and started eating some cheese and crackers. While eating, Christy started in again about her past adventures. I sat at full attention, just wanting to hear the details.

She said "I flew into L.A.,, and Lisa was there at the airport to pick me up. It turns out that Lisa was a model herself, and stayed at Bob's house." Christy continued by saying that "Lisa and I would become best friends, and eventually we would work together. (I'm thinking I have an idea what "work together" really means)

Lisa drove me to Bob's house, and yes, it was just an incredible house. It was huge and there was also a swimming pool. It was there that I met two other models that were staying at Bobs. All the girls were very pretty and young like me." At this point, Christy started talking about Jill who was quite a bit older than the rest of the girls. She was maybe in her early forties at the time, yet very attractive judging by the picture.

"Jill was Bob's business partner and acted as the mom of the house. Along with Lisa, Jill showed me to the room that I'd be sleeping in. I was going to share it with Lisa. Not only that, Lisa, and I were going to be sleeping in the same bed. I was fine with it. I shared a bed with my sister when I was much younger. It didn't bother me. Lisa, along with the other girls, was very nice."

Christy continued by saying "I left my luggage in my room while Jill and Lisa showed me around the house. It was so big. The pool was awesome too. I knew I was going to like staying there. After a while, we ate, and later on Bob came home and introduced himself. The rest of the girls were excited to see him. I followed him to his office upstairs along with Jill.