Dating Ellen -- My Best Friend's Mom


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With great difficulty, we behaved ourselves at the club parties and tried to look like nothing but colleagues also enjoying the events. We danced without making out, avoided touching each other except with the briefest of brushes, and certainly avoided PDAs. We made up for it later, in Ellen's bed, usually making love two or three times before sleeping together.

My mother cornered me after my fourth Saturday night sleeping over. "Alright, who's the mysterious woman that has you wrapped around her finger?"

I'd contemplated this question. "I can't say for another four weeks. We know we're in the NRE phase or our relationship, and just want to be sure that things feel the same then for each of us before we go public." I looked to see if that answer would satisfy her.

My mother laughed and mumbled something about 'young love' and then left me alone. I had a feeling that she'd be suitably shocked when we announced.

* * * * *

Our eight-week mark corresponded with a May Day dance at the club. We had talked a great deal leading up to the event. We were as excited about each other as our first night together, but somehow things felt more comfortable and familiar, like an old pair of slippers.

We were starting to see flaws in each other, too, despite the deeper connection we felt. There was nothing that we couldn't stand about each other for the next sixty years. Neither of us were uncertain or anxious about the tenure of the relationship or our interactions with others. There was a steady level of trust in each of us.

I wrote a story about a young man and older woman falling in love and then living together. In it, my characters moved in together, had a family, and did lots of normal things as the world revolved around them. I finally shared the story with Ellen and she cried. She sobbed into my embrace, "This is exactly what I want to have happen. I want us together. I even want to have a child with you, if you're willing."

"I'm more than willing, but you'll be kind of old, won't you?"

"If the child is conceived and born of love, I will be ecstatic." She did educate me about her biological clock.

My response was, "Tell me when you're ready."

The May Day dance, we allowed for some mild displays of affection in front of others. We danced closer, held hands, and sat with my arm around Ellen's shoulder. No one said anything, but we both knew that people in the club noticed.

Our first serious 'outing' was to my parents the next day. I'd asked my mother to invite me and 'my girlfriend' over for Sunday noontime dinner. I didn't give names, especially because they knew Ellen, if only as Jake's mother. They'd met her many times over the past nine years.

We arrived at my house at noon and Ellen was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. We came up to the door together, and I escorted her inside. My parents were standing together in the door to the dining room.

"Mom, dad, this is Ellen Thomas, my serious girlfriend and the love of my life."

Mom's mouth dropped open and dad looked surprised. There were polite hugs, and a bunch of chatter about so nice to have you for lunch and so on. Serious discussion had been postponed for a bit. I knew it would come soon enough.

Ellen immediately offered to help. We'd brought a bottle of wine, which got opened and served. I noticed my parents' glasses emptied almost immediately. I served more to them.

We were halfway through dinner before the more obvious interrogations started. My mother asked, "If I may, Ellen, how old are you?"

"I'm thirty-six. If I may, I had Jake, who you know, when I was just sixteen. I would have been an unwed teenage mother except Tommy married me to make me an honest woman. We lasted four years. I've been a single mom since."

"And Josh is just twenty-one," mom observed, as thought there was a conclusion to be drawn. She looked expectant. Ellen and I did the same thing, looking at her to see what her bottomline was going to be. There was none stated.

My father asked, "Have you talked about the difference in your ages?"

I spoke, "Yes. If our ages were reversed and I brought a younger woman home for you to meet, I doubt you'd have any of the same concerns. There is no need for any concerns about our relationship. We think we're pretty normal. There is also no basic area in a relationship that we haven't talked about in depth. We're sure that we know what we're doing and what the pitfalls are -- now and in the long-term.

"I also need to apologize to you for some of the misleading things I've said to you over the past couple of months. Jake lives in town with some other guys. When I've been at 'Jake's house', that's technically correct, but I was there for Ellen and not Jake."

Everyone accepted the remarks, and then took a sip of wine at the same time. I found humor in that. The clear implications were that I'd spent many nights away, with Ellen -- at her house alone.

Mom asked, "You're still the Social Director at the club?"

The discussion went off in that direction and the age thing was never mentioned again, not even when I was home without Ellen.

* * * * *

Telling Jake proved to be a more awkward situation.

Ellen declared that she was fixing dinner for Jake and me the following Friday evening. I was there helping prepare the meal when he arrived. He looked a little puzzled and surprised at how we were acting, but didn't say anything. We intentionally were quite domestic, plus I knew where things were in which kitchen drawers and so on.

I served him a beer and joined him. Eventually, after a lot of small talk and catching up mostly about his studies, we sat for dinner. Again, we got about halfway through the meal before I took the reins this time.

I blunted stated, "Jake, I'm dating your mother. We're getting pretty serious together."

His gaze bounced around the table several times between his mother and me. "You're serious?" He sounded incredulous.

We both nodded.

"Fuck! That's horrible." He shot up from his chair and started pacing around the room. "You can't... my mom is like MUCH older than you are? Are you taking advantage of her? What the fuck would make you date someone so old? Why?"

I spoke calmly, "We worked together at the club and developed a genuine liking for each other. Things kind of progressed from there."

"Fuck, that would mean, if you got married, that you'd be my fucking stepfather. You can't do that. That's absolutely crazy." He stood back and looked at the two of us. He just about screamed, "You two are fucking looney." He was highly agitated and obviously displeased.

Ellen tried to calm him, "I'm sorry that you're upset. We waited to tell you to be sure that our feelings for each other were stabilizing. Yes, the possible relationships in the future might be weird, but we're hoping that you can overlook those and enjoy having an unusual family structure. Just so you know, we've even talked about having children."

Jake raced over near me and screamed into my face. "YOU'RE FUCKING MY MOTHER? Jesus H. fucking Christ, what kind of fucking bastard are you? What are you thinking? You're a fucking pervert. Is she a slut, and I haven't known about that?"

Ellen spoke sternly and with intensity to him, "Jake, get a grip. I have a life that you have cared little for as you got older. Witness tonight's meal. You live two miles away but haven't seen me or been in this house in two months.

She went on and got wound up and angry, "Both Josh and I are mature adults in a mature and loving relationship. There is no need for you to characterize it as anything sordid or dirty. It's not. We are in love. After your father left us, I have looked for a man that I want to have in my life for the rest of time. Little did I know that he was right here under my nose, growing up to be an outstanding citizen and to be the man that I want in my life forever."


I tried to calm him, "Jake, if you met someone that you knew was your soul mate and your destiny, and you brought her home, how would you want your mother to respond to her?"

Jake looked at me as though I'd grown another head, but he was paying attention.

I went on, "Now, suppose that she was thirty-six or sixteen, or any age other than your own. Would that change how you wanted your mother -- or even me -- to respond to the two of you?

"What do you want for your mother? A life of loneliness? A life of looking for Mr. Right, who she's not finding in any of her other interactions? Wouldn't you want her to find happiness and joy? My goal in life is to provide that for her.

"And being selfish, what would you want for me? We've been best buddies for years, at least until you went off to your school. I want for you to be a success and to find love and happiness. I'm sincere in that wish. We've even talked about how I might help you in some way besides just being here for you. I love you, man. Don't be pissed at me because I fell in love with your mom. Help us. Help her. Help us to be a better couple that discovers happiness and joy in our lives."

Jake looked between the two of us rapidly. He announced in an angry tone, "I've got to think." He turned and bolted out the front door. The whole interaction about our relationship hadn't taken more than two minutes. I looked and he didn't take his car. Instead, he set off down the street on foot, not in a rush, but not shuffling at a slow rate either. If anything, he appeared to be stomping as he lurched from side to side.

Ellen and I looked at each other. She was still at the dinner table and looked as though she were about to cry. I'd stood up midway through the exchange. I rolled my eyes and said, "That went well."

At least Ellen laughed as she sniffled. "He'll calm down. He just can envision his earth mother giving it up to someone that he knows. If you'd been a stranger, I bet he wouldn't have been as upset. You are HIS buddy and HIS role model, and in that post, you don't hang out with HIS mom. Well, you do now, and that's not going to change."

I nodded in agreement.

We sat and finished our dinners, although I didn't eat that much and neither did Ellen.

Jake reappeared about an hour later. He came in the door and came up to within inches of my face. "If you hurt my mother -- physically or emotionally -- I will hunt you down and hurt you so bad you'll wish you'd never been born. I might go to jail, but I will get my revenge.

"You treat her... like... like... like... my MOM." He then his shoulders started to bounce, his face scrunched up, and he started crying.

I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and then Ellen rushed over to hug him, too. I turned him into her arms, but didn't let go.

I said, "We're all in this life together. Let's help each other get it right."

He just nodded. He said to his mother between his crying jags, "I'm sorry that I haven't been the best son. I partied too much... and you're right, I've ignored you a lot. I've taken you for granted. I do want you to be happy."

He turned to me and added, "And you, too. I know we've grown apart because I haven't been serious about life or becoming an adult. I'm having to face a new reality in this -- in your relationship. I just never thought..."

I said in a low voice, "You can change that. I'll help you, if you want. I've never waivered in wanting you as my best friend."

"I do want that," he admitted.

I strolled to the refrigerator. "That doesn't mean that we can't have a beer together." I popped one open and handed it to him as Ellen looked on. I took one, too.

He sniffled. "Yeah. I'm sorry for my attitude earlier."

I shrugged. "Understandable. I take it that you do love your mother and that was your concern coming forward in a messy way. That's all. All is forgiven."

Jake asked, "Are you going to live together?"

Ellen announced, "Yes, starting in two weeks. Josh is moving in with me. We've already spent a lot of time together, including overnights. Please don't be upset with us. We're feeling our way through life about this, too; and yes, we know that it's unusual."

Jake went and hugged his mother again. I could still see tears running down his cheeks.

* * * * *

The weekend after our dinner with Jake, I graduated from college. My mother, father, Ellen, and Jake were at the commencement ceremony. We had a nice dinner party together at a restaurant named Swans. I knew that the three of them were watching my interactions with Ellen, but we acted normally yet affectionately without going over the top. Apparently, nobody had a problem with that and the two of us did keep things reasonably tame.

The next weekend, Jake and my father helped me move into Ellen's small home. In some ways, I felt as though I was becoming an adult for the first time, leaving home and all. I'd already moved a few things over earlier and then during the week.

Both men had come to grips with my relationship with Ellen. My mom was already thinking about grandchildren apparently. She already thought of Jake as a distant son of some sort since she'd also had a hand in raising him.

I was also thinking about a family -- one or two sons or daughters. Ellen and I had talked and I knew this was her wish, too. Having her pregnant and then birthing would be happy and blessed event for me. Only Ellen knew how I felt. We were sharing deep and emotional things with each other. Despite my age, I wanted to be a father.

I started work at Avitron the day after the graduation weekend. I wanted to get going and I had money to make and loans to pay off. I also wanted to carry my weight financially in our relationship.

Over dinners that week, Ellen and I talked about what we wanted our evenings together to be like. How often would we go out to dinner? To clubs? To movies? What would our weekends be like now that we were together all the time? We kicked around ideas that we liked, but didn't lock in anything, by agreement. We both wanted spontaneity. Further, we liked all of the ideas that we came up with.

Our sex life soared into the far reaches of space. We both sheepishly confessed to being overly absorbed with just about anything sexual and even to liking some slightly kinky things. We were both embarrassed with our admissions and each of us thought that we'd have to curb our appetites. Instead, we were even more compatible than we thought.

Ellen loved sex -- a lot of sex, all the time, and frequently. She realized that she'd been curbing her appetite for decades. We did make love or fuck everywhere in her house that we hadn't already christened earlier, and then started over -- and over. On one warm night, we went out naked in the dark and fucked on the hood of her car in plain sight of the street. Other cars were going by, but apparently didn't see us. She liked being an exhibitionist. We liked it so much that we repeated the foray many times, even making love in the car at the town dock, which was where a lot of the high school kids went to make out.

There wasn't a time that Ellen didn't like sex. We would wake up early and fuck before we went to work. We'd make love in the middle of the night. Of course, our evenings were full of activity and then sex. Weekends were a sex fest, with a few errands thrown in to justify my recovery periods.

Many couples like the lights off for sex. We were the opposite. We both wanted to see each other as we made love. We wanted to examine sexual body parts and play with them. We varied the light levels all of the place, but we could always view each other.

We discovered that we both liked 'erotic talk' -- explicit 'dirty' word imagery about sexual acts, body parts, desires, and even other people, mostly during intercourse. Ellen expanded that into emails and text messages that always made my day. I replied in kind when I could.

We went out to dinner and Ellen wore a new skirt that was so short I was sure she'd get arrested. There couldn't have been more than an inch between her labia and the hemline. She was all legs in CFM shoes. I was even more shocked -- delightfully -- when she proved to me that she wasn't wearing any underwear. "I'm ready to fuck and I don't want any barriers from getting you into me." She was careful when she sat, but not so careful how she sat. She flashed a few guys. She kept the shoes on when we fucked later.

I finally got to take my pictures of Ellen and I got a nice one for my desk at work. There were 'tame' ones and some I took that were downright pornographic. She loved it. During our work days, she'd text me some lewd picture along with pledges of love and more sex than I could imagine. Ellen was my sex angel and I loved it.

After watching some porn, Ellen requested that we make our own pornographic video. We took short segments of our lovemaking over two weeks, and then I pieced them all together with an editing program one weekend. The result was very hot and very viewable.

I bought her some sex toys and we integrated them into our playtime. Ellen liked anal sex. Wow! Ellen liked to watch porn with me. We teased each other with our choices of videos to watch as we brought each other to one orgasm after another. We'd see something interesting in one of the videos and then have to try it.

We groomed each other's pubic area. I shaved her, but left a landing strip. I'd never been so careful with a razor before. She did me with my hair trimmer, even forming a heart over the trunk of my cock. We were a case.

Ellen liked to blow me. I hadn't had a lot of experience, but neither had she. She practiced every day for a while. She liked the taste of my cum, and I didn't mind kissing her or even snowballing with her afterwards. We were kinky that way.

Of course, I liked to eat her and would do so for long periods of time. I'd catch her watching a TV show lying back on the sofa after dinner. I'd settle in front of her after removing any undies or other impediments, and then start to munch and finger her snatch. Ellen was orgasmic, and I found pleasure in bringing her off again and again.

We'd been going together long enough that I had a premonition about what arriving home from work on a Friday evening might entail. Thus, one evening, when I came in the front door after parking in the driveway, I made sure that no neighbors had a line of sight into her house.

Ellen was perched on the small credenza just inside the front door. She was naked except for two pearl earrings and a strand of pearls she wore around her neck; they draped down across her chest, wrapping around one of her full breasts -- breasts with the nipples standing at attention waiting for me to fondle and suck on them. She had her blond hair over one shoulder, with the ends draped around her breast.

She'd pulled her legs up, spread them, and hooked her heels over the edge of the table's top. Ellen's breasts were snugged between her arms, which amplified their size. Her gorgeous pussy was gaping on full display; the slightly swollen lips of her wet labia calling attention to the small dark moist hole that started her vagina. The result to anyone walking in the front door was a gorgeous, horny, desirable, and available woman that wanted immediate sexual fulfillment.

Ellen said in a little girl whiney tone, "I've been lonely all day, mister. I need some of what you've got before dinnertime. I wondered if you'd like to... well, you know, help out a needy girl?"

I stuttered, "Yes, oh, most definitely yes. Helping out needy waifs is my middle name."

Ellen held her arms out to me, and I went to her and we kissed in a way that raised the temperature of the sun. We were both hot and horny. I'd missed her all day too, especially after she'd launched me into my morning with a blowjob at the front door just before I left.