Daughter-in-law’s Sister

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My wife's passing led to an interesting life change.
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My wife had recently passed away and my son made the offer for me to move in with his family. Since I could work remotely it seemed like the time to move closer to our kids. He has a large house, and they could easily make room for me.

It didn't take long to get comfortable, I had my own space in the basement with a door that provided privacy when needed. I put in a small kitchenette, bedroom, and a living room. I'd go upstairs for larger meals but overall kept to myself and gave his family space.

However, we were about a year into the arrangement when I decided I needed to find my own place. Things were working out, don't get me wrong, but you miss a lot of independence when you live in someone else's house. I decided I would take my time and find some place close though. I was going go look at a few open houses and went upstairs to ask my daughter in-law to come with me.

As I walked upstairs I hollard out "Hey Nancy, I'm going to go look at a few places and thought it would be great to get your opinion" Reaching the top of the stairs I quickly realized we were not alone.

"Sorry I can't, my sister came over to visit and the kids will be home soon"

"Oh, I forgot about the kids coming home early and didn't realize Krystal was up" giving Krystal a customary hello. Krystal was a nice girl with a great sense of humor.

Krystal stood up in an excited jump "Why don't I go with you?"

"Umm sure." I stammered out.

"Unless you'd prefer to reschedule for Nancy?" She put this funny pout on and quickly sat down.

"No, no, that's great, please, come along and provide me some advice."

I had spent lots of time with Krystal this past year as she was over often. She was a couple of years older than Nancy and recently divorced. About 5'7 150lbs, Auburn hair and what looked like a solid C cup. It seemed a bit awkward on the drive to the first place as this was the first time we were alone outside of the house. But we engaged in idle chat as we drove and soon arrived.

As we entered the open house the agent greeted us and started into his pitch:

"Welcome, this property is a 3-bedroom bungalow on city serviced lot"

He got that far, I put my hand up to cut him off: "Thanks we will take a look around and let you know if we have any questions."

"Oh, ok, your daughter may enjoy the backyard with inground swimming pool."

Krystal was quick to correct him.

"Oh no, this isn't my father" She looked at him, then me, and gave a wink "This is my daddy." a big smile on her face as she locked arms with me. "Let's go see the pool daddy."

As we moved off to the backyard I looked back at the shocked agent and shrugged my shoulders to him as if to say, 'what can I do.'

"What the hell Krystal?" as I gave a chuckle. She laughed as well "Whatever. it gives him a good story to tell at the office."

We continued to look through the house but anytime she caught the agent looking our way she would flirt it up with me. You know, hand on my arm, a quick hug an excited bounce, that sort of thing.

We had just walked into the kitchen as he approached.

"So, how do you like the house?" he said.

"It's nice, not sure it's for me though."

"You mean us don't you daddy?" Krystal said.

"Of course, sweety." as I opened my arms to hug her. Krystal moved over accepting the hug, I leaned into her ear and whispered, "You started this ruse, better play it up."

Krystal hugged back and stayed in the crook of my arm, her hand on my chest and spoke. "The master bedroom is a little small and it needs updating, I don't think this is the right place either."

"Well, you're the boss." I replied.

She was quick to add "Outside of the bedroom you mean!" She smiled, grabbed my hand, and started to walk away.

I was a bit taken aback but responded more to the agent than her "Yes, in the bedroom you do as your told. Guess she has decided for us." and with that we left.

As we headed to the car, still arm in arm we both started laughing, "Well that was unexpected fun." I said as I got into the car.

"Yes, it was!" she put her hand on my thigh, "The look on his face when you said I did as I was told in the bedroom, priceless."

"Good job we didn't have to stay too long I couldn't have kept a straight face"

"Please." she scoffed, "You're glad we got out of there quick so there wasn't a physical reaction." Her hand still on my thigh gave a little squeeze and rub before she lifted it.

Playing along, I think, "Ha, take more than that to get a physical reaction from me."

"Oh really? that's almost a challenge I'd take up." She replied with a half chuckle

I decided to change the subject "Ok, let's not go there shall we, next up we have a place just down the street"

There was, what I would consider to be a different awkward silence as we drove to the next open house. It was only about 2 minutes, but Krystal leaned against her door staring out the window. I parked and as we got out of the car, I broke what I thought was tension. "We must be the only ones here the agent is on the front steps."

Krystal met me in front of the car, her hand moved down my arm, grabbed my hand moving it up to her lips. A grin on her face she kissed the back of my hand lightly, making sure the agent saw.

"Shall we go take a look daddy?"

"Oh, this isn't going to be good, is it?" I said as we walked towards the house.

"You threw out the challenge." she responded

I stopped walking but still holding her hand. "No, I didn't."

She looked at me with a sly smile "Come on, it's just us here, I consider it a challenge so either skip the house or let's go see what control you have"

With that I turned and walked towards the agent.

Having seen the visual clue, the agent didn't bother to ask if Krystal was my daughter. He went right into tour mode. I started to cut him off, but Krystal engaged him before I could.

"We'd love to have a quick tour before we talk about it."

With that he took us through the house, she continued to hold my hand. If we stopped, she moved in close putting her other hand on my chest or forearm and she would always say baby or daddy to me. As we got to the master bedroom she let go of my arm and walked around it.

"Hmmm, seems big enough for the furniture. Oh, look a big walk-in closet and a small one. I could use that for my special outfits."

"Oh, you have special outfits, for work?" the agent asked.

"Nope, he just likes to see me dress up from time to time depending on who is visiting. Oh, and look a big tub, the girls and I will have enough room in that" She turned and looked at me. "I love the bedroom, but I want to look at the kitchen again."

"No problem lets take another look" replied the agent as he led the way downstairs.

Krystal stood in front of me, looking me up and down "Any thoughts percolating in that head of yours yet? Can't tell me you wouldn't want to see me in a special outfit or in the tub with a girlfriend?"

"Oh, I'd like that for sure, but you haven't gotten his," nodding down "interest yet." I laughed and walked out behind the agent.

"Wait" she said, as I turned around. "You mean you can find something sexually alluring but still control the reaction?"

"Yes, it comes with being mature. I can also have enough control to make sure it doesn't go off till I want it to, whether that be 5 minutes, or an hour and I always go second."

She had a blank look on her face letting go of my hand "Control?? An hour??"

I just smiled, moved closer, put my hand on the back of her head, grabbed a handful of hair "Who is having a physical reaction now? We might want to get out of the bedroom, you told me I was in charge here."

I let go of her hair and walked out heading down to the kitchen.

Krystal came after but was quiet letting me ask the questions. I may have shocked and offended her. I finished up and told the agent I might be in touch, guided Krystal out and got in the car.

I immediately did damage control. "I'm sorry, I got a little carried away with the game. I shouldn't have said those things."

She just shook her head, not looking at me. "I'm shocked" is all she managed to get out.

"I know, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have grabbed your hair, or said those things."

"I'm almost speechless" she said still looking out the window. I was married for 3 years, and he never got me wet that fast."

Her won boldness shocked me a bit and I should have shut things down right there, but before I could think, I blurted out "Well, if you got wet from that, good job I wasn't trying."

"Oh, umm yeah, you clearly won that round."

"Round?" I replied

"Yeah, that round." She turned to look at me. "But we still have 1 more house so if you don't mind, I'll see if I can get the reaction this time"

As soon as we got there, she pulled the same kind of flirting, and it was both arousing and amusing. There was much more pressing her body against me. But she steered away from feeling for any physical reaction on my part. Likely a line she wasn't willing to cross and was waiting for me to confess it. But as we were winding down the tour and talking to the agent in the kitchen, I was leaned up against the fridge. She came over and leaned down on the island, her ass right in front of me. She kept talking to the agent about the house and neighbourhood. Slowly moving her ass back and pressing against me. Then some slight rocking of the hips and it started to get the appropriate reaction from me. I subconsciously moved my hips forward. She pointed at something in the living room causing the agent to turn around. Then she moved back hard up and down quickly before he looked back. My cock was hard enough that she could certainly feel it pressed against her ass.

Krystal stood up and said, "Let's take a look out back again." motioning for the agent to lead the way. As he walked out, she turned to me, stepped closer, hugged me, and whispered, "Well it feels like I got a good reaction finally, so we are even now."

We went out back to look around and made some excuse about how the house wasn't right and then left.

Back in the car as we headed back and a somewhat awkward drive home as we both realized that wasn't really an appropriate game. Certainly not one we could tell my son and his wife about. However, it was fun and exciting. I finally broke the silence.

"So, we are even now probably best nobody won. But it was a fun game, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it was. If we are to continue to battle my sister can't know."


"Yeah, you don't think that just because you got me wet before I could get you hard that was the end of it. Unless you don't like the idea of me getting you hard?"

Now I'd like to stay I fought the good fight and all, but I didn't "Hell no, I like playing the game. Any other rules?"

"Other than we need to honest when the other person wins."

"Sounds good, so I won for the day."

"No, no, it's not a daily thing. The score is currently 1-1 it's a running total with the winner getting something fun at the end of say a week?" As we arrived home, she jumped out of the car saying, "let the games begin."

I gathered up some things from the car and went downstairs. How the hell am I going to get her wet and how far should I take this.

The rest of the day was uneventful and, in the morning, still in my PJ's (shorts and t-shirt) I went up to get a coffee. Krystal and Nancy were on the couch.

"Oh, sorry Nancy I didn't know Krystal was coming over, I just came up to borrow a coffee pod." Krystal gave me a little smile.

"I didn't know she was coming over either but always glad to have my big sis' visit"

"So, what are you up to today." Krystal said.

"Just having a coffee then going to grab shower, I have a few meetings later today."

Nancy responded "Well, I was just headed out to the grocery store anything you need?"

I sat down on the chair across from them. "No, I'm good thanks" making eye contact with Krystal.

Nancy stood up and asked Krystal if she wanted to go to the store.

"I'm comfy here if you don't mind" Krystal replied not taking her eyes off me, "I might grab a shower also."

With an exasperated sigh Nancy got up, grabbed her keys, and left.

Krystal stood up, "Well I'm off to shower see you after" and went to the washroom. Sitting there I noticed she didn't close the door. As I heard the water start running, I realized I had been very rude and not asked her if she wanted a coffee, I needed to rectify that immediately. I figured the reasonable thing to do would be to ask her.

I made my way down the hall and tapped on the bathroom door, it opened further as I did. The shower is one of the ones that has doors on the edge of the tub. The glass is not clear but outlines of a body are certainly visible.

I walked in and leaned against the sink across from the shower. "Krystal did you want a coffee? If so, I'll make one so it's hot when you get out"

The shadow of her washing herself revealed the outline of a body I wasn't expecting. The shower door slid open a bit and her head leaned out.

"Sure I'd love one thanks, just set it on the counter, put some cream in it please"

"No problem." and with that I left coming back in a couple of minutes. As I walked in the room the water turned off.

"Here you go." Placing it on the counter.

"Good timing." she responded, "I was just finishing, can you toss over the towel."

I looked over to see her towel on the floor but instead of grabbing it I tossed in a facecloth.

"Here you go."

"Funny, I come out in just that and I'll score a point pretty quick today."

"Ha, pretty sure of yourself." As I tossed the larger towel over.

"Yes I am." she stepped out of the shower, towel wrapped around her. "Besides, I don't think you have earned that view."

With that, she hiked herself up to sit on the counter beside me and picked up her coffee.

I took a final sip of mine then stood in front of her. Well time for my shower, she didn't move.

"Ummm, just going to sit there?"

"Oh, didn't know I had to leave, bashful, are you?"

"Nope!" and with that I stripped off. "You have earned the view." Facing her I moved forward. Placed my hands on her legs and spreading them so I could move in between. My cock brushed against her leg as I moved in as close as I could. Leaning towards her.

"Well, you said I was in control in the bedroom, and this is the ensuite. Maybe you'll earn enough of my attention and learn what giving me control means." I moved my hand to her towel and gave a slight tug down revealing her chest. I turned and stepped into the shower sliding the door closed.

All I heard was "Point for you."

Knowing you could see a silhouette through the shower door and the fact that she hadn't left yet. I started to soap up. I started with my chest then moved down to my cock and balls. Making sure to stroke myself vigorously. As I started to get hard, I would move back up to my chest and begin to rinse.

"Point for me?" I heard her ask in a questioned voice.

"Nope, you didn't make it get hard, I did it myself" I knew she was excited because I could hear her short breaths. I washed my hair then stroked myself semi-hard again, knowing she was still watching. I stepped from the shower and Krystal was still sitting on the counter breasts still bare although she was closer to the edge. I moved forward, her legs still spread enough to let me in. I moved in close her chest pressed against mine. My hands on her back.

I could feel my cock head rising as I got harder. My hands moved down to her ass, and I pulled her right to the edge of the counter. My cock finished rising sliding up her thigh and resting in front of her pussy.

"Point for you." I said.

Her hips started to move as she started squirming. I pushed a little closer and could feel her wetness.

"Is that another point for me or the same point?" I started to grind my hips and could feel her lips separating as my cock head was searching for a way in.

She started panting "Another point, god that feels good"

I continued to work my hips knowing my engorged cock head was working her clit. My hands moved off her ass to her shoulders as I leaned her back. They moved down onto her chest massaging the nipples between my fingers. I stepped back and allowed my fingers to slide down past the towel to her pussy. Both hands moving between massaging the inside of her thighs and her pussy. Fingers flicking the clit or slowly sliding in. I started to move my face down her body stopping at her breasts playing with the nipples, sucking on them. Learning what brings excitement to her and what doesn't.

I moved down further placing her legs up on the counter revealing her pussy fully. My tongue began to outline her lips, her breath getting shorter and quicker. I start to switch between licking her clit and sliding my tongue in deep. Gauging her reactions as I did. My hands slid up her things and the index finger on both hands slid into her spreading her pussy open. My tongue firmly working her clit now. My fingers sliding back and forth fucking the sides of her pussy. Her hand moves down onto my head pulling me in tight. I can tell she is getting close, my head bobbing with the pressure of her hands. Allowing her to control my mouth and tongue she begins to climax.

Krystal orgasmed in waves and with each new one her pussy got creamier. Her taste was amazing, and I slurp up as much as I could. After about four or five intense releases she lets go of her grip on my head and I moved away standing up. She is sweaty again and looks at my face with her cream on it.

"My god I've not orgasmed like that before."

"Glad I could help, and you taste great."

"Well let's see how you taste." she said, "as soon as my legs recover."

"No, no, this isn't about me. Maybe if there is a next time, I'll allow you to have more."

"Allow?" is all I got.

Knowing her pussy was sopping wet I stepped forward again, my cock head pressing against her pussy.

"You want to change the rules or am I in charge in the bedroom?" I put my hands back on her hips hiking her closer, my cock head sliding in slightly. "Before you get the rest of this, you have to earn it and ask nicely."

"Now get dressed your sister will be home soon!"

With that I walked out of the room.

I heard the shower going again and I went down to get dressed.

End part 1 do I continue.

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Ladikai89Ladikai895 months ago

i need an update

Reacher84Reacher847 months ago

Continue it please.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Why would you not continue, your highest rated story, and the playfulness is great

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love it! Please continue.

PervyHusbandPervyHusbandabout 1 year ago

Amazing story!!!! Would love to read the sequel!

lovedefactolovedefactoover 1 year ago

This story was a terrific start! Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I vote to continue -- this clearly isn't the end of their story.

UncertainTUncertainTabout 2 years ago

This is too good a story not to continue, loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Outstanding !!!

And to answer your question........YES, PLEASE CONTINUE

Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

What a great story. I hope that there is a chapter 2 coming soon. Well done 5-Stars

KyndreadKyndreadover 2 years ago

Absolutely continue! Krystal's a dirty little bitch.... I love it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sadly it is going nowhere.

gpspringergpspringerover 2 years ago

better not quit...

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You definitely should continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great read!! Continue on

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

yes, continue

CandymanxxxdudeCandymanxxxdudeover 2 years ago

Definitely continue. I was gutted it ended. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great start, please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Point for author. That was hot AF

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