Dawn's Promise


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"What's this?" Patrick asked, peeling the note off his gray cotton tee shirt. "Ten shopping days till Valentine's Day?" He shook his head in amusement, pausing to stick the note on Janine's right boob. "I knew that," he grumbled, blinking at the litter of yellow post it notes all over everything

Janine danced joyously, clapping her hands in exuberance. "Just a little reminder," she said coyly. He'd forgotten. His little white lie hadn't gone unnoticed by her. She stepped back, moving into the center of the room and turning circles with her arms flung wide. "I didn't want you to forget."

Forcing a smile he wrapped his hand around Janine's tiny waist and drew her into the line of his body. "How could I forget?" Actually, he had. As ashamed as he was, he always forgot. Time just didn't pass at the same speed for him as it did for her. And it was easy to forget things that weren't that important to an immortal. Like her birthday. Christmas. Their one-month anniversary. How did she keep track of all that shit anyway? From her efforts, it was obvious a last minute purchase, a hurriedly scribbled card, and a heart shaped box of chocolates weren't going to keep him out of hock.

"What are you going to get me?" she asked, practically gushing with enthusiasm.

He sat on the edge of the bed, brows furrowed, scrambling for something to say. "Why don't you sit on Cupid's lap and tell him what you want?" He patted his thigh and grinned up at her. He had no idea what Janine wanted for Valentine's Day. The twinkle in her eye filled him with dread. Oh yeah, he was in some serious trouble here. What the hell did he know about romance? Back in his time, long before the greeting card industry sank their greedy fangs into what was just another day of the week. People had been happy to be alive. They didn't need sappy sentiments and baubles to know they were loved.

"You oaf," Janine chastised, playfully smacking the back of Patrick's head. "That's Santa Claus. Not Cupid." She crossed her arms and frowned down at him. Obviously, Patrick didn't have a clue. And a better girlfriend might bail him out. But, she had no idea of how to ask for what she really wanted. And besides, she shouldn't have to. He should know her better than that by now. Stubbornly, she crossed her arms over her chest and stomped her foot. "I'm not telling you."

"Well, you could sit on my lap anyway," he coaxed. He was ass deep in alligators. And she knew it. He was more afraid of this woman than he was of his sworn enemies, the Rogues. Maybe, he could loosen her tongue with a little persuasion from his fingertips. Given her scowl, focused solely on him, maybe not.

Janine flopped onto the bed with a heavy sigh. So much for her creativity, Patrick had a one-track mind. And usually, thanks to the direction of his thoughts, she ended up on her back with her clothes off. Not that she minded. He gave as good as he got. And she gave very, very generously. "Not even tough, big, bad vampires are defenseless against Cupid's arrow. You should be careful not to get shot."

Patrick stretched out next to Janine, gently sliding their bodies higher onto the bed. "Maybe, I already have been." He did care for Janine more than he'd cared for anyone in a long time. Perhaps, ever. She didn't understand his reluctance or appreciate his constant struggle to keep her at a safe distance from his most vulnerable organ. His heart. No matter how the future turned out. He could only see himself, losing in the end and dragging her down with him.

Janine giggled and rolled her body on top of his, resting her weight over the hardness of his groin. She wished Cupid would bury a dozen arrows in Patrick's heart. Instead, she settled for planting a soft kiss over the spot. "Maybe." Eagerly, she met his lips, forming her body to his. Sighing in passion against the painstaking time he spent undressing her, she secretly hoped he'd get a clue and give her what she really wanted for Valentine's Day. Something freely given, not hinted at or asked for, was what she really wanted. And it didn't have to cost a dime. Sure, a sparkly token of appreciation would be nice. But, what she longed for, what she needed, were those three little words to come out of his mouth.

Chapter 50

Chance and Will joked and teased, laughing loudly on their way to the kitchen. Chance eagerly made a beeline to the refrigerator. The events of the day had left him starving. He opened the door, peering inside. He could have jumped for joy. Anna left several neatly stacked containers filled to the brim with leftovers. He pawed through the offerings, unable to decide and settled for a little sample from each one.

Will trailed his fingers up Candace's shoulder, wrapping them around the back of her neck to massage the tense bunched muscles. "Everything is more than fine," he whispered in a voice so low only she could hear.

Candace smiled, nodding in response. Her men were happy and that made her happy. "Good." She frowned at the stink of food warming in the microwave. She stood up from the table edging toward the door. "Chance, I've gotta go."

"Sorry Mom, but I'm starving." He looked up from the microwave for a brief second then turned back to his post, clutching the fork tightly in his hand, slobbering like one of Pavlov's dogs as the timer counted down. "I'll catch up with you after I eat," he added absently, not realizing his mom and dad had already given him the slip.

Chance smiled across the kitchen at Alex, "I guess it's just us. You aren't going to freak and bail out on me if I eat are you?" He carried the steaming plate heaped high with chicken breasts, spaghetti, and steamed vegetables over to the table and plopped down on a chair.

Alex smiled and lifted her coffee cup in his direction. "To us," she said, giving Chance the go ahead to dig in. Wishing for just a brief moment that she could actually drink the lukewarm contents in her mug. It was a bad habit and she knew it. But, her battered coffee mug was the last little piece, the last connection she had to her former self and she wasn't ready to let go of it yet. "I'm glad you've got your appetite back," Alex said, eying the diminishing stack of food on his plate.

"Oh, sorry, am I grossing you out?" Chance blushed sheepishly, pausing to drag a napkin across his lips. He didn't take table manners into account before he dove into the heap of chicken.

"No, of course not. I often sit through supper with my parents. It makes me feel...normal, I guess. Really, no big deal, eat up." She waved her hand dismissively at the food on Chance's plate and stared down into her mug.

"You know, something weird happened to me today," Chance said. He pushed his empty plate across the table and scooted closer to Alex. He wanted to talk to someone not directly involved about what was going on in his head.

"You almost died, I guess that's pretty weird," Alex reminded him softly.

"No, besides that. But, yeah, that was weird too."


"I can feel, well, it feels like I can hear my dad. In my head."

Alex smiled and nodded in understanding. Welcome to the club. "You're linked to your dad. From the blood you took. Don't worry about it. The effects will wear off in time."

"Is it like that for you? With your dad? You do ah...?"

Alex nodded. " Yeah. I do." Why was she so embarrassed to discuss her eating habits with Chance? It wasn't like he wasn't going to find out for himself, soon. "With everybody, actually." He might as well know what he was in for. Maybe, the facts would change his mind and he'd stay human, if for no other reason than to be alone in his head.

"All of them?"

"Yeah, we're all linked through the Great Father's blood. Not just the ones living here. I mean ALL of us."

"Every single Son?"

Alex nodded again. "Um hum, you get used to it though. But, at first it's almost deafening. So many thoughts and emotions rolling around in there."

Chance gulped, he couldn't imagine never having a single moments worth of privacy, ever. "How many people are in your head?"

"It doesn't work like that. It's just a constant soft buzz, not individual voices. The only time a singular voice is heard is when one of us is in trouble or someone seeks another out psychically. Some of us are more sensitive to hearing a voice than others and can lock on to individual thoughts. Luckily, most of us can't."

"Can you?" Chance was engrossed in the conversation. Leaning on his elbows, he studied Alex's face, wishing for a few moments, he knew her thoughts.

"Some of the time, yes. My link is stronger with the ones who live here though. The ones I'm closest to."

Chance grinned slyly. "What's my dad thinking right now?"

Alex closed her eyes, focusing. She blushed and stared down at the mug in her hands. "You don't want to know."

Chance's jaw dropped in disbelief. "Again?"

Alex felt her face turn crimson as she nodded. "If you try hard enough you can listen in. If you're into that kind of thing."

Chance sat back in his chair, suddenly appalled by the thought of whom his dad was getting his groove on with. "Nah, that's ok. I think I'll go to my room and throw up now." He shook his head, rinsing his plate in the sink. "My dad the stud muffin. They must be making up for lost time."

Alex couldn't resist teasing Chance and adding to the pink tinge spreading across his cheeks. "A lot. There are a lot of people getting busy tonight. You want to know who?"

"No!" Chance hissed in embarrassment. "I really am trying to keep my dinner down."

Alex laughed at his shy chagrin. "John Mark, Patrick, Toby."

"Alex, please!" Chance all but ran out of the kitchen, heading for the privacy of his room. Her soft feminine laughter echoed down the hall after him. Once he was locked safely inside, he flopped on the bed and turned on the TV, settling on an action movie and turning the volume up far louder than what he needed. He didn't want to catch any stray thoughts from his dad or anyone else for that matter.

Alex stood outside Chance's door, listening. She heard the springs groan softly as he flopped onto the bed. When he flipped on the TV and chose an action movie, she giggled. Chance was becoming a good friend. And the emptiness in her heart eased, just a little bit. She pressed a palm to his door. "I'm glad you're not dead, really glad," she whispered, knowing he wouldn't hear.

Chapter 51

Will pulled Candace into an embrace, nestling his lips against her cheek. Finally, some alone time, and they'd wasted not one second of it. Naked and in a tangle of limbs and sheets, they'd explored one another's bodies until they knew every inch of skin, every freckle, every mole. Yet, there were still plenty of mysteries to unravel. "I love you," he whispered. "You know, I wouldn't mind having you in my bed every night."

Candace snickered and stretched languidly, exhaling a lazy sigh. Cuddled up with Will like this she could imagine what their lives might have been like if destiny hadn't taken him away from her. Will would have worked nine to five. She would have stayed home till Chance got old enough to trust alone after school and then she would have gotten a job to help make ends meet. There would have been birthdays, Christmases, graduations, skinned knees, tears, and love, always plenty of love. Together, they would have been planning to feather their empty nest in preparation for when Chance moved out, fell in love, and got married. They'd be looking forward to grandchildren and retirement. Their lives would have been very ordinary, but very, very happy. "That's a good thing, because I have been."

"No, I mean permanently," Will said, leaning up on one elbow to study Candace's face. Slowly, he traced the outline of her lips with his fingertip. How different things would have been for the three of them, if he'd known. Chance wouldn't have been an only child. Candace wouldn't have struggled to raise him by herself. He would have been there for them. He would have loved them. He did love them, more than life itself.

Candace sighed heavily and closed her eyes so she didn't have to see the hope in his. "Today has been an emotional roller coaster for us. Maybe, now isn't the best time to talk about this." She wanted a relationship with Will, a permanent one. But, things were happening so quickly. She couldn't begin to contemplate what Chance would face in the next few weeks.

She wasn't ready to consider selling her house, not yet. She'd worked so hard for it, so hard to make it into a home for the two of them. She was running out of time, though. Chance had done his best with what he had. And it wasn't much. Since she wasn't technically declared dead, he hadn't been able to access her bank accounts. And he'd scrambled to keep the lights on and feed himself. Paying the back payments on the house and utilities drained her savings to almost nothing. Eventually, she'd have to face the facts, soon probably, and she'd have to let her old dreams die.

"Ok, we don't have to talk about it. Just know my door is always open for you." Will sensed her worry and doubt. Candace had been on her own for so long. She'd built a life for herself and she wasn't ready to change things. He understood. And he'd give her all the time she needed.

"I know." Candace paused and smiled up at Will. His mouth was drawn into a slight frown. He was trying to accept her reluctance to move forward and give her space. This was the only life he'd ever known. And he desperately wanted her in it. "Will, I love you too."

He pressed his lips to her cheek and breathed in her scent. "I know. We'll take our time. Whenever you're ready."

Candace closed her eyes wearily. The warmth of his body pressed against hers gave her a sense of comfort and safety. But, she wasn't about to be lulled into thinking that all was well with the world. She knew first hand how quickly things could change.


A sharp series of repeated raps on the door woke Chance up out of a fitful dreamless slumber. Yawning, he answered. "Come in."

"Good morning Sleeping Beauty. You gonna wake up and join the rest of the world?" John Mark asked leaning casually against the doorframe.

"Damn, what time is it?" Living in subterranean lair with a bunch of vampires had reaped absolute havoc on his normally routine sleep schedule. He frowned staring in disbelief at the digital read out on the clock. "Almost noon?"

"Yes princess, now get moving."

"What gives?" Chance flung the covers back and sat on the edge of the bed. He couldn't resist teasing John Mark. "Sorry, I'm not naked. I wasn't expecting you." He stood and modeled the loose fitting tee shirt and boxers he had slept in.

"Maybe next time," John Mark jabbed back at Chance. "Get some damn coffee in ya and meet me in the gym in fifteen."

"What for?"

"Oh, I thought we'd have some tea and sconces. Maybe do our nails. For a workout what do you think? You've got more training to do," John Mark answered sarcastically.

Chance groaned at the thought of another day of punishment overseen by John Mark. "I thought I'd get at least one day off," he moaned.

"Gee, wouldn't that be nice? Now MOVE IT!" John Mark huffed, slamming the door tightly behind him. Chuckling maniacally he stomped toward the gym to meet his new recruit. He loved his job, he truly did. Not only was he second in command answering only to Dane. But, as an added bonus, he got to torment the hell out of people.

Chance shuffled to the shower dousing his head under the chilly stream as he tried to wake up. Coffee sounded like a really good idea, normally he didn't touch the stuff, but today, he'd make an exception.

Neil was in the gym anxiously waiting for John Mark to arrive. He had no idea what all the equipment scattered about at the various workstations was for. But, he had a sneaking suspicion he was about to find out. Today was the first day of his training. He knew he was no athlete and without the proper preparations, he'd never finish the trials. He'd never get in.

"Morning twinkle toes," John Mark said grinning widely as he entered the gym. He'd adapted his training regimen to accommodate the heightened physical abilities of vampires. Neil was going to suffer. Badly. Judging by what Dane had told him, the guy was going to endure months of training just to get him ready to think about the trials. "Lets hit the mat and do some sparring. C'mon show me what you've got."

Chance made it to the gym with forty-five seconds to spare. He knew for a fact John Mark was hawk-eying his watch. Each second that he was late would result in another hour's worth of grueling punishment. Panting for breath, he skidded to a stop at the edge of the mat, wincing at the hard smack of Neil's head bouncing off the vinyl surface.

"How nice of you to join us," John Mark said, checking his watch. "Take over," he barked at Chance. Neil wasn't capable of handling the work out he'd planned for him and maybe Chance would have better luck coaxing the guy to do something today. John Mark nodded at Dane and trotted over to the doorway.

Chance waited, giving Neil time to pry his ass off the mat and regain his composure. He bit his bottom lip and scrabbled for a plan. The speed in which vampires healed never ceased to amaze him. Already, the bruises dotting Neil's face were fading to yellow. It was probably a good thing in Neil's case he did heal so quickly. John Mark had really put the smack down on the guy. "Do you know what Thai Chi is?" Chance asked doubtfully.

Neil nodded his head, grinning, so eager to please and make friends with the kid. Candace and her son were his ticket in. "Yeah sure, I had it at a Chinese joint once."

At first Chance thought the guy was joking. But, after taking stance and waiting for Neil to do the same, he realized that Neil was serious. "How 'bout some basic yoga first?" He pitied the guy. Glad he wasn't in his shoes. Assuming his role as teacher, one he was familiar with, he patiently began the exercises.

"Tomorrow night?" John Mark could barely contain his excitement. Dane didn't seem so optimistic. But, then again, Dane rarely got excited over anything. He focused only on the negatives. Not him though. Tomorrow night Chance would join him in the ranks of the Sons. "Let's talk to him." He whistled. The shrill sound echoed off the cinder block walls. "Hey princess, get y'ass over here."

Dane chuckled and shook his head. John Mark reminded him of his ninth grade gym teacher who lived for the sole purpose of torturing his students. "You like your job too much."

John Mark grinned. "I'm good at it."

Chance trotted over to the men, unsure of what to expect. "What's up?"

"You got plans for tomorrow night around midnight?" John Mark asked, suppressing a smile.

"I don't know, do I?"

"Congratulations kid, tomorrow night is the big night." John Mark clapped Chance firmly between the shoulder blades like a proud papa. Tomorrow night would be the first night of his new life and John Mark would be with him ushering him in. As Chance's mentor, it was his duty. As Chance's friend, it was his honor.

"You mean?" Chance could hardly believe it was happening so quickly. He thought he'd have more time. He was more than a little nervous at the thought of telling his mother. He'd rather go through the trials again than face her when she heard the news. "Has anyone told mom yet?" he asked hesitantly

She was not going to take it well and he needed backup from someone who had been through it. Other than the vague bits of information Alex had shared, he wasn't sure how these things worked. But, he wanted his mom with him when it happened. He took a deep breath to ask a question, but was abruptly cut off.

"I'll fill you in on the details. First, lets go have a talk with your mother and father," Dane said cutting off Chance's line of endless questions. There'd be time for questions later. Dane understood the kid's excitement and trepidation. The life Chance had chosen wasn't going to be an easy one.
