Death Bed


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Then she broke character, stood up and took off her panties. She got back on top of me and pulled my hand to her sex. I sat up fast and snatched my hand back.

"What are you doing Shelby? I thought you said that I didn't have to touch you and that you were going to pretend to be Lisa?" I asked confused.

"Kendra, we both want this, just lay back and let me fuck you the way that we want to; no rules."

"No, you want this, I need this, or at least I thought that I did, and not in the way that you're thinking. And they were your damn rules!"

"It's too late now Kendra, you're too far into it, into me, and you're too wet to turn back now. I'm NOT stopping until you come."

Shelby pushed me back down and put her pussy to mine and began humping. She moaned, I moaned. I began panting hard as I was already about to climax, I felt my stomach tightening. 1 2 3 4 5 6 rough strokes on my vagina.

"You've been deprived for long enough" Shelby said breathlessly "and I love you and I'll fight you if I have to." 9 10 11.

My sense came back and I pushed her off of me. I got up, tripped over the couch and busted my lip on the wall. I saw the light turn on, and it took a minute for my eyes to adjust. When they did I saw Shelby coming towards me with a rag in her hand. She tried to put it on my lip but I snatched it from her.

"Don't you dare touch me Shelby." I snarled.

I stood up, put on my shirt and pants, grabbed my bra, left my flip flops and walked home barefoot crying.


Sunday afternoon. I was sitting on the floor when Lisa came back from visiting her parents. It was cold outside and I watched her through our cracked open bedroom door. She took her coat off and threw it on the couch. I heard her sniffle, but thought that it was from the cold until she started walking towards the bedroom. I saw the tears in her eyes and the puffiness in her face. I stood to my feet.

"What's wrong?" I asked lovingly.



"Our anniversary is in a few days."

"I know."

She looked down. I walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Look Lisa, it's ok, we don't have to do anything that you don't want to do. I'm actually learning to live with it. It's ok, really."

Lisa sighed, but not a sigh of relief. I looked up at her.

"What Lisa? I said that it's ok; I'm not going to try to leave you. I want you; I really want to be with you. We can just enjoy our anniversary, ok?"

"Kendra?" Lisa said almost too silently. The pit of my stomach hollowed, I felt my heart thump.


I braced for bad news. Has she been cheating on me? Was she leaving ME? What did I do? Should I have not tried to live with it and kept pushing her? A million and one thoughts ran through my head in the whole minute that it took Lisa to build up the courage to come out and say it.

"I know."

"What?" I asked puzzled.

"I know Kendra."

"Know what?!" I grew upset at my confusion.

"Kendra, I know. I've known for almost 3 years now what you've been doing."

"Lisa, what are ..." Lisa held her hand up for me to let her finish.

She burst into tears.

Just then, I knew.

"Lisa, I..." I sighed; I didn't know what to say. I got up and walked to her and wrapped my arms around her.

She took to my embrace and then pushed me off of her.

"Has it been the whole 7 years Kendra?!" She looked into my eyes. I lowered mine. She moaned and almost doubled over as that gave her an answer.

"I'm so sorry baby, please" I had a long overdue epiphany, oh my gosh, this was entirely my fault. All of this time, Lisa must have been too embarrassed to say anything to me about it. How could I have been so foolish to keep up my charade and assume that it would go unnoticed.

I shook myself out of my day dream and saw it in her face; hurt. Deep hurt. Her hurt was my hurt. I just loved her so much, I looked deeply into her impaired eyes and felt her; I threw up.

I ran quickly to the bathroom and kneeled over the toilet incase another spew came up. Lisa rushed to my side. I knew that she loved me. There was nothing that I could do to change that.

Nothing else came up so I sat on that bathroom floor with my back against the tub. Lisa knelt beside me.

"So is it just me Kendra, or did you fake it with Rachelle too? It must just be me because you were super in love with her."

Low blow. Why did she have to bring Rachelle up? She was my first love and that was over a decade ago. I haven't even talked to her in at least 5 years.

I didn't answer her. She got up and left; I got up, followed her into the living room and pleaded my case.

"Lisa, what was I supposed to do? I just wasn't able to ... come" She turned around and faced me. I grabbed both of her hands.

"I didn't want to hurt you Lisa."

"So you lied to me instead?!" She yelled "All of those moans, and curses, and grunts, were all lies Kendra!" She started to cry again.

"No baby, those were all real! I promise you they were."

"So it was just when you'd grab my hair tightly and pretend to come in my mouth that was fake." She pulled herself from my grip and walked over to and sat down on the couch. I stood in place.

"What's wrong with me Kendra? Do I really suck that badly that you've been faking it for all of these years?"

She looked me in the eyes.

"What happened to your lip?"

I ignored that question.

"No baby, you're good, you're beyond good; you give me so much pleasure; I love how you make me feel."

"You're lying to me again! If I make you feel so good, then why don't you come?"

"I don't know baby, I can't help it, I try I really do, and you are so good, I'm frustrated myself why I don't... can't come."

"Tell me; please don't lie to me Kendra." More tears flowed down her face.

"I'm telling you the truth darling, please believe me. I don't know what else I'm supposed to say. When you make love to me it feels wonderful, that's why I ask for it so much. I just get nervous and am unable to come."

"Nervous about WHAT Kendra?" Lisa demanded.

I took a deep breath.

"I don't know, nervous about everything in the moment Lisa; nervous that I won't preform to your liking, nervous about how I will look to you when I come; nervous that you won't come when I make love to you; Nervous that I won't come because I'm thinking too much; Nervous because I'm calculating everything, all of the time Lisa!" I let all of that out one big breath and burst into tears from the emotional labor of letting her in on my most intimate secret.

Lisa grabbed my face and kissed me. My eyes shot open so wide that I thought that they would fall out of my skull. She kissed me hard and deeply. I relaxed and almost melted into the floor. She felt me slipping and wrapped one arm around my body to keep up upright. I felt her tongue run across my bottom lip requesting access to the inside of my mouth. Access granted. I opened my mouth and felt her tongue run across my teeth. I woke my tongue up to greet her tongue the utmost hospitality. I was nervous that my kissing wouldn't be good enough. Lisa sensed my hesitation and broke our kiss.

"Honey, please, trust me, I love you, there is nothing that you can do that will make me love you any less. You are an excellent kisser, lover and girlfriend. I know that you love me and I understand now what is going on with you. Please relax and take me."

I nodded my head, got up, reached for her hand and lead her to our second bedroom.

We stood in front of the bed and undressed each other. I took a step back and took in her form. She was so beautiful that she confused my senses; I could have sworn that my ears could smell her; my nose could hear her, my mouth could see her and my eyes could taste her.

She walked towards me until her soft feet were on top of mine. I felt the heat radiating from her pussy to the insides of my thighs. She was burning down there; it had to be at least 104 degrees. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately; I felt my knees buckle a little. I put my trembling hand to the small of her back and gently pulled her further into me. She felt the tremble in my hand and once again broke our kiss.

"Why are you shaking my baby? Do you not believe that I love you, and that you please me more than anyone else could?"

"I know baby, I'm trying not to be nervous but it feels like it's the first time again, I just want everything to be perfect." A tear left my eye.

"It will be perfect my love, trust me," Lisa's eyes exuded love and lust and I fell into her gaze heart first. I felt myself relax a little. She wrapped her arm back around my neck and kissed my tear. I sat down and lied back on the bed. I felt a string of her wetness on my leg as she lied on top of me. A small moan escaped my mouth. She looked into my eyes and smiled. I smiled back, semi-nervously. She cocked her head to the side and started kissing on my neck. She kissed it some more, and then pressed her lips to it and opened her mouth to let her tongue out. It was so hot and wet; it felt so good. I began melting into the bed. Lisa felt me and she snickered into my neck. I reached down and popped her butt. She bit my neck! It hurt but it also felt so damn good. I tilted my head back begging for more; I put my hand gently on the back of her head and tangled my fingers in her hair. She was so talented, she slid her tongue to the other side of my next, I could feel her love by the way that she sucked on my neck. It was so delicate but strong; so passionate. She began to squirm, she needed me.

I gained a little more confidence. I untangled my hand from her hair and rubbed my hands down her back and back up again.

"Oh, that feels good baby."

I kissed her lips and rolled her over; I kissed her forehead and took a second to look into her eyes.

"Please," She begged.

I said nothing, just gazed into her eyes.

"I need you, please don't hesitate Kendra," She said sounding somewhere in between lust and crying.

"I'm not hesitating baby; I'm just taking my time with you." I smiled.

"But I need you now! Please" She said this time with only lust.

I slid down and started kissing her belly; I licked, sucked and nipped her belly right above her mound.

She began singing and her stomach began twitching. I suddenly felt her hands pushing my head down and her hips rising, searching for my mouth. I avoided it and put my nose down to breathe her in deeply. I must have gotten my nose too close that I grazed her because a sharp pain filled my nose and my eyes began to tear.

"Ouch!" I gasped and I popped my head up and held my nose.

"Oooh I'm sorry honey," Lisa sat up, smiled, moved my hands and kissed my nose. "I'm just so excited!" She said lying back down.

"I get it baby, but try not to buck so much ok, that really hurt," I said as a pain tear dripped down my cheek.

"Yes Ma'am, just hurry up; please! I haven't had sex in almost 3 years! We have our anniversary night to take it slowly; I want it now and fast baby please!" She growled. I've never heard her do that before.

I wiped the tear away and gave my lady what she wanted.

I went back to the danger zone and gave her sex a kiss. She bucked; and hard, just like she agreed not to. I jumped back up in fear and decided to straddle her. I looked down at her and she shrugged with a little sorry on her face and a lot of lust.

I spread her legs open and held them in place. I lowered my pussy to hers so slowly that she glared angrily at me. But I had to take my time so that she wouldn't go crazy receiving it all at once and hurt me or even more hurt herself. Finally I was set in place, I felt Lisa grinding under me. She was desperately trying to get herself off on me. I began moving. I knew that I was good at this, I rotated my hips; I danced my pussy into hers; she gasped and looked past my eyes and dead into my soul. I let go of one of her legs and it fell to the bed. I slowed my grinding and grabbed my lips and spread them open.

"Lisa, don't buck Ok? If you do, you will hurt me."

She nodded in agreement and I saw in her face that she really meant it this time.

I let her other leg go, reached down and opened her lips. I pulled the hood of my clit back and then hers. I angled myself so that I could press my clit to hers. They were both so wet and slippery from our hornieness. Lisa's stomach clenched, but she didn't buck. I began to move. Our pink clits slid smoothly and against each other; it was so silky and it felt so damn good; I felt myself about to climax for the first time with Lisa. I picked up the pace. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I counted my thrusts in my head.

"Oh my! Kendra! I'm going to come!"

"Not yet baby! I'm going to come too just give me a second."

"Ok baby, I'll try!"

I saw Lisa's face painfully trying to hold back her orgasm. I tilted my head back, closed my eyes and increased my speed. I felt it teetering in and out and I grabbed it.

"Oh my god Lisa, baby, I'm coming, I'm coming!!"

"Me too!! Ride me baby!!" Lisa screamed and

I burst! I let the orgasm completely take hold of me.

I contracted, spasmed, and clenched my teeth. I opened my eyes to see Lisa smiling and grimacing as I rode my orgasm out. I realized that she was too sensitive and I stopped moving the best that I could. I couldn't stop twitching so I decided to get off of her. I rolled off and a string of mixed wetness stretched from my sex, over my thigh, on the bed, on her thigh and to her sex. I turned onto my side and put my leg and arm on her as she lied on her back with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. I smiled too. I kissed her ribs and her breast.

"How did you know baby?"

I asked looking up at her. She opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling.

"I was just wondering when you were going to ask me that."

"One night after you had what I thought was a 'big orgasm' and you claimed to pass out I woke up at the sound of you moaning, I opened my eyes and saw you giving yourself a fierce fingering. It shocked, confused and upset me a little. So I started paying attention every time after we were done making love; you did it every time. At first I thought that you were still just turned on and didn't want to beg me for more, so I started trying to make sure that you came twice. And even though you did 'come' twice I would still pretend to sleep to make sure and I'd see you still going at it alone."

Tears started falling from both of our eyes. I tried to count all of hers but my eyes were too blurry to see.

"I felt horrible; I thought that you were cheating on me so I followed you to and from work. I saw you meeting a lady in the bar and I watched you two carefully. Once I ruled out cheating, I started paying attention to how you would come. I did some research and looked up how to tell if your girlfriend really is having an orgasm. I noticed that your pussy wouldn't grab my fingers as it should; I noticed that your legs weren't vibrating and I noticed that your stomach muscles weren't clenching. It hit me hard Kendra, almost as if you had actually been cheating on me. I lost all my drive and I didn't want to make love to you because I felt inadequate. You were giving me these long hard beautiful orgasms, and I wasn't giving you anything in that department. I shut down sexually."

I sat up and looked into her eyes.

"I'm sorry Lisa, I honestly didn't want to hurt you and I was getting pleasure from both pleasing you and you pleasing me. All that was missing was an orgasm, and I figured that if I had to get that on my own then so be it. I would still have you and we... I was happy" She sniffled. "After you started shutting me down, I went mad. I sometimes I pondered telling you but since we weren't making love anymore, I thought that it would sound like I was taking a shot at you."

Lisa nodded in understanding.

"I'm exhausted baby," I looked up at Lisa.

"Well you're about to be even more exhausted because I'm not done with you."

Lisa got up and slid down between my legs. She unleashed her tongue and worked for every bit of pussy grabbing, stomach crunching, leg vibrating and something that she didn't expect girl juice, that she got.

I was spent.

Wednesday we decided to throw our anniversary plans out of the window and stay home and make love all day and all night.

I now had a profound awareness of exactly how much Lisa loved me as our bodies cried together in an emotional entanglement of love. I felt things that we humans have no words for; feelings so strong that my heart needed to use my soul as an amplifier or my brain wouldn't receive the message.

I now know not to ever lie to my Lisa, not to ever take her for granted or sell her short. I have to have faith in her as my girlfriend, as my partner, as my wife. I love her so much!


"Please don't wear any panties today baby. I want you to be my I've got something special planned for you today after work." Lisa said to me as she put her arms around my neck and gave me a small kiss on the lips.

I agreed. She left. I got dressed and went to an uneventful day of work. By the time 2:00 rolled around I checked my email and I had one from Lisa.

"Hi honey, meet me at the strip bar on 52nd and St. Nicholas at 2 3 4 5pm. ;-)"


Lisa knew that I didn't like strip bars, I don't know why she would tell me to meet here at one. I am not happy with this. I grabbed my keys and called a cab for the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 blocks to the strip bar. I wore my anger on my face the whole ride. I wondered if I would have to go in there alone or if Lisa would be there in time. I wondered if she was going to make me sit there and watch the dirty strippers or even worse make me get a lap dance from one.

The cab pulled up to the bar, I paid him and got out. I felt so stupid; so dirty. I heard the music thumping from outside. I walked inside and saw a few people watching the couple of strippers that were doing their rounds on the poles. I saw Lisa sitting in a deep red satin robe talking to a man at the bar; she smiled, got up, and walked over to me when she saw me.

"Hi baby," She said with a huge grin. I smelled the alcohol on her breath. She handed me a shot glass with vodka, no raspberry. I threw my head back and drank it anyway.

"Hello," I said sternly.

"Don't act like that Kendra, it's not what you think."

I felt a little better reassuring myself that she loved me too much to make me do something that I despised. I let out a small smirk of relief. She grabbed my hand and led me to a room in the back.

The room was small but comfortable for us two. It had a black leather love seat, a pole, go figure, and a couple of side tables. The lighting was really low, but there was enough not to have to strain my eyes.

"Sit," Lisa said to me

"Um... how do you know that it's clean?"

"Well first, they clean it after every guest, and secondly, I gave it a really good wipe down when I got here," She smiled "now sit. "

I did as I was told; she knows me so well.

The music was a little quieter in here. I had my eyes on Lisa the whole time. She walked to her bag in the corner of the room and fidgeted with something and turned around and met my gaze. She stood up and started walking towards me; my palms grew sweaty. About half of the way to me she untied the robe and let it fall to her bare feet. She had on exactly what she knew I loved the most; nothing. I was starting to feel a tiny buzz from my drink and relaxed a little into the loveseat. She walked to the couch and straddled me; she began moving her hips to the music. She was so elegant and such a good dancer. She stood up on the couch and grabbed the back of my head. Still dancing she got her sex close to my face. My heart felt like it stopped. I took a quick deep breath and held it. I smelled something familiar but I my brain was a little, well very impaired at the moment so I couldn't identify it. She was so sexy. I reached up and grabbed her backside to pull her closer. She jumped down and wiggled her finger.