Deeper and Deeper: Edward's First


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But my worries drifted, unable to maintain their focus as my lips touched hers, first softly and then more urgently. Her hands moved from around my neck to my hair, pulling urgently. I laughed to myself, remembering the first time I had kissed her, how she had attacked me, how I had been utterly unprepared for her physical need for me. I had written it off as my predator's appeal: The scent of my skin, my perfect features. But now I felt what it must have always been. She'd always been filled with this need for me. Her body had always responded to me this way. Now it seemed impossibly cruel that I had ever denied her, that I had ever pulled away from her, kept a safe distance. After tasting the mingling of her sex and the scent of her blood, I could not pull back. There was no distance that would be safe between us ever again. I needed this girl, the girl--the only girl in the world.

So I acquiesced. I kissed her more deeply, pressing into her not because I feared losing her, or to store up what I could get before I forced myself to leave her, but because she was mine, and she wanted me. I wound my arms more tightly around her, holding my weight off her by keeping my arms as a steel cage over her frame. I whispered her name when my lips were free to do so. Kissing over her shimmering eyelids, her cheekbone, harder now--and I was harder now--to her ears. I was overcome with the desire to... bite her. Not to drain her blood, but to nibble upon the delicate, sensitive skin of her ears. I pulled back. I couldn't. My teeth, too sharp and my mouth too swimming in venom must not be allowed any exceptions. That one thing, only that, could I promise tonight.

When I broke our embrace, she laid her head upon the sand, her wild, dark hair swirling around her in the most becoming shamble. I stroked it. She laid her hand upon my face, tracing her fingers over my eyebrows, then my lids, to my nose. When she got to my mouth, I kissed her hand roughly. I was losing the battle with my self-control, and I had never felt better. Never in all my existence.

"I love you," she cooed, a different sound to her voice. It was possessive. I thrilled to it and smiled deeply. I wanted to be hers, forever. I would be. There was not helping it now. I was suddenly glad that I hadn't been stronger, that I hadn't stayed away from Forks permanently after her blood had sent me into a homicidal rage during biology.

"Love is not enough," I declared, leaning down to kiss her nose. "I love you, yes, fervently. But you are my life. You are everything now. Thank you." I kissed her hand again.

She looked surprised, confused. "For what?"

"For choosing me." It was a statement. I felt confident, but also quiet, reverent.

A blush sprouted from her cheekbones to her neck and all the way--I noticed--to her beautiful, soft, round breasts. Ugh. It was too much. I would say I didn't deserve it, but I was past caring, just grateful that she was mine.

Here eyes widened. She smiled deeply. Her laugh this time, too, had something extra in it. Throatier, thicker. She wrapped her legs around me and urged me closer. I could no longer refuse her. I hoped I was not hurting her. She sighed happily and buried her face in my stone neck, kissing me.

Then I felt a different sensation. Kisses, yes. But, was that her teeth? Was she nibbling on me as I had desired to nibble on her? It was ecstatic. If her caresses sent a flood of delight through my body, her bites caused a different sensation. Not pain--never pain--but a rougher, deeper throbbing that rocked my body. Everything she did seemed to have a direct line to my cock, which was pressing uncomfortably into the sand. I turned my head to give her greater access, to encourage her, and because, truthfully, I couldn't think or do anything but give in to the sensation.

I growled. I wanted to bite her shoulder, but I marshaled what little concentration I had and refrained. Instead, I became her toy. She narrowed her eyes and growled her tiger-kitten growl again, twisting her hips into me so that my cock was brushing the soft fur of her mound. If her bites were ecstatic, the feel of my member upon her mound, so near the wetness and warmth of her sex sent me to near convulsions. I breathed raggedly. I thought I might break apart. Perhaps there was a second way to kill a vampire. And if so, I would gladly go this way. Except that it would mean I would leave Bella. And I would never do that again.

"Uh uh," she panted. "My turn, remember?"

She nudged me, trying to get me to roll over. I complied. On my back, I stared up at her. With sand matting into her long raven hair, a blush upon her cheeks and breasts, her rose nipples extended, sand glinting against her hip in the moonlight, she was a goddess. My goddess, sent to save me by some reckless angel. Indeed. I closed my eyes in a silent prayer of gratitude to that angel, for bringing me my sun.

When I opened my eyes again, Bella was looking at me. Not just in the wide, bewildered gaze I'd grown accustomed to. But narrowed, mischievous eyes. In the moonlight, I glowed, phosphorescent. She straddled my thighs, my member jutting straight and hard at her. Her eyes were leisurely, assessing, scouring me. To think I once feared to show this girl what I looked like in the sunlight. And now here she was, sitting astride me, holding me down with nothing more than her desire for me. I was crushed under it.

She took in the broad expanse of my shoulders, my chest, which heaved under her inspection. I didn't know what my face was doing--always so careful around her, always so guarded. I just watched her expression with wonder and hope. Her fingers reached out and traced my collar bone, sending soft shivers down my spine and my stomach. My cock twitched. Bella sat back, surprised. Then her eyes narrowed and she reached for my chest again. Another shiver. Another twitch. I groaned. I wanted to give her her chance, her opportunity to see me the way she'd allowed me to see her. But if she kept up this soft, gentle teasing, I would have to take her. I set my jaw, determined to give her what she wanted.

She smiled widely, her fingers drifting down my chest, floating to my nipple. "Mine," she growled in her tiger-kitten growl. I caught my breath.

Her fingers sent shock waves, building, through my body, tingling into my buttocks, down my hamstrings. I strained to hold myself down. In a swift move I could push her off me and carry her to the big white bed. But I breathed loudly through my nose, taking in all her scents and forcing myself to lay still.

Her nail scratched across my nipple. I shivered and growled. My arms reached over my head and my chest heaved. My fingers ripped into the sand. She grinned and laughed. "Mine," she whispered and leaned down, my cock pressing into her soft mound again. I squeezed my eyes shut. She used her little kitten tongue to lick my nipple. It was excruciatingly pleasant. And then my arms were quickly around her, holding her gently to me. "Truly," I muttered thickly into her neck.

Her hands began to move more quickly, stroking more firmly against my chest, my nipples, massaging the tight ropes of my neck muscles. I felt her breasts press against my stomach. I growled her name, impatient, near pain with my desire.

"Please," she breathed into my ear. "Just a little while longer." She scratched her nails down my stomach and I snarled.

Then she slowly moved herself up and I dropped my arms to let her. Her hands drifted to a sensitive spot just below my belly button. My head whipped to the side.

Her breath came faster. I could hear her heartbeat hammering in her chest. I could feel her femoral artery beating against my thigh. I was doing this to her. I wasn't touching her, and yet her breath was broken and panting. Her cheeks stained with red. I looked up at her, and she was staring with wonder at my cock. She shyly stroked the hair around it. I braced myself, restraining my desire to bend her and take her just now, at this moment, the animal in me growling.

Then she leaned down to kiss the head. "Auugh," I groaned, from somewhere deep in my belly. What was this woman doing to me? I had never felt so vulnerable, despite my overpowering strength. I would do anything she wanted now, anything she asked. And then I saw how, just as I made her wet and mad with desire, she was rejoicing in having done the same to me. I could let her enjoy that moment, to take in the power she had over me.

"You're..." she sighed, and hesitated, her hot moist breath brushing across the head of my cock. I tensed for a second. My skin was always hard, unnaturally cold, and my cock, responding to her touch, to her pleasure, to my own desire, had grown. It must have been nine inches now, the bulbous head wagging up at her. I worried she would be afraid, that she would see it and see how I could hurt her. But instead, her eyes turned to me in wonder. "You're so... beautiful. So much more beautiful than I'd even dreamt."

As ever, Bella surprised me. She'd dreamt of my body? She'd fantasized about my cock? I wished I could see those dreams.

That did it.

"OK." I declared, my hand instantly on her sand-covered hips, my thumbs moving of their own volition toward her cleft. "That's enough."

In one swift move I was on my feet, holding her to me, pressing her her breasts and soft mound against my feverish body as I walked quickly into the waiting bedroom.


I laid her upon the bed. Seeing her there, the sand drifting on the white linens, I was suddenly worried. I knew what I wanted with all my heart and what had built up in my body. But would I hurt her if I gave into it? It was a question I'd asked my self every day, but it meant something different tonight, in this bed with her. Earlier on the beach, it had been enough. But would this be different? She could read the concern in my face and reached a hand up to stroke my cheek.

"Bella," I whispered softly, kissing her hand. "I'm not even sure how to start."

But dear Bella, ever observant, had an answer. I could read it in her eyes before she said it. "I am. Lie on your back, love."

I quickly rolled onto my back, my aching, tingling cock straining up at her.

I watched as she straddled me again, this time edging closer to my cock. As miraculous as it felt to me, would this be the thing I couldn't control? And if I couldn't control it, would I do something permanent, something unforgivable to her?

Just then, her hand reached down and clasped my shaft. All the air rushed from my lungs. It was... indescribable. I grabbed onto her hips harshly and then lightened my grasp. I had to have her hips, not just because I had to have her, but I had to have a way to keep her away from me if I lost control. Her gaze, bewildered and concentrating, flickered up at me and understood.

She returned to my cock, rubbing it along her wet--still wet? How was that possible? She was amazing. A miracle. She should be studied--lips. The sound of her pulse was drown out by my sighs and deep inhalations of breath. I couldn't get enough of her. How had I ever just kissed her and walked away?

I could sense that something more had shifted inside me, another irrevocable change. I gave up caring what my face looked like, what image I was conveying to her. I gave up trying not to scare her. Now all I could do was work not to hurt her. All I could feel was her hand upon my shaft, her.... pussy--that seemed right now, for my tiger-kitten bride--sending a flood of sensation through my body, shaking me. She may have sighed. It might have been me.

She took me slowly, carefully into her. I was glad of that, for, even with her deliberate pace, every inch more she took of me into her wet, warm body flooded me with another wave of pleasure, clouding my head and staggering my breath. I closed my eyes to let the sensation wash over me. I lay perfectly still, afraid to unleash myself upon her. Bella was incredible. I hoped in the morning I would prove deser--

And then I couldn't think. Bella had stopped inching me into her and instead rose up a few inches and then slid back down. She did it again and again, slowly, tentatively, carefully. Thank god, for once, she was being cautious. It allowed me to wallow in our pleasure. Her wet, squishy embrace and the way her body held me made my stomach twitch and tense. It started rolling of its own accord. My hands held tight to her, letting the heat radiating from them and fill my hands with another kind of tingle. Another pleasurable ripple added to the tsunami building inside me. She mewled absently and my breathing got heavier, more erratic. She went on like this, going at her own pace, driving me slowly mad in the process, until I felt her rest her weight upon my lap. She stopped moving then.

I opened my eyes and looked up at her. I could barely focus, closer to human sight than my extrasensory vampire vision. Her face, chest, nipples bloomed with a fresh blush, her heart beat faster. Her breathing, like mine, was loud and deep and gaining in speed. I lifted my head to look at her, caressing her thighs and running my hands down to her cleft, tickling her straining nub. She vibrated. I wondered at how she'd fit all of me inside her.

Then my head dropped back to the pillow as I felt her start a faint, almost unconscious circling of her hips upon me.

"You can't imagine what you feel like, Bella," I groaned. I searched for a way to explain it better and then gave up. "You can't imagine how exquisite you feel."

Bella's eyes were on me, but unfocused. She reached her hands forward to my stomach and her slight circles became a rhythm, a rocking. She closed her eyes and sighed. She huffed. He breasts ever so gently swayed with her movement.

The movement was excruciating, exquisite, her warm, wet sex inviting and trembling upon me. She sighed and rolled her neck slightly, and she bit her lip. I watched her for a moment transfixed by what she was doing to me and how right and natural and yet overpoweringly supernatural she looked moving upon me like that. Her blush had spread, extending from her hairline to her nipples. She was so beautiful.

But it quickly overwhelmed me, the sight of my beautiful, delicate wife, trusting me, moving upon me, giving me this gift of pleasure. Earlier, I had thought that that was the best I could ever feel. I added a new category: Myself inside Bella. I groaned. Her insistent but too slow for me movements sent shock wave after shock wave through me. Instinctively, my buttocks clenched and she groaned. I felt myself go deeper, if that was possible. I matched her cadence, but gently, praying I wasn't pressing too hard. The ripples of her sex upon me were feeding the tsunami that crashed upon my brain, making all thoughts obsolete, all reason useless. All awareness moot, except for this: Mine. I must take her.


I growled, the need building stronger in me. I could no longer go at a human pace, and I couldn't stop myself from flipping her over swiftly and taking her. She gasped, bearing her teeth in a way I'd never seen before. She growled and sighed and matched each of my deep strokes with her own answering twist of the hips. Yes. More yeses. She was an abundance of yeses. I gave up fighting, gave up restraining and instead fell upon her, drove myself into her over and over again. I covered her face with harsh kisses, muttering her name between gasps, pulling at her legs until one was up over my shoulder. Was the body made for this? It was remarkable.

I moved purely by instinct now, letting her scent fill every part of me. It seemed the deeper I went, the stronger her scent became. It was drugging me, I was losing reason. I simply drove into her again. And again. And again. Over and over, feeling the cataclysmic force of her body and my body joined together, moving easily, naturally together. Bella was groaning loudly now, muttering my name in a tone that did nothing to slow my speed or force. I was gasping as well, grunting.

She was calling my name, screaming it. It was like hunting--letting go my thoughts and control and giving myself over to the pleasure of my body. But this pleasure, with this woman, was greater than any hunt I'd been on. And the scent of her blood added just an edge of pain.

A deep growl burst from me. I leaned down and licked her neck--better than biting, at least. Touching the tip of my tongue to where her blood pulsed wildly. I arched my back, felt Bella contract again, pulling at my cock, pulling me deeper into her as she had done on the beach with my fingers. I grabbed her breasts, placed my large palms over her snowy white skin, fell upon them with my full weight, forgetting my promises, forgetting my restraint, forgetting everything but this joy, this intense pleasure that filled every atom of my body, and kept redoubling and redoubling. How much would I take, how much could Bella give? I almost didn't care, until I looked down and saw her crushed under my weight--not crushed, but pinned, I corrected myself--and marshaled all my power now--not to stop but to lift myself, but to move my hands from her body, and to grip down on the pillows around her. I snarled as my body shook, my cock finding release, my body convulsing as wave after wave of intense sex flew from me.

My eyes were closed tightly, my head useless. I was vaguely aware of biting something, of my mouth crushing down as my orgasm overwhelmed me. In that moment there was nothing but pure pleasure radiating out from us and then back, growing stronger and exploding. I screamed and felt the last wisp of adrenaline snake from my body.

I breathed deep suddenly, falling upon my love, my phenomenal, sexy wife. Though I couldn't sleep, I felt heavy, burdened by my release, and it took all my effort to force my body off her, slipping regretfully from her, and laid just my cheek upon her shoulder.

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. Her heartbeat was far from normal. With effort I raised my head and kissed her throbbing temple. I had just begun the first notes of her lullaby when she drifted off to sleep.

I lay there, breathing in and out so to absorb the scent of our lovemaking, and traced my hands along her side. Because I could, and she was mine, and she had survived, I let my hands drift gently along her sternum and nipple, down her hip and along her leg. She just lay there, contented, ever trusting, deeply relaxed. She slept. Just once, she whispered my name. She smiled. As did I.

It wasn't until hours later, in the dim moonlight, that I saw the bruises start to bloom.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Amazing story, it felt like I was reading it from the book, Midnight Sun. I love that it was from Edward's prospective, I think you nailed his personality. I know this comment is more than a decade late, but great job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Finally some writing worth reading!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

This story is amazing and needs a sequel

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Well done. Fantastic voice! Keep writing, you have a gift!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
more! more! more!

So descriptive and raw emotionally yet exquisitely tasteful. Well done and don't stop!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This story was amazing! I had been wanting to know more about their first time since I first read the book. You are an awesome writer

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I loved the powerful descriptions!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

This story was very beautiful thank you for writing it you are an amazing writer :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

That was absolutely amazing. As a devoted fan of the Twilight series, I've wanted this "more adult" view of the wedding night for quite some time. THANK YOU!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Amazing!!!! your writing is incredible

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

that was the most exquisite piece of writing i've read in a while. why couldn't Stephanie Meyer wrote that from Bella's POV and put it in the book? it would have been much better.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

That. Was. So. Sexy!!! And it was fun to see it from Eddies view instead of Bella's. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Beautiful, true to character, and incredibly hot. Fantastic job!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Are you stephenie meyer?????

This literally sounds like the way stephenie meyer writes!!!! This was amazing, the best "missing chapters" I have read!!! Keep writing, because you do so beautifully!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Best I've read on the site

The way you write is excellent. It's not just the story and the scenario it is the way you structure your sentences and paragraphs.

I'm not really a Twilight fan but if the books were written the way that you wrote your story I would read them. Your writing is better than Stephanie Meyers.

Makes me wish I was Bella.

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