Delila in the Desert


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He took the card and sauntered back to the guard shack. He picked up a phone, spoke briefly, nodded and hung up. He sauntered back and handed the card back. "Go on through sir, about a half mile up on your right."

"Thank you. Have a good evening."

He stood, hooked one thumb into his gun belt. tapped on the roof of my car with the other hand, grinned and winked "Thank you sir, I will. Probably not as good as yours though."

The villa was a large mission style ranch. Its low slung and flat roofed one story structure nestled into a low spot below the level of the barely one car width road I was on. I would have missed it completely had it not been for all of the landscape lighting illuminating the mature saguaro cacti and mesquite trees. I had to crank the wheel of my car into a sharp turn to descend to the cobbled area in front of the home.

I approached through the arched gateway that led to a front entry area abundant with potted succulents and gentling burbling water features. A short flight of saltillo tiled steps led up to the heavily leaded glass double door entry. I rang the bell and heard Rebecca call "Come in!!". I levered the large brass handle and pushed the door open, letting out a gentle wave of piano jazz, sandalwood scents and subdued lighting. Rebecca popped up from a mission style loveseat and exclaimed "DONNIE!" as she padded towards me across the burnt-umber saltillo tile floor. Her red toenails winked at me from beneath the hem of a long and gauzy kaftan. Her generous figure undulated slightly as she walked, clearly free of any foundation garments. She held out her hands and relieved me of the bottle of wine and flowers I had brought, setting them on a narrow side table that flanked the raised entryway. Then she pulled me into an embrace, offering her dimpled cheeks to be kissed. I was already a little overwhelmed by her scent, which was powdery and powerfully woman, and the feel of her topography against my loose clothing. As I chastly bussed her cheeks she whispered "Remember, here I'm Delila,,not Rebecca."

A flamboyant and high pitched male voice interrupted "DEEDEE?? WHERE THE HELL DO YOU KEEP YOUR SERVING PLATTERS??"

"COMING!!" Rebecca called back. "Introduce yourself around won't you dear? I'll be right back!" and she trotted away towards what I assumed was the kitchen.

I stood there awkwardly for a moment as three sets of eyes inspected me from the living room. One set belonged to a man of later middle age. Standing around 5 foot 5, he was tan with heavily pomaded black hair aggressively slicked back from a high forehead. He wore a blousy cream colored silk shirt, accented with a matching scarf around his neck, loose trousers that ballooned like harem guard pants, and red velvet slippers brocaded in gold. The other two sets of eyes, which were a good twelve inches above the man's, belonged to two of the most stunning women I had ever seen, at least in person. One set was warm brown and set in a mature and angular face that had a Mediterranean complexion. She had a severely bobbed black head of hair that ended in points at her jawline. The other eyes were startlingly blue and were set in a heart shaped youthful face with a peaches and cream complexion, framed by painfully straight blond hair that fell to her shoulders. Both wore identical back dresses, little silk spaghetti strapped affairs that draped perfectly from their prominent collar bones, across their small but perfect breasts and down to scalloped hems that end just above mid thigh. They both stood on impossibly high stiletto heels that were nothing but straps and thin soles.

The man strode towards me, both hands outstretched towards me and a toothy grin spreading across his face. "Ahhh, you mustah be the mysteriouso Donnie!! Buona sera!!" His accent was cartoonishly Italian.

"Hello." I said and held out my hand.

"Coma here you!!" He took my hand in a surprisingly strong grip, pulled me down off the raised entry, and embraced me. Which, given the differences in our heights, was like a child hugging an adult. He pushed me away, his hands on my hips "My name is-a Lorenzo. We'v-a been so excited to meet-a you!! Deedee has talked nothing but 'Donnie ... Donnie' for weeks!!" He waved over to the two women ``Girls, come say buona sera to the famous Donnie!! Donnie, these are my partners!"

The women glided towards me. Not walked, glided, leading with their hips. The fair one held out a finely wrought white hand with long, graceful fingers. "Prudence, but you can call me Pru." her accent was clearly British Received.

I shook her hand briefly before the dark complexioned one stepped between us and put her hand on the center of my chest. "Buona sera Donnie. I am called" slowly enunciating each syllable with a very mobile set of lips. Her eyes smoldered above a curved smile. She might as well have been saying "I will eat you if given half the chance."

I took a step back, breaking contact, and said "So, ahhh .... you three are in business together?"

Lorenzo guffawed. "Sure, it's-a beesiness!! I like-a making love with tall beautiful women and they love-a my clothes and money. So, good exchange. No??" He wrapped his arms around their hips and pulled them to his sides, their breasts level with his eyes.

Prudence saw my slightly shocked and confused look. She smiled softly, "We're a throuple." I still looked confused.

Francesca purred "We are ... how you say ... polyamorous. Lorenzo,he design beautiful clothes that Pru and I model on runway. Then we let Lorenzo take them off of us and we make sex together. You see?" Both she and Prudence kissed Lorenzo on the top of his head "And we love him, even without money."

Realization and astonishment crept across my face. Lorenzo grinned broadly "Ahhh .... Now-a you capice, yes?"

Well I do now, I thought. ""Oh .... I see. Well, nice to meet you." I quickly grabbed the wine and flowers and said "I'd ... better go find some ... ahhh ... ice .... Water water for ... these." and all but ran in the direction that I had seen Rebecca go calling "Reb ...errr.... Delila??"

I rounded a wall and entered a full gourmet kitchen whose sole occupant had his back to me, busy with something on the large gas stove. He was a man of middle height with the physique of a gymnast, barefoot and wearing the shortest, tightest white shorts I had ever seen on a man. His white t-shirt was mostly open mesh with metallic gold fabric at the arms, neck and hem. He wore an apron that hung from his neck and tied loosely around his narrow waist.

"Ahh, hello?" I said.

He waggled his long fingers over his shoulder and said "Hell ...." which, as he turned to face me ended with "ohhhhh my!" and he quickly whipped off his apron. He had bright hazel eyes, a face that could have been painted by Botticelli and a body that Michaelangelo would have loved to use for a model. And it was all topped by an improbable mop of blonde Shirley Temple curls. He stalked towards me with an eager smile saying "Dee-dee ...for me?!? You shouldn't have!"

Rebecca popped out of the pantry carrying a set of serving platters. "Hands off Danny. That one's not for you."

He popped his hip, arms akimbo, and pouted "Boo."

Rebecca laughed "Donnie, this is Danny. He's harmless."

Danny's eyes flashed over a playful grin "Mostly" he said, and held out his hand, palm down and fingers loose.

"Uhm yeah ... Hi, nice to meet you." I shook his fingers awkwardly, shifting the wine to my left hand.

Danny immediately brought his other hand up, covering mine."The pleasure is ALL mine." His eyes glittered.

Rebecca said "Danny, if you burn anything tonight you will NEVER get another invitation from me!" and she slapped his tight behind.

He sighed heavily and said in a catty tone "Bitch."

"Republican," she replied.


They both laughed.

Rebecca relieved me of the wine and flowers "You better go. You're distracting the chef for this evening ..." then she whispered ".... and me. Now shoo." She pushed me out of the kitchen.

I went back into the living area. Lorenzo, Francesca and Pru were on the couch drinking wine from oversized glasses, thighs touching, heads together whispering about something and laughing softly. Francesca smiled and patted the sofa next to her in invitation.

"I ... think I'll go check out the view." I said, and ducked out onto the back veranda.

The large back entertaining area featured a kidney shaped black bottomed pool that sparkled with lights. It had a large and steaming integrated rock waterfall hot tub. There was a ramada to one side, currently unlit, but I could make out a beehive fireplace and seating. I walked around the pool, opposite the side with the ramada, and out to the edge of the stamped concrete patio. I breathed in the sage and creosote scented air of the desert night and said to myself "Donald old boy, you may be out of your depth here."

A deep masculine voice emerged from the darkness of the ramada. "Yeah, Deedee's parties can be a bit much." A powerfully built man emerged into the light from the pool. He was tall, maybe six foot two, and looked like an All-American athlete. He had chiseled features, a square jaw and deep set blue eyes below a blond crewcut. His powerful upper body strained the black t-shirt he was wearing, as did his heavily muscled thighs in his knee length shorts. He had two open bottles of Corona beer gripped between the fingers of his left hand. Each had a lime wedge in the neck. He extended them to me. "Here, this should help you feel a little more normal."

"Thanks" I said with genuine gratitude. I took one of the beers and had a long drink. I swallowed and then held out my hand "Donald ... Donald Abravenel."

He shook my hand firmly "Greg ... nice to finally meet you Donnie. You've made quite an impression on Deedee, you know. She's been fluttering around like a school girl all day."

Finally, I thought, someone I can relate to.

"Oh THERE you are you naughty thing! Thought you could hide from me did you?" It was Danny, and I groaned internally. I had been hit on by gay men before, but this was a bit much.

Danny sidled up to Greg and slipped an arm around his waist, "Hi Sugar Bear. I see you've met the man I'm going to leave you for." Danny was grinning widely and his eyes twinkled with humor as he looked at me and then up at Greg.

Greg laughed, his bright teeth flashing, and kissed Danny's offered cheek "Hey Puddin-pop." It was then that I noticed the wedding rings.

Part 4 - Prometheus

As Rebecca and Danny busied themselves in the kitchen making the final preparations for dinner I sat with the rest of the guests in the living room drinking wine, making conversation and getting to know one another. Despite my best efforts to the contrary I was next to Francesca on the sofa while Prudence sat in Lorenzo's lap in the mission style loveseat. Greg was sitting on oversized cushions on the floor.

Lorenzo was a fashion designer from Milan who had done the costume design for a movie that had been adapted from one of Rebecca's books. Prudence and Francesca were runway models, obviously, but had surprising depths to them. Prudence held a Masters in Biology from Oxford, while Francesca had a Bachelors in Comparative Literature from the University of Bologna.

As far as Greg and Danny, Greg was an architect and specialized in southwestern sustainable design. His firm was based in Scottsdale. Danny was an interior designer and writer for a number of design magazines with a particular expertise in Mid-Century Modern. Greg laughed "Danny has hated every house I've ever designed."

Danny called out from the kitchen. "I HEARD that! And you KNOW that's not true! I LOVED the Darcy house!"

Greg called back "That wasn't MY design, that was Nate's."

Danny's head poked around from the kitchen. "Ohhhh, right!" Then gave me a wrinkled nose grin, nodding, his curls bobbing. "Greg's right, I hate all his designs."

Then they all insisted I fill them in on the details that Rebecca may have omitted, so I synopsized. Apparently Francesca hadn't heard that I was a Lit professor, and when she heard this she slid closer and put her hand on my shoulder. "Really? Well, we must get to know each other better! I am sure there is MUCH I could learn from you!"

I inched away as best I could and said "Boy, I sure hope dinner is ready soon." I think my voice cracked.

Francesca reached for a lidded crystal bowl on the coffee table, lifted the lid and offered the bowl of colorful soft candies to me. "Edible?" she said, with an arched eyebrow.

"Well, they sure look like they are." I said and took three, popping them into my mouth one after the other and chewing as an excuse to not have to talk.

Francesca gasped and Greg said "Hey, Don. You may want to take it easy on those."

"Sorry" I said "Sweet tooth."

Pru said through a giggle "Clearly."

I offered the bowl around, trying to recover from my faux pas. They each took one with a knowing smile.

Part 5 - Inception

Somewhere between the second and third course, as I ate a palette cleansing lemon sorbet, an overwhelming feeling of relaxation and good cheer washed over me. I smiled and reached out my hands to Delila on my left and Danny on my right.

"Hey ... you two. I'm having a WONDERFUL time! And Danny, the food is amazing!" I pulled my hand away from his and, with a ridiculous grin, picked up the delicate bowl of sorbet and drank down the melted remains. "Amazing." I repeated.

I set the glass down and looked at Rebecca, who had a confused smile on her face. "I'm so glad Donnie." She patted my hand.

I peered at her "Hey, you know what Reb ...." I paused as her eyes flew wide with alarm ".. I mean you know what Delilila?"

Now Rebecca looked truly worried. The dinner conversation had completely stopped and all eyes were on me.

"Donnie, are you okay dear?" she asked.

I paused, performed a quick self-assessment, and nodded my head in big arcs "Yup. I can't remember the last time I felt so .... Relaxed ... and .... happy." I waggled a finger at Rebecca ``But you didn't guess!"

"What Donnie? What is it?"

I gave her a disappointed look "Okay then, I'll just tell you." and then, in an exaggerated stage whisper "You're really sexy."

Danny cackled but covered his mouth at the severe look he got from Greg. Pru was trying to smother a fit of giggles and Greg and Lorenzo were busting their guts trying not to burst out laughing. Francesca had a satisfied and amused smile on her face.

I looked around at all of them. "What? It's true isn't it?? As a matter of fact ALL of you are sexy. Even you Lorenzo!" This destroyed Lorenzo's control and he guffawed. I ignored this and shook my head "Everyone except me, I don't think I'm very sexy." I pivoted my head to Danny. "What do you think? Am I sexy?"

Danny waggled his shoulders and gave a salacious grin "Oh my yes ....". I looked down at his hand, which was on my thigh.

I heard Rebecca's chair scoot back and felt her hands on my shoulders. "Donnie, I think the wine may have gone to your head. Why don't you go splash some cold water on your face?" Her voice was gentle and patient.

I craned my head to look up at her and said "Good idea .... I'll go do that." I reached down and squeezed Danny's hand, which was now well up my inner thigh. I looked at him seriously "I'll be back." I said in a terrible impersonation of Arnold Schwarzenegger from The Terminator. I rose and drifted down the hall to the bathroom. As I closed the door I heard Rebecca shout "Francesca!! You DIDN'T!!!" followed by gales of laughter.

I ran the water in the waterfall style sink and splashed it on my face, which felt great. It was the coldest, wettest water I had ever felt. I cupped double handfuls, one after the other, and poured

them over my head. Then I took off my shirt and did the same with my bare chest and arms. It was glorious and I wanted everyone to feel it too. I opened the door and started back down the hall but then I noticed a bedroom that was clearly Rebecca's through an open door. The white down duvet and fluffy white pillows were so inviting. I wanted to lie down on them, and then I wanted Rebecca to lie down on me.

"Rebdelilila!" I called down the hall "Can I lie down?"

"That's a very good idea Donnie. You should definitely do that dear!"

So I stripped naked and crawled onto the bed. I'm not sure how long I was there, but after a time I heard sounds coming from the living room: moans and groans and moist sounding skin on skin contact. I was curious so I got up and wandered out to the living room.

I could see the back of Rebecca's head and bare shoulders over the top of the couch. Her right shoulder was pumping softly and her head was lolled slightly back and to the side, her eyes half closed. She was biting her lower left lip.

Beyond Rebecca, Pru was on her hands and knees facing away from me, her dress hiked up over her hips with everything on display, including her glistening fingers which she was plunging into herself. In front of Pru was Francesca, seated on the love seat with her dress similarly hiked up, legs thrown wide over the arms. Pru's head was buried where they joined and one of Francesca's hands was on the back of it. Lorenzo was standing next to the chair, his pants down around his ankles and his silk shirt open. His hands were on his hips and his partially erect penis was in Francesca's mouth. Greg and Danny were on the floor cushions in front of Rebecca facing her. Greg was bare from the waist down and sitting on his knees, leaning back onto his hands with his head thrown back. Danny was next to him, kissing him hungrily and pumping Greg's prodigious unit with one hand.

"Oh .... wow." was all I said, but I might as well have fired a gun into the ceiling.

Greg heard me, his head popped up and his eyes focused on me. "Holy shit Don. Wow is right!"

Danny turned his head to me, his jaw dropped open, and then he whispered "Gimmeee."

Lorenzo looked up from looking at Francesca, grinned his toothy grin and started to slow clap "Ahhhh ....magnifico!!"

Francesca's eyes followed Lorenzo's. She started to pant, then put her other hand on the back of Pru's head, pulling it hard into her groin with a moan.

Pru gave a muffled squeak and her hands flew out to her sides as Francesca writhed with an obvious climax.

Rebecca spun around, looked at my smiling face, then her gaze drifted down to my groin. She mouthed "Oh .... God...."

I should explain. I'm 6 foot 6 inches tall and pretty much everything on me is proportional: hands, feet, nose. The only thing out of proportion is my dick. Flaccid it reaches almost halfway down my thigh, and has some pretty decent heft to it. I have to have my pants tailored to accommodate it. At that moment I wasn't flaccid. My erect member was cantilevered out in front of me and could have been used as a chin up bar.

Rebecca cleared her throat and said "Donnie, would you like to come ...."

Danny laughed wildly "He better before he hurts someone with that thing!" A fierce look from Rebecca cut his laugh off.

Rebecca looked back at me "Would you like to join us dear?"

I gave a child-like smile and said "Sure, looks like fun." as I stepped over the back of the sofa and plopped down next to Rebecca, my dick bobbing up and down.

Pru had finally looked around and was wiping Francesca's orgasm from her chin with the back of her hand. When she saw what everyone else was looking at she said "Sweet mother of pearl!! DeeDee, you DO plan on sharing that ... right?"

Rebecca spoke sternly "Okay kids, why don't you go out and play in the pool so Mommy and Daddy can talk."

Oddly they all complied, with many a backward glance at us.

Rebecca curled up next to me, one arm wrapped around my upper arm. She had shed her kaftan and her heavy breasts with their large pink nipples were brushing against my lower arm. A dark triangle of neatly trimmed pubic hair was at the apex of her dimpled thighs.