Deliver Us From Evil Ch. 03


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"You seem happy about that." I said, my gray eyes locking onto Jack Muscone's beady black peepers. "Is this a little payback by the Feds against the City Police, maybe over the joint operation between the Feds and City PD corruption that was going on a few months ago?"

Muscone said "I'd think if that were the case, they'd be coming after you, for breaking it up. And no, I don't have much love lost for the City Police. Anyhoo... I've been asked... well, ordered by my better half here... to apologize to you over asking about the Louella Hopper files."

Seeing my scowl, Muscone hastily added: "We weren't spying on you personally, but we'd been given orders from higher-ups to watch and see if anyone tried to access them... apparently because they knew it was getting warm around the Cardinal, and you saw how they tried to protect him."

"So they used you to try to find out what -I- knew." I said. "Jack, you've got the time in; you can retire. Why don't you?"

Muscone said "It's not time yet. I talked with Tanya about it, and as long as I think I can do some good in the Bureau and keep the Swamp Frogs at bay, and as long as she supports me, then I'll stick it out. Just as you feel you're in the right place where you are, I feel I'm in the right place where I am."

I nodded and Jack said: "And by the way, aren't you curious why Lange is meeting with your Chief right now?"

"No." I said. "The Chief will tell me what I need to know, when I need to know it..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

KFXU Fox Eight News broke the story of Cardinal O'Leery's death at 12:00 high noon. No, I did not leak it to them, but it is possible that I just happened to mention it to Cindy, who spoke to her friend (and occasional fuck buddy) Priya Ajmani.

Meanwhile, I took Teresa, Alison McFarland, and Timothy Geiger to lunch at the Cop Bar. The Sheriff and Chief were hosting EAD Owen Lange and SAC Jack Muscone in the back 'Command Room', so we sat at a table at the very back of the regular back room.

"Suicide like Epstein, eh?" Teresa said after I told them of O'Leery's death. "Are you going to help them investigate, try to find out who killed him?"

"No." I said. "I'm sure it was the Church that was behind it, but I don't really care to waste my time on it."

"You don't think it's the Swamp Frog Feds?" asked Geiger. I shook my head 'no', and Geiger said "I have a question, if you don't mind, sir: why were the Feds following us around?"

"And following your mom in Apple Grove, too." Teresa added.

I said "Part of me thinks it was intimidation. They were hoping you guys would be warned off, and that I'd be either distracted or warned off when I heard they were following my mom. And I do think they were being obvious about it while others were more discreetly and professionally following you guys around."

I continued: "But another part of me thinks them following my mom around doesn't fit the pattern, so there was something else to that. I have no idea what it would be, though."

Alison said "What about that girl Lana, that Tim and Keith met? Was she working with the Cardinal, and setting up the car bomb trap? Or was she for real, and someone else took advantage of the opportunity to plant the car bomb?"

I said "I don't know. She has not been found, or at least nobody is admitting to having found her. The information she told you, Geiger, and Keith was true and accurate, but that means little; she might've thought you both were going to die in the car blast. Still, why bother telling the truth at all in the first place?"

"That's what I was thinking." said Teresa. "I don't think she was part of the car bomb plot. Maybe they'd gotten onto that meeting from her somehow. Whether from her or you, Geiger, they were ready to plant that bomb while you talked to her inside."

Geiger said "Well, some of what she said doesn't fit the timeline. She said she talked to Ginger Thomas, but she said it was after Kevin had been arrested. But other reports are that Ginger and Fred disappeared before Kevin was arrested."

"Well, it is what it is." I said. "The Thomases are dead; we found their remains. I just hope this Lana is still alive, and that we don't find her remains somewhere."

Teresa asked: "Oh, one more thing. Kevin gave his fake ID when he was arrested, and that was his name in prison. But his real name was also on record, and Keith and Geiger found it. Yet all the Cardinal's horses and all the Cardinal's men couldn't find it. What happened there?"

I said "I don't know. And I don't think I want to. We have many enemies... and we have many friends. Someone who knew...someone who foresaw this day... made sure that the name 'Kevin Thomas' was not associated with the guy in prison... until you Good Guys needed to find him. And I won't look that gift horse in the mouth."

Teresa: "What's going to happen to Kevin?"

Alison said "He has one hell... pun not intended... one hell of a lawsuit against the Church coming. O'Leery appears to be the entity behind the shell company that bought the Thomas home, so he likely will get it back. And if I were him, I'd sell it as fast as I possibly could."

I said "And he's going to be having a conversation with Governor Sharon Marshall soon. I am predicting... a pardon coming his way..."

Part 20 - History In The Making

2:00pm, Saturday, August 7th. The funeral for Keith Madden was not as well attended as I had thought it would be. Indeed, there were more Police Officers there, most in civilian clothes and in support of Geiger, than there were reporters for Madden. Teresa and I were there, in civilian clothes, standing behind the others in the chairs.

I'd expected a lot of reporters to show up, and most of KFXU's reporters and employees were there. I also saw Alison McFarland, Timothy Geiger, and the other Town & County Examiner employees there.

But there were very few journalists from out of Town. And only Katherine Woodburn, Bettina Wurtzburg, and a few staffers from KXTC showed up, even though Madden had worked there... and had been fired for being just a little bit too honest. (Author's note: 'Iscariot', Ch. 01, 04.) Burt West, Carl Lemay, Pat Stellum, and Amber Harris were no-shows. And Katherine did not sit with them; she sat with Alison and Dr. Joseph Zenger, head of the University's Journalism School and occupant of the Elijah Parish Lovejoy Chair of Journalism.

The pallbearers were members of the TCPD SWAT Team, dressed in civilian clothes. The Reverend Calvin Derkins of the First Baptist Church officiated, and delivered a pretty standard eulogy for a person he did not really know. Then Alison McFarland came up and said better things:

"Keith was a journalist that believed in the truth, and getting the truth to the People." Alison said. "His last project, investigating the corruption of Cardinal O'Leery, was very important to him. It cost him his life, but it led to an evil man's demise."

Alison: "We all know that Columbia University awards Pulitzer Prizes, the University of Georgia gives out the Peabody Awards, and there are other awards... but none for the courage and heroism Keith showed in his pursuit of the truth. We'll have a formal announcement later on, but I am proud to announce now that in conjunction with our University's School of Journalism, we are creating and will be awarding the Keith Madden Award for Journalistic Courage and Heroism in the future." There was applause for that, but it sounded more polite than enthusiastic.

After the service was over, people began trickling out. Teresa and I waited for Alison and Geiger to come by, and we spoke to them for a moment. We turned to leave, and go back to my Police SUV...

"Well! Hard to believe the Iron Crowbar would show up for a journalist's funeral!"

We turned to see Bettina Wurtzburg, her cameraman Scott Turnbull, and a staffer. Turnbull was not filming us, and all three of them were looking at me with hostile eyes.

"Why are you surprised?" I asked. Then I raised my voice and said very loudly: "At least Keith Madden had integrity. You sure as hell don't. In fact... you fired Keith Madden for refusing to help stage your propaganda!"

I'd gotten the attention of others, and they were walking towards us. Then Geiger came up and said "Come on, Commander. These corrupt slugs aren't worth it."

"And you're not corrupt, Geiger?" Turnbull fired back. It was the wrong thing to say. I advanced towards him, brandishing the red crowbar in my hand. Fortunately for him, other Police put themselves between us.

"Geiger has more integrity in his little finger than all you worthless journalists combined!" I shouted. "That's why I'm suing you, Bettina. I'll see you in Court!"

Katherine Woodburn 'fronted' Bettina before the redheaded MILF reporterette could reply and escalate things further. I was escorted away from the biased, dishonest, and corrupt reporters by my Police Officers in plainclothes.

Teresa and I got into my SUV. As we drove away, Teresa said "Never thought I'd see the day where you were going to wax a reporter over Geiger, of all people."

"Like I said," I said, "Geiger has more integrity in his finger than all of KXTC's reporters have in their whole bodies combined. God! I can't wait to annihilate them in Court!..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

6:30pm, Saturday, August 7th. I invited Father Romano to join us at The Cabin for dinner. Present were me, Laura, Molly, Paula, and all my kids, and of course Marie. Also present were Todd and Teresa and their kids, and Cindy and Callie with Betsy and Baby Benjamin. The Muscones had made their regrets, but Sheriff Griswold accepted my invitation, and my mother Phyllis was in the House, as well.

I showed Father Romano around The Cabin, and he was very impressed with New Lego City and the mighty Troy Transcontinental Railroad in the attic room. He was also impressed with the view from the back deck as he, the Sheriff, Teresa, and myself sat in a semi-circle and talked. Tiger Mom sat on the deck rail and provided feline supervision.

"So how are things going, Father?" I asked. "Are you getting any backlash?"

"Not as much as I expected." said Romano. "The Vatican authorized Father Bosley to give me absolution, which lifts the Cardinal's excommunication, and he administered to me the Sacraments. So as far as that goes, I'm fully restored. There is still some animosity among my brethren for my actions in making the arrest, but they are... not Police Officers, so they know not what they do."

"Good!" Teresa breathed. She had been worried about that, and was very relieved now.

"That's one thing I wanted to talk to you about... your role with the TCPD." I said. "Sheriff Griswold here tells me that you were a really good Detective before you went to Seminary and became our Chaplain. And our current Detectives are excellent, but I can use all the help I can get. I'm wondering if you'd be amenable to helping us as a Detective, maybe working on a cold case or two."

"That sounds... interesting, Commander." Father Romano said slowly as he thought about it.

Teresa said "We had the Cold Case Team of Cindy Ross and Don's mom Phyllis, who is still an Auxiliary Police Detective. They could work with you on the cases. You'll be the next 'Father Dowling'." For those that might not know, she was referring to the old television series.

Sheriff Griswold said "I am keeping Ms. Ross very busy, but maybe Phyllis will work with you, Father... even though she's a Methodist."

"Ahh." said Father Romano. "Are you also a Methodist, Commander?"

"Technically." I said. "I'm still on the rolls as a member of Apple Grove Methodist Church. Then again, so is my sister Elizabeth, even though she converted to Judaism and became an Israeli citizen."

"Noooo," said a voice behind us, which turned out to by my mother Phyllis, "I had them remove your traitorous sister from our membership rolls. If anyone ever deserved excommunication, it is your sister, Don."

"Mom, she's still Todd's mother, and Teresa is sitting right here." I replied.

"Anyway," said my mother, trying hard to ignore my words, "yes, Chaplain Romano, I would be glad to help you with cold cases if I'm here in Town." After a pause she said "I came out here to tell you that dinner is ready..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Just as dinner was ending, Father Romano and Teresa got text messages on their personal cellphones. Teresa said "Mine says to turn on the television. The Pope is dying."

"Mine says that, as well." said Chaplain Romano.

We went over to the front room, and turned the television monitor on, and to KFXU. They were showing the national Fox feed, which was showing the feed from Vatican City. A large crowd was gathered there.

The kids were about to leave, but I said "Kids! All of you! Come watch this."

"Why, Dad?" asked Jim.

"This is history in the making." I said. "Very important stuff." All the kids sat down on the floor in front of us, even little Jack Burke.

The television correspondent was pontificating (pun fully intended) on what was going on. "Pope John Paul IV is in that room on the top floor where the light is still on." There was only one lit window; the others were dark.

Reporter: "When the Pope finally passes away, an official called the camerlengo will make the official determination of his death. The papal ring will be destroyed in the presence of Cardinals, and the papal apartments will be sealed. There is an official process for announcing the death, but we will know when the light in the window goes out."

The talking heads were discussing the life and work of Pope John Paul IV as the television feed showed the large crowds at the scene, waiting for news. Some were praying and some were crying. In The Cabin, Father Romano was whispering prayers and Teresa looked very sad. Buddy jumped up between her and Cindy and looked up at Teresa. She petted him, and looked like she felt a little better.

Then Jim began asking Father Romano a barrage of questions about the Pope and about Church leadership, and Father Romano answered them, educating all of us. Laura and Paulina announced cake and ice cream were on the table, and the kids were not beaten in getting to that dessert.

I brought Teresa, Father Romano, and the Sheriff their helpings, then got my own very large slice of one of the caramel cakes. Only Carole had a bigger piece; caramel cake was her favorite by far.

The television announcer said "And we are receiving reports confirming that sepsis has set in, and that His Holiness is in a coma. The College of Cardinals are present, with only a few still en route to Rome. The huge crowd of people are getting quieter as they watch the window for a sign---"

The light in the window went out.

Father Romano and Teresa crossed themselves, and Father Romano prayed. Tears had begun trickling down Teresa's cheeks, and her BFF Cindy took Teresa in her arms in a comforting hug.

Carole turned around and peered at me as I stood behind Teresa and Cindy, still watching. My daughter had sensed the strange feeling that had welled up inside me. A chain of events, from a malicious malware attack on University Hospital, to the final resolution of George Aurus's fate, to his fellow Wrangler Circus members's request for me to take down the man that had harmed them and so many others, had conspired to take place...

Claude Cardinal O'Leery very likely would have been the next Pope... but we had taken him down before that could happen. And just in time.

And the thought searing through my soul was that I had been among the instruments used by God and the Universe to make that happen, just in time.

Just in time...

Part 21 - The Circus Is Back In Town

10:00am, Sunday, August 8th. Kevin Thomas was wearing a suit and tie as he was ushered into the office of the Governor of the State, Sharon Marshall. The Governor was waiting there for him, along with a few assistants.

"Hello, Kevin." Governor Marshall said, coming around her desk and shaking hands with Kevin. "Thank you for coming. I was very sorry to hear the news about your parents."

"Thank you, ma'am." said Kevin. "At least they were found, and could be given proper burials."

"Yes." said Sharon Marshall. "And I want to thank you for coming forward and testifying before the Grand Juries. You helped remove an evil man, who would've been a continuing threat to our children. And that's why you're here. I understand you want to become a Police Detective?"

"Yes ma'am." said Kevin. "But I have a record, and I don't have my college degree."

Sharon Marshall said "But you did work hard, and got your Associates Degree with City University while you were in prison. And that will be enough to get you into the Police Academy, after your record is expunged."

"Uh, how can that happen, ma'am?" Kevin asked.

Governor Marshall said "I've been asked by the greatest Detective any of us have ever seen to consider your merits and what was done to you against your crimes. And Commander Troy is a very, very good judge of people. He recommended I do this, so don't let him down."

With that, she said formally to everyone: "By the power invested in me by the State Constitution as Governor, I hereby pardon you, Kevin Thomas, for all of your crimes. Your record will be expunged. And don't waste any time submitting your application to the Police Academy..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


10:00am, Sunday, August 8th. Teresa and I led the small procession to the Cemetery. We saw the surprisingly large gathering of people, most of them in black Wrangler Circus t-shirts and blue jeans. Six men so attired came to the hearse that had followed us, and carried the coffin containing the ashes of Johnny to his final resting place.

His ex-wife Beverly had claimed his body, and I arranged for our Morgue to go get it and bring it back to Town. I had also exercised my power as a Principal for the County to ensure that Johnny's grave was next to little Sarah, his daughter, in the indigent section of the cemetery.

Todd Burke had escorted Beverly, wearing all black, to the service. Many people from the University's Food Services that had known Johnny had come, including his supervisor. City Police Captain Kari Vance and CPD Detectives Tony Long, Sapper Warren, and E.J. Jefferson had come from The City. And Alison McFarland and Timothy Geiger were in attendance.

But this was the Wrangler Circus's ceremony to conduct. Johnny's coffin was brought up the hill between a gauntlet of Wrangler Circus members as someone played 'Amazing Grace' on the bagpipes. It is Your Iron Crowbar's opinion that bagpipes were put on this earth to play 'Amazing Grace'.

Chaplain (Captain) Calvin, the TCPD's Protestant chaplain, conducted the eulogy, and quoted St. John 15:13, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Then the Wrangler Circus members gathered around in a circle and sang 'Send In The Clowns'.

Afterwards, as people milled about and talked, some offering their condolences to Beverly, the redhead Bonnie and some others came up to Teresa and me. "We don't have any more money to give to your Cancer Kids fund. But maybe we can help in another way..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Little baby, pa rum pum pum pum
I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum
I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum
To set before the King, pa rum pum pum pum
Rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum
So I'll play for Him, pa rum pum pum
On my drum..."
--- Katherine Kennicott Davis, 'Little Drummer Boy'

1:00pm, Sunday, August 8th. The Cancer Kids were brought into the large room where the 'icon' photos of Teresa and Carole and Me and Bowser were. Most of them had their parents visiting, so those parents came with their kids and stood in back as the kids sat down on the floor in neat rows.