Demeter's Tempest


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Finding the drip of cum and juices flowing down her leg, she licked them up, clean and tidy just like she'd been told to do. Ending her hunt by spreading Deb's legs and pushing her back against the edge of the desk, Braun licked and sucked at Deb's pussy, pulling out what she could, holding it in her mouth since Elda might want it.

Tara, immediately next to Deb, was the next to receive this treatment, and Carlie, then, too, getting a glorious, warm-faced lick-swallow and clit over-rub from Braun's heavy-breathing mouth.

To say this was a novel experience and almost out-of-body disconnection at the same time being fully INTO everything that was happening? They all felt the joy of being part of something really special they'd never, ever have thought would be possible or even interesting, and yet, there they were, happy, together, caring for each other, love filling the room, and knowing they'd just created something new, as a group.

Chloe was leaning on a bookshelf next to Carlie, so Braun moved around to her, next, and then, on, all around the room, whether they "needed" it or not.

Elda put a stop to things, taking charge as soon as Braun had come around again. "Listen. We're all out of the classroom. We have a double class, so we have time, but we should get something done today." Looking at Braun, she said, "Braun. Stand now. Face me."

Ms. Braun stood, but kept her head bowed.

The power that Elda felt as she talked was heady to her. She could say anything, she knew, and Braun would do it. For that matter, she felt in-charge of the whole group, to a point. "As soon as we are dressed, you are the teacher again. But, when I ... say... what is your first name?"

"Litten, mein namen ist Litten Braun, mistress."

"Litten. When I use your first name, I am in charge. Not you. Not these others, me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, mistress."

Elda looked at the girls around her, expectantly to get agreement, and they all nodded.

"Let's get dressed then, and ... we'll play more later."

Kevin's bliss just let them do what they were going to do.

The girls dressed again mostly with low conversations about 'how amazing that was' and with short kisses between them, even if they hadn't kissed much before. It seemed like the thing to do.

Kevin stood and went around, wanting to get in on the kissing even though he was still naked, and they accepted it from him, taking a long moment each to run their hands on his back and feel his muscles.

The flabbiness of days gone by was somehow absent from their mental image of him, having been Utterly Clobbered by the image of him naked in front of them.

Someone handed him his underwear, shirt, sweatpants, shoes, each in turn, sort-of mother-hen'ing him (and giving hints to each other) until they were each put together again. A last look around and double-check that all was well, and a peek out of the door to the classroom, and they returned to their seats, relaxed but with some hair askance until it was noted and fixed.

Ms. Braun, back in front of the class and again wearing her lab coat, took up the transpiration topic again, only getting a few moments in before the passing bell rang.

None of them had to go anywhere, so she did as she normally did and just kept going.

The microscope exercise, she decided, could wait for another day, and she enlisted their quite willing elbow-grease to straighten up the room. She'd been ordered to be Clean and Tidy, so that was what happened. The demo figurines got dusted or rinsed off and put back onto wiped shelves, and by the end of that second class period, every one of them felt far more secure in the idea of Clean and Natural being good things.

As the bell rang after their second class period, they departed, knowing glances to each other but nothing else indicating to the others in the hallway what had just happened.

Every girl there had tiny swimmers climbing inwards. As each quieted from their excited states, their tissues returned to their unexpanded quiescent states.

In a normal human female, after sexual excitement passes, the expanded vaginal walls return to a normal length. In the process, the natural folds relax around the top of the vagina to form a natural concave space, a cup of sorts. Any fluids placed there recently, naturally by surface tension and tissue arrangement, flow towards the hole in the center, the os, a two-lipped opening that looks a lot like the end of a penis.

If a woman is near ovulation, several days before, during, and after, this hole's thin-mucus film clears and allows any fluids (and any sperm swimming in them) to pass through. Once there, hormones and bodily architecture make the destination clear.

More forward in the body than up, the sperm found their way past various barriers ensuring only the strongest swimmers survived, until they got to their clear singular destination. The essence of Fertility is the animal sexual biological process of sperm and egg meeting. Flinging themselves headlong into their destination, piling one upon another to succeed in their quest, the sperm found their In, and new life launched.

Of course, that process can take over a day to complete, and it had just started.

As they walked away, the inevitability cemented, and it was Demeter's Fate for them.

Individually, it was to be joys and tragedies, but the Fates were there, too. Demeter had set them a task, but one that conflicted deeply with the structure of the world where the humans were living.

As Goddesses, the Fates danced to their own music and were generally inscrutable and wanted what they wanted. That said, knowing where each thread went and how it fit together with human free will? That was their spritely spinning nature, to weave complex threads around and through lives, and deaths, and... births. They knew what needed to happen, too, or they'd have to find another intelligent species to work their spinning magic on.

Ms. Braun was also destined for different things. She had a transient urgency -- getting clean underwear over her lunch hour -- but there was other activity in her body that she would discover in a few weeks, which Demeter, smiling, favored in her with ample happiness.

The happiness would not all be Ms. Braun's. The baby would be happy, too, and it would be a powerful child from the gifts her mother gave her. That baby would grow and join with others blessed by Demeter to help knit an ecosystem's web back together.

No one child would be enough, but these children were each drops in a glass, each one making the level rise. Every day with them, the miracle and the mundane coexisted. The undercurrent of magic they spread would make power available in their Earthly realm that had been distinctly lacking in recent ages.

The girls knew none of this. They just were giddy with joy, and somehow, purpose...?

The things the Gods do, pulling as puppet's strings, make tiny the daily aims of man.

Lunchtime Friday

Lunchtime in a high school cafeteria is a loud thing to behold. People who design schools ignore this in favor of easy cleaning of surfaces, since the janitorial staff will complain to high heaven about a stained wall hanging being too high to clean, and why bother anyway.

Surfaces that absorb sound also absorb liquids, so, really, there's no way around this problem.

Kevin came into the cafeteria and the sound washed over him as it usually did, but this time it was far less onerous, less threatening with hidden danger of catcalls or teasings about 'the fat kid' or 'don't trip the blind guy' over his glasses.

Neither was now true.

Being fit and glasses-less, he got in line for the slop-du-jour, a tray and plastic silverware at the ready. He tried to eat healthy most days, but frequently found he either just lacked willpower or found himself absent-mindely saying the name of whatever fattening thing they had on hand.

What called to him that day was the salad trays and two different bowls of steamed veggies.

Immediately after him, there was a run on them. He looked at the crowd around him seeking these nutritious meals, and had a phrase pop into his head.

The phrase was in a dialect of Macedonian Greek. It was, "Eat Healthy, Fight Cleanly, Embrace Polis [one's people/city/tribe]."

Kevin repeated them, and found he felt better.

These words were not his, though he didn't think about where they might originate. Instead, he felt them and said them.

He had said them quietly, just to himself.

His volume didn't matter. The reality was that the words had echoed down the ages with some assistance. They were words that had been the motto of a village where a famous Macedonian named Philip and his son Alexander once lived, and (being uttered in that time and place) carried along with them a feeling of Rightness.

Kevin wanted for himself this concept. If anyone had asked, he would have wished it for anyone else, too. But, really, his intention was focusing his own desires, trying to bring 'right action' into himself.

Something wished for self, with an intention of reform, is not something yelled at others in search of accolades, or enhancing one's perceived power. A solidly wished-for self-change doesn't always work, if externalities interfere.

Kevin's desire, his almost-silent Macedonian chant, were so ancient they carried significant inertia with them. Like a wave, first through the cafeteria and then outwards, it flowed forth.

Repeating words like that bounced together in the echo chamber of his magical center, rebuilding and repeating with each invocation. On Kevin's third repeat, enough people in the cafeteria found their thoughts so interrupted that they went silent.

Their silence wasn't to a specific sound. It was to a thought-pattern, THE thought pattern Kevin had uttered, crashing into their heads unbidden and (at first) untranslated. The words fell out of the air, not like someone had said them, but as inspired concepts. Everyone there, everyone in the school, suddenly knew that chant. Everyone at once, paused and thought a moment, letting that knowledge flow into them.

Such was the nature of the magic involved, though, it just flowed into a set of assumptions about what should happen, how the world should work.

Conversations un-paused, teachers completed the sentences they started, and those in gym class who'd missed the ball or whatever, they chalked it up to a brain-fart and just went on with the game.

The cafeteria workers decided quite abruptly to distribute no more cake that day, nor donuts, nor gravy on the meatloaf. They quickly ran out of salads and veggies, sold no more soft drinks but had to refill the milk dispenser twice more than usual.

Kevin's seat was on the far edge of the cafeteria, near an inconvenient pole, so he could not be interrupted by girls stopping by, at least from all directions, PLUS he wouldn't have to listen to anyone around him too much.

Tina had a long walk to get to the lunchroom so she was always coming in later than Kevin. They'd sat together for the past few months and had good conversations, but she could tell something was odd as she walked in.

Waving at Kevin, she got her food. She tried to eat healthy but sometimes the fattening stuff really appealed to her. Since there were no fattening things left, she just got what she could, found Kevin, and sat down across from him.

Standing and leaning into her, he surprised her with a kiss, a nice passionate loving kiss.

Right there, in public, in front of everyone, Tina's idea of an almost paranoid-reticent Kevin was blown away by his affectionate buss and hopeful smile.

Kevin's idea of romance, and how people were perceived when they did things, had Significantly Changed just in the past few hours. Life altering ideas had merged with his worldview. What was normal had flown away. What was left was Kevin Version Two.

Tina's smile back at him felt like it was different, too. Tina had a confidence suddenly, the primal joining of a kiss giving more power than she thought it could.

This kiss was a primal communication. This kiss said that this was the guy she was going to Do It with, for the First Time.

Kevin Interrupted that idea. His concern for her was sincere, and he had to confront what was on his heart. "Tina. About our... schedule."


Kevin realized he'd wanted to move the schedule up, so she could be his first. That was no longer going to happen, he'd had his first. She, on the other hand, would still be having her first, with him, and they'd planned that for Sunday.

He realized all this made any conversation irrelevant, but at the same time, she deserved to know, something at least. If he told her, though, what he'd been doing all morning? It would freak her out, he figured, and correctly so.

He figured he'd freak out if Tina said she'd spent all morning having sex with a bunch of guys.

Covering for himself, he asked, "Is there any way you can spend the night tonight, at my place?"

She looked at him, smiling, but incredulous that he'd broach a topic like this without beating around the bush 12 times. He'd never come out and actually say something like this, no matter how much she'd wanted him to. It was like pulling teeth to get him to talk with her in the first place. Even the contrived subterfuge of her mother being away, this (while true) was only the latest in a line of ways to get him onboard.

His body self-image must have been very bad, she thought, and looking at him just then, she realized he'd lost a lot of weight recently, more than she had noticed. That was testimony to his hard work, so maybe it was for the purpose of looking good to her.

She liked that part.

Just then, Josie, the girl Kevin knew from the bus stop, walked by. Deciding on the spur of the moment to change her plans, she put her tray down on the other side of the table from them and said, "Hey, Kevin. Mind if I join you?"

It was a fait accompli. She was already sitting.

Kevin made the introductions.

As he was doing so, though, several girls from orchestra saw he was no longer just sitting with his supposed girlfriend, he had another there. That meant, anyone could join in. Quickly, the long table he was at filled up with other random people just sitting down.

Among those was Kelly from orchestra, and Mads, the first chair flute who had felt the "YES" resonate through her, and Jerri, from the theater bed.

Kevin expected the tension at the table to be high. He didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, all these beautiful girls were sitting near him, and asking him questions.

Mads, ever the gabbing one, was also on yearbook committee, so she knew everyone already by name. She just broke the ice and asked, "Hey, Josie, how do you know Kevin?"

"Ride on the bus together every morning. Most mornings. Sometimes he misses."

They laughed, and Kevin sheepishly nodded and held up his hand in acknowledgement. "Yup. Shouldn't oversleep. Really, I should just get to bed on time, staying up all hours is fun but... painful the next day."

The girls heard this as a set of overlapping statements that weren't at all what he said.

First, they heard a directive to get regular sleep and jump to meet the day. Second, that he liked to stay up late (implication: sex), that it was FUN, and that sometimes he wore himself out doing IT too much.

Josie finished her sip of milk and added, "Oh, and you should all tell him happy birthday. He just turned 18 yesterday, he said."

Mads was excited by this, for some reason, and asked him, "True?!"

"Yep." Kevin hesitated. "I set up this party, for tonight? But... I don't have space for so many people. We have a small house, I'd love to invite you but ... no room."

The lame-excuse-meter in Mads' head pegged. She asked where they lived, and Josie told her, and quickly Kelly determined that her house was a few blocks away and huge, so a natural choice if Kevin wanted to invite more people. But, it was his choice, since it was his party.

Kevin didn't know what to do. He'd invited Bill, a friend of his, and Tina (of course), plus another girl he knew from church (though he didn't think she'd come), and Kyle, his friend from orchestra. His dad would be there, he thought, but even if he kind of wanted a bigger party, he couldn't spring that on his Dad..

They didn't have much money as it was.

All Kevin had to do was agree. "Uh, I don't know if I can reach Kyle and Bill, and Shelly, if I can... What the heck. Yes."

General approving applause ensued. Kelly called her mom and cleared it with her, a small get-together, would that be okay? Of course, she could help getting the fire-pit warmed up for smores.

To say that Mads was in charge of things is an understatement of raw capability. Mads knew everyone, everyone's business, who was friends with whom, who should be invited and who shouldn't, all that.

Mads also knew that invitees should be almost completely girls. Of course, she'd already put together a group chat that corresponded with at least 20% of the senior girls anyway to plan their senior prank, invite to a senior class bonfire, that kind of stuff.

In Mads's view, guys didn't know how to do a good senior prank, they'd just end up spray painting something, making a giant mess with the signs on it saying senior class, or doing some other lame-ass crap.

Her group, Mads' group chat people, were the ones that she knew, and those she knew to be good / ethical / fun people. Coincidentally or not, these were exactly the kinds of people she wanted to invite to a party.

The easiest way to control what guys would show up at an end of year party was to determine which girls got invited, and how the invitation was framed.

Of course, back-of-mind, she'd wanted to set up a party, too. A party with mostly girls, and almost zero dude bro dweebs and overbearing vomiting football types.

The all-girls idea was perfect for Kevin's party, she told herself, so she didn't have to worry about crass dude-bro dicks trashing Kelly's place and making enemies of Kelly or Kevin. Or, for that matter, Tina, who Kevin seemed quite sweet on.

That was going to change. She knew there was something up.

Mads decided to help out a little more. "Kelly?"


"Tell your mom it's a sleep-over, and ... a game tournament. It'll be all weekend, probably. See if she goes for it?"

Kelly tried that tack, texting quickly with her mom. Reporting back after a quick 'ting!', she said, "Mom says 'Sure no prob rules R no alcohol bring own real food sleeping bags, spotless clean sun afternoon or grounded."

Mads knew how these things went, adding text to the group-description of a new group chat she was going to invite specific people to. Typing as she narrated, she said, "Got it. Chatting now, uh... Pot luck and please overbring br/lunch/dinner/snax, overnight pillow, sleeping-pad sleeping bag, change of clothes, bring games and cleaning supplies. No booze! High parent respect factor. Address is...." Satisfied, she hit save, then started adding people as groups, since she had sub-distribution lists.

Mads was Very Organized.

The news traveled fast. Everyone at the table felt invited, but by happenstance (hint: not happenstance) Josie couldn't make it.

They'd all eaten, and some had homework to finish, but despite this they all wanted to listen to whatever he said. This was so far outside Kevin's experience he just shut up and hoped his smiling silence was better than sticking his foot in his mouth.

He was correct. Plans were hatched, shopping plans texted to parents, and life would be better.

Leaving the cafeteria, some of the girls hugged Kevin, despite his minor embarrassment to do so in front of Tina. They didn't care. The raw sexuality was flowing off him and they wanted a jolt, a drip from the firehose of his charisma.
