Demonic Brain Drain

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A femboy and a thick sorceress get brainwashed by demons.
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The cavern was vast, lit up by the dim glow of phosphorous crystals and sickly green flames... Bas-reliefs and arcane symbols flanked the passage downwards; rough-hewn stone steps along the rim, leading to a large door. The fetid air was tinged with smoke, and full of the beating of drums and faint, shrieking voices. Occasionally a small procession would make its way down --humans, or human-like- flanked by colourful figures with large, leathery wings. No chains, no threats. No reason to follow into the dark unknown. And yet still they went.

"Are you sure he's okay?" Robin said, peering over the ridge of stalagmites and into the cavern below. He clutched his wooden staff tightly against his plain white robes.

"It wouldn't be the first time Falkis has left us waiting," Sigmund replied. He'd forgone his usual bright and shiny plate-mail in favour of a drab brown brigandine, his luxuriously long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail.

"I-I see..." Robin fiddled with the hem of his mantle. He'd not been travelling with the group for long, but so far only one of them had proven to be welcoming of the tiny, timid cleric. Falkis seemed to loathe him, and Sigmund was kind and tolerant enough, but it was clear Robin was walking the thin line between weak-link and liability. The last of their party appreciated him for altogether different reasons...

"Don't fret, Robin dear," Lucille said, shuffling closer behind him, "He can take care of himself. Worst comes to worst, he'll just vanish off back to the Inn."

Robin squeaked. Unlike most elves, who were lithe and androgynous, Lucille's body was voluptuous and very obviously feminine. Just being around her turned his pale, freckled cheeks as red as his hair.

"Don't tease the boy so much," Sigmund sighed.

"I'm just trying to make the poor dear comfortable," She said, "If he wants me to stop, he need only ask."

Comfortable was not how Robin would describe it; he was small, and that put his head at precisely the wrong place on her chest. He mumbled something, looking down and trying not to think too hard about where her hands were gently brushing along.

"What was that?" She asked.

"I-I was just worried about him, i-is all," Robin said, "We can fight if we get attacked, but if something happens to him..."

"I trust him and his shadow magic. And he knows if anything goes wrong..." Sigmund drummed his fingers along the handle of his longsword, "He has somewhere safe to go."

"But what if he's been captured? E-even he couldn't handle so many demons by himself."

"You speak as if my capture was ever an option," Came the distinctively low and archaic voice of their devilspawn companion. It was still hard to see him; the only colours on his body were the red of his skin and the purple of his scarf, both of which were hidden by beneath his large, black coat and the thin curls of dark smoke.

"You took your time," Sigmund said.

"My apologies. It would seem our foes are more vigilant than anticipated. Whatever it is they have gathered for must be of the utmost importance."

"You weren't able to find out what it was?"

"The door is barred, only opened for one of their processions. From my vantage point, I could only see that it hides another cave, deeper and darker than even this."

"That's not much to go on," Sigmund scratched his chin, "I'd prefer to know what we were getting into first, but I don't think we can spend too much time planning. The longer we wait, the closer they get to finishing... whatever it is."

"We're all right behind you, Sigmund," Lucille said, "Is there anything else you can tell us?"

"There is one thing. Something our healer can perhaps provide assistance with," Falkis glanced at Robin, "You do have knowledge of those that dwell in the abyss, correct?"

"I-I... I studied some of them and the monastery..." Robin stammered.

"Hmph. That shall have to suffice," Falkis said, "Very well... There is a creature; a thing formed of a mass of squirming tentacles and eyes. The demons present the slaves before it, and soon after they stand and follow the vile abyssal spawn willingly into the depths of their profane temple. I do not know what compels them, but I suspect some vile magic is at play."

"Does that sound familiar to you, Robin?" Sigmund asked.

"I-I don't know what they're called..." Robin said, trembling as he tried to recall what little info he'd gleaned from ancient codices. "But I have heard of them. They're thoughtless beasts, said to be made by demons to ensnare mortal minds."

"Like Lilits? Succubi?"

"In a way... b-but Lilits prey on a creature's desire and slowly corrupt them. These things just... look at you and drain everything away until you're nothing but an obedient servant."

"A useful tool in any arsenal," Falkis said. He crossed his arms and leant further into the shadows of the cave, "But its presence here suggests that these fiends seek to build a vast number of thralls, and quickly."

"An army?" Sigmund asked, his brow furrowed.

"Perhaps... or a labour force. Or even a mass sacrifice for a profane ritual used to summon forth a powerful entity from their nether-realm!"

Robin gulped.

"But most of the demons we've seen have been Lilits. Surely they could just use their own charms, slowly building up their ranks and avoid all this suspicion?" Lucille said.

"Who knows what madness works in the mind of such creatures?" Falkis said. There was a brief pause as they all stared pointedly at his horns. "... D-do not dare accuse me of sharing the thoughts of those fiends! I am no mindless servant of the abyss!"

They all pressed a finger to their lips and shushed him.

"It doesn't matter what they're up to," Sigmund said, "Our job is to stop it and get all those people back safely. Robin, do you remember anything else?"

"Um..." Robin fiddled with his staff. "I think... I think it uses its eyes to control people."

"Don't look into its eyes. Got it," Sigmund smiled. He hefted his pack from his shoulders and carefully set it onto the rock floor. Reaching inside, he pulled out a handful of clear glass bottles, "As for the demons themselves, we just have to fend them off with some of this holy water. If that doesn't work, we do it the old-fashioned way. Since there's so many of them, we obviously can't try and take them all on at once. We'll have to be smart about this."

"A stealth assault would be the most prudent choice," Falkis said.

"Perhaps we could pick off a few small groups at a time?" Lucille offered, "It wouldn't be hard to draw them away with bait..."

Robin panicked a little at that last word.

"The danger there is if we draw in too many of them," Sigmund said, "Or that they don't fall for the bait. As for sneaking, most of us aren't well trained enough to get past all those sentries."

"Do you have any better suggestions?" Falkis said.

"Not at the moment, no. Everyone take a supply of holy water but try not to use it unless you have to. Let's keep this as low-key as possible, and only fight when we have to."

Everyone nodded, pocketing a few of the glass bottles. Robin gripped his staff tightly, wracking his head for any spell that could help; as usual, his contributions were minimal. He jumped as a hand came down on his shoulder. Lucille smiled down at him, giving his hair a quick ruffle as she moved past to follow Falkis' descent. Robin took a couple of deep breaths and followed behind her, hands on the bottles at his belt to stop the clinking.

Progress was slow, with Falkis prodding and poking along the rough-hewn path with his foot to find the weakest points. They hugged the side of the cliff, crouching low and freezing every time the beating of wings sounded overhead. Robin didn't know how long they'd been going; time was almost non-existent in the depths of the Underneath. Every step set his nerves on edge, every pause a potential sighting. He winced at every nudged stone, every clumsy knock of his staff against roof or step. A scrape of steel sent a shiver up his spine, and Sigmund's hissed apology behind him did nothing to soothe his nerves. He almost preferred open combat; at least then he knew where the danger was.

They had made it about halfway down the side of the cavern, near one of the pavilion-like outcrops and alcoves carved into the rock, when Robin felt the gravel hit his shoulder. He looked upwards and met the yellow gaze of the figure hanging off the side of the stone a few feet above him. It was human in shape; tall, lithe and beautiful. Its skin was a deep, royal purple in hue, save for the pale membrane of its bat-like wings. A pair of thick ram's horns curled out from its temple's, and its mouth curled into a vicious, toothy grin.

"Above us!" He hissed.

All four of them turned upwards, just in time to see the demon call over its shoulder in the foul abyssal tongue and leap into the air, its wingspan casting a shadow over the group. Falkis swore loudly, his daggers slipping out of their sheaths and curls of black smoke leaking out of his coat. Lucille drew her wands, and Sigmund hefted his sword.

"Down to the platform!" Sigmund said, "We'll have more room to manoeuvre!"

The group rushed downwards, skidding into position on the mosaic-covered outcropping just as the beating of wings rushed towards them. Falkis and Sigmund leapt to the front as a dozen bodies swooped upon them. Sigmund's heavy sword swung through the air, narrowly missing the lithe forms, while Falkis' half-shadow form leapt across the battlefield, leaving deep gashes in its wake. The bright lights of magic came from Lucille's wands and Robin's staff: the witch's natural magic calling forth binding vines to capture the demons for Sigmund's sword to finish; Robin's spells repelling the dark shapes and knitting wounds back together. Slowly the demon's numbers began to thin out as they retreated, or fell to the bottom of the rocky pit, bodies broken and cleaved.

Something smacked Robin from behind, sending him clattering to the floor. He scrambled up, trying to get his bearings. If he had been hit, then Lucille was-!

Lucille stood motionless, her hands hanging limply by her sides. A demon floated above her, gentle wingbeats holding its beautiful, androgynous body in the air as it tilted Lucille's head upwards. The witch's eyes were locked to the demon's glowing gaze, empty and distant as her breathing turned shallow and ragged. It cooed, running its tongue up her neck and its hands down her body. It leaned in as Robin and Sigmund called out, a smile on its face as its lips drew closer and closer to Lucille's...

And shrieked as a glass bottle shattered against her shoulder. She clawed ferociously as her skin and muscle melted away, dropping to the ground in an agonised heap before leaping from the ledge and gliding away.

"Great shot," Sigmund said, nodding at Falkis. He rushed forward and caught Lucille just before she collapsed.

"I-is she going to be alright?" Robin asked.

"If that fiend has its claws in her mind, then she cannot be trusted!" Falkis said, pointedly stomping on the hands of a crawling demon, "We should abandon her, and return once our quest is complete."

"We don't know how far it got in corrupting her," Sigmund said, "It's likely she was just charmed. Either way, we can't stay here for long; those demons will be bringing reinforcements soon."

"I guess you'll just have to carry me back to my bedroom then..." Lucille murmured, "Mmm... or yours."

"She's fine," Sigmund rolled his eyes, setting her down.

"Are you sure?" Robin asked, "I-I don't want to assume..."

"Just a bit of a headache," She rubbed her temple, "It caught me off guard, is all."

"It is unlike you to be so careless. I would expect such negligence from our healer instead," Falkis said. Robin looked down at his shuffling feet, trying not to listen to him. Trying and failing.

"That's enough, Falkis! I've had enough of you mistreating the poor boy!" Lucille pulled Robin against her in a tight, 'comforting' hug. His face turned bright red, and his heart started pounding again. Sometimes he wondered whether she was the one with demon blood in her. He fiddled with his white robe as she lightly stroked his head.

"We can bicker about personal failures later," Sigmund said, "Right now we need to leave."

A shriek echoed throughout the cavern, followed by the beating of dozens of wings.

"It would seem that is no longer an option!" Falkis cried.

"Robin, Lucille! Get behind us!" Sigmund readied his blade.

Robin's heart leapt as he heard a scrabbling from behind; he turned to see another half-dozen demons clamouring up the path. He called out, and Falkis swore again, darting to hold the line in a flurry of short blades and smoke-like shadow. Sigmund was slowly retreating, pressing closer to the casters as he cut huge arcs through the air to ward off the swooping, diving demons. The sheer rock above the outcrop helped funnel their foes, but there were still too many at once. Sigmund cried out as an unusually large demon barrelled into his side, knocking him prone and sending his sword skittering across the stones.

Robin cried out moments before the demons set upon him and Lucille, claws scrabbling at their clothes and tightening around limbs. His staff was unwieldy in such close quarters, and his magic offered little help; he could repel and protect, but harming them was beyond his teachings. A female demon, a hungry smile on her sharp-featured face, took him by the armpits and dragged him to the edge of the pavilion, her wings beating rapidly. Robin scrabbled at his belt, hands closing around one of the cold glass bottles, and he smashed it into one of the hands. The demon screamed, dropping him just at the rim of the outcropping, and her wings took her away. Before he even had time to recover, another beast was on him. Male and muscular. Robin screamed as strong hands wrapped around his waist, pulling him up and into the sky.

He squirmed, kicked and flailed wildly, but it had no effect. He could faintly hear the sounds of battle in the distance, but he had no idea where it was coming from. Or where he was being taken. A plateau of rock loomed in front of him, and he screamed again.

Robin hit the ground hard, and soon after felt Lucille land beside him. He slowly pulled himself back into a sitting position as half a dozen demons landed around them, forming a loose circle of red, scaly bodies. He crawled away, his back pressing against Lucille's body as she pulled herself off the ground, and he slowly curled up into a defensive ball as the circle closed around them. "Wh-what are they going to do to us?"

"The same thing they did to the other prisoners," Lucille replied. She seemed exceptionally calm for a situation this dire. As if on cue, the circle parted, and the strange beast floated through. Its tentacles flailed gently in the air, glasses eyes blindly peering and blinking. It stopped just a few feet away from the pair, slowly turning the fleshy stalks towards them as they lit up with colourful circles. Robin's heartbeat jumped higher as he turned away, trying to avoid gazing into the prismatic display. But a gentle hand grabbed his chin and thrust his head back, forcing him to stare at the beast.

"L-Lucille! What are you doing!?" He squirmed in her grip, her arms and legs wrapping gently around him as if to hug him tight. Her warm body enveloped him, her hand firmly holding his head forward.

"Shh..." She purred. "It will be over soon. Then we'll both have so much fun..." Robin's squirming intensified as he realised just how much she must have been affected by the ambush. The undulating circles of light drew closer, filling his vision and burning themselves onto his retina. He wanted to scream, but he was too busy panicking. All the while Lucille's hands stroked and squeezed and held him tightly.

His breathing slowed down as the circles continued to pulse. His struggles died, and a deep lethargy seeped into his muscles and melted away his desire to move. It was so hard to move... so hard to even think about moving. He took a deep breath and let it out. Then another. And another. He felt Lucille's hands slide away from his face to lie loosely on his hips, and he just kept staring at the colourful circles. They weren't so scary now. They were so, so pretty. He could watch them forever. He let out another deep breath, sinking back and letting his head rest on Lucille's enormous chest. She was so warm... So comforting. So were the circles. The two of them knelt together, snuggled up and staring blissfully into the prismatic light.

Robin's eyelids flickered. They were so heavy... it was getting harder and harder to stay awake. His eyelids were so heavy. He could feel Lucille's chest rise and fall, her slow and steady breath tickling the top of his head. His breathing was just as soft, and so was his heartbeat. Every muscle in his body felt like it had melted away, leaving his head to drop back onto his friend's chest. So heavy... So very... heavy... He let his eyes shut for just a second and slipped away to dream.

When Robin opened his eyes again, he felt like he was still dreaming. Everything was still so slow and soft. He knew the demons were there now, but he didn't mind at all. He didn't remember anything. The creature was still there as well. Robin blinked, and suddenly the milky white orbs had lit up again. This time the circles were soft shades of pink and purple. They flooded his empty mind filled with the pretty pink; warm and safe, like a sunny day. A faint drone grew in his mind, and with it, his mind began to fill with his thoughts again. They were sluggish and full of negative things like what the demons were doing, or how he should escape. Robin furrowed his brow; why did he want to avoid?


And like that the thought was gone. It was as if it had burst, leaving behind a wonderfully warm, fluffy feeling. Like Robin's head was full of cotton. Another thought crept slowly up to the front of his mind; an alarm. A concern that what had happened was-


No more thought. Robin felt himself smile as the warm fluffy feeling spread further. This was so much better than thinking! He tried to think of other things, just to see if they too would vanish.

Pop, pop, pop!

This was fun! He kept going, his mind filling with pink bubbles and air-headed glee as all his thoughts burst one after the other. The heat seeped into his body, his limbs twitching back into life as he giggled and wriggled against a similarly giggling Lucille. He snuggled up close to her as all his worries and disturbing thoughts exploded into happiness. Her breasts felt so soft and warm against his back... He curled up into her, letting his head rest between the soft mounds.

"Hehe! Luci loves when her brain goes pop-pop!" Lucille said. Her arms pulled Robin closer, her chin resting on his head as she squirmed against him.

"Pop-pop!" Robin replied. There was hardly anything left in his brain now. It felt so good to not have to think anymore. He couldn't even think of why he'd been so scared of the floaty thing in the first place.

Said floaty thing's eyes had died down to their glassy sheen, leaving Robin to pout as the soft buzz faded. His head was still sweet and bubbly, but it felt like it was missing something now. He idly tapped his cheek as he wondered what it was, utterly oblivious to the demonic circle closing around them until one of the tallest stood before him. Robin looked upwards, eyes idly tracing along hardened muscles, until he came to a square jaw and yellow eyes, framed by two bull's horns.

"Tell me, mortal, do you remember who we are?" It's deep, growling voice alone made something tingle on Robin's skin.

"Um... you took us from Siggy and Falkis... Then you... then you..." Robin's head hurt as he furrowed his brow and tried to think.