Dental Assistant


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Tina didn't say a word when she backed up and sat on the bed. She pulled me down next to her and wrapped her soft, warm arm around my waist. I rested my head against the side of her breast before continuing, "I was so embarrassed today when you told me you'd visited my website. I always knew there was the possibility of running into someone who recognized me from there. And after you told me and kept cleaning my teeth, I panicked while imagining what sets and videos you had seen. There are some on there that I'm not overly proud of."

She held me in her arms and allowed me to unload all of my feelings. "And when you invited me here, I was over-the-moon happy. Deep down inside, I knew right away that I was going to wear the dress and bloomers you bought for me." I snuggled the side of my face against her breast before going on, "And when you undressed me... And then sat me on the table. And then you, you did that to me. You used your teeth a little! I'd never, ever felt anything remotely like that before. It was amazing."

"And you referred to this as 'my room'. I called you, 'mom'. I never had the best relationship with my mom. She has never been a warm person. And after Sara showed her my website... well, she hasn't spoken to me since then."

Tina turned her upper body and my face sunk into her perfumed cleavage. She wrapped her arms around my pajama-covered body and kissed the top of my head. In a gentle, understanding, and maternal sort of way, she said, "You poor girl! You've been abandoned by both your mother and your girlfriend." She held me and I loved the way she held me. "Your mother is who she is, you can't change her. And Sara was all wrong for you. Sweetheart, you need a mature woman to take care of you. You need a woman who will keep you dressed in the clothes you should be kept in. You need a woman who will give you what you need and treat you like the person you are."

She paused to kiss the top of my head again while still holding my face pressed deeply into her cleavage. "Patricia, just like you, I've been lonely. But now that we have each other, neither of us has to be lonely."

I'd always been emotional. And the words Tina spoke made my emotions rise inside of me. Tears filled my eyes when I pulled away from her cleavage and looked up into her warm, caring eyes. My voice cracked while I uttered, "What are you saying, Mom?"

She had me move off the bed and stand between her knees. With her hands on my hips and while looking right into my tear-filled eyes, she answered my question, "What I'm saying, young lady, is that I believe we should spend as much time together as possible. You're welcome to stay here as often as you'd like, even if that means you sleep here every night." I shivered and my hips began to grind in slow circles while my penis shuddered in my pajamas. "While you're within these walls, I'll take care of you. You'll eat homecooked meals. You'll dress appropriately in girl's clothes. I'll bathe you at least once a day."

I bit my lip before interrupting her, "You'll bathe me?"

She smiled and pulled me closer to her so her hands could slide around and hold my butt cheeks. "Of course. I need to be sure you're clean. And I doubt I can trust you to do a good job of that." She unsnapped the flap on my behind before taking hold of my bare cheeks. "Now, where was I? Oh yes, while you stay with me, I'll keep you dressed in clothes from this room, my daughter's old clothes. I'll expect you to talk and act like a proper young lady."

Squirming under her touch, I whimpered softly, "I may never go home again."

She smiled warmly at me and said, "And that would make me very happy. It's been such a long time since I've had someone to take care of. And you, little one, seem desperate to be taken care of." She bumped her nose against mine while saying that last few words.

Nibbling on my lower lip, I whispered, "I am."

She kissed my lips gently while still casually groping my behind. "I know, Sweetheart. Do you remember the first time you asked to use the restroom during your dental appointment?"

I looked into her eyes and whispered, "You didn't tell me where the bathroom was. You took hold of my hand and led me to it. You waited outside the door for me to finish too."

She looked very pleased that I remembered the encounter. "And if you recall, I sent you back into the bathroom when I didn't hear you wash your hands."

While I blushed and squirmed, I whimpered, "I liked that you did that. It made me feel..."

She spoke up, "Loved?"

Biting my lower lip, I nodded my head and whispered, "Yes. It made me feel loved. Like you cared about me."

Her face flushed a bit, "Patricia, you can't imagine how badly I've wanted to bring you back here, to my home, after every appointment you've ever had."

We looked into each other's eyes for a time, just enjoying each other's presence. All too soon, she stood up from the bed and I was once again reminded how much larger than me she was. Being dressed in pink, footed pajamas made me feel even more small and immature in her presence. I smiled up at her when she took my hand and led me to the threshold of her bedroom.

In a firm tone, she stated, "Young lady, this is my bedroom. From this moment forward, this is the only room in this house that you are not allowed inside. Do you understand me?"

Biting my lower lip, I gazed up into her eyes and whispered, "Yes, I understand Mom."

She told me to wait in the hallway while she took care of something. I stood there passively and waited while she entered her room and closed the door. The house was silent which let me hear sounds from the other side of the door. I hear clothes rustling, a drawer opening, her weight settling on the bed, and then I heard a sound I'll never forget. The buzzing sound of a vibrator.

From inside her room, she called to me in a raspy voice, "Patricia, can you hear that sound?"

I whimpered softly, "Yes."

She moaned before asking, "Do you know what that sound is?"

"It's a vibrator. It's your vibrator."

The moaning from beyond the door was deep and animalistic. "Do you know what I'm doing with my vibrator, Honey?"

I squirmed while standing just outside her bedroom door. Wearing pink footed pajamas with a very stiff penis, I squeaked, "You're using it. You're having sex with it."

"Does your little penis need some attention?"

I squeaked, "Yes."

She moaned, "I'll take care of that later. No touching for now. Can you promise that, Honey?"

Looking down at the prong poking against the front of my pajamas, I whimpered, "Yes. I promise, Mom."

The bed began to creak rhythmically. The sound of the vibrator throbbed as I imagined she was sliding it in and out of herself. Her voice sounded deeper when she said, "I need to do this because my favorite young lady has made me very, very horny."

I half-moaned, "Mom..."

She cut me off, speaking loudly in a firm tone, "Listen! Just stand there and listen!"

Moving my hands behind my back to keep from touching myself, I stood there and did as I'd been told. I listened to Tina using her vibrator on the other side of the door. The moans and wet slapping sounds grew in frequency and intensity. The bed began creaking at a very quick pace.

When I heard her gasping for breaths and begin to moan, I leaned forward and rested my forehead against the door. I called out, "I love you, Mom!"

She growled, almost barked back at me, "I love you too, Patricia!"

My hips squirmed in circles while I listened to Tina orgasm on her bed. She moaned, gasped for breath, and made the bed sound like it was going to fall apart. She growled my name a few times, but the rest of what she said was unintelligible. The movement and sounds from the other side of the door slowed and eventually stopped.

I was starting to worry she wasn't okay when I heard her speak in a soft voice, "Patricia, are you still there?"

I whispered, "Yes, Mom, I'm still here."

It sounded like she began moving around the room while she spoke, "Thank you for waiting, Honey. I couldn't wait any longer to take care of that."

I whispered, "It's okay, Mom." To be honest, standing outside of her bedroom door, talking to her, listening to her please herself was incredibly sexy and erotic.

Closet doors and dresser drawers opened and closed while she asked, "You didn't touch yourself, did you? You were my good girl, weren't you?"

I whimpered, "No, I didn't touch myself. I was a good girl."

Her heavy footsteps approached the door and when it came open, the smell of musky sex filled my nose and imagination. Tina had changed into a heavy bathrobe and slippers. Beneath the robe, I saw glimpses of a nightgown. Her face was very flushed and her eyes looked a little glassed over. Just beyond her, laying on the corner of her bed on top of a towel lay her vibrator. It looked to be as long as my forearm, torpedo-shaped, and as big around as my wrist. More than half of its length still glistened with her juices.

Tina looked down at the bump of my over-excited penis. She stared right at it while asking, "Honey, are you hungry now? Would you like some dinner?"

Shaking my head from side to side, I whimpered, "No, not really."

She grinned while her gaze returned to meet mine. Taking my hand in hers, she led me back to the kitchen while suggesting we get a drink and sit on her deck. She poured herself a large glass of wine and a small glass of milk for me, without asking what I wanted. Carrying our drinks, she took my free hand and led me to the landing near the front door. The sliding glass doors that led to the backyard sat opposite the front door. It was very dark outside until she flipped a switch and the backyard was illuminated by a soft glow.

Stepping into her backyard, I couldn't stop myself from bouncing on my toes and giggling, "You have a pool!" The giant, L-shaped pool was lit from below with a diving board at one end. I'd always loved swimming but rarely got the opportunity.

She led me to a raised area along the side of the pool and corrected me, "We have a pool." After setting our drinks down on a small table and sitting beside one another, she wrapped her arm around my narrow shoulders. While I admired her backyard with its high fences, professional landscaping, and enormous swimming pool. I snuggled up against her large, soft body.

Biting my lower lip, I whispered, "Sara used to want to take pictures of me wearing a bikini by a pool. But we never got the chance."

She squeezed me against her and said, "A bikini? Really? No, I think a modest one-piece would be more appropriate." She rubbed my back and said, "You have several swimsuits in your dresser upstairs and I've got a nice camera. Sweetheart, how would you feel about starting your website back up with me taking the pictures?"

Before I'd had a chance to respond, she'd reached up and began to slowly lower the zipper on my pajamas. I began babbling, "Until tonight, I thought I was done with that." She had me lean forward to help me slip my arms from the sleeves of the pajamas. "But now, with you, I think I want to. I mean if you want me too." She had me stand up and helped to lower my pajama's so I could step out of them. "I always loved posing like a model. I really did." I paused for a second before asking, "Do you want to start my website up again?"

With my pajamas on the deck, I sat back down beside Tina and snuggled up under her arm. She held me protectively under the moonlight with one arm while the fingers of the other danced along my naked thigh. She spoke in a soft voice, "I would like to start posting pictures to your website again. For a long time, checking your website for new pictures and videos was the highlight of my day. Honey, I'm sure it's that way for many other men and women who visit your site."

My little penis was throbbing as I cuddled up against her soft body. Sara used to tell me about the people who wanted to get their hands on me after visiting my site. But the way Tina explained it, made me feel like I was doing something special for every lonely man and woman on the planet.

Tina helped me to lay, face-down, naked across her lap under the moonlight. One of her big, soft hands gently caressed my back while the other fondled my bare bottom. She spoke softly as if she was still thinking about what she was going to say. "You have an entire closet full of clothes that will be perfect for you to pose in. Age-appropriate outfits, unlike some of the things Sara had you wear." She lined her hand up so her index finger could slip between my cheeks and gently touch my wrinkled hole. "Sara never spent enough time emphasizing this little button down here. We are going to need to start building a collection of toys for this little wonderland down here." She tapped on my little hole with each syllable she spoke.

My hips were grinding and my little penis was throbbing against her robe-covered thigh. I was breathing heavily and beginning to build toward another orgasm. I whimpered softly, "Mom, it feels really good."

She never broke the rhythm of her finger tapping against my little hole. "Tomorrow is Saturday, you don't have to work, do you?"

I gasped, "No! I don't!" My hips were grinding my little penis against her thigh and I was getting very close to squirting.

"Patricia Sweetheart, after we get ready tomorrow, I'm going to take you to the office wearing your cute, little plaid dress and bloomers. I've wanted to see you in that dentist's chair appropriately dressed for a very long time. And with the office closed tomorrow, we don't have to worry about being interrupted." She pressed her fingertip against my little hole until it popped inside of me. "It'll be the perfect place for you to pose for me."

The idea of running around the dentist's office in that little dress and bloomers was terribly exciting. But even more, I knew the dress and bloomers would eventually come off while she took pictures. And that thought made me squirm hard. I felt the warmth of my orgasm build quickly inside of me. It radiated out to every cell of my body and then seemed to brighten. I pressed my hips hard against her soft, robe-covered thigh and whimpered softly. My back arched deeply and my cheeks clenched tightly.

I chirped in a high pitch, "Mom!!"

And then it happened. My little, bald penis squirted without ever being touched. I'd orgasmed by rubbing myself against her thigh. Outside in her backyard, my body writhed and spasmed while I humped myself over her lap. All the while, Tina kept her finger inside of me to the first knuckle. I felt warm and safe laying over her lap. I knew I could be who I really was with her and didn't have to pretend to be anyone else.

As my orgasm came to an end, she slowly withdrew her finger from my body. I lay across her lap in the dim light from the pool. Neither of us spoke. We were just together. Neither of us was alone. And we were enjoying that warm feeling.

Just when I was in danger of falling asleep, Tina whispered, "Sweetheart, let's get inside. I need to clean you up and put you to bed."

Slowly rising off of her lap, I stood on my feet and looked down at the smear of my love that I'd left on her robe. It was a small mess and her robe had mostly absorbed it. After all the excitement of the evening, my penis had wilted to it usually tiny size. She smiled up at me before picking up my pajamas and rising to her feet. Taking my hand in hers, she led me naked into her home, locking the doors and turning out the lights as we made our way upstairs.

In the bathroom, she moistened a washcloth with warm water and wiped the cream my legs, stomach, and penis. After rinsing the cloth, she had me lean against the counter, reach back, and spread my cheeks for her. Using the washcloth, she wiped between them. It was tremendously embarrassing to have someone else wipe me there, but it was also very loving, caring, and gentle.

After washing her hands, she took out a brand new toothbrush from a drawer. After drawing a thick line of minty toothpaste on the bristles, she stepped behind me and had me tilt my head up. With her hand on my throat, she brushed my teeth just as thoroughly as she did during my dental appointments. After I spit, she wiped my lips with a clean washcloth. Tilting my head back upward, she slid two fingers into my mouth and rubbed them against my tongue. My hips ground around lewdly as I moaned softly.

She whispered, "Sweetheart, you have got the cutest little mouth and tongue."

After withdrawing her fingers from my mouth, she wiped them on the same cloth she'd wiped my mouth with. She then sat on the closed lid of the toilet and helped me back into my pajamas. When I was zipped up, she took my hand again and led me to my bedroom. After moving the stuffed animals and most of the pillows, she folded down the blankets. After I'd crawled up onto the bed and under the covers, she tucked me in beneath them.

Leaning down over me, she kissed the tip of my nose and whispered, "Goodnight, Patricia. Have sweet dreams. I'll be here in the morning."

While she was bent over, I couldn't stop myself from peeking down under her robe and nightgown. Her unsupported breasts looked even bigger than usual from that angle. Squirming under the covers, I whispered, "I love you."

She leaned down and kissed my lips, "I love you too, Baby."

She stood and turned to leave, but paused at the door to look back at me. I lay there smiling on the verge of falling asleep. She turned off the light and left me to get some sleep. I heard her walking around the house making sure the lights were all off and the doors all locked. She paused to peek in on me before retiring to her bedroom.

I felt like I was floating, in that funny place between being awake and being asleep. Tina was getting settled in for the night in the next room and I was snuggled up in my bed. I had no plans for returning to my apartment any time soon. If Tina would allow me to, I would stay with her indefinitely. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep, the sound of Tina's vibrator from the next room emanated through the wall we shared.

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DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMiover 2 years ago

OMG... what a completely Fantastic story!!!!! You are such an Amazing tease. I love the wsy your characters interact. It's truly WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!

TinababyTinababyalmost 4 years ago

That was one of the sexiest stories ever! Please keep it going, please, please, please...

YellowcutieYellowcutiealmost 4 years ago
God Damnnn

"Her tongue was sliding up and down along the underside of my penis and between my little marbles."

Somehow it reminds of a Y*utube video about a woman with large tongue... I could only imagine her mouth dominating my thin 11cm asian dick. It must be so scary and good at the same time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Very Creative!

I very love the part when the lady dominated his entire boyparts with her mouth. I never knew it would be that hot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great Story

Loved the story and hope you will add another chapter to this, to show how it develops.

Thanks and stay safe.

Rgds Al

L O ReinsL O Reinsalmost 4 years ago

Well worth the wait. Another great story.

Welcome back.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

This was very good especialy that part with pyjamas and playng with his butt. i was expecting she weill take him outdoor only in that pyjamas maybe next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
you have done it again!

I didn't look at the author but part way through it was classic fantasee boi - lovely and very horny story that would lead into many more stories if we mere readers can persuade you to do other chapters. Still waiting for further chapters of Leslie visiting his Auntie, you sure know how the sissy mind works. thank you

darthnader19darthnader19almost 4 years ago
5 stars

Amazing as always, cant wait to see your next story hopefully a sequel to Thrift store encounter

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I look forward to a sequel(s) to this story. This story was very well written!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

What a wonderful experience and I am really looking forward to further chapters. I will be visiting my own mistress tomorrow and she has promised me lots of surprises, hope some involve taking pics and posing naked for her.

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