Depravity's Daughter


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"The fairies," I answered softly. "It's like shouts. It's so loud. They didn't do this with the other three. I don't think it's a friend, Master." I said it matter-of-factly, but he only smiled patiently.

"Now, this one, I can explain to you. It's merely an uninvited and unannounced guest, Mira. They're stupid though. It's not like vampires are known for their fondness of uninvited guests and there's two of them, unless I'm mistaken. This has to be friends of the person who saw you last night. And, as a guess, I think the alarms you hear are the desecration's wards being set off. For me it is very much like feeling an electrical shock but that's because these wards are tethered to me, now that I live here."

I followed beside him, my thoughts clearing now that the initial panic was over. I stood back nervously though when I saw two figures waiting for his permission to enter at the front gates. Their eyes shot to me almost instantly and I was discovering that I disliked attention. To my relief, my master sent them away, but he turned to me with a frown. "They'll send someone else, someone I won't be able to turn away."

"Why not?" My voice came out petulant. I wanted it to be just him and I again and having visitors was boring.

"Politics," he sighed, and then chuckled at the look on my face. "You may actually like the politics, little one. Vampire Court intrigue will be something you can wrap around your fingers. You'll make the strings dance like a spider spinning a web and you'll be able to influence and break the rules as you will." He ruffled my hair and guided me to the door. "Chin up, little one. You'll grow used to our world and you'll love it, especially as powerful as you are. You just don't realize it yet." He caught my chin with a smile. "In the meantime, why don't we make this a game?"

My eyes lit up because his demon was rising to the surface with his words. "What kind of game?"

"I'll quiz you every now and again on proper etiquette. For every correct answer you give me, I'll spank you with the wooden spoon in the kitchens. You know the one I mean?"

I grinned, wickedly mischievous. "Oh, yes!"

He chuckled. "Now I can expect you to pay attention and not torment my guests with lust."



Bloody hell. I had known she was strange, but this was more than I had expected. She was powerful as well and, if rumor was true, her blood was a potent thing. Dangerous, that, in the world of vampires. Potent blood was what had eventually driven the fae into hiding. It was hard for a creature so steeped in thirst to resist something that gave it more violence and more power to go with that violence. We had learned long ago that if we fed on a fae we gained some of their magic for a short time, like leeches. We could feed on a woodland sprite and then lift flowers and gardens at a touch and a word. But it was only for a few short hours and then we were left wanting more of that power. It was like any drug for a human. Fortunately, Mira had more protection at her disposal than did a small fae. By nature alone, she was a more devious type of creature.

Still, though, I was getting concerned and my concern only deepened the next day when I felt the thing I had already predicted to Mira. It was a vampire guest whom I couldn't ignore. As soon as she tripped my warnings, I knew who it was. That scent was one I would recognize anywhere. "Please stay here for a moment, Mira. We have a new guest." I glanced at Levi, who wouldn't meet my gaze, and sighed.

I met her at the gateway, inclining my head to her. She was ancient, even older than I, though she was not as powerful as me anymore, thanks to my demon. I don't know what her human name originally was, but she went by Ishtar now. "Hello, grandmother," I said softly.

"Lucius, you shouldn't be so proper around family." Her eyes sparkled and I smiled politely. I couldn't like Ishtar because of the vampire nightmare she had created, but I had to be polite to her. After killing Astarte, I had divorced her family line to be my own clan in the eyes of the Court. On the one hand, it meant being a clan of one and only having myself for protection. On the other, I was just fucking fine with that after I'd seen what other vampires were capable of. I didn't want anything to do with them for a long while and only Levi had managed to earn my friendship initially. Well, Levi and Sadra, but that was because I had Levi turn the scholar myself, since I couldn't do it. So I wasn't sure that counted.

"We're not technically family now, Ishtar. Come in. Levi is already here." Damn it, I really did not want to do this. My family. Once the vampire had seen my offspring, of course the word would have traveled up the chain and this was the cleverest person the Court could have sent. The ancients had left me alone because I was a loner vampire, not a threat to anyone. But of course, now I had an offspring and I had already had friends like Levi, who had also divorced Ishtar's line. What were the odds they hadn't heard that my offspring was something strange? I had managed to keep my own demon a secret after all.

"Of course he is. But I'm more interested in another little creature I've heard about, Lucius. Something a little more than a vampire."

Damn it. "You lot are the bloody worst. None of you can mind your own damn business, you know that?"

Ishtar laughed openly. "Oh, I have missed how rude you are. All the others bow and scrape as soon as they feel my age near them. You have only ever shown as little courtesies as you had to in order to keep the Court away from you. It's a breath of fresh air to be around someone with whatever power you managed to find, Lucius. Sebastian has been asking for you often lately. He told me to send you his regards and greeting when I saw you." She stopped in the foyer and I swallowed. Mira had followed my request and stayed inside, but she had waited right by the door where she could hear everything, smell my emotions and safety, where she would be back by my side as soon as possible. What was more, the stress of company seemed to be getting to her. I had to find private moments multiple times a day to give her a bit of wicked playtimes. The wooden spoon from the kitchen had become something for me to use regularly, not just a reward. I had to spank Mira in increasingly degrading ways. Just before Ishtar had arrived, I had had to go so far as to having her say "thank you, daddy" with each and every strike. She was fraying, but she needed to get used to the presence of other creatures as well. This was a trial by fire for her in a way, one with steady pressure being applied to her sanity.

But so far she had bent to the strain and not broken. I was proud of her. "Mira," I said softly. "Say hello to Ishtar. She is one of the Court's elders and my grandsire. You remember how I taught you to behave with the hierarchy, yes?"

She nodded at me, fighting to keep shreds of sanity, but she looked every bit the princess I had dressed her as now that she had company. I had considered briefly letting her play with Vika, but I didn't dare leave them alone together. She didn't need the extra temptation to let go of her clarity.

As it was, her smile was only slightly wicked with Depravity's genetics, and she curtsied exactly as I had taught her. "Hello, Your Grace." She even intoned it with respect.

Ishtar did not answer for a moment, but then she inclined her head. "Good evening, Lilith's granddaughter." Goddammit. If Levi knew the legends and had seen it, of fucking course she would have as well. Her eyes turned to me. "I'm very curious as to how your Sire survived turning you."

I kept my face expressionless at that and Mira tilted her head. "It was just he and I when he turned me. No warlocks."

I couldn't stop the smile at that and Ishtar nodded. "Understood, dearie. Have you learned how to focus your magic yet?"

Mira glanced at me and sidled closer. "I don't know what you mean."

"I mean that you can narrow your attention on one person and only affect that one instead of an entire room. Most never learn how. Your kind is dangerous but we leave you alone, since you're usually insane. And yet, you specifically are mostly aware. Have you learned focus?"

Mira curled into me. "My Sire is the head of my family, Your Grace. These questions are for him, I think."

Ishtar's eyes glittered and she bared her teeth in a grimace of annoyance at the political evasion. "That is a very aware thing to say." She narrowed her eyes. "Let's see how stable you are, shall we?"

It occurred to me, too late, what she planned to do. I had forgotten the way some elders could project thoughts into another creature's mind. Oh, they couldn't read and violate the privacy of the mind. But they could implant. "No, wait!"

Mira gasped and skipped backwards, her eyes going wide. "No! No, stop it, stop it please! It's so hard to focus as it is and the mirrors are always there and-" She broke with a mad sound somewhere between a giggle and a sob. "And the fairies are supposed to protect from anything. And why are you showing me these things of my Master? Why are you showing me him suffering? Who did it? Who hurt him?"

I snarled and slapped Ishtar before I could think, shaking in rage. I knew exactly what she was showing Mira, one of the few memories she had of me kneeling to Astarte. I remembered well that Ishtar had visited her fledgling and hadn't done or said a damn thing against those torturous pastimes. Her eyes went wide with my strike and she turned to me while Mira fell to her knees, shaking and whimpering with soft crying laughs, whispering about the fairies and her Master. "How dare you? It takes my continual attention to keep her focus. It tortures her."

Ishtar considered me, her hand on her cheek. "You're even more protective of her than is normal. So it's you who can give her sanity. I assume it's only you who feeds her at the moment, as well."

"And no one else is going to for a long time," I hissed. "You know where the guest rooms are, Ishtar. You'll have to forgive me for the lack of civility, but I have to take care of the mess you've given me." I lifted Mira into my arms and she inhaled my scent, then giggled with blatant madness.

"My Master has me. My Master was hurt and starved and he feeds me anyway and he knows how to fix me when I'm shattered and broken and there's nothing but the black lights and all the smoke and-"

"Be silent for me, little one." She shivered and shook with soundless laughter at the sight of Compulsion and I made my voice as gentle as possible with the command. But I didn't want her talking of the smoke and fairies where Ishtar could hear. "Let's tend to you and get you back to me. I miss our conversations."

Levi met us in the hallway and nodded that he would watch my home for me, so I took little Mira up to our room. I warded it so that we wouldn't be disturbed and made sure we were soundproofed. I didn't want these secrets known, the ones of how I tended and kept Mira in hand and in check. "Little one, it's alright. And you may speak now."

"You were hurt," she whispered. "She starved you and made you work for blood." Tears fell down her eyes and Depravity wanted to cry with her.

"The demon in my blood, the same one who has gifted me with your beautiful life, helped me to be free of her, little one. It's far in the past and behind us."

"You said you wouldn't take my blood because it was wrong."

I cradled her, wondering how I could best go about satisfying her and beating the demon into submission. "That's very true. It would be improper of a Sire to take nourishment from his fledgling when the little one needs more. It is just biologically wrong, baby."

My words meant little to her. They just weren't registering in those eyes that glittered with fractured thoughts. Ishtar's meddling had left her with little more mental prowess than a demon forced to act on its nature. I did not expect her to act on that nature in the way that she did however.

"Poor Master." She undressed while I watched and blinked. I had always before initiated our playtimes together. But now I was curious. Did it have to be that way? It certainly seemed safer for me to stay in control, but could she use me as well? Something about the atmosphere of how she so brazenly undressed made me wonder. "She wasn't good to you at all." I looked at her perfect tits and my mouth went dry.

I didn't know how, because her dead body shouldn't have been able to do what it was, but she was somehow making herself lactate. She squeezed her breasts and milk leaked from those tips. Depravity went dead still, as if he were salivating in my blood. "Mira," I whispered.

"Come and drink, Master, won't you? No one has ever taken care of you and you take such good care of me. You're teaching me everything. Let me give back, please. Pretty please? Drink." I groaned because she wasn't just talking about the milk.

And I couldn't resist, not with Depravity about to go insane in my blood. My lips closed around one of those nipples and, at first, I took care to not make a single scratch with one of my fangs. I started to suck, hard, drinking at that white fountain from her breasts. "Mira..." My head fell back just enough for me to moan it out and then I was back to drinking, enjoying the strange flavor. She sat on the floor, so that I fell with her and had to tilt my head.

"Oh! Oh, yes, Master!" Depravity whined and shook his head, growling. "Bite me, Master. Take a drink. Just to taste the blood and milk together. It would be delicious."

Depravity was whimpering and my fangs extended against my will. I was going to do it and I couldn't even stop myself or think straight enough to remember why I should be concerned. Milk flooded my mouth and I wanted to take a sip of blood and then go further down her body to sip some cum out of her, then chase that down with more milk. I lifted my head with a moaning hiss, raising a hand to shove my fingers in her pussy and hear her cry out my name before my teeth sank into the flesh of her breast.

There was no vein there, but a small bit of blood trickled from the wounds on her breast. I licked and she suddenly gasped with a shock of ecstasy while Depravity howled. The force of pleasure and power hit me like a blast and I ripped away, laughing with my demon thick in my voice. Yes, oh yes, this was how we were better, when we were combined and our magic was insanely powerful. And we were combined. Her blood forced us to fuse and we were one for just a second. He was me and I was him and there was a strange swirl of sanity and insanity along with the blend of violence and wicked intent, the blend of sexual defilement and bloodlust. A name came to my lips. "I. Am. V-"

And just as suddenly, before I could say what I was when we were one, I was ripped back to normalcy. Depravity pant in my blood, wildly, and I moaned. Mira stared at me with those wide eyes of worship, but I realized that they were sane. It did work for her to do the wicked acts. It didn't work as well and it was obviously dangerous, but it worked. "Mira," I whispered. "From now on, I forbid you from taking control like that. When we play, you let me take care of you like I have been. You are also forbidden from telling anyone what just occurred between us or what happens when I drink from you. Understood? I command you to silence on the subject and command you to only ever let me be the dominant."

"Yes, Master," she whispered.

I went to my closet and got a dragon head cane out that I used to use for theatrics, deciding that the lucite would be rough enough to bring her and I both some clarity after that. Depravity and I had been one! And we had been powerful, dangerously so, addictively so. I had felt that crackling strength and I had felt that nature that would have been my new name, though I couldn't remember it anymore. "And you are absolutely forbidden from letting another feed from you. Unless you are forced to it or you need to for some reason, you are never to offer your blood to another again, not even me."

"Yes, Master."

Depravity cried out when I swung the cane and connected it with her ass, but he was weak after what had happened. I breathed easier while Mira squealed in bliss. Of course, if she had been human, such a toy would have been torment, but when I was careful I was learning how I could play with harder toys and have it be okay and not plague me. "Wily little succubus, topping from the bottom like that." I smacked her again, leaving a gentle line across the seat of her ass. "Such a naughty girl." Actually, she was a very good girl for bringing the power of her blood to my attention. That's what she did to me with my demon inside of me. Of course her blood would have an effect on a vampire as well. It would likely make them more powerful in all the ways a vampire was already powerful.

It took everything I had to burn her blood from you. Ah, and now I knew why it had been so quickly used. Depravity had kept us from likely doing something terrible. So we would have separated eventually but that was hardly a state to be in with guests in my home. "Oh, Master."

"It's alright. I know what you need." Depravity cooed at that, purred in subjection to my attentions. My God, he was like a cat when I played with them and their sin. "I know exactly how to take care of you. We'll have to implement some rules for you to make sure I can keep you safe. I daresay you'll enjoy all of them, things like how you'll be staying by daddy's side from now on." She moaned and I chuckled, gently stroking the cane over her pussy. "Since you refuse to feed on your own, I suppose I must always feed you. You will be with me while I hunt for us both however. I no longer wish for you to be left alone and outside my protection. Especially now that Ishtar knows of you. The rest of the Court will as well, but no matter. We'll deal with it together and we'll figure out more about you together."

She humped the cane, her whines turning needy. "Oh yes, Master. Please let me finish, Master."

"Not yet. Your scent is not taunting me in any overly strong way, but I wish to subdue you with a thick demon cock anyway. Open this hole." I tapped her pussy lips with the cane and she groaned. Once again, that tiny little slit widened erotically. I loved watching it and I used my thumbs on her asscheeks to pull them wider apart so I could see it better. Her little cunt expanded as if an invisible speculum were slowly being cranked impossibly wide, as if someone were trying to permanently ruin that hole of hers. Cream dripped from it and she shook beneath my grip while I stroked my cock, still watching the way her cunt twitched and stayed spread obscenely wide. Somehow I knew that it was spread specifically for me and the shape of my dick, huge though it was. I purred down at the sight of it. "This sex was made for me, baby. I'm the only one who is ever allowed to feed you unless I cannot and you need it, are we clear? In any way."

"Oh yes, Master, I understand."

I smiled darkly, petting her ass where the cane stripes had already healed and faded from her perfect flesh. "Do you want some cock and seed, Mira?"

"Yes! Oh yes, Master, I want it more than anything."

I nodded and went to the bathroom, where there were little wine cups under the sink. I had taken to keeping them everywhere to better train Mira on how to calmly sip blood like a highborn. "Kneel on the floor and milk yourself into both of these while I watch you fill the glasses. One for each tit, Mira, go on."

Depravity choked and rolled over. He was already thoroughly satiated where she was concerned, but everything else was just icing for him. He was gleeful, delighted. And so was Mira, very obviously. Her pussy still dripped and she cried out while she obeyed my command. I watched her work her own nipples, tugging them until they squirted into the glasses. She went back and forth between them, watching the sight with obvious enjoyment, licking her tongue over her teeth with greed. She filled up each glass obediently and I smiled with perversion. "Now it's your turn to taste, since you so enticed me with it. Drink up, Mira. I want you to sip both glasses much like I taught you how to sip blood. Take your time and show me a leisurely drinking, but with this I want you to finger yourself open and moan your pleasure with every swallow. Go on."
