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"You want to watch some more, Terry?"

"If you want to. Let's try another web site."

We kept watching porn for about an hour while all the time commenting on the videos to each other. Some were pretty standard sex acts while some were a little more perverse. We both got horny again and so we got each other off again. This time we both got a little bolder with each other. I gave him head and had him cum in my mouth. It was like swallowing runny pudding that was salty. But it gave me a real feeling of closeness to Ben. When it came time for me Ben actually ate my pussy. He put his whole mouth around it and penetrated me with his tongue. God it felt good. I climaxed hard again. Then Ben crawled up next to me and wrapped me in his arms.

We stayed like that for a while. All the time I was thanking the gods for this. Ben and I were closer to each other than at any other time in our lives. It felt good to be in his arms with nothing to disturb us.

"I guess we should get ready for bed."

"We are already in bed."

I jabbed him in his ribs. "I meant sleep."

"I know. I was just teasing you. You go ahead and I will do my thing after you are done."

I went into the bathroom and cleaned up a little. I did my usual nightly rituals and put on a T-shirt and a fresh pair of panties.

"Okay, your turn."

"Back before you know it."

I crawled into the now unmade bed and drew some covers over me. When Ben came back he was in a pair of underwear. He turned out the lights and then crawled into bed with me. We came together spooning each other with his arm wrapped around me.

"Thank you for tonight, Terry. It was a big revelation to me. I am seeing you in a new light and I like it."

"Thanks, Ben. It was fun for me too. I have always liked being with you and tonight was really special. I hope we can have more nights like this."

"Yeah, it was really fun. It made me appreciate you even more."

At first I could not get to sleep. I was thinking about how things were coming together. Now if we could just find jobs.


I woke up the next morning still in Ben's embrace. He was warm and comfortable. It sure felt like the natural place to be. Just as I was getting up the alarm went off. Ben reached over and turned it off as I headed to the bathroom. Before getting ready for the day I went back to bed with Ben.

"And how are you this fine morning?"

"You are nicest thing to wake up to. But I need to pee."

He got up and went to the bathroom. When he was done he came back to bed.

"Terry, you are a fascinating person. More so than I realized. Are there any more traits that I have missed about you?"

"Well, you never know. I might be hiding a few more surprises."

"If they are as good as last night then I look forward to discovering them. In the meantime, I guess we should get ready for the day. Do you want to take your shower first?"

"How about we take it together?"

"I like that idea."

We both got up and went into the bathroom. I stripped out of my T-shirt and panties and started the shower. While waiting for the water to warm up I watched Ben. He had a little bit of morning wood which I liked. And he was so good looking I could feel myself getting wetter. But the water was now hot enough so I slipped into the shower. I was wetting my hair when Ben came in to join me.

"Hi, good looking."

"Hi, yourself. Let me get out of the way so you can get wet."

We traded places and I picked up my bath soap and squirted some onto a wash cloth.

"Here, let me help you with that."

Ben took the cloth from me and proceeded to start at the top and work his way down. He was gentle but firm. He paid special attention to my breasts and then moved down again. He skipped over my mid section and went on to my legs. When he finished there he returned to my butt and then my pussy. I think he was doing his best to turn me on and it was working.

He replaced the washcloth with his hand an gently massaged my pussy lips and clitoris. When he inserted a finger in me I knew I did not want him to stop.

"God that feels good, Ben. You can do that to me anytime you like."

Ben continued to work on me and it was working. I was getting closer by the minute.

"Oh, Ben. Keep going. I'm going to cum."

Ben started working on my clit in earnest and it was not long before I reached the point of no return. My climax washed over me like a flood of water. It was so good I almost lost my footing and Ben had to grab me to keep me upright. Eventually it began to subside and when I could stand on my own again I grabbed Ben and hugged him tight.

"That was wonderful, thank you. Now let me do you."

Ben handed me the bar soap and I used the same technique on him that he had used on me. I started at the top and worked my way down skipping his mid section. When I thought he was clean everywhere else I moved to his butt and then his cock and balls. I made sure I had plenty of soap and then I massaged his cock and then his balls. He got hard quickly and he started moaning.

"Terry, you sure know how to treat a guy. You are the best and I am sorry that I never really appreciated you until now."

"That's okay. I'm just glad that we can do this together."

It only took another minute before he reached his climax and sprayed his cum partially on me and the rest on the tub. When it was over he embraced me and we held each other under the shower spray.

"I guess I need to wash my hair. Or would you like to do it?"

"Sure, that might be fun."

I squeezed some shampoo onto his hands and turned my back to him. He lathered up my hair and massaged my scalp. He took his time and made sure it was really clean. When he was done I rinsed my hair and let him wash his hair. Eventually we finished and had to start getting ready for the day.

I dried my hair while Ben got ready and then we changed places. When done, I left the bathroom to put on clean clothes. We both had brought several changes of clothes, some casual and some a little bit formal. We dressed in the formal wear for job hunting today. As I was putting on my clothes Ben spoke up.

"Just as I get used to seeing you naked now I have to get used to seeing you in clothes again. Oh, well, I guess I will have to get used to the changes."

"I hope it isn't too much trouble for you."

"Oh, no. Not at all. But I do have my preference."

We smiled at each other. In truth, I was riding a big high. Ben was falling for me, I was sure of it. My heart was beating fast and it was hard to stay focused. But I got hold of myself and settled down a little, enough to finish dressing.

Ben had a list of places for us to try. We went for the places closest to campus first. There were three of them and they would probably take us all morning to visit. But first we went to the free breakfast provided by the hotel. It was plain, just some eggs, toast, and pancakes. We loaded our plates then sat down to eat. We both were pretty hungry and even if it was plain.

After breakfast we set off to our first destination. We visited all three places that morning to no avail. The jobs close to the campus were really hard to come by and were filled just as soon as they were vacant. We were going to have to look further from the campus. It was a little heartbreaking but Ben insisted it was not all bad. The further from campus we had to go the lower the rents would be for apartments.

We stopped at another fast food pizza place and shared a pie for lunch. It was really good so we made a note of the place for later. Ben gazed at his list again and selected some places to try this after noon.

The first pace we tried was a big chain grocery store about eight blocks from the edge of the campus. We met with the manager and he informed us he had four checker positions if we could work around thirty hours a week. He needed people on Monday/Wednesday/Friday evenings and noon until nine on Saturday and Sunday. I got the feeling that since we had computer experience it would not be a big training period for us and that was a big plus for both him and us. Ben and I stepped aside and discussed it. The hours were a longer than we needed but on the plus side it would give us enough money to pay the rent and even save a little money if we were careful and found a place with a reasonable rent.

We decided these was acceptable positions for us to at least start with. We informed the manager and he had two requests of us. First he would like us to start work on Sunday. Since this was Wednesday that did not give us much time to find a place to live and move our stuff from home. The manager understood our problem and we made a deal that if we could not start on that day we would contact him. His second request was of Ben. He wanted to not only use Ben as a checker but also as a stocker. He was willing to pay a little more money if he would do that. That was fine with Ben. We shook hands and then he gave us applications to fill out. In thirty minutes we had our jobs as long as the applications went through which the manager said was just a formality. He hoped to see us at noon on Sunday if all went well. We shook hands again and left the store.

When we were outside Ben swept me off my feet with a big bear hug and then kissed me. He was just as excited as I was and he twirled me around. When he sat me back down I hugged him and kissed him.

"Well you seem pretty happy, Ben."

"I am. I think we have just gotten past the biggest hurdle for us. This could work for the both of us."

"It does look promising. Why don't we celebrate. Let's go back inside and pick up some munchies and head back to the hotel. Their swimming pool is calling my name."

"Great idea."

We went back inside to shop. I told Ben I needed to stop by the pharmacy for something so he went off to gather up some snack food. When I got to the pharmacy I knew what I was looking for and found it on one of the aisles. I studied the boxes there and made my choice. After purchasing the item I put it and the receipt into my purse. Then I went looking for Ben. I found him on the chips aisle. We gathered up some bags and then checked out.

On the drive back to the hotel Ben asked me about my purchase.

"So what did you have to get at the pharmacy?"

"It's a surprise. You'll find out later."

We got back to the hotel and changed into our bathing suits. Mine was a special bikini I had purchased just for this trip. My older one was way too small for my growing bust but this one showed a little more skin because the bottoms were much smaller. Ben took one look at me and burst out in a huge smile.

"Wow, you look good enough to eat."

"Well maybe you will get a chance to do just that later."

We grabbed our towels and went down to the pool. After swimming a while we laid down on some lounge chairs to grab some sun. I put some suntan lotion on and asked Ben to do my back. He did and then asked me to do his. We both laid there relaxing and watching the people in and out of the pool. After thirty minutes we turned over and baked on the other side. We talked a little but mostly we just relaxed.

After an hour in the sun we decided that was enough. Neither of us wanted to get burned. We returned to our room and I fell back on the bed enjoying the cool air conditioning. Ben jumped in beside me and wrapped me in his arms.

"Terry, I can't believe how much my feelings toward you have changed. I am more focused on you than I ever have been. You make me feel something I have never felt before."

"I'm glad. To be truthful, I have been in love with you for some time now. I have been hoping that somehow you would fall in love with me. I wanted so much to not lose you after my parents told me about their financial situation. I was afraid you would go off to college and I would be left behind. I had to find someway to get here and still be with you. I hope you can understand."

He smiled at me and I knew everything would be alright.

"Well considering everything that has happened, I can understand and appreciate your feelings. I guess I am a little slow on the uptake, but I find that I really am falling in love with you. You have awakened something in me, something strange and wonderful. And I really like it."

We grabbed each other at the same time and kissed with the passion of love between two people. I was happier than I had ever been. Eventually we broke the kiss and the embrace. I seemed to have tears in my eyes and Ben was misty eyed as well. We embraced again and this time just held each other.

It was hard to believe that everything was working out so well. All that was left was finding an apartment. Hopefully that would not be a big problem. But even if it was, I knew we could overcome it. In any case, we could worry about that tomorrow. Today was for us.

Suddenly I was tired and sleepy. It was easy being in Ben's arms. And before I knew it I nodded off.

When I woke I was still in Ben's arms and he was now asleep. I gently disengaged myself from him and went to the bathroom. After using the toilet I went back to the bed and gently climbed back in next to Ben. He was so handsome when he slept. We both still had on our swimwear on and I wanted to touch him but I was afraid I would wake him. So I just watched him as he slept.

After a while he seemed to awaken. He opened his eyes and smiled up at me.

"Hi. What were you doing?"

"Just watching you sleep. You looked so content."

"That's because I am content. I am in love with a wonderful woman and she loves me. What could be better than that?"

I laid down next to him. "Nothing. You make me very happy. All I have ever really wanted is you. And now that I have you it is both hard to believe and very real at the same time. I am not confused, but I am extremely excited. And I do love you."

"Then you feel almost the same as me. I think we are both just discovering what we really mean to each other. And that process will take a little time to work through. But I do want to work through it just as I know you do. Because I know it will be worth it to both of us."

I held Ben in an embrace again. "I know it will."

I pulled back and looked into his eyes.

"In the meantime, can we break out those snacks. I'm suddenly hungry."

"Good idea."

Ben got the sack of snacks we had picked up earlier and I got some drinks out of the hotel fridge. We started with the potato chips.

"I wonder if there is anything on TV?"

"Somehow I doubt it. Want to watch a movie on my laptop?"


Ben got his laptop and turned it on. Then he attached to the hotel network and brought up a movie site. We browsed around a while and settled on a comedy. We watched for the next hour and a half and basically laughed our asses off. During the movie we snuggled close to each other with Ben's arm around me. I put my hand on his leg and he put his other hand on top of mine.

When the movie was over Ben asked "Want to watch something else?"

"Want to watch some more porn?"

Ben smiled. Then he brought up a different site than we were on yesterday. We both looked through the listing and chose a video that we though both of us would enjoy.

It started out tame enough but quickly we realized it was about the woman losing her virginity. The couple started slowly with the man making sure the girl was properly aroused. He alternated playing with her breasts and fingering her pussy. After a while he moved down so he could lick and eat her pussy. When he thought she was ready he positioned her so he could enter her easily. He took his time rubbing his cock on her pussy and soon she was practically begging him to enter her. He made sure she was ready and then plunged all the way into her. She let out a little scream, but then she started returning back to her aroused state.

I looked down and Ben was massaging his cock through his bathing suit, which was already hard. My hand had also drifted down to my pussy which was plenty wet.

Meantime in the video the man was fucking the girl and she was starting to really enjoy it. He was taking it slow and easy so as not to hurt her but she was urging him on. Then they changed positions and when he pulled out you could see the blood on his cock. He turned her over on her hands and knees and took her from behind. It was really sexy and I was really enjoying it. It was also obvious that Ben was too.

I reached into his bathing suit and pulled out his cock. At the same time he reached into my bikini pants and started to rub my clitoris.

Just about that time the guy in the video pulled out of the girl and came on her buttocks. He had a lot of love juice but it was tainted by the blood on his cock. And then the video ended.

"Ben, I have a surprise for you. I am pretty sure you will like it."

I got up and went to my purse and pulled out the box of condoms. I handed it to Ben to see what his reaction would be.

"Terry, I am flabbergasted. Are you sure about this?"

"Remember yesterday when I said I was waiting for the right guy. Well, you are the right guy for me and I want to give this gift to you."

"Come here."

He hugged me and kissed me.

"I love you, Terry. This is the best gift you could give me."

"And I love you. I really want this. I am a little nervous but I do want it and I want you to make me a woman."

Ben pulled his swimsuit off and I shed my bikini top and bottoms. I lay back on the bed waiting for Ben. He opened the box and retrieved one of the foil wrapped condoms. It was lubricated and was easy for him to put on. He pulled it down as far as it would go and moved over me.

"I just want to ask you one more time. Do you really want this because there is no taking it back."

I smiled. "I know. Please take me and make a woman of me."

He lowered himself so that his cock was at my entrance. Then he eased himself into me until I felt him hit my hymen.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes. Do it."

He pressed into me and then I could feel my hymen rip as he made it through. Surprisingly, it did not hurt that much, just a little uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh yes. Just give me a few seconds and then you can start fucking me."

He held still giving me time to adjust to his size. And then he slowly started moving in and out of me. After a few strokes it started to feel really good.

"Oh God, Ben. That feels incredible. Now I know what I have been missing. And that is your cock inside me."

Ben smiled and continued to fuck me.

"You feel so good to me, too. I can't believe I am doing this with you."

"Oh I assure you that you are making love to me and I love it more than I can say. I love your big cock inside of me. I love feeling your weight on me. I love watching you as you fuck me."

Ben was moving a little faster now and I knew it would not be long before I came. Ben seemed to be getting closer as well. We were both really turned on and neither of us were going to last very long.

Soon I started moving my hips to his pumping rhythm which increased my pleasure as he continued to plow into me. We were both in sync with each other and forcing the other closer and closer. Soon enough I could feel my orgasm building.

"I'm going to cum, Ben. Fuck me. Fuck me!"

And then I was cumming for all I was worth. It was the orgasm of a lifetime, the greatest one I could ever remember. And then Ben was cumming with me. We both were in the ultimate rapture a person could be in. I just kept cumming and cumming until I thought it would never end. But of course, it did eventually. Ben had collapsed on top of me but I liked his weight on me. We stayed like that for a while before Ben rolled off of me.

"Thank you, Terry. I don't know what else to say except that was the best sex I could ever want."

"Thank you for making a woman of me. I love you more and more each time we are together."