Destined for Algeria Ch. 01

Story Info
Ally finds a girl he can keep.
8.5k words

Part 1 of the 22 part series

Updated 04/24/2024
Created 09/20/2022
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Chapter 1.

The iconic smoking chimneys of the Welsh foundry subconsciously drew Ally's attention as he slowed his van to stare in disbelief at the familiar entrance gates, struggling to comprehend how they would never welcome him again. His head, locked in a daze, overwhelmed with memories, emotions and shattered ambitions, trying to comprehend how quickly his way of life had abruptly ended.

Ally struggled to free his mind of the constant punishment, aimed solely in his own direction, for the stupidity of been caught in such a compromising situation, where he'd lost all sense of reality at his place of work and tied her arms behind her back.

Work colleagues Ally and Sarah regretted not meeting each other sooner in life, years before, at a time where they would most certainly have formed a relationship together.

Neither person had actually yet married but both had pledged commitments to their own respective partners.

People at work noticed their flirting but turned a blind eye, commenting only behind their backs, amid the fear of repercussions from any mindless gossip or offensive accusations concerning the two.

Already a mother Sarah took pride in her fitness never the less, dressing for work like a fashionable teenager and never failing to draw attention to herself with her cut short pink high visibility vest whenever she strutted her hips across the factory floor.

Likewise, the well sculpted physique of Ally, with a hint of his fathers North African skin tone and his welsh mothers straight hair, also turned the heads, but those heads of the opposite sex.

A comment from Jill, one of Sarah's jealous co-workers once said that she would ensure that Ally would never have to masturbate if he were her partner. However, whilst ever Sarah remained on the scene, Jill wouldn't get so much as a glance from Ally, a fact which drove a rift between the two office girls.

Friday before the seventy year anniversary of the foundry, boosted moral for Ally and Sarah as they both looked forward to attending the company party alone, due to their partners having other commitments and unable to attend.

Sarah and Ally were like inseparable children all morning. He found any little excuse for entering the administration office and her, similar petty reasons for visiting the shop floor on many unnecessary occasion.

Just before lunch, Ally broke the unwritten rule and asked Sarah to meet him on the top floor of the factory, in a disused office area, temporarily abandoned due to a leaking roof.

With no way of rejecting his advances she nervously headed upstairs at the beginning of her lunch hour, having every intention of calming down their situation.

Ally heard one of the double doors swing open which formed the entrance to the disused offices at the top of the stairs, announcing Sarah's arrival.

She laughed as Ally took a single daisy flower from above his ear and presented it to her when she entered the room. Reaching for the romantic gesture she noticed a bottle of white wine and two plastic cups on a desk just behind him.

"This isn't a good idea." She told him.

"I know." he replied. "But I have to see you." "I can't not do this."

"I know Ally. I feel the same about you but I have a child to consider." She explained. "I can't go sleeping around behind my boyfriends back. It's not fair."

Ally stood up close to her and mumbled, "Who said anything about sleeping?"

His little finger of one hand stroked her hair back behind her ear. His other hand then took the daisy from her and tucked it into her hair, above where his finger had just arranged.

Sarah tried to reason with Ally. "We both know what's going to hap... mmm." He broke her off with a kiss mid-sentence.

She didn't fight it. Instead she flung her arms up behind his back and pulled his chest towards her. His arms hugged her shoulders taking care not to squeeze too hard.

The kiss and embrace lasted minutes before it broke, only to be repeated over and over again each time one of them attempted a guilty separation.

"Someone's pleased to see me." she said pushing herself against the bulge in the front of his trousers, pressing for her own sexual satisfaction.

"I'm bursting." He replied. "Don't you feel the same?"

"Something like that." She confessed. "I'll bet you don't have any protection do you?"

"Shit, no I haven't." he said, initiating another round of kissing.

"What are we going to do?" she asked.

"Well I'm going to mess up my work pants if I'm not careful so we have to do something."

"Not here." She told him.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because I don't want another child. That's why."

"I'm afraid you're going to have to restrain me then." He said play acting by putting his hands straight down by his sides and waddling around in a circle on his feet like a penguin without the use of his arms.

"Maybe I will." She replied with a raised eyebrow. "You have a kinky side do you?"

"Don't you?" he asked.

"Not really. No." she said.

"You mean you've never done any role playing like being tied up?" he pressed her further for an admission.

"No." she laughed. "Never."

"You're joking." He said in amazement. "You must have been tied up with a skipping rope, as a girl, when you were playing with other kids."

"No. Never. Why, something wrong with that?"

He stepped back and had a glance around the abandoned office. "Yes! You've no idea what you've been missing."

"What you talking about?" she asked.

Amongst other discarded rubbish he spotted a part used roll of brown box sealing tape laying down on the floor against one of the walls.

'Perfect' he thought. Within seconds he'd picked it up and held it in front of her.

"Let me show you." He said. "Just stand still." He walked around behind her and touched both her arms at the top, then ran his hands down to her elbows, guiding her hands behind her as he moved lower. "Interlink your fingers for me."

She heard the familiar vibrating sliding tone caused by someone pulling a long length of tape from a roll.

"Ally! No." she turned her head slightly to look at him as she spoke but did nothing else to hinder his actions. "We can't do this. Not here."

Her thoughts and complaints were too late now. He'd already begun wrapping the tape around her forearms and continued working his way down to her wrists.

He didn't reply for the few seconds it took him to finish the job he'd started, squeezing the tape all over with a slight grip of his hands before standing back in front of her.

Not feeling at all threatened Sarah played along with his little game, willingly accepting the kiss he now forced upon her.

She had to concede and honour his experience as her excitement levels elevated exponentially to a point where as soon as the kiss broke she intended to ask him to fuck her right there, right where they stood.

Feeling him begin to move away she held the kiss by following his lips back with hers for as far as she could before allowing him to let go.

"I want you." He said looking at her soft lips before she had a chance to speak.

"You've got me." She whispered, with her eyes still closed.

He loosened the top two buttons of her blouse and initiated another passionate kiss, manipulating her bra strap from behind as he did.

From then on, no more words were needed.

He opened her blouse and took hold of one of her breasts by lifting the bra up and out of the way.

In their intimate moment of privacy, Sarah's head looked skyward as Ally's mouth toyed with her nipple, however all wasn't as it seemed.

Through the glass from the corridor, Jealous Jill had a plain view of her work colleague, Sarah, bound and being sexually pleasured, by the man of her dreams.

Disgust and envy caused her to scream out, loud enough to be sure of interrupting their irresponsible antics.

Ally and Sarah immediately came back to earth and stood staring through the internal glass window between themselves and the corridor in which Jill stood, gawping, horrified, whilst screaming the house down.

Jill ran for the stairs around the corner with Ally hot on her tail in close pursuit.

"Ally!" Sarah called out, "Get me out of this!"

Ally stopped as the unmistakable screech of hinges rang out from the doors at the top of the stairs, which should have been their early warning of interruption but had been foiled by his huge oversight of not searching the area thoroughly first.

Torn between letting Jill raise the alarm and releasing Sarah, he stopped and ran back into the disused office.

Ally immediately began poking the tip of his ball point pen through the tape at regular enough intervals to be able to quickly tear the arm binding open.

"How the fuck did she get up here?" Sarah shouted.

"I don't know, there were no lights on when I came upstairs. I need to catch her before the whole world finds out."

Ally didn't stand a chance.

Jealous Jill sang like a birdy, telling their factory manager everything she'd seen.

Ally took the blame saying he'd forced her into it, pleading with Sarah to back his story up and not create two tragedies from his wrongdoing.

Needless to say Ally lost his job, followed by loosing his girlfriend which in turn meant moving out of his home and with it, his paved future. All because of that kiss, a single moment of madness which began this chain reaction of events, forcing Ally to move out of the area as people in the street began to talk.

Given the one sided evidence Ally could understand why people pointed the finger accusing him of attempted rape even though this wasn't strictly the case.

For his own safety he'd decided to start again in his father's home country of Algeria where his brother still resided near to the family's abandoned estate which now lay in a somewhat dilapidated condition.

In the early nineteenth century the French Foreign Legion built fortresses as strong-holdings for the legionaries in strategic places along the trade routes, during their attempts to colonise North Africa.

Between the fortresses they built smaller establishments known as Blockhouses to act as watchtowers for the purposes of raising the alarm to possible attack on the larger fortress settlements.

Through inheritance, Ally's father over the years had come to be the sole owner one such historic Blockhouse but never considered it practical to live there and raise his family.

With the soldiers now part of history, covertly situated in the hills near the town of Tiout, not too far from an Oasis, stood the high walled fortified structure, serving no modern day purpose other than a shelter for uninvited wildlife.

Ally had money and knew what needed to be done to restore such features as the reinforced gates, the aging ironworks, roofing, woodwork and the doors around the courtyard, to the standard of years gone by where it had succeeded in fending off the mountain tribesmen.

Initially Born in Wales, at the age of seven Ally and his younger brother moved with his parents to their father's birthplace in Algeria, until the age of sixteen when Ally's mother wanted to return to the UK.

The quality of life for a woman in Algeria had taken its toll so her and her eldest son Ally agreed to splinter away from the family home and return to Wales for a much preferred standard of living.

Now hiding in disgrace from the gossip, rumours and finger pointing, Ally had rented a lodge at a temporarily closed holiday park where he could spend the next few weeks preparing for his departure to Algeria.

The drive home took him along the usual narrow lane towards the site of the log cabin lodges where unusually the closed site had its entrance gate freely swinging open.

He stopped his van after driving through the park entrance to close the gate behind him, habitually removing his keys from the ignition as he jumped out.

After closing the gate he turned to walk back to his van oblivious to the new direction his life would take from this moment on.

Over the wrong side of a safety fence marked with a sign reading 'BEWARE CLIFF EDGE' he noticed the unmistakeable figure of a woman standing looking over the drop, down onto the crashing waves of the sea below.

From the ground up, he admired the calves and thighs of her well-toned legs, which in turn, supported the two meaty conjoined globes of her backside, concealed beneath her leggings.

Ally stared for a moment, looking at how the black spandex of her yoga pants had a reflecting sheen from the sun, bouncing light from the top of each of these beautifully rounded, curvy arse cheeks.

Moving up, the shape of the satin yoga pants highlighted the width of her hip curves before the tight pants drastically tapered in at her waistline where the shiny elasticated waistband clung to the, almost disproportionate narrowing of her exposed flesh, just above.

The strip of pale skin continued rising until the bottom of a cropped yellow short sleeve top covered the rest of her upper body, being obscured down the middle from behind by her long main of brown hair, blowing in the sea's wind.

He prayed that his eyes hadn't been attracted to that of a young girl and held off any further thoughts of attraction until he could see her face for clarification.

What was she doing here? He thought. Why is she so close to the dangerous cliff? Is she out walking a dog? Has the dog gone over the edge? Many questions ran through his mind as he approached her.

"You ok?" he shouted out in a friendly voice.

The girl quickly swung her head around to see Ally approaching her from behind.

After catching a glimpse of her face Ally guessed her to be in her early twenties, slightly attractive with not such a flat chest but this no longer concerned him. The look of shock, horror and despair across her face frightened Ally somewhat, almost to the point of blaming himself for her reaction.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" she shouted. "Leave me alone."

"That's a dangerous cliff edge there." He called back to her. "It can crumble away at your feet."

"Why the fucking hell do you think I'm standing on it then? Ass hole!" she replied.

Oh my god, Ally thought. She's going to jump!

Having never been in such a situation before Ally had to think quickly.

"Have you lost something?" he asked her, trying to buy him some calm time so that he could approach her further.

"You won't stop me!" she called out to him. "Today is going to be the best day of my life."

"Can I ask why?" he said, now standing within arm's reach of the fence between them.

"GET BACK!" she shouted.

"I'm not going to touch you." He replied, holding his arms out to his sides with his stomach now resting against the fence. He noticed her phone lying on top of her jacket on the floor over the fence, to her left. The screen illuminated and flashed as though ringing quietly to itself.

"I SAID GET BACK!" she shouted turning to face down towards the sea below her feet.

"Wait. Please!" he said.

Ally used the distraction of her looking away to unfasten the buckle of his belt without raising any suspicion.

"GO AWAY!" she shouted, twisting her head towards Ally and then back to the sea again, still shouting, "JUST FUCK OFF WILL YOU!"

He turned away, snatched the belt from around his waist and threaded the open end back through the buckle, keeping it hidden from view behind his back as he turned again to face her.

Her fingers combed her windswept hair away from her eyes once more as she turned to check that Ally hadn't moved any closer but she then made the mistake of looking back over the cliff edge again away from him.

With his heart pounding in his chest, his attention concentrated solely on the direction of her eyes, which thankfully still remained out of view.

Grasping the opportunity, he leaped up with one foot on the bottom rung of the fence, leaned over and threw the loop of his belt over her head, resting it on her shoulders around her neck.

He pulled sharply backwards as he stepped down from the fence, steadying himself in anticipation of a struggle.

The free roller of the belt's buckle rang out loud and fast, almost with a squeal as the belt tightened. His actions squeezed her glossy light brown hair into a form fitting tubular scarf around her neck as the belt began to pull her in his direction, away from the cliff edge.

Nature stunned her into survival mode causing her body to react by taking two steps towards him, securing her balance by grasping one hand onto the fence whilst using her other arm stop the ligature from choking her.

With one of his hands holding onto the end of the belt, Ally reached down over the fence with his other and quickly positioned it on her inner thigh.

Having a strong physique to his advantage he lifted her with minimal effort, like a parent would do to playfully lift their own child. Although where a parent would do this cautiously, he didn't hesitate when pulling her over the barrier, even as her leggings snagged on a splinter of wood and began to tear around her knee area.

Once he'd overcome her centre of gravity, she flopped over the waist high fence and without any concern for injury, he allowed her to slump down onto the ground in a heap with him landing next to her, refusing to let go.

Both arms and legs now had to work in unison to restrain the girl and prevent her attempting any other acts of self-harm.

After quickly releasing the belt, he removed it with his left hand and tossed it to one side.

Feeling the release of the leather strap, she scrambled to her feet but never quite made standing fully upright before he'd wrapped both his arms around hers and pinned them to her sides in a bear hug grip.

By spinning the both of them around to the side, taking her off balance, he managed to drag her back down on to the floor where he rolled onto his back and allowed her own fighting strength to sit the two of their bodies up, on the floor.

She remained immobilised by Ally, who controlled the situation from behind, holding her in this seated position on the pavement with his legs wrapped tightly around her waist and hugging her chest firmly from behind to keep her arms by her sides.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" she shouted. "LET ME GO." "I HAVE TO JUMP."

"Shhhh." He whispered through her hair with his head at the side of hers to comfort her. "I've got you. You're safe." "Shhhh. I've got you. It's over. You're safe now."

"No no no." she screamed, then began to sob. "It's not over. Nothing is over." "You don't understand. I have to end it." Her crying began to show signs of calm as she continued sounding off. "This is the only way."

"Shhhh." He repeated, holding her tighter "No. This is the only way for you to make a mistake!"

"I can't live with this shit anymore." She continued to sob. "Nobody fucking cares." "Just let me finish what I came here to do and you continue going about your own business."

"No." he insisted. "It's too late for that. This is now my business." He felt her chest relax a little as she sighed deeply as well as her struggling subsiding momentarily. "I can help you. I want to help you. You're a pretty girl with your whole life ahead of you." These were simply words that he felt appropriate to neutralise the immediate situation. The truth would have been highly inappropriate as her appearance and screwed up facial expressions made her look far from pretty. "I can't let you do this."

Ally cursed himself for his inner thoughts of the truth where he really wanted to shout out, 'Can you at least let me fuck you before you kill yourself?' but he found the sense to refrain from such an outburst.

"You're wrong." She replied. "You don't understand."

"Understand what?" he asked. "What could possibly be so bad that a young, fit and healthy, lovely girl like you could be so down about?