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She detained them so they detained her.
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This story depicts initial reluctance of mature anal sex, if this is not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise, I hope you enjoy.
"It's always you three, isn't it? I'm not sure how many more detentions are needed to get the message across but I think an extra long detention after class on a Friday afternoon will get the message across. You do as I say or it hurts. Let's see how starting your weekend late goes down." The lecturer stood in front of the three youths with her hands on her hips tapping her foot in frustration. As the tirade finished there was a knock on the door. The lecturer strode towards the door, obviously annoyed at the interruption and pulled it open abruptly asking "Yes?"

The elderly janitor was at the door and on seeing the three usual suspects sat in the room nonchalantly said "Ah, detention. I'll leave cleaning in here until you're done."

"I wouldn't rush back; these will be here some time" she stated. The elderly man shuffled off to the next room wishing he had just walked by in the first place. He got on well with many of the lecturers but this one wasn't one of them. He always thought she walked around as though there was a broom up her ass. For the next hour and 45 minutes, Alice had the three youths read through her favourite classic, Pride and Prejudice. Well, when we say read-through, it was akin to a classic being butchered.

The three were heading out at the weekend for a camping expedition but now they would waste so much time stuck in traffic all because their lecturer was completely devoid of a sense of humour. She would have been a subject of their masturbatory fantasies, she was certainly young enough with legs that went on forever and a rack to draw their attention but she was such a bitch to them. Little did they know but their behaviour reminded her of her college days, she was there to work but so many others just wanted to wander aimlessly through the experience, much to her annoyance at the time.

The two-hour mark was approaching and the three lads were all willing the second hand on the clock to move quicker. With a quick check of her watch, Alice stood up and announced "As you managed to massacre a perfectly good book, I think another hour together is on the cards. I have the entire weekend to myself to enjoy this" suspecting they just wanted out she added "I'm sure you'll think the same, won't you?"

It was Marty, the trio's de facto leader, who stood up with his arms aloft saying "You can't do this. Haven't you tortured us enough with this crap?"

Alice stood directly in front of him pointing at his chest with a right hand and the left bunched in a fist on her left hip "Oh but I can do this. In fact, I think another two hours would be better." This prompted the other two to jump up in defiance to stand on either side of their friend. Alice stamped her heel and raised her voice "You will do as I say. Now sit down."

Marty stood defiant as he held her gaze "Or what? What could you possibly do that could be worse than spending any more time in your company."

Alice's face turned a very deep pink at this challenge to her authority "What? How dare you? I... I... I..." she stumbled, completely bemused that anyone would question her authority.

Marty grabbed the wrist of the hand that continued to be aimed at his chest and found she was powerless to resist his grasp; a smile spread across his lips at her impudent rage. He leant over to Billy who was standing to his right and whispered, "Go to my locker, you know the combination, and fetch my rucksack." Billy was the quiet one of the three and turned on his heels to do as his friend had requested. Next, Marty turned to his other friend, Cade, and asked "Take your bandana off and gag this bitch. I've had enough of her whining."

Cade was as thick set as Marty but where his friend was white, Cade was of mixed race and was proud of his long but mixed heritage. In a flash, he had the gag in place while Marty had hold of both her hands now, despite her feeble attempts at trying to wriggle free. Alice hadn't realised how easily the situation had escalated out of her control. Billy had returned with the rucksack and Marty asked him "There should be some rope in the main pocket and then come hold her hands for me." This development really worried Alice whose eyes displayed her concern as they bugged out.

Billy extracted the rope but was worried as he asked Marty "Are we going to get in trouble over this?"

Marty smiled into Alice's shocked expression "Nah, my old man will put things right for all three of us. He can't stand these trumped-up nobodies anymore than I do. I think it's time someone was taught a lesson in manners, no matter how nice we try to be this one took an instant dislike to us and no matter what we do she won't change her mind." By now Billy had hold of her hands and despite her wriggling and leg kicking she couldn't break free. Marty tied her hands together while Cade had a stronghold of her midriff.

In actual fact, Marty had run out of ideas but her wriggling around had inadvertently placed Cade's left hand in the same proximity as Alice's substantial right breast which he inadvertently cupped, feeling the heat radiate into his palm. In shock Alice stopped struggling and looked down at the hand cupping her breast, and so did the other two for that matter. Cade saw them all looking and said "Man, that's some substantial titty flesh."

Billy was frozen in shock but Marty reached up and felt her left breast that sat just above Cade's arm as he commented "You're not kidding." Addressing Alice, he added, "You do a good job of hiding these well in the classroom." Just then her body betrayed her in the worst possible way as her nipples rose and poked into the two palms feeling her up. Marty smiled and said, "It feels like you are enjoying this, that's some seriously sized nipples on some seriously sized titties."

Alice's eyes had bugged out when Marty had grasped her wrists but now, her eyes were in danger of popping straight out of her head. She was frozen while both youths copped a feel of her tits but it got worse for her when Marty changed his grip to tweak her nipple between his thumb and forefinger making her groan involuntarily. "Oh yes, now we have found what motivates this bitch, she likes to be the centre of attention of three youths." Alice immediately started to shake her head to deny it but Marty just chuckled and added "Your head says no but your body says yes. Don't worry, you can trust us, we won't tell anyone you like to party; as long as behave yourself of course and do exactly as we tell you."

Billy was still holding back although he was having trouble taking his gaze away from his lecturer's tits and he couldn't deny they looked mighty inviting but still something was holding him back. The other two were simply enjoying their moment of revenge on the lecturer who had made their lives a living hell all year and she could do no more than focus on the two in front and behind her. Alice suddenly had another distraction; Cade shifted slightly to feel down her hip with his free hand but the change had pressed his crotch against the cleft of her butt and that's when she felt a substantial bump in the front of his trousers which really could only be one thing -- his erect dick 'Oh god, that feels a substantial lump but what do they see in me that fascinates them?' she mused in her head.

Marty let go of her left tiit to reach over to Billy's hand so that it was cupped flat to her breast and the previously reticent youth could only marvel at how firm it felt while flexing just enough under his grip. Marty then turned his attention back to Alice only this time his right hand reached for the hem of her short red skirt and jammed his hand up to cup her panty-covered crotch, commenting "Wow that's some overheated pussy you have. Boys, she's wet through."

Alice wanted the ground to open up and swallow her; her body had betrayed her by reacting the way it had and this encouraged the youths on further. They had no way of knowing that her secret masturbatory fantasy was to be roughly handled by a group of men, but on no level were those participants people she met on a weekly basis, she preferred the fantasy of anonymity. She tilted her head back to look up at the ceiling as Marty wormed a finger inside the leg of her panties and searched further to sink the finger inside her up to his second knuckle.

"Guys, she is so wet for this" exclaimed Marty who promptly removed his finger and brought the digit up to his mouth to suck on it, savouring her musky juice "Mmmm, she tastes delicious." Alice could only look on as the tall lad gloried in her discomfort.

"Here let me try" gushed Cade, moving his right hand from her leg, under her skirt and jabbing two fingers this time inside her. He still had a firm grip on her midriff and breast and having two beefy fingers inside her this time had Alice bucking her hips. Cade then brought the fingers to his mouth to taste her. "Mmmm yep, I would have to agree with you buddy, absolutely delicious. I don't think I've tasted a better pussy in all the years I've eaten pie. Billy, you got to try this."

The quiet youth was still unsure but questioning looks from his friends seemed to spur him on as he dipped his hand below her skirt only this time, he gently caressed her inner thigh. The silky soft skin was something new to him, he wasn't a virgin but he didn't have as much experience of women's bodies as his friends had -- or claimed to have. His hand did eventually reach her wiry pubic hair and he sensed the heat coming from between her legs as his index finger found the source of the copious juices and wormed inside her. This time his finger searched deep inside her demonstrating a more tender touch than Cade had shown. However, this time as Alice bucked her hips, Billy's thumb bashed against her enflamed clitoris making both groan as a consequence.

Seeing the effect his friend's fingers were having on her made Marty comment "That's it, buddy, have a good feel. She wants this more than anything I'd have said." He felt suitably confident that they had cowed her that he let her wrists go and reached up for the buttons of her blouse which offered little resistance against his determination. Alice had been too busy reacting to Billy's hand to notice what Marty was doing but as he pulled the lapels apart, she was brought back to her predicament as Marty smiled wolfishly before dipping his head down to kiss and lick enthusiastically at her billowing breasts and deep cleavage. Even with her hands bound resting just above Marty's head, she couldn't help herself and shifted them down and forward to cradle his head to her chest as she was being overstimulated from Cade's nipple tweaking and Billy's index and thumb driving her to an inevitable crescendo.

Billy saw her interaction with Marty and wormed his middle finger inside her beside his index finger while maintaining the pressure through his thumb on her clit until Alice gave an anguished groan and bucked her hips around trying to thrash her way through her orgasm. Marty pulled back to watch his lecturer spasm through her climax and voiced what the others were thinking "Jeez, she certainly puts a lot of effort into coming."

Her fogged brain was struggling to follow the conversation but had enough presence of mind to hear her tormentor, 'Little does he know how long it's been since I last had a really good cum.'

Cade relaxed his gripe slightly which made her slump slightly until he used his strength to lift her and lie her down on the lecturer's desk behind him announcing, "I love a nice bit of pussy munching." Marty guessed what his friend intended and held Alice's bound hands above her head so he could continue to grope her ripe tit. Cade shoved her short skirt clear of her crotch and then yanked on her panties to remove that obstacle. Prising her legs wide apart enabled him to rake his wide tongue along the length of her splayed labia. Billy wasn't stood idle as he reached over and felt Alice's other breast and on seeing Marty fold her bra cup out of the way to expose her enflamed nipple Billy repeated the same on her other breast, gazing in wonder at how full and ripe they looked.

Cade was lapping away at her pussy like a man possessed and the combined effect of that and his friends fondling soon had Alice humping her hips up and down in unison. She lifted her legs up and then wrapped her thighs around Cade's neck effectively trapping him in place; although it had to be said he wasn't going anywhere at this present moment. She regularly ground her pussy against the enquiring tongue trying to intensify the contact area but it was when, first Marty, and then Billy who followed his lead, leant forward and started to kiss, suck and nip at her ripe nipples that tipped her over the edge for her second climax, mere minutes since her last one.

The explosions were still going off on her nerve endings but Marty wasn't about to give her any respite. He moved down to where Cade knelt and nudged him out of the way; the lower half of his friend's face was covered in a sheen of the lady's juices and Marty wanted in on the act. Within the first few strokes of his tongue Alice was pushing back at his face, her two previous climax's obviously not enough for her. Cade came and stood where Marty had just vacated and he saw Billy still leant forward suckling at her impressive breasts although Cade wanted something different this time. First, he dropped his trousers to reveal his rock-hard dick, next he untied his bandana from Alice's mouth and as she rocked her head from side to side, she caught sight of his cock waving freely gasping in shock.

In an instant, she stopped rocking her head and focused on the dick mere inches from her face. As she gasped to say something Cade pushed his hips forward and the head disappeared between her lips as she sucked on the head with suitable enthusiasm. The change in dynamic hadn't been missed by Marty who stood up straight and dropped his trousers; he was harder than he could ever remember as he shuffled forward slightly to engage the mushroom head of his dick at her labia and drove forward. Alice responded immediately by giving a throaty growl muffled by Cade's dick, a sound that increased in intensity as Marty started to thrust back and forth until she had gradually taken his length inside her. Unbeknown to the four inside the room the janitor returned from his rounds but he wasn't keen to elicit another tirade from that lecturer so he just walked on past the door continuing on his final rounds before locking up.

Alice had long ago dispensed with the reluctant participant; yes, she knew she could get in trouble for fucking a student but the way these three worked her body over made her suspect that they wouldn't want to harm this particular golden goose. She was a little disappointed when Cade pulled back from her mouth and nudged Marty out of the way so that the cock she had been squeezing with her pussy muscles pulled back. Cade ensured she didn't stay disappointed too long as he took Marty's place as he said, "I want to feel what she feels like before the 'tube steak' gets in there."

Marty chuckled at his friend and returned to his previous position so he could sample what her mouth had to offer. Alice's head was still fogged but had the presence of mind to ask "The 'tube steak'? What's that?"

As the head of Marty's cock was accepted in her suctioning mouth, and effectively tasting her own juices, he replied "You'll find out soon enough."

Billy stood upright and watched intently as his friend fucked the living daylights out of their lecturer. He was more focused on the sight of her pussy at the apex of her long outstretched legs and yet he couldn't ignore the sight of his friend's dick. Because of Cade's mixed heritage, his skin tone was darker than either Marty's or his own but as Cade's dick shuttled in and out of her pussy it seemed to glimmer and shine with her pussy juices.

Cade was enjoying the way her pussy gripped his dick but he couldn't ignore that Billy hadn't loosed his dick to the world yet. With one final deep thrust Cade pulled back and said to his friend "Your turn, I think. You're going to enjoy it; she grips you really nice although I suspect the 'tube steak' has that effect on a lot of the girls."

Billy had been chided by his two friends about the size of his dick for some time but he knew it was said in jest, he couldn't ignore the number of girls that, although fascinated by his size, they flatly refused to have it anywhere near them. He sheepishly stepped between his lecturer's legs, seeing the amount of juice liberally spread around her cunt. As he dropped his trousers, his dick sprang up like a jack-in-the-box. Marty chuckled as he stepped back and raised Alice's head so that she could gaze down her body at Billy poised to enter her. "That's the 'tube steak'."

The startled look had returned to Alice's face as she proclaimed "Sweet Jesus, that's some dick. It'll split me in two." However, at no point did she try to stop the inevitable happening. As Billy shuffled forward Marty kept her head up so that she could get the full effect. Not only was his dick an impressive length, but it was the girth that she couldn't shake from her vision. Thankfully Billy knew from his limited experience that he had to take things slower than his two friends and so he set about feeding a little bit each time he pushed forward gradually going deeper each time until he saw her wince or he felt resistance.

Alice wrapped her long legs around Billy's hips and dug her heels into his buttocks to encourage him deeper but once he felt he couldn't get any deeper he pulled back until just the head remained inside her snug purse but then drove forward and fucked her with as much of his length as she could take, albeit at a slow and steady pace. "Oh god yes" Alice gasped as she leant her head back so that she could first of all take Cade in her mouth and then switched her attention to Marty so he didn't feel left out.

"It seems someone is enjoying herself now" commented Cade to no one in particular, adding "She just needed the engine running up to temperature." Alice didn't reply but did turn her attention back to him to take him in her mouth once more.

Alice pulled back briefly to gasp "Can you untie my hands?" It seemed a reasonable request to Cade as she didn't seem to want to go anywhere anytime soon and so he unbound her wrists. His immediate reward was Alice bringing both hands up to the dicks by her head. She had resumed her sucking of Marty's and was now tugging on Cade's to ensure he lost none of his vitality. Just then Alice let out a muffled moan as she lifted her crotch and Billy felt her grip his dick harder than ever. It was obvious to the other two that she had just come again and Marty asked, "Are you making way for someone else to enjoy that pussy?"

Billy nodded his confirmation and pulled out his length while she was still spasming mid-climax making her whine in disappointment; she just didn't want to be losing the 'tube steak' just yet. Marty went back so he stood between her outspread twitching legs; grabbing hold of her hips he flipped her over so that she was laying face down on the desk. Alice didn't seem to care about the change in dynamic as Billy had gone and stood at the side of the desk near her head and she made a desperate lunge to take it in her mouth, sucking on it longingly as a mark of her devotion.

Marty had stepped forward and sunk his dick back into her pussy but after his friend's pummeling, she was never going to register his presence and so he decided on a new tactic. He stuck his thumb in his mouth, coating it liberally with saliva and then pushed his entire thumb into her sphincter, making her give a little whimper while trying to blow a tune on Billy's cock. As she had taken his thumb with ease Marty then spat on his hand and worked his spit around her anus. In an instant, Marty pulled out of her pussy and aimed the head of his juiced-up dick at her butt hole.