Developing Friends Ch. 02

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The friendship grows as more is exposed.
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Part 2 of the 17 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 05/08/2022
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In the opening part, Anna and Robert had met an older man at a local beauty spot. A shared interest in photography with Robert had drawn Sam into their lives and he had spread his fondness for naturism and love of the body to them.

Anna and Robert sat eating their breakfast. The day was warm and the birds had upped their singing as Spring really took hold.

Robert's telephone pinged, a message from Sam "great weather today are you up for photography. Sunny 16!" Robert chuckled and Anna glanced up from her scrambled eggs on toast to look at him.

"Sam is up and ready to take photos" he explained. "Trouble is, he has no film!" and Robert chuckled again at the older man's enthusiasm.

"Are you meeting today?"

"We didn't make any plans, things went slightly off-course last night."

The pair hadn't spoken about the events, there had been no time. After Anna flashed her breast and made Sam cum on the video call, Robert and her had made love and fallen asleep. There was nothing to talk about anyway, both were happy with the events. It was a one-time thing, that might happen again.

"Well, I have things to do today if you want to go with him. It's about time you had a buddy to spend time with" and she continued to eat, as if Sam had been in their life more that eighteen hours.

Robert responded and they arranged a time and place to meet, before they would walk around and take photos, testing Sam's old cameras and getting him back behind a lens.

She looked up, "Just be careful, he might want you to be his model" she giggled, "or take you nude sunbathing."

He smiled at her, "Fine with me" he added and they both chuckled. The older man was not just a charmer, but had an aura of trust about him. He seemed lost and now had found two new friends.

They finished their food and went out, heading in separate directions, promising to message and stay in touch.

After the initial greetings, Sam and Robert sat on a bench and discussed cameras and film. Robert opened his bag and pulled out some rolls of black and white. "If you use this, I can develop it later and we'll see if the cameras are working" he explained. "It's a reliable film and I use it when trying a 'new' camera. Once we know all of them are working, we can move on to other films and colour."

It all sounded good to Sam, who had brought along an old Rolleiflex medium format camera and his Pentax 35mm.

They loaded up, Robert helping Sam as it had been some time, then headed off, deciding the river path would be good as rowers and sailors would be on the water, as well as preparing on the shore.

They had both used several rolls of film each and had stopped for a lunch break in a local cafe. Neither had mentioned the events of the previous day, they just enjoyed the company of the other person.

By mid afternoon they were flagging and Robert was relieved to heard his telephone ping with a message from Anna.

"I am home, hope you two are behaving."

He showed Sam the message and chuckled "she thinks you will lead me astray."

"What if you do that to me?" the older man countered.

Robert messaged back to say they were not far from the flat and might head back, he was slightly worried about taking Sam there and Anna's reaction.

"Great, I will make tea and coffee."

Clearly Robert's concerns were not shared with his girlfriend. "Hey Sam, ready for another tea?"

The older man looked up and beamed. "Always!"

Anna welcomed the intrepid photographers, kissing Sam on each cheek as she ushered him in and down to the kitchen. "Tea, coffee, other drink?"

"Tea please, young lady" he replied as he had a glance through the open bedroom door, recognising some of it from the video call.

The men sat at the kitchen table as Anna made the drinks, they discussed what films they had used and fished round in their bags and pockets for the used rolls. Then Robert went off, arriving back with a plastic bowl full of bottles and film processing items.

"Right, I'll leave that here so it warms up a bit. After coffee I will load some films in the processing tank" and then he went off to fetch more kit.

The pair checked over the finished rolls of film, Robert explained that he could process two rolls of 35mm together, so would do one from Sam and one of his own. The others would have to wait until the equipment had dried after that. They each counted their rolls and compared them to notes made on their phones as to what film was used.

"I am one short" said Sam as he fished around in his pockets and bag. "It is a medium format roll. I used one in the Rollei, then loaded another." He was just about to open the camera to check when he stopped and stared at the film counter on the side of it. "Shit, I didn't finish it! There are still seven shots left, I must have forgotten I had reloaded and didn't use it much."

Robert wasn't fussed, it would take him a couple of days to process what they had shot and Sam could finish it during the week.

"Fancy being my model?"

Anna was startled as Sam looked at her when he said that.

"I am not a model" she repeated and giggled "how many times do I have to tell you,? Crazy man!"

"Well, Miss Not A Model, would you like to sit in the sun and let me take some photos?"

Anna stared at him, trying not to let the smile give away her true feeling. She looked behind at the sunshine and blue sky. "The weather isn't that great" she replied, then turned at smiled at Sam.

All three drank their beverages and Robert showed Sam the processing equipment, explaining how he will load the films, using a dark bag to get everything ready before the chemical part, which can be done in the sink.

Sam was intrigued, when he had done this previously the loading spiral that the film was loaded on had been metal and the whole process needed a darkroom. The new ones were plastic and easier to use, meaning the whole thing was much easier to do at home. Robert downed the last of the coffee and smacked his lips. He then picked up all he needed and went to prepare the films.

"There's no need for you to be there, Sam" he explained, "you will just be looking at my hands go inside a black bag. Stay here and keep Anna company, I'll be back in a few minutes" and he wandered off clutching the equipment.

There was a brief moment of silence as the older man and younger woman smiled at each other.

"Tell me about yourself, Sam" Anna had decided to get the conversation well away from her from the start.

The older man looked down and sighed. "What do you want to know?"

Anna explained that she was intrigued as he had made passing references to relationships and lifestyle the day before, but seemed to be alone and, somewhat lonely.

Sam began to tell some of his story. His wife had died nine years ago, they had been together since they were teenagers. He liked being outdoors, but not when there were too many people, preferring secluded spots, mainly so he could be naked. He explained that he often was naked when at home as he liked it. His wife had not been so keen, but did join him some times to sunbathe nude. They had some lovely holidays, but he had not travelled much since she had died and he had not been with another person since.

"You like men as well?" Anna was intrigued by that bit.

"I like the human form. Bodies are nice. As I said yesterday, it is good to be close to another one" then he laughed "and at my age, beggars can't be choosers."

Anna laughed with him. He did have a strange charm and gentle soul, which may explain her easy decision to show her breast to him the night before.

"You said you touched that man, years ago. Have you touched a woman since you lost your wife?"

Sam looked down again, a wave of sadness crossing his face as he lowered it. "No" he whispered.

The silence returned for several moments.

"I'm sorry" whispered Anna and the older man nodded, still keeping his head down as he composed his thoughts.

Robert bounded back, holding the black plastic processing tank, now with two rolls of film inside and Sam perked up. Next he arranged the chemicals and talked Sam through the process. Everything was ready and would take about twenty minutes. All three were excited about seeing the negatives.

Sam poured the chemicals in and then hit the button on Robert's phone to start the timer, following the younger man's instructions intently. First the processing chemical was added and Sam stirred it as instructed. When the alarm beeped, poured the liquid out and then added the chemical to stop the process, again stirring it as Robert told him.

Once that was done, Sam was about to pour that away when Robert reminded him that it could be reused and he emptied it into the bottle. Next he added the final chemical and started the timer again, heeding Robert's instructions to the end and emptying that back into the bottle. Now it was time to wash the film clean and Sam felt the apprehension build. Soon both men stood and looked at the processing tank in the sink. All was done.

Robert opened the top and they peered down at the plastic spirals inside. They looked at each other, then down again. Both breathed deeply. Robert used his finger to hook the centre column up and they saw images on both rolls. Both gave a small cheer, with Anna joining in after, as she came to stand behind the two men.

The first roll was unrolled, a drying hook clipped into position to pull it clear, Robert holding it high to wipe excess water from it as it showed a full roll of images. Both men stared, trying to work out whose film it was. Robert recognised one shot of flowers and claimed it as his. Sam was even more nervous now.

The second roll was pulled out and, again, held up for the water to be brushed off. It was full of images, not one empty frame and Sam breathed out.

"Well done, Sam" Robert was smiling at him as he turned and showed the negatives up close.

"Wow," breathed Sam, "good to know I am not shooting blanks." He hadn't meant to say that, but his words had jumbled in his head and he hoped it would be ignored, but he heard the couple giggle quietly. As Robert carried the film away to dry, Anna patted Sam's back and he turned and kissed her cheek without thinking and she accepted it in the same vein.

Robert returned and stared at the remaining rolls of film on the table. "I need to clean the equipment and let it dry before I can do more, so it will take a few days" he explained.

"Sam picked up the loaded camera and said it would give him time to finish that roll.... then added "unless I can persuade my favourite model to pose."

"I am not a model." Anna gently reminded him.

"OK then, come and sit in the sun and I will just take some photos." Sam was still trying his luck. Anna giggled and looked at Robert. He nodded towards the sink full of equipment and explained

"I will tidy that up, you two can continue to argue" and shrugged.

Sam headed to the living room after smiling at Anna and she followed.

"The weather is awful" she said, looking at the sun and blue sky again "not good for photography."

Sam laughed and asked her to sit on the sofa, in the sun. She did so and Sam fussed about, looking down into the viewfinder. He sighed and turned to the window, walking over to it and saying to the glass "you need something to diffuse the light!" before waving at the beams that poured in and lit the room.

He thought for a second, then moved back in front of Anna., looking down into the camera viewfinder as he moved around, explaining to the younger woman about the camera "you see, when you look down the viewfinder like this, you only see the image, everything else is forgotten, you are totally focussed, if you pardon the pun, on the object you want to take the photo of, you are just in that world."

Then he looked up and scowled, before scuttling from the room, returning seconds later with his light meter.

Anna sat still as he put the device in front of her face and made adjustments to the settings on the camera, mumbling under his breath, Anna catching the words "under exposing" and internally giggled at the thought of the over-exposing of the night before.

"OK. Look at the lower lens." he instructed as she stared into it as it moved back and forth as Sam focussed. "Turn left a little" he asked and she complied. "No, left" and she moved again. He looked up at her and laughed. "Sorry, forgot that this is left right switched, so I meant right, right!" and they both looked confused. They got into position again. "Please don't move" he whispered and she held her breath as the faint 'snick' of the shutter could be heard.

"Fabulous!" he exclaimed.

Next he asked her to lie down and turn her face sideways to look at him and she followed the instructions, her eyes on the lower piece of glass that she knew the film was behind as Sam looked at her via the upper lens. He shifted position, grumbling each time and then sat up in frustration.

Anna didn't know what was wrong and looked down at her position. She realised, but wanted confirmation from Sam. "What's the matter?"

He looked flustered and mumbled that nothing was wrong, but she could see. In this position, her bra was causing a ridge that cast a shadow along her yellow t-shirt. Sam was wary to mention it as she always teased him about him wanting to get her breasts out for his photos.

Anna sat up, then left the room to find Robert. She whispered to him as he cleaned the processing gear in the sink and he nodded. She then headed back, stopping in the hall before the living room for a few moments.

"Right, where do you want me next?" she asked as she retook the pose, on her back, looking sideways.

Sam looked into her eyes as they shone, then turned his head and stared. He picked up the camera and moved so he looked at her face from just above, the rest of her body going down the frame. "Can you just put your arm on your belly to hold the shirt down please?" he instructed and his model responded, He stared through the glass as the light hit her, the shadow on the face leaving her part obscured and the yellow t-shirt filling most of the remaining frame, the curve of her breast swelling up, the point of the nipple leaving a shadow of its own.

"Hold still" he whispered and the camera snicked again. "Perfect, thank you."

For the next shot he had her remaining in that position, but moved so the shot was from her belly up to her face at a slight angle, again, half of her features would be dark by the shadow and he had to position his body she he didn't cause another shadow. He was having trouble remaining calm as he stared at the nipple poking up, but managed to get the position right for the photo.

Sam had now lost his train of thought and Anna sat up as he thought of more shots to finish the roll. He glanced at her and the angle was almost perfect. He asked her to recline slightly and then put the camera near her belly again, so the shot would be upwards over both breasts, the light hitting her at an angle. He adjusted it so, hopefully, her face would be almost recognisable, but just blurred enough, the chest the focus for this one. He gasped quietly as he looked in the viewfinder, the nipples were harder now and two shadows ran from them, so well defined on the pale shirt.

"Thank you", he said to her after that photo and looked at the counter. "Still four left" he told her and she nodded. He was running out of ideas as he was thinking more about not getting hard, but his cock was twitching with her lovely breasts so close now.

The next shot was similar to the previous one, but he altered the position slightly and focussed on her eyes as they gazed over her breasts into the lens.

"Let's try you lying down again" he suggested and she lowered herself on the sofa. "hmmmm" he mumbled. He knew what he wanted, but felt he had pushed his luck enough that she had removed the bra.

"What?" she asked, turning to look right at him, her blue eyes, soft and friendly. He felt his penis move as they locked gaze.

He blushed slightly and he tried to think of a good pose that didn't involve her breasts, but failed.

"How about this?" she asked quietly beside him and he turned to see she had lifted the shirt slightly, so the swell under her breast was visible. It was similar to last night, letting him see the lower part, the beautiful curve of her body, the hard nipple just covered, but still visible as it poked up in the shirt. He grabbed the camera and moved into position. Then he changed position, several times. Then looked up. "No, sorry, it doesn't work" he said to her face, trying not to just stare at the exposed skin of her lower breast. "The sun on the skin is great, but it just merges with the t-shirt. This is black and white film, it needs more contrast for a shot such as this" he explained and she smiled at him, sat up and left the room.

She returned wearing a black t-shirt, then resumed the pose, gently tugging the top up to show the breast. He got into position again, but shook his head.

"What now? she asked.

"The shirt has a logo and it is distracting" he pointed out and she looked down and frowned.

"I don't have any plain black ones," but then sat up and got off the sofa to stand behind Sam. "Don't look" she said, with no real conviction and Sam turned his head slightly and caught the flash of pale skin in the corner of his eye. She sat back down again, the shirt now inside out. "Better?"

They got back into position and Sam watched her pull up the material, hoping it would go a bit further, but she knew what she was doing and only the pale curved underside was shown to the photographer.

He adjusted position and settings, wanting to take longer over this shot so he could just stare at the skin poking from the black t-shirt. The shutter snicked and he wound on to the next frame. When he looked up the t-shirt hadn't moved and he fought every urge to reach and stroke the soft skin. This was the closest he had been to a bare breast since his wife had died and, although he couldn't see it fully, he could see the form and the hard nipple through the material. His cock was growing harder.

For the next one they stayed in a similar position, but from a wider view to show more of her belly and chest. Sam asking her lie on the floor, hands over her head, secretly hoping the material would ride higher, but it almost looked as if her nipples were holding the shirt in place.

"One shot left" he said, partly sad this session was ending, but a bit relieved as he was now very hard.

Anna moved to the sofa again and sat upright, staring straight at the Lens as Sam stood in front of her. Her hands went to the t-shirt again and adjusted it. "How about this?" she whispered.

Sam looked down, through the viewfinder and gasped. She had pulled the shirt up to just under her nipples, the darker pink on her breasts showing as semi-circles against the black material. It was perfect, almost. He didn't dare say no to this though and he readied for the final shot of the roll.

"That's pretty good" he replied as he adjusted the focus, wanting to get her body and face in.

"Just pretty good?" she quizzed.

"Well, you know I am a perv!" he replied and made the final adjustment ready to press the shutter.

She moved and he held his finger steady, not wanting to waste this photo. Her hands adjusted the shirt and he thought she had backed out of letting him photograph her areola. He looked again. He gulped and his cock twitched, almost shooting his cum there and there.

The t-shirt now rested on the hard nipples. He could see part of them, dark red, so swollen and wanting a mouth as they strained against the material she had pinned across her chest.

"Quick" she said, "I cannot hold this pose for long, it's hurting my arms keeping the shirt here" and his finger pressed down to commit the pose onto the film. He stayed staring through the viewfinder at the underside of the nipples as she released her arms to allow the material to drop. Just as he began to lift his head her hand raised quickly and the flash of white breast and red nipple was in the viewfinder, seen only by him and recorded only in his memory. He looked up and she was smiling at him.