Developing Friends Ch. 17


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"So many things." Alex chuckled, "But, I am just loving doing anything with both of you, it has been very sexy and I didn't expect this." the younger woman's dark eyes glowed into the blue of Anna's. She thought a bit more and smiled at her older lover.

"What about anal?" Anna asked and Alex laughed.

"I think that cock is too big for me to start with." she giggled. "Also, I am not keen, but I did love your fingers up there." she added.

"David is a bit smaller, you could try him." Anna giggled, the two like old friends now, discussing sex and laughing.

"I don't even know him." Alex shrieked and Robert looked over and shook his head at the pair.

"Well, if you want to try it, Robert is very gentle and David is too." Anna whispered as she stroked the hair of Alex and then their lips opened together.

The trio had started to play when Sam's message came through and it was Alex who took the camera as Robert connected the streams, Sam's face on the laptop as he watched his friends 'back home' on his screen, Eric next to him, both naked and hardening at the thought of what was to come.

Alex held the camera to her face and smiled and then moved around and Sam and Eric saw a hard cock, shining, straining up. A body came into view, legs wide and the vulva shaved and Anna lowered down as Alex's hand reached to hold the shaft and guide it between the draped, wet and swollen labia and a groan was heard at both ends of the call as Anna was impaled on her boyfriend, the camera showing her go down fully as Robert's hips jerked up. The camera moved closer, Anna's swollen and protruding clitoris between her spread lips and both men reached and held their cocks as they twitched upwards.

Eric was stroking his cock, but Sam was just holding his and not tight, he remembered last night. They watched as Anna moved up and down, the cock now soaked by her and then she lifted and it sprang free and Alex's hand went to it again as Anna held herself over her lover for a few moments and then moved down. Alex guided the cock and Sam's eyes went wide as he saw where it was going. Eric was still just stroking, but then his hand stopped and his cock swelled.

Alex was holding Robert, fingers around the shaft, gripping tight as Anna lowered herself again and the swollen head of his penis slotted against the dimpled sphincter and pressed Anna's body up as she grunted and let out a groan. Then she let out a yelp and she opened and the skin bounced back and the tight ring gripped around the skin under the head of Robert's cock and she breathed deeply as Alex still held the very base of his penis. Two men held still as Anna let out a low groan and lowered herself as Alex let go of Robert and the base of his cock was now gripped very tight by Anna's sphincter and the camera was moved back to show the wider scene, with Robert fully inside the anus of his girlfriend as they sat on the sofa.

Anna started to moved up slowly and two men held their breath and cocks as they watched her stretched ring being drawn back until it was spread by the ridge of her lover's cock and her legs trembled as she held for a few seconds, time stopping for the watchers on the ship far away. Then she slid down and groaned loudly as her boyfriend filled her again.

Sam sat and watched, his hands at his sides, cock twitching and clear liquid flowing out. He wanted to savour this, dreaming of being in Anna's anus again when he returned home. Eric moved closer, eyes on the screen as Alex held the camera lower to show clearly the sodomising of Anna to the men.

The camera moved closer and a hand reached out, fingers brushing over swollen, shaved skin as Anna trembled. The fingers touched wet labia and they parted easily, the inner lips draping clear, unfurling as the outer ones spread wide to the touch and with Anna's spreading legs. The camera shook for a bit, then steadied as Robert held it down and Alex moved her face forward, tongue out and ready and Sam's cock reared up in anticipation.

There was a small scream, muffled through gritted teeth as a tongue ran over the open vulva of a woman being sodomised. Another louder one as the tongue found the protruding clitoris and flicked over the hard tip and then a loud one as the lips opened to kiss the clitoris as two men desperately tried to not shoot their semen out in a ship's cabin.

Sam breathed deeply as he watched, Eric was trying not to watch, but he couldn't look away as the shaved pussy on screen was licked, the cock visible, slowly moving behind, deep in the rectum of the woman. Alex turned and smiled at the men, she didn't need to see the laptop to know they were both wide eyed watching this. Anna was watching, eyes, when they were open, glued to the screen to see her older lover and his friend trying to delay their ejaculation as they watched her. She smiled and pushed herself down to get Robert as deep as possible inside her as he reached to hold a breast and tilt her back onto his body.

Alex took the camera again and panned up to show both hands on Anna's breasts as Robert held her as she moved her hips up and down. Fingers reached out again and ran through the draped lips, glittering as the wetness covered them. The camera moved with Alex as she got close, another pan, this time down Anna's body, a nipple poking through spread fingers, a belly heaving with her breath, shaved skin, lips wide and wet and the balls of her lover behind them, his shaft appearing as Anna moved up and down and his hips responded. Another close-up, pink lips, shining wet hanging open moving as Anna was being buggered.

Fingers moved again and spread the lips further as Sam groaned, Eric hardly breathing now, rapt by the scene. The fingers held as liquid ran onto them from Anna's body and the tips moved to open the labia more.

There was a scream, pleasure and pain mixed, a body struggling to accept what was happening, a mind lost. There were groans too, one female, three male as the fingers penetrated the body, the image shown and beamed across the ocean to two of the men who made the noises.

The fingers moved as Alex twisted her hand around to feel the penis on the other side of the skin as it moved up and down in the anal passage. Alex bent the digits and they pressed hard onto it and she could feel the frenulum and the flared head as it moved up into Anna's rectum and Alex began to stroke Robert through the skin of their mutual lover as she cried out and bucked her hips with them.

"Oh fuck." Eric mumbled as the shot showed the cock in Anna's anus and the fingers moving in her vagina and he tried to not move, breath, or even think, but it was too late and his hips jerked as a stream of semen spurted from his body to land high on his chest. He gave up then and his head went back as his hips and hand moved and he emptied his balls over his body as he watched the trio on the screen.

Sam was still holding out, mainly by not holding his cock. He watched the fingers slide back, soaked and dragging Anna's inner lips back and he trembled and knew the end was near. As the finger slid back inside he gripped his shaft and slammed his hips up to release a stream of sperm up his body as he groaned out.

Both men watched, smeared with their semen, strings of it down from their upper chests to their groin, but they were still hard and both gripped their cocks again as they watched Alex's hand move faster in Anna, the fingers twisting to rub the front wall, then the back, caressing the cock deep in her rectum. Anna was moaning constantly now, almost a wail as the pleasure rattled her body. Her eyes were partly open, still watching the men as Sam moved across to take Eric's cock in his hand and the other man smiled and his head went back with a groan as the grip tightened. A hand reached to Sam's head and Anna began to shake as she saw her distant lover lower down and take Eric into his mouth, lips sliding down to take most of the hard cock inside and Anna's hips moved faster.

Another loud groan as Alex bent her fingers and ran them down the front wall of Anna, liquid running out to coat and lubricate and there was a further groan as a third finger stretched the soaked cunt wider, but it was male and it signalled Eric unloading again, deep into the mouth of Sam. Anna didn't need to see the semen flowing into her lover, she knew by the hand on the grey hair and the hip movement that Sam was being filled and she shook again as another orgasm swept over her and her own hips jerked hard on her two lovers.

Sam sat back and watched as Alex and Robert filled Anna, Alex twisting her fingers again to press them to the hard cock, stroking him, masturbating him as he held his penis deep inside his girlfriend's rectum. Anna was shaking constantly, continual waves pulsing through her, gripping the three fingers that filled and stretched her. It was as if there was no end to the orgasm, it just rolled and she felt frustrated, wanting to explode, the full feeling making her want to burst.

Alex bent her fingers inside and Anna trembled more and she groaned through clenched teeth as she tried to end this, push the orgasm to finish. She looked at the screen and felt the wave rising, a tsunami as it drew her breath from her lungs. Eric's mouth was open and lowering as her senses rose and then Sam's cock lifted too and went into a mouth, a hand reaching for the small bald spot on the back of Eric's head to guide it lower and Anna screamed out as her entire being pulsed and shook, her body releasing, Alex's hand soaked and held tight in the grip of the convulsing cunt. Robert's cock squashed by the clenched sphincter. Sam's head went back as he watched his younger lover on screen. Alex had pulled back to try and show more, but her fingers were still inside, liquid running down them. Anna was shaking, Robert's hands unable to hold her still as she climaxed, eyes still trying to stay open, trying to watch as Sam shot his semen into Eric's throat as he held the head down and jerked his hips.

The camera moved slowly, fingers slipping from the tight and shaking body, dripping wet, the lips stretched, hole gaping as Alex filmed. Both men watched, their cocks deflating slightly. The lens went to the balls of Robert as he moved again, jerking into the anus of his girlfriend and then he pushed up and the men watched the pulsing in the scrotum as Anna cried out again, this time with her boyfriend as she was filled with his semen.

Both men stood near the screen as Anna was lifted up, the softening cock tugging her sphincter back and a small stream of creamy white liquid following it, the rest shot too deep to come out yet. She was gaping still, both holes sparkling at the lens. Alex held her hand up and licked the fingers before offering them to Robert who did the same. Then she reached down and stroked the penis, wiping Anna's cum over it and the camera shivered as it was passed over to Robert and he aimed it down as Alex knelt, looking up to smile and took the cock into her mouth. The two men groaned and reached for the other to feel the dicks twitch in their hands.

The camera panned up over Anna and she smiled and waved to the men, her breasts still shuddering from her hard breathing. They waved back and she giggled. Sam was still partly hard, hoping for more and Eric was now stroking himself, trying to get stiff. Anna turned and the camera went down as Alex leaned over and pulled Anna's buttocks open and began to lick around the still open sphincter, pushing her tongue inside as Anna groaned and pressed her body back. Sam twitched again. Alex sat up and Anna turned as lips went up her body and to hers and she embraced the younger woman and they giggled together.

"Fuck, you had three fingers in me." was whispered, the men unable to hear as Robert had moved back to show the full length of the woman on the sofa as they cuddled.

"Yes, you have a fabulous cunt." was replied as dark eyes sparkled into blue. "Also, my hand is quite small." and the eyes shone more at each other.

"Big enough for me." Anna whispered as she gently kissed her female lover. "Thank you for being so considerate with me." she said, noses rubbing together as lips struggled to stay apart. Both glanced at the screen as two men stroked their cocks, still not completely spent, despite the ache in the balls both had.

Alex looked at Anna and smiled, she had missed a lot of the action as she had fingered Anna and then she turned to address the watchers.

"I missed out guys, can I get an action reply?" The men looked at each other, then back to the screen.

Sam spoke. "What bit?" he chuckled.

"The bit where you each sucked cock." Came the chuckled reply.

Sam looked at Eric and they both laughed, then Sam knelt down and Eric looked shocked, but took his hand away from his penis to rest it on the grey hair of his friend as lips opened and a mouth wrapped around his cock.

"Oh fuck." Eric blurted out as Sam sucked on him, hardening in the other man's mouth. Sam bobbed his head up and down a few times as Eric stiffened and then he moved away and there was a disappointed groan.

"You next." Came Alex's voice across the miles and Eric got on his knees and took his friend into his mouth and felt the penis swell and harden as he sucked it, not knowing that Anna and Alex were beginning to move together as well, small hip movements as vulva stroked vulva.

There were whispers and Alex moved away and the camera roamed down Anna as she stood and moved to the end of the sofa and perched on it, leaning back and opening her legs as Robert filmed her and two men wondered what was happening. Anna lifted her knees and opened her body for the viewers, lips still soaked parted easily to show the deep red of her insides and her hand went down to peel the lips wider still. The camera zoomed in and the cocks of the watchers hardened then twitched as a finger moved to the yearning hole and slid in easily, the wet sound clear with the camera so close. It pulled back, soaked and slick and another joined it to open the lips and body more.

Robert stepped back as Alex moved nearer, both fingers twisting inside the tight wet body of Anna who was groaning loudly now, trembling too, nerves and anticipation as her female lover took control. The two viewers groaned louder than Anna as a third finger penetrated the open body, stretching the labia wide. The hand was wet and slippery as it moved easily, generating more noise from Anna and the men. The camera panned up to Anna's face as she smiled for her men and then her mouth went wider and her eyelids flickered and Robert moved to show Alex's thumb poking up, the rest of the lubricated hand inside Anna now.

The camera moved away and the men sighed, but continued to hold the cock of the other, both hard now, both wanting someone else's touch as they watched the two woman. Alex turned to smile at them and they both twitched, Eric already leaking pre-cum out to coat Sam's fingers.

"Stand together guys, press your cock together." Alex said, clearly and firmly and they turned and held each other, sticky chest to sticky chest, hard cocks rubbing. She smiled again and pulled her hand back and tucked the thumb in as both men stared, then pressed her hand back and Anna's cry rang loud around the room and across the ocean.

Robert moved around, still keeping Anna in the shot, her face visible, eyes closed as she cried out and then there was a big garbled scream and Alex's hand vanished into the shaking body of her lover.

"Fuck." Eric mumbled as he jerked his hips and he released a shot of semen on both his body and Sam's.

The camera moved closer and Sam muttered something similar as he saw Anna, spread wide, her inner lips draped around the wrist of Alex and he rammed into Eric and covered them both with semen as the two men bucked to the other, one of Sam's hands going down to hold Eric's bottom, pulling him tight as they both ejaculated against the other while Alex slowly moved the hand back and forth, spreading Anna's body as it pulled back and eliciting a loud cry as it went inside again.

Eric slumped down and took Sam into his mouth, eyes still on the screen. He was sucking the last sperm from him as well as taking his own into his mouth, both of them coated now. Sam held the head and jerked his hips as Alex's hand left the body, Anna gaping wide before she was filled again and then Sam's legs gave way and Eric stood to shoot the last from his balls into the welcoming mouth of Sam.

Anna let go, her barely open eyes watching the men as they had sucked and then slumped together on the bed, hands still stroking each other, fingers trailing through semen. She was gripping the sofa as she lifted her hips and a string of clear liquid left her and landed on Alex's face as the younger woman had kissed her vulva. A cry of "stop" didn't end the orgasm as she shook, hips writhing as the hand left her, sudden emptiness that even the tongue of Alex couldn't quell.

The camera shook again as Alex took it and Robert stepped between the wide legs of his girlfriend and his hard cock slid inside as she lifted her legs and wrapped them around him as they slipped back onto the sofa, an urgency as they fucked, both groaning as their bodies slapped together. Anna cried out again as the orgasm waves continued, but she also asked her boyfriend to stop, she was sore and the urge now fulfilled and he pulled back and she slumped on the sofa as his hard cock twitched, wet and straining,

Alex kept on filming as she lifted and opened her legs and Robert moved between them and her grunts as he entered her were loud to the men watching. She handed her lover the camera and he filmed, looking down on her as his cock moved back and forth and then he leaned over and placed the camera down, showing the two as they now began moving fast against the other, grunting with their desire. They couldn't see the screen now, lost in their world, but Anna watched as Sam ran his fingers through the semen on Eric's body and then slid his hand down, the other man moaning loudly as he was penetrated by Sam's finger, the cock hardening with the movement in his anus and there was another loud groan as Sam began to suck him.

Eric was on the bed, totally spent when Robert picked up the camera and held it down to show Alex waving goodbye as the cock moved in and out of her body. He turned and Anna waved, then Robert smiled to the men before one final view of Alex being penetrated was shown and the screen went blank. Sam moved up to kneel next to Eric and the head turned and mouth opened to take the hard cock inside as Sam gently rested his hand on the bald spot again as his hips moved. He hoped there would be photos later, although he was not sure what more there was to see. He closed his eyes and the events flashed across his mind and fixed on the hand moving inside Anna and his hips thrust as he filled Eric with sperm again.

Two couples of the same sex stepped under the spray of showers. two women in a flat in London and two men in a cabin on a cruise ship. Both pairs washed each other, soaping the sticky residue from the skin of their partner. The men washed the semen away as it had coated their bodies and each one gently washed the penis of the other, looking down as a bubbly hand held them, pulling the skin back and stroking to clean and then cupping under the testicles, both sets empty, released over each other or in the other's mouth. Sam turned as Eric washed his back and then they swapped positions.

Alex helped Anna into the shower and ran the gel over her to clean her body, holding her close, lips opening together as they washed the other, Anna cleaning her boyfriend's semen from her lover. Robert had tidied up in the room and then stood and watched the women until Alex reached out a hand and her hands ran over his body to soap it up and Anna joined in as all three stroked with soapy hands.