Devil's Advocate


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There was already moisture clinging to her folds and she flushed as she heard the satisfied little note from Lily.

"Tsk, tsk," Lily teased. "Did someone get excited?"

"Don't gloat," Catherine whispered, offering a shaky smile. "I still have holy water."

"Adorable that you think that would work upon me," Lily jabbed.

She pushed two fingers into Catherine and they parted her folds without resistance, plunging deep into her.

Catherine gasped loudly, quivering at the sensation. She'd played with herself before, often with images like this, but there was something about the demon's touch that was so much more tantalizing. She could feel that second heart within her breast and it fluttered, sending waves of warmth throughout her.

Lily leered at her and used her other hand to cup the back of her head. She then leaned in and pressed her lips against Lily's own, sharing in a kiss. It started playful but soon the demon's lips parted and she pressed her tongue deep into the nun's mouth.

And her tongue was unlike any mortal's. It was far longer, pressing beyond Catherine's palate and slipping down her throat.

Catherine tensed and placed her hands against Lily's chest. She thought about pushing back but it would seem that thoughts of resistance were so hard to muster with a tongue literally in her throat and two fingers deep into her sex.

They held this unholy union for a few moments before Lily reluctantly drifted away.

She smirked and made a show of exposing the full length of her serpentine tongue. She then slowly drew it back into her mouth.

"The joys of being a demon," she teased.

Catherine could only offer a faint moan as a response.

"You are absolutely adorable," Lily said.

She drew her fingers out of Catherine and her ward made a desperate little noise. Though she was not left unattended for long.

Lily planted a kiss upon her neck. It was wet and sloppy, coming with an added suckle that would surely leave some marks behind. Then she dipped lower still, moving across Catherine's collarbone and along her breasts.

She paused for a moment and took one of Catherine's nipples between her lips, suckling firmly upon it.

Catherine gasped though the sharpness of her voice soon softened to a delicate moan as Lily continued to rove, lower and lower. Soon her hot lips were upon Catherine's stomach and glided beyond her tuft of pubic fuzz.

Lily showed no real reluctance as she dipped forwards and pressed her lips forcefully against Catherine's pussy. She pushed her tongue between her folds, parting them and plunging into her hole. She didn't push too far, giving Catherine a chance to get used to this strange sensation.

Soon Catharine's moans returned and she let out a contented noise as Lily swirled her appendage around inside of her.

"Fuck," Catherine whispered. She then flushed and looked up at the statue of Jesus. "Please forgive me."

She now noticed that Lily had allowed her to retain her rosary. It felt wrong to have this on during such a sinful act. So, she reached for it.

Though Lily seemed to sense this as she drew away. Her gaze narrowed, growing quite dark.

"Leave it on," she ordered. Though the darkness was soon replaced with a perverse smile. "It's hotter this way."

Catherine was about to retort with something heated but couldn't find it in her to do so.

Instead, she nodded and her hand fell away. "Alright."

Lily's reward was immediate and intense. She pressed back into Catherine, though this time allowed even more of her tongue to push inside. She snaked the appendage deep into her, pressing further and further and filling her with this impossible organ.

She felt full and soon sung her praise as Lily started to move it around. There was something about the shape, it was like it had been ideally molded for her pleasure.

Once more, that nucleus, that second heart within her chest hammered away. Soon the heat exploded outwards and coursed throughout her body. It was like a draught of liquor, washing away anxiety and inhibition. It whispered to her in voices that were not really there, telling her to enjoy this.

She succumbed to their commands, practically melting against Lily's advances. Soon a pressure nestled within her loins, one which threatened to spill over and consume her world in a maelstrom of lust and sinful ambitions.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she whispered.

There was no shame in cussing like a sailor, no guilt.

For a moment, it was like Catherine and Lily were linked, combined into a single entity. Catherine could feel Lily at some deep level as if their minds were linked. It was chaos and the overstimulation of it forced her to flinch away.

Though this offered little clarity as the tongue was still there, driving her onwards. It roved and moved around with such vigour, seeking out only the most sensitive parts of Catherine's inexperienced anatomy.

Catherine reached down and grabbed Lily's horns. There were really no better handlebars that could possibly exist. She huffed through clenched teeth, using her leverage to hold Lily firmly against her sex, with no room for retreat.

Not that Lily seemed to mind. In fact, she positively revelled at the attention, swirling around with more vigour and potency.

Catherine's chest fluttered and now both of those hearts within her breast were thundering. She panted for breath, feeling the fatigue, wear, and tear of this encounter start to bear down upon her.

Soon she gasped, crying out a string of rather crude phrases. They came forth with such vigour, feeding into the penance that was surely mounting against her. Though at this rate, was there anything she could possibly do to return to god's good graces?

Her core was quivering and she couldn't honestly hold out much longer. The tongue drove her onwards, leading her towards the edge of bliss.

She had climaxed before, once or twice during her weaker moments. But even now she knew that this was going to be something far more intense. It came on without warning as she felt herself spill over the edge, plunging into the depths of pleasured bliss.

Her juices gushed forth with such vigour, spilling against the demon's maw. Lily drank from them without reluctance, draining them as if they were ambrosia. Though sadly, such divinity had to be cut short.

Lily drew back, grinning from ear to ear as she slowly pulled out her impressive tongue. It had changed shape and texture since their encounter began. It now resembled an octopus' tentacle, covered in all sorts of strange suction cups. Each of them felt great as they drew out of her overstimulated pussy, ushering forth a hushed moan with every inch

Finally, the last of them departed with a nice slurp of fluids.

"So?" Lily asked.

Catherine shuddered. "I'm going to hell."

"Oh, it's not all that bad, dear," Lily said. She stood up, still towering over Catherine. "Three square meals a day, union benefits, and honestly the workplace culture down there is miles ahead of anything up here." She smirked. "Would you believe me if I told you that the HR departments actually do shit in hell?"

"I would not," Catherine grumbled.

"And look at you, already starting to blossom!" Lily beamed.

Catherine cocked her head to the side. "Pardon?"

Lily smirked and snapped her fingers.

A cloud of smoke appeared and from it came a mirror. The design on it was very Victorian, though it was made from an unnatural fusion of metals that were red and black. Many tortured designs were etched into the frame and handle.

She held it up, allowing Catherine to see her reflection.

Catherine gasped and recoiled away from it. She touched a hand to her face. It was her but very different.

Her hair had faded from red to a darker shade of pink. Her skin was tinged with a slight redness. Her front teeth were more like fangs. And on her head were two lumps that looked like that could've been the start of horns.

"What the fuck," Catherine whispered.

Her heart skipped a beat. Or one of them did. The unnatural heart, the one that she hadn't really been aware of until this evening. Her eyes widened as she clutched at her chest, feeling the twin rhythms pumping away.

Thump, Thump... Thump, Thump... Thump, Thump.

"I could discuss the arcane science behind it," Lily said, turning the mirror towards herself as she fluffed her hair. "But I'll be honest, I'm more of the field girl and not the brains of the operation. Something something... rebirth... something something uh..." She waved her hand. "Just know that you've been hand picked by the big guy himself to help us out."

"By big guy, do you mean God?" Catherine asked, hoping beyond hope that...

Lily snorted.

"I thought so." Catherine sighed and looked to the ground. "So, I'm stuck like this?"

Lily shrugged. "Well not really, you can always continue with your transformation." She smirked and lightly grasped her cock, giving it a stroke. "You got to admit that it's felt pretty good so far, right?"

Catherine shook her head. "I... I..."

One of her hearts stiffened at the thought of continuing forwards. The other stiffened at the idea of not doing so. And in all honesty, she had no idea which one she should really be listening to at this moment.

One begged from within her mind; her conscience, asking her to remember God. The other begged from between her legs, ushering her to continue with this depravity.

In the end, passion was a far stronger emotion.

"Let's do it," Catherine whispered.

Lily smirked. "I knew you would come around." She placed a hand upon her shoulder. "I had a good feeling about you. Thanks for proving me right."

"Are we really going to do it in here?" Catherine asked, biting her lip.

Lily smirked. "I mean if I'm stealing one of God's servants, I might as well do it in their house. Though I think we need a bit of a change in atmosphere." She wrinkled her nose. "It's pretty stuffy in here."

She snapped her fingers and the environment began to change. The lighting intensified though it took on a more romantic quality. The smell of dust and age were replaced by spices and flowers as vases emerged from the ground. Each was filled with blooms of blue, red, and purple. None of which seemed natural to Catherine.

The most important change though was that a pentagram formed upon the floor.

Catherine drew in a breath. "What are you..."

Lily waved her off. "Relax, the big stuff just needs a little extra magical muscle."

It took a moment but soon the pentagram was replaced with a bed that hung low to the floor. It was larger than any Catherine had ever seen and was heart shaped. The sheets looked silky and luxurious, the pillows soft, and flowers littered every surface.

"So which position should we do it in?" Lily asked. "My instincts tell me missionary but I think that might be a little on the nose."

"You're the expert," Catherine mumbled.

She reached up and brushed a finger over one of those little nubs that promised to be a horn. It felt hard, as if something was just begging to break through the flesh. Though oddly, there was no pain to its presence.

"I have an idea," Lily said, motioning towards the bed. "Lay down on your back."

The time for retorting was long gone. So, Catherine obeyed. She sat down upon the edge of the bed and laid back as the demon instructed.

"Arms above your head," Lily said.

Catherine nodded and did so, realizing that it left her entire body on display. Normally this would've made her feel shame, instead, she winked at the demon and gave her body a little wiggle.

Lily smiled at this and snapped her fingers once more. Out of the hellish aether came a series of chains attached to shackles. Two of them went for Catherine's hands, binding her wrists and holding her in place. Another two went for her legs before going taut and pulling them apart.

Catherine gasped, her eyes widening slightly.

Lily bit her lip. "Too much?"

Catherine shook her head quickly. "No, no, this is fantastic." She gave the metal a little tug, ensuring she really couldn't budge. "I feel like a character right out of a harlequin."

"You read harlequins?" Lily teased, snickering to herself. "I didn't peg you as the type."

"When you're a nun there are few ways to uh... take care of your needs," Catherine said, looking off to the side, lest she see Lily's amusement.

Lily nodded. "Then I'll have to take care of them for you."

She clambered upon the bed herself, hovering over top of Catherine. She leered down at her and made a show of licking her lips, like a predator who was about to enjoy their prey.

With great care, Lily placed her hands upon Catherine's hips and then leaned forward to press her lips against her own. Like before the kiss was heated, growing quite lustful and passionate. Though by now, Catherine's inhibitions were gone. She revelled in the depravity, enjoyed the surreal quality and the unnatural length of her lover's tongue.

She also found that there was no discomfort as Lily shoved it down her throat. Where was that rebellious little gag reflex that had taunted her earlier?

Though that thought was soon removed from her mind as a more pressing concern took centre stage. Lily was grinding her cock against Catherine's soaking wet lower lips. Back and forth, back and forth she idly rocked against her.

Catherine moaned right into Lily's mouth. Her eyes fluttered and twin hearts skipped a beat.

Finally, Lily brushed the tip of her erection between Catherine's folds. There was a twinkle in her eye as she looked down at Catherine.

Soon she pushed inside and bucked her hips forwards, pressing deep into her plaything.

Catherine's voice intensified though it was largely lost to the strange appendage crammed down her throat.

The thrusting also fed into that second heart, now the one at the forefront of Catherine's mind. It was a much better organ, feeding her with the confidence to finally ignore her conscience and forsake her accursed vows.

Lily finally drew away from the kiss and used one of her hands to cup Catherine's cheek. "You look so beautiful right now."

Catherine tried to respond though the only sound that came forth was that of hurried breathing intermingled with a series of increasingly frantic moans.

A moment passed and Lily braced her hands against the mattress. She steeled herself and began to really feed into her tempo. Her pace became regular and her hips pumped away at quite the raucous din. She pounded into Catherine faster and faster, deeper and deeper.

Catherine had never been penetrated by anything but a couple of fingers before but she couldn't deny that Lily's cock felt like the very definition of divinity.

Lily reached forwards and cupped the cross at the bottom of Catherine's rosary, grasping it as she maintained her pace.

"You really are a fallen angel," she teased.

Catherine panted, only managing a few unrelated curse words as her side of the conversation.

Not that Lily minded. She actually smirked at this.

"You're going to make me a very happy succubus when you come to hell with me," she said.

She then dipped forwards and planted a surprisingly tender kiss upon Catherine's forehead.

The pace had ignited quite the bout of kindling within Catherine's core. She could feel that familiar heat creeping into her loins and threatening to consume her. It was pleasurable and hot, begging for another release, another bout of intensive pleasure.

And considering the franticness that Lily continued to ravish her with, it seemed like they were heading on a crash course for this unholy objective.

Again, and again, Lily hammered into her. Along with the moans grew another noise, one of flesh against flesh, the wet clapping of Lily and Catherine's hips together.

Lily grunted and closed her eyes. "I'm getting close!"

Catherine nodded. "Me too."

Lily's pace grew sloppy, the strength fading from her as she allowed herself a few fleeting thrusts into Catherine's well used hole. Finally, she clapped their hips together one final time, unifying them together.

Catherine climaxed first, feeling herself plunge into a pleasured abyss that she had no hope of returning from. Though in her mind she cared little for this as her lust and pleasure spilled forth, her walls cradling Lily's erection tightly.

She felt Lily's cock quiver and soon a fresh heat smoldered within her loins as Lily plastered her insides with rope after rope of orgasmic bliss. It was intense and hot as they rode out their orgasms together, unified by a sinful pleasure.

"Not bad," Lily whispered, her eyes still closed and chest rising and falling swiftly. "You did good."

"You did most of the work," Catherine teased.

Lily nodded and carefully patted one of Catherine's thighs. "You did plenty, hot stuff."

She drew back and pulled out with a wet belch of fluids.

Catherine quivered, feeling the warmth drain out of her sex. It coated her inner thighs in a sheen of depravity.

Lily smirked and drew away, getting back to her hooves. As she stood, she snapped her fingers, removing the shackles from each of Catherine's appendages.

Catherine drew her arms down and started to massage her wrists. Though as she looked at them, she noticed that there had been more alterations to her appearance. Her flesh was now a vibrant red and her fingers ended in proper talons.

Her eyes widened and she glanced at Lily. "Did I..."

Lily nodded and once more pulled a mirror out of the aether, turning it towards her.

Catherine looked like a proper little succubus with a pair of ivory horns now sprouting from her forehead.

"Wow," she whispered. As she smiled, she saw that she now had rows of razor-sharp fangs. "I'm really fucking hot."

"Yeah, you are," Lily teased.

She reached down and offered a hand which Catherine took, getting to her feet. Though feet did not touch the floor as she heard a pair of hooves clopping below her. She glanced down, confirming that these had also changed.

"You'll love these bodies," Lily explained. "Everything about them is very customizable."

To prove this, she snapped her fingers and her cock sunk into her body, replaced by a pair of swollen lips.

"I don't believe this," Catherine whispered.

Lily snorted. "You got this far and still don't believe it?"

She leaned forwards and brushed her hand against Catherine's own.

Catherine's heart skipped a beat.

Though this made her pause.

There was only one heart beating within her.

And it did not come from within her breast but somewhere else in her body. Had the other one... faded... died?

She shook her head and ignored such things, instead cupping Lily's hand within her own.

"So..." Catherine began.

Lily smirked. "Would you like to come and visit my place?"

Catherine thought about it for a moment and glanced back towards the church, seeing the bed still there.

"Should we..." she began

"Nah, leave it," Lily teased, snickering to herself. "It'll confuse the fuck out of the nuns when they show up in the morning."

"Alright," Catherine said. She smiled softly and squeezed Lily's hand. "Let's go."

Lily nodded and motioned with her hand, materializing a portal in front of them.

"God, you're going to love it down here," she said. "And wait until you meet my roommate. She's the best."

Catherine nodded and followed Lily's lead. "I can't wait."

They stepped through the portal and into Catherine's new life.

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ToxicSissyLoverToxicSissyLoverover 1 year ago

So fucking hot! I absolutely love it!

Paypig666Paypig666almost 2 years ago

Surrender to pleasure total corruption of the soul loved this story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Damn! Some of the best writing I have ever read on Literotica. GOOD STORY

Through_Burning_EyesThrough_Burning_Eyesabout 2 years ago

Love it. There's something uniquely wonderful about stories that manage to combine corruption and sweetness, and you absolutely nailed it here.

CornixCornixabout 2 years ago

Thank you

Sublimely written.

Sweet seduction, covetous corruption and enticing eroticism and beautiful blasphemy

Loved every word, the non human elements were subtle and not off putting.

Hope you continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So good! Please please have more. Corrupting nuns was sinfully sweet

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