Devotia Ch. 14: Strategem


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"I'm sure your time is quite valuable," she quips back. "And I don't intend to waste it. But I haven't done any of this on my own."

Xamner clears his throat, coughing slightly as he waves away her words. A sudden fit of coughs overtakes him for a moment, and it takes a few seconds to steady himself. "I disagree," he says hoarsely. "I hear that our Magewitch is stepping down."

Callie's eyes widen. He thinks I had something to do with it. It was soon to be public knowledge that Professor Limens would be stepping down, but no one should have any reason to suspect that Callie might be responsible. She hadn't even told Junivere that she was working towards that goal.

"I'm sure you had nothing to do with that," Xamner's voice drops quieter.

"You think correctly, Lord Magister. Professor Limens is taking his leave by

his own volition," she replies cautiously.

"Pah," he guffaws, smiling lightly. "I've no stomach for this sort of act anymore. I believe we have a mutual friend."

Callie briefly wonders if he is somehow playing a convoluted joke on her. Perhaps Xamner was indeed working against her, and this was his way of letting her know that he was following her and keeping tabs on her behavior.

"Don't look so surprised," he chuckles, a friendly air emerging from behind his deep scowl. "I believe we may have both misjudged each other. My niece Dynasa tells me she's pleasantly surprised with how dedicated you are."

"Your... niece?" Callie stammers.

"I shouldn't say more," he smiles. "My family likes to throw a little party when the summer heat gets too unbearable. Come visit my home by the river tomorrow afternoon, and we'll talk."

Groaning, Xamner lifts himself up out of his chair and makes his way over to Callie. Rather than kneeling, he simply inclines his head and grins warmly. "To a well-played game, hal Devotia. May you take the next round as well."

He departs, leaving Callie alone in the grand hall with far more questions than answers and a deep sense of skepticism.

- - -

Callie isn't sure what she was expecting the home of a Magister to look like, but Xamner's is surprisingly tame. It's a large, though simple looking cottage just a quarter mile past Solva's towering stone walls. It has a carefully done thatched roof, red brick walls, and plenty of wood accents coating every side. Bushes and vines climb up the sides of the home, giving it a lovely, homely vibe.

It sits just above the banks of the Firefall river, so named for the sparkling, shimmering reflections of the sunlight as it cascades down a magnificent waterfall far upstream. Down around Solva, it's simply a lazy, curving, wide river that hugs up against the south wall. A porch on the side of the house eventually meanders down towards a path leading onto a shaded dock that rests on the banks of the river. Large trees spread their canopies over the area, cooling the whole area and providing much needed shade.

Inside, the home is just as peaceful, affectionately decorated in such a way that it is obvious it's well-lived in. Bookshelves line the walls, adorned with a variety of knicknacks, sculptures, vases, artworks, and candles. Wide sofas spread out in comfortable talking areas, with low tables for resting drinks in between. It has high ceilings that open up to the sloped roof above, with wooden cross beams filling the space. It's so delightful, and feels so unlike the Magister she knew. It's a far cry from the tiled roofs and marble columns she's grown used to, and Callie appreciates the grounding change.

"Hal Devotia!" An older woman's voice greets Callie as she steps inside, feeling the temperature a few degrees cooler than the hot midday sun outside. "It is an honor to have you grace our doorstep."

"It is an honor to be here," Callie inclines her head. Behind her, she can hear Gloriana salute the woman, armor rustling softly. Under the direction of both Magister Velena and Knight-Captain Wellt, Gloriana had been officially assigned as Callie's primary bodyguard, and Callie appreciates her familiar company.

"And Paladin Gloriana," the woman smiles, taking Gloriana's hand and shaking it warmly. "You must be burning up in that armor!"

"It's not so bad," Gloriana returns a kind smile. "I've got a simple frost charm going underneath it, but I appreciate the concern."

"Of course, anything for you brave defenders."

Callie looks past the woman to see a tame party ongoing in the house. It's no more than twenty or twenty-five people, and Callie appreciates the smaller crowd. It was so many fewer faces to have to remember, anecdotes to have to sit through.

"I am Hirelle," the woman bows again, gesturing for the two to properly step inside. "Xam mentioned you'd be dropping by, and it is so lovely of you to come."


"You'd know him as the Lord Magister," she giggles, waving away Callie's confusion, "but I'll never call my husband that. He's not nearly serious enough to be befitting of that formality. He'd hate it."

Callie and Gloriana exchange a look. It was hard to believe Xamner could be anything other than serious and grumpy... Hirelle seems to think he might actually be charming and jovial.

"I'll let him know you're here." Hirelle steps away, calling back, "Make yourselves at home."

Callie gazes around the room, relishing the fact that no one seems to be astonished she's here. If anything, the pockets of conversations hardly disturb at all as she enters the main living room. A few warm greetings and casual smiles meet her charmed expression, but she's given space to breathe. It's surprisingly refreshing, not being the center of it all, and Callie almost regrets wearing her typical Devotia dress. Without it, she gets the impression no one would even flinch at her presence. Gloriana gets far more attention than Callie does, easily sucked into conversation with someone she recognizes, clearly deciding that no one here was a threat to Callie.

"He's down on the docks," Hirelle returns, finding Callie timidly munching on a small platter of cheese set out on a table. She enjoys the sour taste, even noting hints of rosemary fermented into the soft spread. "Our niece is there too, I believe they're waiting for you, dear."

"Thank you, Lady Hirelle," Callie replies, finishing her bite and standing.

"Just Hirelle, darling," the woman grins sweetly, "No need for any of that formality here. It's just friends and family here today."

Callie returns her smile, nodding at Gloriana before stepping over the lip of the door and walking down the soft, grassy incline to the docks below. It smells fresh and clear, and Callie savors the coolness of the breeze in the shade. She hadn't really realized how long it had been since she'd just relaxed outside the city, only ever leaving it to make her way to the bustle of the agricultural communities.

She hardly recognizes Xamner when she sees him, lounging on a solid wooden chair at the end of the dock, shaded by a thin roof above. He's no longer wearing his Magister robes, dressed instead in a plain white tunic and brown trousers, barefoot and leaning back with a cool drink in his hands. Most surprisingly of all, he wears a warm smile on his face, laughing lightly as he chats with Dynasa seated beside him. She's more formal, still wearing the robes of a College mage, but she also looks more relaxed than Callie has seen her before.

"Hal Devotia," Xamner greets her, voice bouncing contentedly above the quiet water. He extends a hand to the open seat to his right, and she sits down, a little confused but pleasantly surprised.

"I think it's just Callie here," she jokes, reveling in the novelty of it all.

"That it is," Xamner grins. "Put your feet in the water if you like, it's lovely."

"I think I will," Callie returns his smile, bemused. She sits down onto the wooden planks, dropping her feet in the water and sighing at the cool sensation.

"Nice to get out, isn't it?" Dynasa asks, and Callie leaves her feet in the water but turns to face both of them, leaning back onto one of her hands.

"I daresay a Devotia has never been treated with so little formality," Callie smirks, splashing the water gently with her toes. "It's a nice break."

"You've earned it," Dynasa raises a glass, toasting to her. "Professor Limens just officially submitted his resignation. Selection for his replacement begins soon."

"You could've told me he'd fold immediately," she replies. "I didn't even pressure him or seduce him or anything. He was already quitting."

"Sometimes," Xamner grunts, shifting in his chair, "work we do isn't done in the moment. It can precede us, or proceed from us, but it's work nonetheless. Take the victory, Callana."

"People keep telling me they think I'm changing things. I don't understand why they think that." She remembers Limens' words, so sure that Suul was using Callie for something important.

"Care to take this one, Dyna?" Xamner's head rolls, facing his niece.

"As I've already told you, Callie," Dynasa explains, "You're an unusual pick for a Devotia. The last few have all been insiders: nobles, priestesses, even a paladin. They were broadly popular in their own ways, but all fairly similar."

"Not all were popular," Callie mutters. "Ellava was removed."

Xamner chuckles, and Callie turns to face him, brow furrowing. "Is that what you think?" Callie nods slowly, but Xamner shakes his head. "Ellava was a tremendously popular Devotia up until the end. For many people, she still is."

"No, she isn't," Callie rebuts. "Everytime I hear her referenced, it's like someone's mother died. People keep being afraid that I'll be like her."

"And who do you spend your time with?" Dynasa directs.

Callie takes in the words for a second. "So she's popular with the everyday citizens?"

"As are you," Dynasa smiles, her tone nearly complimentary.

"Me?" Callie pulls a leg out of the water, tucking it towards her chest and wrapping her arms around it, pulling it close. "I hardly interact with them."

"Yes, you do," Xamner waves away her concern. "Don't be so foolish."

Callie scowls, feeling a deep look of confusion fill her entire face. "I don't think I've had more than a handful of conversations with everyday people since I was anointed."

"And yet you interact with them," Dynasa responds cryptically. "Ponder how that may be."

Do you know how hard it is to meet a Devotia down there? Mykah's words bounce around in her head as she thinks. She stands by her answer, hardly able to recall any interactions other than with servants or stray individuals in rare moments. Most of her time she's meeting with the leader of something or an elite group.

"It isn't," Callie declares. "I never get to spend time with them."

"Don't be naive, Callie," Dynasa snorts. "How much are the mages at the Mount Beacon monastery being paid now?"

"More than before. I don't see how that's relevant."

"And where is your next assignment as a Devotia?"

"Working with Farmer Kiel and Magister Hamada to save the keelt crop."

Dynasa folds her hands across her lap, inclining her head and raising her sharp eyebrows as though her point is proven. Callie shakes her head, about to sigh and give in when the understanding finally sets in.

"They interact with the consequences of my actions," Callie exhales.

"Exactly," Dynasa smiles, enjoying when the Devotia uses her intellect. "You are popular because the decisions you make have generally been benefiting everyday people. They believe you truly care about them."

"I do," Callie says quietly. She sighs, looking back out at the water. "I hate that I don't get to spend more than a few minutes with normal people each day."

"As a newcomer," Xamner chirps up, "you have been surprisingly receptive to the needs of the city, often choosing to pursue its best interests."

"Isn't that what everyone does?"

Xamner snorts loudly, taking a long sip from his drink. Dynasa restrains her own noise of disbelief, looking at her uncle happily before turning back to meet Callie's eyes.

"Most Devotia just serve the nobility and the elite."

Callie is quiet again. Her foot splashes against the water softly again, enjoying the little droplets that would rise up and land upon her leg as well. A few feet below her leg, she can see small round pebbles dot the floor of the river, with tiny little fishes darting in between them.

"But," Xamner coughs, sitting up higher in his chair, "we didn't bring you here to stroke your ego, hal Devotia. We have a proposal to make of you."

"What is it?" Callie asks quietly, a little frustrated. There was always a turning point in conversations these days; hardly anyone didn't want something from her, and she was slowly beginning to resent it.

"Don't look so sour," Dynasa scolds, though her tone is still relatively peaceable. She gives Callie a moment to collect herself before continuing. "I told you I intend to be a part of steering change, and I believe you want that as well. We... if you don't want in on this, please say so now and walk away."

"Bold to assume I wouldn't just turn on you," Callie replies, mostly jokingly.

"You wouldn't last two more weeks as Devotia if you did," Dynasa cuts back with a clear threat. Callie nods; with everything the mage already knows about her, Callie suspects it wouldn't be hard to use against her. For better or for worse, she's already thrown a great deal of her own fate into their hands.

"We have a plan years in the making," Xamner says quietly, folding his hands into his lap and clenching them.

"A plan to do what?"

"Take a guess, Callie," Dynasa coaches. "Think back to our conversations... what do I seem to want?"

"You... you want..." Callie quiets as the words don't come together. She has a vague idea but it's clear she's missing something larger to connect it all. "You want to change things," she gives up.

"You're smarter than that," Dynasa complains.

"You want to make Solva better, you want to help people, I don't know. Something like that, I guess."

"Gods," Xamner mutters under his breath. He sighs, glancing at Dynasa and asking, "How much have you actually told her?"

"Enough that she can use her head," Dynasa instructs.

"Just tell me," Callie sighs, feeling her face slightly warm with a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. As much as she appreciates Dynasa's insights into the game, most often Callie just wishes she'd give a straight answer.

Dynasa stares at her for a long moment, eventually taking pity and answering. "You're close enough, I suppose. It isn't just that we want to help people, we want to reshape society by reinventing the Devotia."

"Reinventing the Devotia?" Callie looks at the two of them, trying to read their minds but coming up short. "Like restore it the way it used to be?"

"Why think so small?" Xamner grunts.

"So a Devotia that only serves the poor? Is that what you want?"

"What we want are Devotia without leashes," Dynasa continues, "ones who are allowed to feel and be impacted by the world. Who aren't bound to cities, who don't just serve one group. But it's bigger than that."

"Bigger... how?"

Dynasa pauses, turning to face Xamner. "I'm not sure I should say."

"I'll answer that," Callie grumbles. "If you want my help, you're going to tell me exactly what you're doing. I'm not supporting you otherwise. How does being Magewitch factor into all of this?"

"I... I have been attempting research that has been banned for some time," Dynasa replies slowly, choosing each word carefully. "As Magewitch, I can pursue it." Callie crosses her arms and scowls, staring down the mage until she finally completes her thought, "I believe it is possible to influence Suul..."

Callie feels her spine crawl with the suggestion, quickly feeling the air around her grow stale and tense. "Influence her how?"

"It's hard to say what the boundaries would be," Dynasa speaks with her arms, waving them to explain her thinking. Callie can almost see her imagining the scattered pages of notes in her workspace, trying to conjure up the complicated arcana. "But it could be anywhere from anointing new Devotia, nighttime blessings, blocking blessings entirely..."

"How is it possible to influence Suul? She's a goddess. She has a will of her own."

"No, she doesn't," Dynasa quips, smirking at Xamner.

"Yes... she does?" Callie's brow furrows, incredulous at the suggestion. The worship of Suul was still new to her, but even Callie knows that Suul was famously active in the world. "How can you even suggest that?"

"This would be easier if you were a mage..." Dynasa mumbles to herself. She gazes upwards, arms silently waving while she attempts to collect her thoughts. "So there's the Standard Arcana, the dominant theory of magic. It understands magic as a force that flows from divinity into the world, and only from divinity."

"Horribly reductionist," Xamner complains, disgruntled.

"Then you explain it," Dynasa shoots back, frowning at her uncle. He raises his hands defensively and gestures for her to continue. "But there's also the Mirage Arcana..."

"What the fuck is that?" Callie scowls. Even in proximity to mages like Velena and Junivere and Mykah, Callie has never heard anyone imply there was any other way to view magic. The idea that it flows from the gods is as obvious as saying a person needs air to breathe.

"It's not a popular idea," the mage says, more quietly. "Essentially, the Mirage Arcana argues that magic emanates from the world around us and... gods, how to explain it? Magic sends out ripples..." She steps forward, leaning over the edge of the dock. She drops a small rock into the water, where it splashes quietly. "There, see?"

"I see water moving," Callie confirms, not following.

"Look at the spaces between ripples, where the light flashes and moves."


Dynasa stares at her, as though it should be obvious what she means. When it's clear Callie doesn't follow, she points at the ripples again and says, "Those are the goddesses."

"What are you trying to say?" Callie sighs.

"Did those reflections cause the pebble to fall, or did the pebble create the reflections?"

"Obviously the reflections didn't cause the pebble to fall."

"Exactly, but the Standard Arcana would disagree," Dynasa lights up, tapping her fingers together excitedly. "The Mirage Arcana is the better explanation for natural phenomena."

Callie glances back towards Xamner with a confused expression. She'd never expected to turn to him for assistance with anything, but now her face begs him to explain in simpler terms.

"What my niece is trying to say," Xamner huffs, "is that some mages believe that the way we use magic changes how the effects of magic spread out in the world. As magic moves, it interacts in such a way that it creates reflections and ripples like a pebble does; but instead, magic's impact is that it creates the goddesses. If we change how magic is used, we change how the goddess behaves."

"That's... that's insane," Callie stands up, looking down at the water and crossing her arms tightly over her chest. "Suul has literally possessed me before. That can't just be the accidental by-product of magic."

"It isn't accidental. We're not saying Suul isn't real, she is."

"But you said she's just a reflection and that she doesn't have a will." Callie's pulse quickens, frustrated and alarmed.

"Maybe I misspoke then, Callie," Dynasa replies quietly, holding out her hands to encourage Callie to sit and listen.

Callie rejects the offer, leaning up against one of the support beams for the roof to get more space from the two of them. She increasingly wonders if she's made a mistake trusting them, worried about what Velena might say to all of this.

"Suul has a will," Dynasa says. "What I mean is that it isn't absolute. Just like I can change you and your decisions based upon what I do, the Mirage Arcana would argue we can do that to Suul."