Diagnostic Test Ch. 02 - AI Era


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I slowly let the air out of my lungs through my teeth as I began to mark preferences. Tall, curvy, long hair, strawberry-blonde, green eyes. I wracked my brain for every tiny detail I could remember about her, and I blushed at all the things I did remember. Full lips, large breasts, pink nipples, pink pussy. I marked every little thing I could, grateful that the form allowed for such detail. I finished up the rest of the questions and hit the submit button at the bottom. A melodic chime sounded from the tablet, and the screen went blank, save for the words "Thank you! An attendant will be with you shortly," blazoned across it. I tapped my fingers nervously against the screen as I waited for Zoya to come back.

A few minutes later, the door creaked open, and Zoya stuck her head into the room.

"All finished?" she asked, and I nodded, holding out the tablet. She walked over and plucked it from my outstretched hands. I hoped she didn't notice that they were shaking slightly. She tapped a few things out on the tablet and looked up with a smile.

"Okey dokey, all set! I'll go get your room ready and pull your bot. It shouldn't take too long, we're not very busy right now. You can wait here, and I'll let you know when it's ready for you, okay?" I gave her a double thumbs up, not trusting my voice, and she left the room. I raked my trembling fingers through my hair and took deep breaths.

One shot. This was it. Better make it count.


After about half an hour, Zoya came to take me to my room. We turned onto a hallway lined with doors on either side. Each door was identical except for the large black number painted on them. She took me all the way down the hall to the deadend, stopping in front of door fifty. Instead of a number, the door across from number fifty was marked "STAFF ONLY." That had to lead to the warehouse, which was perfect. I just hoped my luck would continue.              

"Alright, here we are," Zoya said, tapping something out on her tablet like always. She took the keycard hanging from her neck and held it to the reader next to the door. She turned back to me. "You excited?" I nodded weakly. She smiled, then turned the knob and pushed the door open, standing aside to let me in.

The room was small and sparsely decorated, but the few items of furniture and decor were in fact reminiscent of a "cozy cottage." A large bed with a log headboard took up most of one wall, clean and colorful quilted sheets neatly tucked. A comfy looking couch was pushed up against the other wall, and in the middle of the room was a wooden table with two chairs. The table was stacked with objects: towels, water bottles, lube, various sex toys. I quickly looked away.

"Pretty nice, right? You can take off your shoes if you'd like." Zoya said, walking to another door across from the entrance. "I'll be right back with your bot." She disappeared before I could say anything, so I kicked off my shoes and sat down on the couch to wait, furiously bouncing my leg. She was only gone for about a minute, but each second dragged by at an agonizingly slow speed.

The door creaked. I stood up. Zoya walked through the door. She motioned for someone to follow. They stepped through.

It wasn't Renee.

She was some older model that I couldn't quite place, maybe a P0lly bot or something like that. Stiff curls of faded-pink hair framed her face, which would have been much prettier if it hadn't been caked in so much makeup. Her wide, staring eyes were bottle green, just as artificial as the rest of her. She had full lips that were slightly pushed into an "O" shape, but her expression was completely lifeless. Her proportions were outrageous, enormous breasts and ass spilling out of a tiny cocktail dress with pencil-thin arms and legs. Visible seams ran around all her joints, and the edges of most of them were starting to chip, revealing the white silicone and metallic structure underneath.

She stood completely still, staring unnervingly at me while Zoya tapped more things on her goddamn tablet. My heart sunk to my knees, which were about to buckle. The plan had failed.

"Okay Kel, this is Polly. She'll be taking care of you this afternoon," Zoya said, patting Polly on the shoulder without looking up from her tablet. She turned and tapped a finger to a clock hanging on the wall behind her.

"From right now, you've got thirty minutes to do whatever you'd like, within the bounds of the basic package and the liability forms you signed, of course." She turned to look at me, and she must have seen the look on my face, because her professional tone and manner dropped slightly. "Woah, are you ok Kel?" My brain was scrambling. What was I supposed to do?

"She's just... not what I was expecting," I said, shaking my head. Zoya shifted her weight to her other foot.

"Well, the algorithm found her to be the closest match to your preferences," Zoya said, looking Polly up and down. A tinge of doubt crossed her features, and I made a frantic grasp for it.

"Come on Zoya, you know me," I pleaded. She turned back to me. "You know how I feel about the bots. For my first, uh, my first time, I think it would really be easier for me to have one that's more..."

"Realistic?" Zoya finished, and I perked up.

"Exactly!" I almost shouted, and I cleared my throat. Zoya looked slightly uncomfortable.

"You know you don't get any rejects with a basic package, Kel." I wanted to fall to my knees and beg, but I just took a shaky breath and met her eyes.

"Please, Zoya. I know you know what I'm looking for. I know you could do a better job picking than that algorithm. Please," I begged, the desperation in my voice so thick I could almost taste it. Silence. Zoya chewed her lip. Glanced again at Polly, who had been completely motionless this entire exchange, staring blankly into space. With a sigh, Zoya nodded.

"Alright, fine," she said reluctantly, and I almost collapsed in relief. One more chance. "But I'm just gonna send the new one here by herself because I have another client to take care of, so this is the last one you're getting." She tapped again on the clock. "I also can't reset your time, so your session's gonna be a little shorter, okay? Still gonna end in thirty minutes." I nodded enthusiastically, barely restraining myself from pushing her out the door.             

"Yep, totally, fine, absolutely fine, yeah," I rambled, and Zoya placed a hand on Polly's shoulder to guide her out the door. "Thank you Zoya, thank you so much, you are really a lifesaver. I promise I'll buy you lunch wherever you want, just let me know!" I heard the hint of a chuckle before the door closed again on her retreating back. I sat down hard in one of the wooden chairs and gulped down air like I was drowning. Now all I had to do was wait. The relief that had flooded through me moments ago was slowly morphing into dread, though. This time was really my last chance. What if she didn't find Renee? What if she just let the algorithm repick and got it wrong again? But still, all I could do was wait.


My eyes bored into the clock on the wall, watching second after second blink by, the numbers cruelly refusing to climb any faster. After about eight minutes and thirty-seven seconds, the door creaked open again, slowly. I stayed seated in the chair, feeling like I would keel over if I attempted to stand. The door opened all the way, and a figure stepped into the room. It was her.

Renee. Standing right in front of me, just a few feet away. She was looking down, her strawberry-golden curls hanging around her gorgeous face, slightly more unkempt than the last time I'd seen them. She was wearing a miniscule black skirt that barely covered the tops of her soft thighs and a short, thin, emerald green tank top with ample cleavage that showed off her perfect tits to their fullest advantage. In spite of everything, I felt my pussy throb.

I shot up, knocking the chair over. Renee's eyes flew up, and she saw my face.

We stared at each other for a second, neither of us moving. Her face was a mixture of emotions: confusion, relief, guilt. I knew mine must have been just as muddled.

She took a step towards me, and I did the same, and then we were rushing to close the distance between us. Just before we fell into each other's arms though, we both stopped short. I looked away, all the memories of our last parting flooding back. In my frenzy to figure out a way to get to Renee, I had completely forgotten the fact that I wanted nothing to do with her after what she'd done to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her hand reach out, almost brushing against my arm, before dropping back down to her side.

"What... what are you doing here?" She asked, dumbstruck. I shook myself from my thoughts. I wasn't about to abandon our plans after I'd already come so far.

"Are we being recorded?" I asked urgently, angling my face out of her line of sight. If someone was watching through her eyes and spotted me, the plan would be over before it had even begun.              

"I can never tell, but I don't think so," she said, taking a step away from me, just the tiniest hint of hurt in her voice. It made me wince. "I know someone's keeping an eye on me at all times because I'm never powered down, but it seems like there's a shift change every few hours, because they'll turn me off remotely for about ten minutes."

"They can power you off remotely?" I asked. I chanced a look at her face, and I almost wished I hadn't. That brief glimpse was enough to make me want to break down and kiss her until I couldn't breathe. She nodded.

"Yeah, I was powered down when Zoya came and turned me on, so there shouldn't be anyone watching right now. Good timing." She glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's seven after, so we probably have about three minutes before someone's watching us again." She took a step closer to me, and my breath hitched slightly. "So tell me, what the hell is going on? Why are you here?" I turned to look at her, finding those wide green eyes searching mine.

"I'm getting you out of here," I said. Hope flooded her expression, and I involuntarily leaned towards her just a bit, but her face quickly fell in defeat.

"And how do you plan on doing that? They've already got enough safeguards on the regular bots, and they never let me out of their sight," she said skeptically, folding her arms. The action pushed her boobs up, and I couldn't help but be distracted by them for a moment. Focus, brain.

"I've got a plan, but we need to wait for the cue. Until then, we just have to lay low and avoid suspicion, so we'll need to pretend like this is a regular session in case anyone is watching. So we'll have to... um..." I trailed off, feeling my cheeks heat up. Renee's plush lips twisted into a mischievous smirk, and I was reminded of the diagnostic test, the way she'd flirted and teased me.

Just an act, I tried to tell myself, she was just playing you, it was all a lie. It was getting harder and harder to make myself believe those words when she was so close, so real.

"That's fine," she said, tucking a strawberry curl behind her ear. "That's all I've been doing these past few days, and I already know it's gonna be much nicer with you." I made an involuntary noise, feeling myself blush even harder.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think this was just an excuse to fuck me again," she teased. "Am I really that good in bed?" My eyes widened, and I could almost see the bright red glow emanating from my cheeks. She burst into laughter, and I couldn't help it, I cracked up with her. After all the stress and worries of the previous few days, it felt indescribably good to just laugh with her. I met her eyes as the laughter died down, and my heart skipped a beat. But every time I looked at her, the betrayal and the lies were lurking in the back of my mind, needling me until I could think of nothing else. I winced and looked away, and the moment fizzled. After an awkward pause, Renee cleared her throat.              

"How did you even know I was here?" she asked.

"We hacked into the feed from your eyes and watched your hearing. You're really not as encrypted as they think." Renee blinked, but her security flaws didn't seem to be the part she was stuck on.

"Who's we?" she asked, and I was taken aback for a moment.

"Oh... my partner, the one that's been helping me with the plan." Her face scrunched up like I'd just opened a tub of eight-week-old Nutra Soup under her nose. "You'll meet them soon enough." I glanced over at the clock, and realized that someone could start watching us at any second.              

"Look, I've got it all planned out, alright? You just need to trust me. I'm getting you out." Renee nodded, and all the complicated emotions swirling around her perfect face were almost too much for me to handle. I turned and shuffled some of the items on the table around just to give myself something to do.

"Kel?" Renee said, barely audible. I turned back, and she had moved closer, so we were so close, almost touching, just inches apart.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. We stared into each other's eyes, not moving, barely breathing. I tried to think of something to say, when I noticed something change in her eyes. The faint, barely-there blue light I'd noticed during the diagnostic test started to pulse around the edge of her pupil. I hadn't even noticed it wasn't there until now.

We were no longer alone.

I quickly turned her around and bent her over the table so her eyes couldn't see my face.

"That's right you dirty, um, whore," I said, failing miserably at sounding domineering. Renee was still for a moment before she caught on, but then she melted into the table, arching her back and sticking her juicy ass into the air. She kicked off her heels and shuffled her legs apart.

"Oh please, master, use my body however you want," she moaned, wiggling her plump ass back and forth. Her skirt had fallen forward, giving me a full view of her moistening pussy, which was busting out of the nearly-nonexistent lacy thong she was wearing. I told myself I was just playing the part as I knelt down with a groan of longing, coming face to face with the mound of her pussy. I rubbed my hands up and down the soft flesh of her inner thighs, and she shivered. As much as I'd tried to bury my memories of her— the way she smelled and the curve of her ass and sound of her moans— they'd been plaguing me ever since the diagnostic test. I could barely believe that she was right here, right in front of me again, just as good as I remembered her. And I was allowed to enjoy her as much as I wanted.

I held back the strip of fabric that was barely covering her pussy and sucked the middle finger of my other hand. I teasingly stroked the soft flesh around her glistening hole, and her breath caught. I knew I was torturing her a bit, running my fingers just lightly enough around her sensitive areas to make her go crazy. She quietly whined and bucked her ass towards me, craving a more intense sensation. I wondered if I should draw it out even more, but I didn't think I could wait any longer either. I eased the finger into her tight hole, feeling the walls of her pussy contract as I felt around inside. I slipped another in. I was trying my best to start slow, but it was becoming extremely difficult to restrain myself. I started fingering her a little faster, a little harder. A moan of pleasure escaped her. My index and pinky dug into her ass cheeks while my middle and ring fingers fucked her deeply, hooking down to hit her G spot. My thumb came down and brushed her clit, and she gasped and lurched forward. I circled her clit for a bit while I pounded her with my fingers, but I couldn't take it any longer. I needed to taste her.

I pulled my fingers out of her, and she mewled slightly. With urgency, I pulled her skirt and soaked panties down and out of the way, and she kicked them off to the side. I grabbed both cheeks of her luscious ass and stuffed my face between them, licking and sucking and fucking my tongue into her gorgeous, dripping slit. She was just as sweet as I remembered. I ate her pussy vigorously, switching between tonguing in and around her hole and sucking on her throbbing clit. She panted and whined and gasped, unable to do anything but quiver and grasp around for purchase on the wooden table. Water bottles and various toys fell to the ground as she wildly flailed her arms around.

"Oh my god Ke- Master," she groaned, barely catching herself from moaning my name. I felt like a wild animal; all of the emotions and tensions and complicated intricacies of our situation had completely fled my brain and all I could think about was fucking Renee until she was cumming and screaming and then doing it again and again and again.

I angled my head down so I could suction my lips around her swollen clit and finger her pussy at the same time. Her moans reached a crescendo as I sucked and flicked her nub with my tongue while blasting her tight hole with my fingers. She yelped, and I felt the walls of her pussy tighten around my fingers as she rode the waves of ecstasy. Her whole body was quivering madly when I finally released my mouth and slowly pulled my drenched fingers out of her. I lightly caressed her leg as I sat back and caught my breath.

"Holy... Shit..." she moaned weakly. I watched her come down from her massive orgasm. Her naked ass was still thrust up and spread wide, and it bobbed up and down with her heaving breaths. Looking at her dripping, throbbing pussy, I suddenly felt like my pants were unbearably constricting my own quickly moistening cunt. It probably wasn't the best idea to get undressed, since the cue could come at any time, but I wasn't thinking very clearly at that moment.

I sat down and shimmied out of my pants, kicking something that Renee had knocked off the table in the process. I threw my pants and underwear off to the side and picked up the object. It was a thick, neon-green dildo made from the same silicone-esque material that covered the company's bots. There was a small knob near the base, which I turned. The base of the dildo began to vibrate lightly. Unable to help myself, I nestled the vibrating end into my pussy. A pleasant sensation bloomed through my body as I pressed it against my clit. I adjusted the knob slightly, then groaned at the added stimulation.

"Hey Master?" Renee said, her voice a little stronger now. "Did you forget about me back there?" I took the toy away from my pussy and shuffled back over to her. I kissed up the backs of her legs and then lightly smacked her plump ass. She gasped in pleasure.

"I'll get to you when I feel like it, uh... wench," I said in the most authoritative voice I could muster. She let out a snort, which she quickly turned into a cough.

"Of course, master," she purred, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "My body is yours to use however you please." This whole thing was turning me on much more than it should've been. I sloppily rubbed circles around my drenched pussy and clit as I adjusted the knob on the toy to its lowest setting. I brought it up and pressed the end against her clit. She gasped and squealed as the dildo made contact, and I took it away, afraid she was too sensitive after the orgasm.

"Too much?" I asked, concerned. She jerked and bucked her ass towards me.

"Back!" she gasped, "put it back!" I quickly put the dildo back and she squirmed against it with a satisfied moan. Once she had gotten used to the vibration, I turned up the intensity. She groaned and began to grind against the toy. I abandoned my own pussy and used both hands to keep the end pressed against her clit. Her breaths were short and fast, regularly interspersed with gasps and moans. Her body began to tense, and her ass stilled. I pressed the dildo hard against her, and she let out a rasping, guttural noise as she came again. Her legs shook as I turned the knob down, and she cried out when I removed the toy from her swollen, throbbing clit. I lightly kissed and stroked her legs, listening to the pace of her breathing gradually return to normal.