Dianne's Visitor


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The next thing Dianne knew, it was as if for the second time in the morning she was stirring from sleep. It was different this time, though. There were no panties twisted into the crack of her ass. She was nude and the covers were tossed to the side. She felt sodden sheets beneath her cheeks. Her inner thighs stung and she reached down to find she had drawn blood. She laughed. She laughed at the soreness of her nipples and ache deep inside her channel. She ran a finger through a strange sensation on her mons, running it through a small patch of liquid. Touching it to her tongue she found the undeniable taste of semen. Dianne stared at the ceiling blankly and basked in a different kind of warmth trying to understand what had just happened to her. She was on the verge abandoning any question of how or what it had been when a thought struck her.

Once again, she threw her robe over her shoulders and pulled it tight before knotting the belt. She raced to the living room then slowly eased her way to the window. She peered cautiously around the edge of the curtain. He was there, leaning against the light pole. Dianne touched her fingers to a sore lip when he looked her way and he reached up to touch the brim of his not quite western hat that was much closer to that than anything one might see around here. "He did," she said aloud. "He did tip his hat to me." And, the stranger turned to meaner up the street.

Part 2

Dianne was sitting up in bed; a lamp beside her, casting its light on the book she held at her lap. It had been three weeks since the experience she had later convinced herself was purely born of her vivid imagination. Only once had she found herself absent-mindedly dipping fingers in her own nectar trying to conjure a return of the sensations. It had been days now since she had even given it another thought. She had stopped glancing out to the street and she had stopped imagining the stimulations that had steeped her in sexual juices. Right now, nothing was further from her mind. Dianne had a rare night to herself and the book was a welcome distraction.

A mythical beast had nearly laid waste to an entire village to protect her young brood, though, and Dianne was just about to turn the page when she felt the grip on her ankles. She dropped the book below her line of sight thinking her husband had come home after all. She gasped as she was pulled slowly toward the foot of the bed and nobody was there to draw her downward.

Slipping from the pillow she had reclined against, Dianne suddenly found herself flat on her back. She dug her heels into the mattress and tried to pull away as she summoned the will to fight. Dianne kicked, and twisted and squirmed to free herself from the unseen grasp and her heart started pounding. In her struggle she had not truly formed a cogent thought that there was no-one there to drag her to the foot of the bed. She tried to kick and she flailed, her book tumbling to the floor below. She tried to sit up but couldn't move.

Dianne was groaning and grunting angrily against the force that held her until the memory slowly seeped into her conscious thought. She'd been here before. She was panting heavily as she tried to calm herself, not knowing if she should be afraid or if this might be a welcome presence. She remembered the shock. She also remembered exquisite pleasure but some of that had been a little rough. She remembered the tenderness of her uterus, the soreness of her mons from the bone mashing against her with his thrust. Dianne had no idea what had happened to her or what "it" might be capable of. Worse, she had convinced herself that she had made it up -- that her imagination had gotten totally away from her, yet here it was again. Her mind screamed fear. Her logic screamed fight, but in the end Dianne knew if this was happening again, ultimately she would give herself to it.

Her nightshirt had ridden up above her waist as she was pulled toward the foot of the bed, her panty clad body exposed in the glow from her reading light. She was about to tug her shirt down when she realized the grip at her ankles was gone and her feet were being massaged. Fingers flitted between her toes, bending them, and stretching them. Thumbs rubbed her soles and it stroked her insteps up to her ankles. She looked down toward her feet and cursed it for being comforting. Dianne had no illusion that she'd be rational if it felt good. The presence was manipulating her. He, or it, was putting her at ease.

She felt her knees pressed outward and the hands slid up her legs. She could feel warm breath linger high on her inner thighs. Dianne's heart was still pounding; racing with conflicted thoughts. "Regardless the outcome, it's rape," she thought. She didn't have to be treated badly to make it rape. "Fuck," she almost screamed aloud. "How do I fight this? How do I give in? How do I even decide?" She slapped her arms against the bed; fingers tensely gathering sheets into crumpled folds. Something brushed the soft skin of her thighs and she groaned in exasperation; knowing full well she would let it go. She knew she would accept it and she was already anticipating what he might do. Her lover was back.

Fingers painted a feather-light stroke along the crotch of her panties; barely enough pressure for her lips to feel the caress but the sensations lit her nerves. She still felt the warm breath at her thighs and she groaned when it turned to kisses along the soft flesh. Then she felt the spongy tip of a tongue on the fabric that touched her clit. It pushed and shoved the cotton panel across her awakening bud. She was panting and anticipating; hoping maybe. Dianne squirmed slightly waiting and knowing she would feel more touch, but it stopped. She looked around as if she thought she would actually see him. She was still searching when the mattress was disturbed beside her head. It felt as if weight had settled there. She then felt the same effect on the opposite side. At about that instant that she recognized the musky, male scent she felt a soft, spongy tip brush her cheek.

"Oh my god!" she thought. "He's straddling my head." and that quickly, a silky shaft caressed the side of her nose. The tip brushed across her lips to her chin and she felt hands cover her breasts. The cock kept moving; brushed her cheeks and ears, his sack tapped across her forehead when the cock touched her lips again and hands gently kneaded her beasts. It settled against her cheek as fingers toyed with her hardening nipples. Without thought, Dianne turned her head, feeling the soft sack slide upward across her cheek until a single firm orb rested against her parted lips. Unbidden, her tongue flicked outward, stealing the smallest taste before she sucked the orb between her teeth. She cupped it with her tongue, rolling it against the roof of her mouth. She moaned, wondering if he could feel the vibration and she closed her lips on the sack as the other orb joined the first. They slid and rolled against each other like each sought the favor of her playful tongue. She reached out suddenly to wrap her arms around the body that hovered over her face. She wanted to feel hips and legs. She wanted to grab glutes but her arms suddenly sank into the mattress. Legs pinned her helpless.

Dianne's mind was swept with the scent of his sex and she realized his tip was moist with his early dew. It had smeared her cheek as the shaft moved down to her neck. The fingers were unbuttoning her shirt and she felt a bite on one of her nipples as the cock slid lower. She licked at the loose skin of his sac and rolled his balls with her tongue. He eased his effort and she sucked more hungrily, relishing an almost feral excitement at what the nuggets contained. A brief vision flitted across her mind; her tunnel awash as each pulse of the shaft had once emptied the orbs against her uterus. She sucked harder like she might draw the seed through the sides of his balls until the sac was finally pulled free with a smack of her lips.

He bit at her nipple and soaked her shirt before she felt the same sensations on the other side and suddenly her shirt was thrown open. He kissed the soft, pale flesh of her breasts. He circled their shape with his tongue and his hands slid down her chest like they were strumming her ribs. She felt his sac; his balls sliding down her throat as the tip of the cock tapped her nipples. He lingered there, caressing her breasts with the silky shaft and rubbing her nipples with the creamy tip as Dianne struggled to push her chest upward, commanding her nipples to meet the moist caress

The hands slid into the band of her panties and the cock slid smoothly across her nipples as the soft cotton was pushed downward off her hips. The shaft and its moist tip slid down her tummy at the same time she felt the panties slide to her knees. In acceptance, Dianne lifted her legs to let the panties slide over her knees and off her feet. She could feel the hot breath blowing across her moistening slit as hands seemed to grab her ankles again. Her feet were pulled upward between her legs. Her knees bent and splayed outward as the soles of her feet met and were pulled further toward her crotch.

Dianne wondered if he could see her. She felt exposed and vulnerable; her knees spread widely, she knew her pussy must be gaping in front of him as she felt his breath blow smoothly across her now moist labia. One more tug at her ankles spread her knees even further just as she felt his tongue spear her opening. In reflex, her muscles clenched and the tongue pushed against her tightened opening as her hips thrust upward. She groaned audibly as the tongue lapped at her seeping nectar and ringed her opening and her muscles eased. The tongue slid upward between her lips and flitted through her labia. Soon, she felt the distinct stroke of the flat of two fingers gliding through the depth of her cleft.

Her silky petals, caught between the fingers were tugged downward with the stroke and back up as the fingers returned until coming to rest at her clit. With a grip still holding her feet, the two fingers exposed her clit and the tongue treated her to one quick pass. Then she felt another and soon the tip was circling her hard nub.

The weight shifted back up her torso as she felt the wet stroke and light breath across her clit. A mouth covered her cleft, sucked at her, and teeth gently bit her flesh just before she felt the shaft again. The tip pressed at her mouth and pushed across the ridges of her teeth, dragging against the soft skin of the shaft as the tip journeyed deeper. Dianne pushed with her tongue and the tip rubbed slickly along her palette. She flattened the back of her tongue and felt the tip slide deep toward her throat until she started to gag. The shaft eased back but not fast enough to stave the reflex as her tongue pushed uncontrollably against the bulk.

Her tongue convulsed and the muscles of her throat tightened. She was fighting for air at the same time as his tongue danced and stroked her clit. Her tongue convulsed again, her throat still drawn tight and she choked but the shaft held firm as she gagged again and once more. As Dianne began to inhale deeply, she suddenly felt a familiar intrusion. As the cock had again begun a slow, rhythmic stroke back and forth across her tongue something hard and cold slid between her legs and entered her opening; a feeling she recognized.

By stealing just a glance through the corner of her eye, Dianne could see the drawer hang open; her panties disheveled and hanging from its sides. "How would he know?" she thought. "How would he know what's hidden in that drawer?" and the object slid further into her channel to join the rhythm of the shaft that caressed her tongue. He licked, sucked, and nibbled at her clit while he stroked her tunnel with her once hidden toy and his cock took its pleasures from her mouth. She welcomed the probe of his shaft by gently sucking and strokes of her tongue until she felt the erection lurch. She knew what was coming and felt a demanding clutch of her pelvis. Her muscles squeezed at the silver bullet as it eased outward, stopping only a couple inches from her opening to press at the wall behind her clit.

The slow strokes of his tongue continued as she felt the warm fluid shoot across her tongue. At that first burst, she felt pressure from the shaft between her legs push from the inside as if squeezing her clit against his tongue. With his next burst, Dianne's pelvis erupted with heat and she felt like her nerves had run amok, scattering wildly and igniting fires that seared her torso. They shot down her thighs and her legs battered the elbows that held them wide. Her ass rattled against the mattress until her back arched her upward and her mouth filled with the warm cream of his release. She could feel the hot fluid rolling across her tongue. She could feel it at the back of her throat. It filled the sides of her cheeks and clung to her teeth as she swallowed.

As her body trembled, she sucked at the shaft until she got no more. The taste of him remained as her climax lingered, unwilling to subside. Warmth swept her body even after the sensations of his presence faded. Dianne's body shuddered briefly. Her legs trembled again and she reached a hand down to feel the heat of her lips. They felt swollen and wet as she gently explored, her hand briefly brushing the hardness of the silver shaft that had probed her and now lay idly on the mattress between her legs - the only physical remnant of the presence that had joined her in her bed. She swallowed once more and could not deny the taste across her tongue. She sat up only briefly to glance around the room. Finding the room empty and silent she turned off her light, no longer interested in reading. She curled up in the warmth of her blankets and only the faintest hint of the smile at her lips.

Part 3

Comfort and warmth didn't mean sleep. Dianne's mind wandered. Her thoughts drifted between confusion of who or what was doing this to her; and the deliciously naughty way he had taken her. She knew of course, it hadn't really happened. Her fingers toyed with the silver phallus and it was obvious that she had pleased herself as her mind carrying her to yet another delightful fantasy. That her body still felt the glow of her climax didn't change that, yet she struggled with the taste that lingered. She could taste him and no fantasy could be that vivid. Dianne lightly caressed her nipples and recalled how the soft, moist tip had hovered, bushing them lightly, and tainted them with pre-cum. She had stroked her cleft, snagging her tender folds between her fingers to relive those little tugs. Wistfully, Dianne had pressed the phallus through her opening to keep the sensations alive but that only served to remind her of the one part that had been missing from the encounter.

Still, she smiled as she squirmed beneath the covers and eventually she had drifted off to sleep. It would be a short night. Her mental rambling had kept her awake but even in sleep the ramble would continue. Dianne was kept moist, revisiting the feelings of her two encounters but it was also a troubled sleep. Unconsciously she visited him. Surely, her imagination created these experiences. He'd be a ghost. He'd be supernatural, and in truth it should frighten her. More than once Dianne tossed fitfully awake and looked around the room for his presence. It was only after she had reached the escape that only the deepest sleep provides that she was awakened once again -- by something different than mental wandering.

It had come first as yet another dream, in the foggy netherworld between sleep and wakefulness she felt soft scratches on her back. She was on her stomach and scrunched the pillow under her face to let the dream linger. And linger it did as she was indulged in light scratching, soft caress and gentle massage that crossed her shoulders and covered her back and sides. Dianne squirmed with pleasure and started to pull her legs together when she realized her movement was blocked. One more step between wakefulness she realized he was between her legs. There was no question this time and it seemed natural that it was him.

Dianne felt his palms glide up the pert rise of her ass and follow her curves. She squirmed again, her mind already searching for images of what might happen next. Fingers stroked the round swells, sliding between them and tracing upward along the cleft between her cheeks. She felt a finger trace the hollow line along her spine and caress her shoulders once more.

One hand slid under her mons, rubbing her lips as it passed deep to her abdomen where she felt it lift her. Dianne's hips were lifted from the bed and she found herself on her knees with her shoulders and face buried in the pillow and her ass in the air. The next sensation was sudden, causing her entire body to jerk, as she felt a fingernail scratch across her anus. She felt her sphincter pucker and tug the slender strand to her other opening. Dianne's pelvis tensed, her opening tightened as the muscles in her tunnel rippled to her depth and she grew moist.

She felt a cock tap her leg as the hands slid up the length of her sides. She felt kisses in the valley of her ass moving upward to the small of her back. A tongue traced the slope of the two little dimples before gliding slowly upward along her spine. The hands slid beneath her and cupped her breasts. She felt gentle squeezes on her nipples as he kissed her neck and shoulders and the cock kept tapping between her legs.

When Dianne felt the hands glide back down and grip her hips, she was ready. The tip of his cock rubbed the length of her swollen lips before touching lightly at her opening. Dianne felt the throb; she felt heat in her lips like fever and her muscles clenched again making her tight as he pressed forward. She felt that slight burning as her ring tried to give way but he paused, his knees pushing her legs out further until they were spread wide. She was in more of crouch as he pressed again and the plump head of the shaft pressed inward, her snug ring puckered around the rim; a sensation that made her think of her lips pursed around his nugget earlier.

He pushed again and in a slow, easy stroke, and Dianne felt the bulk begin to fill her. For a brief instant, she was inside herself and she watched a vision of the shaft sliding smoothly toward her depth, caressing the tender, wet walls on its journey. Her body jerked again and her muscles clenched, clamping down on the shaft and she heard a grown -- not her own, she knew, and she found herself grinning. She had felt his presence in bits and pieces; she had tasted him but had never heard a sound.

"He groaned!" she almost screamed and excitement tensed her muscles again. What struck her most was that it was a sound of pleasure. What excited her was that he liked sliding into her. Her body was giving her invisible lover pleasure and she was determined to make him want her more.

He reached her depth. She had felt the gentle push against her uterus. She felt his hips tight against her, ridges pressed into the flesh of her ass and his hands firmly gripping her sides. As her lover began to slowly draw his shaft through her clutch, Dianne rolled her hips; her back arching and circling to where it dropped low before arching back up. She rocked to match his stoke; pushing back against him each time he pressed forward. Their rhythm matched -- their timing in sync as she realized he was caressing her back again. Dianne laughed to herself. "We're fucking and I get a massage."

Dianne listened to their rhythm as he moaned and sighed, her wetness caused a slapping suction as they pumped and her breath clicked in her throat until the cock seemed to swell inside her. She felt the lurch and had an instant vision of her depth again. In her mind, she saw the seed release. She saw if flow and cling to her wet surface. Dianne felt the thickening as their juices mingled and the cock continued to pulse and push his juices outward. She felt him press hard against her; shoving the shaft to her depth. She shivered slightly as he started again and the wet suction filled her senses while his shaft buttered her walls with their juice.