Did I Ever Know Any Of Them


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Gertrude leaned back in her chair and said, "Dave, I just can't believe Becky would do this to you." She looked at her husband then said, "If you need a place to stay, you can use one of our spare rooms."

She turned to her husband and asked, "Thad can't we help him out some with money too?" Her husband just nodded his head yes.

Dave sat at the table leaning on his elbows, head hanging. He had never felt so angry, so helpless and so determined to make someone pay.

Thad thought a moment then he said, "If what you say is accurate you need some high powered help. I just hope you don't have a bug in your clothes somewhere....." His eyes narrowed and he continued, "Come with me Dave. They went downstairs into the walk out basement. They stopped at the foot of the stairs and Thad said, "Dave, undress right now and give me your clothes. There is a shower over there and I will bring you some of my things to wear. I'll take these to the front door. After you've cleaned up we will talk. I don't think anyone has a bug in our house but they may have followed you here and have a listening device that will pick up conversations from outside."

Dave dressed in some old sweats of Thad's then they all three went into a storm shelter built of cement under the stairway. He felt silly when he started to talk and Thad and Gertrude stopped him. They spent the next hour writing notes back and forth planning what needed to be done. After they planned for all contingencies they could think of Thad left to begin contacting people he thought might help Dave. It had been decided Dave would have minimal contact with these people and Thad and Gertrude would loan him the money needed to begin the investigation. It was assumed Becky would cease her activities but they were going to watch her and Dave's three "friends" for a while.

Sunday found Dave, Thad and Gertrude having lunch together while Becky, Don, Kenney and Roger were having a meeting in her house. Becky was moaning and groaning as Don filled her pussy, Roger slid into her asshole and Kenney was getting a blowjob. After they finally wore each other out sexually they all sat around and recuperated. Roger said, "I'm worried about all this. I'm really not sure we should even be here today. What if Dave comes over and catches us? I think we should cool it for a while until we get him back under control. Why the hell did you even try to do this to him? Hell, we had it made for three plus years and you all had to try and make him accept being a cuckold so we could have Becky more often. I'm afraid this is all going to blow up in our faces. I really don't like the fact that he spent so much time with his secretary and her husband yesterday and our guy didn't hear a sound from the house. Then Thaddeus takes off and they stay to watch Dave instead of follow him. What if he did something for Dave?"

"Oh quit your whining. We have Dave tied up in knots. He can't get money to do anything and we have enough surveillance on him we will know if he farts before he even does it. He's sitting with his damn PA and her husband right now crying in his coffee. If he leaves we'll get a phone call before he is to the end of the block. He can't make a phone call from her phone or his cell without us knowing what he says."

Don turned to Becky and began playing with her dripping pussy. Roger and Kenney watched for a moment and moved to join him as Becky began moaning and writhing once again. None of them saw the man pointing the camera or microphone through the window in their direction.

Monday morning Dave began trying to find an attorney to represent him. He talked to several and made appointments with two. He was at a loss because Don had done his legal work for years and now he was representing Becky so he had to find another one. He finally decided to hire Sally Hawk. She was very impressive during the interview and she came highly recommended besides.

The first thing they did was to begin proceedings to get his business accounts released and to get him enough money to live on. They also decided to hire another PI firm to follow Becky. He authorized wiretaps on his house and video surveillance. He authorized Sally to begin divorce proceedings for adultery.

Later that evening Thad gave Dave the film that had been taken the day before. Naturally Dave was heartbroken. He was even angrier because Becky was involved with all three of his friends. At least now he knew who his opponents were. The next morning he went to his office and made five copies of the CD. He sent one to each of his "friends" wives, to his attorney and kept one for himself plus he put the original in a safe deposit box. He also posted the video on several amateur porn sites on the Internet using all the participants' real names. He had the site set up as pay per view and had the money going from a pay pal account to a bank in the Cayman Islands. He grinned because apparently Don had forgotten he gave him a key to his office and Dave set the site up from there so when it was traced back good ole Don would take the fall.

Several of Becky's friends and family members got e-mailed still pictures of her in action. All this was done from the free computers in the college library so he could not be accused of doing it. He thought about using Don's office for that too but then realized Don would never do something like that so it would look suspicious.

It was really simple to use the college computers. He had done so numerous times in the past and had never gotten caught. They were supposed to be for students only and you had to use a student ID card and password to log on. Almost every time he went into the library or one of the computer labs he found a machine that had been left logged on. He used someone else's log on and even if the use was traced to the college it was traced to that student, not him. The local college did not use CCTV security cameras so he didn't even have to worry about pictures of him in the area.

Wednesday Dave had a lot of fun fielding phone calls from people who had seen the video. In the early afternoon Becky had called him crying. She said, "How could you do that? I thought you loved me. I told you it was only going to be sex because you couldn't give me what I needed. How could you ruin my life like that?"

Dave laughed and said, "Rebecca I didn't ruin your life, you did. I'm just getting the retribution I promised you if you actually carried through with your plans. Of course I am sure you had been cheating on me for some time now that I think of it. There were sure a lot of times one of the guys would make sure I was away from home and didn't get back until late. I am seeing too many things in the past few years that didn't add up then that make sense now. By the time I am done with you and those assholes you'll rue the day you did this."

Later that afternoon he got a phone call from Becky's sister. She said, "You poor dumb bastard. I see you finally found out about your so perfect wife. I assume you were the one who sent this fuck flick. Now I guess she and I can share the boys. I didn't know she was doing them until I got this." He felt himself shudder as she hung up. He heard her maniacal laughter for the rest of the night.

Don also called and as soon as Dave answered the phone he began screaming at him. When Dave heard who it was he led him on. He managed to keep him talking for almost fifteen minutes. Don made threats of both physical and legal harm. The best part of his vituperative tirade was, "You fucking asshole. By the time I'm done with you you'll wish you had never messed with me. I'm going to have that slut of a wife of yours any time I want her and we'll have most of your money too. If you had just done what I told her to tell to do you would still have a family, money and a life. Now after I break you I'm going to have the boys fuck you up. I've been fucking that little slut since high school and I will be fucking her long after you are history you son of a bitch! I hope you like living in the ghetto because that's where you'll be when I'm done with you. I'm going to file every lawsuit I can find and drain your money just defending against them."

Later calls from Becky's parents were sad. Her mother was crying as she asked, "Dave how could you have done this to Becky? I know what it appears she did hurt you terribly but to spread pictures of her all over was being too vengeful. Couldn't you have worked this out in a more civilized manner?"

By the time he decided to go home for the evening Dave was satisfied with his actions to date. He was almost positive the computerized answering system his company had installed would pay for itself just from what it recorded this day alone. When he had purchased it he worried about the way his then attorney and friend Don told him to have the telecom provider set it up. As soon as the phone rang the computer answered it and gave a warning as the recorders began working. The warning was given to all callers before their call could be forwarded. It said, "Thank you for calling Central U S Inventory, Logistics and Security Company. All phone calls are recorded for later use. If you do not want your call recorded please hang up now. If you do not hang up and know your parties extension key it in after the beep. If you do not know the extension you want press 0 and an operator will assist you."

It appeared the good attorney did not think about the warning or he was so angry he ignored it because all his threats and bragging had been recorded after the warning he had insisted the telecom provider place into the system. Dave thought this would be poetic justice.

Unfortunately all the participants in Becky's little group quit seeing her after the cases were filed. It was lucky Thad's friend did get video and sound bites that first Saturday because none of the PI's caught anything untoward on video. They did get some incriminating phone calls but most of them were so ambiguous they were almost useless.

One of the first things Sally did was send information on Don to the State Bar Association. His license to practice law was suspended immediately and then, before the divorce and lawsuits were completed he was disbarred for life because of his threats and unethical behavior.

Dave's divorce was granted and Becky came out of it very poorly. She ultimately ended up with approximately 25% of the marital assets. Dave kept control of his company. Dave was awarded custody of the children, mostly because of a small picture that was not immediately noticed. The day Thad's friend took pictures of Becky and the guys in the living room he accidentally got a shot of another observer. His view not only got a shot of the orgy but the way Dave's home was built he got a shot through the living room and dining room to show a little face in the back yard peering into the house. Dave's 8-year-old daughter was watching her mother get gang banged through the patio door. When the judge saw that shot he awarded full custody of the children to Dave.

Dave's lawsuits against Don were ultimately very successful also. He won $1.3 million in damages for breach of attorney client privilege and for taking Becky on as a client when he had been acting as Dave's attorney. He was also, of course censured for becoming sexually involved with his client and many other ethics violations that resulted in fines payable to the State too.

By the time Dave finished with Don he was nearly bankrupt. His wife Shelley managed to nearly clean out the remaining marital assets during her divorce. Kenney and Pam divorced and she got the majority of his assets also. To everyone's surprise Roger and Trixie did not divorce. It appears she had succumbed to the three friends seduction earlier and was a willing participant in their debauchery.

Unfortunately Roger did not like his friends using Trixie for their enjoyment any longer. It seems when they were kicked out of their homes Don and Kenney moved in with Roger. Many nights they monopolized Trixie and Kenney didn't get the sex he felt he deserved. One evening he attacked Don and Kenney. They beat him so badly he ended up in the hospital. Charges were filed and Don and Kenney were convicted and sent to jail for a year. This time Roger and Trixie divorced.

Dave sat in his office almost a year after his cases were settled. He and Gertrude were discussing the latest article on Don, Kenney and Roger's fight over Trixie. She asked, "Dave, do you ever talk to Rebecca? I know she gets to visit the children under court supervision."

Dave looked at her and said, "NO. The only time we talk is when we have to and then it is only necessary conversation about the children. I have no desire to talk to her and if I could get out of it I would never see or hear about her ever again."

"I just wondered. I mean for years I thought you were the most perfect couple and then...Well, I just have always wondered if you knew why she did it. I just can't understand why any woman that loves her husband could do something like she did."

Dave sat looking at Gertrude for a moment. He felt his stomach clench and then he clenched his jaw and bit his upper lip. He opened his lower desk drawer and pulled a folder from it. He handed it across the desk to Gertrude and said, "I don't know why I kept this letter. I don't even know why I agreed to even read it. You remember about seven months ago when Becky's mother came into the office crying? She handed me this letter and insisted I read it before she would leave and I did."

Gertrude opened the folder and read the following:

My Dearest David:

I know you think I no longer have the right to call you dearest but you are still the only man I love. I know I have lost you forever but I need to bare my soul to you. I know I have hurt you irreparably but that was never my intent. I never intended to hurt you at all. I never intended to cheat on you either but I did.

I know you knew I had made love to all three of our friends when we were dating in high school. I know you made love with all three of the girls too. It never bothered either of us. The first time I cheated on you was similar. You had to work over on a large inventory theft the weekend of Don and Shelley's Valentines Day party the year of our ninth Anniversary. I was so lonesome and I drank too much. I know, that isn't an excuse but I did.

Shelley made Don drive me home in our car. Kenney followed to bring Don back home while the other's helped clean up Don and Shelley's house after. On the way home Don kept reminding me of the time he and Kenney both made love to me at once. I got so horny I felt myself dripping. He and Kenney took me inside and insisted on undressing me to put me in bed they said. While they were doing it Don reminded Kenney of that night—another night you had to work and left me alone on Valentines Day.

They began kissing me and playing with my pussy. I knew it was wrong and I tried at first to make them stop. They wouldn't—or rather they did stop then the other one would begin kissing and rubbing me. I was getting so hot listening to them talk and remembering how good being with two men felt. Finally they pushed me back onto the bed and Don ate my pussy. As soon as I had cum he moved up and began fucking me. He rolled me over and Kenney took my ass. We screwed for almost an hour that night.

I have to admit I loved it. I had better and more orgasms than I ever had with you. I knew it was because there was two of them and they never let me relax but they were still sooooo good. A couple of days later Don and Roger came over when they knew you were out of town on another job. I tried not to let them in but they begged and I finally did. I knew it was wrong but it felt so good. We spent the evening in bed once more.

From that time on, at least once a month I had one, two, even sometimes all three of them if they could get away and you were not likely to catch us. I know you noticed on the weekends and vacations we all took together that some of the boys and I would be gone for long periods of time. We were off somewhere having sex. I don't know how many times we were almost caught. GOD, the fear of getting caught, of almost getting caught, was so frightening to us all. We began talking and wishing we didn't have to hurry and worry about getting caught. Finally Don came up with the idea I sprang on you about letting me play. He told me what could possibly happen if you divorced me.

I was sure you loved me enough to let me play and I was also sure you would never take the chance on losing the children or your livelihood so I went along with his plan. I am so, so sorry my love for doing this to you, to our family but I was weak. I became so addicted to the lovely orgasms those three men could give me...

Please, my darling, forgive me for being so weak.

Yours for eternity,


Gertrude looked up after she read the letter. Her eyes were moist but she had her jaw clenched in anger. "Dave, I really do think she loves you above all. I know she is hurting but Dave, she was almost as much a victim as you were. I think your good friend Don was a predator. You know over the years we have both heard some really crappy rumors about him. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't get her drunk on purpose that first night. I know no man of high moral character, no true friend would have taken advantage of her as she said he did."

"Yeah, I know Gertie but. Well, I'm not sure she gave me the true story there. She always seemed to be more attentive to Don than I would have liked. I always laughed it off but there were several times we argued after a party because I thought she had been too friendly, let him take too many liberties but I never caught her or him in anything that I could make a real issue over. I have to admit, after Don's phone call when I finally caught them—thanks to you and Thad—that I had enough doubts to get DNA tests done on the children. You have no idea how relieved I was when the tests came back that I was their father!"

"Well, in any event, I believe she thinks she loves me but I don't think it is really love, it was more infatuation, perhaps a deep like. I was easy to live with, a good provider and father. I think, now, that I was the last choice and we married because...well I don't know why she married me. I loved her to death but I don't think she had that deep love for me. I think that is why she cheated and why she kept on doing it. I think she was a selfish individual and only thought of her pleasure, her needs and wants. I'm well shut of her. Now, if I could just find a good replacement..."

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OOAAOOAAabout 2 months ago

GREAT STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mustang88LXMustang88LX3 months ago

I agree 100% with "James G 5" comment. You nailed it! The wife was nothing but an evil CUNT and of course other evil women will defend her as a victim. Complete bullshit! I do love what happened to his so called friends.

CriosCrios4 months ago

Good plot but too many flip flops between 1st and 3rd person, names mixed up. Needed an editor

Diecast1Diecast14 months ago

Average at best . AAA++

James G 5James G 55 months ago

This ia some bullshit

"I really do think she loves you above all. I know she is hurting but Dave, she was almost as much a victim as you were"

She didn't love him at all, or respect him, and she clearly never did.

And she's in NO way a victim, that's certainly something only a woman would say as they are allergic to accountability and so incapable of applying it to another woman.

oldtwitoldtwit6 months ago

I found this just so silly, to far fetched, the letter just made it all so much worse.

PraetusPraetus6 months ago

That letter is awful at the end. Where she gushes about how amazing the cheating was..I guess the author was trying to titilate a little. But her confessing how amazing it was and how much she really enjoyed it completely undercuts any apology or remorse and comes across as Becky being all "wow is me".

And Gertrude crying after reading it? What is there to cry about in it? The letter, if it was less simpering, would've made the story a bit better but as is it feels a grotesquery. And sadly a cliffhanger for our MC.

Darkness86Darkness867 months ago

Great story glad David got his revenge the one thing different I would've done is when I got the letter from the mom I wouldn't of read it I would've thrown it in the trash

pummel187pummel1877 months ago

FUCK that!!!!!! "She was a victim" ?????? WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK!!!!!!

Gertrude must be retarded, I mean how does one get that out of the events that were told to her?

papabernonpapabernon8 months ago

Great story, but think how different the outcome would have been in he hadn't got that first video of them all fucking and with his daughter in the background. He would have been totally fucked, and living in the poor house, as really happens in real life most of the time to men. The only other outcome would been if he ran away and was never seen again..

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