Dig Two Graves Ch. 05


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"He just smiled at me, stroking his cock, while I looked at him. I asked him if he thought I should fuck him to get revenge on you. He nodded yes and added that Heidi had told him she was made to suck your cock. I remember smiling at the obvious ploy. I knew he was playing me but I let him. I asked him if he wanted me to suck his cock too. He smiled and said yes. I asked him if he meant right then. He said yes."

"Tonight when I spoke with your counselor, I remembered that later that evening, I masturbated for the second time while fantasizing about sucking a strange cock. The first time was after I had sucked the construction worker's cock. And I remembered feeling just as aroused going down in Schmidt's car as I did the construction worker's."

"When I was in Schmidt's car, I remember not even checking to see if the coast was clear. I just leaned over and took him in my mouth. He was already hard and I could taste his precum right away. At first I was going to suck him for a little bit, but the longer I did, the more I wanted to finish him, to make him cum. I thought of Heidi doing the same to you, and I would get angry. I would feel his hand on my head, and knew he expected me to finish him."

"So that was your second time?" I suddenly ask.

"To suck a man to completion?" She asks.

I nod.

"Yes and no. I mean, I did suck him off but I didn't finish him there. He didn't give me a chance. When he got close he had to pull me off his cock. I actually didn't want to stop but he forced me. I remember looking at him questioning. His cock was so swollen it was angry looking. He smiled and said that I needed to get in my car and he would follow me to my house. I didn't argue. I even hurried the short distance home so that we could get home as fast as possible."

"I remember looking at my watch as we pulled up into our driveway. I knew your plane was already on enroute to DFW. When I opened the garage door I was surprised he pulled in with me, but then realized it was a wise move so that the neighbors wouldn't see. I was already committed to fucking him before I confronted you."

"He followed me into the house carrying a bag. I grabbed his hand and took him into our bedroom. I wanted him to fuck me on our bed. I imagined that you had fucked Heidi on our bed and I wanted to get even. He pulled his cock back out of his slacks. He was only semi-hard and he told me to suck him hard. I kneeled and did what he asked. He was hard quickly and I pulled back, but he put his hand behind my head and told me to keep sucking his cock. Again, I did what he asked."

"He asked how badly I wanted to get revenge. I told him more than anything. He asked how far I would be willing to go. I told him as far as necessary. He asked if I was sure. I told him absolutely. So he outlined his plan. He showed me the negligee he wanted me to wear. How I would seduce you. How I would get you into a chair. How he would then fuck me and leave."

"I'm ashamed to admit the rest of the plan was mine Jake. Here I was kneeling in our bedroom floor sucking his cock, listening to his plans, and coming up with even more devious plans, even better ways to hurt you. Schmidt didn't know I rarely sucked your cock. He didn't know I wouldn't let you cum in my mouth. It was my idea to lower the chair and have him fuck me directly over your face. The part about having you lick it out of me wasn't planned; it only came to me at the last moment. I think, at least I hope, that had I thought it through I wouldn't have tried to get you to do that. My only excuse is that I was overwhelmed by my own anger."

"Oh God Jake, I was so angry. I remember the look on Schmidt's face when I stripped in front of him and put on the negligee. I remember the look on his face when I kneel in front of him and he put both of his hands behind my head. I remember the satisfaction of sucking Schmidt's cock just minutes before you got home. I remember the look on your face as I took your flowers and kissed you, pushing a little of his sperm into your mouth. I remember how angry you were when you found out Schmidt was there, and I fed on your anger. The more anger you felt, the more I relished the anger I felt toward you. When he fucked me and came inside of me, I realized there wasn't any way better to get back at you than make your knowing lick his sperm out of me. And then I hurt you so badly. I'm so sorry Jake. I understand if you can't find a way to ever forgive me."

Susie starts to cry.

"I'm so sorry Jake," she repeats.

"OK, I kinda understand the revenge thing. Even if it was wrong and misguided, I understand it. I can even see how you ended up doing it with him, especially since I know he masterminded a lot of the shit beforehand. What I don't understand is why you continued with him. You were fucking him while I was in the hospital. You were fucking him even as the evidence of my so-called affair crumbled. Why?"

"The first night was all revenge. The rest I have no excuse for. I don't understand it well myself. I didn't even want to take you to the hospital. I was just going to kick you out of the house and hope you died on the street. It was Schmidt that was a bit worried when you didn't regain consciousness and insisted we take you to the hospital. At that point I really didn't give a care but went along. Even after we dropped you off at the hospital, I was still too angry to even be worried about you. We went back home where he preceded to fuck me all night. I remember finally falling to sleep due to exhaustion."

"The next morning I woke up with his head between my legs. He was licking his own cum out of me. Nobody has ever done that to me. It was so nasty. So naughty. I remember cumming very quickly and very strongly. I was even more aroused after cumming and quickly agreed to anything he wanted. He had a way of looking at me that made me want to be his slut. The rest of the day is a blur. I was trapped in this world of being so angry with you and being his slut. I remember we took a break in the afternoon and I wondered if I should call the hospital. He told me that he had a friend on the police force check on you because he thought you might get violent. He said you had already checked out of the hospital and into a downtown hotel. I didn't know until our last meeting several days later that everything he told me was a lie. Anyway, when he told me you were out of the hospital, that's when I started thinking about our accounts. It was just as easy to get the money transferred and your cards cancelled". It was easy for me to get a judge to sign the TRO even on a Saturday. Schmidt said he would make the arrangements to see that it was served so I let him.

"But ..."

"Shhhh," she interrupts. "Let me finish. You asked why. I'm trying to tell you. I'm trying to tell you everything; even if it's something I don't think you wish to know. It's just that ..." She trails off in thought.

"... I knew we were done," she starts up again. "I knew I would never listen to your excuses, although I guess I did every single day, didn't I? I knew there was nothing left to save of our marriage. I knew I would never forgive you. And on top of that here was this bad boy. I realized tonight that Schmidt did remind me of the construction worker. I knew he wanted only one thing. And by giving it to him I would also piss you off. I was tired of the ol' predictable. I wanted something extra. I wanted something risqué. He was a bad boy. He wanted me to be a bad girl. He made me want to be a bad girl."

I settle back in my seat. Feel the anger of six months ago rising up from my center like so much bile. I want to scream out at her. I count to ten, then twenty.

A few minutes pass by in silence. "May I ask a few questions?"

She looks up at me again, her face in expectation.

"That afternoon when Schmidt called you to his office for lunch, what happened?"

Susie turns and looks at me before snorting in laughter.

I look at her in surprise.

"Sorry, you'll have to forgive me for laughing," she says. "But that was the only good thing that happened all that week." After a few moments she stops laughing and then sighs heavily.

"By that time," she continues. "I knew that I had been set up by Schmidt. I hadn't admitted it to you yet because I had no idea how I could possibly apologize. How could anyone apologize after what I had done to you? I'll admit I was intrigued at what he could possibly want. I knew it wasn't lunch. Surely he knew the little façade he had constructed was starting to rapidly crumble, even as quickly as our marriage did that Friday night. So I went over. I stopped at his administrator's desk and she told me to go right in. When I entered Schmidt's office, he was standing by the side of his desk with his hard cock sticking out of his pants. He smiled and me and just motioned for me to kneel at his feet."

"I almost laughed, but instead just smiled and shut the door behind me and locked it. As I approached Schmidt he was smiling nearly as widely as I was. I really wished I hadn't been wearing heels. Although the sharp point was nice, unfortunately my shoe flew off my foot when it contacted his groin, so I don't think he got the full force of my kick. I can still remember the look on his face as he slowly sank to his knees."

"I hobbled over to where my shoe had flown and put it back on my foot as Schmidt collapsed to the floor. I then walked back over to him and bent over him, whispering that he was to never call me again. I then unlocked his door and shut it behind me."

Susie stifles another laugh. "Sorry, I guess I shouldn't laugh about something like that."

"If it involves Schmidt, feel free," I pause for a moment before continuing. "You just mentioned that you knew by the time Schmidt called you to his office that he had set you up. You were always so cold and unrelenting when Bill and I met with you and Vicki. When did you start to suspect that you had been hoodwinked?"

Susie stares straight through the front windshield. "Jake, that Wednesday morning when we met, you had effectively shredded any beliefs to which I was clinging desperately. To admit to myself that I had been fooled, would be to admit that everything I did was not in revenge but as the perpetrator. My tenuous claim to righteousness was that everything I did was in revenge, as if that is really a good reason. When you took that away from me what did I have left? That suddenly I was the cheater? That I destroyed my marriage? That I was a slut? A whore? That I was no better than one of my daddy's whores? Or worse, as bad as my mother? No, that wasn't something I could face but you forced me to. By Wednesday I couldn't refute to what my sanity clung. But to answer your question, I had serious doubts about all that 'evidence' I had as early as Tuesday. But even before that I had unveiled the first of Schmidt's lies on Monday morning. One of the police lieutenants caught me in my office almost immediately after you left. He had a partially completed police report of your "attack" as it had been reported in the hospital. The police officers that had investigated the report from the hospital had quickly realized that your wife was one of the ADAs, and had discreetly passed it up the chain to the lieutenant. He asked me what I wanted to do with the police report. I asked him if you had volunteered any information that indicated a crime had been committed. He told me no. I told him not to worry about it then and drop it. I handed the police report back to him but not before noticing that it mentioned you left the hospital on Sunday. Schmidt had told me you checked out Saturday morning. Despite all of your protestation of innocence Monday morning, that was the first domino to fall that cracked my resolve."

"OK, so if you serious doubts on Tuesday morning how could you have met with him on Tuesday evening?" I ask with exasperation.

Silence settles heavily into the car. "I knew that you would eventually ask that question. I don't have a good answer for you Jake, or at least an answer that will sooth you in any way. I told you earlier that I knew our marriage was over. Except by Tuesday evening I knew our marriage was over not because of what you had done, but by what I had done. I knew it no longer made a difference. So why was I with him Tuesday evening? Because Jake, I wanted to. Not so much with him specifically any longer, but with anyone that would make me do something decadent. After all, I didn't have a marriage any longer to prevent it."

I turn my gaze from the side of her face and join her looking out the front windshield. I thought of asking her if she was still trying to fill the need to be decadent but decided it was not something I wanted to know.

After a few more moments of silence Susie says, "May I ask you a question?"

I turn to look back at her. "Sure, but no guarantees I'll answer."

"What ever happened to Schmidt?"

I stare at her for a moment. "What makes you think I know anything about that piece of shit?"

"Because I know you. I know that you wouldn't have let him get away with what he did, no more than you let me get away with it."

I smile at look back out the front windshield. "One nice thing about having lots of discretionary funds is that they are indeed discretionary. Let's just say hypothetically that someone with lots of discretionary funds would hire a Private Investigator to keep tabs on a piece of shit. And let's say that every time that piece of shit tries to find a job, that someone slips the Personnel Directory some inside information so that the director knows that the piece of shit is indeed a piece of shit. So the last thing I heard the piece of shit say is that he could get a job anywhere, and so far that hasn't proven to be true. Finally, let's just say that the piece of shit has run out of all his own discretionary funds and is now selling things off just to survive."

"I see," say Susie. "And hypothetically, just how long would the Private Investigator be following up on what a piece of shit does?"

Shrugging, "Hypothetically, I'm not sure. But there are a lot of discretionary funds."

"And what about us?" Susie asks?

"Us?" I parrot.

"I mean, do you ever see us being able to ..."

I turn to face her after her open question. "If you're asking if we'll ever reconcile, the answer is no. It's taken me six months to be able to sit in this car and have a civil conversation.

"I know that Jake," she says. "I'm not asking for reconciliation. But do you ever see us being friends? Maybe?"

I turn back toward the front of the car and turn the key in the ignition. "'Ever' is a very long time Susie. For today let's be satisfied that we can be civil. Tomorrow is another day and who knows what is in store for any of us. I think your idea of continuing to see a counselor is a good idea. Someday you'll meet someone that will make you feel special again," I respond as I move the gear selector to "Drive" and take my foot off the brake.

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AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

What a fucking terrible ending! He ends up being nothing more than a sissy wimp cuck. Poor Susie, her daddy was a bastard so she's a victim and gets a free pass? Horse shit. Lots of people have rotten parents and don't turn out like this cheating skank slut. He should use some of his resources to have her kidnapped and sold to a Mexican cartel that owns whore houses in Tijuana. Let the evil bitch earn her living on her back, knees, all fours, and enjoy some STDs along the way. And you call what he did with Schmidt good revenge? Its idiotic and worthless. Can't believe I wasted my time thinking this would be a superb ending, only to have you go pathetic on us! Less than one star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Couldn't stick the landing.....1 star

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

What a disappointment! There should have been 2 literal graves. One for the traitor slut, and one for the Schmidt she laid down with.


As for the HR enabler harridan, make her physical appearance match the ugliness of her spirit, and send her out into the world as a warning to others.


The absolute bare minimum response is long prison sentences for everyone involved! Multiple felonies including assault, sexual assault, false imprisonment, fraud, and conspiracy.



shadrachtshadracht2 months ago

No joy. No hope. Not fun. Just anger and pain. 2*

dgfergiedgfergie3 months ago

Just a bit long, our MC's wife as portrayed was obviously completely irrational with her jealousy think her husband had cheated on her and that was even compounded by the fact he supposed assaulted his assistant. Irrational thoughts are just that, irrational, no real basis for having them. Obviously she was already screwed up by less than normal parents. We are all products of of our environment and the company we keep feeds our tongues. If you don't believe that just look at the Muslim religion and some others that make no sense to Christians and even non believers. Some of the other religions are completely foreign to others who believe differently. Oh well, live and let live. It seems our whole culture is screwed up anyway. The revenge fuch was a bit over the top, as it was men to be. They both should have been prosecuted but our MC was a bit of wimp along those lines and still had some feeling for his wife. It's not hard to believe that those types of things happen, just look at some of the porn out there on the web. Enough rambling our author has written a well thought out story and deserves some praise for his efforts. Thank you for a pretty good story but I sometimes really like a good BTB ending. Besides what do I know about writing, I'm just a retired mechanic.

Kernow2023Kernow20233 months ago

good story but she got off so lightly so only a 4

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

What a total bitch. Her revenge was over the top even if she truly believed the MC had an affair. But to wish him dead and it was her partner in crime who drove him to the hospital and then she co tinued to sleep with Schmidt, well that shows she is a true psycho. No reconciliation. MC was too nice. I would have laughed in her face and told her surely she was joking. With her? Lol nope. She went to defcon 1 and nuked her marriage from orbit. But the callous feelings about her husband being in the hospital and staying with Schmidt after the despicable "revenge" acts shows she has deep rooted psychological problems. Really deep. She is damaged goods.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

4 Stars on a story that could have been really good . Some guys like that POS deserves to see how well he can swim in the ocean

CriosCrios5 months ago

Great story! Shame the author hasn’t written anything else

WisquejacWisquejac5 months ago

She did get off to easily. At least charge for assault.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

It was entertaining to read and held a reader's attention..that makes it a successful tale...earned.. 5 ..stars JZK

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

She got off too easily at the end after all the build up, he turned wimp

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Ended in a whimper

William_LinesWilliam_Lines7 months ago

I liked it very much and am pleased with the ending.

Billy Lines

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Anon-Re- Janine flashing her pussy- I knew a Janine at work. Was a pretty big hoe. Would have flashed her pussy, at the JR high students on a field trip. Might be a coincidence?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

You ever hear the phrase” quit while you are ahead?” The first four chapters were , for the most part, pretty riveting. I gave them a 5, even though I thought he should have pressed criminal charges against Schmidt, and his wife. And the 6 million settlement? Let’s say his lawyer, and the other players got a Million. That leaves him with 5. Let’s say with his promotion, he would have made $300,000 a year. If you factor in raises and bonuses, that’s about 10 years salary. And he lost one of his testicles, and possibly would never be able to have a normal sex life. The last chapter seemed like a cheap attempt, to paint the wife as “ damaged by life” , so the fact she walked away scot free, wouldn’t look so weak. Adolph Hitler had a tough life growing up. He was beaten by his father, wounded twice in action, and actually lost his eyesight temporarily in a gas attack. I don’t believe that excused him, from the death of millions of Jews. And the wife in this story, should have gotten everything she deserved. Nice start, but the ending ruined it....

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