Dilemmas of Love


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"Who said you weren't? Isn't that what all genies do?"

Chloe sat on her haunches on the grass right next to Sandra's deck chair. As Sandra was reclined on it, their faces were more or less level. And quite close to each other.

The brunette spoke in soft tones now. "So? Any idea what your other two wishes could be?"

The sandy blonde closed her eyes.

That's my wish too...

Chloe leaned in and with great tenderness let her lips give the softest of touches on Sandra's slightly ajar ones. They stayed like that, lips barely touching, until Sandra opened her eyes, a smile of happiness and satisfaction on her face.

"...that was really nice..."

Yeah...can't disagree with you there!

"So? What's wish number three?"

"Hmmmm...but unless I'm much mistaken I never actually said that I wished for you to kiss me. So that still leaves me with one unfulfilled wish for that water and two more to go."

Chloe gently giggled back at her. "You're a cheeky customer! Okay...I'll fetch you the water. Would you want me to go now?"

"No, the water can wait. I think I have a second wish though."

"Okay...and that is?"

Sandra took a few moments before she replied. "Tomorrow I'll be going for a long walk as part of my training. I hate doing this on my own and would greatly enjoy your company. Would you like to join me?"

Oh...A date then?

Chloe's smile widened: "Okay! Sure! I won't be able to catch up with those long legs of yours but yeah, I'd be happy to join you."

Sandra got up from the deck chair and stretched like a cat. Her black top lifted as she did, revealing her toned six pack underneath. Chloe's eyes scanned her lithe form from top to bottom, something which Sandra didn't fail to notice.


"Nothing...your body is super fit! It's really something to look at! Nothing like my sorry excuse."

"Chloe? That's just a load of crap you're talking there. You're a beautiful girl and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I wasn't born like that. Hard work and training is all it takes. You are truly beautiful and if you want you can be just as fit as I am. Join me tomorrow and I'll tell you all about it."


"For what?"

"For calling me beautiful. No one has ever called me that before..."

Their eyes lingered together once. Chloe's expectant and happy ones, Sandra's soul searching and lost in thoughts. Sandra opened her arms and pulled Chloe in for a hug.

This feels so warm, so nice, so perfect! I want to stay here and not move...

They stayed like that, the taller Sandra resting her chin on top of the brunette's head, until the sandy blonde gently broke their embrace. She was smiling now.

"You! I'll be seeing you tomorrow! Wear something sportive! Call me tomorrow at ten!"

And with that she bounced off in the dark.

Chapter 8 (Sandra)

The very moment her watch struck ten her mobile rung and simultaneously projected Chloe's number on its screen.

Talk about punctual. Someone seems eager to meet. That's a good sign isn't it?


"Ummm...hi...it's Sandra isn't it?"

Sandra slightly changed her voice and decided to have some innocent fun with the girl.

"Sandra's unavailable now, but you can leave a message with me, I'm her masseuse, I'll be sure to slide it...errr pass it along."

There were a couple of seconds of silence from the other side of the phone, whilst Sandra fought hard not to burst into laughter.

"Oh...ummm...well...are you any good?"

"Pardon me?"

"You're the masseuse aren't you? Are you any good? I might be interested."

"Oh...yes ma'am! We're the very best! We aim to please! Our fingers are seer magic! What can I do to you...I mean...for you?"

Laughter could be heard from the other side of the receiver. "Seer magic you said? What kind of magic?"

"Why, any kind of magic! I should inform you that my nickname is the wizard of O's! So, what shall it be? Would you like to come...over here and check for yourself?"

More laughter followed. "I can't believe you said that!"

"It's true though! Making our clients come...more than once...for a repeat treatment! This is our noble goal in life!"

"Okay, okay! You've sold me! I'll try you. When do you want to meet? And more importantly, where do you want to meet? I don't know where you live."

"Okay...You game about doing some light training today?"

"Depends on how you intend to use the word light, but yeah, I'd really want to!"

"How does an easy paced three mile run sound to you?"

"It sounds like something I haven't done for a while but I'd be willing to try it..."

"Okay. Do you have a pair of trainers?"


"Kay...wear those and a pair of yoga pants or whatever non-cotton fabric you'd be most comfortable in running with. If you have a tight fitting cap use that. Sports sun-glasses are advisable too. How about we meet at the Wilbur Cross Athletic Complex in...say...twenty minutes from now? Can you make that?"

"Sure can! See you then!"

And with that the connection was killed. Sandra busied herself with getting ready.

Shit, I should've told her a bit later! I'm a mess! Hair is flying all over the place! Hmmm...what should I wear? Let's begin with clean panties for starters...Let's see now...I'll wear...thong or boy-shorts? Hmmm...I'll go with the thong...it'll give her something to look at...and besides, you never know when and where these might have to come off. What next? Shall I wear tight shorts, running shorts or leggings? Definitely not the running shorts, they're perfectly comfortable but not the sexiest thing on earth. I'll wear these tights! Last time I went for a jog wearing them I had these four guys following me! Let's see...matching sports bra and...we're good to go!

Sandra fixed her hair in a ponytail which she then passed through the back end of her running cap. Looking at her body length mirror, she saw a tall sandy blonde staring back. Her apparition had a nicely toned body with a visible six pack showing. Nice long legs with muscles bulging as she twisted sideways. Two pairs of buttocks which were...

What was it that I read the other day? "Athletic ass"? Well, an ass like this baby is the product of long, hard and mostly lonely effort. It doesn't come cheap but...

The blonde gave a playful uplift to her buttocks and watched as they jiggled back in place.

Yep! Try keeping your eyes away from this booty!

The blonde apparition in the mirror stuck out its tongue in defiance. Then it blew her a kiss. And it started grabbing and sloshing around its breasts within the pink sports bra playfully pouting its lips.

You're a nut job Robinson, you know that? But...I am who I am and I'm in love with myself. Let's go and see if little Miss Chloe has a few kinks in her straightness or whether she's merely curious, shall we?

Satisfied with what she saw, the blonde fastened her running belt, strapped on her running watch and was off like a flash. It was a brilliant sunny June Saturday, a bit on the warm side for a long run but perfectly okay for a short jog. Her brisk pace swiftly brought her to their designated meeting point. After a minute or two, the pretty brunette showed up.

Chloe was clad in light gray Lululemons and a lime green sleeveless shirt. Just like Sandra, her hair was up in a ponytail but unlike the blonde, she had chosen to wear alcohol blue mirror sun-glasses. And, while the silver rimmed Oakleys complimented her face nicely, it made Sandra's job of reading her facial expressions difficult.

Sandra was at a loss on how to greet the brunette but Chloe, with a smile on her face, solved the impasse by opening her arms and offering a hug.

"Hey there!"

"Good morning! You look fabulous in the lime tee. Glasses are really cool too...So...you up for this?"

"Ready and rearing to go! To be totally honest though, I've had a twenty minute prep talk with Abigail on what to expect. You know...all the dirty little secrets needed to beat you on your own turf."

"Really? Well I'd expect nothing less from Abigail. Do remind your blonde housemate next time you see her that, for the record, last time she collected my dust. But in any case, I do like auspicious beginners. It shows that they're willing to do whatever it takes, to get what they want."

"Yep, that's me! I'm willing to crawl on all fours if necessary..."

Now there's an image I'd definitely like to see!

"Yeah well, running on all fours might not be that comfortable but...there are other settings and surroundings were that might come in handy."

"Such as?"

Even Chloe's ears where laughing with mischief when she delivered that particular question. "Such as looking for a missing bra underneath a couch for instance. I hate it when missing clothing always turns out to have fallen at the most difficult to reach places. Why? What did you have in mind?"

"I might have many things in mind...Why would a bra be missing underneath a couch though?"

Ohhhhh so you like to tease don't you?

"Isn't that were everyone stores their bras? I have lots of them down there. Also under the armchair, beneath my bed...and come to think of it, there might be one in the kitchen cupboard. I'm the most messy of individuals when it comes to tidiness I'm afraid. But it's most handy at times...I may never have worn matching panties and bra but I can find one whenever I want. For instance, you want to have a cup of coffee in the morning, you're desperately trying to find where the bleep you've put the coffee jar and...lo and behold! You find your missing Hitachi wand! Now that may not be the most useful of items when you're stumbling half-dressed inside a cramped apartment but hey, sometimes you win them, sometimes you lose them. Am I making any sense?"

"Oh perfect sense! I've been roommates with Emma, remember? Trust me, I've seen what messy means. What's a Hitachi wand?"

"What's a Hitachi wand? You mean you've never heard? Hmmmm...well, it's probably a girl's best friend!"

Chloe pondered on this for exactly two seconds before replying: "You mean...it's a vibe?"

"You could say that. This was originally designed by Hitachi as a facial massager and it looks like...well imagine what a wand looks like and you get the picture. So anyways, some cam-girl on the internet added two and two together and used it - you know where - and since then it's become an instant hit. To put it otherwise, if you're tired from a shitty day at work, or if you're a lazy slob like me, or both, this little gadget will bring out the "O" in no time. But that's only if you're out of company. Nothing in the whole wide world can beat a skilled tongue, if you know what I mean."

Chloe looked at her with a frown. "Everyone keeps saying that you know. Abigail says it, Emma the same...I've never been able to orgasm that way...perhaps something is wrong with me, I don't know..."

Now that's a real shame! And something which can probably be easily fixed...

"Nothing is wrong with you girl! You just need proper...guidance, that's all!"

The brunette looked up towards her with a lopsided grin on her face. "Why don't we have our run now and you can tell me all about guidance later?"

Sandra gave Chloe a good look but couldn't gauge her properly due to the shades. The brunette was brazenly flirting with her or so it seemed. She decided that the best course of action was to play along and see where this little game was going to lead. Without any further exchange she opened her stride and settled on a comfortable slow trot. Soon Chloe was right beside her, chugging along.

"If I'm going too fast let me know, okay?"

"I'm...huff...fine...huff...for now..."

"If you're feeling out of breath we're doing this wrong." The blonde slowed down her pace. "A slow jog should be comfortable enough for you to be able to talk."

"Easy...for...you...to...saaaayy...huff...with those long legs of yours! One step of yours is almost two for me!"

"We can walk if you want."

"No, I'm fine...I actually like this! I want to see how far I can go."

The two girls jogged side by side until Sandra's watch informed them that they had reached the three mile point.

"That was refreshing, wasn't it?"

"You could say that...uffff...I'm quite sure I'll be stiff tomorrow...I don't think I'm any good at this..."

"I think you did excellent today. When I first started out, I did a mile and then collapsed with exhaustion. Now I can do ten miles and be relatively okay afterwards. What you need to do with running is take baby steps...small milestones...you can't climb Mount Everest before you hike up a hill. If you set lofty goals from the very beginning, you'll most likely burn out or worse, injure yourself. If you're considering it, I can coach you if you like."

"I'd definitely like that!"

"Kay...that can be easily arranged..."

"So...ummm...would you like to do something now?"

"Sure! What do you have in mind?"

"Well first, I'd like to change out of these clothes, so I'd say we go by your place first, you can shower, change clothes and then we can go over to mine, do the same and then go out for lunch. How does that sound?"

"I'm game! Although my place won't be a pretty sight you're more than welcome to come over. I won't be long in any case."

Conversation flowed easily between them after that and before they knew it they had reached the entrance of Sandra's apartment. The blonde gave a push to the creaky door and ushered them in.

"Well...home sweet home! This is me!"

Home in this case consisted of a somewhat spacious, well lit room which served as bedroom and living room at the same time. On one corner there was a modest kitchen while at the other end there was a door no doubt leading to the bathroom. There were a few stray items of clothing littering the floor here and there but other than that the place was relatively well kept.

"You call this messy? You should have seen Emma's side of our dorm. A pigsty was probably palatial in comparison to that!"

"Yeah well...I mean, I really ought to tidy things up better but sometimes I really can't be bothered. Would you like something to drink? I'll make some orange squeeze for me. Would you like some?"

"Ummm...if it's not too much of a hassle, yeah, sure!"

Sandra opened the fridge, retrieved half a dozen of oranges and begun to make short work of them. Meanwhile Chloe was hovering nearby taking stock of her surroundings.

"Sandra? Where do you keep your coffee?"

"In that cupboard over my head to the right. Why?"

The brunette came in really close now, Sandra could sense her unique scent filling her nostrils. Chloe stretched and tip-toed on one leg trying to reach the cupboard but came up short. She became slightly unbalanced which resulted in her crotch landing on Sandra's butt. The result was a slight spillage of orange juice on the kitchen counter, more due to Chloe's close proximity to the blonde than anything else.

"Oh...how clumsy of me...sorry!"

"It's...it's okay...what would you want with my coffee anyways? I thought you'd agreed on orange juice..."

"Oh but I'm not looking for the coffee jar. I'm looking for your Hitachi wand!"

"P...pardon me?"

"Your wand! You mentioned you kept it together with your coffee so I got curious and went looking for it."

The brunette delivered her line with a level tone of voice and for a couple of seconds Sandra looked at her as if she was delusional. But then Chloe couldn't hold it any longer and cracked up laughing.

"You're a mental patient, you know that? For a moment there you really had me going...Hitachi wand huh? You really wanna see it? Yeah, I figured as much...kay gimme a sec..."

Sandra wiped her hands on a kitchen towel and made her way towards the couch which doubled as her bed. Opening a dresser right next to it she retrieved a longish looking black pouch. In it, there was a rather long white cylindrical object with switches on it. On one end was the old fashioned power supply cable and on the other, there was a metal rod with a large white spherical object on the tip.

The blonde dutifully plugged in the device and switched it on creating a soft buzzing sound.

"So...umm...well...this is the Hitachi wand...ummm...I think it's obvious what it does...and I can't believe that I'm showing you this now!"

"So what does it do?"

"You're not letting this go are you? Very well...So umm...you put this...well you put this on your clit and play around...it's actually very comfortable because the head has an adjustable speed and the long handle makes it easy for you to reach..."

Is she just curious about the vibe or is she just trying to break the ice here? If it's the latter, this is one hell of an ice-breaking conversation!

The brunette looked thoughtfully at the wand.

"I've never owned anything like this to be honest..."

"Oh? Well, I guess toys like this aren't for everyone..."

"No, it's not that...it's..."

Chloe fell silent. Gone was the smile on her face. Instead, her beautiful facial features were marred with discomfort.

"Sweetie? Are you okay?" said the blonde with the most gentle of tones.

The brunette was on the verge of tears now. "I...I'm so sorry...so sorry..." The tears made their appearance now. "I thought...I thought that with lame jokes and stupid hints that...that I could do this...I'm so sorryyyyyyyyyyy..."

Sandra embraced and hugged the younger girl tightly while at the same time softly patting her back. After a while Chloe looked up with red eyes and a lopsided smile: "You must think I'm crazy...I'm so sorry, but God I needed that hug!"

"Sweetheart? You wanna sit down on the couch and talk with me? Maybe I can help."

They both sat down and Chloe made it a point of not only sitting right next to Sandra but having their legs touch side by side.

"I...ummm...owe you an explanation I guess..."

"You owe me nothing sweetie..."

"No...I've got to get this out of my system...Emma and Abigail, they're fine, Emma is my pal but I don't want to constantly pester them with the demons in my head...Anyways...there is a short version and a long one...which do you want to hear?"

"Both I guess."

"...kay...you're not making this any easier...the short version is...well it is...that I like you...err..." the brunette had turned crimson now "...I mean..."

"Chloe? I'm not that thick...I know that...I like you too..."

The brunette let out a massive sigh of relief. "...this is most awkward...but I need to tell you the long version too...okay, here goes...I always thought that I was a person with a low sex drive. Back at middle school, when all my friends were going like crazy over the boys, I was like, yeah so? Now, I've done my fair share of reading on the net and it wasn't like I was looking after girls, finding girls beautiful or having a crush on a female teacher. The whole sexuality subject just seemed to be on the back burner for me.

Then...well...in order to fit in I tried dating. I kissed a bit, petted around but no sex. Add to this the fact that my parents have a rather prim and proper altitude towards sex...it happens but it's never spoken about. My mom had told me about my period and the very basic birds-and-bees stuff but that was about it. When I was a freshman, I had my first...well...relationship so to speak. I had sex, more because that's what's expected of you...it did nothing for me and it certainly was nowhere near the earth moving, sun bursting, mega-colossal event that Emma was yapping about. As I've said to the girls, it was a C, maybe a C+ tops.

At that time...God I'm so embarrassed...anyways...at that time, I had no idea what an orgasm was, okay? Just...please...don't ask...I knew there was something interesting going on when I touched down there, but I lacked the drive to bring things to conclusion. You may ask under which rock I was living and you'd be right but I just wasn't motivated or interested or I dunno...So, of course, when you're completely clueless about your body, you can't give instructions and you can't ask. I mean...my first boyfriend was an OK guy, it was his first time too...he'd ask if I'd finished and I'd have no fucking clue.
