Dilemmas of Love


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Sandra couldn't help but laugh at the whole scene. She had been inches away from kissing the girl but had been denied by a whimsical caprice of Lady Luck.

Should have waited for a more suitable moment...but...you never gain anything unless you try! And besides, if this little incident is indicative of anything, little Chloe over here is at least a bit curious about girl to girl action. Let's give a girl a helping hand shall we?

Smiling, the blonde moved towards the fallen Chloe and gave her a hand which the brunette accepted. Their eyes met briefly and to Sandra it seemed as if Chloe was silently apologizing for the intrusion.

"Did...did I interrupt something? I'm really sorry but Abigail sent me to fetch some kitchen towel...ummm..."

"It's fine Em...we...we weren't doing anything..." Chloe made a motion of filling a large glass with water and taking a large gulp. "...it's just that you startled me...Sandra here...Sandra was telling me..." Chloe took another large mouthful...

"...we were talking about the orchid collection in your living room and how beautiful the buds are when their petals open...they look so much like..."

Chloe spewed the contents of her mouth on the floor and started coughing.

"Chloe! Jesus girl! You're a walking disaster today!"

Both girls where next to her in an instant.

Despite having water literally running from her nostrils, the brunette shot an I-cannot-believe-you-were-going-to-say-that look to Sandra.

"I'm...alright...I'm fine...water probably took a wrong turn somewhere..."

Better stop making lame puns...seems our Chloe here is a bit accident prone...not to mention being as transparent as glass. I mean, even if Emma didn't actually catch us on the act, given her behavior, it was as if we put a billboard over the house! Let's cool it somewhat for now.

"Emma? We're as ready as can be here. Need any help outside? Shall we start bringing stuff outside?"

"Uhhhh...okay, yeah, sure! It's almost time anyways."

The three girls made their way towards the backyard laden with various platers and bowls. Just as soon as they had settled everything to their satisfaction, their first guests arrived. They were mostly Emma's and Chloe's classmates but there were also some friends of Abigail's there, most notably Aurelia and Jeremy, Sandra and a few other girls from their running team.

The athletic blonde had lost track of Chloe at that time and was making small talk with a fellow runner when Abigail approached them.

"Hey April! Good to see you girl! Glad you could make it! What do you think of our little party here?"

April was of medium height with carrot colored pixie-cut hair, dressed in Aztec print leggings, black flip-flops and a light gray spaghetti strap top. The leggings fit her like a glove showing off nicely her well-toned body. Sandra and Abigail sometimes trained together with her but apparently Abigail seemed to be much closer to April than she was. The girl had a somewhat butchy look to her, although the blonde had to concede that a proper butch would probably never ever be caught in fancy, femme styled leggings. Butch wasn't Sandra's thing, but April was a first rate, hardworking athlete and the blonde respected that. Besides, she had been keeping her good company and seemed genuinely interested in what they were talking about.

I don't even know her that much but being a friend of Abigail's probably makes it a safe bet to assume that she's on our side. She's not a super-model but that ass of hers? I could stick my mouth in there and just tongue her for ages...and I've probably had a beer or two too many!

April smiled amicably back at Abigail. "Everything is first rate Abi, thanks for inviting me!"

"Would you two care to give me a hand with the tequilas?"

"Are you REALLY sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I'm sure Sandie!"

"I hate it when you call me that...and it probably shows you've had one too many."

"Oh shut up Sandra. Don't be such a party pooper! I'm fine...and besides...this is a double celebration! Yes, it's a graduation party for the girls but more importantly, it's our first public celebration. Emma's graduated! We don't need to hide anymore! We want to shout to the world that we're in love and together! No rules, no warnings, no looking over your shoulder every other moment! Who saw you kiss, who saw you look a certain way, whether your conduct is professional enough or not. All that is behind us now...perhaps...perhaps it's me who needs this the most...You know...let my guard down for once and not care. It's our house, our friends and us. Do I get plastered in front of others? Maybe. But who cares? Am I making sense to you guys?"

"Oh sweetie...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to come down too hard on you. Of course we'll help. I was just concerned about this thing getting out of hand. That's all."

Abigail opened her arms and embraced both girls. Together they started making their way towards the kitchen.

Chapter 6 (Lydia)

"What do you want? Why did you call me?"

"Lydia, I'm sorry...I feel awful about how I treated you..."

"You should, you know! What do you want?"

"I...ummm...I'd like to see you...in person...please?"

Please? Who are you and what have you done to Nikki? Nikki pleading?

"Why? What did I do this time Nikki?"

"I...ummm...I owe you an apology...and an explanation..."

Don't do this! Don't let her drag you! She's bound to be manipulative once more!

"I don't think this is a good idea..."

"Please? If I was ever anything for you...please...just five minutes is all I'm asking for."

If you were anything...YOU WERE EVERYTHING!

"That's more than you ever gave me, you know!"

"Lydia I know...I feel bad about it...please let me explain myself..."

This is not a good idea! You don't want to ride on this rollercoaster anymore!

"Okay...okay...better get this over with...can you do now?"

"Yeah, sure can!"

"Then come over my place" came blurting out of Lydia's mouth and she almost immediately regretted speaking these words. But, now they were spoken and...

"Cool! I'll be there in half an hour!"

And with that the connection went cold. Lydia stood in her room staring at the phone in disbelief. Her relationship with Nikki had been as tempestuous as their brief exchange a few seconds ago. Lydia was an only child used to getting her way with people but with Nikki her whole world had been tumbled upside down. The dynamics between them had been quite lopsided with Nikki usually calling the shots. Lydia had met her three years ago at a time in her life when she was exploring her sexuality. The more experienced and slightly older Nikki had been Lydia's first and she had shown her the ropes of the lesbian world, so to speak.

Their relationship had been both fulfilling and confusing for the raven haired girl. On one hand, Nikki had opened for her whole new worlds of pleasurable delight. The girl could simply coach out of her system orgasms with just the snap of her fingers it would seem. But on the other side, there was Nikki's incessant jealousy which, when it reared its ugly head, all hell would break loose.

They had been together for nearly three years, but during this latest period, Lydia had gotten really fed up with Nikki's baseless accusations. She was, however, her first love and she still had strong feelings for her. Until finally, a couple of months ago, they had this huge fight and Nikki simply cut all connections and disappeared. Lydia, had cried, begged, pleaded over the phone, over texts and e-mails but Nikki would have none of it. And just when she was getting over this sordid mess, she received this strange phone call. And Lydia had good reasons to think it was strange because in nearly three years together, Nikki had rarely used the words "I'm sorry" or "please" unless she had either stepped on you or was addressing a waiter.

This wasn't to say that Lydia had been dating a monster; it's just that the oscillations between the good moments and the explosive, jealousy fueled fights had become both frequent and severe in their fluctuation. Despite her better judgment, the raven haired girl had invited her ex to her house, rationalizing this as "better get it over now than later". But that was just the pretext. The full truth was that, despite what Lydia said to others and to herself, a small part of her was still pining for Nikki's presence. This was something though, that not even Lydia wanted to dwell on for too long.

Wishing to kill time, she decided to have a hot shower. The warm water usually had a soothing effect on her nerves whenever she felt tense or jittery. Once under the warm rain, she closed her eyes and reveled in the magnificent feeling she always got as the hot steam enwrapped her body. She could feel her skin prickle and every hair of her body literally stand to attention. Cascades of warm water flowed over her nipples steadily caressing them to attention. By habit, her right hand made its way towards her pussy; she briefly toyed with the idea of getting herself off. Since her early adolescence, Lydia had discovered the pacifying qualities of voluntarily releasing one's endorphins but in this case, time was against her and she dropped the idea.

No sooner had she gotten into a pair of red shorts and a gray tank top, than the buzzer to the house's outer gate resonated.

Why on earth did I ever agree to this! Because I'm a big ole softie, that's why! Now Lydia! Pay attention! You will show no emotion, no crying, nothing in front of her. Just let her have her say and be on her way! Don't let her manipulate your feelings! And no matter what happens...NO SEX!!

Lydia, pressed the intercom button and opened the door. A few moments later, her ex stood right in front of her. For some reason, Nikki's slim and muscular complexion had always appealed to Lydia. Nikki had jet black hair cut in a layered bob and today had chosen to wear a figure hugging pair of cuffed denim shorts and a black T-shirt with rolled up sleeves. A black book bag, casually flung on her shoulder completed her ensemble. Like Lydia, Nikki was into sports and was actually a candidate member of the Greco-Roman national wrestling team.

«Γειά...» (Hey...)


«Μπορώ να περάσω;» (May I come in?)

"Ughh...sure...yeah...no one's here."

«Δε θες να μιλήσουμε στα ελληνικά;» (Wouldn't you want to do this in Greek?)

"No, Nikki...English will do just fine."


"Why are you here Nikki?"

"I...because I've missed you...and because I owe you an apology...and because I've been a jerk..."

Well you're certainly right about the "jerk" part. Missed me? Owe me an apology? Is she high or something?

"I...I know I've been difficult with you Lydia...that I made these make-belief ugly scenarios in my mind which filled me with jealousy and insecurity...you don't deserve this, especially since these thoughts of mine were...they were probably my imagination...and...well...ummm...I've missed you..."

"You've missed me..." said Lydia with a hollow tone to her voice. Her eyes were un-focused and vaguely staring at the floor tiles thus missing Nikki's silent approach towards her.

But her eyes refocused sharply when she heard Nikki whispering in her ear. "I've missed you in more ways than one...and I'm sure you've missed me too Lydia."

You have to stop this NOW!

The rational part of her brain was screaming, ordering her to stop this; her body though had already betrayed her and had reacted to Nikki's soft whispering. The shorter girl, emboldened by Lydia seemingly being petrified in place, took matters in her own hand. What the taller Lydia could not see was the smirk on Nikki's face. It was a facial expression conveying her victory. Her sense that, no matter what you may think, your body is mine.

She continued nibbling and breathing on Lydia's ear while ever so gingerly her strong hands caressed the taller girl's thighs. Lydia had her eyes closed by now. Her whole essence was on fire. On one hand there was her body's betrayal. Her skin had broken into goosebumps, her nipples were painfully rubbing against the fabric of her sports-bra and her pussy lips pushed against her panties as they became engorged. On the other, within her mind, a battle was raging; one part of it was actively craving for the moments of glorious lust that Nikki had skillfully coached from her body countless of times in the past. The other was playing scenes of the fights they had, the jealous accusations, the crying, the pleading and ultimately, the barren wasteland that her soul had been reduced to after her outright rejection.

But, as is painfully well known, in matters of the heart and more so, in matters of carnal pleasure, the rational part of ourselves rarely wins any arguments. And in this case, Lydia's body had already decided for her.

Boldly, Nikki's fingers crept underneath the hem of her shorts and with skilled proficiency found the protrusion of Lydia's clit over the fabric of her panties. Fingers slowly started circling the swollen nub and this propelled the opening of the floodgates down below.

Lydia's facial expression was a peculiar mix of pain and pleasure. As Nikki continued with the ruthless circling of her clit, a small whimper escaped her mouth. The shorter girl's victory was complete; now she could have Lydia eating from her palm if she so wished. Nikki was two years older and had been much more experienced sexually than Lydia. She had found out in the past that once turned on, she could get Lydia to obediently do as she was told. The tell-tale sign of wetness seeping through the cotton fabric was evidence enough that she could take things further.

"On your knees" was the hiss-like command that she gave into Lydia's ear.

The taller girl mechanically obeyed. Nikki yanked her shorts and panties down. As always it was a beautiful sight. Lydia's lips were puffy and slightly apart and her clit was fully erect. Thin strands of clear fluid were beginning to trickle down her pussy lips.

Without missing a beat, Nikki yanked off her own denim shorts revealing a black harness-styled pair of panties on the inside. With surgical precision, she fished in her book bag and withdrew a massive eight inch black cock-look-alike dildo. After slotting the tool, she next rolled a condom over it and let the tip rest on Lydia's pussy.

A loud grunt later and the massive, plastic cock was being relentlessly sunk inside the kneeling girl.

"Ooowwiee...not so fast Nikki!"

«Στα ελληνικά θα μου μιλάς πάλιο-πούτανο!» (You will talk to me in Greek, you whore!)

Nikki proceeded to furiously ram the plastic cock in an out of Lydia's sopping wet pussy. Her powerful muscles were already gleaming with a thin sheen of perspiration.

«Δώσε μου το χέρι σου!» (Give me your hand!)

In order to comply, Lydia had to lower her face on the floor and offer her right arm. Nikki took the palm and guided the fingers onto Lydia's clit.

«...δε θα σταματήσω να σε γαμάω αν δε χύσεις...» (I will not stop fucking you until you cum)

The lean muscular girl resumed the brutal thrusting of the massive cock into Lydia's pussy. White froth could be seen covering her pussy lips as the raven haired girl produced copious amounts of lubrication.

Soon, Lydia's fingers started flying over her clit. The girl had now been reduced to a trembling mass, moaning incoherently after each deep thrust.

"I'm...I'm coming..."

That statement was enough for Nikki to literally start flying in and out of Lydia's pussy. The slim, muscular girl was covered in sweat by now and her knees where probably hurting like hell as she gave Lydia her very all.

With a strong guttural growl, Lydia announced her orgasm. First she arched her back and after her body heaved violently for a few seconds, she collapsed in a fetal position on the floor.

Nikki's victory was complete. With a triumphant smile on her face, she unclasped the cock from its base and very gently spooned next to Lydia who was still twitching and shaking. Wrapping her strong arms around her, she offered small soothing kisses to the small of Lydia's back.

«Σου άρεσε;» (Did you like it?)

«...ναι...πολύ...είσαι τέλεια με αυτό...» (yes...very...you're perfect with that)

"You know that we aren't finished yet..."

"...true...give me a moment and I'll do you..."

"Today's not about me...you are the main course!"

"More with that?"

"sssssshhhh...don't you worry...don't you worry...I'll take good care of you...just...stay there for a few seconds..."

Nikki swiftly got on her feet and rummaged through her bag. She fished out a beach towel which she neatly laid on a nearby armchair, making sure that it completely covered the seat. Then she adjusted the pillows in such a fashion as to facilitate a slumped sitting position. Next, she placed her bag right next to the foot of the furniture. Satisfied with her preparations she motioned to Lydia to come over here.

"Nuh-uh...you'll have to come and get me" said Lydia with a coy voice.

Nikki moved towards her with determination. "Right. On all fours then!"

The raven haired girl did as she was told. Nikki approached her from above and, using a lifting grip, effortlessly picked her off the ground. Using the fireman's carry, she moved the laughing Lydia onto the armchair carefully positioning each leg on the arm rests.

"You know, I keep forgetting just how powerful you really are."

"Yeah well, wrestling does have a few positives to go with it. You do learn very well how to pick off the ground struggling opponents. I mean, I'm quite sure a few of them get a kick out of it..."

"Oh? Do you have any names?"

"Nothing specific to be honest...there's this chick I know, black hair, tall, lean, very fit...she giggles a lot when I do that...seems to me she likes it."

"Yeah...she might..."

Nikki sat cross-legged on the floor, her fingers already on Lydia's pussy tracing the folds between the girl's lips.

"...and...what might she need to make up her mind?"

Lydia had already started shivering from the attention. "Oh...well...if you keep doing that, she'll definitely start making up her mind."

"Hmmmm...I wonder...what could possibly speed things up? Perhaps...if I did this..." Nikki's thumb started lazily circling over the girl's clitoral hood causing the owner to shudder.

"You...you're definitely getting things up to speed there..."

"Mhmmmm...how about we add some spice...see what this does..."

Nikki removed her thumb and latched her lips on Lydia's clit, providing a heady mix of lapping, suckling and tongue flicking. Meanwhile, her hands, freed from their earlier ministrations searched through the contents of her bag once more. Out came a bottle of water based lube, followed by a silicon made, turquoise colored set of anal beads. With her hands, she tapped both of Lydia's legs under her knees signaling that she wanted them lifted higher up and in the air. The raven haired girl complied; now all of her crotch was exposed and facing Nikki.

Placing both palms on her hamstrings to keep her steady, Nikki moved her face lower, with her tongue leaving a slippery trail as it went. Slowly but steadily, her tongue started lapping at Lydia's asshole while her nose rested squarely on the entrance of her pussy.

"Oh fuck...oh God..." was all Lydia could gasp as Nikki continued her thorough tonguing. By now, her sphincter had completely relaxed and opening up to reveal its pink colored interior. By replacing her hand with her elbow, Nikki was able to free a hand, which was then used to caress the girl's clit.