Dinner and Deviance

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Brother and Sister's pretend date is getting real!
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"Okay guys, we're off!" Mom said dragging the last of her suitcases behind her. "Be good, have fun! We sure will."

"And just the one bottle, honey," Dad shouted from the car.

Mark stood on the cold looking tiles of the kitchen floor. It wouldn't be long until the afternoon sun warmed them up. Turning around, he tossed his car keys onto the countertop.

"They could have at least told me they were getting a taxi to the airport."

"Could be worse," Alice said, pulling a tray out of the oven. "I've kept the pie warm. Can't let you leave hungry."

"With gravy and onions? Smells great!"

"Yeah, I was gonna set the table all nice for myself; light a candle, pour myself a glass of Dad's expensive wine - the works. You might as well tag along so your evening isn't a total waste?"

Mark watched as she set down another plate. It was a small table covered with a purple cloth. Red liquid trickled into his glass as candle wax started to melt.

"Can't say no to that," he said, taking his seat.

"Good," Alice said as she dished out the food. "Looks like I've got my partner in crime."

Having just come from work, Mark yawned and hung his suit jacket on the back of his chair. His jet-black shirt matched his hair, pants and shoes. Alice displayed a more casual look. She wore a pair of light blue jeans, and a baggy t-shirt. Stretching to open a cupboard, bulging bra cups were obvious under her shirt.

"Who you texting?" she said, sitting down. "Sorry, none of my business."

Mark continued to tap his phone screen. "Just letting Linda know I'm having dinner here."

He clinked Alice's raised glass and sipped the rich beverage.

"Just the one bottle," Alice said mockingly. "What's the point in having something if you can't bloody enjoy it."

"That must get annoying -- their house, their rules bullshit. I thought you were gonna get a place of your own?"

"Mark, have you seen rent prices lately? I'd just be chucking my savings into a bottomless pit. Besides, got the place to myself for ten whole days!"

"I see. To be honest, it's good to be out of the house for a while. Pretty chaotic with the new arrival," Mark said.

"I guess that's to be expected. You guys are coping though, right?"

"Yeah, I mean it's tough, but we're getting through it. Just never realised how much work having a kid is."

"C'mon now. It's pretty easy for the guy," Alice said with a wink. "Seriously though, you guys should come over some evening. Leave the cooking to me."

"Might take you up on that. Might do Linda some good."

Alice swirled her glass and waited for him to continue.

"The whole having a kid thing has taken a lot out of her. I dunno, she's changed...doesn't seem to have much time for...

"Wifely duties?" Alice said, sliding the fork between her lips.

"Yeah...Ugh...This food is delicious, sis. The wine compliments it perfectly."

"Sad thing is, this is going better than most of my dates!"

The flame flickered and Alice lay the back of her hand down across the table. Accepting the invitation of her open palm, Mark rested his on top. Shovelling pie into his mouth, there was no awkwardness between them. Alice and Mark had always been close. With blonde, chin-length hair, blue eyes, and a button nose, Alice was very different from his wife. It wasn't that Linda wasn't pretty, but the poor woman barely had the energy to shower these days. He slid his thumb down her wrist and circled the small tattoo. Her quickening pulse surprised him.

"Ha! Date night." Mark said. "It's been a while since I had one of those."

"As I said, you're better company than most. That must say a lot about my taste in men."

"Go on. Tell me about your worst date?"

Alice drained her glass and stained her lips a wonderful red.

"I'm talking generally. Most guys are just mumbling fools. It's like they haven't a clue how to converse with a woman. Even the smooth ones are so predictable."

"That's probably because they're too preoccupied with trying to get inside your pants...Y'know...as men tend to do, generally speaking."

"Generally speaking?" A grinning Alice replied.

Mark noticed her pulse had returned to a steady rhythm before she slid away from him.

"Excuse me a moment, please," she said as she left the table.

Mark tucked away the rest of his food and refilled their glasses. The late afternoon sun had skirted around, giving the room a warm, red, glow. He was feeling guilty for not being home with his wife and child, but desperately needed a break from the chaos. He also started to become concerned about Alice's absence. Her delicious pie was just sitting there getting soggy, and at the mercy of a hungry brother.


The clack of heels sounded her return. Soft hands caressed his tense shoulders. He could see the tips of her shiny fingernails slide briefly down his chest. Alice came back into view as she returned to her chair.

"Wow.." Mark uttered.

"Even for a pretend date, a girl can still make an effort. That's half the fun!"

Alice had gotten rid of the t-shirt in favour of a light V-neck sweater. The jeans didn't change, but were considerably improved by her white high heels. Mark was aware that he was starting to gawk.

"It's only a bit of eyeliner and lip-gloss," Alice said, tossing food into her mouth. She cleaned gravy off her lips with her tongue and smiled. "Oh yeah. We both know I'm getting a second date!"

"Second date? Ah! So, this is all about validation for you, is it?"

"Shush. Stop analysing me."

Bold eyes stared at him over the rim of her glass. He was just glad she thought he was analysing her mind, rather than her generous display of cleavage.

"Like I can talk," he said, tucking his chin into his chest. "I'm not as lean as I used to be - as I'm sure you could tell."

"Relax. We're both getting older, bro."

Looking her over, Mark rolled his eyes at her attempt at modesty. She shrugged her shoulders in reply.

"You want to know my secret?" she said. "No babies!"

"You haven't changed a bit, sis. The five years may as well be five months. Now, where were we," Mark said, offering his hand.

She smiled as she accepted. His thumb circled the little yin-yang tattoo on her wrist. Her touch brought pleasant memories of a tight, blue bikini. She had been 21 years old at the time, and without doubt the best looking girl on the island.

"Do you remember getting it?" he said.

"Of course. Phuket. I was trying to stop your crazy ass from getting one! Seems I failed miserably."

"Do you regret it?"

Alice kept her eyes on him as she leaned forward.

"No. It was a crazy time. But amazing. Remember we spent my 21st birthday on the beach?"

"Full moon and all. I thought of everything for you," he said.

Her foot brushing his leg was probably meant as a sisterly nudge. As the candle blazed, a thick globule of wax ran slowly down the stick.

Alice stretched as she yawned. As cloth tightened against chest, Mark silently scolded himself. 'Why is every innocent movement so fucking sexual?' He had hoped he was past having such thoughts. He figured he'd be fine as long as his sister didn't make him stand up anytime soon. Her manicured skin was enticingly soft in his grasp. Alice grinned as if plotting something wicked.

"Just because I'm the woman, doesn't mean I'm doing these dishes by myself!"

"Ah, so now I'm the beaten down husband, am I? Surely you don't treat all your dates like this?"

The thought of chores made his cock sleep.

"Maybe I should," she said as she stood to clear the table.

Mark sat back and sipped his wine. On watching the pretty woman in high heels slave over a sink - there were worse sights in life. He rose to help her while he still could. Her lips held a smirk as he approached. Alice ran the taps and pulled on yellow, rubber gloves. Standing close, Mark still had a couple of inches on her, despite the heels.


Occasionally backing away to sneak a glance of her perfect, pushed out ass was nice while it lasted. With no more believable excuses at hand, he moved back to the sink beside her. He'd probably feel guilty if it wasn't for the wine.

"I don't get it," Mark said nudging the empty bottle. "I drink this expensive stuff with clients all the time...aaand, I can't tell the fucking difference!"

"I know, right?" Alice said. "Give me a cheap supermarket red any day. Still, dad just wants to store it forever."

Rubbery fingers wet his as she passed him a plate. Foamy suds dotted his shoes because she wasn't concentrating on what she was doing.

"But if you got something, you have to enjoy it. That's what I say."

"Although...sometimes it's better to appreciate certain things from afar," he said.

"Well, Mark. You wouldn't know much about that, would you?"

Mark noticed more droplets on his shoes. He decided there was nothing else to do but retaliate. He plunged his hand into the foamy water with a splash. The lukewarm liquid hit both of them. His target was not impressed. She faced him and held a stern expression.

"Clean it," she demanded.

White suds crossed her eyebrow, so he thumbed them away. Some suds clung to her chest, so he touched there too. Her fingers curled around his forearm. Their eyes never parted as he wiped white foam of her hips. There was nothing on her ass, Mark just wanted to feel it. Alice moved easily as he pulled her tight to him. His eyes fluttered, not knowing what part of the woman to settle on.

"I...should probably head home."

"Ah, I see," she said, without a hint of concern. "Not even going to try for the kiss?"

She was the one in his firm grip, but Mark was undeniably the putty. Eager mouths quickly connected. Her fingers caressed his stubble as they kissed. He pulled at the back of her top while Alice messed his hair -- the rubber gloves stinging him. Mark pulled his head back.

"Just when I thought I was over you."

Alice launched back into him and did her best to swallow his tongue. She spun around and drove her ass up against his clothed erection. She pulled one of his arms around her. Mark needed no further guidance as fingertips glided around her bellybutton. She grinded him as she spoke.

"I can taste the wine on you."

He lay his fingers on the little metallic button on her jeans.

"You'll just have to stay a bit longer," she said.

Her jeans were snug to her body, but his fingers slid under with ease. Alice moaned as he explored familiar underwear. He smiled. Moving his hand around, he felt the little tied strings of her bikini bottoms.

"Shit!" Mark said as he used his free hand to pull a vibrating cell phone from his pocket. Without thinking, he tapped the screen and brought it to his ear. He kept his other hand on Alice's damp underwear.

"Linda, honey. Everything ok?"

A digital buzz emitted from his phone as Alice swivelled her bum against him.

"Yeah, I'm still at mom's place. Yeah ...here with Alice."

The transition from nylon to shaved skin was divine. The moist slit his fingers sank into was even better. He silently thanked Alice for the long sigh instead of a moan. He pulled out and began to strum her wet pussy. Her shuddering made it difficult to focus on Linda's voice.

"Home? To be honest honey, I've had a bit of wine with dinner...Yeah, I know I shouldn't have.... It wouldn't be a good idea for me to drive right now."

Alice let a moan escape as he found her clit.

"What? Nothing. It's just the tv. Tell me, how was your day, honey"

He was a little worried that Alice was losing control of herself. Knowing he was the source of her pleasure brought a huge amount of warped satisfaction. As he continued to blag his way through the call, Alice dangled rubbery fingers in his face. Her tattoo appeared as she peeled off the glove. He was glad Linda couldn't hear his sister's rapid breaths as his knuckles stretched soggy nylon. Mark grinned as she lowered her hand. The anticipation of being set free was immense. He practically burst through his opened fly, and for the first time since their travels, Alice stroked his cock.

He held his groans as her little paw blurred and squeezed his shaft. His own hand became coated with her juices as he switched between strumming and fingering. Alice's increasing juddering signalled she was close.

"Shit...Linda, hold on a sec. I've got mom on the other line."

Alice shook and shrieked as she warmed his fingers with her squirts. Her legs buckling beneath her, Mark's slippery grip was the only thing keeping her upright.

"Oh, Dad? How's it going. Shouldn't you be on a plane?"

Alice straightened up again and resumed her hand job. Her pristine fingernails looked even better around his cock. His balls jiggled as she pulled him. If she didn't slow down, his load would soon be flying across the room.

"Oh, you're just boarding now?"

Alice spun into his chest, pinning his cock against her stomach. She grabbed his face and kissed him.

"Hi daddy," she said. "Fly safe."

"Yeah, dad, the wine was awesome. Oh Christ! We may have to open up one more," he said.

A trail of precum marked her as she dropped to her knees. After kissing his cock, she pleasured him over smiling lips. It looked like she was enjoying his multitasking predicament.

"I gotta go dad. I've got Linda waiting on the other line. Call when you get checked in, ok?"

"Linda, hmph! Sorry about that," he said as his cock travelled towards his sister's throat. "I told you honey, it's just the tv," he said, trying to explain the gagging.

Mark was losing track of the conversation as lips ran over his throbbing manhood.

"Alice? Yeah, Alice is good." He brought his hand to her cheek. "Really good. Actually, she's invited us over some evening for dinner. Give you a well-deserved night off."

His cock glistened from a mixture of fluids. His biology was a bit rusty, but he guessed that the juicy mix probably contained the same DNA. The bubbling pleasure threatening to boil over, there was going to be a lot more genetic sample very soon. He desperately searched for a way to end the call.

"Linda, babe. I gotta cu- GO! I'll see you first thing in the morning, ok?"

Trapped completely in the jaws of pleasure; he didn't take much notice of the angry buzz flooding his ear.

"I know, I know. I'm immature. Argh! I sh-should be home with my f-f-famileeey!

Alice stroked and sucked at the same time. The phone plunged into the water as his first pumps coated her tongue. Alice pressed his pulsating cock against her lips. Mark roared as creamy streaks darted across her unflinching face. Overshooting the runway, some jizz marked her forehead, before landing on the floor behind her. Such a tragic irony - she was much too pretty to be used like this, but it was her beauty that made him cum even harder. His eyes were drawn to the white clinging above her eyebrow. He felt a little shame that his shaft was resting over her sloppy face. Grinning lips either side of his meat made him feel more like a god. Panting intensely, he helped her to her feet.

"You taste good," Alice said.

"I didn't mean to make such a mess, sis."

"That's ok. I did."

She continued to play with his softening cock. She looked the same as before, except for the addition of her facial.

"Seems like you really needed that," she said, before giving him a cummy grin. "Feeling tired?"

Alice turned and walked to the table. Her denim ass was on full display as she bent over to blow out the candle.

"I'm gonna go lie down."

She pulled off her top and dropped it on the floor as she walked away.

"Mom's bed feels way too big for just one," she shouted as she disappeared around the corner.

Mark leaned against the sink and savoured the aftermath. His enjoyment was cut short as he spun around to fish out the plastic phone from the greasy water. 'Thank fuck,' he thought, on seeing the device was completely dead. He couldn't recall all the noises made, but he didn't want to have to explain anymore to his wife than he needed to. The tv excuse would only go so far. Mark scooped up his glass from the table and filled it with water. His throat was as parched as his post nut balls -- Alice already having received her drink. He chuckled to himself like an immature teen.

The sun now gone, there was only a faint glow in the kitchen. It was still too early for bed, but he knew he'd sleep regardless. He almost trod on Alice's discarded sweater. He stripped off and piled his clothes on top of hers. Naked, he'd go pass water before joining her in bed.


He closed the door behind him and kicked her jeans out of the way. Alice was already under the crisp white bedsheets. He saw the back straps of her bra as he lifted the covers and slid in beside her. It was only a quick glimpse, but her naked bum looked even better in its natural state. She rolled into him and slid her hands over his smooth chest.

"Ah, the thing that started it all," she said as she pressed her lips to the matching ink on his chest - his yin-yang much larger than hers.

Dried semen caked the edges of her hair, but the creamy web that had covered her face had been washed away. He slid his arm around the back of her neck.

"Everything ok?" she whispered as she squeezed his limp cock.

"All good. Just need a few minutes to...reload."


"Yeah?" he said, frowning at the serious tone of her voice.

"I want you to leave Linda and be with me."

"Wha- Alice, I have a family. I love you, bu-"

"Oh my god, your face!" she said before play-biting his nipple.

He eventually joined in with her giggles. Alice slid a smooth leg over his and pressed her tits to his skin. He didn't know how his cock stayed asleep next to his feminine goddess. Her hand worked his balls as she talked.

"We can just sleep. I know you're exhausted."

"I just need a minute."

Her lips dragged across his stubbled chin before finding his mouth.

"Do you remember that French guy in Thailand? The one who was really into me?"

"Pierre...Peter...I dunno."

"Emmanuel. Oh, you remember, brother."

His hand wandered down her body and squeezed her firm ass.

"You were so overprotective of me back then - wouldn't let me play with any other boys, would you?"

"Why are you bringing this shit up?" he said as he found wet pussy lips.

"Because...you get so hard for me when you're jealous."

Sure enough, Alice was tugging a raging cock. He already knew, but his sister whispered the same words she spoke the night of her 21st.

"I'm not wearing any underwear."

Mark did what he did back then, and rolled on top of her. He jammed his hand behind her back and unclipped her bra. The tension in the straps vanished as he released her succulent breasts. They weren't huge, but more than filled a man's hand.

"The terrible things I do."

"We do."

He lowered his body to hers. Tummy touched tummy and chest touched chest. Mark readied his hips. Their mouths opened for a half kiss. His cock was never as hard as it glanced her raw opening. With the help of her hand, he leaned forward and eased inside. Alice closed her eyes and released a moan on receiving him. Her arms felt good around his neck.

Blonde hair fell over Alice's eye from their incestuous romp. He brushed it out of the way with a gentle stroke. Sinking deeper, he didn't want to hurt her. Mark was careful to keep his thrusts firm but measured. He was no stranger to wild, animalistic fucking, but it was different with Alice. She deserved so much better - especially after his kitchen release. Their eyes met. He was glad to see the same pleasure in hers.

"You've wanted this for a long time, haven't you?" Alice said as she massaged his waist.

Mark wet her neck from kisses. Soft breasts felt good against his chest. Alice's whole body was intoxicating, and he was quickly losing control.

"I'm not for Emmanuel. Not for anyone," she said, wrapping her legs around him. "I belong to my brother!"