Dirty Work

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I'm a fool for her.
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The idea for the following short story came to us in the car when XM's Classic Vinyl station played Steely Dan. Kate said, "Damn, sounds like a Loving Wives tale, don't ya think, Bill?" Hope you all agree.


Dirty Work

There was the damn phone again; it'd been ringing all damn day.

I answered with my usual greeting, "Sam Brown."

"Sam, baby; think you can get off earlier and start our weekend?" Her voice was like honey, sweet with a consistency that always aroused me.

"What about Angela?"

"I sent her home early. Nobody is here. Hurry."

I shut off my computer, forwarded the phone to voicemail and locked my office behind me; practically running to my car. At this time of day traffic would be light, even on a Friday; I'd be at her home in a half hour.


I first met Kristy when she walked into Music class; we were both high school juniors. There was only one open seat for the five-six, blonde, blue-eyed beauty, and it was right next to mine. We exchanged 'hellos' and names before Ms. Cramer started the lecture on the evolution of jazz in early twentieth century America. Yes, I vividly remember the moment; it was the day I fell in love with Kristy Holman.

Kristy and I dated all through our junior year. I knew she dated other guys from time to time; but I accepted it because: one, I had to, and two, she was usually available for at least one night every weekend. Spring came and I was having an excellent year for three reasons. I was playing on the varsity tennis team; it looked like I'd be going to state. My SAT scores came back and I was in the ninety-nine percentile; things looked good for acceptance to the college of my choice. Only one thing would make this year better and I planned to complete my personal trifecta on Saturday.

I took Kristy to the movie 'Shampoo' because everyone said she looked like a younger, blonde version of Lee Grant. The movie was sexy and afterwards, Kristy and I had a hot make-out session in my car. She never let me do anything beyond French kissing and an occasional rub of her breasts over her blouse and tonight was no exception. I quit kissing Kristy long enough to ask her my question.

"Kristy, will you go to the prom with me?"

"Sam, I'm sorry. Jake Harmon already asked, and I said 'yes'."

Jake was our school's All-Star quarterback; I didn't even know they were dating. My ego dropped into a deep dark hole. I kept my shit together for the next half hour as I drove her home and walked Kristy to her parents' door. She gave me a peck on the lips and walked into the house. The porch light went out.

It didn't help when the next day at Sunday dinner my mother, in her usual sunny way, asked if Kristy was happy to be asked to the prom. My younger brother Jeff, my dad and my mother were all watching me, smiles on their faces. I really did have a kind, loving family; I grew up in a safe cocoon.

"Can't say how happy she was when she agreed to go to the prom - most likely - since she told him 'yes'"

"Him? Who's him?"

"Kristy is going to the prom with Jake Harmon."

Let's just say my parents did their best to help me get over that bump in the road. Like I said, I grew up in a loving home.

I did my best to avoid Kristy throughout the summer between junior and senior years. But fall came around, school was in and it became more difficult to avoid her. Kristy acted as if nothing had happened. She even corralled me one Friday afternoon and asked me to take her to the football game. I only agreed because I was going anyway; Jeff was the starting wide receiver. What a twist; here I am sitting next to Kristy; she's shouting for Jake, I'm shouting every time Jake throws a pass to Jeff. Messed up, right?

After the game, I did my duty and handed Kristy off to Jake as he came out of the locker room. Jake was actually a great guy; it wasn't his fault he was dating the girl I loved. As he came out of the locker room, all pumped up from the win, he greeted me with, "Your brother had a great game, his catches make me look good." He shook my hand and thanked me for taking care of 'his girl'.

I did my best to spend as little time as possible around Kristy. It was a big school, so it was easy to keep it down to a few conversations a week; besides, Kristy was busy with Jake. Which makes what happened in February such a strange occurrence. It was the day after my eighteenth birthday and I was hanging out at home studying. I answered the knock on the door to find Kristy standing there.

"Hi Sam. Can I come in?" I let her in.

"Are your parents home?"



"No, what's this about?"

"I brought your birthday present." Kristy took my hand and led me downstairs to the den. "Happy birthday, Sam." Kristy gave me a soul-searching kiss. Our tongues playing with each other's. Her hand on the back of my head pulling me in to her mouth.

Kristy's hands went down to my pants. The belt buckle came undone, the zipper down, her hand in my briefs. By the time she grabbed my cock, it was as hard as a stone.

"I always wondered, Sam. It always felt big; this is nice." She kept stroking my cock; then, knelt down and put her mouth on it, just swirling her tongue around the head until she swallowed the head and half the shaft. Her head bobbed up and down, the crown of my cock hitting the back of her throat, making her gag. She came off my cock long enough to look into my eyes, her eyes watering from the reflex of gagging. "It's very large, you know. I can't get more than that in my mouth."

She went back down and continued to try. I was ready to cum; I tried to warn her, putting my hand on her head, attempting to pull her out rather than push her in. "Kristy, I'm going to cum." Kristy fought my hand and kept her mouth on my cock. As I began to pump semen into her mouth, I could feel her swallowing, it only heightened the sensation of my first blow-job.

After I finished, Kristy stood up and started to undress. "Get your clothes off, Sam. That was only the start." I was out of my shirt and pants by the time she was slipping her panties off. Kristy sat back on the sofa and pulled me to her. "Suck my breasts, Sam." She held my head and moved me from one to the other. The minutes spent sucking on those beautiful breasts gave me time to recover from my first orgasm; I was rock hard again.

"Bring it here, Sam. Put it in me." Kristy grabbed hold of my cock to guide me to her vagina. "Now pump."

Despite the fact I ejaculated only minutes ago, the feeling of being inside a woman, especially the woman I loved with all my heart, had me fighting off a quick orgasm. I heard stories about thinking about baseball scores or whatever else besides the terrific feeling down there in order to delay cumming too soon. Easier said than done; it just felt so damn wonderful.

I held Kristy's hips when it started, pulling her to me. Kristy wrapped her legs around my waist and did something with her vagina that prolonged my orgasm. When I finished cumming I lifted my head to look in her eyes.

"Don't pull out. Stay right there." Kristy reached down between our pubic bones and started to move her fingers; I could feel it tickling my pubic hairs. I looked down and could see Kristy's fingers stroking what I later learned was her clitoris. "Keep your cock in there, Sam. Don't you dare pull out."

I watched Kristy close her eyes and go someplace else in her mind; her fingers continued to twitch, now faster. Within three minutes, just as I was about to fall out, Kristy took a giant breath of air through her open mouth, her eyes opened and her back curled.

Kristy looked back at me and smiled. "Thanks, Sam. Happy birthday."

I didn't know what to say. I lost my virginity and experienced my first female orgasm. Here was the girl of my dreams giving me what I wanted more than anything else in the world. It didn't occur to me until later that afternoon; how did Kristy, who only turned eighteen a month ago, learn so much about sex? (This was the late-seventies; the proliferation of sexual materials wasn't common. There were x-rated movies, but only shown at scarce adult theatres. The Internet was decades away and Facebook's founder wouldn't be born for another seven years.)

If I thought this was the re-birth of 'Kristy and Sam', I was mistaken. Kristy continued to date Jake. We still talked from time to time; and sometimes when we passed in the hall, Kristy with her arm inside Jake's, she gave me a secret smile; exchanging non-verbally something only we two knew.

We graduated; Kristy went to Arizona State, I went to Northwestern. Kristy traded in her high school quarterback for her college basketball forward and later a swimmer destined for the Olympics. We'd see each other during the summers and any vacations when Kristy was home. Here's where our relationship entered its crazy status that lasted for years. Despite Kristy's other relationships at school; here at home, we became lovers.

It started the summer after freshman year. Kristy and I were at the same party; she came up to me and started talking as if we were best friends. I took her home and we made love in her parents' spare mother-in-law apartment above the garage (I made love, Kristy just fucked).

Kristy seemed pleased with my performance; I had spent my freshman year at Northwestern trying to please several co-eds. "Why, Sam - you've upped your game since last time. Now you have the tools and the talent."

For the next three years, until graduating from college, we did the same thing. Screw each other in Chicago and other people during the rest of the time while at our respective schools.

I seriously thought we'd have a chance after graduation. Kristy talked about coming back to Chicago and starting a job in the city. For this reason, I turned down a great job offer from a company (to remain unnamed because it's so embarrassing that I passed it up) in Palo Alto that was doing some cutting-edge work on personal computers. Imagine my surprise when Kristy called to tell me she decided to go to graduate school at USC.

I believe Kristy's time at USC is where she acquired her taste for the finer things in life. Hanging out with the rich, beautiful people of Southern California placed her in a position to know what it's like to spend a day on someone's yacht or tooling down Rodeo Drive in a Bentley with her girlfriends.

After two years at USC, Kristy did come home. I was still single and we started dating and screwing again. Once more I wondered if this could be it. Could this be what I've been waiting for? My parents and brother told me I was nuts; and I resented their lack of faith. Wasn't I good enough for her; is that what they were trying to say? Of course it wasn't; but I was too stupid to realize they thought Kristy wasn't good enough for me.

And so Kristy and I dated for the next five months until I was ready to pop the question and give Kristy an engagement ring for Christmas. That is, until one night coming back from a wonderful evening listening to Beethoven at the Chicago Symphony. Sir Georg was at the top of his game that evening and I was walking on air, the Seventh playing through my head and Kristy walking beside me with her arm in mine.

"Sam, we need to talk."


"This is our last date. I'm getting married in June. He asked me last weekend and I said, 'yes'. He agreed I could go to the Symphony with you tonight to let you know."

"Who is it?"

"His name is Kent Thomas. He's a man I met at work; he owns one of the companies we supply with materials."

"And he knows you and I have been dating and sleeping together while you've been dating him?"

"Yes, but he knows it's all over between us and he says it doesn't matter as long as I promise to be faithful from now on."

"Wow; understanding guy."

"Yes, he's wonderful." Kristy didn't mention, 'and very rich'.

And so it was finally over; at least I thought it was. I dreamt about Kristy nearly every night for the first year after this last break-up. She was married to Kent Thomas and I was trying to forget it. My friends and family did everything they could to help me get over it. When kindness didn't work, they teased me. When teasing didn't work, they tried tough love.


I was starting to get myself back on track; until she walked into my office one day.

"Hi Sam." Just like that, as if it wasn't over a year since she told me 'good-bye'.

"Hi Kristy. What brings you here?"

"Kent is flying down to Argentina for a week of fly fishing somewhere on some river down there. I'm staying in town and wondered if you wanted company."

"What are you talking about? You're married."

"Yes, but I'm not dead yet and Kent's not you when it comes to sex."

I hesitated.

"Are you seeing someone, Sam?"

"No; but that's not the point."

"I'm not going to stand here and beg, Sam. If you want, here's my address. Come after six and Angela, our maid, will be gone. You can pull into the garage, here's the remote. Close it behind you. I'll be waiting."

God help me; I drove to her house that night and stayed until four in the morning.

The sex was incredible. Kristy was insatiable.

Kristy wore a see-through negligee with a matching see-through robe over it. As the garage door closed and I exited my car, she opened the door between the garage and the entryway. The lights from inside the house backlit her gown and I could see the silhouette of her still-beautiful body under it. She took my hand as we walked through the kitchen, she turned off that light and led me to their den. A fire was blazing in the fireplace. Kristy had a carafe of red wine ready. Candles were burning on either side of the hearth and on the mantle. The fire and the candles were the only lights in the room and in the entire house.

"Get undressed Sam. I've needed you for so long."

I was out of my clothes and my arms were wrapped around her body; just those two thin shells between my skin and hers. The robe came off and the negligee lifted up and over her head; getting stuck for just a second on one of the giant gems she wore as earrings.

Now it was skin on skin; the tips of her nipples tickling into my ribcage. I kissed and then took nibbles out of her neck just below her ears. I wanted to bite her earlobes; but her earrings were in the way. I made a note to get those reminders of her husband's insane wealth off her ears as soon as we finished our first love-making session.

My hands fondled her ass. She was still in great shape, not an ounce of fat that I could find. My fingers found her asshole and tickled her there. It sounded good to hear the quiet laughter as I played with her body.

We kissed while I laid her down on the blankets in front of the fire. I slowly made my way down her body; kissing her neck, breasts, stomach and down to her vagina. I pushed my tongue between the lips and sucked the moisture into my mouth. Back up to her clit, more nibbling. A finger inside her, playing with that spongy area I learned years ago would make her squirm. I kept at it until she squeezed my head with her hands and pulled me in. Kristy's not a screamer, never was; but I knew I was giving her the orgasm she needed. This was the reason I was there; to make her whole.

Now, it was my turn. Pulling myself up and kneeling between her thighs; her opening glistened in the firelight; she was wet enough for me now. I leaned in and entered her.

Kristy whispered in my ear. "Yes, that's it. I missed this so much. I missed you, Sam, so much."

I took my time. Kristy rarely came from intercourse unless she played with herself at the same time; but she loved the feeling of my cock entering and exiting her sex. I did my best and was able to hold off for a while; but eventually I needed my release and I let it go.

We cuddled in front of the fire. Talking about little things, nothing about her husband or any of the women I dated for the last year. It took me a while to recover, Kristy played with my soft cock while we talked. It started to respond to her touch and when it was hard again, I turned Kristy over onto her hands and knees and got behind.

I looked down at that perfect ass. She was groomed down there, not many of the women I dated in the seventies and eighties were as meticulous about grooming those areas as women are now. I entered Kristy a second time; for some reason I always enjoyed the second fuck better, her cunt all slick from my first load. Kristy knew how to fuck, she squeezed my cock, the walls of her vagina tightening, which made the surface dampened by my cum feel even slicker. We rutted for a long while; I took one of Kristy's hands and placed it on her clit. She understood, I wanted her to cum and when she came, I would cum a second time. When it happened, it was like magic.

We slept until her alarm went off at three-forty-five. I dressed and drove home.

This went on for two years. Kent would leave town, Kristy would call, and I'd come running. The entire time I waited for Kristy to come to her senses.

How could she stay with him when she obviously loved me more? I know I couldn't compete with his money. Hell, I wasn't even in the same ballpark; but I did make a very good living, I could afford vacations, automobiles and luxuries. Maybe not month-long European vacations, the Mercedes Benz 450 convertible she drove, or the four carat diamonds she wore; but did she really need those things when she could have me?

During these two years I saw less and less of my family. My mother and father, my brother and his wife, were embarrassed and disgusted with me. My brother's wife, Rachael, most of all. She had strong feelings about adultery and I was never invited to their home; although she didn't forbid Jeff from being with me. I think she hoped he'd have an influence on me.

For two years I waited. Then...

I looked up from my desk and he was standing in front of it; I naturally checked his hands for a gun or some weapon. Nothing but two hands; not even clenched into fists. I had never met him before; but recognized him from the photos that graced the hallway that led to their bedroom. Photos of him with Kristy in Venice, Buenos Aries, Paris, and a host of other exotic locations.

He was slightly shorter than me, but still in great shape for a man in his fifties. Impeccably dressed; his suit probably cost as much as my entire wardrobe. As was the fashion for casual wear, he didn't wear a tie, the insanely well-pressed dress shirt he wore was open at the collar. His clothes, his immaculate haircut, his entire being, just pissed me off.

"What do you want?" I said it in the most menacing manner I could manage; I was emboldened when I saw he wasn't carrying a weapon.

"May I sit down?"

"Go ahead."

"Mr. Brown; I came here to ask how much it will cost me for you to stop seeing my wife."

"Mr. Thomas; you don't have that much money."

"I have a lot of money."

"Mr. Thomas; I've loved Kristy for twelve years now. I should be her husband, not you. You're only her husband because you can buy her the things she deserves. Do you really think a beautiful woman like Kristy would marry a man twenty years older than her if he didn't have money?"

"No, I have no doubt that Kristy married me because I have money. But; that doesn't change the fact that I love her and that she and I took vows; she says she loves me and I believe her. And I know it sounds ludicrous to say she loves me when at the same time I'm looking at the man who beds her every time I'm out of town. The simple fact is, Mr. Brown; Kristy married me and not you."

His arrogance kept pissing me off and I blew up. "Yea, you married her; but I'm the one fucking her!"

My outburst must have hit Kent Thomas between the eyes and right down to his soul. His expression became sad, his mouth a grimace. He finally spoke.