All Comments on 'Divorce Among Friends'

by Flavian

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betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 10 years ago
Thought Provoking

It made me think of the people around me who I have eliminated from my life because of betrayal. The enablers are just as bad because with their secrecy they condone the actions. Fucking assholes.

Great tale.

Five Stars

sugnasugnaalmost 10 years ago
A Shame

Given the huge amount of time and money we invest in our marriages it is a shame that when a marriage is destroyed by the selfish actions of others that there is no compensation for that loss. It is about the same as looters smashing a storefront and stealing everything inside while others watch and do not call the police. The longer the looting continues the more that is stolen. Why were these laws abandoned? My guess is that it is the elected officials that write the laws. Given their behavior as a class of people in this country and their lack of morality, and ethics - what else would you expect! Almost every other week a politician gets caught fucking around on his spouse. So it is not in their interests to have such laws. Our leaders are leading us to a place that encourages immorality and unethical behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
The problem with this story is that you assume the individuals have a duty to report immoral acts.

And we don't. There is no law that states "If can do something, you HAVE to." It attempts to enforce morality on bystanders which common sense and the constitution say is unenforceable. Even if they actively encourage said affair, it is irrelevant since adultery, while immoral, is not illegal. Companies have a duty to maintain certain morals, especially between management and an employee since it can be easily argued that a position of authority can affect the balance of power and force complicity in an intimate relationship. Failure to apply their code is a recipe for a lawsuit; but it doesn't make it a slam dunk.

Finally, this is simply about maliciousness, it is as likely to happen as a counter suit for malicious persecution or a counter suit for moral turpitude, in fact, a bystander being slapped with this lawsuit could have a lawyer throw so many countersuits at this "supposed" friend that he would buried so far under that he would need oxygen pumped to him just to keep him alive.

Of course, like you said, a legal battle that you described would never happen; but I thought it would be fun to reveal that your story is less a out justice and more about two things: retribution and greed.

FD45FD45almost 10 years ago
I started out reading this with great anticipation

And for the most part, it met expectations.

I have three quibbles which occur to me (and bear in mind, I enjoyed the story)

1) Your jumping back and forth in time was a trifle distracting. I've used it too, so I shouldn't bitch, but because of the length, I was not fully sure who the principles were and needed to go outside the story to figure out who Larry was. I didn't recall his name, so there was a mental 'jar'.

2) Leaving that envelope with Dad unexplained...I can infer that Mama Cooties or whatever her name was had been messing with some strange. I would have liked things a bit neater. After all, every single other friend required almost a page of exposition and backtracking to discuss. Him, we get one word.

3) It almost would have been more powerful without the lawsuits. Dropping the first couple as friends, and venal hurtful friends, may have been enough. The revelation of Andrea certainly didn't need a lawsuit.

So it made his actions just a trifle meaner. But someone as shallow as Roy probably needed a kick in the wallet to feel anything.

dmhackdmhackalmost 10 years ago
Anon is right... don't have an obligation to report cheating. You also don't have an obligation to shout out to someone about to step out into the path of an oncoming truck. Sometimes we have to do these things, not because it's required of us, but because it's the right thing to do.

Look both ways before crossing any streets, anon and pray the person watching your back doesn't share your point of view.

Five stars.

Fighting41Fighting41almost 10 years ago
Almost a 5

Would have been a 5 if you had finished the story instead of brushing over his Dad and Mamma Connie's situation

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
as the sickos

try to pick your story apart i leave with a smile on my face after reading one of the most enjoyable tales i have ever read on this site.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
What a bunch of FOOLS who believe helping cover cheating is OK.

Well, you sorry asses, likely your position is because you, too, are (or have) cheated.

JounarJounaralmost 10 years ago

What a unique and refreshing take on the cheating spouse story type. The ending regarding his Dad and step mother was a tad to vague tho and left this fine little tale unfinished.

Was his step mother cheating on his dad or was she hiding his wife's secret as well?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Well done

It is food for thought. A wonderful meal indeed. I was once at a catholic wedding where the priest asked the witnesses to support the couple in their union. It is the community's (in this case ..religious group) role to enable the marriage not its dissolution. Good pick up on that one. I will throw an aside (as this a different anon). I refused to babysit for a woman who was meeting out side her marriage. Some times the simplest of tasks can be seen as enabling.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Very Good

I agree with those who wish for more details re the step-mom.

FD45, I had no problems with the time-shifts. They were clearly marked, and fit in logically with the narrative.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
stepmother rebuttal

There was no clear definition of offence. In all likelihood it was just overhearing the previous conversations or having one similar (suspicions). Either way it marks the degree of betrayal. She was family. She was sent (his intention) to protect his interests and didn't, couldn't. She didn't pass on information. Short of the father it is the greatest betrayal in the story. In it's simplest form, cheating can't succeed or even exist if friends and family are forthright.

Concritic123Concritic123almost 10 years ago
Loved this story....

Great plot. Affairs don't happen in a vacuum. People know and those people sometimes keep those secrets, thinking that ignorance is bliss. Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Good story. Very good story.

This comes from a particularly painful perspective. What do you do with friends who knew about an infidelity but failed to act?

I have a question. These people who were 'served'; whether anything came of the suits or not they would most certainly have reported what happened back to Jamie. I wonder how that might have played out. I also wonder what was going on in Jamie's mind. Why would she betray her husband and her marital pledges? How would her estranged husband's suits have impacted her thoughts and feelings? I'm not the sort who wants to see the unfaithful spouse suffer more than than necessary, but I'd be up for a little pain being spread in Jamie's direction. I feel there's more to the tale, but only you can tell it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
An interesting supposition

Obviously from the tone of your story, he was very, very angry. And under those circumstances I understood his desire to lash out at anyone within his reach. But in the long run, he really hurt himself. Burning friends and family in his headlong rush to revenge. I do think the lawsuits were a stretch. It would cause some embarrassment to the people involved and ruin at least one marriage, but I don't think the lawsuits had a chance in hell of succeeding. It would cost money to defend, but I think that in front of 12 jurors, he gets laughed out of court. Most Judges probably wouldn't let it get that far. A waste of the taxpayers money. But thanks for the story. It was interesting.

impo_58impo_58almost 10 years ago
Almost 5*....

For the 5 * he would have written about the last envelope....We can imagine what theu contained, but he told us everything, why not that? That's the way totreat cheating wives and friends....

rightbankrightbankalmost 10 years ago
This touches on those close to both

in a marriage before the divorce.

Another story could be written about the aftermath and how "friends" tend to choose sides following the dissolution of the marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
only 3 star***

because the potential 5 star tale is unfinished,,,,,mama connie package not revealed.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanalmost 10 years ago
As the author said

the legal framework is questionable. It would be interesting to get Rehnquist's take on how this would work in the real world.

But a very good story within the legal framework the author established. Well done.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 10 years ago
burning friends ?

Did he really burn any friends ?

Would a real friend help someone betray you ?

Would a real friend laugh and call you stupid because they knew that someone was betraying you ? Especially in public ?

"Losing" a false friend is no loss.

Storm113Storm113almost 10 years ago

I have to agree I would like to hear that final tape of Mama Connie and his Dads reaction to it. I'd also like to hear a final confrontation between him and his wife, as well as the results of the trials. I don't really care if it's real law. It's "real" within the context of your story. Everyone now a days treats marriage as a civil action. If it's not, how can a court dosolve it? So, if it's a civil action why can't you sue those responsible for breaking the contract? The cheating wife and her lover (assuming he knows she's married) should be able to be sued for violation of a binding contract.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Nuclear response ?

What we have is the desire to inflict maximum pain and aggravation and on all those who kept their mouth shut. Here only the lawyers do well and a whole bunch of money will be wasted.

But it's a thought provoking story because it forces you to contemplate at what point to do you share something told in confidence. Yes, I would tell a close friend if their spouse was cheating - my wife would as well. But, let say a long time best friend was doing this to their spouse - I would bet many women and men, would not share - as they would hope things would work out in the end.

Worked with a guy who was a serial cheater, well regarded, fun, clients loved him..kind of like a Bill Clinton personality. Never saw him with another woman - but he bragged about his conquests all the time. Knew his wife who was at home with the kids in the burbs - never felt comfortable enough to discuss it with her, and bragging well who knows. Often a topic of discussion of some work couples (who were faithful)

as to should we and/or how we would tell her - but one of his conquests beat us to it.

They divorced, 10 years later both are apparently happily remarried.

sdc92078sdc92078almost 10 years ago
Probably not so important whether the suits will stand up in court

The dramatic public jettisoning and exposure of the cheating wife and her accomplices is the main objective, and it is accomplished very well here.

IronDragonIronDragonalmost 10 years ago
Now THAT was a Nuclear Strike!

Very well planned out. He didn't burn any friends. They weren't his friends at all, so no friends got burnt. Roy really had it coming, too. He was the one who opened his big fuckin' mouth and stabbed Hubby in the back to all the guys at the bar. What kind of "friend" does that? With friends like them, who needs enemies?

I believe there's an old saying that goes something like this: "I would trust an honorable enemy over a treacherous friend."

Treacherous friends get what's coming to them.

5 HUGE Stars!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
thank you for some revenge

all on this site now are cockold stories and how woman made men into get some balls.there consequnces for fucking another woman.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Naturaly 5*****. However a sequel?????

njlaurennjlaurenalmost 10 years ago
Only problem

Is the ending,it is left to the imagination when it could be ripe...does he divorce his fad?why did connie cover for jamey,was it because she wanted grand kids so bad?It is the one week part,bc I don't think step mom that close or dad would cover for jamey...

MitchFraellMitchFraellalmost 10 years ago
Serving the 'friends'

There would be no need for them to be taken to court, the effect was the serving. In fact it did not need to be a real summons. The effect would be the same on the recipients even if it was just informing them what Clint knew. Also, I would have thought that the women who Jamey talked to would have told her to stop. Otherwise a good read, thanks.

MajorRewriteMajorRewritealmost 10 years ago
That's not a story.

Just a rant.

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

the old fashion Crime=Time,,,,,Man Up. TK U MLJ LV NV

chytownchytownalmost 10 years ago
Good Read****

Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great Story

Justice at last. Many thanks

Corsair46Corsair46almost 10 years ago

Burn the bitch and the enablers too.

Very complex tale well organized and well told.


FD45FD45almost 10 years ago
As is often the case

the 'friends' were closer friends to the wife than to the husband.

This is a bit more complicated than just 'you know, you GOT to tell'. How do you balance confidences and loyalty when you are friends with both? Should your friends tell your wife every rotten thing you've done when you ask them not to? Will you not feel just as 'betrayed'? Where exactly is the line on 'this MUST be told'?

These are all interesting questions, and I'm glad the author took a stab (sort of) in examining them.

How exactly does Andrea tell without nuking her marriage? She is held by the short and curlies. "Gee...I have a moral obligation to destroy my marriage to save yours."

Sorry, doesn't work for me. Yes, she shouldn't have cheated herself...but that is where she was and she can't change that.

Here is a valid question: what if Roy and his wife had instead been quiet and respectful about her actions? I know...there wouldn't be a story then. But assume that Roy didn't have a mocking mouth like a bucket. Would the husband still feel the need to destroy them?

In divorce, it is very common for the men to lose their support network of family and friends. Here, we see a story about a man taking a machete to it himself out of his rage, pain, and yes, sense of betrayal.

Friends can be flawed people too. The only thing which makes this story work for me, in retrospect, IS the flashbacks. He gave his friends a heads up to come clean...and only one took it. Roy was an insufferable ass, but he was painted that way.

And I still think that the 'almost' was a neat dramatic 'flourish' which denied us a potential bit of dramatic writing.

FD45FD45almost 10 years ago

For Andrea, it is even worse. Essentially the author has put her in the position of 'I have a moral obligation to nuke MY marriage to help you nuke YOUR marriage'.

However, one point I hadn't considered. It wasn't a matter of these couples helping defend a 'clueless but happy husband'. IF such infidelity is clearly degenerating the marriage, as was clearly evident to Roy's wife, it is a bit more clear cut than I originally was thinking.

Sorry to be so long winded. This has me thinking. Which is a good thing.

connoisseur29connoisseur29almost 10 years ago

Short and to the point. I enjoyed reading your tale. Clint was able to BTB on two cheating bitches. Good show! Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
,4 stars

Good story.

koosewatcherkoosewatcheralmost 10 years ago
Nice Twist!

Nice view of Cheating from a Different Angle!

Lonewolf2013Lonewolf2013almost 10 years ago
I think this is the right thing to do to enablers.

Enablers seem to get off scott free all the time, it is nice to read about them getting what they deserve. I think enablers are just as bad as the cheaters. I dated a girl that had a girlfriend that was cheating on her husband. I found out that she was the cheaters alibi for her nights out with the "lover". One day she told me we were going out on a double date with her friend and her new special friend. I played along like I was ok with it but I called her friends husband and let him in on the date. He showed up at the restaurant, beat the crap out of the "lover" and told his wife not to bother come home. I got up and told my girlfriend that we were through to because I hated cheaters and those that enabled them. I told her to not bother coming home either. Rick and I headed off to the bar, the girls sat there crying as we walked out. Rick and I are still friends and get together when ever I am back home. In my mind there has consequences for the other man or woman and the enablers.

TornadoTysTornadoTysalmost 10 years ago
Different Perspective on a Situation !

I fo agree with FD45's and also it would be good to know wjat happen regarding his step mother !

Good read

Black_Dragon_PrincessBlack_Dragon_Princessalmost 10 years ago
Did your research! 5*

Everything you said in this story is doable...... at least in theory hun. I don't think anyone has ever attempted something like what your husband character is attempting, but it would be a landmark case if it happened! Good job. ^^

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 10 years ago
Loved it

Five stars. I really enjoyed this. You took your time, built the appropriate suspense, and had me loving it.

ken philipsken philipsalmost 10 years ago
Complete & Utter Shit!!!!!!

Please take your bitter & twisted complete & utter shit & shove it up your arse

FullCircle56FullCircle56almost 10 years ago
Unique Story

Thanks for the story. Implausible but a very fun read. Only to wish for laws to change. (Again) The guilty party does not get to walk away better off than the aggrieved. No more threats, no more "Cleaners" oh but to dream. Thanks for the post. 5 stars!!

IronDragonIronDragonalmost 10 years ago

@Ken Phillips

Man, you need to stop reading BTB tales from an author that you KNOW writes BTB tales. You should know by now that Flavian isn't going to put up with a cheating wife when he writes. Just go back to reading the... ahem... "alternative lifestyle" stuff you prefer. It's a win-win. lol

MattressThrasherMattressThrasheralmost 10 years ago
Good story

This was a well thought out story. I agree most of the law suits would not be upheld in most courts but it was a nice touch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Pretty good but would have preferred if you left the stepmother out if it but that just my opnion

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Well Told

A very well told tale. I liked this one a lot

kdcee79kdcee79almost 10 years ago
Liked it

A well written, unusual & clever story with more emphasis on his family & friends who had covered for his cheating wife than on the wife herself. A very different take on an increasingly more common occurrence in today's marriages. 5*****

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Not sure why the dad was served....or was it because of Mama Connies silence? Just wasn't sure.

BigK10BigK10almost 10 years ago
As usual...

You get a 5 out of me! I really liked the creativity you used in telling this tale (and the others). I would've liked to hear about Mama Connie's part in it, but I can also just fire up my own twisted imagination. I tend to think that he didn't actually sue his own parents for Mama Connie's silence, but let Dad know that she didn't rat out his cheating daughter in law, because she also had a brief affair that ended years ago. She advised her to end it at once, before it can blow up in her face, as her affair almost did, all those years ago. Not enough for a sequel... LOL The point is that I really enjoyed this, and keep on writing!

OldpartOldpartalmost 10 years ago
A fun read


I only wish those laws were real and could win in court. What ever, a fun read, kind of a BTE (burn the enablers) story.

connoisseur29connoisseur29almost 10 years ago

I like a good "you play, you pay" and even burn the deceptive friends story. Good writing. For not being a legal eagle, you sure put out a bunch bull shit about it. Thanks. Enjoyed it. Cheers!

sugnasugnaalmost 10 years ago
Why Not?

So many frivolous lawsuits are filed these days why not a few more. They may not stand up in a court of law, but they are great in the court of public opinion! Interesting that our country has decriminalized adultery and done away with alienation of affection in most states. Why? Why not be able to sue for the financial loss incurred by divorce if for no other reason? You can sue for almost everything else! My opinion: Who makes the laws? Politicians do and they are some of the worst examples of human beings in our society. They often get caught in immoral, unethical and illegal behavior it is in their interest to make things easier on themselves and their bottom feeding kind. Adultery and divorce cause real pain, and physical hardship to husband, wife, and children. It is as real as a car accident - why shouldn't a person that is partially responsible for causing it have to pay?! It is simple justice, not revenge.

kjohns2001kjohns2001almost 10 years ago

OMG!!!! I can't believe it, a story set in the city I lived in for so many years! I loved the story, but I also understand why the husband did what he did and his reactions. (It's a Southern thing)

Anyway, this story illustrates how cheating hurts more people than just the cheated on spouse or spouses.

tazz317tazz317almost 10 years ago

about keeping a secret and keeping it secret. TK U MLJ LV NV

BetterEndingBetterEndingover 9 years ago
Good Until the End

I liked it until the end. I suppose I understand having him leave his Dad and step-mother behind as he did. The method he used with the others probably would not have worked well. However, I was very disappointed that you could not find some way to work in what she had done. Seems like after he described how the two of them looked, he could have thought something like "I can't believe she would ... to/on him".

Thanks and keep writing.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Re: Mama Connie

Maybe I'm too easy, but I thought it was just another case of knowing and not telling.

If it was more than that (like getting some strange as someone else said), then we definitely should have been told.

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Re: Angela

She's got a lot of nerve being mad at him!

She knows about and/or covers up Jamey's cheating on him, then expects him to cover HER ass?!

JounarJounarover 9 years ago

RE Mama Connie

After reading this tale again, Flavian's use of the words anguish and misery to describe Mama Connie at the end, seem rather severe if she was just keeping a secret. They are a much better fit if a confession of her own guilty past was bought to light.

deadseyedeadseyeover 9 years ago
wow great story

once again i see the morals of the west suck ass.....feminized evil, oh dont snitch, don't tell, i may be your friend and i saw the man /woman that raped or ran over your kid but ill just keep it secret because i dont want to get involved, this is your argument? and i see fd45 bitching about the story...SURPRISE....why tear apart BTB stories.... stop hiding admit your a slut cunt supporter , read your stories, no real reason for any reconciliations, and here people are saying he was to hard, or it is a frivolous lawsuit really BS, the moral center is gone replaced by your feminized right to do whatever you want without regard to others, it is hard ,life, if you put the person in the gas chamber you are evil, if you see the person defile your friend and say or do nothing,you are weak, you are evil.

Freewill demands effects, smoking =cancer, sluts=AIDS(unprotected sex), Voting=BUSH,

not telling your friend a hard truth=the rage of that friend and a weakness and death in your young(drugs,drinking,thinking they are gods), in this tale of woe....they thought they were GODS to play with love and truth.....THEY THOUGHT WRONG!

earn love, earn trust, write me a story where a woman does that, men do it all the time, example asking a woman out..takes balls,strength,courage, i repeat write me a story where a woman does that FD45....or any of you nay Sayers.....truth is only hard to hear because we dont use it much.

FD45FD45over 9 years ago
So let me get this straight

Mary Jo was told a secret by her friend...she told the wife that she was an idiot and that she should dump the lover...and she said that while she wouldn't tell, she also wouldn't lie. She essentially would not take sides.

For this 'despicable' action, he feels justified in humiliating her to the n-th degree.

Flavian wants to paint this action as Mary Jo holding the man's cock and inserting it into the willing wife. Sorry, but that does not fly. All she did was shut her mouth and tell her husband in confidence. She was a friend to a less than perfect person and was stuck in a conflict of loyalties. Cowardly but cowardice is not a crime unless you are a soldier in war.

Have no quibble with Roy. He was an ass and he had it coming And note, Mary Jo ALSO told him to shut the fuck up! What a moral monster Mary Jo is!

His actions against Angela were justified. He is living by the code he set himself. He wanted to know; he told Larry.

However, the legal action...fine. Want to spread the pain, it's on him. But he will be getting eye rolls and looks of pity from the legal system and any jury put in the uncomfortable position of trying to criminalize two women for keeping their mouths shut and a man for being a gossipy dick. Because every single member of the jury has kept their mouths shut about something and been a gossipy dick before.

Someone is likely to come out of this looking bad and I am not sure it is Mary Jo....

deadseyedeadseyeover 9 years ago
and fd45

"His look was a combination of incredulity and anger; Mama Connie's was one of anguish and misery", by this we are led to know mama cheated, so there that to your forgive mama,crap, do you need as a submissive to run to ever whores defense, because you always jump on pro BTB stories...grammer..she tried....RACC....why????????????????

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 9 years ago
Works for me -

They made their choices he made his -

We all pay for our choice - the good and the bad.

sdc97230sdc97230about 9 years ago
The true purpose of the lawsuits

Doubtful that he expected to get much in the way of money. They may not ever get beyond that evening; serving the papers for a suit filed in NC in another state might not be legally valid, and even if it is, unless Roy and/or MaryJo go to NC there's no extradition for civil suits. What they were was his way of telling Roy and MaryJo in no uncertain terms that he was crossing them off permanently as friends.

Guessing that the envelopes that went to Larry and his own father were not legal papers, but just the transcripts and recordings that showed them that their wives had also cheated on them.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago
the beauty of it

Even frivolous lawsuits must be defended against in court, or lost by default.

The filer does not pay legal fees if the suit is lost.

So even a suit that will lose can cost your opponent, as long as you have a judge that will not automatically disallow the case.

Most judges are attorneys, so they are willing to help their fellow attorneys make their Mercedes payments.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsalmost 9 years ago
how much hate?

If you get orgasms from betraying someone wouldn't that indicate that you hate them?

At least in some deeply repressed way?

c24jc24jover 8 years ago
Leaves just enough to the imagination . . .

It leaves just enough to the imagination. To those thinking this wouldn't fly well in court . . . probably not, though almost anyone can sue anyone else for almost anything. He probably doesn't expect to win too much of anything . . . but he gets points for principle. When his former friends get past their anger, some of them will be doing a lot of thinking. They'll know. There won't be friendship, even between each other, but ironically, his acts of revenge are in some ways his final acts of friendship . . . for those who are able to learn, grow, and feel any sort of remorse.

Chances are, Mary Jo's case is dismissed, but she'll avoid any gossip of this nature in the future, and should she learn something, she will either tell the aggrieved party, or worst case, not tell anyone, including her husband.

Roy will be better at keeping his mouth shut too, and I imagine he and Mary Jo will have more than one argument over this. After he gets over his anger, he may actually grow a bit too, since as word gets around, not many will want to be friends with him, and maybe he starts to realize why.

I would love to hear Larry say something to Angela like they might still have had a chance, if only she'd been decent enough to be truly sorry for her actions, and angry at herself, instead of lashing out at Clint, but obviously she was too wrapped up in herself to consider anyone else. (Maybe he said that to her on the car ride home.) Maybe it gets inside her, and she thinks about it, and starts feeling some real remorse.

Momma Connie and Dad, I'd like to think it was a one time thing, and that she will be truly remorseful, and maybe after a few tense years, they will work things out, and enjoy old age together . . . but only the author could know for sure. She will never betray Dad again, if he stays with her, and will work hard to make him happy.

Jaimie's boss will be fired. Hopefully he'll decide it wasn't worth it, and not make such a bad decision again. The company, as a result of this, will have an excuse to forego any bonuses for the next two years . . . so employees can point fingers at one another . . . and perhaps secrets of this nature will not be kept in the future. More than one employee will willingly leave an anonymous tip rather than risk losing bonuses to lawsuits or even simply giving the management an excuse not too give them.

So Clint's lawsuits may not be won in court, but may result in some growth for everyone, and represent some moral victories for Clint. Maybe one day, one or two of those he went after will feel some gratitude towards Clint. Hopefully they'll all grow enough to follow Mary's example, and apologize to him, rather than being angry with him.

Even Jaimie hopefully grows from this. She will cry periodically for months. She will feel that her betrayal was the most stupid, hurtful, and inadvertently cruel thing she's ever done. She will never completely forgive herself. She will always love Clint. After a few years, she'll probably remarry, but will always feel tremendous remorse, probably never again cheat, and will never, ever share anything about her sex life with anyone else. She will never completely trust any friend, (other than a future husband).

What'd be cool is if she offered to act as a witness for Clint in any or all of his civil suits. If her former friends felt betrayed, she could point out that they were the betrayers, enabling and abetting her betrayal by not telling Clint. And though it was too late, she was now going to put loyalty to her (soon to be ex) husband above any loyalty to anyone else, as she should have all along. She will learn, and will stand by her next husband unto death.

It'd be interesting if three or four years down the line, that next husband was (almost impossibly, I know) - Clint.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Angry much?

Just to let you know, none off those lawsuits would have made it to court. He would not have been able to throw his wife out of the house until AFTER the Court granted the divorce regardless of who owned the house. Any attempt to physically remove her would have been considered assault or spousal abuse. The suit against the company may have embarrassed them enough to offer a small payoff, but little else. So this wasn't even a decent fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Ken Philips is Really Pissed Off by this excellent BTB story!

I wonder if his anger is due to his own beautiful wife screwing others guys behind his back like his own stories in literotica.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through...

Still five stars.

telboy17telboy17over 8 years ago
Pathetic fantasy.

"seemingly over-feminized reasons given by legal analysts"

As distinct from misogynistic reasons given by males needing anger management therapy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A stupid story

If Clint can sue ROY then he can counter sue Clint for causing mental distress to his wife. they can sue and counter any number of times. If Roy is really rich then Clint will most probably will be the loser because no body will be ready to date him or even be friends with him.

calflashcalflashover 8 years ago

as an extension of the author's thoughts on relaxation of alienation actions, I think they should be balanced by relaxing some of the harsh penalties on a husband when he is the offended partner

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What, No True Ending

As-far-as I'm concerned, there is truly no ending to this story and there should be..

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 8 years ago

To have everyone you know betray you is a bitter pill to swallow. Then again, it's not as bad as the spouse who betrays you. All cheaters suck.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago
Suing The Company

So many of these stories have the company being sued for not enforcing their anti-fraternizing clauses.

NO company is going to put a clause in their by-laws or employment contracts that EXPOSES them to lawsuits! Those clauses are to PROTECT the company, to make it easier to fire a boss who engages in sexual mis-conduct with a subordinate. These liaisons, while on the surface may be consensual, are by implication NON-consensual, because the subordinate has to fear for his or her job if they don't submit to the boss.

gldngolfergldngolferabout 8 years ago
Amateur Lawyers

Good story and it would be nice if the courts actually worked that way.

But it amazes me how many amateur lawyers come out of the woodwork after a story like this. Guess I'd like to hear from a lawyer from North Carolina to give us his knowledge on the accuracy of this story.

The cheated husband stood for his beliefs and it cost him dearly.

GoodhueGoodhueabout 8 years ago

- Damn! That PI must have collected one hell of a fee from Clint the Cuck! Add that cost to the fleecing the lawyer must have perpetrated on Clint and the dumb ass not only lost his wife, but his bank account too!

~ One thing that pisses me off,and it's made clear in many divorce stories on literotica,is what an unfair,crock of shit the No Fault divorces are where things go 50/50 no matter who is really at fault. And this outdated concept that children MUST stay with Mommy,even if she's an evil slut whose cunt is wider than the Grand Canyon,makes me want to hurl!

~ As far as this story goes,those bull shit suits against Roy,his wife,and Angela will never see the light of day in a courtroom. There were no written laws,or rules of conduct among private citizens that would prevent them from "staying out of it" with regard to the twat cheating on her husband. Sure,they turned out to be shitty friends,so maybe Clint should sue himself for being a shitty judge of character leading to selecting pieces of shit for a wife and friends.

- Case Closed!!! Next!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

What did Mama Connie say or do?

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 8 years ago

You know the comment made here makes you sound like a fucking idiot. Are you an idiot Hue? Did you read the author's comments? Damn.

By the way, this is why I sit home alone every day. Just didn't have the paperwork.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 8 years ago

"And the thrill of being wicked just once before I finally settle down to enjoy the rest of my life with Clint." - I know it's been said before, maybe not here but in similar story, but does this mean that she would be fine with Clint being "wicked just once" before settling down? No? Didn't think so! When will these wives learn that the time to be "wicked" is before you're even exclusive, let alone married or engaged?

"Satisfied, Asshole?" - HE'S an asshole? You cheat, help his wife cover-up HER cheating in gratitude for her helping you cover up hers, and you call him an asshole? ROFL!

I'd like to add my voice to those who want to know what was in the last envelope!

sugnasugnaover 7 years ago

Who cares if it is legally accurate. Even if it was all bull, his serving them had the effect that he wanted to achieve. It was a matter of plowing under a crop gone to rot, in order to start new next season. As far as preserving any of these relationships, it is simply foolish. I have lived long enough to see a large group of my peers go from children, to teenagers, to adults, to married, some to divorced, to entering their "golden" years. Today, they are all the same as they were 50 years ago. Their characters did not change one bit. The good are still good and the shit is still shit. So, when you find yourself in the company of a turd, don't waste your time - flush it away lest it cover you with it's stink.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
this has to be one of the stupidest stories

I have read on here. I wish there was a way to give half a star.

ErotFanErotFanover 7 years ago

Well written, even if on shaky legal premises.

As far as your 'catholic' characters, he may put her out, but he'll have serious difficulties with the 'divorce.' So some elements of plot weakness there too.

But what the hell. The sci-fi & fantasy stories get away with more than that and no one blinks at those.

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

choose the Great White, they fear nothing, even bigger Whites, but they will respect them in their vicinity, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
More info

I'd love to hear about what happened to the boss. And was Jamey slapped down by our hero's behind the scenes, brilliant work. Did the company pay for their part in this?

robnilrobnilover 7 years ago

a very good story with an original plot. I would really like to see a continuation of this story just to see where the "chips fell" as the saying goes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Thank You For Writing This

My cousin slapped me viciously across my face and lashed me verbally, "You knew that ****** was cheating on me with that teenaged bitch, but didn't tell me. In my book, you are every bit as bad as he is. I expected better from you. If you're not on my side, you're on his side." Lesson brutally earned. I expect my friends to enlighten me if my wife/fiancé/girlfriend cheats on me. If they don't, they're no longer friends of mine. Great story!

danoctoberdanoctoberalmost 7 years ago
Brilliant! 💡💡💡💡💡

Very clever and original. Really a story of settling accounts with so called friends. Lot's of detail and certainly worth reading again at a later date. ⛦⛦⛦⛦⛦

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
What about Mamma Connie

Is there a story to be had here?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
why not have elvis disembark

from a ufo - only a moron or a closet-cuckster could enjoy a story so bone-crushingly idiotic

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
He included them all

Mama Connie was last, she was on that vacation with the girls too. His he was to hurt to face his father with the information about the step mother. Although you're correct I'm not a lawyer and neither do I play one on TV but, alienation of affection is hard enough against the guy but. Friends and associates.I loved the story and the way you put it together.

StormKing33StormKing33over 6 years ago
5* Awesome

A calm, ruthless story of a new category of BTE. No vomiting, no pity drinking, running, away like a craven coward, Raac, etc. Cool.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Excellent writing

What a shitty situation. You did well. Thanks

BetterEndingBetterEndingover 6 years ago
I Could Be Wrong

but I don't think we can assume that every package was a lawsuit. I think what was given to Larry was just the proof that Larry's wife was having an affair. I really think he only sued Roy and his wife because Roy was such an asshole at the bar with his other friends.

Unfortunately, the author did not tell us what happened with his father and step-mother. He could have been giving them evidence of either an affair she had, the fact that she had discussed his wife's affair and did not tell him or a combination of both. I doubt he would have sued her as it would have just impacted his father.

Good story but a few words about the situation with the step-mother would have made it much better. Thanks for writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Speaking as a Paralegal (retired) Is this possible?

In theory? Yes this is possible. The straight odd's however being served of going to court is 1:19. That is, once a lawsuit is filed there is only a 5% chance of it ever seeing a court room. Odd's are high that the former close friends would be sued (I'm guessing) for roughly $100,000 if it went to court. Out of court settlement would probably be around $25,000 give or take a bit. Remember, this is my opinion- had I told you the law then I would be practicing law without a license. Now, it is in theory that by the time the lawsuits were filed, and the paying for the PI and the attorneys you would be looking at about,,,,$25,000 per suit and it'd be public record. So, you file, you accept an out of court settlement for $25,000, the suit's are then dropped so there's NOT a public record which in turn saves everyone's job and clears the docket for more important things. So the shakedown bottom line would be something like: $100,000 to $125,000 on the friends and family- with his evidence from the PI it'd be a slam dunk. Now, the "Alienation of Affection" against Doug? That'd be $5 million, probably settle out of court for roughly $250,000 give or take a bit. The Company where they worked? Oh Shit Oh Dear on the fallout! First, it could be a class action lawsuit for lets say all the workers, managers, who knew- roll them bones around $20 million- settle for $500,000ish on an "Alfred Plea". (that is, it's an out of court settlement not admitting negligence but acknowledging if going to court they'd lose). The company, would roll them bones also at $20 million. This would never, ever see the inside of a court room- the negative publicity can kill a company- besides, they'd be covered under the Umbrella liability insurance. Payout? Eh, call it $2.5 million gross. So $100,000 + $250,000 + $2.5 million= $2,850,000 (*.33% for lawyer fee's) = $2,850,000 -$940500= $1,909,500.oo. For almost a million dollars? Attorneys DREAM of lawsuits like this- because their Boss's will give them a $10% cut for Christmas bonus. As far as the wisdom of doing this? That, is subject to debate.

darthdaxdarthdaxover 6 years ago

Thanks for writing this story, I've enjoyed it every time I've read it(about 5 times now:)


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Life's a bitch. When I was nineteen, I stopped to help our neighbor's wife get her car out of a snowbank. She was 28, with a voluptuous body that would give a snowman a hard on. She was on her way home with Groceries and was really upset from when her car spun out into the snowbank so she asked if I'd follow her home. When we got there, she was still shaking so I carried her groceries in and then had coffee while helping her put them away. I was a good looking guy and athletic but she was a married beauty and a neighbor so, even though I had a vicious hard on from looking at her fantastic bubble butt ass and torpedo titties, it never entered my mind to DO anything to her. But then SHE noticed the wet spot on my jeans and asked if I'd spilled coffee on myself and started blotting at it with the dish towel that she had in her hand. Of course she instantly discovered that her hand was covering the head and three inches of my thick eight and a half inch cock. She squeezed it, like she couldn't believe it was actually what she thought it was. That's when I saw her eyes go to the window, as an automatic reaction to make sure that her husband wasn't around. It was not quite eleven in the morning and he worked until five. When she didn't take her hand away, I scooped her up and carried her over to the couch, where we got naked in less than thirty seconds and I began working my cock into her tight, juicy pussy. I fucked Joyce for hours and came in her five times before I left. It was still snowing hard and with the road conditions, we knew her husband wouldn't be home till about seven. I was sure that the wind and snow would cover my tire tracks. Two days later, she hit her horn and waved when she saw me getting into my car as she drove down toward town. She parked on the far side of the grocery store lot and waited. I pulled up and signaled her to get in and took her to my grandpa's house. He'd gone into a nursing home so the house was going to be sold. I fucked her brains out in that house almost daily for over a year and no one ever knew.


Pappy7Pappy7over 6 years ago
Wow, second read and noticed that I

hadn't commented or at least one that wasn't deleted. I don't think deleted because of the 5 stars and generally good impression I got about the story. Any comment would have been stellar. Now, my take on this is that the wife was entitled and narcissistic and stupid. And her friends were "her" friends and didn't feel they owed her husband any loyalty. He sued the big mouthed one because of what her husband did after she told him. Just a way of hitting Roy-boy in the pocketbook, something he would understand and feel. He didn't sue the other adulteress because her husband was his friend, but because he was a friend he needed to know that his wife was a cheater. Now, Mama Connie. I don't think she had an affair. The feeling I got about that is that he considered her his mother and as such she should have had his back and instead she condoned Jaimie's affair by her silence. Both to him and to his dad. Good story, best of your works, in my opinion. Unlike the other epic, "Biggest and Best", the husband was decisive in his moves and actions. But, that said, your writing is unbelievably good and very easy to read. Wish you would put out something new.

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