DNA Results


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My mind went into a type of extra universe at that point. It was almost as if I was detached from reality and now operating in a movie. Nothing I had taken for granted was real. No marriage, no children, no family! It is amazing how quickly a lifetime of love for that special person can dissipate into hate. That is what happened in that alternate universe. I knew that I could easily fall into a fit of despair and curl up to die, but I knew that I wouldn't do that. I had plans to make. That one photo album unlocked the well of my love for Ellie. All of the love poured out to be left spilt on the floor of the den. I copied all of the photos with my scanner and made a folder on my computer, password locked, in which to store everything I found. Time to get to the second item on my list.

It was eleven o'clock by now and I knew that Ellie had a lunch break at 12 noon each day. I had enough time to travel to her hospital and check out what she did. I took my camera with a telephoto lens just in case! Parking was easy at that time of day and I was really lucky to find a park near the back of the carpark. It was out of casual sight of the front entrance of the hospital, but allowed me to spy out the entrance. At five to twelve, I saw John enter the hospital. He sauntered in very confidently as if he had done this many times before. At five past twelve, out came Ellie. No big deal, except she was arm-in-arm with John. At that point, the love I had for Ellie resurfaced as extreme anger. Anger at her and anger at John. My camera almost went automatically, taking motor-drive action shots of the two lovers exiting the hospital and heading for Ellie's car which, thankfully, was not near mine! They kissed as they entered the car and she drove off. I followed at a safe distance. They were not expecting anyone to be following them, as there were none of the quick direction changes, or turnaround looks behind the car for anyone tailing them. They had gotten away with this for far too long for either of them to have any doubt that they were free to do what they liked. They were under the impression that poor dumbass me, was at school as usual. Why should they worry?

The car stopped at a hotel/motel a short distance from the hospital. It was one of the establishments which catered almost exclusively to hospital patients and their families who visited from out of town. They almost ran out of the car and into the reception area where it seemed that they could go straight to their room. The receptionist just waved to them as she handed them their key! As they disappeared into the elevator, I strolled into the reception area and pretended to look around while casually commenting to the receptionist that the last couple seemed to be in a hurry. Her reply cut even deeper into my heart. So deep that it almost pierced my soul to such an extent that I was sure I would lose my composure and scream and shout obscenities to the whole world. She replied, "Oh yeah. They're regulars here. Four times a week, they get a room, along with a quick take out meal. Isn't it sweet that married couples still do that even after all these years?"

My mind interrupted her narrative. "Married couple? She is supposed to be married to me!"

The receptionist's voice continued. "I have worked here for fifteen years and it has been the same each week. Monday to Thursday. Regular as clockwork. Even while Elsie was pregnant, her and James came here. They usually stay for an hour and a half each time. Strangely, they never come here during school vacations! Now would you like a room?"

"Umm, no thanks. I was just scouting for some places that my company could house visiting representatives. Thanks." I managed to stumble out and back to my car. Sure enough, just over an hour later, the couple lazily walked back to the car, both eating a sandwich. I knew Ellie and could see from the look on her face and way she walked, that she had just been thoroughly fucked! My camera again recorded the evidence. It was all I could do to not storm out of the car and beat the shit out of shithead and the whore! That is how I thought of both of them now.

They left while I sat stunned in the hotel carpark. The receptionist saw me and waved sweetly. She must be on lunch break now. I guess she was being nice to the potential future client. She actually came over and asked if I had any more questions about the services that the hotel provided. I shook my head politely, thanked her and drove off. When I arrived home, I added the pictures to my folder and attended to the next item on my list. And this was still only Monday!

I searched online and found a small discreet gps tracking device for sale in a local business. The time was already two in the afternoon, so I had just enough time to get it and be home by my normal arrival time. Two hundred dollars later, I had the device and a small instruction manual. Home by three thirty and at the desk pretending to do marking when Elaine came barging through the door. "Hi dad! I'm home. No more accidents today I hope!" she chuckled as she disappeared into her room. A normal afternoon routine began. James appeared some time near four, with Ellie in tow on her way to the ensuite shower. I was preparing dinner by five, completed by six, all eating at the table by six-thirty. The conversation around the table followed the normal chit-chat, gossip and small talk until it was time to leave and attend to night stuff. Ellie seemed to be her usual self. I guess she had followed her cheating routine for so long that it was all just a normal part of her day. No signs of secret guilt or remorse for her betrayal. I went to bed early, pretending to be over-tired because of the especially difficult class I had this year. My family knew of these moments and didn't raise an eyebrow at my early departure.

It was a fitful night which culminated in an early morning for me. Coffee and a quick facewash awakened me sufficiently for me to position the tracker in Ellie's car and set up the tracker app on my computer. After calibrating the settings, I prepared breakfast and prepared myself as if It was a normal school day. By nine, I was alone again to complete my list. The tracker would simply confirm Ellie's movements and be evidence of her comings and goings from the hospital. I didn't need to follow John's movements as I already knew what he and Ellie had been up to, so item five it was.

A scan of the local divorce lawyers in Google was an eye opener. There were screen upon screen of them! I chose one randomly and phoned to see if an appointment was available today. It was! At eleven, I was nervously sitting in a small waiting room with a conservatively dressed secretary typing away at a computer keyboard. He called me up at eleven-fifteen and led me into an office which can only be described as a relic from a by-gone era of polished wood and floor to ceiling shelves packed with leather-bound books. The smell was incredible. The room just simply oozed knowledge and history. "Hi Mr Webb. Can I call you Al?" before I had time to mutter an answer she continued. "I am Jane Lober, divorce attorney. What can I do for you Al?" I regrouped my thoughts and simply blurted out my experiences of the last days. I didn't realise it immediately, but the tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably. This was the first time I had acknowledged aloud what was happening to me. The first time I had spoken to anyone about it. Jane kept me plied with tissues which she seemed to have a ready supply of while she took notes. The occasional, "Hmm," or "Ok," were the only sounds she made while I unloaded my tale. There was an uncomfortable pause after I had finished. I blew my nose while Jane seemed to re-read her notes. "Well Al. Quite a tale. I assume you have evidence of all of this?" Jane questioned. The look she gave me, head down, eyes up looking over the top rim of her reading glasses reminded me of my own junior school days in the principal's office. I listed the photographic evidence that I had managed to get so far. I didn't tell Jane about the gps tracker for fear of her telling me that it was illegal and inadmissible in court.

"Ok," Jane said. "It is quite clear that you have grounds to sue John for the backpay of child maintenance for all of these years. You could also sue him for alienation of affection, but it would have to be proven that he somehow coerced Ellie into the relationship. From what you have told me, that seems highly unlikely. As for you and Ellie, divorce seems to be the future from what you told me. However, you must realise that according to the law, it is not illegal to have affairs! The promises that you made at your wedding are not legally binding. If you divorce, you will be treated as equal partners. Your wife's cheating won't affect the financial outcome of the settlement. Now as you both work and your incomes would be similar, child maintenance considerations would be neutralised. Elaine is nineteen and out of the formula anyway. James is a different story and it would depend on how the living arrangements are decided, how that would affect anything financially. The house value would be split seventy-thirty in favour of the custodial parent of James. Any cash and other assets will be split according to the decision of the court. It is not an easy process. Are you sure that this is the path you wish to travel?" Again, she looked at me over those glasses! I paused long enough to remember all that I had learnt over the past few days, the DNA results, the love photo album, the hotel.

"Yes! Definitely," I replied.

"Well alright then. I will prepare the necessary paperwork and have it ready for signing by Thursday. After it is signed, it is then only a decision about when you want Ellie and John to be served. Fax, text, or email all of the relevant financial information listed on this brochure to my secretary. See you sometime on Thursday Al. Don't do anything stupid or illegal and we will get the process under way." She stood up and motioned towards the door. Before I knew it, I was back in the waiting room looking at three other people also nervously waiting.

"At least I am not alone," I could remember thinking.

But that was wrong. I was desperately alone in this. Who could I confide in? Ellie? She was always my confidant in troubled times. Elaine? James? How could I tear their beliefs and trust so cruelly? This would hurt them as much, if not more than me. What about John's family? Patsy and her mum, Shellie, would be devastated by the knowledge of Ellie's and John's trysts. Doubts started to crack my former resolve. Could I really hurt so many people? If I did nothing, the only person effected would be me. Could I live with that? I wandered home and once again found myself in the den, thinking. To act, or not to act? That is the question. I smiled unhappily at the Shakespearean link. There wasn't much, if anything, of happiness value in this whole situation. I needed a drink. Not one to drink alone normally, I found the company of the large glass of red wine strangely comforting. Was the only comfort I would get out of a wine bottle? This was a downward spiral and I knew it. I placed the bottle back, but kept the glass. It took me two hours, until three in the afternoon to be precise, to finish the glass of wine and decide what I would do. I covered up my foray into lone-time drinking and started dinner before the afternoon arrivals began. Ellie with her usual cheery greeting and dash to her room for a shower, followed by James and Ellie. "James, don't leave your school bag in my car please!" shouted Ellie as she made her way to our ensuite.

"Of course!" I thought. "Ellie always showers as soon as she gets home from work." Her excuse was that she didn't want to spread the nasty bugs from the hospital to us poor innocent family members! I now knew with certainty that it was to cover up any evidence of their sex sessions. And the name 'James'. That was the name that John used in the hotel! These revelations only firmed my resolve further. I knew what I had to do.

The next morning, I was up early. I went straight to Ellie's car and dismantled the gps tracker. I didn't need it anymore. Yesterday's data showed that Ellie had followed the same cheating routine. I also fiddled with the car electrics, so that I knew it would not start. Back in the kitchen shortly afterwards, I made breakfast as usual and observed the normal morning routine. "Come on James!" shouted Ellie. "We have to go. I need to be on time to work!"

My thoughts drifted. "Off to meet your other husband, you really mean," I thought ruefully. They both disappeared into the garage as usual, but mysteriously, the car did not start.

"Al! The car won't start. Can you come and look at it for me please?" Ellie pleaded. I sauntered down, in no particular hurry.

After lifting the hood, I pretended to prod and pry the various cables while telling Ellie to, "Try now," or "What about now?"

"Sorry Ell. Looks like it is the bus for you and James today. I could drive you, but I have a before-school staff meeting today," I lied. Ellie was not happy, but she knew that if she didn't start the five minute walk to the bus stop now, she would have to wait another thirty minutes. James was also not impressed. Taking the bus to school was not cool at all. At least the bus stopped right outside both of their stops, so the other end of the journey would be relatively painless. They took off, grumbling. James because of the uncool method of getting to school and Ellie, while not saying anything, was most probably thinking about missing out on her usual cheat fuck with the asshole. "How could they drive to their love shack if Ellie didn't have their car? Well, sucks to be her!" I thought. I went back inside, saw Elaine off and cleaned up. I had someone to see!

Shellie was extremely surprised to see that it was me who rang the doorbell at nine-thirty. "Al! What a surprise. Aren't you supposed to be at school?" Then she laughed at what she just said. "Listen to me. I sound like a school mum checking up on a teenage truant! Sorry! Come in. Where's Ellie?" She was most confused about the whole visit, but was being very gracious. We went to the back where our families had spent many times, enjoying a BBQ and drinks. "Want some coffee?" she asked as I settled into a patio chair.

"Sure. Thanks."

Shortly she re-appeared with the two steaming mugs and put them on the small occasional table between our chairs. "Now Al. Fess up. Why are you here on a school day and without Ellie?" She could tell that it was not biding well. Women and their intuition!

"Shellie, what I am about to say is not pretty. I thought long and hard about whether to even tell you anything, but you know me. I believe in doing the right thing." Shellie was getting paler as I was speaking, but to her credit, she didn't interrupt. "I will not sugar coat what I have to say Shellie, so here goes." I recounted what I had learnt, how I found out and the present relationship between Ellie and John. She suddenly stopped, waved her hands in abandonment as she wailed and cried. She must have felt very embarrassed by this, as she stood up and disappeared into the house. Soon she re-emerged with a huge box of tissues and two bottles of red wine and two large glasses.

"Fuck the coffee Al. I need this. The other bottle is for you, but if you don't drink it, I will. Your choice!" I took a glass and filled hers and mine with the red liquid. "Now tell me again what those fuckers have been doing!" Again, I detailed what I knew. "That's it!" she whispered, "The lying, cheating whoring bastard is toast. The divorce papers will be prepared today." She entered the house again and I saw her phoning someone. When she came out, she said, "A school friend of mine is a divorce lawyer. A very busy one, but she will see me at two this afternoon. I may need copies of that photographic evidence that you have." Shellie looked at me with red swollen eyes. "I don't get it Al. Why did you see me first before you burned Ellie?" I looked at her with empathy. I knew what she was going through.

"I was going to Shell. I was so filled with hatred, that I wanted to immediately. Shock and awe were going to be my method of revenge. But I had my doubts about doing anything. The hurt that this is causing you, me, and soon, our children, was almost too much for me to bear. No, it is better that you deal with John first, get what you are owed and then I will deal with the asshole. I didn't want to sue the pants off him and leave you and Patsy with nothing. That just wouldn't be right." I paused and could see that the logic of this was making sense to her.

"Oh Al, you were always a boy scout! How could Ellie do this to you, and John do this to me and Patsy, and for so long? You must feel terrible, like shit! I know I do." At this she came over to my seat and hugged me, tightly. "We are both going to need some sympathetic shoulders to cry on while we get through this." The hug was friendly, warm, but not sexual. We both sat there, hugging and crying uncontrollably into each other's shoulders. I was acutely aware that this was the first sympathetic human contact that I had experienced since this whole mess started. And, it felt good! The wine was forgotten while we wallowed in the close contact. We both needed it.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, but eventually, we naturally came apart. "I will deal with Patsy," Shellie said. "I won't give her the gory details about who John was screwing behind our backs, but I will give enough info to make it clear that there is no doubt about his long-term infidelity. I won't jeopardise your plans and give Ellie any hint that I know it was her that he was doing it with. That should be enough uncertainty and angst for her to really feel the pinch!"

I left Shellie's place much more confident about the plan I had in mind. Let Shellie deal with John first, get her share of their joint assets, as well as paid up-front alimony without, if possible, alerting anyone else about who he was being unfaithful with. That should also give me time to get my ducks in a row, so to speak.

Shellie's lawyer certainly knew her stuff. John was served the very next day at work, very publicly. His co-workers were just assembling for a staff meeting when the court representative called for him, very loudly. He maybe shouldn't have done it, but after he announced, "You are served!" he added, "Your wife cannot live with a man who has had a long-term affair with another married woman who has had two children by you." Amongst the gasps and utter chaos of noise, the server disappeared. He was paid well to add that extra tidbit. Luckily, because he maybe would not get another task like that for a while, given the indiscretion he enacted. Needless to say, John was treated like a pariah at work. Normally friendly co-workers would physically move if he sat near them. No one spoke to him, unless to answer a direct question which was work related. His boss called him into his office and berated him for his total lack of moral ethics, and questioned why he should remain employed with the firm, given his poor judgement and reliability. His boss had been married for forty-five years and found it difficult to hide his contempt for someone who would so easily denigrate their marriage vows. He gave John notice that he would be sacked immediately his divorce was finalised. That gave John two months to attempt to get another job, something which would be nigh on impossible in an area where the gossip mill ran rampant.

Meanwhile, back in the Webb household, things were indeed interesting to say the least. For some reason, Ellie's car was taking an extraordinarily long time to be 'repaired'. Every week, the mechanic would phone and give some rather technical reason for the car not being ready. This meant that Ellie was getting great use out of the local bus service. It also meant that the relationship between John and Ellie was getting unusually strained. For a couple which was used to regular sex together, in a non-stressed environment, every attempt at meeting during lunch times was fraught with danger. They couldn't go to their normal hotel. The receptionist actually phoned about their non-shows and informed John that the regular booking would be cancelled. This meant that their clandestine meetings had to be in hospital storerooms. These rooms were cramped, smelled of all manner of chemicals and had the added danger of being opened at any time by a maintenance worker. Once, they were actually sprung by a contract worker who opened the door and saw them screwing doggy style. He quickly closed the door again, only to open it again ten seconds later with his phone on video record. He managed to record thirty seconds of prime grade porn, where the actors' faces were clearly visible, John's cock was pounding Ellie's pussy and the moans and sighs were crisp and clear. At that point, John and Ellie realised that they were being watched and quickly separated, John's cock making a clear sucking sound as it disengaged from Ellie's sopping cunt. The exit from that storeroom was almost immediate, never to repeated again. The contract worker happened to know a nurse who knew another, and so on. The video circulated freely, but never seemed to land on Ellie's or John's phones. It did, however land on mine. That file was added to the others in my 'cheater's folder'.