All Comments on 'Do Not Pass Go 06 - Boss Traci'

by FinishTheDamnStory

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IronDragonIronDragonover 9 years ago
You can't reason with zealots.

Unfortunately, zealots can't be reasoned with, even in the face of irrefutable facts. Whether religious zealots, or in this case, "alternative lifestyle" zealots who refuse to see anything but their own warped views of the world.

So, with that in mind, I'm done arguing with them. The only thing that might change their minds is if and when something goes horribly wrong with their chosen alternative lifestyles in the real world.

If swingerjoe's wife/significant other decides to leave him for another man, as a direct result of their swinging/swapping lifestyle, that might change his mind.

If frontlinecaster ever works up the courage to try and become a real bull, and the would-be cuckold decides that isn't going to happen and beats the living hell out of him, it MIGHT change his view of things. With him though, I somehow doubt it. Some people just aren't that bright.

Just a couple of parting thoughts:

Most people do questionable things because they think they can get away with it, and that nothing bad will happen to them. Karma, however, is one badass bitch.

Also, being an Alpha personality doesn't mean being an Asshole. Some people often confuse the two.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 9 years ago
@ IronDragon

So, because I believe that boring, non-erotic stories about divorce, revenge and murder fit better in the Non-Erotic category, that makes me a "zealot?"


And please, stop pretending you know anything about me or my marriage. You're embarrassing yourself.

IronDragonIronDragonover 9 years ago

Well, swingerjoe, your moniker says it all! OBVIOUS, much?


swingerjoeswingerjoeover 9 years ago
@ IronDragon (again)

So, I guess that must mean you're a mythical creature made of iron?

Again, you're making a fool of yourself. Just quit while you're behind. Not only do you know nothing about me, but your ignorance of "alternative lifestyles" is hilariously obvious.

IronDragonIronDragonover 9 years ago
And now...

You don't know what I know, dude. I know of quite a few swingers and other "alternative lifestyle" couples who got Divorced, because of the issues I've already listed. If you find monogamy "boring", then you're doing it wrong. That's on you.

As for my moniker, I picked it for one main reason: I was a M-47 Dragon gunner in the US Army during my first tour. If you don't know what the M-47 Dragon Anti-Tank Missile is, then you need to look it up.

So, maybe you should quit while you're behind. You're just making even more of a fool of yourself than usual. Stop trying to defend your lifestyle, glorify it, or worse yet, normalize it. You're in an extremely small minority on here, and in the world at large.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
yea iron dragon a m-47 is supost to last about 7 seconds in combat and your idea of what is right and wrong is just as sad. Let's see

you write something dumbass

IronDragonIronDragonover 9 years ago

Click on my name, Anon. Then go to the Stories/Poems tab. Then insert your foot into your mouth and chew vigorously. :)

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 9 years ago
@ IronDragon (yet again)

That's a fascinating explanation of your username, and I thank you for your service...but you still know nothing about me or swinging. You "know some swingers" who got divorced? Well, I know a lot more non-swingers who got divorced. I also know a lot of swingers who have been swinging for years, and are very happily married. We can toss around anecdotal evidence to support our opinions all day long, but what would be the point? Who, besides you, is arguing that swinging is preferable to monogamy? I've never made that point. You're welcome to read my essay titled "On Open Marriage and Swinging" if you really want to know what I think about the topic.

As for monogamy being "boring", I certainly never said that, either. Like Seekeraz, you like to put words in my mouth and project your own caricatures onto me. I didn't say monogamy is boring; I said stories about marital strife, divorce, revenge and murder are (more often than not) boring. Maybe instead of constructing some strawman of a swinger, and repeatedly trying to squeeze me into that strawman outfit, you could simply read what I actually write.

Now, are we done? I have to get back to shopping for leisure suits and having casual sex with strangers.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 9 years ago

The thing is, that is exactly what I want. Someone to moderate these comment threads. The only comment systems online I think are worth a damn are the ones where all comments have to be viewed by someone before they are posted and have to follow set rules on abuse and trolling. That, and they require some kind of login or ID to post. That's why Lit is such a toxic place, but moderation requires effort on the part of Laurel, so it won't happen.

Does anyone honestly think that if there was moderation, the vast majority of the comments that got rejected wouldn't be the ones from the little anonymous btb cowards that everyone apparently likes to defend?

And Iron Dragon, we get it, you're a closed minded, condescending piece of shit who uses 'I was in the military' as a crutch to get out of any kind of criticism. You're a bully and an asshole. You don't have to prove your point any more by wasting your time reading and commenting on stories in a section that by your own admission you consider to be for mentally ill people. You realize that if you honestly believe that cuckolds or swingers are mentally ill, you're still picking on those who can't defend themselves. That actually makes you look worse then when you're just sticking up for FTDS and his violent rape fantasies.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
frontlinehossier, you calling anybody an idiot

is like the "Rain Man" being a brain surgeon, just doesn't fit. Your the equivalent of a cuckold with less balls than a hairless mole rat. You, "swingerhoe" and the rest of the cuckold coalition will never understand anything about being men because you aren't a man. You're cuckolds and that makes you less then pond scum. You may have the same parts but they are carried firmly in your wives purses. BTB'er are only idiots in you eyes frontlinehossier because your a faggot that likes watching the wife get gangbanged. And swingerhoe, we won't even talk about you. Both you and the rest of the cuckold lovers can go back to the basement. Sit on you hands while I continue fucking your wives. And do forget to eat the well deserved creampie, you to dumb assed simpletons.

IronDragonIronDragonover 9 years ago
Well, then.

Let's just agree to disagree on that point, swingerjoe. Some couples just aren't meant to be together.

The majority of couples that I hear about getting divorced is due to either cheating, or an alternative lifestyle. If that's the kind of lifestyle you represent, fine. Whatever. Do your own thing. I only start judging other peoples' lifestyles when they start judging a tale about a monogamous person who gets cheated on and gets revenge for it. In case you didn't notice, quite a few of those tales include sex. Singling out an entire sub-category isn't how you make an argument. Hell, I'll be honest here. I've read a couple swinger tales, and they aren't horrible. Not what I'd prefer as far as my own life goes, but if they're well written, they can be pretty hot. amyyum wrote a really good one, in fact.

Like it or not, BTB/Consequence tales do belong in LW, though. The shortened category description says "& more", but it used to say "and sometimes consequences", Nonetheless, there's nothing saying that it doesn't still apply.

Most people on here don't like cheaters or wimps, plain and simple. Look at the scores and votes tallied on each tale, if you don't believe me. Look at the tales down in the Hall of Fame, for that matter. I've noticed that the BTB and/or Consequence tales tend to score much higher with more votes, while the alternative lifestyle tales score quite a bit lower with fewer votes. It's a very disproportionate number, too. With the exception of very few Alt Life writers, the highest quality is usually with the BTB/Consequence writers like FrancisMacomber, cpete, and a few others. Some RAAC/Reconciliation authors are also really good, like DanielQSteele and Rehnquist for instance.

Granted, most of the authors in this category tend to write about cuckolds, hotwives, swingers, swappers, or whatever. The readers, on the other hand, just don't like those kind of tales.

That's the situation. If you can get Laurel or whoever to change stuff, go for it. Had no luck here, so far. As long as it's fair to everyone, I have no problem with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
From Duna

@ swingerjoe The marital strife stories are much eleborated and the stories can get a much longer epiloge, that the divorced ex husband how will find the happiness again.

The story threads could be more sofisticated with children and the children's future and with the connection to the divorced parents. It is not boring in the most cases.

99% of the stories where the wife murder is in the stories that stories are not BTB stories but very sad Consequence stories and the right of these stories is the news from the media about the reason of many family tragedy.

However the cuck/wife share/ swinger stories do not show any future or long time epiloge (very very few exceptions!). I think the cuck/wife share story authors either they do not know what is the future these married couples or they are afraid to show us. (The most longtime successful cuckold married pairs contain bisex/hid homo husbands.) So the Cuck/wife share/swinger stories are continous river current of extrem boring ANTI erotic stories!

@ Iron Dragon Unfortunatally according to Laurel's opinion is the alternative lifestyle stories and the cheating wife stories will not get two distinct hubs only cohabitation is the rule in LW now. I think a cheating wife and TLW story title-author collection can help to rethink her opinion or could give any possibility at all.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 9 years ago
@ IronDragon (for the last, really)

You're going around in circles, like a skipping record (or an iPod on repeat, depending on your age.) You keep making the same points over and over, and it doesn't seem like you've even read anything I've written.

I've already explained why BTB stories get higher ratings than other types of stories in LW. All it takes is a small voting bloc of people giving one-bombs and five-stars to stories in a certain genre. The number of readers who actually vote is so low, it doesn't take many votes to drive a story's rating through the roof (or floor.)

I've already explained that just because a story has a description of sex in it, that doesn't mean it's an "erotic tale."

I've already explained how your defense of BTB stories belonging in LW is based on an older definition of the "and more" clause that was changed by the admins for a reason. If you want to stubbornly insist that LW is still the place for BTB stories because "dagnabbit, that's the way it was, and that's the way I like it", then don't accuse ME of trying to create my own definition for this category. I'm only going by the definition the admins of this site created.

As I've already explained on countless other comment threads, I don't like cheaters or wimps, either. I also don't like stories about humiliation and cum-slurping sissy husbands. I've made all of this perfectly clear, repeatedly. But that never stops people like you from putting words in my mouth and telling me what I like and don't like.

So, once again, if you really want to know what I think about open marriage and swinging, you're invited to read my essay (in which I quoted you several times, BTW.) I also invite you to read my story titled, "Getting Even", which is my twist on the classic revenge tale. I even gave a shout-out to old IronDragon in my story, "No More Room in the Basement."

Okay, enough self-promotion of my free material. Back to shopping. Anyone know where I can find a gold chain and a lime green sports coat with really wide lapels?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

@Swingerjoe+everybody I have imagined how 2 above 18 years kids could react when they (1 girl+1 boy) gussed their hot Mom does sex with bulls and their Dad likes to see this.

A non cuck author wrote only this type story as ParisGreen "Loud and Clear!"

Maninconn in his story "I Have a Proposition For You" and Saxon_Hart in his story "Ginger Snaps" wrote a future for this lifestyle, but both author is not cucl writer!


javmor79javmor79over 9 years ago
I haven't commented until know

I just have one question. Why do we have to split the genre up? Every story in the loving wives category has a right to be here. Sure they can go into other categories if the author chose, but they do have aspects about them that allows them placement here. Why do we all feel that the site has to be tailor made to fit what we want? Each of us have to realize that there are more people reading this site than just us. Believe it or not, this site is made to fit the majority, not the few with the loudest voices.

I read descriptions of stories everyday that I tell myself would be a waste of my time. I sometimes log on and not read a single story. The ones that scream "willing cuckold" or "revenge" get skipped. Not because they are bad, but because I wouldn't enjoy them. That is what the description section is for. No one is duped into reading story that he or she doesn't want.

It appears that the loving wives category has turned into Israel. Everyone is claiming rightful ownership of it and are using a variety of methods to take it by force. This site can easily be shared. Instead of respecting each other's differences, people click on a story with the sole purpose of trying to prove that it doesn't belong here.

I also find it funny that people who bash cuckold stories and spit morality defenses against men who enjoy seeing their wives have extramarital sex tell people that if they don't like BTB stories then they should skip it and only read their cuckie fetish. Huh? Isn't that what they tell you guys to do when you tell Xleglover to go kill himself or call MM a wimpy faggot? You defend your actions against them by saying that they bash you for having an "opinion that is different from theirs". Yet here you are on one of your stories doing the same. Pot...Kettle.

IronDragonIronDragonover 9 years ago
It doesn't work that way.

Seriously, swingerjoe, your argument on the numbers is flawed. Look at the actual votes cast on each tale. Then think about something for a moment.

I discovered this after a bunch of Anons 1 Bombed quite a few of mine to hell. Those votes suddenly disappeared, since Lit started taking fraudulent voting seriously. So, by your argument, the Alt Lifestyle readers don't support their own, while the BTB readers somehow still manage to get around the fraudulent voting safeguards that Lit now has in place. How much sense does that make?

If you didn't know about those changes, now you do.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
From Duna

@ javmor79 You wrote such story where the ex husband found happiness after his wife (with a daughter) left him. An independent Marriage Strife category could help the authors to write more stories where this new found happiness would be part of a cheating (first sometimes second) wife story. It may be the cheating wife can help to find the happiness with newer woman and sometime it may be excellent BTB this alone!

I was one of the first commenters to think of the LW to be two hubs and I am more sure with time to help good authors to come back an independent category where stories will not accuse to be Romance if the author writes happiness to the ex husband with a newer woman!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I think the discussing people should think of this repeated part of my previouse comment!

The surveys about the positve opinion for the marriage among the 25-30 years old men show a fantastic negative decreasing result. The 25-30 years old generation of the men wants to avoid the marriage and the 25-30 years old male people's marriage status DECREASED in significant % in the USA. There are many reason for this % decrease, but the one of the high % cheating rate among the wives and the fear of the bastard children. It is not surprising many women began to support after negative DNA test results that the divorced husbands should not pay children support for bastards (below 4 years old) in family law. The other complain among the 25-30 years old male people the media (and the Literotica is part of these media) bash the husband characters generally in movie, TV, novells etc. The overrunned cuckold wife sharing LW is part of this husband character bashing media for the 25-30 years old male people, because majority of the men do not get erotic pleasure from strangers fuck their girlfriend, fiancee or wives!

A cuck story LW COULD STRENGTHEN the negative trend among the 25-30 years old men that to be bull to a hot/cheating wives better than to stay married with bastard kids and to eat criempies of strangers.

It may be these 25-30 years olds will marry a woman in their 40 years old ages, but the reasons for this tendency are the high level cheating rate among wives and the fear to bastard children and the much more important the complain about the continouse negative husband characters in the media. It is more than interesting!


sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
Declining marriage stats

There are multiple reasons why fewer young people marry than in the past.

Woman no longer have to be married and supported by a husband and have other options.

People of both genders no longer need to be married to have sex without societal disapproval.

Children can be born out of wedlock without being subjected to societal disapproval for it.

It takes young people longer to become established in work and earning power than it used to (this is cited as the main reason in surveys of under-30s who say they want to get married someday).

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

@ sdc97230 Yes, the reasons are more, but women began to complain not to find husband candidates, because the 25-30 male generation avoid the marriage possibility ACTIVLY! The earlier time this age group avoid to become married passively and women were more successful to break the passive obstacle.

I wrote two most interesting points why this age group wants to avoid the marriage possibility ACTIVELY!

1. The higher cheating rate among the wives results high risk bastard danger. unfortunatally not the all 50 USA state's family law knows the divovorced husbands do not pay children custody for bastards if the kids are below 4 years old family law's rule.

2. The all USA's media from Hollywood to Literotica show a negative character role for the husbands and the cuckold lifestyle supporter LW would have been this husband bashing role aginst BTB stories for successful ex husband character epiloge!

Once more I wrote also the decrease of the married status among the 25-30 years old people there are more reasons! (single women's job possibilties, wedlock babies possibilty (Here the positive effect for the deleting from the family law an ex husband should pay for bastard children), the longer career managing time, etc.

However my mentioned two interesing reasons (cheating wives bastard danger and the general husband humuliation media are something higher connection to the Loving Wives!

Once more THE WOMEN COMPLAIN NO TO FIND LONG TIME CONNECTION (mate-husbands-boyfriends)!


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This is why men should look for girls who ate YOUNGER, who have not been corrupted by lit and media that says they should be cheating sluts! More than fifty percent of women over age of 18 already know how media and lit think they should treat their husbands, it is their own fault they complain if lack of connect! Sexual majority men, especially those already divorced once, should seek girls who are young enough to learn to RESPECT husbands! ! This is the only moral and sane way to solve declining marriage rates!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
More explanation

There are an humorous Hungarian way of saying: "Why I should marry a woman when others have wives............" The overunned cuck stories is part for this husband role hostility mood. To be bachelor and to be bull for wives (hot or cheating) as to be a member of the negative role husband group.

It was very interesting for me, when I looked at more cheating wife problem websites I found one where was an interesting rule. The commenters (I think of women) were forbidden to start to date with the fresh betrayed husbands. I was very surprised some women are looking for husband/mate candidates among husbands (soon to be ex) whom these women think they disappointed only one woman but the marriage/long time connection!

Is a result of the actively avoiding long time connection?

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
Why women can't find long term mates

Women don't want to marry men who are not their educational and earning equals or better. In the past 30 years women have had increased educational and career goals and have worked to take advantage of them, which has had the result of decreasing the pool of men that women are willing to accept. At the same time, employment opportunities for everyone have been declining, and few women are willing to consider marrying a man who can't hold down a steady job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Supporter ideas for BTB stories with longer epiloge!

@ sdc97230 I was talking about men's opinion about marriage and this is regards to educational men too! Educational men began to avoid the marriage and not only the management of their career is the reason to avoid the marriage in their 25-30 years old ages but 2 Loving Wives regarded reasons are too!

1. High cheating rate for women with bastard danger.

2. The general media's hostily husband role status wich broadcasts from Hollywood to Literotica.

The average BTB stories deal with the average educational husbands which got cheating wives and you explained why the ROMANTIC REVENGE works so well in these case. An educational ex wife will not find so easy a good husband AGAINST TO an educational ex husband!

Thank you for supporter ideas for BTB stories with longer epilog, where the ex husband finds a better newer wife!


sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
Educated men are actually MORE likely to marry

They're just putting it off longer until they become better established in their careers. The decline in marriage among younger men is mostly the less educated, who are increasingly unable to obtain and keep steady jobs with decent incomes, and as a result are less attractive as mates to increasingly better educated women.

The fear that a future spouse will be unfaithful is nowhere near being the primary reason why people put off marriage or avoid it altogether; it's a distant third behind not being able to afford it, not being able to attract a partner and simply seeing no need for it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I say majority of the BTB stories deal with educated husbands with cheating wives stories and it is more understanble the ex husbnands find better newer wives and the cheater ex wives do not find or they find a not too good new mates/husbands.

Once more the unedicated men can not find wife candidates easy but I wrote the educated 25-30 years old men do not want to start any marriage (perhaps 10 years later) now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Jesus Christ Duna...

He's not agreeing with you, he's saying you're wrong. And unlike you, he's not pulling facts out of his ass. People do actual research on these things, and the fact that people are waiting longer to marry is /NOT/ tied to either fears of cheating or reading stories on lit. No one but you thinks that. You're an idiot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
To read the all text

@ JC Anon I do not say only Literotica is bashing the husband role only, but the all media from Hollywood to TV channels and LW hub is only one medium of the all media. The 25-30 years old educated male people feel the all media show the husbands are a negative role characters in the life......everybody must be bulls, loverboys instead of husbands and the husband role is good for bisex and hid homo men only to eat creampies from stranger bulls as the majority stories try to show us here.

I think a Marriage strife story hub perhaps is not the total turn for this tendancy, but 1 step against a wrong tendancy.

javmor79javmor79over 9 years ago
Please Duna...

Learn to let it go. There is a difference between making your point and just talking. I don't even know what point you are trying to make, I just know that it stopped being amusing a while ago. Now its just sad...

TheRealDunaTheRealDunaover 9 years ago

My point is that better stories to encourage good marriages would be ones where educated man finds much hotter, young woman to marriage with! !! Girls over 18 are more than half cheating sluts making bastard childs! Better, younger brides would lead to better HEALTHY marriage!!!


sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
And as long as we're debunking

There's the one about half of marriages ending in divorce. It's true overall, but only because second, third, etc., marriages have increasingly higher rates of divorce. If you only look at first marriages, the divorce rate is about 30%. The rate for second marriages is 60%, and for three or more it's a whopping 73%.

For those young people who are putting off marriage to establish themselves in careers, here's an added bonus: the divorce rate for first marriages where the woman is 25 or older and has her own source of income independent of the man's is only 20%. The older and better educated you are when you get married, the better your odds are of staying together.

So really, LW stories don't come anywhere near to reflecting reality. The marriages most likely to be torn apart by cheating are blue collar husbands with nonworking wives

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
From Duna

@ sdc97230 I agree with you partially. If you married later and both are older the marriages are more successful. The people become wiser with the time!

It may be serial cheater, drug, alcohol, gambling abuser violant people have unsuccessful marriages in the more cases. However some interesting data: ex husbands who have children and they married an divorcee with children their (second or third) marriages are successful too!.

The educated wife's cheating data is not so low as you think. I think the children question only which change a lot of problem. The woman's sexual cycle have a sexual attraction change during the cycle, if a woman could not manage this well a medium clever predator can be success and the guilt and the oxicotyn are not strong effect the wife becomes serial cheater.

After birth the oxycotin changes the women sexuality to more monogam state in the most case. Monogam male people have higher oyytocin level too (very interesting).

It is not accidentally why I write about some type sex in my stories............

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
If you look at those numbers

Somewhere between between 20 and 30% (let's call it 25% just to average it out) of married couples end up divorcing and remarrying again and again, skewing the statistics, while the other 75% get married the first time and stay that way.

LW stories are based on a relatively small portion of the real life married population.

IronDragonIronDragonover 9 years ago
He's right.

sdc97230 is right. Look up the stats. The "50%" are definitely skewed, not taking into account multiple marriages. They don't reflect monogamous vs. alternative lifestyle marriages, either.

I'll give you some stats from the city where I live. In the last 3 years, 74% of the divorces happened because of alternative lifestyle marriages going south, while only 8% were caused by infidelity in monogamous marriages. The remaining 18% happened due to issues not associated with infidelity or alternative lifestyles.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
A non stop debate

@ sdc97230 Javmor wrote we should discuss in private.

A lot of cheaters are not serial cheater, but they have 1-2 occassions when they did mistake and the other spouses did not catch them.

A lot of cases the children's interest is the most important and the spouses try a reconciliation for this. It may be the majority of Reconciliations are successful. Similar facts are behind the 70% successful first marriage fact as I have written here.

BTW Neither the blue collar women are not= trailer trash women nor the educted women are not = colledge party girls generally.

Once more the most important marriage stability factor is the kids.

seekerazseekerazover 9 years ago
Geeeshhh This thing has taken on a life of it's own

and i seems to be never ending.

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
Well, we don't have anything else to do here to entertain ourselves while we wait for FTDS to get the final chapter up...

I haven't addressed the question of how many cheat or who is more likely to cheat because the oft-cited surveys on that rely on answers from people who are willing to admit they have cheated and are therefore pretty much useless when it comes to the population at large. On the other hand, asking people who haven't married yet why not and asking divorced people why they split up are fairly non-threatening questions that people aren't likely to lie about. And the statistics for divorces come from reasonably objective sources like the Census.

As for why more educated people are less likely to divorce (even if they do cheat), they usually have more to lose in a divorce than less educated people, which is more of an incentive to not cheat or to forgive cheating partners. They are probably also more likely than less educated people to be able to make non-monogamous alternative relationships work.

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
They don't reflect monogamous vs. alternative lifestyle marriages, either.

I think they really do, since they only differentiate between whether a divorcing couple is on their first, second, third, etc., marriage and not whether or not they married promising each other monogamy. What they do not reflect much is same sex marriages, since most of the studies we're talking about here were published in the last decade and are based on numbers from the 2000 Census. Prior to 2010 there was no category for same sex couples, and they were lumped together in "Unmarried Partner" with cohabiting het couples and poly households. - none of which contributed much to divorce stats.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I undrestood something better

@IronDragon Your city statistic data show well why the cuck+alternative lifestyle story authors avoid to show the future of the pairs in their stories.

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
Where do those stats come from?

Curious to know who's collecting data about alternative lifestyle marriages and divorce, because I haven't seen any myself.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 9 years ago

Iron Dragon is pulling them out of his ass. He's saying 'divorces in his city', but even for a large city the number of 'alternative lifestyle marriages' that even occur would be such a small sample size as to render any actual survey useless. He just wants to get up on his high horse about swinging, something I've found is usually a sign of insecurity when married guys do it with such obvious venom.

IronDragonIronDragonover 9 years ago
Well, frontlinecaster is being immature again, so...


I got those statistics from is my wife, who works in family law. The firm she works for handles quite a few divorces every year.


Stop pretending you know anything about where I got my stats. What I know about you is that you're a wannabe bull who doesn't even have the intelligence or integrity to answer a simple question. I'll type this next part really slowly for you, so you can understand it.

"BDSM" does not equate to "cuckold fetish". They are two separate things.

Was that slow enough for you? Did I use small enough words so you could understand it? Doesn't matter. Now, this is an A - B conversation, so C your way out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
a thought

I'm one of the sea of anon readers who drop by this category from time to time. I actually enjoy to some extent, having the topics together instead of apart.Because the tension of not knowing where the story goes makes it either more interesting and potentially exalting or upsetting.Either way, if they make me feel something its one sign that the story might have value. I generally dont like cuck stories and dont find them or the btb stories erotic.(though as someone mentioned...sometimes they do have some hot scenes).Typically I have found the stories with marriage strife more interesting as they tend to stir up feelings and have more writers with some measure of skill in story telling. While the cuck stories generally tend to make me ill or make the next decent btb story that much sweeter a read.In fairness, a few have some hot scenes here and there though. As to the swinger crowd stories they feel like a different animal to me...some are hot, some are boring, some I just cant relate too.But they feel like they belong too(after all they are loving wives). The only ones I think might not be the best fit would be the sadistic wives stories where its more fetish and no obvious love or ironic non love. I wish what we did have different would be a debate category,where we all can flame and argue idealogy etc and use these areas here as more to do with the story and how it was written.

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 9 years ago
IronDragon's statistics

I'm sorry, but I have to interject once again. ID's statistics are so preposterous that I literally choked on my morning coffee. As someone who works with statistics for a living, it always irritates me to see people abuse and misinterpret stats just to promote their agenda.

IronDragon...first of all, do you seriously expect us to believe that your wife's law firm keeps statistics on why a couple filed for divorce? Gimme a break. For what possible reason would they do so?

For the sake of argument, let's say they do. It seems like a really odd professional practice, but maybe their law office doubles as a monogamy advocation group or something. How are they defining "alternative lifestyle?" If the wife files for divorce because she realized she's a lesbian, does that count? If the couple enjoys flogging each other with a leather strap on the weekends, is that "alternative" enough? What if they belong to the "furry community" and dress as penguins behind closed doors?

And what if a couple truly do swing, or have an open marriage, but they get divorced for some reason that has nothing to do with that? Are they still counted? Even if that stat really is collected, it's extremely dubious given it's subjective nature.

Just admit it, ID: you pulled those numbers out of your ass. Maybe your wife comes home and says something like, "You won't believe it! We had another divorce case today with a swinger couple! That must be around 74% this year!"

You see...this is what we call a "self-selecting sample." If the only swingers you know are the ones you meet in divorce court, you're not getting a fair sample of the swinger population.

I once found a study that showed the divorce rate among swingers is only 5%, but I can't find that source anymore. There is a well-known study by Belllarmine University that claims swingers are generally happier with their marriages than non-swingers, but that's only one study. The fact is that you could spend an entire afternoon on Google, searching for stats and studies about swinging and marriage, and you'll come up empty. Why? Because no one is keeping those stats!

Well, except IronDragon's wife. LOL.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 9 years ago

I'm sorry, ID you aren't pulling them out of your ass, your wife is. That makes it totally less stupid for you to claim that many people are in 'alternative lifestyles'. Either that is complete bullshit, or I've vastly underestimated how closed minded you are and you define alternative lifestyles much more broadly than even I would have thought. Or do you just happen to live on some kind of fetish commune?

You're not convincing anyone, just like the shit about mental illness you keep throwing around without actually knowing what you're talking about. Step back man, you're just making yourself look stupid even for a btb commenter.

IronDragonIronDragonover 9 years ago

So frontlinecaster and swingerjoe think I'm pulling figures out of my ass.

frontlinecaster either doesn't have the integrity, or is too stupid to comprehend and answer a simple question, and swingerjoe is still claiming that BTB/Consequence tales don't belong here. He also claims that some "vast BTB reader conspiracy" is causing the lower ratings on alt lifestyle tales with fraudulent votes.

Sorry, swingerjoe, but your theory about fraudulent votes doesn't hold water. Your "BTB conspiracy" theory is so laughable, I fell out of my chair when I read it. Then I finally stopped laughing and calmly informed you about how Lit deals with fraudulent voting now. They stopped the voting fraud. I thought you knew about that, but you didn't. Sorry for the presumption. I overestimated your intelligence, observational skills, and common sense. That won't happen again. As for your job with statistics, you don't live in my city.

Maybe your city has different stats on Divorces than mine. Maybe you should call an attorney friend of yours, if you have one, and ask for the Divorce stats for your city. Then we can compare the two.

As for my wife, she got those figures at my request. If the stats were different, I would've posted them that way. However, those are the numbers she brought me. She works as a children's advocacy attorney, which means a lot of Divorce cases. Divorce hurts kids most of all, you know. She works with the kids and CPS to make sure that whoever gets custody doesn't place the children in a hostile or immoral environment. Do you have kids? If so, do you keep your lifestyle a secret from them or not? You know how kids are. They talk at school. They talk about their parents sometimes. If you have kids, do you want them to grow up to be swingers just like you? For that matter, if you have kids, are they even yours?

swingerjoeswingerjoeover 9 years ago
Re. Wow...

ID, do you really want to waste yet another day going back and forth on this? You don't seem to have any grasp of simple logical or statistical concepts, and it seems you simply ignore whatever you don't understand and pigheadedly repeat your talking points, which I've already thoroughly refuted. If you don't understand the concept of a self-selecting sample, I really don't have the patience to explain it to you.

I called you out for your bullshit statistic, and your explanation is: "Well, my wife told me it's true." Okay, fine. That seems like an irrefutable source to me, and I'm sure the methods she used to collect and assess her data are beyond question.

You also don't seem to understand my very simple explanation as to why BTB stories are rated highest in the LW category. Again,I don't have the patience to explain to you the simple concept of a small sample size, and how it can be manipulated by a voting bloc of only a handful of activists rather easily. Aside from bonnietaylor, can you name one user you've ever seen on this site who intentionally one-bombs every BTB story, and awards five stars to every "cuck" story, regardless of the story's quality? I can name at least a dozen BTB fans who do this on a regular basis, right off the top of my head -- and that doesn't count the unknowable number of BTB annonies who do it as well.

(And if you think the admins here actually give a shit about the ratings, and actively police them for signs of voting fraud, you are more delusional than I thought.)

Lastly, you keep making presumptions about me, my wife, and my marriage, when you know absolutely nothing about any of it. You really have no idea how ignorant you are. As someone once said (and there are about a dozen who claim to have said it originally), "It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a moron than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Now, how about just shutting your mouth?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Dear Reader Fellows!

First it all why so few alternative lifestyle stories (cuck and wife share) deal with long time future of this married pairs.

Xleglover has some long time stories where the all cuckolding marriages went to awry.

He is one of the very few authors who wrote longer time perspective to his stories and I know his 2 stories where the all cuckoldry lifestyle destroyed the marriage.

Xleglover's 2 stories are not Escape from Cuckolding stories, but they show a not successful future.

Here 3 Escape from Cucolding stories from not cuck authors too with long time panorama:

ParisGreen: ""Loud and Clear!"

Maninconn: "I Have a Proposition For You"

Saxon_Hart "Ginger Snaps"

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
Just wondering

ID, did your wife canvass other law firms or interview family court judges and/or families not represented by her firm? Specifics of family court cases are not accessible to people outside the case in the same way that those of civil and criminal court proceedings become public record. If your wife didn't put in a huge amount of effort, the numbers she gave you probably only reflect the cases she or her firm have handled rather than your entire city or county.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

@sdc97230 There are rule for Doctors about secret, but the authority has data how many TBC, HIV, Syphilis infected people are. So the confidantial law practice means the court can count the statistic without names in a city, county etc.............

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
Yes, but

The fact that people get an STD doesn't mean they're in an alternative lifestyle marriage (i.e., swinging, BDSM, poly, whatever). They could be cheaters in conventional marriages, or just single people. Public health records of people who test positive for STDs track numbers of sexual partners (and their identities, but of course that data is restricted), not the type of relationships they had with each other. You'd have to go beyond public health records and into the confidential family court records for divorces and child welfare cases to get that kind of qualitative data about why divorces happened. And let's hope your wife didn't do that just to satisfy your curiosity, because it could get her disbarred.

Lex1Lex1over 9 years ago
I love a spirited debate

Although if I were keeping score the bout would go to swingerjoe whose rebuttal to Irondragon's "stats" clearly made more sense than the outrageous numbers that were presented. I am not a swinger or a cuckold but even I think that Irondragon exaggerated for shock value.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 9 years ago

I notice that Iron Dragon never actually defended his stats, just lashed out at people questioning them. Never defined what 'alternative lifestyle' means, never really explained how they decided on those numbers, if those were due to the stated reasons for the divorce or based on something else. He never explained why a lawyer at one single law firm has access to all divorce stats for the whole city or why anyone is bothering to crunch those numbers.

It's almost like he knows that he can't answer any of that, because he pulled those numbers out of his ass. Which makes sense, since I happen to know someone who works for a law firm dealing with online erotica, and over 73.5% of writers of BTB stories are completely full of shit. Look, I'm just reporting the stats as I read them! If they said otherwise I would tell you, but almost three quarters of BTB writers on Lit are completely full of shit. You have to trust me, because I talked to a lawyer.

WedjatWedjatover 9 years ago

FLC, I am afraid you are wrong on that percentage ........ It is only 72.1 percent

You must have talked to the wrong lawyer ..... VBG

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 9 years ago
Well, though I think you skewed from the original, at least you're being consistent.

(This is a LONG post...)

I'm going to have to update my thesaurus. I was unaware that the synonyms of "honest", "law-abiding", and "decent" had been changed to include "wimp", "useless", and "stupid".

Here was a man in the original story who, almost immediately after discovering his wife was cheating, confronts her with his plan to give them both what they seemed to want - him a happy home life with the part of his family that still mattered to him, her with her job and lover(s).

She, in a truly Machiavellian fashion, manipulated, lied, cheated, and coerced her way through a fabrication that took everything from him and left him with a million rules just for a TASTE at time with his children. Her actions included deceiving her own children to her end and SOMEHOW using information which SHOULD have been inadmissible (his psych evaluation as a child) and irrelevant (he was, with good cause, likely clinically depressed).

She, OTOH, more or less only had two rules to follow: "Don't abandon your children" and , Don't kill your children".

His NEW plan was based on HER this time. She was and is a creature of habit (no matter how deceitful she is) - she's a cheater, she's a slut, and she's a (willing) workaholic.

For his plan, she was already beginning to fail her first rule. It wouldn't have taken long to combine that with a new judge to get the decree changed (though I'm not saying totally overturned yet) - and the more he won, the more she'd have screwed up - especially with her now alcoholic mother as one of her "witnesses" and her children having realized they were used and completely changing sides (as well as presumably telling the NEW judge why they'd said what they'd said in the first trial).

Speaking of the children. How many LW stories involve the husband pointing out "How can you love me when you don't respect me?" So - his children in your story can't love their father because they CLEARLY don't respect him. And if they don't love him, the only reasonable reason to want to be with him is to allow them to do to him what his ex had and wanted to KEEP doing: use him.

And finally, the ex.

She's smart, she's devious, she plans - Machiavelli incarnate...? And yet... when she discovers her children are lying and, hence, trying to do to her what she did to HER ex, she doesn't respond like with him...? Why would she NOT look for what other attacks might be lurking...? Why would she NOT check her computer, her finances, her children's stories (going to the school, etc)...?

Oh sure, she doesn't truly CARE about her children but she didn't truly care about her husband either - it didn't stop her from investing time, energy, or money into finding how best to ensure she won and he lost.

And SHE wouldn't have done what every hubby does when he thinks his WIFE may be cheating at home...? Surveil, surveil, surveil. It would have only taken ONE conversation by her children where they talk about their plans against her to change the tide.

Oh, and is the wife the same size as the thirteen-year-old daughter...? Because one of the FIRST things both the police and CPS would have done is photograph Jenna' s face. If mom and daughter have enough size difference, the red from that LAST slap (the most damaging one) would have been CHILD-sized. How would that have gone over...? And you think the mom wouldn't have noticed that?

One conversion mentioning deceit on her children's part and CPS would have written off pretty much everything the children had said. And if she tried, she'd probably be able to get Tommy and maybe Jenna to break when the new threat became "CPS is sure your father put you up to this somehow and so won't let you see him anymore - and I think the police are considering legal action against him." Think they won't admit he had nothing to do with it, that it was all their idea...?

As FOR CPS... when they first got involved back in the house, they'd have started interviewing like crazy: the kids, the ex-wife, William, teachers, school counselors, the police, some friends if warranted, people where she WORKED (since it is relevant)... they'd have pretty likely found inconsistencies in the children's stories - and now that they were looking at the whole house, they'd have found faults in HER stories as well, previous ones included.

Hey, what can I say, I'm just interpreting some of what you've written. =)

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
What makes the kids' plan viable in this story

Is that the authorities in this community - police, CPS, family court judge, etc. - all seem to be incompetent idiots. This appeared to be the case in the original story, so FTDS is being fairly consistent here. Same with Peter being decent, honest, law-abiding but way too trusting in the system to sort truth from lies and do the right thing.

It's not surprising that the kids perceive him as being a wimp about this - kids tend to see things in black and white and have an unrealistic expectation that their parents will be their nurturing and conquering hero and heroine and come charging to the rescue when something threatens their happy home and family, and in their view their mother is a monster and their father has failed to come charging in to rescue them from her. In the long run, though, it probably won't matter that much if they don't see him as their conquering hero as long as he eventually gets into court and gets custody of them, because he's always been the more nurturing of the two parents. They'll still see him that way, and end up seeing themselves as his protectors.

As for the momster, yes, she's cunning and smart, but the kids are on to her. None of them will believe anything she says to them. When it comes to waging a campaign of deceit and terrorism, even the smartest, most cunning adult is no match for a determined child. And now it's three against one. Momster is a dead woman walking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Speaking of:





zcapzcapover 9 years ago

Any updates on when the story will be finished? I enjoyed the continuation upto now.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 9 years ago

He's said several times that what tiny bit of moderation there actually is here keep flagging his chapters for underage sex. I'm hoping he finally gave up on trying to post the last chapter. Here's hoping he never finishes this.

seekerazseekerazover 9 years ago
@Frontlinecaster (whatever the hell that means)

You are an idiot but you are a hypocrite and a moron. Don't bother responding wannabe.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 9 years ago

I'm an idiot, BUT I'm a moron, implying those are two different and therefore contradictory things. And how does this relate to my being a hypocrite? And what is it that I want to be?

Damn, how will I ever win back the approval of one of the stupid BTB fans who are like a cancer spreading through this section if you don't explain what you mean?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
You are right!

@ seekeraz Somebody is the supporter of the one sided marriage connection as the cuckolding marriage, where the husbands must be faithful and the wives can have every stranger bulls. A supporter of the (again one sided marriage) cheating wives to betrayed faithful husbands where the husbands must provide the cheating wives until the death of the cheating wives (sometime to nurse the cheating wives with cancer) instead of divorcing the husbands in time to give time to the ex husbands find newer women.

It is true for serial cheater husbands, because serial cheater husbands are TIME THIEFS too.

Somebody is one sided that person is HYPOCRITE!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Anons write stories, but not in Lit

@ Casterlinefront My stories are banned and deleted in Literotica, but they can be read on other site. Everybody can read there, because 16 stories can be read/day on that site free of charge after sign up and I published only 8 stories. I did not mention the name of that site, because it is against Literotica's rule.

So it is not true Anons did not publish stories.

My all stories deal with betrayed husbands find better, newer, younger women than the CHEATING TIME THIEF WIVES were.

BTW A question to the readers of the comment section. Which sex is more disgusting a cuck husband eats the creampies of the stranger bull from his hot wife or a heterosexual husband and wife do sex in monogam connection..............The reader's honest answer decides to be sexual majority or minority.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Too the folks in the "what is appropriate for LW" battle...

Is it really fair to FTDS to make him wade through all of the bile on each side to find any useful comments on HIS STORY?

I think that the least that we owe someone who contributes here is feedback on what they contribute. NOT what this discussion has become.

shadowjack17shadowjack17over 9 years ago
Odds on this story being finished soon?

Just saying; I read every single thing you put out for a number of reasons: Well written, no wimpy half-assed "resolutions", and the stunning number of people you manage to piss off every time you write. In my twisted and bizarre world, this is "prima facie" evidence you are hugely successful.

And yes, my mother was a "grammar Nazi", so well written or at least competently edited stories are definitely above any "good concept, BADLY written" works.

Soon, I hope?


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
FTDS when will you conclude

Personally I think your writing is great and I look forward to each story you put your endings to. But it's been awhile since your last installment I was wondering when it will be finished

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago


badinbedbadinbedover 9 years ago
Isn't it ironic, don't you think?

Yeah, a little bit ironic, I really do think...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

So, when are you going to F.T.D.S.

theFBReftheFBRefover 9 years ago
What's up?

Hey dude hope everything is ok! Love your stories! Worried you have vanished mid story!

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilover 9 years ago
Hope you can FTDS

Hopefully, we will soon see the conclusion of this tale. We are awaiting the final chapter with bated breath.

I know I have said that I often feel your 'finish' is not fitting the original. I think this one has some of the same characteristics. But I am enjoying it more than most.

I do think that the kids are a bit over done. Particularly Traci and Tommy. And Mom seems to have grown a Stupid Lobe on her brain. Hard to imagine her as the big deal bio prof she was in the original.

But it is a lot more fun than much of the other stuff showing up. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Isn't it ironic that FTDS can't FTDS!

krosis666krosis666about 9 years ago
Their father seems to be the biggest loser on the planet

Their mother is an evil, worthless selfish and cheating whore, but his cowardice and indifference is almost as bad. The kids are awesome! Traci is almost Machiavellian in her scheming, and I love it! Intelligence is like a set of double d's; Awesome in the right hands, and impossible to resist when used to potential!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I see that your attempt to enter the child porn group has finally put a stop to I cant write my own but I can butcher others stories. Don't resurrect yourself as a new identity with FLCs blessing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
FTDS claimed on 02/09/15 in the comments

That the story was finished, so where is chapter 4 FTDS?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
When are you going to finish the story

Please finish this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

FTDS is a hypocrite, goes on and on about others not finishing their stories, yet he can't or won't FINISH THE DAMN STORY.

MorganDeWolfeMorganDeWolfeabout 9 years ago
Patience is a virtue!

Perhaps REAL LIFE has intruded into FTDS writing time? We as readers have become spoiled, expecting instant gratification by this fine author. Lets all just breathe deeply and give FTDS the time and support needed to.... Finish The Damn Story! ;)

After all, no one here is paying a cent to read this so mellow out and in due time the story will be finished I'm sure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

@MorganDeWolfe, The story is finished, FTDS stated it was, yet the last chapter is not posted. Yes this is a free site, yes we all have lives but when one specific author goes on and on about unfinished stories and doesn't post the last chapter for months after saying it was finished that's when readers get annoyed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

More likely he's tired of the bullshit anonymous attacks. You fucktards who are harassing him need to go back to your mommies basement, where you live now that your wife kicked your sorry asses out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Before you ride off into the sunset...

First of all I must congratulate you on your fine ability to finishing unfinished stories with a flourish worthy of a good storyteller.

What irks me with some authors is the way they start off giving the story so full of promise but then begin to falter half way. When the story doesn't go near what was promised and the characters nowhere near real life, the whole package begins to crumple.

Authors who fall into this category should be few and far between otherwise they might as well start by being a "no show". Then again some really have good ideas but do not know how to end their story especially when the plot gets too thick or the characters too interwoven to be untied. 

That's where you, FTDS comes riding in.....FTDS you are a breed of its own are the white knight of cluttered modern day literature...............but will you finish the damn story already!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
may13 2015

did it ever occur to any of you intellects that the author is dead it does happen you know

kjohns2001kjohns2001almost 9 years ago

Has anyone here have any actual knowledge of why this story has not been finished? Has the author fallen ill, has he (God forbid) died? Or has something else happened to stop him from finishing the damn story? If he is not going to do so then perhaps some other BTB author can step up to the plate and start picking up where he left off.

garic372garic372almost 9 years ago

How can FTDS not FTDS! YEESH!!!! As always great writing, but damn... So i looked back, 2/15...that's not so inactive! Hoping for more. Keep up the good work.

FullCircle56FullCircle56almost 9 years ago

Totally out of character by the author. Hope FTDS is OK and didn't have anything happen like Castlestone. Would be a shame to lose another good one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Finish the Dam story

Finish the Dam story.

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

takes on a whole new meaning. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Please finish it. I keep checking back and it's not finished.

Dad has to grow a pair and come back and fight for his kids, about 5 minutes with a good lawyer and CPS would shit themselves getting the kids back to him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Please Finish The Story

PLEASE: Finish The Damn Story

nekocanekocaalmost 9 years ago
Finish your damm story!

Been waiting for this story to finally end! Finish this dam story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I believe that, unfortunately this is the end .


P.S. Who else is going to finish the story??

ResidentWeavilResidentWeavilalmost 9 years ago
It does seem to have been abandonded

Alas Poor FTDS, I knew him, ...

OOPS that guy was Danish not Finish.

(Bad jokes asides, I hope all is well for him)

Tim413413Tim413413almost 9 years ago
I just skimmed

maedhros21's chap7. I hope FTDS returns to give us his version. 21's version was okay, but certainly not the ending I would have chosen. Jessie did the narration. I would have preferred to hear more about Peter and his exploits - maybe go to 8 chapters. Chapters 4-6 were extremely well done.

mmk778mmk778over 8 years ago
hello boss

sir eagerly waiting the ending part and i hope GOD give some bolls to that dad to stand against that bitch

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 8 years ago

It is highly entertaining, Traci is awesome, though their tactics seem awfully risky, Jenna's part makes me a bit uncomfortably, Peter definitely won't be happy when he learns more about it.

I am waiting eagerly for the last chapter, and I'll refer you to you own author name ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I'm very very afraid!

I mean at this point it's obvious something horrible has happened to FTDS.

Who the heck do we call now???

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

“If your father had just stayed out of my business, none of this would be happening.” – Stayed out of her business?! I think her CHEATING on him IS his business!

rightbankrightbankover 8 years ago
the conclusion has been posted

thanks FTDS/2

hoping for more from the "gold"

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