Do Not Pass Go Ch. 03


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She was pacing back and forth as she was talking, tossing around a brown bag whose bottom was dark with grease.

"I'm sorry about abandoning you, but..." She growled and slammed down the bag in front of me. "I know we were supposed to eat. I didn't eat much of my meal and I'm not in much of a mood to eat it now."

Inside the bag what had once been a gyro sandwich and fries was now a mushy mass of potatoes, lamb, and tzatziki sauce wrapped in aluminum foil. As hungry as I was, I dug in anyway. There was no way to eat it neatly even with two hands. Eating one handed, I looked like a messy three-year-old who had lost a battle with strained peas.

"Peter?" Theresa said, hesitantly.

"Um," I said releasing a hunk of gyro meat and blotting my face on a greasy crumpled napkin.

"He said I could see Penny tomorrow." She waited expectantly. I had the visitation with my kids at 2 PM, but Theresa and I had planned to spend the morning together. With me flying out Sunday morning it was going to be the only real block of time we would have been able to spend together doing anything other than sleeping.

"Let me guess? It's tomorrow morning that he's offering you."

"Only because he and his friends are going fishing and he needs someone to look after her. If we had been together, I would love for you to be with us, but... And I don't want the risk that Penny mentions you to my ex."

All sorts of arguments were running through my head, but being on the side of a one-sided custody situation, I was the last one that should get upset about this. As it was, Bruce and Jess were alike in that they wanted to limit the people exposed to their children to the absolute minimum. In both cases they wanted that minimum not to include their ex-es.

There was no point in whining about it to each other. The looks on our faces said everything. I had lost my appetite and nursed my glass of water looking for something to say. Seeing that I only had my wrist brace on, Theresa found my bandage and began rewrapping my wrist.

"How does it feel now?"

"Pretty good. Tonight's the last night for the bandage, but I'm supposed to take it easy for another five days..." I was talking to fill space and not really in the mood for conversation.

Without any words we headed to her bedroom. While she took a shower I brushed my teeth and gargled with plenty of mouthwash. Despite everything that happened I was still in the mood for sex. Judging by her mood, the best I was going to get was cuddling tonight and, if I was lucky, tomorrow morning maybe we would manage a quicky. As starved for female companionship as I was, even the cuddling sounded good. Unfortunately the chaos of the day and the late hour caught up with me. It felt like my eyes had only been closed for a second when I was shocked awake.

"God...Oh my God!" I yelled trying to push a naked, but very wet and very cold Theresa off of me. All my attempts to get away did was to roll me over so that now I was on top of her with her little icicle arms clamped around me. Finally I pulled off.

Theresa giggled. "Does this mean you don't love me anymore?" Her giggle disappeared as I got off the bed and went into the bathroom. "Peter, come on. It was just a joke."

"Some joke. Kinda reminds when I was a kid and my brother game me birthday nuggies," I said getting a couple of big towels out of the bathroom.

She smiled in relief. It was then that I realized how little either of us knew each other. We had been playing house for the past couple days but we barely knew each other. I threw one towel at her and when she reached up to get it, I pounced on her with a bigger one. Pinning her with her stomach on the bed as I straddled her hip I began to vigorously rub her down with my good left hand.

"Peter you're getting the sheets wet."

"I'M getting the sheets wet?" I said spending a lot of time rubbing some warmth into her icy hand and fingers.

She laughed and attempted to roll over, but I was having none of it. "I had to move you. You had draped yourself all over the bed. And anyway, if we were going to have sex tonight I had to wake you up somehow."

"Sex?" Still rubbing her arms, I leaned down and kissed the back of her neck.

She shivered. "We're both pretty tired, so we might not be going all the way around the world tonight, but yes. A full helping of sex with a side order of cuddling."

Theresa shimmied under me and this time I let her roll over. She scooted forward a little and sat up, kissing me hard. But just as I got into the kiss I realized her hands had gone to work pulling at my half-hard erection. "I need to fuck, Peter. Okay?" She pulled out of the kiss and quickly darted her head down and plunged down on my cockhead. It was a quick suck and then her lips were glued to mine again. She puled on my cock with both hands now. Her tiny hands wrapped around my average sized cock made me seem enormous. But as I was looking down she took advantage, pushing me back and now straddling me. She arched up a second positioning my cock right at the entrance to her pussy and then let it slide up and rubbed it in little circles against the swelling bud of her clit.

"A year Peter. I've been dreaming about fucking you for a year." She sank down an inch and got the cockhead in. With a smile she popped back up and then sunk down again, taking me all the way inside. In the shuffle of bodies her knees had come to rest on top of my left hand. She smiled as she saw how helpless I was. Her smile became larger as I hunched up pushing and grinding her clit between us. Still fully impaled she leaned down and kissed me softly, rubbing her small breasts and hard nipples against me. Pulling up she shifted her knee and let my left hand free, but quickly captured it and lifted it to her nipple.

Theresa was so wet that even as she shifted up and down a couple inches on my cock, we squelched. The sound was so nasty and each time, Theresa heard it she fucked faster until the sound was like doing a sprint on a bicycle with a flat tire. Her hands shifted from her hips to her tits, but more often just kind of flopping there like fuck streamers. My fingers rubbed her clit to her first orgasm. As excited as we both were I kept diddling away as our fuck accelerated even faster, Theresa's first orgasm only the appetizer. And as much as the sound and the smell of sex filled the room, and I was concentrated on rubbing Theresa's clit. It was her face that I was watching, wild, exuberant, her hair lashing out behind her like lightning, as she thrashed. And before I knew it I was close. And all I could do was rub her clit and hold on, trying to think about anything to hold off my orgasm and failing miserably.

"Uhhh. Uh. UH, UH, UHHHH. A year Peter. A fucking year I've been waiting! Oooh..." It was no use I couldn't hold it any more and I went off, my cock exploding inside her as she continued to hump away for another five seconds until she froze and screamed and then sagged on top of me. As good as the sex had been, we only stayed like that maybe a minute before getting up and changing the sheets.

We cuddled together on clean sheets. I kept expecting one of us to say something, but there was nothing to say. We held each other and stroked each other's body for a half hour before falling asleep.

It should have been a blowjob that had woke me up in the morning, but it wasn't. Ignoring my cell phone ringing the first time involved burying my head under the pillow. Even the second time I would have ignored it if it hadn't been for Theresa poking me in the side and grunting at me.


"Did I wake you up?" My ex-wife's voice asked me.

I crawled out of bed and headed toward the bathroom. "What time is it?"

"Five thirty, I think."

"It's 5:30 Saturday morning. You really thought I was up?" I rubbed my knuckle into my eye socket. Talking to her might be like hour long oral surgery, but any conversation with my ex-wife was important.

"This is important. Now don't be upset, but I don't want Jenna going today..."

God I wanted to hurl the phone at the wall. "WHAT ARE..."

"If you keep yelling, I'm just going to hang up." She waited as I breathed heavily for a couple seconds. "She tried to run away. I have to punish her. The only thing that I can take away that she really wants is seeing you. Do you think I wanted to admit that? But it's true and it's the only thing I can think of that might rein her in."


"DON"T YELL AT ME! Peter, if one more person yells at me this weekend I'm going to go nuts."

For a couple seconds all either of us heard was the other breathing angrily. I was supposed to act civil to a woman that I had hated with every ounce of my being for the last 11 months?

Jess cleared her throat. "It's only going to be two weeks."

I stopped and rubbed at my eyes again. Had to think. For the first time in ages Jess was talking like a rational human being. Yelling might make me feel better, but it wouldn't help. "You think it's so easy to go without seeing the kids then you give me Jenna for two weeks."

Jess sighed. "Don't tempt me."

"No don't tempt me."

I heard a rustle of fabric and realized that Jess was calling while sitting in the Papa-san in what used to be our bedroom, probably still in her bathrobe and lingering over her coffee.

"Peter what am I supposed to do? Jenna's out to all hours. She doesn't pay attention to a word I say. She's screwing up in school..."

"I'll talk to her about school."

"You don't understand. She's trying to do anything that would upset me. The guy I've seen her with. The friends. She called me a bitch to my face. Look you talked about taking her for two weeks. If it wasn't for school, she would be flying home with you tomorrow."

From the bedroom I heard shuffling around as it looked like Theresa was getting up. So much for the morning quickie. God even when I was divorced children were the antidote to sex. "Why not? Get her homework and I'll get her a tutor. I could probably even take the second week off from work."

"Honestly, I want to do it, but there's no way to do it without disrupting... Also wouldn't giving in on this for Jenna just encourage Traci and Tommy to become terrors?"

Don't just get mad, stupid. Think before you talk, damn it. "The chaos is better?"

She sighed unhappily. "If I promise to think about the idea, will you agree that she shouldn't come to the visitation?"

"No. I miss seeing my daughter and I'm not going to gamble... Jess, tell me why is it I'm always the one making the sacrifices?" What was that myth about the guy pushing a boulder up a hill? Yeah, even as I got it near the top, my strength was giving out and it was about to roll over and crush me. The thought made me angrier, but I quickly squelched it. No this wasn't being crushed by the boulder this was the standard two steps forward and one step back I had to go through when dealing with my wife.

"Jess, you can't expect... no, fine. Fine. Except let me talk to her for a few minutes on the phone."

"Thanks Peter." And before I could start banging my head against the wall, Jess ran off to get our daughter. The talk with Jenna, surprisingly didn't go badly. Obviously Jess was listening in because it was a particularly odd conversation. The whole time it felt like we were talking in code.

Even if it hadn't been for Jess's phone call morning sex would have probably been out. After catching a quick shower -- one she declined to share -- and a rushed breakfast all Theresa had time for was a quick peck on the lips before taking off for her ex's place to take care of her step-daughter.

Having learned something from yesterday, Theresa gave me her spare key so I wouldn't get locked out this time. I continued the morning's tradition of abuse by going for a long run, freezing my ass off until I warmed up. The other tradition of the weekend was also in effect feeling like an idiot. Having come prepared for a relaxing weekend, I hadn't brought any workout clothes. A thorough search through Theresa's drawers produced a short and very pink pair of sweat pants. On top I wore my UMD sweatshirt, spreading my embarrassment to my alma mater as well as myself. The odd thing was that aside from dismissive looks none of the other early morning joggers said a word. A couple of preteens boys on bikes laughed though and a little seven-year-old girl on a street corner quietly asked her mommy if she could have pretty pink pants like mine. The after run shower was so hot, my body was still steaming when I walked out of the bathroom.

After napping a couple hours, I lost myself in hours of football pregame shows. Quickly caught up, only distantly did I think about how easily football had replaced sex.

Not wanting to chance anything the taxi picked me up at 12:30 and I spent an hour in a waiting room of the federal building. This time Traci and Tommy buried me in a hug the moment they saw me. Also different was that I wasn't so worried about the woman from Child Protection Services who was supervising the visit. Still there was an awkwardness when we talked about Jenna. I wanted to tell Traci to cancel whatever she had planned, but in front of the CPS woman all that came out of my mouth was a warning for Traci to be careful and not do anything to get her mother mad. The problem was that both Traci and Tommy just smiled wide when I said that, taking it as some kind of code. Traci used most of her time to tell me about the fact that she was interested in a boy named Tiger, a short bright kid that was much more interested in band and computers than golf. Tommy used most of his time to make fun of his sister's "boyfriend" and the rest to talk about all sort of interesting research he had been doing on the internet, winking and smiling at me so obviously that the CPS woman cleared her throat. Both kids demanded to hear about my life and I told them mostly about their aunt and cousins and then they helped me make up more interesting stories about how I got my wrist hurt. It was two hours, but, honestly, the time between our first hug and the CPS woman told us that the time was up felt like maybe fifteen minutes. At the end Traci hugged me so hard my chest hurt. Not to be outdone, Tommy latched himself into my left side like a barnacle and finally had to be pried off by his sister. I tried to stay strong for my kids, but once they were out of the room, the tears escaped. My face was still wet when I picked up a cab to get back to Theresa's place.

The rest of the weekend ran away from me. Theresa's ex-husband didn't get back from his fishing trip until 7:30 PM making her almost two hours late for her shift when she eventually made it to the restaurant. She limped home at 1 AM. After a long shower and a foot massage from me, all she had the energy for was a couple of kisses before she collapsed into the bed. As I got my things together late the next morning, Theresa talked about taking me to the airport, but after kissing her deeply on the lips and then once on the forehead, I went outside to wait for my taxi.

It was an odd mood which had settled over me as the cab drew closer to Dulles. I was happy. Despite the sprained wrist, Theresa's ex-husband, my ex-wife, getting locked out of the apartment and wearing a pair of pink sweat pants, it had been a good weekend.

The airport was the usual bustle and wait, but it didn't disturb me as it usually did. My eyes were lost in the crowds. Only when my plane had taken off did I realize that I had been looking for Lily.

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AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago

It must be a massive struggle trying to type out words in a story form, with only your five cats as your only guide to how relationships work or human males interact.

NallusNallusabout 1 month ago

I didn't look at the date yet, but I really hope there is another part to this coming.

I'd like to hear what happened to Jessica's boyfriend and why she apologized for them to have some good talks for something amicable to work out but her having some pain, is what I would like to read.

Great writing. Thanks a bunch.

Pasqual_ClementePasqual_Clementealmost 3 years ago

I realize that the name of the site is Literotica and that there has not been any new updates for this fic, other than FTDS's. That being said, I was more interested in the Peter's story. There could have been less sex scenes and more telling of how his post and some pre divorce life went. It is an interesting tale and I hope that some day, assuming all is well with the author and family, this story will be finished. Though I will look for FTDS's version. Still, let me acknowledge that the author has every right to write their story as they see fit.


Thank-you for the good, though unfinished, read.



AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wrangler 61 said it all.


wrangler61wrangler61over 3 years ago

This guy makes me want to puke

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
OK but still needs a lot of finishing


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
It has been finished

It was finished by FinishTheDamnStory, before he passed away. Look in the alphabetized section.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
What a wuss

I bet he has his own pink panties to go along with the pink jogging shorts

PowersworderPowersworderover 5 years ago

Needed a chapter 4, where he got permanent custody of the kids and they all disowned their cunt of a mother. Leaving it unfinished was very disappointing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
I wish Literotica put a sign warning readers about unfinished stories.

The story was good so far. Since It was writting in 2006 there is no hope to know how it'll finish.

cabbage01132cabbage01132almost 6 years ago
brilliant 5*

wish it was finished.

ohyessssssohyessssssalmost 6 years ago
Subtle change

Atleast the divorce made him proactive. We all would like to think what we would do faced with his situation. Truthfully, his biggest error,based only on what I have read, was hiring a totally unprepared and incompetent attorney.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Actually there is a finish.

The author may not have finished the story, but FTDS delivered what may be his best continuation of all:

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Pity it's unfinished

It's a pity that the writer didn't finish because this had all the makings of a very good story. I hope he or she didn't stop because of the negative feedback from the intellectually challenged readership. Sadly, morons only aspire to the moronic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Good thing this "man" stopped writing, I was this close to a self-inflicted labatomy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Story order and completeness

The order of this story could be made clearer. What hell do we care about his exwife actions in a dirty divorce. Your took SOLong to say simple stuff then you end this making him a man whore but, you never ended anything about the children.

Did the children get to live with who they wanted, did the oldest girl turn into a drug out groupie whore. Did the two youngest try to kill their mother. What!?

Mordant96Mordant96almost 9 years ago
Good story, but

The major weakness is the wimpiness of our hero. The fact he did nothing in reaction to his wife's infidelity with Porsche guy is a mystery. Could this be a full autobiographical story?

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