All Comments on 'Doc Ch. 14'

by kingkey

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Glad you are back

I am really glad that you are back writing the story.

Please Keep it coming.

anon606anon606about 14 years ago
I knew it.

The very day after I complimented you for being so regular - you hit a snag.

I'm sorry about that, extending the field of *my* luck in your direction. I'm glad you're back to writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Glad to See Another Chapter

Especially another good one. Keep em coming.

sailordblj1966sailordblj1966about 14 years ago
Yes glad your back

Yep very glad have been jonesin' for the next chapter. Keep up the good work

AllosaurusRexAllosaurusRexabout 14 years ago
Good to see you back

Love this story please give us some more soon

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I am so glade to see another chapter this a great story. Thank u sharing Mechmanas

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
good read

keep up the good work please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Welcome back!

Thank you for another wonderful chapter!

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