Does Honesty Pay? Of Course Not. (My Ending)

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My ending to hansbwl's classic tale.
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Does Honesty Pay? Of Course Not. (My ending to hansbwl's classic tale)

Author's Note: If you haven't read hansbwl's original story "Does Honest Pay? Of Course Not." you can read it at At the end of his story, he throws down the gauntlet to others to add their own endings. You should read his original story before reading my attempt at spinning the yarn in a way that appeals to me.

I heard the garage door opening and glanced at the clock on the dresser - "11:05." She'd only been gone three hours; she either had a bad evening or was suffering pangs of conscience. I heard the entry door being closed and locked, the alarm being reset, and the sound of Susan's fuck-me heels nearly running up our stairs. She burst in to the bedroom saying, "Keith, I'm so, so..."

And I cut her off as she heard a quiet, unemotional voice she had never heard before say, "I see my former wife deigns to return to the scene of her many crimes," then I continued through gritted teeth, "GET THESE GODDAMNED HANDCUFFS OFF ME THIS MINUTE!"

She nervously fumbled with the handcuff key, dropping it on the floor once as she tried to retrieve it from the top of the TV and again as she fumbled to unlock the first cuff, all the while saying over-and-over with tears streaming down her face, "Keith, I'm so sorry... I didn't know...."

When she was finally able to free the first cuff, I took the key from her hand and freed my other hand while telling her, "You didn't know, but I do. Lying here in that hour with nothing but my own thoughts, I reasoned it out. I know what DIDN'T happen; sex didn't happen. I feel like I was set up somehow."

'If only he knew,' Susan thought to herself, still hoping to salvage her marriage without having to tell him what she had overheard tonight, just as her father had counselled all those years ago.

"I told you, honestly, that when I awakened from a drunken stupor spooning with a woman I thought to be you, I got an erection that immediately began to seek its home. You know how much cum I produce, of how the kids in school used to tease me and call me hog balls. In the hour before my complete debasement by my formerly loving wife," that one drew a deep, wracking sob from Susan, "I remembered that as my cock slithered across her pubic hair; it was as dry as a bone. If I had fucked her and cum in her, it would have been drooling out of her pussy all night long and her pubic hair and legs would be covered in cum, as yours always are, and we'd probably be lying in a puddle of it.

"If I had cum on her elsewhere, it would have been all over her and everything else. When I realized it was not you I was holding, I jumped away from her like I'd been scalded. I turned down her offer of morning sex, got out of bed, and began to dress. She displayed her full frontal nudity as she begged me to come back to bed and fuck her, saying we'd be accused of anyway, so we may as well enjoy it. I once again declined her offer and saw that she was pristine, not a drop of cum anywhere on her. I didn't recall that until I had that hour before the candle of my love was all but extinguished to wallow in my thoughts and realize I had not touched her. Given what's happened, my punishment for being truthful and forthright with my wife as I always hoped she would be with me, that is little consolation. As they say, No good deed ever goes unpunished."

"Oh, Keith, I am so sorry. I...," she sobbed as I raised my spread hand in the sign for "stop" cutting her off in mid-sentence.

"Not another word, Susan. I've heard and seen just about enough of your slutty, skanky, vow-breaking ass for one night. Let me tell you this, I will have my revenge, nothing that will land me in jail, but severe and ruthless nonetheless - heads will roll, marriages will fall. For openers, you may have noticed that the boner you forecast in your foul video never happened, and it may never again - at least not with you. My candle of love for you is right now on life support; it is a mere glowing ember. Whether it flickers out completely or once again burns brightly depends upon you. It depends on whether I can ever again trust you; secure that when you tell me you're off to visit your mother or some friend, that is exactly what you are doing instead of fucking some nameless, faceless stranger behind my back, and no, I will not be checking up on you or have you followed; I either trust you or I don't. If I don't, the candle will be cold and I'll be gone.

"It also depends on your regaining respect for me, if you ever even had any. What you did was a complete act of disrespect. If you respected me, you would have at least given me the benefit of the doubt. You would have respected the fact that I was totally honest with you and truly didn't know what happened; instead of shutting me completely out for three weeks while you had your dalliances with your fuck buddies. You would have talked it out with me, perhaps talked with Judy to see if she remembered having sex with me or showed any signs of having sex the next day."

"Oh, Keith, I love you, I do respect you," Susan sobbed. "I'll do everything I can to regain your love, your trust. Please don't stop loving me; I'd rather die than lose you."

"Actions speak louder than words, Susan," I told her, "And the actions I saw and the things I heard tonight on your video-from-hell, given the choice, I'd rather you had run a dagger through my heart than to be forced to endure your punishment video. I guess in a way, you actually did run a dagger through my heart, there just wasn't any visible blood; broken hearts are funny that way.

"You know how we've been talking about starting a family? Well, I hope you haven't gone off the pill to surprise me, because if you have and you turn up pregnant, I'm out of here. I don't care if DNA later proves it's mine, I will never stick around here for nine months waiting to rear another man's bastard." Her suddenly ashen face told me I had struck pay dirt. Having seen her expression, I went on, "If in fact that is what you have done, I advise you to go down to the Planned Parenthood Clinic the first thing in the morning and take their two chemical abortion pills, whether you know you're pregnant or not. The pills won't hurt you, they won't affect your future chances of pregnancy, but they will improve the odds by about a million percent of keeping your husband - that is if you really want to."

"I do, I do, I do want to keep you as my husband. I'll be the best wife there can be; I'll do anything to stay married to you. Please give me a chance. I'll go to the clinic tomorrow; I'll take the pills. Please don't leave me!!!" she sobbed.

"So speaking logically, I can deduce from what you have said and implied, what I have seen, you have gone off the pill, and while completely unprotected, you took three cocks other than mine bareback. If what I saw on the video was everything and you didn't edit out the parts where all three were cumming in your slutty cunt and you were screaming wildly in multiple orgasms, then with Tim's cumming on your belly and tits, and needle-dicked Roger's cumming in your ass, something you have never done for me nor sucked my cock as you did John's, and you never will, then John must have cum in your unprotected pussy. Did you even consider the consequences when you let him cum in you, or was that also part of your punishment of me; to get yourself knocked up with another man's bastard?"

In her little girl voice, my wife said, "Yes, I thought about it, but the fucking he was giving me felt so damned good, I just didn't try to stop him when he said he was about to cum. I am so ashamed, Keith... I'm so sorry." It finally dawned on her something I had said and she asked, "You said, ' never will' did you mean I will never suck your cock or give you my ass? Of course I will; they're yours for the taking."

"Au contraire mon ami," I said. "I knew you were not a virgin when I met you; you told me you lost your virginity after your high school prom. I never pressed further; your life before me was yours to keep or share, your choice, but since you withheld your mouth and ass from your loving husband. I looked upon them as sacred; things to someday be earned, perhaps as love offerings from my grateful bride to her deserving husband, but then I was forced to watch you throw away those precious cherries as though they meant nothing, were nothing special, out revenge and hatred of me - no, I will never touch either; they have been defiled beyond any chance or desire of reclamation. I truly hope you enjoyed both and yearn for more, because that's the last you'll ever have, for as long as you're married to me," I stated sternly.

"Susan, I have been totally honest with you, to my downfall. I expect the same from you. Is this the only time you have strayed from our marriage? Before you answer, understand this, if you ever lie to me or are not completely straight-forward, if you ever withhold anything from me and I later find out, I'm out of here. I don't care if it's just you and me or we have ten kids, I'm gone. Do you understand that? I'm deadly serious, and right now the thought of leaving your skanky ass is far more appealing to me than staying."

Resolutely, Susan, still sniffling but no longer crying, told her husband, "No, I have never cheated on you before, and I never will again. I am truly contrite and deeply ashamed of what I have done, I hate the fact that I did it, for reasons you will soon learn, and I will carry the regrets of what I've done and the pain I have caused you to my grave." 'Sorry, Dad,' she thought to herself, 'But I have to tell him everything, and I hope he won't explode and kick my sorry ass out,'

"You said, I will soon learn, learn what?" I asked perplexed.

"Tonight while you were being tortured, I was with friends in a trendy dance bar downtown," Susan told her husband. "I sat with my back against a thin partition between two tables. On the other side of the partition a group of men had a party going. I was sitting there absently sipping at a glass of white wine, when I caught on to the conversation at the other table. With a shock it dawned on me they were talking about you and me, and hearing what they said, all color drained from my face. I recognized the voice of Jane's husband Tim saying;

"Sure I fucked my friend's wife the other day. It was a great fuck; she is really a juicy girl."

Then an unknown voice said; "How come, what about her husband you are supposed to be friends with?"

"It was a revenge fuck; she believed he had cheated on her. Oh heck, I tell you what happened. We had a party at our house. He came alone; his wife was out of town. Visiting her parents I think. A newly divorced friend of Jane's was staying with us, and my friend ended up flirting heavily with her most of the evening, although he was also dancing with the other three women as well." There was a short pause; he probably had a sip from his drink, before he continued;

"I was liberal with the drinks, especially his, and he drank too much, so in the end he passed out on the couch. Jane was in the kitchen cleaning up, and her friend Judy had said her good nights and gone to bed. Two of our neighbors and I were joking about my friend passed out on the couch, and we talked about what kind of fun we could have with him. It ended by our carrying him upstairs, undressing him, and putting him to bed next to Judy, who was also pretty much smashed. We had a big laugh, and wondered what would happen in the morning when they woke up naked in the same bed." And after a new pause;

"We don't know what happened in the morning, he went home before we were awake, and Judy said nothing. But the stupid guy told his wife, and she believed the worst, of course. So it was with great pleasure I accepted her invitation to a revenge fuck, actually I had suggested a revenge fuck earlier and told here Roger, John, and I would be more than happy to help her out. Served him right, drinking too much and spilling his guts to his wife."

"Keith, I am so, so sorry. I had to get out of there and get home to you; to throw myself on your mercy," Susan said, again sobbing. "I told my girlfriends that I wasn't feeling well and truly I was not. I actually made it to the parking lot before I threw up everything I had eaten that day, and I deserved every gut-wrenching spasm. I don't know what to do. Telling you I'm sorry will never be enough. Truly, I wish I could die right now and get it over with. I have never felt so ashamed, so cheap, so worthless in my life. I can't blame you and would never think ill of you if you kicked me to the curb and walked away."

"Susan, I'm glad you heard what you did, and quite honestly, I'm glad that knowledge will cause you pain, I hope for the rest of your life; maybe you'll feel a little of the undeserved hurt you have brought me; that I will have to live with for the rest of my life," I said bitterly. "However, every cloud has a silver lining, and you have given me one. You have given me a path to direct my vengeance, and I'm going to pursue it with glee."

I got out of bed, still naked, walked to the video player, and ejected the DVD. I then took the DVD and started toward the door. My wife saw the diabolical look on my face and asked, "Where are you going, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to scorch the earth, my dear," I offered as I descended the stairway toward my home office with my wife right behind.

I sat at my desk and slipped the DVD into the slot of my desktop computer as my wife once again asked, "Keith, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to copy this DVD into my computer, and then I'm going to e-mail copies of it to Jane, Karen, and Claire. Finally, I'm going to edit it to blur out your face and all mentions of your name or mine and send it to Tim's, Roger's, and John's bosses, co-workers, pastors, and any neighbors and parishioners I can find. My original plan that I thought up as I watched your revenge fucks was to send it and any raw video I could find in your laptop to our pastor, your parents, your sisters, your boss, your co-workers, and all our friends. This is better, but the other option is not off the table, depending upon what the future holds," I said with conviction.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you Keith for not going with option one," Susan said as she tried to hug me and I pushed her away.

I told her, "You have to understand, you are on probation; I'm the injured party here, not you. Everything is of your own doing. I'll be sleeping in the guest bedroom for a while until we can buy a new bedroom suite, using your retirement savings. Other than to move my clothes and accessories from that defiled and cursed master bedroom and bath, I will never step foot into it until every stick of furniture, the mattress, and all the towels and bed linens have been burned in a giant bonfire in our back yard and replaced with all new ones after the room has been professionally cleaned and fumigated. If that disturbs you, you can leave now."

"Oh no, I feel the same way as you," my wife agreed. "After what I did to you, to us, and what I overheard tonight, I also could never sleep another night in that cursed room, that defiled bed. We can have the bonfire in the morning and go furniture shopping tomorrow afternoon; I'd have the fire tonight if I wasn't afraid we'd wake the neighbors." Then again in her little girl voice, she asked, "Could I sleep in the guest room with you tonight? Please?" Then seriously in her normal voice, "I fully understand if that is repugnant to you; I can sleep on the couch," she said with wistful eyes.

I took her hand in mine, and heading toward the stairs and the guest room I said, "A fire after breakfast and when we get back from Planned Parenthood will be fine."

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enderlocke77enderlocke77about 1 month ago

rofl wth just bc the other author didnt finish their story doesnt mean u have to go the same rout. the fact that she fucked 3 guys like it was nothing is a huge red flag. also doesnt that mean he gets to fuck 2 more women. he should walk away a woman that fucks 3 of his so-called friends will end up cheating on him. again why 3 sorry doesnt make sense unless she is lying to the reader, husband, and self

OOAAOOAAabout 2 months ago

Let's BTB more, please... to soft at the end...

MasterKoteMasterKoteabout 2 months ago

Wtf? Forgive and forget so easily

MarmadukephuknukleMarmadukephuknukleabout 2 months agoAuthor

I was surprised that several of you thought my story was too short. My only previous publication experience has been on college newspapers and company newsletters were you are expected to keep everything short and pithy. In the future, I'll try not to pith you off.

Chimo1961Chimo19612 months ago

Who takes a gangbang slut back? NO one.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShit3 months ago

I’m shocked that he didn’t decide to relocate, to be away from the betrayers and anyone who heard their story. Also, I’m wondering whether sharing the videos is a violation of revenge sex laws. It’d suck to scorch the earth, and have the satisfaction torn away by conviction.

OOAAOOAA4 months ago

Too soft.... BTB

tralan69ertralan69er4 months ago

She had unprotected sex

but I didn't see where it said she was pregnant. I thought that might be why they were going to Planned Parenthood or to see if she was pregnant or if she had picked up any STD's.

Thank you Mr. Phuknukle for your story.

@LenardSpencer, he did make copies and planned to get everyone a copy. Try READING not skimming.

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