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I said, "Ok, that makes me leader right?"

They all agreed and I said, "Ok then, here is the rules: everyone is to be armed with a loaded gun at all times; this morning's incident made me see that we all need to be able to protect ourselves at all times. Now the next rule is: no one is alone ever, until we know this place is safe and no one is here that will hurt us. The last rule: you don't point a gun at anything you're not willing to kill. Now James, I know you know this, but I'm guessing the girls have limited or no experience with firearms so we will start teaching them to shoot a.s.a.p." I then looked at the girls and they looked nervous about learning to shoot. I told them, "I'm not doing this because we will make you hurt stuff or go with us to dangerous places. I'm doing it because while we are hunting or gone to get things we need you will have to protect each other and I would feel better about it if you both knew how to defend yourselves, Ok?" They both nodded their heads and seem to calm down quite a bit.

Me and James looked at each other and grinned really wide as we looked at the girls. They gave us a look like, "Ok, what's up?" We both counted to three in our heads and yelled, "Now for our camping party."

The girls both cracked up laughing as me and James packed the bong he brought with him and took a big hit. The girls both held their hands out wanting a turn so I passed it to Jenna. Tirana looked hurt and I said, "Sorry baby, she was next in line." Then she smiled at me as she knew it wasn't personal. We all sat around and smoked about three bowls of weed, then we got the munchies so we destroyed a lot of snacks the girls got that morning.

After we were all good and high it was starting to get dark so I said, "It's time to light the fire," so I got the girls to set and watch me set it up. I showed them how to make the tinder easier to light, how to build it up from tinder, twigs, small sticks, then the larger ones, then a log, so it burns all night. They watched in rapt attention as the fire slowly got bigger and warmer, minute by minute.

As they watched the fire I got James off alone and said, "Dude, we need to take turns keeping watch tonight. If other people are worried they will head for the mountains too and we need to be prepared if someone turns up around here."

He agreed and I said, "I'll take the first watch tonight," so he can get Jenna to sleep then get some rest for himself too. We told the girls it was bed time and we would be up before dawn the next day.

He and Jenna retired to their tent as Tirana walked up to me saying, "Come to bed hunny."

I explained to her that someone needed to watch the camp for a few days to make sure we were safe and she said, "Well I'll stay with you then."

I tried to tell her to get some sleep but she used my own rules against me and said, "No one is left alone from now on remember?"

I could see I wasn't going to win so I conceded and said, "Ok, you can stay."

We went sit in my truck with the radio on to hear the latest news. It was worse than expected; all of the coastal cities had been destroyed by a massive 120 foot tall tidal wave and all low laying areas are under twenty to forty feet of water. Then Tirana heard the news I'd tried to hide all day; the fault lines in California had been hit hard and caused a massive landslide that took almost all of the state into the water. The only part out of the water was where the desert use to be. Tirana broke down sobbing saying that she knew her parents were dead; they lived in Malibu so they had no chance of escape. I held her in my arms and let her cry on my shoulder. As she was sobbing we heard of the riots happening globally and the reports of mass casualties numbering in the billions, first from the natural disasters, then from the killing of people trying to stay home and be calm from rioting groups of rebellious people.

I saw our position finally hit on Tirana's face and she turned white as a sheet. I held her and told her, "As long as I'm alive no one will hurt you again. Tomorrow we will make this place into a fortress if we have to." That seemed to calm her down some and she just snuggled in to me to feel safe.

The night turned out to be uneventful and four hours later I woke James, saying to stay in his jeep and honk if he needed me. Jenna was still sound asleep when he got up and armed himself to take watch.

As we lay down Tirana said, "I want to thank you for taking care of me and protecting me from all this shit," as she removed my pants and started to suck on my dick while I relaxed. I tried to tell her that it wasn't needed and I'd protect her even without the sex we had had earlier that day.

She just kept sucking until I was hard as stone, then removed her mouth to speak, "I'm not doing this because I feel I have to, Cory. I am doing it because you are a wonderful man who welcomed three people into his life at a point where most people are just thinking about themselves."

Then she returned my cock to her mouth and sucked on it again, moaning, "Cum for me," without taking my dick out of her mouth, which had the effect of vibrating my dick while sucking and mouth fucking herself with it.

I started to get to the point of cumming very quickly and said, "Baby I'm about to blow if you keep doing that."

She responded by sucking harder and fondling my balls with her hands while deep throating me at the same time. I gasped as my climax hit me hard and my leg started to shake as she sucked and drank all the cum she could out of my body.

As my orgasm subsided and I started to regain control of my body, I heard James calling me from outside. Tirana let my spent dick fall out of her mouth and I pulled my pants on and walked out of my tent a gun in each hand. As I exited I saw two teenage girls standing in front of the jeep with James pointing a shotgun at them. I stuck my head in and called Tirana to come out and hollered for Jenna to come out too. The girls join me and just like I told them this morning they each were armed with rifles. I told our girls, "Put the guns down and come here."

Tirana walked over to me and asked, "What's up?"

I told her, "Follow me and do everything I say."

She just went, "Ok."

Jenna stood at the tents with her rifle still handy as Tirana and I walked over to the girls. As we approached the girls start to tremble, seeing four people armed to the teeth around them. I spoke in an authoritative manner and told the girls to drop their belongings and place their hands on their heads. They complied and I told James to bring their stuff to camp as me and Tirana bring the girls there.

When we reached the camp I told Jenna to look for any weapons in their stuff, and I told Tirana to pat them down as me and James kept them covered. She patted down the older looking girl first and retrieved a large belt knife from the back of her pants. She tossed the knife to me and started to repeat the process with the younger girl. She found nothing and I told the strangers to go warm up by the fire where we can talk. They visibly calmed down after this and walked over to it arm in arm.

I asked Jenna if there was anything in their bags and she replied, "No, just clothes and a small amount of food."

We walked over to the fire. I put my guns away but James kept his at the ready. I asked the girls their names and they replied that the older one was Rebecca, and the younger was Alyssa. They are sisters and their father died getting them away from a mob three towns over to the west. I asked why they didn't go to any of the towns and they said, "The first one had locked down all the roads in and out and wouldn't let anyone in that wasn't from there. The other two scared us because of gunfire we heard coming from them, so we were just going to stay in the mountains a few days then try to find some place safe to live."

I told them, "You could stay here but that if you hurt anyone or try to run off with telling anyone we would have to shoot you because we are hiding, trying to keep from attracting any unwanted attention."

They agreed and said, "If you let us, we will stay with you," as they put it, "You are a lot better prepared than us, so if we stay with you we might live longer."

I said, "For the night it's no problem but we will have to think about it as a long term thing."

I told Tirana and Jenna to empty out one tent and let the sisters sleep there with a sleeping bag and give them a soda and snack each to rehydrate and fill their bellies, as I could hear that rumbling. Tirana emptied up our tent as it was the one with the least in it and I had her take a sleeping bag for her in the truck and lock the doors when she laid down. Jenna took her and James's sleeping bags to the jeep and crawled in with him. I stayed awake the rest of the night keeping watch. At dawn I woke everyone up and handed out M.R.E.s to them for breakfast as we would need the energy for our upcoming day. Everyone ate in silence; after the meal I told everyone we had to talk.

"Ok, now Rebecca, Alyssa, you are new here so this is more to you then anyone, but I'll explain what's going on here and let you give your feedback after I'm done." I explained all the events of the previous day leaving out some personal details they didn't need to know. Afterwards I said, "Now after everyone has slept and ate I'll ask this one question, who is in favor of letting them stay with us at least for the time being?"

We all raised our hands and the sisters got teary eyed and start crying, saying, "Thank you so much."

I told them, "I'm sorry for the reception last night. but you scared the hell out of us and we needed to make sure it was safe for you to be here.

They said, "We understand, after what we saw yesterday, how you needed to be cautious." Rebecca did ask one unexpected question however, "Why did you have the women search our stuff and us instead of you guys?"

I told her, "It wouldn't have been appropriate for a guy to search through a girl's things without her permission, and to search her body would be outright wrong."

All the girls got this dreamy look in their eyes and went, "Awe."

James just laughed and said, "You're still doing that shit huh?"

I laughed and said, "I guess so." The girls all looked perplexed and said, "Doing what?"

I told James to explain while I went to piss. I walked off and James started explaining. He told them, "Cory and I went to school together and he has this weakness for women, not in the sense of wanting to fuck everyone he meets. It's more of a compulsion to help and take care of women. Now it's not that he doesn't think they can take care of themselves but he feels that it's his place as a man to make sure the women around him are happy and safe from things that could hurt them. He gets it from how he was raised by his dad; I met his dad and know for a fact that he was strict about how a man should act to be a 'real man' in his opinion. Cory took those words to heart and lives his life by a very strict code. First he would never hurt a woman unless his life or another's was in danger; second, he will never take advantage of his helping them to use them in anyway even sexually; third, any man that hurts a woman around him will be meet with the harshest of penalties he can use, and with the world as it is that would mean either beating the holy hell out of him or outright killing him on the spot depending on what he has done."

I was standing behind the girls as he finished explaining and said, "You got any questions girls?" The girls about jumped out of their skin when I spoke and all four heads whipped around to me.

Tirana ran to me and hugged me saying, "You really meant it last night when you said you saved me for nothing, didn't you?"

The sisters looked at me and they asked, "What do you mean Tirana?"

Tirana told them the story of how I came in my house and blew that guy's fingers off for hurting her, and the sisters just swooned at the story. I told everyone, "Enough story time. It's time for work, but first we need to finish talking." I spelled out the plan for everyone, saying, "I'm going to take the sisters into town to get them some necessities they will need for living off the land, like their own tent." Everyone laughs at this and I give the others their orders to make the camp more secure and bigger so the sisters don't have to worry about being too far away from help if they should ever need it. I kissed Tirana and tell James, "If the girls get hurt there will be hell to pay when I get back."

He laughed and said, "Yea I know man you will beat my ass if I let them get hurt."

I took all the stuff out of my truck but one box of 9mm ammunition, and me and the girls left for town. We reached the town with no problem and I found the local outdoor outfitter and told the girls to stay in the truck with the door locked till I know it's safe. I walked over to the door, push it open gently, and peek inside. All I saw was a dead body and all the guns gone. I walked in with my pistol drawn and cocked to make sure no one got the drop on me. I looked all over the inside of the store but found no one around. I covered the dead clerk with a sleeping bag and went to get the sisters.

They walked in and asked, "What do we need?"

I point out clothing they would need and told them to grab whatever weapons, food, and things they thought could help us. I grabbed all the fishing gear I saw, a bunch of fire starting tools, rope to make traps and help us build with, more nails and tools, another axe, four machetes, ten pairs of binoculars and a few extra tents in case we get more guests we haven't planned for. I loaded the truck and found that the girls had taken every knife they saw, twelve bows, forty boxes of arrows, every hunting arrow tip they saw, all the winter gear they saw, and all the sleeping bags but the one I wrapped the clerk in.

We pulled off from the store and sped our way back to camp. We arrived at the camp just after lunch and found everyone setting down eating, waiting on us. I parked the truck and Tirana was the first one to my door obviously happy at my return. The three of us got out and I explained how the outdoor store was looted and the clerk killed to everyone, then stated, "We will not be going back to town for a while, except to find some seeds and food to hide up here." Me and James decide to go after we ate and unloaded the truck. He would take his car and I would take the truck so we could collect everything we could this one shot and not return for quite some time.

The meal was M.R.E.s again. Everyone ate being happy and joking around like nothing was wrong, then Tirana asked me, "What should us girls do while you buys are gone?"

I told them, "You have three jobs while we were gone. One: hide the newly acquired stuff in the woods around camp; two: get cleaned up as in bath and play in the stream; three: stay safe. I don't want you girls to come running up if you hear a car; go hide, and not in the tents, I mean the woods around here. Wait till you see both of us and one of you should stay armed at all times while we are gone." After that I kissed Tirana and said, "You girls be good and we will be back soon." Then we left, James was armed with a 9mm, a box of ammunition, a belt knife, and a shotgun with a box of extra shells. I had my two 9mms, a belt knife, a 30-30 rifle with a scope and a bow with twenty arrows. I meant us to be able to fight off just about anything we ran across and wanted to start shit. We drove into town and saw the jewelry store was cleaned out, so was the liquor store, we hit the drug store next and found a surprise; no one had hit it yet. Me and James cleaned out everything that could be useful like bandages and first aid stuff then we saw the pharmacy and grabbed everything, including a drug book so we knew what they were for if we needed them in the future. After we loaded my truck with all this we were about out of room in it. James saw a moving company down the street so we went there and he 'traded' his jeep for a large moving van. We could come back for his jeep if needed but I didn't think we would. That van would be a lot more useful now than his worn out jeep. We threw all the stuff from my truck into his van and went looking for the hardware store.

We found the hardware store as empty as the rest of the town and just grabbed everything that could be helpful. Two electric generators, five more 25 gallon gas cans, at least one of every kind of tool they had, all the copper and PVC pipe we found, all the fittings for them, extra propane canisters for the blow torches we would need to put them together, saws and blades, twenty bags of concrete, fiberglass insulation, a whole roll of carpeting, all the food seeds in the store and plant food, plus all the wood we could stack into both trucks. We left the store and hit the closest gas station we saw. As we pulled in I saw someone drag a small girl into the store with her fighting to break free. I looked at James, he nodded his head and ran to the back with his shotgun in hand. I pulled my 9mm and walked in the front. I saw a grubby looking guy holding a teenage girl with a knife at her throat.

I pointed my gun at his face and said calmly, "Let the girl go now or I'll blow your brains out."

He looked at the gun in my hand and said, "You're joking."

Then he heard the pump shotgun in James's hands as he said, "Drop that knife before we spread you all over this damn store!"

He looked scared shitless as he realized that we had him out gunned and outnumbered. He slowly removed the knife from her throat and let her go. I told the girl to come to me, and as she started to move he raised the knife to stab her. James and I both shot him at the same time. I hit his forehead and James hit right at his neck, taking his already dead head off his body.

The girl just screamed and ran into my arms. I told James to grab the stuff in the store and load the cab of the moving van while I filled the gas cans and trucks up. I put the girl into my truck and told her she is safe and we will take to our camp so she won't have to worry any more. I smiled at her, but she was still in shock and didn't respond. We finished our business and started our drive back to camp.

We pulled up at camp and I could see the girls had done just as had told them, and hidden when we approached. I got out and called to the girls to come help me. They came running when they saw me holding a girl sobbing and shaking in my arms. I held her in my lap as they got her some water and a snack to eat. She just sobbed into my chest saying, "Please don't hurt me."

Tirana asked what happened to her and I told her the story about the guy holding her in the gas station and trying to kill her. I made sure to tell them all if James and I hadn't killed him he would have stabbed her in the chest.

She looked up saw all the girls and asked, "Am I really safe here?" They all answered that with me here she couldn't be safer.

want2be845want2be845about 3 years ago

very good story, where did the author go?

sinsational83sinsational83over 8 years ago

Come on !!! You have an excellent story going here and you just quit writing ?? what the fuck is up with that ? I am asking, just like anyone else who reads this story, for you to take the time and finish it. Shit, this story is not only well written, it is also very interesting, entertaining, and could get you a five star rating and put you among some of the better, if not best authors on this site.

nreh21nreh21over 9 years ago

Shame you have not posted further, the story started well and I was looking forward to more.

Southerngentleman87Southerngentleman87about 10 years agoAuthor

I am sorry to report that my computer with the next three chapters of this story has had a meltdown and I am unable to post the next few chapters for a little while. Do not fear, I still have the text files I just don't have a way to upload them at the moment. I will post the next 2 back to back on here to make up for the late posting of chapter two.

Yours Humbly.

A Southern Gentleman.

Southerngentleman87Southerngentleman87about 10 years agoAuthor

To Anonymous:

I do believe that this story was listed as a fiction story, so yes it is a fantasy. However I do not see how it is childish. I know this will not be answered by you as you did not even feel it was important enough to log into your account, if you have one. But if there are others that read this and feel as you do I will be happy to listen to their opinions and respond to their concerns about my story. If the Childish comment is about my grammar and lack of expertise of the written English language then yes you have a point and I will admit to my short comings as a writer. However I am using this story as a way to improve my writing and become better than I am currently, I do not know many that would willingly put out into the internet something that they knew is their weakest point and welcome the opinions of anyone that cared to give them.

Yours truly,

A Southern Gentleman.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

When I was thirteen I had similar fantasies...

Southerngentleman87Southerngentleman87about 10 years agoAuthor

To TwOCrOws: The gas cans I was talking about here are the military surplus jerry cans that were for use in troop deployment in rural and actively changing battle lines. Now yes they would be heavy but I am pretty sure when you are in a situation like the one in my story life saving things like gas would out weigh the this is to heavy for two grown 25 year old men to put into the back of a truck.

To ariesgirl: Wait for up coming chapters of this story, this was more of an intro than what the main chapters will be.

Thanks for your comments,

A Southern Gentleman.

ariesgirlariesgirlabout 10 years ago

They need to start setting up traps then teach the girls some self defense and how to handle weapons.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 10 years ago

A gallon of gasoline weighs 6.1 pounds 25 gallons would weigh about 150 pounds.

Too heavy to carry.

That is why gas cans are 5 gallons.

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