Dorm Discipline: House Service


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"GG says half an hour!" That was accepted; GG knew how to cook and the rest of us, hardly. So whatever she said must be right.

Slut had emerged around 2PM, wolfed down some leftover Mexican and headed for her green space. I expected she'd emerge when cooking smells reached her.

That left me and Kitty to occupy ourselves.

"How was your day? Did everything go smoothly in studio?"

She brightened. "Yup! I had my favorite scene-partner, Janey, we rehearsed for a series I'm designing. Lots of fun! I'm pretty sore; he didn't pull any punches!"

I couldn't guess how acting made one sore, but accepted it as fact. Maybe some avant-garde dance thing, athletic and tiring? She looked ok, so no permanent damage. Costume intact anyway.

"I did analysis on my 50 runs in the lab, trying to calculate significance. It's hard going, but Slut gave me some pointers."

"She's brilliant at that! Helped me a lot, sorting out my Tess data."

So theatre did statistics now? I wondered about that, but got derailed by Leon's entrance. Kitty and Leon were buds, he made a bee-line for us.

"Hey Kitty! Any thoughts on my proposal for gender-neutral dialog design?"

I perked up. "You mean more than pronouns, right? Like, neutral topics?"

Kitty nodded. "Topic, situation, conflict that isn't directly sex-related. You want to invert or defeat expectation, while keeping the scene dynamic and exciting."

Leon responded. "It's very hard to notice the slant present in ordinary conversation. It goes way beyond the Bechdel test."

I remembered that; it was about women in a movie talking about something, anything other than a man. It was supposed to be a litmus test, a very low bar for gender sensitivity.

"I've tried writing dialog, then rereading I find it's laced with role stereotyping. I need a metric that makes bias plain." Kitty was frowning.

"How about, write the scene, then reverse all the gender roles. Then read it, see if it rings false?" It seemed sensible to me, similar to balancing acid/base tests to refine pH.

They stared at me, Kitty's mouth open, Leon with an expression like a dog had just quoted Shakespeare. Kitty leaned over, grabbed me around the neck, and proceeded to kiss the stuffing out of me.

When I came up for air, "Dicky! You are a genius! I'm gonna do that with all my dialog! I'll call it the Dickie Test!" She was gleeful, clapped her hands, hugged Leon for no reason. Leon was tolerant, as he loved Kitty like we all do.

Slut chose that moment to thunder down the stairs, appear in the doorway. She went into the kitchen for a moment, came back out with a beer, popped it, joined us.

As usual hair a mess, dirt under her fingernails, wrinkled sweatpants, barefoot. Topless; she'd gone up earlier with something on but it was gone now. Nobody seemed to notice in the slightest. Well, except me, down below.

"Leon! Hey dude, it's been a moment." Slut offered her face. Leon leaned in for a quick friendly smooch, smiling.

"It has! I love coming here, but I'm doing afternoon observations for a month. Schedule all over the place."

That was pretty normal for college students. Nobody worried about jerking them around, changing plans regardless of their convenience. The life of a post-graduate.

I was aching to ask about her Eureka! idea, what she'd done today to advance it. That could wait for later, pillow talk. We were definitely nerds, fuck first then discuss titrations after.

The rest of the half-hour went fast, lots of talk about the semester running down, projects nearing completion, deadlines, troublesome advisors.

Butch split into the kitchen, and a moment later I heard the oven timer buzz. How did she do that? Very precise stomach clock I think.

She came out with a paper plate holding a wad of potatoes and meat, almost like a gravy, and a buttered roll. I hadn't seen those before.

"Who brought the rolls?" Butch was standing eyes closed, deeply experiencing the layered flavors and sensations that were Shepherd's Pie.

"Leon. Baked them. Just now. With the pie."

Of course, Leon knew how to bake perfect dinner rolls. That lined up with Leon the perfect person. Somehow I couldn't be jealous, not when it meant I got to eat delicious food.

I followed the herd, still reluctant to get in front of anybody, been doing that since the first meal I'd shared with the house. It was my thing now I guess, everybody just expected me to be the back of the line. I didn't mind in the least.

GG was sharing it out, making sure it lasted. Not really an issue as there was a butt-ton of the stuff. I got my plate and still a good third remained. A dinner roll from a baking pan completed it. Tear it open - steam! yeasty! My stomach gurgled, approving. Cut a pat of butter, jam it in there, pinch it closed so it would get all melty.

I sat on the rug by the fireplace we never used, under the darkened TV, and communed with my supper. Potatoes over a wad of spicy herby hamburger gravy stuff with vegetables, melty white stretchy cheese all over. Butter pervaded the spuds. Savory, hot filling.

The roll was tender, crusty heaven! My god, I never ate so well.

Thinking back, it was true. I'd never eaten such tasty things at home - growing up was all instant or takeout. Nor at school - public school lunch was the worst. This was my first real home-cooked delicious food of my life. All made in a primitive kitchen with sparse utensils, all about 50 years out of date. These people were talented geniuses. Especially GG and Leon.

I will have to up my game! Friday is my night again, and while Butch enjoys my 'Ziti al Forno' I can't keep repeating that forever.

Kitty and Kitten ate like birds, offered their half-full plates to Butch who accepted with a smile. Like a kid in a candy shop, this was working out especially good for her.

Before disappearing upstairs Kitten approached Slut, waited nervously to get her attention.

Slut doesn't miss much, turned to address her. "Hey kid! How'd it go with your sister?"

Nodding, "Great! I learned a lot. I was wondering if, um, if I could..."

"You want to hang with me tomorrow? I have two classes, a study group. Lunch somewhere if I remember. Maybe a donk in the Bio building? The rest of the day in my green space. How's that sound?"

Apparently that sounded wonderful. They made arrangements to leave together early. Kitten was going to learn way more than she anticipated tomorrow.

Leon made apologies, disappeared after a few words with Butch. A pool-hall date? I hoped Leon was as good at pool as with everything else.

Preppy and GG in the kitchen, chatting away while stowing leftovers, cleaning up. Shooed me out when I tried to assist.

I found Butch asleep, food coma, Slut gently extracting two emptied plates from her lap where she was slumped against the couch arm. I took them, ferried them to the kitchen, returned to find Slut with hands on hips, admiring Butch's comatose form.

"Looks so harmless, asleep. Oh, that gravy stain on her chin!" As fond as a new parent.

I took Slut's hand, led down the hall to our room. Undressed her (which meant, slipping those sweatpants over her hips). As I stripped she did her business in the bathroom, came out fresh-faced, somewhat scrubbed. I traded places, wrung out the washcloth (smelled like Slut!), scrubbed my pits and groin, brushed my teeth.

She was upright on her knees on the bed when I came out, bouncing impatiently.

"Get over here! I'm riding you this time!" She liked that when she had too much energy, needed to move, expend it. I obliged, flopping down, waiting while she climbed over me, grabbed my just-hardening dick and began probing it around at her slit.

"You are an eager boy! And you already fucked twice today!"

"Three times! GG caught me in her shower this morning, when you were asleep. Didn't want to wake you, went upstairs to wash up."

"You didn't get exposed to toxic levels of woman?" She was utterly unconcerned with the 'I fucked GG' part of my story; that was one of my house duties.

I understood the point. That bathroom had more kinds of soap for your face than I had reagents in the lab. I mentioned the soap with flowers in it.

"Must be Kitty's? Costs like ten dollars a bar!"

She'd got me lodged, was easing down onto me. Not because she didn't like sudden impalement; because she'd learned I could get painfully stretched if she went too eagerly. Once I was totally, completely, utterly encased in her lovely sex she tossed her hair back, put her hands on my hips at her sides and began gently rocking.

This was maybe my favorite time of the day. Duties done, fed and watered, quietly alone with Slut, talking and enjoying one another physically and emotionally.

"You didn't notice the flower-soap smell? I wanted to get all pretty for you!" I fake-complained, got a poke in the belly for my insolence.

The door banged open, and a tall fit nearly-naked women entered. Slut looked over unconcernedly. I was a bit more alarmed, may have twitched just a bit.

"Hey Preppy! Love those nails!"

Preppy waved away the compliment. Her nails were pretty nice, matched her lipstick.

"Slut-Fucker! It's Tuesday! You gotta suck my cunt!"

Slut snorted, much amused. But so chill she just patted me on the chest, invited Preppy aboard.

Preppy slipped her panties off, climbed up on the bed, jouncing us considerably which was cool, the way Slut bounced on my cock, slitched this way and that. Straddled my head on her knees facing Slut, I couldn't see anything now. Except manicured Preppy bush!

I felt her panties drop on my stomach, part of the deal I guess, I'm supposed to want that. She angled her hips so her cunt was against my chin, started grinding on my mouth.

I did my best, lips on her labia, nose pressed to her vulva, trying to get my tongue somewhere it could do some good. All the while distracted by imagining what those two were up to. Which was plenty, the way they rocked and twisted, all their activity transmitted to my face and cock in the form of slippy-sliding and bouncing.

She opened wetly, ready, her labia damp, her slit juicy. I tongued for all I was worth, just trying to keep up with them. Found her glorious clit, worked on that, got it to swell. After not too long I got a nice gush, busy slurping and swallowing for a time, entertaining that stiffie-clit with the flat of my tongue. She even squealed her little-girl squeal, which I call a win for my talents.

Didn't waste a minute on afterplay, just heaved her leg back over me, revealing to me a wet face and reddened tits! The ladies had been busy!

Picking up her panties she dithered them in my face (do all the girls know how to be annoying like that?), handed them to Slut smirking and trotted out. Totally naked, cunt red and wet, prancing through the house without a hint of shyness or concern for her image.

I guess we're all family here, no more secrets! Every day Preppy impressed me with her emotional changes.

"She's a panic!" This from Slut, smiling, wet-faced, eyes half closed. I had to agree.

Interrupt a guy fucking his main squeeze, make a threesome without so much as a please-thank-you! Snog my girlfriend, cum on my face, disappear in a cloud of dust. This had all become part of our deal I guess? Not complaining, just struggling to keep up with our complex social situation.

Honestly I was supremely happy, even more so than having my cock up my gorgeous girlfriend's cooch would explain. Preppy was so much happier now than the troubled woman I had met those weeks ago. Settled, comfortable, confident in herself and her housemates. Living with folks who had her back, accepted her hang-ups, cried with her, laughed with her, enjoyed her for who she was. Family. Finally.

Slut had Preppy's bunched-up panties in one hand, put them to her face, inhaled deeply. I could feel her sex clench on me.

"I can see the attraction! Sexy, musky, very organic. Silky! Girly! Fun!"

I had to smile, now there were two of us panty pervs. We should form a club.

A sudden concern: Was my house name 'Slut-Fucker' now?!

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Elaine_MatureElaine_Mature4 months agoAuthor

@Luuv working on it! The next chapter includes Slut training Dick in proper Dom deportment, plus evolving the relationship between Kitten and Butch.

LuuvLuuv4 months ago

More please!

mrt2269mrt22694 months ago

Loving these stories. The characters are so distinct and well rounded.

Hope to see more chapters. Preppy should get to enjoy being submissive.

Enjoying your other stories too.

golfluvrgolfluvr5 months ago

Wonderful story! I enjoy your writing style and would love to read more on these characters. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I'm really happy that I stumbled onto your profile, because your writing is just absolutely amazing. You have a really incredibly unique writing style, and it's compelling in every sense of the word. There's something about this little series that just really clicks for me, about the characters and how... respected they feel? Something like that. They're full individuals with their own quirks and flaws and ideas, and they just make me happy to read about. From a slutty biochemist working on saving the world, to a butch lesbian in an open yet loving relationship, and many more, they're all so wonderfully fleshed out and lovingly created. The story of Meta Mu is just so wholesome, kind, and hopeful- it celebrates the range of people's differences, and it treats each and all of them with a charmingly open-minded attitude. I'm really happy to get to read it.

SailorDougSailorDougabout 1 year ago

Great writing. Have fallen in love with the characters. Such detail in the descriptions of people and their reactions. Looking forward to more.

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